Chapter 3 final[1]

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The chapter present the method and the procedures to be used or the study as follow: research

design, population, sampling techniques, instrument of data collection, validity and reliability of

the instrument, data collection and methods of data analysis.


The research design to be used for this research is descriptive survey research. It is a type of
survey research design which involves collection of data by asking individual questions either in
person, on paper, by phone or online (Hauhin, 2015). Descriptive research aims to accurately and
systematically describe a population, situation or a phenomena (Ombes, 2019). It can answer
what, where, when and how question but not only questions. The choice how question of this
research design was considered appropriate because of it advantage of identifying attributes of
large population from a group of individuals (Susan, 2012). The design was suitable for the study
as it sought to examine the influence of artifacts on the teaching and learning of historical
concepts in secondary school students in Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau State,
3.2.1 Population
The study will comprise of the entire senior secondary school taking History as a subject

of Jos North local government area of plateau state.The sampling frame will include a list of all

private senior secondary schools in Jos North LGA This list will be obtained from the Plateau

State Ministry of Education. Within these schools, the target population will be students in

Senior Secondary 2 (SS2) students), who are studying History as part of their curriculum. The

target population of this study consists of 15 private Senior Secondary Schools II (SS2) in Jos-

North Local Government Area with a population of 210.

I t e m s L o c a t i o n No.Of students
Royal Family Academy R i k k o s 1 5
Great Heights Academy T u d u n W a d a 1 1
Braintrust Academy Y a n S h a n u 1 5
God's Gift Academy A n g w a n R o g o 1 0
Majesty International School U n g w a n P a m a 1 5
G r a c e v i l l e S c h o o l G a n g a r e 1 2
St. Mary's Secondary Schoo l H w o l s h e 1 0

Sacred Heart Secondary School Y a n S h a n u 1 0
St. Augustine's Secondary School T u d u n W a d a 1 8
Covenant Secondary Schoo l T u d u n W a d a 1 5
St. Murumba College Jos Z a r i a R o a d 1 0
Baptist high School B ar akin naraguta 1 1
St Bishop college R o c k h e a v e n 1 4
H i k m a n c o l l e g e K a t a k o 8
S t . L o u i s J o s 1 8

3.2.2 Sample
The researcher will use a sample of 4 private secondary schools out of 15 private

secondary schools SSS 2 Classes in Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau state. The

result however will be use to generalize to cover the entire population under study as far as the

research will be conducted with valid and reliable procedure and materials. The sample size was

gotten from the sample size table used by Krejcie & Morgan in their article “Determining

Sample Size for Research Activities”.

Table 2: Sampling Frame of the Study

Unit of the study P o p u l a t i o n S a m p l e s i z e Percentage %

S t u d e n t s 2 0 0 1 0 0 5 0 %
T o t a l 2 0 0 1 0 0

Data in Table 2 describes the sampling frame of the study. The table comprises of the study unit,

the population, the sample and the population percentage. The population of the students are 200

and the sample used was 100 giving us a population percentage of 50 percent. The total

population of the study was 200 , while the total sample used was 100.


Sampling technique is ap scientific or rather statistical method of selecting the sampling

units that would offer the requisite estimates with their related margin of uncertainty; this would

emerge from the probe of any part (sample) and not the whole population (Saunders, 2012).

Purposive Sampling Technique will be adopted For this study. This is because by using

purposive sampling, historians can overcome the limitations imposed by the lack of history

classes in schools and still conduct meaningful and informative research.


The instrument used for the study is questionnaire conducted by the researcher which

validate the questionnaire is designed in accordance with the research questions in order to

collect data needed to answer the research questions.

3.4.1 Description of the instruments

The questionnaire comprises of two sections. Section A, which sought for the

respondent’s personal data while section B sought to elicit information on the influence of

artifacts on the teaching and learning historical concepts in secondary school students. In this

case every statement in the questionnaire has four-point Likert scale of Strongly Agreed (SA),

Agree (A), disagree (D), Strongly Disagreed (SD). Respondents were instructed to tick against

their choice of options in response to each of the item on the questionnaire the options are scored

equally and are assigned the following values.

Strongly agree (SA) 4

Agree (A) 3

Disagree (D) 2

Strongly disagree (SD) 1

3.4.2 procedure For the development Of the instruments

The first step that will be taken to develop the instrument will be review of relevant

literature and consultation with History teachers and education experts and test and

measurements lecturers in the faculty of Education, University of Jos. This will be done to

ensure that instrument developed measure what it ought to measure.


3.5.1 Validity
The kind of validity of instrument for this study is face and content validity. The

instrument will be validated by two experts from the Art Education Department University of

Jos. These two experts from test measures and Evaluation unit, department of Educational

Foundation all in university of Jos will check the appropriateness and the comprehensiveness of

the instrument. They also ensured that the instrument is error free. The researcher review and

restructured the instrument according to the feedback and suggestions for improvement by the


3.6.2 Reliability of the Instruments

The instruments will be trial-test and result will be used to determine the reliability of the

instrument. . The expert will check how clear and effective the instruments are in measuring

what exactly it intends to measure with consistency. The respondents will be requested to

indicate their responses to each statement by ticking one of the alternative responses built in the

five (5) point Likert scales. The respondents will be guided on how to fill in the questionnaire

with the help of the researcher. The response of the people will be computed using Pearson

correlation coffient.


All the research questions were answered. Tables were prepared for useful and

meaningful analysis of the data collected, the simple percentage formula was used in calculating

and arriving at the conclusions.

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