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Class 9th Pa3 2021-2022

(40 marks)

Section – A Reading 10

1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. 20
Children in India live in diverse circumstances and have diverse needs and
rights. Along with their need to be educated, healthy and skillful, they
need, and have rights to adequate nutrition, to live in a safe and supportive
environment, have opportunities to reach their optimal potential and
generally lead healthy, joyful and fulfilling lives so that they can be
productive and well adjusted citizens of tomorrow.

2 Children in our country face many challenges. Many of them are first
generation learners and face myriad problems throughout their schooling.
They, due to the socio-economic and cultural determinants may be
vulnerable in many ways. Peer pressure and lack of positive role models
may prompt them to make unsafe and unhealthy choices. Anxiety and
depression amongst the student to the point of turning them suicidal, have
been a cause of concern in the recent past.

3 Girls are more vulnerable and face discrimination at many levels from
being unwelcome since birth to being pulled out of school for a variety of
reasons. Dropping out of school, low motivation for academics and general
disinterest in sports and physical activities too are some of the problems
that need to be addressed. Child malnutrition is rampant in most parts of
the country. This has an adverse bearing on their cognitive capacities
learning performance and physical capacity.

4. Our children have a right to age appropriate education, skills building, a

safe and supportive environment, positive role models, empowerment, and
friendly health services and counseling. Well informed and skilled children
are likely to make better decisions concerning not only their careers and
relationships, habits, physical and mental health, but will be successful and
an asset to the society.

5. They also need to understand and deal with emerging issues like newly
available career choices, pollution, water and energy conservation, global
warming, protection of environment, terrorism and disasters. Dealing with
anxiety and depression, negative peer pressure, violence, accidents, are
some other significant issues that impact individuals health and also the
social, economic and health indicators of the country. Gender sensitivity,
prevention of female infanticide and good parenting are some important
social issues that all children need to understand. Children require
guidance and assistance - both covert and overt from their parents,
teachers, peers and society in general to complete the various "tasks" of
development and deal with such issues.

1.1 On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer the
following questions:- (2X4=8).

(a) What makes girls' lives more challenging?

(b) How does malnutrition affect the children?

(c) How are well informed children better than the other children?

(d) What are the social issues which the children have to deal with?

1.2 On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer the
following. 1x2=2

a Identify a word which means the same as 'a great number' (Para 2).

i. Vulnerable Myriad ii. Determinant

iii. Myriad iv. Peer pressure

b. Identify a word which means the same as 'easily hurt' (Para 3).

i. Vulnerable ii. Discrimination

iii) Malnutrition iv. Motivation

Section B 15

Writing & Grammar

2. Write a descriptive paragraph on a life changing event in 100-150

words. Use the clues given below (5)

what was the event - describe the event - how has it changed your life – what have
you learned from the event

3. Fill in the blanks using only one word in each blank. Write your
answers in the answer sheet against the correct blank number. ( 1/2 x 6=
3) Swamps (a) ____________ low-lying areas of wetland. They are generally
found at the mouths of great rivers (b) _____________ they form a delta.
There (c) _______________ mangrove swamps in the Ganges delta, the
Mississippi (d) -------------- the Amazon. The swamps are green and full (e)
_________________ snakes and crocodiles. Another kind of swamp made
by (f) _____________________ sea is the Everglades in Florida.

4. The following passage has not been edited There is one error in each
line. Find the error in the line. Write the error and the correct word in the
space provided. (1x4=4)

Error Correction

An old man lived at a village in Madhya Pradesh. (a) ________ _________

He was tall and thin and has a long white beard. (b) ________ _________

He was very fond of read books. (c) _________ ________

He even sell his land to buy books. (d) _________ _______

5. Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful
sentences. 1x3=3

a. WHO/in/1948/ the / formed / was

b. headquarters/it/has/its/ in / Paris
c. c. regional offices/ in various/all over /the/cities/it has/world

Section C

Literature 15

6. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow. 1×3=3
Santosh had to make do with the local village school. So, she decided to fight the
system in her own quiet way when the right moment arrived. And the right
moment came when she turned sixteen.

a. The author says Santosh had to make do' with a local school because

(i) her family didn't allow girls to go away to study.

(ii) her family could not afford to send her to a good school.

(iii) there was no school worth going to.

(iv) she didn't like going to school.

b. When she turned sixteen she

a. went to school for the first time.

b. left home and got herself enrolled in a school in Delhi.

c. left home and got herself enrolled in a school in Haryana.

d. left home and got herself enrolled in a school in Kanpur.

c. When she turned sixteen her parents wanted to

(i) Get her married. (ii) Send her to study in Chennai.

(iii) Send her to her aunt's home. (iv) Send her abroad.

I rather pride myself on my packing. Packing is one of those many things that I feel
I know more about than any other person living.

a. The author feels proud about his packing because

i) He is a professional packer
ii) His friends have told him that he packs well.
iii) He thinks he knows the most about packing.
iv) He knows he packs quite well.
b. The author told his friends, ______________ and __________ to leave
the packing to him.
c. When the writer asked his friends to leave the packing to him, they
i. Disagreed with him
ii. Readily accepted it.
iii. Did not reply
iv. Reluctantly accepted it.

7. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each 1x4=4

a. What would Santosh do while sitting in her room in Kasturba Hostel?

b. What was built for Baba to live in?

c. How were the coconut trees a blessing for the family trapped on the

d. Who were Sue and Johnsy? Where did they live?

8. Answer the following question in 100-150 words. (4 marks)

What qualities have made Maria Sharapova a tennis star? Support your
answer citing details from the text.


How did the fire change the narrator’s life?

9. Answer the following question in 100-150 words. (4 marks)

How was it possible for the author’s wife to get Baba back to live with


Describe the aptness of the title, ‘The Last Leaf’.


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