LETTER Vv - Lesson Plan - Math

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Western Mindanao State University

College of Teacher Education

Baliwasan, Zamboanga City

Name of PST: Norjimar S. Appad Date Submitted: March 06. 2024

Name of Mentor: Ms. Emily M. Arcenal Date of Teaching: March 11, 2024



At the of the end of the 50-minute lesson, the kindergarten pupils are expected to do the following
with at least 85% level of accuracy:
a. identify the sounds of letters orally given (LLKPA-Ig-1);
b. name objects that start with letter Vv;
c. write the letter Vv correctly; and
d. participate actively through the given group activity.


a. Topic: Letter Vv
b. Reference: Kindergarten Teacher’s Guide Week 27 pages 386-387
c. Materials: Cut-out pictures, paper tarp, pictures, laptop, TV
d. Values integration: Cooperate on the given group activity and show gratitude for things received.
e. Subject Integration: ICT, Arts, and Numeracy

A. Preliminary Activities
Good morning, class? (Good morning, sir Norj and good morning classmates, good morning!) You
may now take your seat and I want you to sit properly (The pupils are sitting properly) Very good!
Are you ready for the fun adventure of learning today? (Yes, sir Norj!) Okay, very good! But, before
that, I have something to show to you. Are you excited? (Yes, sir!) Alright!
B. Introduction
1. Recall
Can anyone tell to the class what was the letter that we discussed last meeting? (Letter Y, sir!) Very
good! What is the sound of the letter Y? (The pupils orally make the sound of the letter Y) Very good! Can
you give us examples of things/objects that start with the letter Y? (Yapak) (Yate) (Yungib) (Answers may
vary) Very good! Because of that you received vegetables.
2. Motivation

My Vegies

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

This is our chart for today! What do you see on our chart? (Vegetables) (Baskets) Very good! How
many baskets are there? (There are 5 baskets, sir!) Very good! Therefore, we will divide our class into 5
groups – this is the Group 1, this is the Group 2, this is the Group 3, this is the Group 4, and this is the Group
5. Each basket represents your group: This basket is for the Group 1, this is for the Group 2, this is for the
Group 3, this is for the Group 4, and this is for the Group 5. Now, do you eat vegetables? (Yes, sir!) Alright!
But your baskets do not have vegetables in it, do you want to fill these baskets with lots of vegetables? (Yes,
sir!) Okay! But in order for you to collect vegetables, there are things that you should do or remember when
we are having our class, can you tell to the class what are these things? (Be quite) (Raise your hand when
you answer questions) (Listen when teacher is speaking) (Answers may vary) Very good! If you do that,
your basket will receive vegetable, do you understand? (Yes, sir!) And the group with many vegetables in
the basket will receive ribbons, are we clear? (Yes, sir!) Very good!
Now class, I have here gifts. Each group will be given a gift. The gift contains a picture; however,
the picture is broken into pieces. Do you want to know the picture? (Yes, sir!) Alright! In order for you to
know the picture, you have to fix or solve it like a puzzle picture. Do you understand? (Yes, sir!) And if you
have already solved the picture, just raised your hands among your group. Are we clear? (Yes, sir!) You may
now open the gift and start solving the broken pieces of the picture.

Can you tell to the class what picture did you form? (A picture of vegetables) Very good! Do you eat
vegetables? (Yes, sir!) What kinds of vegetables do you eat? (Eggplant) (Carrot) (Answers may vary) Very
C. Teaching/Modeling (I do)
Now class, I have two friends that I would like to introduce to you, are you excited to meet them?
(Yes, sir) Very good! Class, meet my friends named,

Vic Vergie
They are my good friends. One day, Vic and Vergie went to town. What are the names of my friends
again? (Vic and Vergie) Very good! Who can tell to the first letter of my friends’ names? (V, sir!) Very good!
It’s letter V and the sound of letter V is Vv (The teacher presents a video about the sound of letter V – ICT
Integration) Now, do it with me, let’s say the sound of letter V altogether (The sound of letter V is
produced) Very good!
Now class, when Vic and Vergie went to town, there were things that they saw in town that also start
with letter V, do you want to know what are those things? (Yes, sir!) Okay! So, these are the things that my
friends, Vic and Vergie, have seen in town:

van vase vegetables

vest violin volcano

This is how to write the big letter V and the small letter v:

Again, what are the things that Vic and Vergie have seen in Town? (Van) (Vase) (vegetables) (vest) (violin)
(volcano) Very good! Can we count how many things are there? (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 – Numeracy Integration)
Very good!

D. Guided Practice (We Do)

Now class, let’s have an activity by group. All of the groups will be working on different tasks.

Group 1 and Group 2

Name of the Activity: Paint Me
Materials: Worksheet and watercolor
Procedures: 1. Prepare the watercolor
2. Use the watercolor to paint
Comprehension Check:
1. How to write letter Vv?
2. What is the sound of letter Vv?

Group 3
Name of the Activity: Encircle Me
Materials: Worksheet and pencil
Procedures: 1. Prepare the materials
2. Use the pencil to encircle letter V/v
Comprehension Check:
1. How to write letter Vv?
2. What is the sound of letter Vv?

Group 4 and Group 5

Name of the Activity: Color Me
Materials: Worksheet and Crayon
Procedures: 1. Prepare the materials
2. Look for the letter Vv
2. Use the crayon to color the letter Vv
Comprehension Check:
1. How to write letter Vv?
2. What is the sound of letter Vv?
E. Independent Practice (You Do)
Well-done class! Let’s give ourselves an amazing clap (The class is doing the amazing clap) Very
good, class! Now, let’s do another activity. What you are going to do is to paste the picture that starts with
letter Vv to the box, are we clear? (Yes, sir!) Very good! Who wants to answer? (The teacher calls a student
one at a time until all the pictures, that start with letter Vv, will be pasted on the boxes.

Directions: Look at the picture in each item. Encircle the object that starts with letter Vv.






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