The Dominan Errors of Speech Production in Speaking Class PBI4C Interaction

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The Dominant Errors OF Speech Production Commited In Class Interactive


Sri Anggreani, Ihya Ulumuddin

English Study Program
Faculty of Tarbiyah
State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare,


This study focused on students' mistakes in speech production. It aims to describe the dominant mistakes
made by some students in the speaking class. The object of our research is the 4th semester students of PBI4C
English Education Study Program at the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare. This research is an
observational (observation) and qualitative research by collecting data through video recordings, listening and
making scripts from the video recordings . We analyzed the data using Lisemen's theory, and library research.
Errors made by second/foreign language learners occur when the learner has not learned some language item
and is consistently wrong. Some experts see normal speech errors as an integral part of the language learning
process, while others consider them as a form of deviation which indicates the failure of students to apply the
language system.The source of the error may come from interference (students). first language influence),
target language complexity, sprains in speech or teaching and learning systems. Errors can be classified into
several categories. linguistics, comparative surfaces, and their influence on communication. With its
pedagogical background, error analysis exists to solve students' language through data collection procedures,
error identification, error description, error explanation, error classification, and evaluation. The results of
error analysis can be used for many purposes, including determining the order of teaching materials,
determining linguistic materials that require special treatment and more practice, improving teaching
remedially, selecting language items for evaluation or testing.

Keywords: Language errors, normal speech error analysis.

Speech errors, commonly referred to as slip of the tongue (Latin: lapsus linguae, or
sometimes self, lipsus languae) or misspellings, are deviations (consciously or unconsciously) from
the form of speech that appears to be intended. Speech errors, commonly referred to as slip of the
tongue (Latin: lapsus linguae, or sometimes self, lipsus languae) or misspellings, are deviations
(consciously or unconsciously) from the form of speech that appears to be intended. A normal
speaker can be said to be an adult or any group who rarely or never makes mistakes in speaking the
language, usually by people who master their first language and this makes it easier for them to
speak, listen, write and even read.
But even so, it is different from speakers or speakers who often make mistakes in normal
speaking, usually caused by someone who is just starting to learn his first language, then someone
who learns a second, third language and even another language he is targeting. A normal speech
error is someone who accidentally or intentionally makes a speech error which is a deviation in a
language, such as a student making a tongue twisting error when speaking, using the wrong word
in a sentence, lack of vocabulary as a speech target, less mastered grammatical structure,
mispronounce the words that are similar to what you hear, and so on.
But every new learner, of course, will find various difficulties as well as obstacles in the
learning process he experiences including language, these difficulties which create many errors in
language if there is a lack of focus in speaking.
Speaking learning has various obstacles in the PBI4C class. Based on the data we have
collected, in this case we take one example of a case in the 4th semester PBI Class where students
often still often experience errors or errors in learning speaking courses because they have not
mastered pronunciation and vocabulary in English. In addition, students also feel less confident in
trying to communicate using English, this often results in mispronouncing or slipping of the
tongue, or even being unable to produce words at all. Based on data in the field, most of the PBI4C
class students of the English Education Study Program are generally able to interact smoothly with
one another. However, they sometimes still have errors in vocabulary, pronunciation, and even
grammar. they have not been able to use English proficiently because some of them do not get used
to it in class. Although speaking class is a compulsory subject, some of them still think that English
is a foreign language that doesn't need to be learned.
Speech errors are not only a problem that will be faced by every language learner, but also
become a source of thought for teachers or mentors who are responsible for directing them towards
better mastery of normal language. And this is where the need to analyze speech errors in order to
improve the quality of the ongoing learning process.
Speaking English for English education students is a must that must be done from the
beginning to the end of the semester, by speaking students are able to communicate their feelings
and thoughts using appropriate expressions, are able to apply the level of formality and informality
in speaking appropriately, are able to set clear goals to speak and organize speech in a logical way.
Based on these data, we as writers break their views by looking for alternatives to solve the
problem so that they no longer make mistakes in speaking class by means of the interactive learning
method where they have to interact frequently using English, practice pronunciation, memorize
vocabulary. , improve their hearing, and continue to develop their English so that they can speak
normally in speaking class. In this case the teacher as a facilitator for themselves and themselves.


This type of research is a qualitative mini-research and also part of a library research. The
subjects of the research are us as students of IAIN Parepare English Education, and our objects are
fellow classmates of 4th semester students of English Education for the 2020/2021 academic year.
The type of reduction includes normal speech errors collected based on audio recordings, and the
data collection technique is observation when they speak in class, and also conduct in-depth
interviews about what speech errors they usually do normally. In our data analysis technique, we
refer to tohe activity data redaction, data presentation and making conclusions on the mini-research
that we do.


Speaking Mistake
According to the term language error is the equivalent of "error" in English. Norrish defines
error as a systematic deviation from the rules that apply when the learner has not mastered
something so that he consistently uses it incorrectly. Errors are different from Corder errors clearly
distinguish between the two, that error means "Error" as a systematic and consistent language
deviation, while error is a language deviation that is done accidentally, both in pronunciation, the
usual mistakes or commonly referred to as lapses. wrong talk.
Speech errors are errors in spontaneous speech and are not the product of intentional
grammatical or dialectical errors. They occur when the actual speaker's utterance differs in some
way from the intended utterance, which is called the target. This language error can be interpreted
differently as the use of language that deviates from the language rules that apply in that language.
Meanwhile, error is the use of language that deviates from the language rules that apply in that
language but is not seen as a language violation.
To prove this theory, the author made observational observations in class 4C of the English
Education Department in the Interactive Speaking course in student debates between fellow classes
with a theme determined by the lecturer. There is no specific target but we only observe what are
the general mistakes that make students Error in speaking their second language, namely English in
the classroom environment.
The development of the debate on the interactive Speaking subject of the English Education
Study Program class 4C has actually started from the fifth week to the 15th meeting, but our new
research began and observed as a result of our research observations on Thursday, 28 June 2022,
10.10 AM with a debate theme. "The Negative Impact Of The Development Technology For
Teenager", then we also researched at the final meeting as a lecturer evaluation for the final score of
the student test with the IELTS ability test in speaking which was conducted on Wednesday, 27 July
2022 AM. The description of the results of our research on the interactive speaking debate class and
IELTS ability test is as follows:
Based on the data and findings that we got in the field, in the cycle of debate sessions and
IELTS speaking ability tests for PBI4C students, it was found that when students debated speaking
in class, there were some of them who were enthusiastic in expressing their opinions according to
topics in English. equipped with the source of their findings on google, they speak with good
intonation and delivery, although only a few errors are found in the speakers, but they can be said
to be in the normal group of speakers where they rarely make mistakes in speaking their second
language, but even so there are still some of them. those who are still less than optimal in the
speaking debate.
Causes And Situations Of Errors And Errors In Speaking
Based on our observations as writers, we see that some of them still feel nervous and still
lack confidence so that they make mistakes in speaking and say so many mistakes that are not in
accordance with the realm of discussing English interactive topic debates in class. This causes them
to often twist their tongues, copulate and some of their messages are still less than good words, thus
making listeners confused as to what the questioner really wants to convey. Some of them also don't
know how to answer questions from their opponents due to lack of vocabulary, and they don't
understand the meaning of the questions given, this is due to their lack of hearing ability and focus
so that what is asked by the debate opponent is sometimes answered not connecting at all , this is
the case of modegreen in the book "Lisemen" which explains that this event is the cause of an error
or (error) in speaking due to an error in listening, then the use of words or phrases that sound
similar intentionally or unintentionally turns out to be wrong in speech. This term is known as
"malapropism", which is the use of a sentence that is wrong but has something in common with the
intended sentence, making the whole sentence sound absurd and sometimes even ridiculous.
Errors and mistakes in speaking are very disturbing things in language development for
everyone, including students in the class, if they are left unresponsive and not responded to
properly it will become a language disorder. This is closely related to the competence factor where
students do not understand or master the language and active ways of speaking, it could be due to
lack of concentration, fatigue, too eager to speak without thinking before, unstable mood and so on.
word order is manifested in the misplacement of verbs, objects, adverbs, and modifiers on the one
hand and the use of passive constructions for active or vice versa and incorrect cleft sentence
formation on the other. This study is an indication of systematic and regular student errors in the
sense that the addition, omission, formation of errors and grammatical item sequence errors.
Based on the situation and conditions, speaking errors that are generally experienced by
students will appear at certain times, such as a slip of the tongue when emotional in expressing an
opinion or something, be it when angry, afraid, sad, or not clearly capturing input or when students
experience disturbances. hearing, and slow to absorb learning material. The emergence of these
errors causes things like difficulty conveying messages, stuck and can't even produce words.
At the assessment stage of the research process in class 4C, it was found that some students
were still hesitant in speaking so that they made mistakes in speaking, such as when they wanted to
say something that clearly they knew what was in their mind, but consciously or unconsciously
they cannot pronounce or produce words according to what they think. In this case it is part of the
normal speech errors in the book "LiseMen" namely the case of the tip of the tongue (TIP OF THE
TONGUE", the phenomenon of knowing something but the tip of the tongue cannot produce
words. For example "I got the source on the tribunnews, so the case is ... Umm, ehh... Omg the case
on my tip of my tongue, i can't produce the word, but i knew it".
Furthermore, in the research process in the final week of the meeting as the final English
language education study program student for PBI4C class, the lecturer provides a final test
evaluation with an IELTS ability test model with a theme determined by the lecturer, one by one the
PBI4C class students tell the challenges in front of the class according to the theme or topic. which
are given. It was found that almost all of them were able to speak proficiently, but some of them
also found that some of them told the topic with excessive additional words such as
"eeh..umm...well, ehh.." so that it was considered that it should be minimized in explaining
something. , these things are very dominantly done by 4C class students in speaking class. It was
found that the answers from the research were due to a lack of vocabulary that the students had not
mastered, then difficulty in pronouncing words, and by observation they actually knew what he
wanted to say, but because they were second language learners, they did not master the vocabulary.
Based on the observation of the speaking ability test for class 4C, it is known that there are
20 students in class, with that for the results of the analysis of errors in speaking, especially in
pronunciation as follows: only 10 people are already proficient in pronunciation, rarely make
mistakes, occasionally twist their tongue. when speaking quickly, the polemical error is small, but
the pressure, intonation of the message they convey is very understandable. 3 people were judged
to be very lacking in pronunciation, vocabulary, sometimes speakers said they often made mistakes,
as well as stress and intonation were sometimes inaccurate and difficult to understand. And the
remaining 7 people are good at pronunciation but still need to add and master vocabulary and get
used to speaking.

Actually operationally, in the case of students making speech errors in interactive speaking
classes, in general they are also actually not aware or unable to recognize their mistakes. It is proven
when the lecturer straightens out what actually needs to be corrected in his speech, which makes
people confused due to the inappropriate use of the word. But they are also still stuck and confused
to correct their mistakes in speaking. This is because they have not mastered or have not studied in
depth the correct rules or expressions. Mistakes are often made consciously but again they just have
not mastered the topic of discussion or indeed they are lacking in vocabulary knowledge. So often
they also sometimes feel sure of the truth that they made a mistake in speaking. On the other hand,
some are enthusiastic and confident that what they say is true but is actually wrong. By looking at
the type and level of seriousness of students towards their mistakes, it can be estimated the extent
of their seriousness and mastery of learning. Besides that, lecturers can also recognize errors from
various speech errors in the use of a rule or several words in the language by looking at the level of
learner's mastery of their second language, namely English, which occurs by 4C class students.

The Following Different Opinions Of Some Students' Mistakes That Common

Personally Happen
After that, our mini-research was conducted on only a few target people in the 4C class. We
conducted interviews by asking directly what obstacles they usually experience in speaking so that
they make mistakes or often make mistakes in speaking in class, including in the case of the
speaking debate:
1. According to the first student, Surahmi Amiruddin, describing errors or errors in speaking in
class generally occur due to accidental speech in the scene, so that it becomes a deviation in the use
of a target language system or a second language in English. Sometimes he gets an error because he
often speaks without thinking beforehand what to say, besides that sometimes if he speaks too fast
then he often does a tongue twister or other term sprained tongue, then often the words that are in
his mind are very well known but he does the case cannot produce words because they do not
know or forget the target language. This happens not only in the case of debates in interactive
speaking classes, but often also occurs when using a second language to communicate with friends
in class, but with this discussion he can overcome his problems by often practicing his
pronunciation with tongue twisters, then memorizing a lot of vocabulary, studied grammar in
depth and trained himself to get used to the target language.
2. According to Ulfa Cahyani, mistakes and errors in speaking, especially in interactive speaking
classes are still fairly common, namely the tip of the left cannot produce words because they forget
and lack mastery of vocabulary, then Mondegreen is the phenomenon of listening wrongly so what
he says sounds similar to what he hears . and often these mistakes are made consciously or
unconsciously, according to him this is the cause of the influence of his first language, because to
learn a second language it will not be separated from the involvement of the first language, the
most important thing he knows from childhood so to speak English he must do it. by means of the
transfer method with the target language. He considers his first language will always appear as a
factor causing interference or support in the process of learning a foreign language. That's why he
said it was the influence of the first language that made him sometimes make mistakes in speaking,
make mistakes in words, and sometimes even say something he heard was similar to what he
thought or heard but was actually different and even wrong in writing.
In fact, Lado's theory has reinforced his theory with his income that the more similarities between
the target language and the first language, the easier the process of learning the target language, but
on the contrary, the more differences between the two, the more difficult the process of mastering a
foreign language or second language will be.
Errors and errors in speaking in English education classes in general are related to the results of
observations in class 4C, namely cognitive reasons, student anxiety, and social reasons. Difficulty in
cognitive aspects makes some students take longer to produce sentences. Then Anxiety just
happens when they are anxious, they become tense, then the planning and execution aspects of
their speech become less well organized. And the last is Social Factors, for example speaking plans
seem difficult when the conversation takes place under duress.
3. According to student Winar Afriyani's opinion regarding speech errors that she sometimes
experiences consciously or unconsciously, namely the case of Tip of the tongue or the word is on
the tip of the tongue but cannot produce words, such as when she interacts in class and uses a
second language, namely English, with classmate, when he wants to say something sometimes at
the same time he also forgets what he is thinking even though it's vaguely in his head, so that
makes him mostly use additional words like "eehh...umm...well,etc" . He does that on purpose and
tries to think of what words are missing from his mind so that it becomes a solution to his own
speaker's problem so that he no longer says the wrong thing or confuses people or misunderstands
his words, for example he tells a friend that "I bought the best food out of town, the taste is unique
and it feels like I want to eat it again, the name of the food is ehh...ummm oh my god I forgot what
the name of the food is, but I know for sure, it's like I know the name very well but even one word I
can't produce any words other than describing the food."
The phenomenon of the case experienced by Winar is characterized by an ability where he is able to
identify a vocabulary to be spoken, whether it means, its characteristics, certain letters and even the
number of letters, but he experiences a condition where the tip of his tongue cannot produce words
based on his thoughts such as difficulty in pronouncing it. But this is fairly normal and will be
recalled accidentally, most cases like this happen to everyone, but Winar experienced this in class.
4. Furthermore, the target of our mini-research is to a student named Muhammad Dahniel, the type
of error that he generally experiences when speaking in class is "Malapropism" where the term
means an error in using sentences in speaking his second language in English, he said sometimes he
said something wrong sentences so that people who listen or who listen to what he says become
confused and feel that what he says all seems absurd and ridiculous, this happens because of the
similarity factor to the sentence or word of the sentence that he actually wants. He said an example
of a misspelling he had said was "One decaffeinated coffee, please" when it should have been "one
decapitated coffee, please". The difference is only in one word, namely "Decaffeinated with
"Decapitated", of course the two words are very different in meaning, although both have similar
pronunciation, this is what is said to be the case of malapropism that has been described in
Lisemen's book regarding an example of weakness and difficulty in speaking , precisely an error in
using sentences, and this happened by daniel as a class student. He said actually there were many
examples but he only gave a small example, because English is his second language that he learns,
so of course he considers it natural, and still can be improved, it just takes time to deepen
vocabulary, and pronunciation, with that he will get used to and can speak normally and minimize
word errors in sentences every time he speaks.
5. The last student we interviewed regarding common mistakes that usually happened or he
experienced during speaking class was a student named Iksan, in the same case he experienced
with Winar and Surahmi, namely slip of the tongue and tip of the tongue, the phenomenon of
tongue twisting when he is talking with friends or doing activities that use his speaking skills a lot
like debate speaking sometimes his tongue is like a sprain or left in expressing his opinion, if he
speaks quickly maybe mistakes in his left tongue will often occur, as he said "the use of technology
destroys the youth generation" but after that he said "I'm sorry I mean "the use of technology is
destroying some generations of teenagers, and I have a tongue twister on my opinion". This tongue
sprain does seem a bit like something simple and has no serious consequences, but he doesn't think
it's true .Due to a mistake This gives rise to several consequences, among others, according to iksan:
it can reduce the credibility of the speaker or writer, then Second, be able to change the meaning of
the word. So the solution was that he had to try and practice speaking tongue twisters regarding the
problem, he said this was able to make it fluent and minimize the occurrence of slipping of his
tongue when speaking.
Furthermore, the second error that commonly occurs when speaking in class or in debate cases that
he does in class is "Tip Of The Tongue" which is the occurrence of the tip of the tongue being unable
to produce words so that it takes a lot of time for him, he cannot produce words even though he

knows for sure what is there. in his mind, he could describe what he knew but was hard to
put into words.

It is known that the most dominant mistake made by class 4C students in interactive
speaking is the occurrence of tongue twisting or slipping of the tongue when explaining something
quickly or in a hurry, such as when discussing a debate topic because there is a specified time limit,
then mistakes in using words in pronunciation because of what what is heard and what is said has
similar or similar differences, then other errors exist because it takes too long to pause to think, and
finally some students have difficulty executing and planning speech before producing sound. Based
on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, it can be stated that the results of the
research for the two students who were interviewed by the mini-research were: there were several
mistakes or errors in speech that Surahmi experienced in the speaking debate, namely errors or
errors in speaking in class generally occurred due to accidental speech in the scene, so that it
become deviant in the use of a target language system or a second language in English. In addition,
sometimes if he speaks too fast, he often does tongue twisting or other terms, tongue sprains, then
often the words in his mind are well known, but he does not produce words because he doesn't
know or forget the target language. Meanwhile, according to Ulfa, mistakes or speech errors that
occur to him usually occur consciously or unconsciously, he considers this to be the cause of the
influence of his first language, because speaking a second language cannot be separated from the
involvement of the first language. He considers his first language will always appear as a factor
causing interference or support in the process of learning a foreign language. That's why he said it
was the influence of the first language that made him sometimes make mistakes in speaking, make
mistakes in words, and sometimes even say something he heard was similar to what he thought or
heard but was actually different and even wrong in writing. In general, students' speaking errors
based on observations and other research, namely the word order is manifested in the wrong
placement of verbs, objects, adverbs, and modifiers on the one hand and the use of passive
constructions for active or vice versa and the formation of incorrect cleft sentences on the other. The
results of this study are an indication of systematic and orderly student errors in the sense that
addition, omission, incorrect formation and grammatical item sequence errors reveal that

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