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Practice Test

1. This is the attribution of a human form, human characteristics, or human behavior to

nonhuman things, e.g. deities in mythology and animals in children’s stories.
A. Anthropomorphism
B. Ethereal
C. God-like
D. Anthropocentrism

2. In Greek mythology, she was the most beautiful woman in the world. A daughter of
the god Zeus, she is best known for the part she played in causing the Trojan War.
A. Penelope, queen of Ithaca
B. Persephone, queen of the underworld
C. Helen of Troy
D. Hera, queen of Olympus

3. When Paris abducted Helen to Troy, all the Greek princes were bound by the oath to
help Menelaus recover Helen. Athena and Hera who were not chosen by Paris sided
with the Greeks who sent one thousand ships to Troy. What does this indicate?
A. Serious decisions have serious consequences.
B. Paris was wrong in choosing Aphrodite as winner.
C. Hera and Athena harbored ill feelings.
D. Zeus ordered the goddesses to take side in the war.

4. He is called “the most Greek of all the gods.” He is also called the lord of silver bow
and the archer-god.
A. Mars C. Jupiter
B. Neptune D. Apollo

5. According to this theory of mythopoeic thought, the ancients tend to view things
as persons, not as mere objects; thus, they describe natural events as acts of personal gods,
and giving rise to myths.
A. Allegory
B. Personification
C. Myth-ritual Theory
D. Euhemerism

6. In what mythology a cosmic truth that “all things are simply a part of a greater whole one” is
A. Hindu Mythology B. Egyptian Mythology
C. Celtic Mythology
D. Mesopotamian Myth
7. In the study of Scandinavian mythology, this text composed in the 13 th century by Snorri
Sturluson is a prosemanual for producing skaldic poetry which utilizes alliterative verse, kennings,
and various metrical forms.
A. Prose Edda
B. Attila the Hun
C. Gesta Danorum
D. Heimskringla

8. She is often shown seated on a lotus. She is worshipped by many modern Hindus, usually in the
home everyFriday and on the festival days throughout the year.
A. Lakshmi
B. Parvati
C. Durga
D. Kali

9. In Hindu tradition, Vishnu is regarded as the preserver of the universe, while Shiva
A. The supreme eternal deity
B. the conqueror
C. The destroyer
D. the monkey god

10. In Canaanite mythology, he is said to be in charge of rain and weather, and that man’s survival
is dependent upon his provision.
A. Baal
B. ElB
C. Dagan
D. Mot

11. He is considered as the Mesopotamian great hero and son of goddess Ninsun whose stories are
told in Sumerianand Babylonian poems.
A. Gilgamesh
B. Enkidu
C. Enuma Elish
D. Anu

12. Which of these does not comprise the four essential functions of mythology as viewed by
Joseph Campbell?
A. Eliciting and supporting a sense of awe before the mystery of
B. Supporting the current social order to integrate the individual
organically with his group
C. Initiating the individual into the order of realities of
his own psyche
D. Exploring religious experience through reproducing
the conditions of the mythical age

13. According to the epic poem Enuma Elish, this Mesopotamian god leads the new gods in a battle
against the oldgods. After defeating the gods of chaos and gaining power of a supreme god, he
creates the sky and earth, as wellas the first human beings.
A. Tiamat
B. Kingu
C. Marduk
D. Nabu

14. In Hindu mythology, he is traditionally depicted with four heads, four faces and four arms. He
also symbolizes the supreme eternal deity whose essence pervades the entire universe.
A. Brahma
B. Vishnu
C. Shiva
D. Sarasvati

15. He is a symbol of strength, perseverance, devotion, and energy in Hinduism.

A. Hanuman
B. Vanara
C. Ganesh
D. Kali

16. In Norse mythology, dwarfs often act as earthen smiths whereas beings described as jotnar,
thursar, and troll areglossed as_______.
A. Elves
B. Perching Hawks
C. Deities
D. Giants

17. In Egyptian mythology, he is the god of the dead and the ruler of the underworld.
A. Shu
B. Ra
C. Osiris
D. Amun

18. He is the youth loved and accidentally killed by Apollo who memorializes him with a flower
growing from the youth’s blood.
A. Adonis
B. Hyacinthus
C. Narcissus
D. Apollo
19. She is a Phoenician princess carried off by Zeus in the form of a white bull, and the mother of
Minos, Rhadamanthus and Sarpedon.
A. Cassiopeia
B. Hera
C. Europa
D. Demeter

20.A monster shaped half like a man and half like a bull, confined in the labyrinth built by Daedalus
for Minos, andgiven a periodic tribute of youths and maidens as food until slain by Theseus:
A. Gorgon
B. Cyclops
C. Centaur
D. Minotaur

21. He is the brother of Prometheus; a scatterbrained person who follows his

first impulse, and gives all the best giftsto the animals.
A. Epimetheus
B. Polyphemus
C. Telemachus
D. Hercules

22. A fleet-footed huntress who challenges her suitors to a race and is defeated by Hippomenes
when she stops to pick up three golden apples he has dropped:
A. Arethusa
B. Artemis
C. Atalanta
D. Eurydice

23. In Odyssey when a priest and a poet fell on their knees before Odysseus, praying
him to spare their lives, the hero _____ the priest without a thought, but _____ the
A. imprisoned – freed
B. freed – imprisoned
C. killed – saved
D. saved - killed

24. He was an ancient writer who was a compendium of mythology. Most of the books
about the stories of classical mythology depend chiefly upon him.
A. Ovid
B. Hesoid
C. Pindar
D. Aeschylus
25. The following belong to the twelve Olympians EXCEPT _____.
A. Ares B. Athena
C. Hephaestus
D. Cupid

26. Zeus’s breastplate was the _____, his bird was the eagle, his tree the oak, and his
oracle Dodona.
A. thunderbolt
B. lightning
C. aegis
D. majestic shield

27. Poseidon was commonly called _____ and was always carrying his trident, a three-
pronged spear.
A. the great ocean wave
B. the sea monster
C. the mighty
D. the earth-shaker

28. She was the daughter of Zeus alone because no mother bore her. Full grown and in
full armor, she sprang from his head.
A. Aphrodite
B. Athena
C. Demeter
D. Persephone

29. He was one of the great heroes in Trojan War and was held to be the real founder
of Rome.
A. Achilles
B. Odysseus
C. Aeneas
D. Hector

30. In Trojan War, he asked Achilles’ armor for he believed that if the enemies thought
he were Achilles, the Trojans may pause and the worn-out Greeks would have
breathing space.
A. Patroclus
B. Ajax
C. Agamemnon
D. Menelaus

31. Whose wily mind thought of the stratagem of the wooden horse that is often
alluded to have caused the Trojans’ defeat against the Greeks?
A. Achilles
B. Aeneas
C. Menealus
D. Odyssey

32. She, who was a princess and could foretell the future, echoed Laocoon’s warning
and suggestion to destroy the wooden horse but no one ever listened to her.
A. Cassandra
B. Psyche
C. Dido
D. Galatea

33. He was the strongest man on earth and was considered as equal with the gods.
A. Atlas
B. Prometheus
C. Hercules
D. Achilles

34. He was nephew and pupil of Daedalus. He invented the saw and the compass.
Daedalus became jealous of him and killed him, and Minerva, pitying him, changed him
into s partridge.
A. Perdix
B. Pelias
C. Minos
D. Orpheus

35. He accidentally killed his own grandfather, Acrisius, in a discus-throwing contest.

The discus struck him. The blow was fatal and he died once.
A. Oedipus
B. Perseus
C. Apollo
D. Telemachus

36. He was a sculptor who fell in love, deeply, passionately in love with the thing he
had made.
A. Pyramus
B. Orpheus
C. Ceyx
D. Pygmalion

37. He attempted to ride Pegasus up to Olympus for he believed he could take his place
with the immortals.
A. Endymion
B. Bellerophon
C. Peleus
D. Orpheus

38. He was the architect who had contrived the labyrinth for the minotaur in Crete, and
showed Ariadne how Theseus could escape from it.
A. Icarus
B. Cadmus
C. Daedalus
D. Tantalus

39. Since Perseus had no gift to offer king Polydectes, he told him he _____
A. would go off and kill his one thousand enemies
B. would kill the Sphinx and bring back his head as a
C. would behead Medusa and bring her head to him.
D. would set a fighting contest to honor him

40. He wrote the book “The Hero with a Thousand Faces” which discussed his theory of
the journey of the archetypal hero found in world mythologies.
A. Carl Jung
B. Euhemerus
C. Hesoid
D. Joseph Campbell

41. This is a collection of stories and fables from Arabia, Egypt, India, and Persia that
were compiled from oral tales that had been passed down through these cultures for
A. The Pachantantra
B. A Thousand and One Nights
C. One Night with the Arabians
D. Alibaba and His Magics

42. She was a Greek mythological character who chose to bury her own brother,
Polyneices, against the order of Creon who was in control of Thebes. This caused her
A. Ismene
B. Antigone
C. Electra
D. Naiad

43. He believed his mother was vile for she killed his own father. Later, he was
acquitted by Athena because according to Apollo he killed at his command.
A. Orestes
B. Agamemnon (his father who was killed by his
C. Eteocles (Oedipus’ son)
D. Polyneices (Oedipus’ son)

44. He successfully get rid of the Sphinx by correctly solving its riddle “What creature
goes on four feet in the morning, on two feet at noonday, and on three feet in the
A. Jason
B. Orestes
C. Oedipus
D. Minos

45. Greeks made their gods and goddesses _____.

A. based on the characters of the ancient stories
B. in their own images
C. in their own ideas of best forms of divinities
D. based on the stories handed to them by their

46. As used by Joseph Campbell, this refers to the fundamental structure of all folklore
of olden days.
A. monomyth
B. monomythical
C. monomythic
D. monomythicizer

47. The “body” (line 3) is the body of _____.

And on the slope above the sea
The hard-handed peasants go their round
Turning the soil, blind to the body
Ambitious and viable, whose pride
Will leave no trace in the quenching tide.

A. Ulysses
B. Achilles
C. Icarus
D. Priam

“The daughter of Minos, _____ provided the hero _____ with a ball of string that
allowed him to trace his way back to the light of day after slaying the Minotaur in the

48. Which of the following will correctly complete the sentence?

A. Helen…Paris
B. Andromeda…Perseus
C. Eurydice…Orpheus
D. Adriane…Theseus

49. Philosophical-religious belief in reincarnation is based on which mythical character?

A. Orpheus
B. Paris
C. Achilles
D. Agamemnon

50. In the Middle Ages and Renaissance, it was commonly described as symbol of purity
and grace, which could only be captured by a virgin.
A. Troll
B. Dragon
C. Kappa
D. Unicorns

51. He was a fearless warrior and king who one day saw the emptiness of his life and
turned his back on it, becoming a wanderer and sadhu. He refused to return to the
world that is why he is often alluded to as having refused the responsibility.
A. King Minos
B. King Muchukunda
C. King Rama
D. Jason

52. The story of Cupid and Psyche depicts undying love and devotion. What was
Psyche’s mistake that according to Cupid was a betrayal?
A. Psyche got infatuated with Zeus.
B. Psyche believed her sisters persuasion that her
lover was an ugly beast and would kill her.
C. Psyche disobeyed her husband when she
enlightened his face in the middle of the night.
D. Psyche left the house without her husband

53. Philippine mythology and superstitions are very diverse. It includes a collection of
tales and superstitions about magical creatures and entities like _____.
A. kapre, aswang, matruculan, duwende, tiyanak, etc.
B. sirena, syokoy, dugong, etc.
C. cherubs, Seraphims, Cherubims, thrones, guardian
angels, etc.
D. Malakas at Maganda, Maria Makiling, etc.
54. Which of these fighters was on the Trojan side of the war?
a. Agamemnon b. Ajax c. Paris d.
55. Achilles was protected against harm on all parts of his body except which?
a. heel b. back c. head d. none
56. Who was the king of Troy?
a. King Priam b. King Agamemnon c. King Priaim
d. King Menelaus
57. Who was Achilles’ mother?
a. Thesis b. Breseis c. Thetis d.Theytis
58. Achilles was dipped in what river to make him invulnerable?
a. Nile River b. River Sticks c. River Styx d. River Hudson
59. Which of Achilles’ closest friends was killed in battle?
a. Paris b. Patroclus c. Nestor d. Paetroclus
60. What was the name of the Greeks’ High King?
a. Agamemnon b. Menelaus c. Priam d. Odysseus
61. The Greeks fare very poorly against the Trojans and are almost defeated before
Achilles decides to fight again. What changes Achilles's mind?
a. Desire-Achilles falls in love with Polyxena, a Trojan princess, and hopes to
capture her when they sack Troy.
b. Vengeance-Achilles's dear friend Patroclus put on Achilles's armor
and routed the Trojans. He then challenged Hector, who slew him.
c. Greed-The city of Troy was very wealthy and Achilles wanted to make sure he
got a good share of the spoils of war.
d. Glory- Achilles wanted attain the greatest glory a warrior can have by being
remembered for a thousand years.
62. Why does Thetis bring Achilles armor crafted by Hephaestus?
a. She wanted him to have divine armor because she wasn't positive
that dipping him in the river Styx would make him invulnerable.
b. Achilles needed new armor after Hector had taken his from Patroclus' body
c. She thought it would cheer him up after losing Briseis.
d. Achilles just wanted it.
63. Achilles slays Hector and refuses to return his body to the Trojans, instead dragging
it around the city behind his chariot. Achilles relents after King Priam of Troy comes to
beg Achilles for the body of his son. Why does Achilles give up the body of Hector?
a. King Priam offered him a huge ransom.
b. King Priam suggested the gods would curse him for defiling the body.
c. King Priam reminded Achilles of his own aged father.
d. King Priam offered him Briseis.
64. The wife of Prince Hector and the mother of Astyanax.
a. Hecuba b. Adromache c. Helen d. Cassandra
65. Iliad is attributed to a blind poet of ancient Greece named__________________.
a. Homer b. Virgil c. Dante d. Shakespeare
66. A great epic poem Iliad by Homer has the theme___________________
a. Wrath of Achilles c. Vengeance of Menelaus
b. Greediness of Agamemnon d. all of the above
67. The term “odyssey” for this time often referred as ___________________.
a. adventure b. suffering c. endurance d. fidelity
68. Ithaca is the place where Odysseus ruled would mean as _______________.
a. greatest longing of man b. greatest happiness of man c. love of man
d. lust of a man
69. This is the mythological cause of the Trojan war.
a. Zeus wanted to help the problem of overpopulation; thus he devised this great
war that caused scores of death
b. The selfishness and greediness of Agamemnon
c. Eris,goddess of discord threw the golden apple inscribed “To the fairest”.
d. The abduction of Helen by prince Paris of Troy.
70. “ I kissed the hand of a man who killed my son” This line from King Priam connotes
a. love of father to a son b. valor of a great king c. victory and fame he
savored d. mercy of Achilles
71. Which goddess first visits Telemachus at the home of Odysseus in Book 1?
a. Iris b. Athena c. Minerva d. Hera
72. What is the name of Odysseus' dog?
a. Cerberus b. Aster c. Argus d. Irgus
73. What weapon is used in a contest just before the suitors are slaughtered?
a. Bow b. Spear c. Sword d. Maze
74. Who is the nymph who offers Odysseus immortality?
a. Nausicaa b. Circe c. Arete d. Calypso
75. What animal herd, sacred to Helios, are Odysseus' men forbidden to eat?
a. cattle b. sheep c. goats d. deer
76. Where does Odysseus arrive after the raft which Calypso helped him build is
a. Ortygia b. Phaeacia c. Pylos d. Sphacteria
77. Which god was angry with Odysseus because Odysseus blinded his son?
a. Poseidon b. Zeus c. Hermes d. Hades
78. Which god gave Odysseus a bag of winds?
a. Poseidon b. Achelous c. Hades d. Aeolus
79. Who is Odysseus' mother?
a. Penelope b. Eurycleia c. Anticleia d. Hecuba
80. Who took Helen from her husband to start the Trojan war?
a. Paris b. Menelaus c. Hector d. Priam
81. How does Penelope know that Odysseus is her real husband?
a. She sees the scar above his knee which he got from hunting.
b. She knows that the first time she met him, he gave her an olive.
c. He knows that their bedroom was made around a living olive tree.
d. Only he can string his own bow.
82. Which challenge does Penelope give the suitors to choose her new husband?
a. She will marry the suitor who can kill all the other suitors in the duel with a
bow that only Odysseus could string.
b. She will marry the suitor who can send the an arrow straight
through the sockets of twelve axe heads lines in a row.
c. She will marry the suitor who can bring her the golden apple just like
Aphrodite received from Paris.
d. She will marry the suitor who can bring him the corpse of Odysseus.
83. Which monster does swallow the sea in a whirlpool?
a. Polyphemus b. Charybdis c. Scylla d. Underworld
84. How could Penelope put off her choice of a new husband?
a. She murders everyone to marry her
b. Hera and Hestia are protecting her marriage
c. She has locked up herself at her house and refused to open the door
d. She weaves a dress which she unravels the night. She refuses to
marry again until the dress will be finished.
85. What happened to the housemaids who had love affairs with the suitors of
a. They are hung.
b. They are shot down with arrows.
c. They are chopped to bits and eaten by the dogs.
d. They are sold as slaves.
86. How did Odysseus withstand the Sirens?
a. He tied himself to the mast.
b. He let his men sing loud songs
c. He put a bee wax in his ears and that of his men
d. He shut them down with arrows.
87. How did Odysseus disguise himself to return to his family?
a. an old beggar c. Phoenician merchant
b. swineherd d. shepherd
88. The Laestrygonians ____________.
a. are giants who eat humans.
b. eat lotus or take the ambrosia.
c. invite Odysseus in the palace where he tells the whole story of his wanderings.
d. are good people.
89. According to mythology, he brought us the gift of fire.
a. Epimitheus b. Prumitheus c. Prometheus d. Pandora
90. The first gift presented by Zeus to man.
a. Pandora b. Pandora’s box c. Fire d. power to rule
91. To whom did the first woman presented as a gift?
a. Ipimetheus b. Epimetheus c. Prometheus d. Echus
92. It was the last thing to come out from the box opened by Pandora.
a. Hope b. Fate c. Virtues d. Love
93. The Roman ruler of the sea, generally pictured with his three pronged scepter of
a. Neptune
b. Adonis
c. Perseus
d. Mercury
e. Echo
94. The lover of Venus and Proserpine who was killed by a wild bear and whose
blood was transformed into a flower.
a. Neptune
b. Adonis
c. Perseus
d. Mercury
e. Echo
95. Jupiter’s son who killed Medusa the Gorgon and gave her head to Minerva.
a. Neptune
b. Adonis
c. Perseus
d. Mercury
e. Echo
96. The Roman counterpart of Hermes, the Greek messenger of the gods.
a. Neptune
b. Adonis
c. Perseus
d. Mercury
e. Echo
97. The beautiful nymph who pined away for the love of Narcissus until nothing of
her was left but her voice.
a. Neptune
b. Adonis
c. Perseus
d. Mercury
e. Echo
98. The Greek name of Cupid, the Roman god of love.
a. Eros
b. Aurora
c. Atlas
d. Bacchus
e. Morpheus
99. Roman goddess of dawn.
a. Eros
b. Aurora
c. Atlas
d. Bacchus
e. Morpheus
100. The Titan whom Zeus condemned to bear the world on his shoulders.
a. Eros
b. Aurora
c. Atlas
d. Bacchus
e. Morpheus

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