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Preparing date: ……………………

Teaching date: ……………………
Lesson 2: SKILLS
1. Knowledge:
Students will be able to revise the skills they have practised in Units 10,11
* Listening:
- Ss listen for specific information.
* Speaking:
- Practising asking and answering, taking turns describing their future houses and
try to persuade their group members to live in it.
* Reading:
- Ss read for general and specific information.
* Writing:
- Ss complete and practice writing a paragraph about what Ss think they should do
to improve the environment.
2. Competences:
- By the end of the lesson Ss can develop self- control and self- study and practise
well the 4 skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
- The Ss also formed communication skills and team cooperation with other
members. - Ss know how to solve problems in different ways in a creative and
thorough way.
3. Quality:
- Having the serious attitude to studying and the good relationship with friends.
The love of learning English, hard- working, honest, cooperative, sociable, good
1. Students: Textbooks, studying equipments, workbooks.
2. Teachers: Textbooks, laptop, projector, loudspeaker, tape script.
1. Class organization/ Warm up:
- Chatting (T asks some questions about the school where the Ss are learning )
2. New lesson
a. Activity 1: Reading
* Objective:To help Ss practise reading for general and specific information.
* Content
* Output
* Process
in the future be like?

In the future, the places we live in and the ways we live will change a lot. Our
houses will be more eco-friendly. We will use wind energy or solar energy.
We will use our voices to control our houses. It will make our lives more
comfortable. There will be underground cities. There will be cities in the air
and on other planets, too. We will have to build cities there because there will
be too many people and not enough land for houses or buildings.

1. Scientists predict where and how we live in the future

A. will change a lot
B. will not change much
c. will change only a little
2. According to the text, which ofthe following is NOT true about future houses?
A. They will be more eco-friendly.
B. They will use energy from coal.
c. They will use wind energy.
3. We w 111 control our future houses
A. with our voices
B. by clapping our hands
c. with mobile phones
4. There will be cities in the air, on other planets, and underground because

A. we won't have enough land to build houses on

B. living there will be more comfortable c. life on the Earth will become

- Ss do these exercises individually, check their answers with their partners before
giving the answers.
- Confirm the correct answers.
*Key: 1. A 2.B 3.A 4.A
b. Activity 2: Speaking
* Objective:To give Ss more practice on describing their future houses
* Content
* Output
* Process:
- My future house will be in / on / at...

- It’ll be a villa I a country house / an apartment...

- It'll be big I small...
- Ss work in groups, taking turns describing their future houses and try to persuade
their group members to live in it
- Then ask each group to choose a student who has the best future house in the
group to talk about his / her future house in front of the class
- Some other Ss to give comments and decide which student has the best future
house in the class.
c. Activity 3: Listening
* Objective:To give Ss more practice on listening for specific information
* Content
* Output
* Process:
1. Recycle more rubbish (for example, glass, pa per a nd plastic, etc.).

2. Pick up rubbish in parks or

in the streets. o
3. G ro w you r ow n veg eta b les.
4. Save energy - turn off lights and
TVs when you're not using them. o
5. Use reusable bags instead of __
plastic bags. o

- Have Ss read the sentences.

- Play the recording the first time.
- Ask Ss to listen and tick the sentences.
- Ask for their answers and tick the sentences.
- Play the recording the second time for Ss to check their answers
- Check Ss’ answers.
- Play the recording the last time if necessary, stopping at different places where Ss
got the wrong answers.
Audio script:
In 2004, 120 young people from ten European countries met in Berlin at the first
Youth Eco- Pari lament. They gave ideas for improving the environment. Here
are some of the things they advised US to do:
- Recycle more rubbish (for example, glass, paper and plastic, etc.).
- Pick up rubbish in parks or in the streets.
- Save energy - turn off lights and TVs when youTe not using them.
- Use reusable bags instead of plastic bags.

d. Activity 4: Writing
* Objective:To help Ss practise writing a paragraph about what Ss think they
should do to
improve the environment.

* Content
* Output
* Process:
- T reminds Ss that the first and most important thing is always to consider what
they are going to write about. In this case, Ss may use the ideas given in 3 or their
own ideas. T may brainstorm with Ss the language necessary for writing and note
some useful language on the board.
- Ask Ss to write the draft first.
- Work in pairs making peer corrections
- Have them write their final version in class or at home
- Ss edit and revise their writing as homework

- Teacher asks students to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson.
- Finish writing (if Ss haven’t finished it)
- Do exercises at workbook.
- Review all the language Ss have learnt to prepare for The second term test

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