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• Size of perimeter wall ---- 8 feet wall with 1.5 feet ‘Y’ shaped angle with overhang of
barbed wire.
• Size of cooling pit size - ------- 4 x 4 x 4 feet.
• Size of Kirpan --- 9 inches (6 inches blade + 3 inches handle) only on domestic flights.
• Size of hand bag allowed at Jammu & Srinagar is 100 cms ( total 50 x 30 x 20 cms).
• Size of hand bag allowed at other than Jammu & Srinagar is 115 cms ( 55 x 35x 25)
• Size of DFMD --------- 2m height x 0.75 m to 0.85 m width
• Spacing between two bags on XBIS is -------- 1 feet or 30 cms
• Speed of X-ray conveyor belt ------ 0.18 m to 0.3 m/sec (For Registered and Cabin)
• Throughout of X-BIS for --- 400 Baggage bags/hrs (Hand and Registered Baggage)
• Throughout of X-BIS for cargo ----200 Baggage bags/hrs.
• First Hijacking in the world ------ 21.02.1931 (Peru)
• First Hijacking in India - -------- 30.01.1971
• Second Hijacking in India -------- 10.09.1976
• Sri B.D.Pandey Committee is formed on------------ 1976 after 2nd hijacking
• Formation of DCAS -------- 1978 on the recommendation of B. D. Pandey committee
• Chennai airport bomb blast ---------- 02.08.1984
• Kanishka Tragedy (Air India) --------- 23.06.1985
• Sri  Kirpal Committee ------------ Kanishka Explotion Enquiry
• Formation of BCAS ------ 01.04.1987(On Recomendation of Sri  Kirpal committee)
• Kandhar hijacking (IC-814) - ----------- 24.12.1999 Scheduled (Katmandu to Delhi)
• US Attack ( WTC Attack) --------------- 11 september 2001
• Colombo Airport attack ---------------- 24 july 2001
• Banned on carriage of LAGs -------- Aug,2006 ( In the hand baggage)
• Size of STEB ---------------- 25 cm X 15 cm or 20.5 cm x 20.5 cm
• Ramamithran Committee 1979 ------ Exempted Category & Dummy Check

1. DFMD takes ____ times to reset. 03 Sec

2. DFMD can detect ____ gms of metal. 30 gms
3. DFMD is calibrated with ______. OTP
4. Weight of the OTP is ______ gms. 30 gms
5. Dimension of OTP is __________ 10cm x 10 cm
6. DFMD has _______ Overlapping Zones. 08 Zones
7. For calibration how many times one has to pass DFMD? 10 Times
8. How may times DFMD should give alarm? 08 Times
9. DFMD gives ________ and _________ alarm. Audio and Visual
10. DFMD should detect ________ and ________ metal. Ferrous and Non-Ferrous
11. DFMD should be calibrated _________ before use. Every day
12. Pyrotechnics can be made to explode if confined in Aluminium foil.
13. Distance of person from DFMD is _____________ 90 cms or 3 Feet
14. XBIS is considered safe for-------and ------------ Food ,Film and Medicine
15. Used syringes be transported In registered baggage

16. Distance between two DFMDs should be ______ 35 cms

17. Response time of fire fighting service in case of any fire emergency of the aircraft is 2-3 min
18. The role of COE & RDCOS in BTAC is as a observer.
19. The AEP of Foreigner is issued by BCAS.
20. Search table should be placed at Right angles to the flow of passenger and person .
21. Reason to wear Hand Gloves is for protection during search.
22. DFMD should be calibrated for detection of ---- of metal. 30gms
23. OTP stands for ____________________________. Operating Test Piece
24. DFMD is safe for ___ , _____and ______. Pregnant women & Pacemakers
25. BTRC (BOMB THREAT REVIEW COMMITTEE) will meet once in the 03 month.
26. DFMD has Transmitting panel, Receiving Panel, Cross Piece, Remote Control Unit and
Electronic Unit
27. HHMD works on ________________Technology. Electromagnetic pulsed field
28. Weight of HHMD should be _______. Less than 250 gms
29. HHMD can’t detect _____________. Non-metallic and Explosive
30. HHMD can detect _____________ 0.5 gm of metal
31. HHMD can detect object at a distance of _____ 2.5 cm (Touch free) Frisking.
32. HHMD should have both _______ and __________. Audio and Visual alarm.
33. HHMD should work properly in temperature ____ to ___. 0 – 45 degree Celsius
34. NLJD ,(Non linear junction device) equipment is used to detect diodes/triodes.
35. HHMD is considered safe for-------and ------------ Pacemaker and Pregnent Lady.
36. HHMD / DFMD can detect ---------and -----------materials. Ferrous and Non Ferrous.
37. Speedy work is one of the Advantage of HHMD,DFMD
38. Training required is one of the Disadvantage of XBIS,ETD,EVD ,.
39. Speed of Vehicle in service road is 30 Km/Hr.
40. Speed of Vehicle in Apron is 15 Km/Hr.
41. Speed of Vehicle near Aircraft /Tarmac area is 5 Km/Hr.
42. LED stands for _____________________. Light Emitting Diode

43. X-BIS stands for ____________________. X-Ray Baggage Inspection System

44. CTP Stands for ____________________. Combined Test Piece
45. There are __________ tests in CTP. 06
46. TTP stands for ___________________. Tailored Training Program
47. IED will explode & IID will burns.
48. Specific threat is also known as RED threat. Hoax call is also known as Green threat

49. Non-Specific threat is also known as AMBER threat.

50. Atomic No.1-10 appears on X-BIS in ___________. Orange

51. Atomic No.11-18 appears on X-BIS in __________. Green
52. Atomic No.19-75 appears on X-BIS in __________. Blue
53. Atomic No.>75 appears on X-BIS in ___________. Opaque or black
54. X-Ray was invented on ____________________. 08.11.1895
55. Who invented X-Ray ______________________. Dr.Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
56. X-Ray is __________ rays. Invisible
57. X-Ray travels at the speed of _______________. Light
58. X-Ray is ____________ for living cell. Harmful
59. X-Ray generates ________________. Radiation
60. Radiation level outside the machine is _______ 0.1 m R/hr.
61. The distance from the machine of radiation is _____ 5 cm from the external housing
62. X-Ray moves in the __________________. Straight line
63. X-Rays can’t be Deflected or Reflected by prism/lens.
64. X-Rays wavelength is Extremely short.
65. REM stands for Roentgen Equivalent Man
66. RAD stands for ______________________. Radiation Absorption Dose
67. Denser the object Darker the image .
68. Thinner the object Lighter the image.
69. Colour of articles in X-BIS depends up on Atomic Number and Density .
70. In X-BIS Aluminum sheet will appear in --------- colour. Green
71. In X-BIS Steel will appear in ---------------------- colour. Blue
72. In X-BIS glass will appear in ---------------------- colour. Green
73. In single wire resolution the resolution should be 40 SWG .
74. In useful penetration 30 SWG wire should be seen .
75. In multi energy test Sugar and salt should be seen in orange and green colour.
76. In simple penetration test the penetration should be 30 mm thickness of steel.
77. In single wire resolution test the wires are placed from 26 to 42 SWG.
78. In useful penetration test 30 SWG wire is seen on second step wedge of 5/16”.
79. In spatial resolution test 8 vertical and 8 horizontal gratings should be seen on copper plate.
80. In thin metal imaging test the requirement is to see image 0.1 mm of steel in CTP.
81. Tailored training is a benefit of -----------------------------. TIP
82. TIP is to check the performance of Screener not the Machine .
83. TIP projects Fictional/Virtual image.
84. TIP should be installed in each X-BIS as per BCAS guidelines.
85. Practice of threat articles is a benefit of --------------------. TIP
86. HDB stands for __________________. High Density Blinking
87. HDA stands for __________________. High Density Alert
88. IID has 03 components and IED has 04 components.
89. Lead curtains ,low x ray dose ,sensor,interlocks and lead shielding are In Inbuilt safety
features of XBIS.
90. Detonators can be classified into Two groups .
91. Detonators are used in --------------------------. High explosives
92. IED stands ___________________. Improvised Explosive Device
93. IID stands for _________________. Improvised Incendiary Device
94. Components of IED is Explosives, Detonator,Power source, and switch Mechanism.
95. In Detonators both low and high explosive can be used.

96. Genuineness of a stretcher passenger is carried out by ASG/APSU & AIRLINES.

97 .Facilitation of a stretcher passenger is carried out by AIRPORT OPERATOR & AIRLINES.

98 . Security check of a stretcher passenger is carried out by ASG/APSU.

99. A Bonafide passenger holding valid license can carry one licensed firearm
(revolver/pistol/shot gun) and/ or 50 cartridges in his registered baggage.

100 . SPG duty personnel can carry 60 ammunition for pistol + 150 ammunition for Assault

Naive Passengers: who is unaware that his / her baggage is infiltrated with explosives.
नैव यात्री: जो अनजान है कि उसिा सामान में ववस्फोटिों िो रखा जा रहा है

Partly Naive Passengers: who does not have any link with the terrorist organization,
but is not aware that he is being used as Courier for carrying explosives
आंशिि नैव यात्री: जजनिे आतंिवादी संगठन िे साथ िोई संबंध नहीं है , लेकिन उन्हें पता नहीं है कि
उन्हें ववस्फोटि ले जाने िे शलए िूररयर िे रूप में इस्तेमाल किया जा रहा है

Framed Terrorist: is one who has connection with a Terrorist Organization, is

carrying materials for them but is not aware of the consequences of carrying the same.

फ़्रेमयुक्त आतंिवादी: वह है जो आतंिवादी संगठन से जुडा हुआ है, और वह उनिे शलए सामग्री ले जा
रहा है , लेकिन वह उसिो ले जाने िे पररणामों से अवगत नहीं है

Terrorist: is an individual who knowingly and willfully carries out a Terrorist act and
plans to escape from the target .
आतंिवादी: एि ऐसा व्यजक्त है जो जानबूझिर एि आतंिवादी िृत्य िरता है और लक्ष्य पूरा िर िे
बचने िी योजना बनाता है

Suicidal Terrorist: is an individual who is willing to die while carrying out terrorist act.
आत्मघाती आतंिवादी: एि ऐसा व्यजक्त है जो आतंिवादी िाररवाई िरते समय मरने िे शलए तैयार है

Regular passenger is a passenger who does not displays any suspicious signs of
appearance and behavior and documentation OR if there are any suspicious signs, they
have been resolved or having a Positive Sign.
ननयशमत यात्री एि यात्री है जो किसी भी संददग्ध संिेत िो अपने उपजस्थनत और व्यवहार से प्रदशिरत
नहीं िरता है

SELECTEE is a passenger when he/she display at least one confirmed suspicious
signs,indicating that he / she is a threat to the Airline or the Airport in some way or
सेलेक्टी यात्री वह यात्री है, जो िम से िम एि ननजचचत संददग्ध संिेत प्रदशिरत िरता है , जो यह इंगगत
िरता है कि वह एयरलाइन या हवाई अड्डे िे शलए किसी तरह से खतरा है।

Comparison between EVD and ETD?

1. Captures vapours from 1. CapturesTrace particles over the
explosives. surface
2. Can detect explosive up to 2. Can detect explosive up to 100
05gms nano grams.

3.False alarm rate is less than 3% 3.False alarm rate is Less than 2%.
4. Warm up time is Approx. 20-30 4. Warm up time is Approx.20-30
minutes . minutes
5. Analysis time is 2-3 or 2.5 sec 5. Analysis time is 2-3 or 2.5 sec
6. Weight- less than 5kg or 5 kg 6. Weight- less than 40kg or 40 kg.

❖ CONCOURSE PLAN (Centralized):- Complete terminal building is made

sterile. At the access point, screening of passenger and baggage is carried
out. Centralized plan is usually before the duty-free shop area .

Advantages: -
➢ Fewer staff required,
➢ More time available
Disadvantages: -
➢ less equipment is available,
➢ Requires security of a large area

HOLDING AREA PLAN (Semi-Centralized):- An area is designated as security hold

area and is made sterile.
Advantages: -
➢ Fewer staff / equipment required,
➢ Less pressure to examine passenger
Disadvantages: -
➢ To be secured when not in use,
➢ Large area to controlled and secured.
❖ Semi-centralized, usually after the duty-free shop area .

BOARDING GATE PLAN (Decentralized):- Both the passenger and their baggage is
checked before boarding to the aircraft.
Advantages: -
➢ Reduces transfer of arms/dangerous devices,
➢ To be staffed only during screening
Disadvantages: -
➢ Large number of screening staff/equipment’s required,

HHMD working under which principle ---Electro Magnetic Pulse FieldTechnology

DFMD working under which principle ---Electro Magnetic Pulse Field Technology
X-BIS working under which principle ----Multi Energy Technology
EVD working under which principle ----- Gas Chromatography
ETD working under which principle ------ Ion Mobility Spectrometry Theory

Typical permit for VEHICLES should contain:

• Registered number of vehicle
• Name of organization
• Area and validity
• Period of validity
• Access gates to be used
• “AIRSIDE” safety status of vehicle

To control the movement of vehicle at access point following equipments is


• Physical Controls • Barriers in front of gate

equipment • Crash Rated Electro-hydraulic Bollard System
• Crash Rated Electro-Hydraulic Tyre Killer
• Crash Rated Electro-Hydraulic Road Blocker
• Communication system • Radio /Telephone/Alarm
• Search Equipment • Under Vehicle Search Mirror (UVSM)
• HHMD for checking of personnel
• Dragon Light
• Flash Light
• Under Vehicle Search System
• Documentation • Log book/Record book.
• Other facilities • Signs/Adequate lighting.

S.No Explosive Colour Physical Form

1 RDX White Crystalline

2 PETN White Crystalline

3 Sheet Expl White Flexible

4 C–4 White Plastic/Puttylike substances

5 TNT Pale Yellow Block (Brick Shaped)

6 PEK Yellow Cartridge/plastic mass

7 Tetryl/CE Yellow Granular/Powder

8 Cordtex Chocolate Cord

9 LTPE Black Flexible/cartridge

10 Semtex Black/orange Slurry

11 Gun powder Black Granular


S.No Explosive Colour Physical Form

1 Safety Fuse Dirty black Yarn/jute bounded

Civil Explosives
1 Gelatin Yellow Stick

2 Dynamites Yellow Cartridge wrapped in paper

3 ANFO Greenish Slurry with white crystal of AN

Anti Handling Delayed Ambient Condition Remote Control or

Pressure Clock Work Proximity Radio control
Pressure Release Electronic Timer Gas/ smoke sensitive FM Transmission
Pull PTD Timer Barometric/ humidity Command wire
Lift Thermal X-ray sensitive Cell phone
Water Drip Acoustic sensors Satellite Phones
Water Add Light / Dark sensitive

a) Blast Effect
High pressure -----Up to 40, 00,000 PSI.
Velocity of Detonation of TNT -----25,000 KMPH.
b) Fragmentation
Speed of fragments may be up to 6000 KMPH.

c) Thermal
High Temperature of 3000 to 4000 0 C.

d) Translation
Bodies are lifted 30 to 60 feet above ground level and thrown 60 to 100 mt. away.
e) Concussion
In the air a vacuum or suction effect is created behind the moving blast wave.

f) Earth and water shock

Damage takes place miles away.

g) Secondary effects
Fire, damage to building, vehicles etc

It is estimated that 50 PSI of pressure cause eardrum to rupture and 250 PSI of pressure applied
on lungs of a human being,

SWEEP is of three types :

1….The first sweep is to work around the edges of the room, taking in the walls from top to
bottom and the floor area immediately beneath the wall.
पहले स्वीप में िमरे िे किनारों िे आसपास तथा दीवारों िे ऊपर से नीचे ति और दीवार िे ठीि नीचे
वाले तल क्षेत्र िी तलािी िरना है

2…..The second sweep should take in the furniture and the floor.

3…..The third sweep should cover the ceiling.

S. N Types of AEC Area of Access

01 For those persons whose duty warrants them to visit all areas of civil
airports/civil enclaves in India.
For crew members of Indian registered airlines whose duty warrants
Orange ‘C’
them to visit all areas of civil airports in India.
02 For persons whose duty warrants them to visit all areas of a specific
For persons whose duty warrants them to visit all areas of a specific
03 Navy Blue
airport except security hold area.
For persons whose duty warrants them to visit the operational area
04 White
only, in a specific airport, excluding SHA and terminal building.
For persons whose duty warrants them to visit the arrival or departure
05 Light Brown
halls of a specific airport.
These commercial passes may be issued to such persons whose duty
warrants them to visit one specific airport for passenger facilitation up
06 Light Green
to check-in area of departure side and up to visitor areas on arrival
These are issued to representatives of Courier companies whose duty
Light Green
warrants them to visit one specific airport for up to check-in area of
departure side and up to visitor areas on arrival side.

• Transferable Passes will be valid with the identity card of the holder, issued by the
organization concerned.
• Members of Parliament can enter Airport up to check in counters & arrival hall without
an AEC, on the basis of showing their ID Card.


1 A Arrival Hall
2 D Departure Hall
3 T Terminal building other than security hold,customs and immigration but including
Baggage claim area of domestic terminal
4 S Terminal building security hold area
5 P Apron area
6 B Baggage handling area
7 F Air traffic control except ATC Tower
8 Ft ATC Tower
9 C Cargo terminal without cargo SHA- Domestic & International
10 Cd Cargo terminal without cargo SHA- Domestic
11 Ci Cargo terminal without cargo SHA- International
12 Cs Cargo SHA Pertaining to C or Cd or Ci
13 I Boarding gates to immigration/baggage claim area

Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) - Apex Body

Committee of Secretaries on Aircraft Hijack (COSAH) - Advisory Role
Central Committee (CC) - Executive Authority/ Command
Aerodrome Committee (AC) - Operational Command

Committee of Secretaries on Aircraft Hijack (COSAH)

Cabinet secretary--------- chairman

Additional Cabinet secretary---------Convener

Central Committee (CC)

The CC is the executive authority responsible for dealing with the contingency of hijacking,
forcible seizure of the aircraft on ground or any other acts of unlawful interference with civil

Director General, Civil Aviation (DGCA) – Chairman

Commissioner of Security (CA) (BCAS) - Convener
Members of Aerodrome Committee:

• Home Secretary of the State in state capital / District Magistrate in District HQ

. Chairman
• Airport Director/ Dy. GM / Sr. Manager Convener
Section 5 Power of Central Government to make rules for Civil Aviation

Section 5 A Power to issue directions (DGCA or DGBCAS )

Section 9 A Power of Central Government to prohibit or regulate construction of building,
planting of trees etc.
Section 11 A Penalty for failure to comply with directions issued under section 5A
Section 11 B Penalty for failure to comply with direction issued under Section 9A

Rule 8 Carriage of arms, ammunitions, explosives, military stores etc.

Rule 8 A Security check of persons boarding aircraft at aerodrome
Rule 13 Photograph at aerodromes or from aircraft in-flight.
Rule 24 Prohibition on consumption of intoxicating and psychoactive substances.
Rule 24 A Carriage of persons suffering from mental disorders or epilepsy in aircraft
Rule 24 B Carriage of prisoners in an aircraft
Rule 24 C Carriage of animals, birds and reptiles in aircraft
Rule 25 Smoking in Aircraft
Rule 38 A Carriage of Operating crew
Rule 38 B Carriage of cabin crew
Rule 78 Licensing of Aerodromes
Rule 90 Entry into Public Aerodromes (Access Control)
Prohibition of slaughtering and flaying of animals ,deposition of rubbish in the
Rule 91
vicinity of aerodrome.
Rule 141 Duties and Responsibilities of Pilots.
Inspection of aircrafts – (Empowers some of government officials authorized by
Rule 156 Central Government to enter aircraft for inspection, but are not exempted from
Rules 2003 Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Air.
Four Unit’s or Components of ASG/APSU
1 ) Intelligence and surveillance unit 2) Anti-hijacking unit
3) Support unit 4) Protection unit

CBRN – chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear attack

1) Chemical weapons are those that are effective because their chemical action can cause death,
permanent harm or temporary incapacity. Some toxic chemicals, such as phosgene, hydrogen
cyanide and tear gas,
रासायननि हगथयार वे हैं जजनिे प्रभाव या रासायननि िाररवाई से मत्ृ य,ु स्थायी हानन या अस्थायी
अक्षमता हो सिती है। िुछ जहरीले रसायनों, जैसे फ़ॉस्जीन, हाइड्रोजन साइनाइड और आंसू गैस है

2) Biological weapons are weapons that achieve their intended effects by infecting people with
deliberate release of dangerous bacteria, viruses or fungi, or biological toxins (e.g. Anthrax, Small
pox, ricin,).
जैववि हगथयार वे हैं जो खतरनाि बैक्टीररया, वायरस या िवि या जानलेवा ववषाक्त पदाथों (जैसे
एन्रेक्स, स्म़ॉल प़ॉक्स, ररकिन,) िो जानबूझिर लोगों िो संक्रशमत िरिे अपने इजछछत प्रभाव िो प्राप्त
िर सिते हैं।

3) Radiological weapon is designed to spread radioactive material such as uranium, plutonium

etc with the intent to kill and cause disruption upon a city or nation.
रे डडयोल़ॉजजिल हगथयार जैसे कि यूरेननयम, प्लूटोननयम आदद जो लोगों िो मारने िे इरादे से और एि
िहर या राष्ट्र िो ववघटन िे इरादे िे शलए बनाया गया है।

4) Nuclear: Death and injury caused from caused from the effects of an explosion that includes
blinding light, intense heat (thermal radiation), initial nuclear radiation, blast, fires started by the
heat pulse, and secondary fires caused by the destruction.
परमाणु: ववस्फोट िे प्रभाव से होने वाली मौत और चोट जजसमे तेज प्रिाि से अंधे होना , गहन गमी
(थमरल ववकिरण), प्रारं शभि परमाणु ववकिरण, ववस्फोट, जैसे बबनाि िाशमल है

1 First hijacking in the world The first recorded aircraft hijack took place on February 21,
1931 in Lima, (Peru).
2 First hijacking in India 30th Jan, 1971, Indian Airlines flight from Srinagar to
Jammu taken to Lahore.
3 Post First Hijacking in India Rule 8 A of Aircraft Rule 1937 was being implemented.
4 Second hijacking in India Indian Airlines Aircraft hijacked on 10th Sep, 1976, Mumbai
to Delhi taken to Lahore.
5 Post Second hijacking in India Shri B.D. Pandey committee was formed in 1976
6 18th Jan, 1978 Formation of DCAS as a cell under DGCA on the
recommendation of Shri B.D. Pandey Committee
7 2nd August, 1984 A Bomb Explosion at Chennai (Meenabakkam) airport.
8 23rd Jun, 1985 • Kanishka Tragedy over Atlantic Ocean.
9 Post Kanishka Tragedy Justice B.N Kirpal, Commission was setup.
Following security measures were introduced
• Identification of baggage-Mandatory
• Reconciliation of baggage was introduced
• Inspection of security arrangements of national air-
carriers at foreign stations by BCAS officers
10 1st April, 1987 BCAS was formed as a Regulatory Authority on Civil
Aviation Security under MCA.
11 24th Dec 1999 Hijack of Indian Airlines (IC-814) operating from
Kathmandu (Nepal) to Delhi (India). Finally taken to
Kandahar (Afghanistan)
12 Post Kandahar Incident • Introduction of CISF as ASG in 02 Feb 2000
• Introduction Secondary Ladder point checks (SLPC)
• Introduction of Sky Marshals
13 24 July 2001 Colombo Airport (Bandaranaike Airport) attack by LTTE.
14 Post Colombo Attack • Raising of Perimeter wall to the prescribed height.
15 11th September 2001 Attack by Al Qaida using 04 Aircrafts as a weapon of Mass
destruction in USA.
16 Post 11th Sept. Attack • Strengthening & Locking of cockpit doors
• Implementation of Secondary Ladder point checks
• Deployment of sky marshals


1) Aircraft: Any machine…….

2) Aircraft security check: An inspection of the interior of an aircraft and an inspection of
the hold…..
3) Aircraft security search: A thorough inspection of the interior and exterior of the
4) Airside: The movement area ………
5) Apron: A defined area……….
6) Aviation Security: Safeguarding civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference…….
7) Background check: A check of a person’s identity……..
8) Baggage Breakup Area: …..arrival passenger’s bags…..
9) Baggage sorting area or Baggage Make up Area: Space in which departure baggage….
10) Bomb alert: A status of alert…..
11) Bomb threat: A communicated threat….
12) Cargo: ………other than mail, stores and accompanied or mishandled baggage.
13) Catering stores: ……..example newspapers, magazines, headphones, audio and video
14) Catering supplies: Food, beverages, other dry stores and associated equipment…..
15) Certification. A formal evaluation……
16) Contingency plan: A “proactive” plan……
17) Corporate aviation: The non-commercial operation…….
18) Crisis management: Contingency measures…………
19) Deportee: A person who had been entered a State legally or illegally……..
20) Diplomatic pouch (bag): A shipping container…………
21) Explosive Detection System (EDS): A system or combination to detect, explosive
22) Explosive Device Detection System (EDDS): A system or combination to detect, an
explosive device….
23) Human Factors principles: Principles……..
24) Human performance: Human capabilities……
25) Inadmissible person: …………refused admission……..
26) Landside: …unrestricted access of both travelling passengers and the non-travelling
public ..
27) Mishandled baggage: Baggage involuntarily, or inadvertently……….
28) Movement area: …………maneuvering area………
29) Permits: A permit system consists of cards or other documentation…..
30) Pier: A corridor…….
31) Regulated agent: An agent, freight forwarder…….
32) Screening: The application of technical or other means….
33) Security equipment: Devices………
34) Security programme: Written measures……..
35) Security test: A covert or overt…….
36) Security audit: An in-depth compliance examination….
37) Unaccompanied baggage: Baggage …..not be carried on the same aircraft with the
person ….
38) Security exercise: A full-scale security exercise…….
39) Security inspection: An examination…..
40) Security investigation: An inquiry…..
41) Security survey: An evaluation…..
42) Threat Image Projection (TIP): A software Program……

Typical categories of people requiring escort:

• Authorised visitors
• Deportees and inadmissible passenger
• Medical patients and accompanying personnel
• Persons in custody
• VIPs.

The primary responsibility for the movement of people is that of the agency as mentioned

• Deportee / Inadmissible pax - Immigrations

• Persons in custody - Law enforcement Officer
• Medical Pax - Airline
• VVIP / VIPs - Personal Security officers

Passenger Disturbance Threat Level:

Level 1- Disruptive behavior (Suspicious or verbally threatening).

Level 2- Physically abusive behavior.
Level 3- Life threatening behavior.
Level 4- Attempted or actual breach of the flight crew compartment.

Patrolling----The main aim of patrolling is to check the effectiveness of the perimeter wall .
Guarding—The main aim of Guarding is to guard the vital installations .

Emergencies involving aircraft. These include:

• Incidents involving-Aircraft on airport , Incident-Aircraft in flight

• Incident-Aircraft on ground , Unlawful seizure

Emergencies not involving aircraft. include:

• Fire ,Sabotage, including bomb threat at airport , Natural disaster , Breakdown of runway
• Terrorist attack of ATC/terminal building
• Emergencies at airport (fire, collapse of airport building)
Medical emergencies. These include:

• Collapsed person , Sudden death , Industrial accidents , Delivery of newborn

• Communicable disease alert

Hand guns , Rifles, Darts, Knives with blades over 10cm long ,Mace ,Tear gas
Martial art weapons, Cane swords, Umbrella swords ,Knife belts ,Nun-chucks, Brass knuckles

Starter pistols ,Toy guns ,Toy grenades, Sharp pointed scissors, Letter openers, Chisels ,
Ice picks, screwdrivers, Knitting needle, Tailoring Scissor , Chilli powder ,Cricket Bat ,Hockey,
Golf stick , Blade,Hammer ,Razor Blade ,Screw driver , Corkscrew, Umbrella with a pointed tip

Safety fuse , Detonator ,PLX , TNT ,Nitro glycerine , RDX , Semtex

Acid, Corrosives, and radio-active materials , Poisions ,Fire extinguishers , Petrol , Diesel

Access control system can be

• Physical
o Controlled by security guard using equipment such as a turnstile for people and a drop-
arm barrier for vehicles

• Automated Access Control Systems (AACS)

o Coded card (with or without PIN) , Biometric Systems ,IRIS ,Face Geometry
❖ Airport permit system is a set of rules which controls the access of people and vehicle to
restricted areas.
Access Control – Vehicles

General Principles

• Access to airside or Security Restricted Areas must be allowed only to those vehicles with
a clear operational requirement.
• The admission of vehicles to airside areas should be restricted for reasons of security and
safety and to avoid congestion on aircraft movement areas

➢ The aerodrome operator may issue aerodrome entry permit for vehicles required to
operate in the airside on operational,emergency and maintenance purpose. The permit
shall be specific to the vehicle and affixed on it conspicuously.
➢ The vehicle permit shall contain at a minimum :
Registration No. of vehicle. ,Duration of permit. ,Owner of vehicle , Issuing authority.
❖ The Commissioner may authorize a person to use Airport Operator’s vehicle or his own
vehicle or any other vehicle with “follow me” vehicle,
❖ Levels of Search
There are various levels of search. The table below details the various types and the degree of

Level 1 This is a normal hand search of the outer levels of the persons clothing (as worn and
without removing them) and a hand search of the passenger’s body through that clothing.
It may involve the use of a Hand Held Metal Detector (HHMD) .
Level 2 Outer layers of cloth can be removed.

Level 3 This level of search is usually only carried out by personnel who have had specialist
training i.e Police or customs.

❖ The X-ray operator function will be performed in rotation so that any one person does not monitor
X – ray image for more than 20 minutes at one stretch and resume only after 40 minutes.
❖ Components and Switches of a typical X-ray BIS

X-BIS Components
• X-ray Generator , Monitor , Key Board , Lead Curtains , Emergency Stop Buttons ,Inspection Tunnel
❖ The objects inside a bag are displayed in 03 colours. Orange colour is given to all organic items.
Green colour to medium heavy metals. Blue colour to heavy metals. Items through which X-ray
cannot penetrate are shown as opaque.
❖ The best option for all electrical and electronic items is to pass them through x-ray
equipment or to use trace detection equipment.
❖ Categorization of Bags:
On interpretation of the X-ray image the bags can be categorised as
1) SAFE or Clear Bag 2) SUSPECT Bag 3) THREAT Bag

• 3D images is given by Computed Tomography X-ray and millimeter wave scanner (Body
• 2D images is given by Back scatter and X-BIS . Back scatter produces reverse video.
➢ 10 % of hold baggage will be physically searched at random after screening by X- BIS.

➢ 10 % of HAND baggage will be physically searched at random after screening by X- BIS.

➢ 25% to 30% during Alerts & 100 % during High ALERT.

➢ 20 % Random Pat down search or Hand search or Frisking of passenger .

➢ A record of the CTP tests conducted should be maintained for a period of One Year.
➢ 15 % Physical random check of Courier and Express Consignments .
➢ A proper Record to be maintained for a minimum of 07 Days of the security seals used
for sealing the catering uplift and HLV.
Airline Procedures for Unattended Aircraft
• Aircraft are parked in a well-lit area
• The area should be easily observed
• All external doors must be closed
• Aircraft should be parked away from fences or buildings to prevent easy access
• Access stairs, passenger loading bridges and hold loading equipment must be removed from
the vicinity of the aircraft and immobilized.
Q --Why must an aircraft search be carried out?
ANS --There are legal and business reasons for carrying out aircraft searches.

When to search?
There are 4 instances when searches are usually conducted:
1) Pre-flight 2) Transit Flight 3) Post flight 4) When the Aircraft is under increased threat.

Access of vehicles up to the tarmac area of civil airports of the country has been granted by the
regulatory authority on grounds of protocol/medical/security grounds.

A) In their own vehicles with an escort

01 President 04 Visiting Heads of State

02 Vice President 05 Visiting Heads of Govt.

03 Prime Minister

B) In their own vehicles without an escort

01 Former President of India 04 Speaker of Lok Sabha

02 Former Prime Minister 05 First Lady (Wife of President of India)

03 Chief Justice of India 06 Wife of Vice President of India

C) In their own vehicles without escort up to tarmac area within their states/union territories

01 Governors

02 Chief Ministers

03 Lt. Governors of Union Territories

The civil aviation industry has developed various countermeasures to counter the threats. These
countermeasures can be categorized as:
• Legislative measures- Convention & Protocol
• Technical measures- Annex 17 to the Chicago Convention was adopted in 1974 by the Council of
ICAO. Annex 17 contains Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs)
• Physical measures

International Conventions

1) Chicago Convention officially called the Convention on International Civil Aviation, was signed on 7
December 1944. OUT COME ---- establishment of International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO). This
convention has total 18 Annexes , In which Annex 17 is related with security issues .

2) Tokyo Convention 1963 - The official name of the convention is the Convention on Offences
and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft. This convention grants certain rights to the pilot
in Command (PIC), in order to ensure the safety and order on board of his aircraft:
3) The Hague Convention 1970 - The official name of the Hague Convention, is the
Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft (hijacking) .

4) The Montreal Convention 1971 - The official name of the Montreal Convention, is the
Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation. The primary focus
of this convention was the sabotage of an aircraft. This convention, established the term aircraft in

5) Protocol to the Montreal Convention 1988 – Also known as Supplementary

6) The Marking of Plastic Explosives Convention 1991 (MEX CONVENTION) - Marking of
Plastic Explosives is for the Purposes of Detection .

National Legislations

• Tokyo Convention Act – 1975

• Anti-Hijacking Act 1982 and amended in 1994 again being amended in 2010
• Suppression of Unlawful Acts against Safety of Civil Aviation Act, 1982 Amended in 1994
• The Aircraft (Carriage of Dangerous Goods) Rules 2003
Anti hijacking measures
• Frisking of passengers and search of hand baggage , Secondary Ladder Point Checks
• Pre flight security checks / search of aircraft , Deployment of sky marshals
• Security of catering items

Anti sabotage measures

• Screening and protection of registered baggage

• Identification / Reconciliation of registered baggage
• Security of air crew baggage / aircraft document bags / fuel
• Security of catering items

Anti terrorist measures

• Deployment of Quick Reaction Teams (QRT) , Perimeter wall of standard height
• Perimeter road for patrolling , Perimeter lighting
• Watch towers \ Patrolling- foot or mobile ,Police stations in close proximity of airport

The four generic steps to be taken by BDDS on finding a suspicious item during a search is as under


Basic concept of security is 1) Deter 2) Delay 3) Detect 4) Respond

Counters measures for Bomb Incidents at Airports

• Installation of caller ID (CLIP)

• Give wide publicity in local newspaper if caller is identified.
• Prompt evaluation of call with help of BWAF
• Training of employees
• Conduct periodical mock up exercise
• Up gradation of EDS / EDDS.
• Centralized monitoring of CCTV by APSU, Customs, Immigration Installation of EVD / ETD

Stages of Catering Security

1. Preparation stage 2. Pre-Setting stage 3. Hi-lift/ Transportation stage

Security Controls by the Caterer

• Officer to supervise Security Controls , Premises secured , Access control
• Personnel employed for preparation and delivery of catering supplies – regular employee
and should have undergone 01 Day Security Awareness Training
• Deliveries of Raw material and equipment to be X-rayed or physically checked
• Chilling rooms and refrigerators under strict control
• Catering carts should have proper locking systems
• Security certificate for each consignment to be loaded in aircraft,HLV’s should be securable

➢ The following points must be verified while accepting diplomatic mail bag:
• Visible external marks of their character
• Contain only diplomatic documents or articles intended for official use.
• Name and address of the consignee as well as that of the Foreign Diplomatic Mission /
Consular Post a sender.
cargo manifest which should signed by Airlines Security & APSU/ASG before it is loaded in the

As per BCAS AVSEC Order 06/2015, following are the categories of personnel who are
exempted from pre-embarkation security checks.
01 President 11 Chief Justice of the High Courts
02 Vice President 12 Judges of Supreme Court
03 Prime Minister 13 Speaker of Lok Sabha
04 Former Prime Minister of India 14 His Holiness the Dalai Lama
05 Former Presidents 15 Spouse of the president of India
06 Former Vice-President 16 Union Ministers of Cabinet Rank
07 Chief Ministers of States & Union 17 Minister of State of the Union Council
Territories of Ministers
08 Deputy Chief Ministers of States & Union 18 SPG Protectees
09 Governors of States 19 Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha &
Rajya Sabha
10 Chief Justice of India 20 Lt. Governors of Union Territories

Action in case of Specific Bomb Threat Call

1) The aircraft will be shifted to isolated parking bay.
2) ASG/APSU will cordon the aircraft from a safe distance of 50m.
3) All registered baggage, cargo; unaccompanied baggage will be off loaded and kept 100
meters away from aircraft.
4) Catering vehicle to be parked 100 meters away from the aircraft and searched.
5) Thorough search of aircraft will be conducted by BDDS, Airline Engineers, Airline Security,
ASG/APSU, Airworthiness Officer & Dog squad.
6) Radios should not be used within 25 meters of a suspect device.

➢ Sky Marshals Can carry weapon on board aircraft. They should possess the WAC (Weapon
Authorization Card) issued by BCAS and id card issued by NSG. They travel scheduled given by
BCAS and are issued with Orange AEP.

1. DG-BCAS / COSCA --- is the appropriate authority for security issues

Responsibilities of DG-BCAS / COSCA is - Development,implementation and maintenance of
2. BCAS is the regulatory authority for civil aviation security in India.
Responsibilities of BCAS is --- Advising ,Planning ,Monitoring ,Coordination ,Training &
Technical Evaluation.
3. DGCA - Directorate General of Civil Aviation is the regulatory body in the field of Civil
Aviation primarily dealing with safety issues. It is responsible for regulation of air transport
services to/from/within India and for enforcement of civil air regulations, air safety and
airworthiness standards.
Aircraft security release certificate is signed by 05 departments of airlines.
1) Ground support 2) Engineering 3) Commercial 4) Catering 5) Airline Security
Exempted Consignments or CARGO
Live animals (AVI) , Accompanied Diplomatic mails , Some high value goods , Lifesaving
materials , Live Human Organs , Special Nuclear materials
Composition of Bomb Threat Assessment Committee (BTAC)
Airport Director -- coordinator
CASO -- member
Duty /Station Manager of airlines -- member
Representative from BDDS -- member
AWO of DGCA -- member
WSO of ATC -- member
Custom and Immigration officer
( in case of International airport ) -- member
Local police -- member
Definition of Insider Threat
“A malicious threat to civil aviation that comes from within the industry, airport or airline etc.
stakeholders, such as employees, former employees, contractors or business associates, who have inside
information concerning the organization's security practices, data and ICT systems”.

एि द्वेषपूणर ख़तरा जो नगर ववमानन िे भीतर इस उद्योग से जुडे िमरचारी पूवर िमरचारी ठे िेदारों या
व्यापार सहयोगगयों िे माद्यम से उत्पन्न हो सिता है जजन्हें हवाई अड्डे या एयरलाइन आदद िे भीतर
आने वाले सुरक्षा प्रथाओं डेटा और आईसीटी शसस्टम िे बारे में जानिारी होती है .

Potential (संभाववत) Candidates of Insider Threat

Airport staff , Stakeholder Airport Based Employees, Security Officers/ screeners , Law
Enforcement Agents , Aircraft Crew Members , Disgruntled dismissed employees

Factors that make Insider Threat a Challenge (चन

ु ौनतयां)

o PTSD – Post Trauma Stress Disorder

o Benefit of doubt for authorized personnel
o Identity theft
o Vastness of airport
o Advancement in Technology

Landside security

Potential modes of attack may include (हमले िे संभाववत तरीिे)

a) Person – Borne IED (PBIED) and MANPADS;

b) IED placed inside or near airport key points (non – suicide attack);
c) Armed assault at a public area of an airport;
d) Vehicle – Borne IED (VBIED) attacks and terminal ram-raiding; and
e) An attack by means of chemical, biological and/or radiological agents.

Vehicle check system with License Plate Reader (LPR) have been installed on the approach
road to the terminals.

Cyber Threat

The data used for civil aviation operations :-

i.Access control and alarm monitoring systems;

ii.Departure control systems;
iii.Passenger and baggage reconciliation systems;
iv. Screening systems and/or explosive detection systems, whether networked or operating
in a standalone configuration;
v. Regulated agent and/or known consignor (cargo supply chain) databases;
vi. Air traffic management systems;
vii. Aircraft operator reservation and passenger check-in systems;
viii. Closed-circuit television surveillance systems; and
ix. Security command, control and dispatch systems.

नागररि उड्डयन अशभयानों िे शलए उपयोग किए गए डेटा: -

1. आवागमन ननयंत्रण और अलामर म़ॉननटररंग शसस्टम
2. प्रस्थान ननयंत्रण प्रणाली
3. यात्री और सामान सुलह प्रणाशलयां
4. स्क्रीननंग शसस्टम और / या ववस्फोटि पहचान प्रणाली चाहे एि स्टैंडअलोन ि़ॉजन्फगरे िन में
नेटविर हो या ऑपरे दटंग हो
5. रे गल
ु ेटेड एजेंट और / या ज्ञात िागो आपनू तर श्ंख
ृ ला) डेटाबेस
6. वायु यातायात प्रबंधन प्रणाली
7. ववमान ऑपरे टर आरक्षण और यात्री चेि-इन शसस्टम
8. बंद सकिरट टे लीववजन ननगरानी प्रणाली तथा
9. सुरक्षा िमांड ननयंत्रण और प्रेषण प्रणाली

a) Systems and data identified as critical from an aviation safety point of view, such as:
i) Air traffic management systems;
ii) Departure control systems;
iii) Communication, navigation and other safety-critical systems of an aircraft;
iv) Aircraft command, control and dispatch systems;

a) शसस्टम और डेटा जजसे ववमानन सेफ्टी िे दृजष्ट्टिोण से महत्वपूणर माना जाता है, जैसे:
i) वायु यातायात प्रबंधन प्रणाली;
ii) प्रस्थान ननयंत्रण प्रणाली;
iii) एि ववमान िे संचार, नेववगेिन और अन्य सुरक्षा-महत्वपूणर प्रणाशलयों;
iv) ववमान िमांड, ननयंत्रण और प्रेषण प्रणाली

b) Systems and data identified as critical from an aviation security point of view, such as:
i) Regulated agent and/or known consignor databases;
ii) Access control and alarm monitoring systems;
iii) Closed-circuit television surveillance systems;
iv) Passenger and baggage reconciliation systems; and
v) Screening systems and/or explosive detection systems, whether networked or
operating in a stand-alone configuration;
b) शसस्टम और डेटा जजसे ववमानन शसक्यूररटी बबंद ु से महत्वपूणर माना जाता है, जैसे:
i) ववननयशमत एजेंट और / या ज्ञात िागो डेटाबेस
ii) एक्सेस ननयंत्रण और अलामर म़ॉननटररंग शसस्टम
iii) बंद सकिरट टे लीववजन ननगरानी प्रणाली
iv) यात्री और सामान सुलह प्रणाशलयां तथा
v) स्क्रीननंग शसस्टम और / या ववस्फोटि पहचान प्रणाली, चाहे स्टैंड-अलोन ि़ॉजन्फगरे िन में
हो या नेटविर ऑपरे दटंग में हो

c) Systems and data identified as critical from an aviation facilitation point of view, such
i) Aircraft operator reservation and passenger check-in systems;
ii) Flight information display systems;
iii) Baggage handling and monitoring systems; and
iv) Border crossing and customs systems.

सी) शसस्टम और डेटा जजसे एववएिन सुववधा िेंद्र से महत्वपूणर माना जाता है, जैसे कि:
i) एयरक्राफ्ट ऑपरे टर आरक्षण और यात्री चेि-इन शसस्टम
ii) उडान सूचना प्रदिरन प्रणाली
iii) बैगेज हैंडशलंग और म़ॉननटररंग शसस्टम तथा
iv) ब़ॉडरर क्ऱॉशसंग और िस्टम शसस्टम

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