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Baby Stripes Cardigan

By: Lorna Miser

Sizes: 6 months (1 year, 2 years) = chest sizes 20”( 22”, 24”)

Materials: LORNA’S LACES Shepherd Worsted (100% superwash merino wool, 4 oz., 225 yards each):
1 (1, 2) skein Multi-color and 1 (1, 1) skein Nearly-solid, 4 (5/8”) buttons

Needles: size 8 double points and size 8 24” circular needle or size needed to obtain gauge

Gauge: 18 sts = 4” in double seed stitch

Note: Totally seamless construction! Body is knit in one piece, back and forth, up to the underarm.
Sleeves are knit in the round up to the underarm. All pieces are then joined and the yoke is knit back and
forth as one piece. False raglan seamlines are formed with centered, double decreases at marked stitch

Double seed stitch (worked on an even number of sts + 2 edge sts, back and forth):
Row 1 (wrong side): P1 (edge st), *k1, p1* to last st, end with p1 (edge st).
Row 2: K1, *k1, p1* to last st, end with k1.
Row 3: P1, *p1, k1* to last st, end with p1.
Row 4: K1, *p1, k1* to last st, end with k1.

Double seed stitch (worked on an even number of sts, in the round):

Rounds 1 & 2: *K1, p1* around.
Rounds 3 & 4: *P1, k1* around.

1 x 1 ribbing (worked on odd number of sts, back and forth):

Row 1 (wrong side): P1, *k1, p1* across.
Row 2: K1, *p1, k1* across.

1 x 1 ribbing (worked in the round):

All rounds: *K1, p1* around.

Body: Using circular needle (working back and forth) and solid, cast on 77 (85, 93) sts. Work in 1 x 1
ribbing for 5 rows. Cut solid. Join multi-color. Begin stripe pattern:

Row 1 (right side): Knit across increasing 9 (9, 11) sts evenly across to 86 (94, 104) sts.
Row 2: P1 (edge st), *k1, p1* to last st, end with p1 (edge st).
Row 3: K1, *k1, p1* to last st, end with k1.
Row 4: P1, *p1, k1* to last st, end with p1.
Row 5: K1, *p1, k1* to last st, end with k1.
Rows 6-9: Repeat rows 2-5 once.
Row10: Change to solid, purl across.
Rows 11 & 13: K1, purl to last st, k1.
Rows 12 & 14: P1, knit to last st, p1.

Repeat rows 1-14 (with no further increasing on row 1) until body measures 6 1/2 (7, 81/2)”. End after any
wrong side row, sleeves must finish on the same row repeat so that the pattern will match for yoke. Cut
yarn and set aside.
Sleeves: Using double point needles and solid, cast on 26 (28, 30) sts. Being careful not to twist cast on
edge, join. Work 1 x 1 ribbing around for 5 rounds. Begin stripe pattern:

Round 1: Change to multi-color, knit around increasing 6 (8, 10) sts evenly to 32 (36, 40) sts.
Rounds 2 & 3: *K1, p1* around.
Rounds 4 & 5: *P1, k1* around.
Rounds 6-9: Repeat rounds 2-5 once.
Round 10: Change to solid, knit around.
Round 11-14: Purl around.

Repeat rounds 1-14 (with no further increasing on row 1) until sleeve measures 6 1/2 (7, 81/2)”. End sleeves
after same row as body. Cut yarn. Slip the first 2 and last 2 sts onto a scrap of contrasting yarn for

Join Body and Sleeves for Yoke: Pick up body and join appropriate yarn. Work across 19 (21, 23) sts for
right front, *slip next 4 sts onto scrap yarn, work next 28 (32, 36) sts from one sleeve marking 1st and last
sleeve sts for raglan decreases (mark the center of these sts, not between sts)*, work across 40 (44, 50) sts for
back, repeat between *’s once, work across 19 (21, 23) sts for left front. 134 (150, 168) sts total. Continue
in patterns, work 3 more rows even.

Begin yoke decreases: Keep marked sts in stockinette for all rows. Move marker up as needed. Work
raglan decreases every right side row and v-neck decreases every other right side row as follows: Next row
(right side): K1, k2tog, *work to 1 st before marked st, sl2tog as if to knit, k1, pass 2 sl sts over*, repeat
between *’s 3 more times, work to last 3 sts, ssk, k1.

Wrong side rows: Work even, keeping marked sts as purl.

Next row: K1, *work to 1 st before marked st, sl2tog as if to knit, k1, pass 2 sl sts over*, repeat between
*’s 3 more times, k1.

Continue yoke and neck shaping until 34 (42, 50) sts remain, ending after a wrong side row. Slip remaining
sts onto one of the double point needles.

Front edging: Using circular needle and solid, start at lower right front edge and pick up 4 sts for every 5
rows. Approximately 55-56 (59-60, 65-66) sts, knit across 34 (42, 50) sts from double point needle, pick up
matching number of sts for left front. Approximately 145 (161, 181) sts. Adjust if needed to make an odd
number of sts.

Work back and forth in 1 x 1 ribbing for 2 rows. Make button holes on left edging for boys and right
edging for girls. Buttonhole placements at the bottom ribbing and at lower 3 solid stripes on body.
Buttonhole row (wrong side): work across row in ribbing to buttonhole placement ending with k1, *p2tog,
yo, rib to next bh placement *, repeat between *’s for a total of 4 buttonholes, rib to end. Work 2 more
rows ribbing. Bind off.

Underarm finishing: Use kitchener stitch or weave 4 body sts to 4 sleeve sts. Weave in ends to close any
gaps at join.

Sew on buttons. Snuggle a baby!

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