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Antara Chakrabarty
Edward Said
Pierre Bourdieu
• Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of
Taste, 1984.
• Language and Symbolic Power, 1991.
• The Political Ontology of Martin Heidegger, 1991.
• The Love of Art: European Art Museums and Their
Public, 1991.
• Forms of Capital(1986)
Michel Foucault
Jurgen Habermas
Anthony Giddens
Manuel Castells
G H Mead
Karl Mannheim
Alfred Schutz
Harold Garfinkel
Erving Goffman
Clifford Geertz
Claude Levi Strauss
Robert King Merton
Bronislaw Malinowski
A R Radcliffe Brown
Talcott Parsons
Max Weber
Karl Marx
Emile Durkheim

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