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A very good morning to the honourable judges, timekeeper, teachers

and my dear friends. Today, I’m going to recite a poem entitled on ‘ How
I see the world’.

How I see this world?

How I see this world?

I see this world as a happy planet as the little creatures moving

around happily…..

I saw a little bird ,

Go hop, hop…….happily

So I said. Little bird,

Will you stop, stop, stop?

How I see this world?

How I see this world?

I saw a big black cat,

Go meow, meow,meow….happily

So I said, big cat,

Will you stop, stop, stop?

How I see this world?

How I see this world?

I saw an elephant

Wawing of his trunk,…..happily

So I said, giant elephant,

Will you stop, stop, stop?

How I see this world?

How I see this world?

I saw a fierce lion, roaring at us,


How scary is that!

So I said, lion,

Will you stop, stop, stop?

How I see this world?

How I see this world?

I saw a tall giraffe,

Plucking leaves from a tree,….happily

So I said, giraffe,

Will you stop, stop, stop?

How I see this world?

How I see this world?

I saw the monkeys,

Hanging on the tree,….happily

Trying to get bananas from our hand

So I said, naughty monkeys,

Will you stop, stop, stop?

How I see this world?

How I see this world?


I saw a green snake,

So I said, snake snake

Will you stop, stop, stop?

How I see this world?

How I see this world?

I saw a white goat,

Meh,meh,meh,meh….going around happily

So I said, goat, goat

Will you stop,stop, stop?

And yes I was too happy.

That’s all for my poem today. Thank you.

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