[doi 10.2118%2F11583-MS] Lea, J.F.; Tighe, R.E. -- [Society of Petroleum Engineers SPE Production Operations Symposium - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (1983-02-27)] SPE Production Oper

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Society of PetroleLm Engineers of "IME

SPE 11583

Gas Well Operation With Liquid Production

by J.F. Lea Jr. and R.E. Tighe, Amoco Production Co.
Members SPE-AIME

Copyright 1983 Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME

This paper was presented at the 1983 Production Operation Symposium held in Oklahoma City. Oklahoma, February 27-March 1,1983 The material IS
subject to correction by the author. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words Write SPE, 6200 North Central Ex-
pressway, Drawer 64706, Dallas, Texas 75206.

ABSTRACT - Rotative (supplemental)

Gas Lift
Prediction of liquid loading in gas wells is
discussed in terms of intersecting tubing or system 3. Downhole Pumps: - Rod Pumps
performance curves with IPR curves and by using a - Jet HydrauliC Pumps
more simplified critical velocity relationship. - Electric Submersible Pumps
Different methods of liquid removal are discussed
including such methods as intermittent lift, plunger
lift, use of foam, gas lift, and rod, jet, and elec-
tric submersible pumps. Advantages, disadvantages,
and techniques for design and application of the The ability to be able to predict the
methods of liqUid removal are discussed. performance of a gas well is advantageous for sev-
eral reasons. Current completions can be made with
INTRODUCTION future performance considered. Future hardware
changes required to optimize production can be
The loading up of a ~ well with produced scheduled and included in economic plans. These
fluids becomes a problem when the tubing velocity changes may include changing tubing size or perhaps
becomes too small to maintain steady flow condi- adding a method of artificial lift to eliminate
tions. The problem is not due to an insufficient liqUid loading. Also if performance can be success-
gas-liquid ratio, but it can be attributed to a too fully analyzed, reservoir predictions for recover-
low gas producing rate due to iow reservoir pressure able reserves can be made while considering tubing
(BHP) or low reservoir permeability for given condi- or system performance. Without system performance,
tions. In either case, produced liquids begin to projections are often made by just assuming a rea-
accumulate in the tubing. It is the engineer's job sonable fixed flowing bottomhole pressure calculated
to predict, if possible, when liquid loading will for a given set of conditions. Then the calculated
become a problem and how to operate the well subse- flowing BHP is held constant while using a reservoir
quent to that time so that well problems are mini- simulator to project future performance and
mized and the maximum amount of gas reserves are resulting recoverable reserves. Liquid loading
produced economically. It is the purpose of this problems in a gas well can reduce gas well produc-
paper to set forth the pertinent engineering consid- tion as performance declines to a much greater
erations and production options the engineer has in extent than may have been thought, resulting in
dealing with these tasks. The gas well deliquefica- decreased recoverable reserves and the requirement
tion methods which appear to have application are: of additional expenditures to maintain production.

1. Maintenance of Natural Flow: - Continuous An excellent reference on this subject was pre-
Flow sented by W. R. Greene l concerning "Analyzing the
- Intermittent Performance of Gas Wells." Greene presents the con-
Flow cepts of inflow, outflow, and tubing performance
(with and curves. Also the concept of "flowpoint" is defined
without and the graphical determination of reservoir aban-
Siphon donment pressure is present.ed. This particular
strings) paper was written with gas wells considered that
could be characterized by the conventional "4 point
2. Assisted Lift: - Plunger Gas Lift test" or a "back pressure test." Tubing performance
- Foam (surfactant injection) was generated using the Gray multiphase flow corre-
Lift lation 2 developed for gas wells producing some con-
densate and/or water. Experience has shown this


corre ation works well with high GLR production, h pay interval, ft
even at liquid rates exceeding those for which the
correlation was developed. drainage radius, ft

Figure 1 illustrates such performance curves rw wellbore radius, ft

for an example gas well. This plot illustrates cUr-
rent reservoir performance (IPR curve), tubing or s = skin effect excluding turbulence
system performance at bottomhole conditions (steady (could increase due to liquid
with time) and the surface observable outflow curve accumulation around wellbore)
which is the sand face pressure from the IPR minus
the pressure drop up the tubing.
To correct for turbulent pressure drop through
the formation matrix, an additional pressure drop
may be added:
The IPR curve in Figure 1 represents a current
model of reservoir performance as a function of
sandface presSUre drawdown. In this example the IPR
curve was constructed using the so-called back pres- C + Dq (3)
sure equation. q

q (1)

where: q Rate of flow, MSCFD. 1

Dq q
C A constant characteristic of the well's
current performance. ~ turbulence factor, ft-l

P Shut-in reservoir pressure, psia.

Yg gas gravity (air = 1)
P Flowing bottomhole pressure, psia.
Jones, et al. 3 , demonstrate how D may be found
n ~ A numerical exponent, characteristic of from plotting tJl2jq VB q to allow the user to obtain
the well. the needed constants for the above gas inflow
expressions. However, the majority of the times
Ref. 1, among others, indicates how this rela- when liquid loading is a problem, the rate has
tionship can be found to fit a "4 point" test diminished such the turbulent pressure drop is
plotted on a log-log plot of differences in pres- small.
sures squared vs rate.
Tubing Performance CUrve
To correct for pressure varying fluid proper-
ties, the following more complete rate-pressure The tUbing performance Curve is the pressure
equation may be used 3 for radial semisteady-state drop through the tubing required to establish a cer-
gas flow. tain flow rate plus the surface pressure which the
flow encounters at the surface plotted vs rate.
Note that although this is labeled "tubing perform-
[Jl2 ance," it could just as well be labeled system per-
C (2) formance to include, for example, the pressure drop
in the tubing plus the drop through a surface choke,
and a flowline plus a constant pressure at a sepa-
2 rator.
where; tJl2 1'2 _ P
Note that most multiphase performance curves
q gas rate of flow, MSCFD are generated from correlations which usually con-
1424 I::l ZT sider the sum of pressure drops due to elevation,
C (In 0.472 + s) friction, and acceleration, or:
kh r

viscosity, cp, at ~ (4)


where: pressure gradient in the tubing, psi/ft.

Z gas compressibility factor at

T reservoir temp., oR Various correlations, most of which are dis-

cussed in Ref. 4, have been developed to generate
k reservoir permeability, md multiphase flow pressure gradient calculations.


When liquids are present, larger tubing pressure

drops occur at low rates due to liquids accumula-
tions. At higher rates, friction causes the curves In general, to analyze liquid loading of a gas
to slope upward and to the right from some interme- well, one method, which considers the reservoir as
diate minimum value. Because of the shape, these well as the tubing performance, is to attempt to
curves are sometimes referred to as ItJ" curves. match current performance by intersecting an IPR
curve with a tubing performance Curve. Then as the
Notice that the tubing performance curves which are well IPR declines to the point where it is tangent
a plot of flowing BHP vs rate at constant GLR are to a tubing performance curve that is beginning to
constant for all time unless pipe roughness, GLR, or show increased pressure drop at lower rates (due to
surface pressure should be allowed to change with liquid loading), loss of production is predicted for
time. the well. In order to present a complete analysis,
it is desirable to predict future IPR curves to be
When both the IPR curve and the tubing performance able to project when the well will begin to die as a
curves are generated, the projected rate of the well function of time and/or reservoir shut-in pressure.
can be found as the rate at the intersection of the
IPR curve and the tubing performance curve (pt. A on Future IPR Curves
Fig. 1) Various tubing performance parameters can be
varied to determine their projected effects on rate Standing 5 has developed a method of generating
by simply generating various tubing curves with var- future IPR curves from a present IPR. This method
ious parameters, and determining where they inter- requires that relative permeability to oil, oil vis-
sect the IPR curves. cosity, and the formation volume factor be known for
future conditions.

The pivot point methodS discussed by Uhri and

Another plot, discussed by Greene l is the so- Blount uses two previous well tests and respective
called outflow curve. This is simply the IPR curve static reservoir pressures to predict future well
minus the rate varying pressure drop through the performance. Saturation, PVT or relative perme-
tubing. This is the surface observable wellhead ability data are not required. Fig. 2 shows future
inflow pressure. The well is projected to flow at IPR curves at abandonment conditions for an example
the point where the actual wellhead pressure inter- well with tubing curves generated with various sUr-
sects this curve (pt. A' on Fig. 1). Also, note face pressures. This figure illustrates the need of
that the maximum value of the outflow curve is at projecting IPR performance with time and/or reser-
the last sustainable flow possible from the well. voir shut-in pressure as well as demonstrating more
Another way of describing this is that an intersec- favorable abandonment conditions when surface pres-
tion of tubing performance curves with IPR curves in sures are reduced by eliminating restrictions or
the area where the tubing performance curve slants adding compression.
upward and to the left is an unstable flow point.
Any flow fluctuation to the left of an intersection Low permeability wells (k= .1, .01, ? md) are
in this region creates a higher tubing pressure more difficult to analyze because it can be practi-
required for flow than the available sand face pres- cally impossible to obtain stabilized test data due
sure and the well will die. Any fluctuation of flow to the long flow times required. Because of this,
to the right of the intersection creates a situation multipoint well test conventional procedures such as
where the sand face pressure is greater than the the flow after flow or isochronal 4 pt. tests do not
required tubing pressure and the flow will tend to give useful information. Also, because most low
increase or move towards the flow rate where the permeability wells are fractured to enhance produc-
tubing curve slopes upward and to the right and tion, the fracture flow must be considered in any
intersects the IPR curve. analysis of the well's productivity. Ref. 7 illus-
trates a method of calculating future IPR curves for
fractured gas wells. The method requires that pref-
racture and postfracture data are collected for the
As the well depletes, the IPR curve becomes well. Then by entering reservoir model generated
smaller, or shrinks somewhat parallel to the orig- type curves, future IPR curves can be generated and
inal curve and will finally drop to the point where plotted to intersect tubing performance curves. An
it is barely tangent to the IPR curve as shown in example plot is shown in Fig. 3 to illustrate the
Fig. 1. Then, just a slight depletion of the reser- results of this method. Note that the shut-in pres-
voir will result in a situation where the IPR curve sure has not changed with time because the well
and the tubing curve do not intersect and the well drainage radius is calculated to have not yet
will cease to flow. Another way of saying this is reached a boundary. In the example shown, the
that the well has loaded with liquids and the reser- 2.441 in. I.D. tubing is predicted to load with
voir does not have sufficient pressure available to liquids in about 12 months, the 1.995 in. I.D.
lift the liquids resident in the tubing. Note that extends production to 24 months and the 1.661 in.
if the tubing is flowing all gas with no liquids, I.D. tubing predicts production to continue beyond
then the shut-in reservoir pressure must deplete 60 months.
near the surface pressure of the tubing plus the
weight of the gas column in the tubing before flow
ceases. Normally the abandonment condition is
selected about 100 psi above the calculated values
from the intersections of curves such as these
because it is desirable to flow a well with positive
pressure differential between the wellhead and sales
line l •


Using the following constants for physical


Turner's Method

Another approach to predicting safe or "min-

imum" flow rates to avoid liquid loading in the a 60 dyne/em a 20 dyne/em
tubing is based on the concept that the gas velocity
must be high enough to transport liquid droplets to T T
the surface in mist flow. Turner et al. 8 made an
analysis of the minimum gas velocity necessary for 67 lbm/ft 3
producing liquid droplets from wells and for moving
a liquid film up the tubing wall. He arrived at a gas gravity 0.6
minimal critical velocity using the droplet model by
comparison to data. Predicted critical velocities
were compared to the gas velocity of producing wells and increasing calculated velocities by 20% to agree
at wellhead temperature and pressures. with Turner's data gives:

The critical velocity found by Turner 8 for his

droplet model results from simply equating the 5.3
upward velocity drag on the calculated largest drop- V (7)
lets to the downward weight of the droplets which g, water
results in a terminal velocity situation. The size
of the droplets was determined from a correlation
developed by Hinze 9 which considers the shear due to
the gas velocity balanced against the surface ten- V (8)
sion forces of the droplet which keep the droplet g, condensate
from shattering into smaller droplets. Turner's8
relationships were developed as follows.
where the V 's above are minimum values of gas
velocity neeessary at pressure p to carry up drop-
lets of density PL'

(weight) (drag)
The minimum volumetric flow rate for a partic-
CD P Ap V2t ular velocity and pipe size may be calculated as
(5 )

q (min) (9 )

where: g local acceleration of gravity,

32.2 ft/s2 where: q (min) m1n1mum flow rate for continuous
liquid removal, MMSCFD
gc = gravitational constant,
32.2 Ibm-ft/lbf-s 2 V
= gas velocity, ft/sec

CD drag coeffiCient, dimensionless A conduit area, ft 2

gas density, Ibm/ft 3 z gas deviation factor evaluated at T and

the pressure used to calculate V
liquid density, Ibm/ft 3 g
T temperature, OR
terminal velocity, ft/sec
P pressure, psi
VOL volume of the droplet, ft 3

A projected area of the droplet, ft 2 Turner's8 work suggested that the wellhead
pressures be used for evaluation of well liquid
D particle diameter, ft loading.

The model was verified to about 130 bbl/MMSCFD.

Solving for V and including a relationship9 for If both water and condensate are present, then the
d rop 1et S1ze t.
g1ves: equation for water is suggested for use.

Fig. 4 shows a tubing performance curve generated

1. 59 a 1/4( P )1/4
L - Pg (6)
from the Duns and RosiO correlation. Also plotted
on this graph are the superficial gas velocities at
the top and bottom of the well. The dash lines are
the critical velocities according to Equations 7 and
8. Notice that the critical and actual gas


velocities intersect at about .75 MMCF/D when using gas well to match market demand. The objective of
surface pressure. However, the actual and critical intermittent flow is to accumulate enough gas in
velocities crossed at about 1.0 MMCF/D when the Tur- storage, both in the near well reservoir area and/or
ner's calculation is made at bottomhole conditions. the casing annulus, and inject this gas under an
This shows that when the critical velocity corre- accumulated fluid column for a short period of time
sponds to the actual velocity in the well, the to produce the liquids to surface.
highest critical rate required to lift liquids is
calculated at bottomhole conditions. From this As a well begins to load with liquids it will
example it appears Turner's method be used in begin to head (produce liquids in irregular bursts).
conjunction with a pressure drop to One way of increasing well production and extending
estimate bottomhole pressure, and then Turner's the life of the well is to place the well on an
critical velocity should be compared to the calcu- intermitter controlled by casing pressure. When the
lated velocity at bottomhole conditions. Also note tubing is opened (on a signal from a specified
that the last point of tangency of the tubing per- casing pressure buildup), accumulated liquids will
formance curve with an IPR curve with slope of about be brought to the surface with gas production. As
45 0 could be imagined to be about .45 MMCF/D. This the liquids are cleared from the bottom of the well,
would indicate from this example that the method of the casing pressure will begin to drop sharply. At
Turner is conservative when using the Ros1o correla- this time the tubing can be shut-in on low casing
tion, and the IPR intersection, because it indicates pressure and buildup can begin again. In wells
a higher rate than necessary to maintain continuous which are experiencing severe heading, placing the
liquid unloading than determined from inspection of well on an intermitter can in many cases increase
the last possible "J" curve-IPR curve intersection. the daily production even though the shut-in periods
allow no flow (15, 16). Typical shut-in periods
might be 1/5 of the flowing period but would vary
from well to well.
Meschack and Ikoku 11 also present a recent
analysis of tubing flow with consideration of drop- One problem when setting casing pressures is
lets in the annular core and the interaction with when should the intermitter function is to allow
the liquid film on the tubing. The results indicate casing buildup pressure which will result in the
what rate of liquids can be entrained with various critical tubing velocity. The following approach is
gas rates. Other approaches are discussed in Refer- suggested as a target value for the well with an
ences 12, 13 and 14. open annulus, i.e., no downhole packer:

Prediction of liquid loading conditions in gas (I + ~) (10)

wells can be made by "stand alone" models which
predict critical velocity and/or by intersecting
tubing performance curves developed with multiphase
flow correlations with reservoir IPR curves. where P Casing buildup pressure, psi
The TurnerS model, or critical gas velocity P Casing pressure prior to buildup, psi
analysis, was developed to be applied at wellhead (Casing pressure while tubing is
surface conditions. However, it is shown here that flowing
a higher critical required rate is calculated at the or, for siphon strings use 110% of
bottomhole conditions. Using the Turner 8 equation caSing-tubing differential pressure
at bottomhole conditions then requires use of a mul- plus
tiphase flow pressure drop model. Also, the pres- the surface tubing delivery pressure.)
sure dependence of hydrocarbon surface tension is
not used in Turner's development. With the above Vc Actual casing volume, cu. ft.
modifications, this type model seems to predict con-
servatively but may not contain enough physics of V Actual tubing volume, cu. ft.
the problem to be expected to work satisfactorily
under broad conditions. D Tubing landing depth, ft.

K Factor for flowing friction loss

Use: K 27000 for 1. 610 in tubing
The previous section discussed how to theoreti- K 33500 for 1. 995 in tubing
cally predict gas well performance and when liqUid K 45000 for 2.441 in tubing
load will prevent continuous production. As a well
nears the predicted last "flowpoint", evidence of The above K values were reported to match field
"heading" or slugging usually appears. Intermittent 7 and if calculated would require the
flow is a method of "regularizing" this type of flow input of a surfacing velocity in excess of 1200 fpm
and using the well's energy to the maximum without which is estimated to lift liquids in mist flow. It
the addition of additional gas or downhole equip- is also assumed that the casing storage volume sup-
ment. plies the gas to displace the slug to surface. The
gas stored in the reservoir by the buildup provides
Intermittent flow is when the well is alter- for sustaining the flow period to ensure liquid
nately shut-in and produced. Terms such as inter- removal in spite of flow losses due to gas slippage
mitting, stop-cocking, stop-clocking and blow-down and liquid hold-up in the tubing. Field experience
are associated with intermittent flow. It is usu- with a particular reservoir may show that more or
ally thought of as a technique to unload accumulated less pressure buildup is needed.
liquids rather than the periodic shutting in of a

Intermittent flow can be used on production may have better economics for tight formation wells
tubing or a siphon string application (discussed unless the well network is large and affords flexi-
later). Intermittent flow with siphon strings has bility in assisting critical wells at various times
the most application on wells suffering from low throughout the reservoir depletion time period. The
reservoir pressure. type of well which shows the best economics is the
high permeability but low BHP well that has a good
Intermitting should be considered to be more of PI. This type of well may be capable of substan-
an expedient measure rather than a solution to the tially more cumulative production with a lower sur-
loading problem. Other methods of unloading such as face pressure. For high permeability wells it will
tubing resizing, plungers, etc., may have better generally be economical to install compressors that
application. minimize wellhead pressure for eventual depletion of
the reservoir. Frequently it is desirable to con-
SIPHON STRINGS sider lowering wellhead pressure at an earlier time
if liquid loading problems hamper production from
A siphon string as defined here is any tubing some wells.
string that is landed in the liquid accumulation
zone at the bottom of the well and is used to PLUNGERS
produce liquid only to the surface. Usually a
siphon string is produced to a low pressure collec- The plunger lift installation utilizes a trav-
tion system or vented to the atmosphere. Gas is eling free piston (plunger) to interface between the
produced from the casing annulus or the annulus acclmulated liquids in the tubing and the lift gas.
formed by another tubing string. Thus, a siphon Basically it is a more efficient form of gas lift
string might be used with almost all of the delique- because the plunger reduces gas-liquid slippage as
fication methods, however, it is most commonly the liquid is displaced as a slug to the surface by
applied to intermittent natural flow or plunger lift the lift gas. There is no minimum critical tubing
where formation gas energy is used to unload accumu- velocity for liquid production with plungers as
lated liquids. there would be for flow up tubing. A typical equip-
ment arrangement for a plunger lift installation is
The general scheme of well operation is to open shown in Figure 5.
the siphon string, produce the liquids, then shut-in
the tubing without substantial after flow. Most Plungers can be successfully operated as long
commonly it is necessary to shut a producing well in as the producing GLR remains high enough. Some
for a buildup period sufficient to accumulate enough applications have been reported in wells with GLR's
gas to lift the liquid slug and clear the tubing. as low as 4000. Therefore, plunger lift is a satis-
However, this period can be minimal or unnecessary factory method for deliquefying gas wells through
when the surface pressure is atmospheric or a suit- reasonable reservoir depletion. For the typical low
ably low pressure collection system is used. The volume gas well (30 ± BLPD), plunger hft is prob-
specific operating conditions for a siphon string ably the most suitable method of deliquefication.
are determined by the engineering considerations Plunger installations are economical to install and
pertaining to the specific deliquefication method operate; they are reliable and they adapt to a wide
used. Either manual or automated cycle controls are range of well conditions. Successful plunger lift
used depending on operator preference or how often installations can be designed by engineers and oper-
blowdown is required. ated by field people. Plunger installations have
often lacked popularity because the operation is not
Siphon strings have the most application on low readily observable and wellhead instrumentation is
volume wells that have low bottomhole pressure since frequently inadequate for designing, monitoring, and
these wells have a low potential for pressure adjusting performance.
buildup as they become depleted.
The plunger lift cycle is termed "continuous!'
WF.T.T.HFAn CUfl.t' 11<:-> - MTNTMllH WFU.T.HFAn t'.I<~.:->:-> If{~ if a plunger cycles without interruption; it is
termed I!intermittent" when the well is shut in for a
When the gas producing rate becomes too low to buildup pressure or is held at the surface between
effectively remove liquids it is advisable to inves- successive cycles. Because of extremely high GLR's,
tigate options which will reduce wellhead pressure, most gas wells operate on an intermittent cycles
both as a means of reducing bottom hole producing which allows for production of gas (after flow pro-
pressure to stimulate more gas producing rate and duction) in excess of the volume required to surface
also as a means of achieving higher tubing veloci- the liquid slug and plunger. Further, plungers can
ties. Although minimizing wellhead pressure may not be operated in the gas production tubing or they can
be considered to be a separate gas well deliquefica- be utilized in a siphon string. When the plunger is
tion method, it can improve the effectiveness of in the production tubing, the well can operate with
natural flow and plunger operations. a downhole packer although a much more favorable
cycle operation will result when the annulus is open
The principal application of compressors to and the casing volume is used for cycle gas storage.
lower wellhead pressures is for sustaining contin- With a downhole packer, the formation must supply
uous flow from producing wells. For tight perme- all of the lift gas during the period in which
ability reservoirs it is probably desirable to have plunger rise occurs.
two or more wells in a system to provide useful
volumes and reasonably steady flow. Gas rates may Engineering approaches to the design of a
not improve substantially but the tubing velocity plunger lift installation are given in litera-
does increase as pressure is lowered, extending ture. 17 ,lS,19 One procedure 17 is to estimate the
liquid loading problems further into the future. casing pressure required to lift the slug weight
Generally speaking, other deliquefication methods just before the plunger is to surface and to


calculate the m~n~mum gas volume for displacing the around 3% of the tubing volume which allows for a
liquid slug to surface et that pressure. Gas in suitably low operating pressure and reasonable
excess of this amount is vented continuously or economy in the number of plunger trips to minimize
while the plunger is held at the surface. The fol- plunger wear. Fig. 8 shows the effect of tubing
lowing equations su~arize the Foss and Gaul 17 size on cycle pressures for equivalent slug sizes.
approach, however, the references cited are recom- Plungers are available for 1-1/2 in. and larger
mended for complete understanding of the engineering tubing, but the 2~3/8 in. tubing is usually the best
calculations. Since Foss and Gaul 17 used an average compromise between achieving minimum build up pres-
velocity of rise (1000 fpm) in a surface force sure and maximum casing storage volume. A further
balance, use of the actual velocity would correct limitation on the slug size is that it requires
the answers to some degree 19 . about 3 minutes per thousand feet to round trip the
plunger. The frequency of plunger trips can be det-
The casing pressure required in lift to the ermined by dividing the daily producing rate of the
slug, P , is determined from a force balance on the well by the measured slug size.
plungerCand slug as it reaches the surface.
Long flow periods of gas production with the
plunger held at the surface require longer buildup
P times to regain pressure in the casing before
releasing the plunger. However, experience and res-
where P Surface tubing pressure, psi ervoir modeling have shown that longer or shorter
ps Pressure to lift plunger, ~ 10 psi cycles (of producing and shut-in periods) within
Plf)P :::: Pressure offsetting pressure of liquid reason do not significantly affect the average well
head (P ) and flowing friction (P ), production in a tight gas well. As long as the
lh lf
psi (approximately 1.3 (P )) slope (rate) of the casing build up pressure rise,
D Tubing depth, ft as seen on a pressure chart, does not tend to level
K Constant to account for flowing gas off, the build up period is not greatly hampering
friction well production. The constant slope indicates the
reservoir is producing a steady influx of gas into
typically17 : K ::0 27,000 for 1. 610 in. tubing the wellbore.
K 33,500 for 1.995 in. tubing
K 45,000 for 2.441 in. tubing It is helpful to have tubing and casing pres-
sure readings to monitor cycle performance. The
casing-tubing differential is a function of the
The m~n~mum gas volume required to lift the liquid accumulating in the tubing. During tubing
slug, Q , is calculated as the gas in the tubing flow at low rates, a large differential usually
just betore the well is opened to cycle. indicates substantial liquid accumulation in the
tubing, i.e., the gas velocity is insufficient to
clear the tubing. Soon after the well is shut in
for the next cycle, the casing-tubing differential
Qc' MSCF/cycle (12) should reflect the height of the tubing liquid
column and the size of the slug to be lifted on the
next plunger rise cycle. This assumes that all of
where Actual Tubing Volume, cu. ft. the liquid remains in the tubing. When the plunger
Pressure reference base, 14.7 psia operation is contrary to design conditions, the
Temperature reference base, 520 0 R problem may be attributed to liquid under the
Average wellbore temperature, OR plunger, i.e., liquid from the casing and/or forma-
Gas compressibility factor at P tion entering the tubing after the plunger begins
and TA conditions. c its trip to the surface. This is recognizable from
a large casing-tubing differential throughout the
cycle or the beginning of the cycle if the slug
The usual procedure is to assume two or more underneath is falling away. To maximize liquid
slug sizes and to calculate the casing pressure for removal, a standing valve should be used to capture
these slug volumes. Next, the gas requirement is the liquid fall back in the tubing when the well is
calculated. The results of these two calculation shut in and the tubing should be landed low in the
steps are presented as illustrated by Figures 6 and perforations. These steps should minimize liqUid
7. The slope of the line shown in Fig. 7 represents under the plunger unless there is a tubing leak
the minimum GLR required for plunger lift operation which would allow the casing and tubing pressure to
in that well. The minimum slug size is determined equalize before the liquid is forced into the tubing
by plotting the well's actual producing GLR as shown during the pressure build up cycle.
on Fig. 7. The intersection of the producing GLR
line and the plunger gas requirement line gives the A plunger cycle can be controlled by pressure
smallest slug size that can be theoretically lifted or time cycle controllers. A pressure cycle may be
by the well with successive cycles. The plunger better for liquid unloading (lower GLR) and the time
cycle can be designed for any slug size to the right cycle may be better for wells that can operate with
of this intersection, provided the well can build up longer periods of "after flow" between plunger
the required lift pressure. If the GLR of the well cycles. Either type of controller works satisfacto-
is too low, it will simply slant to the right below rily for tight formation gas wells. The newer
the required gas/liquid line without intersecting. microprocessor controls appear to have great
potential since most of the engineering considera-
Usually plunger lift turns out to be a very tions for plunger lift can be incorporated into the
favorable deliquefication method for a well with a control unit logic.
GLR over 10,000 cubic feet per barrel. It is sug-
gested that the practical minimum slug size be

At't'L1CATlON OF FOAMING AGENTS TO nRT.TOUEFY GAS WELLS surfactant dosage is around 0.15-0.25% for good
surfactant compounds. Although only the water phase
With varying degrees of success, foam surfac- will form stable foam, the presence of brine and
tants have been sparsely used over the past 25 years hydrocarbons will increase the demand for surfac-
to aid in flowing liquid accumulations from gas tants. The optimum treatment dosage remains at the
wells. The general problem has been in predicting recommended level, but the total liquid should be
well response to foam surfactant treatment; specifi- used for sizing a treatment rate. Based on the data
cally addressing the questions of whether the well shown in Figures 9 and 10, the cationic surfactant
fluid will foam, what surfactant to use, and, most performed better in brines and condensate mixtures
importantly, what kind of tubing gradient, or pro- while surfactants of either character were satisfac-
ducing BHP, can be expected. Although the perform- tory in water only. Also note that in the region
ance of a foam surfactant in an individual well is around 50% hydrocarbon content, the apparent gra-
specific to the fluid characteristics and flow con- dient increases sharply, possibly indicating emul-
ditions of the well, some engineering information is sions or high viscosity effects.
available which allows predictions of well perform-
ance. Fig. 12 shows the comparison of producing gra-
dients obtained in laboratory tests on treated and
As a deliquefication method, foam is beneficial nontreated water systems. This graph compares
in removing liquids in a flowing well because the flowing gradients in a 2 inch laboratory column when
structure of the foam bubble ties the liquid with the liquid rate (6 BPD) is constant. At superficial
the gas and minimizes gas slippage and/or liquid gas velocities of less than 1000 fpm, the untreated
hold up in the tubing. Laboratory investigations system showed an increase in gradient due to liquid
have shown that stable (persistent) foam can be gen- accumulation. In tight formation gas wells, this is
erated in water but not (in a practical sense) in an unsteady region and the well begins to pressure
pure hydrocarbons. Surfactants interact at the cycle and may stop flowing as it attempts to recover
bubble interface to form a polar bond with the water from a depressured annulus. On the other hand, the
molecule whereas hydrocarbons do not have a similar surfactant system with less liquid accumulation
strong bond. Both fresh water and brines can be remained relatively stable through economical pro-
foamed effectively. The foaming tendency of pure ducing rates.
hydrocarbon liquids can be enhanced somewhat by
polymers which add viscosity to the liquid to mini- Governing physical relationships for foam can
mize the liquid drainage from the bubble wall, but be programmed to estimate well performance with foam
this mechanism is far less effective than the surfactants. A multiphase program may be generated
water-surfactant interaction in developing film modified for foam. When the gas rate exceeds the
strength. Mixtures of water and hydrocarbons, how- amount reqUired to generate foam at in situ pressure
ever, can be foamed. The water phase tends to foam and temperature, the system behaves like a two phase
while the oil phase liquid (generally being above system consisting of a free gas phase and a foam
40 0 API gravity) tends to disperse in the water and phase. The foam volume is based on the water pro-
foam. duced and the quality indicated in Figures 9 and 10.
To this volume, the volume of liquid hydrocarbons
Laboratory measurements of foam quality in a can be added and the weight of the two liquids is
flowing test column indicates that often the foam used to calculate the fluid density. The viscosity
quality of a water system is about 80%, i.e., the of the foam may be computed in the manner described
mixture is about 80% gas. Under dynamic flowing by Blauer et al. 20 , and shown in Fig. 13. When the
conditions, bubbles grow, rupture, and reform to more rigorous approach to calculating producing con-
maintain this average foam quality. Compared to the ditions cannot be used, the gradient shown in
foam quality produced in water only systems, the Figure 12 can be used for a rough estimate of the
effective foam quality of oil-water mixtures can be producing gradient in the typical foam application
adversely effected by high water salinity, the well. This assumes the high gradient shown in
light-end aromatic constituents of the hydrocarbon Figure 12 for low superficial gas velocities and
liquid, and the character of the surfactant itself. which is the result of high liquid loading in the
Figures 9 and 10 show the results of foam column test which conservatively approximates the effective
tests with various liqUid mixtures and surfactants. foam gradient for the typical field well with more
These tests were conducted in 0.75 in. I.D. diam- than 60% water cut. At higher superficial gas
eter column where the superficial gas velocity was velocities the liquid (foam) hold-up is minimal and
about 80 fpm and the producing GLR was approximately foam quality is less significant. The producing
1800 cu. ft/bbl. Changes in the pressure gradient bottomhole pressure is estimated by adding the well-
indicate changes in the effective liqUid head since head pressure to the total tubing pressure loss
the tests were run at low tubing velocities. Foam (gradient times depth). The actual bottomhole pres-
quality was superimposed on the figure using data sure can be verified in a flowing well without a
from other tests which measured foam quality for packer by adding the gas column weight in the
mixtures after stabilizing flow from a column and annulus to the casing head pressure to determine the
shutting in the column to measure the foam volume flowing BHP.
and the subsequent liqUid fraction after the foam
had broken. Available data from only three gas Foam unloading can be carried on as a contin-
wells showed the light-end aromatic (toluene) con- uous process or as a single event (batch). In batch
tent of the produced hydrocarbon condensate was treatments, surfactant is dumped into the annulus or
between 8 and 12%. tubing with enough chase fluid to ensure it reaches
the tubing intake depth. Foam sticks are sometimes
Some screening tests for surfactants have shown used although it is more difficult to gauge surfac-
that ionic surfactants tend to perform better than tant concentration. If the well unloads, it is
nonionic surfactants. Fig. 11 shows the optimum important to not excessively deplete the casing


pressure since it must continue to support the PUMPING METHODS

normal tubing multiphase flow pressure gradient.
For continuous treatment, the surfactant is pumped At first glance, downhole pumps appear to be a
into the annulus where it drains down the casing to very desirable method of deliquefication. LiqUids
the tubing intake. Sometimes the surfactant is are pumped to the surface through the tubing
injected through a capillary tube in the annulus to (siphon) string while the gas is produced through
the tubing intake depth. Since the surfactant the annulus. This scheme should enable maximum
volume may be small, it is usually desirable to drawdown of the reservoir. In practice, however,
dilute the surfactant at the surface to increase the the pump requires periodic repair and killing of the
volume actually injected. This enables better pump well, thus operating expense can be high and well
regulation and gives more assurance of the surfac- production may be impaired. Rod pumps are the most
tant draining to the tubing depth. popular pumping method. They suffer from rod and
pump failures due to fluid pound caused by gas
At the surface, the foam tends to dissipate as interference, valve problems which are particularly
the liquid drains from the bubble walls in the rela- bad if the pump is set deep and in the fluid column
tive quiescence of surface vessels. Foam carry-over load is high, and wear and corrosion problems due to
can occur if the holding time is too short or the the low lubricity and corrosion caused by produced
liquid is overtreated by some surfactants. Also, a fluids.
portion of the hydrocarbon liquid can form an
extremely tight emulsion but the quantity is gener- All forms of downhole pumping have been used
ally manageable by the usual water disposal method for gas well deliquefication including rod pumps,
or with additional treating. Overtreating with sUr- electrical submersible pumps, and hydraulic pumps.
factants should be avoided to minimize these prob- The design of pumps is well defined elsewhere and is
lems and to minimize surfactant cost. Surface not discussed herein. It suffices to say that down-
problems are likely to be greater if the water is hole pumps, particularly rod pumps, do have applica-
very saline and the light-end aromatic hydrocarbon tion in gas wells that produce higher liquid rates,
content of the mixture is relatively high. Labora- particularly wells producing over 30 bpd. The
tory tests to describe foaming agents, and field advantages of pumping systems are that they have the
tests from 60 wells where liquids were lifted from potential for maximum reservoir drawdown and sus-
gas wells using foam, are described in Monograph 11 taining well production at the lowest gas rates, and
published by the Bureau of Mines 1B . they are applicable on a per well basis as needed.
Generally speaking, for low liqUid rate wells, the
ROTATIVE GAS LIFT options for continuous flow (tubing sizing), plun-
gers, and foam should be thoroughly evaluated.
Rotative gas lift is a deliquefication method
wherein high pressure gas supplied by compression of Good downhole gas separation is necessary for
produced gas is used to gas lift the tubing string. pump operation. For rod pumps it is desirable to
The tubing string is equipped with gas lift valves land the tubing below the perforations to maximize
or a ported collar in the normal manner. Injected gas separation by gravity segregation. If the
gas merely supplements the natural formation gas and tubing is landed in the perforation area or above,
ensures adequate tubing gas velocity for continuous gas anchors or separation equipment should be
flow. A typical well arrangement is shown in employed.
Fig. 14. Gas lift valve design is not in the scope
of this paper but is amply detailed in References 22 There are some unique considerations for
and 23 and elsewhere. pumping liquids from gas wells:

The concept can be applied to a normal produc- Gas wells are usually drilled on wide spacing
tion tubing string or to a siphon string. In the and the lease is not electrified. Also, most
former case, the entire production stream is com- pumping wells are operated on an intermittent
pressed and sent to sales or gas lift service. In pumping cycle. Although it is common to eventually
the latter case, the well is eqUipped with dual run electrical power to pumping wells, there are
tubing strings and the interior tubing, usually a some alternatives. One scheme is to use pneumatic
1 inch tubing, is used as a siphon string. A sales pumping units which operate off of a differential
gas can be taken from the casing annulus which is gas pressure, usually the casing (sales) pressure
operated at sales line pressure. This scheme some- vented to the atmosphere or to a low pressure gas
times reduces the amount of gas that has to be com- collection system. This type of lift is good for
pressed and saves compression cost. shallow and intermediate (6,000 ft) depths. How-
ever, the system may not be much more favorable than
Gas compression is a relatively expensive oper- siphon strings using intermittent flow or plungers.
ation and supplemental gas lift may not be the most
practical method unless the reservoir has high Another alternative is a surface hydraulic rod
permeability and shows good response to reduced back pump with a gas engine prime mover. Newer type
pressure. Supplemental gas lift may be a viable hydraulic units have electronic cycle speed control
deliquefication method for rich condensate wells and variable displacement hydraulic pumps which give
that have low GLR's and high liquid rates. The them good flexibility in matching well liquid pro-
technique is not usually applicable to tight perme- duction rates. However, initial cost is a disadvan-
ability gas wells where the GLR is already high. In tage.
this case the additional pressure reduction does not
result in a large gas rate increase. Another more unique pumping method is the jet
pump. A current jet pump system utilizes concentric
tubing strings for power fluid and produced fluid in
an open power fluid system. The gas is produced


from the casing annulus. The system (made and used 11. Heshack, 1. L. and Ikoku, C. U., "Minimum Gas
in Canada) allows near complete drawdown since the Flow Rate for Continuous Liquid Removal in Gas
jet suction pressure is claimed to be capable of Wells," SPE Paper No. 10170 presented at the
being reduced to near the water vapor pressure at 56th Annual Fall Meeting of SPE of AIME in San
depth which is usually lower than casing sales pres- Antonio, Texas, October 5-7, 1980.
sure. Surface controls stop the power fluid when
the well produces gas through the tubing, however, 12. Duggan, Jack 0., "Estimating Flow Rates
gas production reduces pump efficiency and the Required to Keep Gas Wells Unloaded," SPE 32,
system then tends to regulate itself. The usually Gas Technology Symposium, April, 1961.
small volume of liquid produced by gas wells allows
the hydraulic unit to be economically small. The 13. Lisbon, Tim N., Henry James R., "Case Histo-
separator needs to be sized larger to provide surge ries: Identification of and Remedial Action
volume and degassing for the power fluid. The unit for Liquid Loading in Gas Wells --- Interme-
is capable of lift from 10,000 ft. Cost of the diate Shelf Play ," SPE No. 7487 (Oct. 1978).
installed system is comparable to beam pump equip-
ment. 14. Hutlus, E. J. and Granberry W. R., "Practical
Approach to Gas Well Liquid Removal," SPE
REFERENCES No. 3473 (Oct. '71).

15. Nind, T.E.W., "Principles of Oil Well Produc-

1. Greene, W. R., "Analyzing the Performance of tion," McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York,
Gas Wells," 25th Annual Southwestern Petroleum 1964.
Short Course, Lubbock, Texas CApril 20-21,
1978), Proc., pp. 129-135, 1978. 16. Gilbert, W. E., "Flowing and Gas-Lift Well Per-
formance," API Drill. and Prod. Practices,
2. Gray, H. E., "Vertical Flow Correlation in Gas P. 126, 1954.
Wells," User Manual for API 14B, Subsurface
Controlled Safety Valve Sizing Computer Pro- 17. Foss, D. L. and Gaul, R. B., "Plunger-Lift Per-
gram, App. B (June 1974). formance Criteria with Operating Experience -
Venture Avenue Field," Drilling and Production
3. Jones, L. G., Blount, E. M., and Glaze, O. H., Practices, API, 1965, pp. 124-140.
"Use of Short-Term Multiple Rate Flow Tests to
Predict Performance of Wells Having Turbu- 18. Hacksma, J. D., "Users Guide to Predicting
lence," SPE Paper No. 6133 presented at Plunger Lift Performance," presented at South-
SPE-AIME 51st Annual Fall Meeting, New Orleans, western Petroleum Short Course, Lubbock, Texas,
Louisiana, October 3-6, 1976. 1972.

4. Govier, G. W. and Aziz, K., "The Flow of Com- 19. Lea, J. F., "Dynamic Analysis of Plunger Lift
plex Mixtures in Pipes," (Book) Van Nostrand Operations," JPT, November 1982, pp. 2617-2630.
Reinhold Co., New York, 1972.
20. Blauer, R. E., Mitchel, B. J., Kohlhass, C. A.,
5. Standing, M. B., "Concerning the Calculation of "Determination of Laminar, Turbulent, and Tran-
Inflow Performance of Wells Producing from sitional Foam Flow Losses in Pipes," SPE Paper
Solution Gas Drive Reservoirs," JPT Forum, JPT, No. 4885, presented at the 44th Annual Cali-
September 1971. fornia Regional Meeting, April 4-5, 1974.

6. Uhri, D. C. and Blount, E. M., "Pivot Point 21. Dunning, H. N., Eakin, J. L., and Walker, C.
Method Quickly Predicts Well Performance," J., "Using Foaming Agents to Remove LiqUids
World Oil, May 1982, pp. 153-164. from Gas Wells," Bureau of Hines Monograph 11,
7. Lea, J. F., "Avoid Premature Liquid Loading in
Tight Gas Wells by Using Prefrac and Postfrac 22. Winkler, H. W. and Smith, S. S., "CAMCO Gas
Test Data," Oil and Gas Journal, September 20, Lift Manual," 1962, CAMCO Inc., Houston, Texas.
1982, pp. 123-128.
23. Brown, K. E., Day, J., Byrd, J., and Mach, J.,
8. Turner, R. G., Hubbard, M. G., and Dukler, "The Technology of Artificial Lift Methods,"
A. E., "Analysis and Predication of Minimum vol. 2a, Petroleum Publishing Co., Tulsa, Okla-
Flow Rate for the Continuous Removal of Liquids homa, 1980.
from Gas Wells," JPT (November 1969),
1475-1482. 24. Ziser, J. A., "Unique Gas Lift Hookup Used to
Dewater Gas Wells, It World Oil, July 1980.
9. Hinze, J. 0., "Fundamentals of the Hydrodynamic
Mechanism of Splitting in Dispersion Pro-
cesses," AIChE J. (September 1955), 1, No.3,

10. Duns, H.! Jr. and Ros, N.C.J., "Vertical Flow

of Gas and Liquid Mixtures in Wells," Proc.,
6th World Pet. Congress (1963), 451.



- 100)

::-::> 800
<.!) 600
~ 400


1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

DEPTH - 8000 FT. TUBING I.D. - 1.995 INCHES
SURF. PRESS. -400 PSI DEPTH • 8000 FT.

Fig. inflow. outflow. and 1Ubing performance curves for a gas well w,th some liquid Fig. 2-Example of the affect of reducing surface tubing pressure on "abandonment" condit,ons

3000 r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

WOR 1.0
2500 API 50
DEPTH; 8000 FT.
SURF. PRESS 400 psi 4000 50
LV. TUBING o 1.99,"
wS GAS. GRAV. • 0.7 40
:::J ~ 3000 SURF. TEMP. o lOOOF
18 1500 '0:::
"'..; SURF. PRESS ~ 400 PSI
WATER - 10 BIMMCFD 30 fr:
(.:;) UJ
z g: 2000 C
g -'
0 0
L.L. 1.661" :x: 20;:;:\
:;: >
-........;;;;;;,~F:::::;::;:;;:::;;;;;~d~::.l. 995" 0
2.1141" 1=
500 0
co 1000

O~~ __ ~ ____ ~ ____ ~ ____ ~ ______ L __ _~

o 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Fig. 3-lnteraction of reservoir inflow and tubing performance for low permeability fractured gas well Fig. 4~Calculatlon of crit,cal velocity at surface and botlomhole us,ng Ref. 8.

~ 8000
I ~I/
I- Pc-MIN.
'$Ol vl
~ ~lES REQUIRE{) G....S/liQUID
I I\
ORIfiCE a::

liNE UR[ ~
CONTROL :z: 400
FLUID lOAD 0 200 GLRMIN' ~ _- :;00
« • 1750 cu fflbbl


0 2 4

Fig. 6-Casing pressure VS. load size for plunger 11ft in 23./s·10. tubmg landed at 7,000 ft Fig. 7-Plunger cycle gas vs. load size for plunger lit! in 2 3!.s-In. tubing landed at
7.000 h


QUALITY. % 0.1 30
Fig. 5-Schema!ic of plunger iii! installation
0.1 30 .09
.09 40
.08 40 ~
.~ 300r-------------------------------------. ~
c. .07
c. .07 1-. 50
c:: z: J16
::J 1-. UJ
:z: ,06
<:: ,05
c:: 0 .05 a::
200 « ~
a:::: z
,04 :=:::
z: :::J .03
~ -I
:::J .03 0
u .02 18'1 TOLUtNEJ
6- 100 .01 - DESIGN CURVES
I- .01
0 o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
\ >
::J O~ ____ ~~L__ _~~L__ _~~L__ _~~~_ _~
0 ro 20 ~ ® ~ ro ro 80 90 ~
8' % WATER (FRESH) CUT (100.000 ppm NaCI Bri ne)
Fig. 8-Relative liquid column pressure of 1 bbl of liquid as a funclion of tubing size. Fig. 9-Foam column test with condensate and fresh wateL Superficial gas veloCIty at 60 fpm Fig. 10-Foarn column test w'l~ condensate and brine system. Superf.clal gas vetoclly at 60 fpm
"Vi 2" DIA. TUBE

0.4 1-------..~-+--------+UQUID RATE z 6BWPD
~ .04 0
"Vi <:
0. a::: 0.3

....... .03 ~
<: V>
a::: a:::
.02 a...
....J .01
0.1 FLOW


0 1 10 100 1000 10000
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Flg. 11-Surfactant screening test. Air-water system. Fig, 12-Producing gradients in lab column test at atmospheric pressure



r~60r-~---r--'---~~--~-­ fOUl PMENT

V) 40r-~---+--~--4---+--- ADJUSTABLE CHOKE
~ 2Or---+---+---+---1---1--+~--~ CONTROLLER
u... (j) WELL CASING

o~~~~~~~~~~ @

o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.9 GAS LIFT OPERATION VALVE


NOTE: !TEllIS 9, 10, and II ARE

Fig. 13-Etfeclive viscosity of foam as a funct~of1 of quality and shear fate fafter Blauer. et al. Ref. OPTIONAL AND USED f{)R

Fig. 14-Schematic eqUipment arrangement for continuous rotative gas lift

l , ",\

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