hrutvika kale weekly report

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IndustrialTraining WeeklyDiary

Weekly Diary


Industrial Training


V2V EdTech LLP

From 03/06/2024 To 13/07/2024

Name of Supervisor: Mr. Akshay Gaikwad

Designation of Supervisor: Project Lead

Name of the Student: Hrutvika rahul kale

Branch: AIML

Name of Polytechnic : CSMSS College of polytechnic

(Special instructions to students:

1) Write down the daily activity on the same day.
2) Make note of the important actual activity/iesonly.
3) Summarize at the week-end.
4) Add extra sheets if needed for daily or weekly activity report.)

Signature of Student:.............................. Signature of Industrial Supervisor.......................

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 1

IndustrialTraining WeeklyDiary

Week 1:From: 03/06/2024 To 08/06/2024

Expected Work:
i. Study of organization chart of industry/plant with responsibilities of the different posts
ii. General Study of industry, its location, its history and its product range, Its size,
number of employees, its turnover etc.

Day Activities carried out

1 Introduction to pyton programming -Installation, setup, and basic syntax.

2 Declaratiom and calling

- Variables, data types (integers, floats, strings), and basic operations.
- Print statements and using comments.

3 Condtional Statements - Conditional statements (if, elif, else).

4 Loops and control flow - Loops (for loops, while loops).

5 Functions - Defining functions, parameters, and return values.

6 Scope - Function scope and arguments.

Weekly summarization of the above activities:

Signature of Student:.............................. Signature of Industrial Supervisor.......................

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 2

IndustrialTraining WeeklyDiary

Week 2 :From 10/06/2024 To 15/06/2024

Expected Work: Study of layout and specifications of major machines, equipment and raw
materials/components used.

List the Sections of Industry visited and list the major machines, equipment and raw
materials etc. studied:

Day Activities carried out

1 Lists and List functions

- Creating and manipulating lists.
- List comprehensions.

2 Tuple and its function - Tuples and their immutability

3 Dictionaries and Sets

- Creating dictionaries.
- Dictionary methods and operations.

4 Creating Sets.
- Set operations and practical examples.

File Handling
5 - Reading from and writing to files.
- Handling file objects and file modes.
- Practical exercises with file operations.

Operators and their uses.

6 - Introduction to operators.
- Types of operators

Weekly summarization of the above activities:

Signature of Student:.............................. Signature of Industrial Supervisor.......................

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 3

IndustrialTraining WeeklyDiary

Week 3: From 17/06/2024 To 22/06/2024

Expected Work: Study of production processes along with production planning and control

List the Sections of Industry visited and list the major production process, and products
for which planning and control procedures etc. are studied:

Day Activities carried out

Introduction to OOP
1 - Understanding classes and objects.
- Attributes, methods, and instantiation.
- Basic OOP examples and exercises

2 OOP Concepts - Inheritance

OOP concept
3 - Encapsulation
- Polymorphism.

Overloading and overriding

4 - Method overriding
- Method overloading.

5 Problem solving - OOP exercises and problem-solving.

Introduction to data science

6 - What is Data Science ?
- What is Pandas?

Weekly summarization of the above activities:

Signature of Student:.............................. Signature of Industrial Supervisor.......................

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 4

IndustrialTraining WeeklyDiary

Week 4:From 24/06/2024 To 29/06/2024

Expected Work : Study of testing and quality assurance processes.

List the Sections of Industry visited and list the major testing and quality assurance
processes studied there.

Day Activities carried out

Working on data science

1 - loading the dataset copying the data
- loading the dataset copying the data

Project Planning (Dice Roll Game) - Designing classes for a dice game.

Project building and execution(Dice Roll Game)

3 - Implementing game logic using OOP principles.
- Testing and debugging the dice roll game

Text-to-Speech Project planning

4 - Introduction to text-to-speech libraries (e.g., pyttsx3).
- Implementing a text-to-speech program.
- Customizing voice, speed, and other parameters.

Refining and Presenting Projects

5 - Enhancing the dice roll game (e.g., adding user interface).
- Improving the text-to-speech program (e.g., multiple voices).
- Presentation preparation.
Dice Rolls Game
- Introduction to the game
6 - Installing necessary libraries (`random`, `pyttsx3`)
- Setting up the `pyttsx3` engine
- Writing text-to-audio function using `engine.say

Weekly summarization of the above activities:

Signature of Student:.............................. Signature of Industrial Supervisor.......................

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 5

IndustrialTraining WeeklyDiary

Week 5 From 1/07/2024 To 6/07/2024

Expected Work: Study of preventive and breakdown maintenance &safety Practice
adopted in industry.
List the Section so fInd us try visited and list
(i) The major machines/plants who sepreventive and breakdown
maintenance procedures studied.
Day Activities carried out
Dice Rolls Game (continued)
- Implementing dice roll logic using `random`
1 - Integrating text-to-audio feedback
- Testing and debugging the game

Automatic Message Sender/WhatsApp Message Bomber

- Introduction to `pywhatkit` and `pyautogui`
2 - Installing necessary libraries
- Overview of `pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg`
- Sending a message to a user-defined number at a specified time

Automatic Message Sender (continued)

- Using `pywhatkit.sendwhatsimage` to send images
3 - Automating screenshot taking and sending
- Testing and debugging the message sender
Turtle Graphics Programming
- Introduction to `turtle` graphics
4 - Installing the `turtle` library
- Basic turtle functions: `t.forward`, `t.backward`, `t.right`, `t.left`
- Drawing simple shapes

Turtle Graphics Programming (continued)

- Creating complex shapes and patterns
5 - Developing simple games using turtle graphics
- Testing and debugging turtle programs
Data Science Basics
- Installing `pandas`, `numpy`, `seaborn`, and `matplotlib`
6 - Introduction to handling data with `pandas`
- Finding null values: `df.isnull()`, `df.isnull().sum()`
- Copying data: `df.copy()`

Weekly summarization of the above activities:

Signature of Student:.............................. Signature of Industrial Supervisor.......................

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 6

IndustrialTraining WeeklyDiary

Week6: From 8/07/2024 To 13/07/2024

Expected Work : Report writing

List the Sections of Industry visited and list the major manuals/broachers such as
operational manual, safety manual, maintenance manual, quality manuals referred/
studied there for preparation of reports.

Day Activities carried out

Data Science Basics (continued)
- Calculating mean, median, and mode values
1 - Handling missing data with `.isna()` and `.fillna()`
- Practical exercises with data sets
Data Science Basics (continued)
- Calculating mean, median, and mode values
2 - Handling missing data with `.isna()` and `.fillna()`
- Practical exercises with data sets
Data Visualization
- Introduction to `matplotlib`
3 - Plotting basic graphs and charts
- Drawing box plots and outliers
Data Visualization (continued)
- Advanced plotting with `seaborn`
4 - Customizing plots and visualizations
- Practical exercises with real data sets
Project Execution
- Write and execute the Python code for the project.
5 - Ensure that the code runs smoothly and achieves the desired outcomes.
- Perform testing and debugging to identify and fix any issues.
- Document the code with comments and explanations for clarity.
Project Report
- Write a detailed report on the project.
6 - Include the project’s objectives, methodology, and results.
- Discuss the implementation details and any challenges faced during the project.
- Highlight the key findings and insights gained from the project.

Weekly summarization of the above activities:

Signature of Student:.............................. Signature of Industrial Supervisor.......................

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 7

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