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A Project Work Report


Nita Pandey
Exam Roll No.: 70302022 1

T.U. Regd. No.: 7-2-302-407-2017

Lumbini Banijya Campus, Butwal

Submitted to

The Faculty of Management

Tribhuvan University

InPartial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of


Butwal, Rupandehi
January, 2022
Table of Contents

Title Page

Supervisor 's Recommendation iii

Table of Cotents vi
List of Tables vii
List of Figures viii
Abbreviations ix
Background 1

Profile/place/events of Nabil Bank Limited 2

Objectives 3
Rationale 3
Review 4
Methods 6
Limitations 7
Data Presentation
Analysis of Results 11
Findings 16
Summary 18
Conclusion 18
List of Tables

Table Title of the Table Page No.

1 Total DepositComposition 9

2 Total Loan of Nabil Bank Limited 10

Descriptive Statistics of Nabil Bank Limited

4 Trend Value of Total Deposit of NABIL
5 Correlation between TotalDeposit and Loan and Advances

List of Figures

Figure Title of the Figure Page No.

1 Bar-diagram of Total Deposit Composition 10

Bar-diagram of Total Loan of Nabil Bank Limited 11

Trend line for Trend Value of Total Deposit of NABIL


Automated Teller Machines

Bachelor of Business Study
Coefficient of Variance


Nabil Bank Limited

NEPSE : Nepal Stock Exchange


Nepal Rastra Bank

Regd. Registration

Rs. Rupees
Standard Deviation


Background increase in the

capital formation factors that lead to
important domestic inflation andbalance
Denosit is one of the solving the problem of
nationaloutput income and employment, helps in making a
country self
size of capital formation
and foreign debts. Domestic factors which helped
of payment of the main
classical economists, one business community
Sustainable. According to Profit made by the
accumulation of capital. been assumed
formation was the
community and the saved one has
ofsavings in the role in determining
constituted the major part indeed plays a deceive
invested. They thought capital formation development. In the view of
to be economic
growth of national income and the process of economic
level and strategic position in
occupies the central and rate ofits
economists, capital
that lies in arapid expansion of the
underdeveloped economy exceeds the rate of
development in an of output which
of growth
investment so that it attains a rate
capital 1992).
the significant margin (Khan and Jain,
growth of populationby of the commercial banks. Without
importance functions commercial of
collection is one of the
Deposit So,it clear that the growth and
operate smoothly.
deposit the banks cannot Basically commercial bank accept the
upon its deposit bank
commercial banks depends bearing and interest
bearing deposit. The
such as no interest not with drawn
deposit in the two forms are withdrawn if
the customer whenever funds deposit
most provide cash to drawl. So it is clear that
funds as investment or loans a with
willtypically use the institution (Robinson, 1997).
function of financial
collection is the primary
of deposits. The types of deposits usually
public by way
Banks receive money from the deposit, other deposit etc.
are current deposit, saving deposit, fixed
received by the bank
deposits can be withdrawn by depositor
current deposit. Current
Current deposit is also called amount is meant for
individuals who wish to
cheques. Saving deposit
at any current by A saving a/c can be opened
with or
of their current income.
deposit small amounts out period. Fixed depositsare most
the expiry of specified
without cheque book repayable after to attract
bank. Banks have introduces other deposit schemes
useful for a commercial
construction deposit scheme, sickness
like home
deposits from different types of people
scheme, children plan,
gift old age pension scheme etc. (Rajeshwori, 2010).
benefit deposit
Ioan is amount that one gives to another and takes some return with fixed interest. In other
Ords loan is an arrangement in which a lender gives money to borrower and the borrower
ogTees to repay the usually along with different interest rate at specific future time. The basie
seoSe of bank / financial institution is to maximize the shareholder»s wealth by providing
and received retained
Sunerior level of financial services. Most of bank lending loan facility
in the numerator are considered
earning from loan facility as items of the interest. Total loan
as investments or assets for a bank in the
balance sheet. The total deposit in the denominator
are essentially depositing money to
can be considered as debt since the individual depositors
having an expected return equal to the prevailing deposit rates. These deposits can
the bank
be called by the depositor upon at any time (Akakpo,

Profile of Nabil Bank Limited

bank, commencing its business since
Nabil Bank Limited is the nation's first private sector
of extending international standard
July 1984. Nabil was incorporated with the objective
Pursuing its objective, Nabil
modern banking services to various sectors of the society.
points of representation.
provides a fullrange of commercial banking services through its 62
Nabil Remit agents throughout the
In addition to this, Nabil has presence through over 1500
marketing concepts in the
Nabil, as a pioneer in introducing many innovative products and
as it started
domestic banking sector, represents a milestone in the banking history of Nepal
as a focal objective while
an era of modern banking with customer satisfaction measured
doing business. Operations of the bank including day-to-day operations and risk management
fully equipped
are managed by highly qualified and experienced management team. Bank is
with modern technology which includes international standard banking software that supports
the E-channels and E-transactions.

Nabil is moving forward with a Mission to be *1st Choice Provider of Complete Financial
Solutions" for all its stakeholders; Customers, Shareholders, Regulators, Communities and
Staff. Nabil is determined in delivering excellence to its stakeholders in an array of avenues,
not just one parameter like profitability or market share. It is reflected in its Brand
Promise Together Ahead". The entire Nabil Team embraces a set of Values C.RIS.P",
representing the fact that Nabil consistently strives to be Customer Focused, Result Oriented,
Innovative, Synergistic and Professional. The paid up capital of Nabil Bank Limited is Rs.
Vision Statement
At Nabil, our Vision is to be a bank for all
across all geopolitical zZones and
strata of the nation that can provide myriads of financial sociocconomic
solutions and create values for all
Our stakeholders, to stand in the community with our economic and civic
roles, They look
forward toemerging as a first rate bank across all strata of the nation.
Mission Statement

At Nabil work together up to our vision and to bring it into reality. Our mission is therefore to
prove that Nabil is driven by the spirit for realizing those visionary aspirations. With that end
in view, we work in partnership with our stakeholders and the community at large. The
roadmap to reaching where we have set our mind on is by maneuvering our strategic action
plans through a well-teamed and synergistic workforce into industrial end products
customized services. The approaches are to differentiate our products by reengineering them
with the best technologies and management philosophy keeping in focus our customers'
satisfactionover and above everything else at all times. We have set our goals and objectives
to hone the skills of inspired HR force and tailor our products and services to that end.

Some of the objectives of this study are as follows:
To analyze the deposit trend collected by the bank.
To identify the relationship between deposit and loan of the bank.


Most of the primary function of commercial bank is to accept deposits and lend money to the
needy party. Generally, a bank should be careful at the time of lending. This study will
basically focus on the forms of deposits offered by Nabil Bank Limited and analyze how loan
and deposits are related to each other. For the development of various sectors, loan is
essential. As the basic function of bank is receiving deposits and lend money. Offering the
service of deposit allows the public to keep the money safe. Similarly, the nominal interest
rate gives by the bank through different alc. So, this study will elaborate the forms of
deposits account offer by the bank and mean while provide information about the deposit
mobilized by it.
In the part of literature review, the researcher has reviewed the available theoretical literature
andprevious empirical research on matters concerning deposit
Conceptual Review
researcher in the area of our problems has
Review of literature is a way to discover what the
been definitely answered. For
uncovered and also to avoid investigation problems that has
books, reports and views of scholars
preparing this report, the researcher uses different
the study.
which helps to present clear objectives of
Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Current Deposit
Saving Deposit
Call Deposit Deposit Composition
Fixed Deposit
Others Deposit

means the accepting money for the

Cheney & Moses (2001) states that deposit mobilization
of landing or investing of deposit of money from public in demandable sector.
where by an individuals or
Kotler (2002) states that a deposit mobilization arrangement
term deposit by
organization may place cash under the safekeeping on financial accepting
issuing debt. Securities and mobilize productive sector.
identification of trend of
Richard (1992) states that deposit mobilization of cooperative with
deposit and found that the trend of deposit is in increasing trend.

Sharp &Bailey (2001)states that, deposit may define as the surplus by individual depositors
of the bank that proportional to the risk assumed over some future deposit period. A bank is
an instruction where financial services are broadly offered and wide ranges of financial are
Ross (2000) states that deposit account is a current account at abanking institution that
allows money to be deposit and withdraw by an account holder with the transactions and

resulting balance being recorded on the bank's book some banks charge a fee
for this serice
wholeother may pay the customer interest on the fund deposited.
Bisher and Jordan (2006) states that, the investment is a
commitments of funds made in the
expectation of some positive rate of return. If an investor is properly undertakes the reture
willcommensurate with the risk investor assumes.
Van Horn (1976) states that investment may be defined as the purchase by an individual
institutional or investor of financial or real assets that risk assumed over some of investment
Joshi (2006) states that the bank is one who in the ordinary course of his business receives
money which he replays by honoring cheque of persons from whom or on whose account he
receiving it.
Below are indicated independent and depending variables included in the research topic
deposit analysis. The conceptual framework interlinks independent and dependent variables
as depicted in the figure.
Review on Previous Work

Liu, Molyneux and Wilson (2010) investigated the impacts of regional economic conditions
and risks of banks in European Banking. The identified that particularly regionally, an
increase in unemployment was parallel with increase of risks. They found out a non-linear
correlationbetween bank conmpetitions and stability.
Marshall (2013) investigated the impacts of global banking crisis of 2007-2009 on England.
Marshall stated that banking crisis in England began in London; it created a domino effect
and spread to other financial sectors through spatial interaction in an integrated way. The
study indicated that in addition to alternative opportunities, organisational and spatial
centralisation for deepening of financial sector has become an encouraging element of
Agrahari (2014) had study on cash management of Kumari Bank Limited, Bhairahawa with
objectives that identifying the various type of loan providing the Kumari Bank and lending
policy of the bank. He had found that lending policy of this bank isstrict and tight.

Uchino (2014) investigated geographical segmentation of bank deposit interest rates in the
Japanese banking sector with the help of panel co-integration model. The model consisted of
data that belong to47 provinces between 1999 and 2010. The empirical results of this paper

show a significant negative correlation between regional market concentration and pass
through, which implies the existence of geographical market segmentation.
Ansong and Chowa (2015) study analyses distribution of bank branches and their indicators
in Ghana through spatial analysis. The study founded out that southern urban areas of Ghana
had better variation of financial services and better accessibility in comparison to the northern
rural areas.
Chhetri (2016) was conducted with the topic of deposit collection of Machhapuchhre Bank
with the objectives of identity the types of deposit of the Machhapuchhre Bank Limited, after
analysis she reach in the conclusion that the interest bearing deposit of Machhapuchhre Bank
Limited is in increasing trend.
Gyawali (2017) under the topic fixed deposit analysis of Nepal SBI Bank, Butwal with an
objective of identification of different types of deposit and found that the co-operative have
positive correlation between deposit amount profits.
with the
Pun (2019) in her report entitled on deposit analysis of Everest Bank Limited
objective to analyze the deposit analysis of Everest Bank limited strategy used, to analyze the
factors of deposit policy and profitability of the organization and identified that as deposit
increases the profit of organization also increases.

Research methodology reflects how the data are presented by using various tools and
techniques. It is also a main part of a report as it shows how clearly and effectively the
researcher has presented the report. The main method that is used for the study in order to
prepare this report is follow:
Research Design
Research Design is a master plan, regarding the method and procedure of investigation. An
analytical and descriptive research design is used to invest the research objectives.
Research Variables

While preparing this report, many research variables are used such as various types of
deposit, loan and advance, etc. are used to explore the organization of the bank.
Population and Sample
For the purpose of the study itwould not possible to collect information and data from the all
organization during the short period. Therefore, the researchers have chosen entitled on
interest rate on deposit of the Nabil Bank
Limited out of total 27 commercial banks in
as using convenience sampling techniques. Nenal
Sources of Data
While preparing this report data is collected from
secondary sources. To analyze interest rate
ondeposit of the bank, the researcher used quantitative data.
A. Secondary Data
The data which is not originally collected but rather obtained from other
sources call
secondary data. They are ready made and collected by other already. They obtained from
following sources. They are collected by:
Journal & Articles

Annual reports
Previous research report

Data Analysis Tools

The data are processed, tabulated and graphed to analyze and achieve objectives of the study.
Some of the tools are used in this study are as follows.


Statistical Tools (Correlation Coefficient, Average, Standard Deviation, Coefficient
of Variance, Minimum Value and Maximum Value)

The limitations of the study are as follows:
to 2077/78.
This study covers only the data from fiscal year 2073/74
Data analysis and statistical tools are used in this study.
This study is based on only secondary data.
of NABIL only.
This study is mainly based on various deposit and loan investment
Datapresentation and analysis
should be done. It is the inners cores of the
data are presented and analysed in the report where true
forms of tables. figure. bar-diagram &
offective way. Opening an account is the legal correlation in an
contract between the bank and the customer.
when we want to be an account holder of
any bank then we should have to
orocesses etc. of that bank. Some rules and regulation may be follow the rules,
of the bank. Icarried out the project different in different branches
work of Nabil Bank Limited.
Structure of Total Deposit in Nabil Bank Limited
Nabil Bank limited has been providing mainly current,
margin, saving, fixed and call deposit
schemes to itsaccount holders The define of deposit are as follows:
Current Deposit
Saving Deposit
Call Deposit
Fixed Deposit
Margin Deposit
Other Deposit

a) Current Deposit
Current deposits are a non-interest hearing account. It is arunning account to which the
customers can develop funds at any time and with draw out those funds without prior notices.
In this type of account it has margin account business organization account and individual
account. For this types of account bank doesn't allow any interest. Nabil Bank Limited
facilities its customers by this account.
b) Saving Deposit
Saving deposit is the deposit maintained by saving account holders. Saving account is an
interest be wing account and normally opened by individual and non-trading can open that
are by recessing minimum balance of Rs. 5000 during banking hours. The account holders
are paid interest far the balance account at this pervading vote NABIL facilitate is customers
buy this account.

c) Call Deposit
It is interest be wing account with all other facility are as of current a/c normally hig
corporate house, government enterprises and financial institution can open a Call account
The bank doesn't encourage call account. The interest on call account is always high and they
is customers by this account
are always of corporate houses. Nabil Bank Ltd. facilitates
d) Fixed Deposit
bank at the fixed rate of interest
Fixed deposit is a time deposit which is accepted by the
accepted. The bank after the interest
agreed upon the period of maturity for which they are
and the period of maturity. The bank offer
rate on fixed deposit upon the size of deposit
interest rate for short term deposit.
higher interest rate for a long term deposit and lower
e) Other Deposit
something money that you pay when
Money that you give someone when you agree to buy
back if you return the thing or leave it in good
you buy or rent something and that you can get

Total Deposit Composition of NABIL

years. Deposit trend helps to
Deposits trend is the accumulation of deposit in different fiscal
Deposit trend also helps to
analyze the banks performance interior of deposits collection.
the bank.
depict the efficiency of the bank and customers faith towards
Table 1

Total Deposit Composition of NABIL

(Amount in Rs. 000")
2074/75 2075/76 2076/77 2077/78
Fiscal Year 2073/74
864556 17986691 18235156 30686644
Current Deposit 16946016
72654807 49871917 56885369 72214688
Saving Deposit 51398993
24044677 29856762 41173132 78605041 93276902
Fixed Deposit
25069742 28402513 35382318 19254084
Call Deposit 23634431
1735391 1698586 7975779
Other Deposit 158611 3206305
134810670 162953999 190806470 223474470
Total Deposit 118896157
(Source: Annual Report of NABIL)

year 2073/74 to
In the above table l shows the total deposit composition of NABIL in fiscal
134810669677, Rs.
2077/78. The total deposit of the bank is Rs. 118896156802, Rs.
to 2077/78
162953999572,Rs. 190806469972 and Rs. 223474470361 in fiscal vear 2073/74

table showsthe total deposit composition of the bank is increasing

respectively. Accordingto
highest deposit anmount in saving
fiscal year. Again according to table shows the
deposit and lowest in other

B Fixed

2073/74 2074/75 2075/76 2076/77 2077/78

Fiscal Year

Figure 1
Bar-diagram for Total Deposit Composition of NABIL
composition of NABIL in fiscal year 2073/74 to
In the above figure 1 shows the total deposit
increasing every fiscal year.
2077/78. According figure shows the total deposit of the bank is
saving deposit and lowest in
Again according to table shows the highest deposit amount in
other deposit.

Total Loan of NabilBank Limited

presented in
The total loans of Nabil Bank Limited from fiscal year 2073/74 to 2077/78 are as
the following.
Table 2
Total Loan of Nabil Bank Limited
(Amount in Rs. 000')
Fiscal Year Total Loan
2073/74 89877127

2074/75 113625155
2075/76 127500243
2076/77 148054071
2077/78 198021418

(Source: Annual Report of NABIL)


Tahle 2 shows the investment on lending scctor provided by NABIL from fiscal year 2071/2
thousand Pe
to 2075/76, The total loans of Nabil Bank Limited are Rs. 89877127
13625155 thousand, Rs. 127500243 thousand, Rs. 148054071 thousand and Rs, 198021418
bank is
thousand from fiscal year 2073/74 to 2077/78 respectively. The total loan of the
increasing in every fiscal year.

Rs. 200000000
2 150000000


2074/75 2075/76 2076/77 2077/78

Fiscal Year

Figure 2
Bar-diagram for Investment on Lending Sector Provided by NABIL
Figure 2 shows the investment on lending sector provided by NABIL from fiscal year
2073/74 to 2077/78. According to bar-diagram shows the total loan of the bank is increasing
inevery fiscal year.

Analysis of Results

n this section, the researcher is concluded about the deposit analysis of Nabil Bank Limited.
The researcher used some financial and statistical tools to analyze the data of Nabil Bank
Limited. The collected data of total deposit and loan has to calculate as statistical tools are
average, standard deviation, coefficient of variance, maximum and minimum.
Deseriptive Statistics of Total Loan and Deposit

The researcher analyzed the data from statistical tools for using financial ratios of Nabil Bank
Limited explore to average, standard deviation coefficient of variance, minimum and
maximum, which are as presented in the following table.
Table 3
Bank Limited
Descriptive Statistics ofNabil
(Amount in Rs. 000')
Total Deposit
Total Loan
Fiscal Year 166188353
Mean 37734130
S.D. 22.71
CV. 118896157
Min. 223474470
Max. (Source: Researcher, 2022)

Limited, the
statistics of total loan and deposit of NabilBank
Table 3 shows the descriptive thousand,
Rs. 135415603 thousand and deposit is Rs. 166188353
average of total loan is
total loan is Rs. 36579908 thousand and deposit is Rs. 37734130
standard deviation of
27.01% and deposit is 22.71%, minimum
thousand, coefficient of variance of total loan is
deposit is Rs. 118896157 thousand and
value of total loan is Rs. 89877127 thousand and
deposit is Rs. 223474470
maximum value of total loan is Rs. 198021418 thousand and

Trend Analysis
The purpose of this chapter is to analyze the total deposits, interest income on the deposits of
NABIL for the methods of starting from 2073/74 to 2077/78. Here, the method of least
square is used to determine the trend values under this, Let the straight line be:
Where, Y= Dependent Variable
X= Independent Variable
B-Slope of the trend line
The two parameters "a" and b in the equation are obtained by solving the following two
nomal equations.
N numbers of time periods to make calculation easier. The deviation of the independent
Vriable is taken from the middle of the time period. So that ex=0, then the value of "a" and
"b" can be easily calculated by using formula:

A. Trend Analysis of Total Deposits
In this part an effect has been made to analyze the
trend oft he deposits of NABIL for the
five years (2073/74-2077/78) and forecast of the same for the
next five years. The following
table shows the trend value of table deposits of NABIL.
B. Calculation of the Trend Analysis of the Deposit
Let the straight line trend between dependent variable (total deposit) "y" and the
independent variable (time) "X" be:
y= atbx
Then, to find the value of"a" and "b", we have;

a =

Where, x=X-mid year

Table 4
Trend Value of Total Deposit of NABIL

(Amount in Rs. 000')

Fiscal Year (X) Deposit (y) x=X-207/78 Xy

2073/74 118896157 -2 4 -237792314

2074/75 134810670 -1 1 -134810670

2075/76 162953999 0 0

2076/77 190806470 1 1 190806470

2077/78 223474470 2 446948940

Total Amount y-830941766 Xx=0 Ex=10 Exy-265152426

(Source: Researcher, 2022)

Y=Total Deposit amount

.S 200000000

2078/79 2079/80 2080/81 2081/82 2082/83


Figure 3
Trend Line for Trend Value of Total Deposit of NABIL
In the above figure 3 reflects the fact that NABIL total deposit have been increasing by Rs.
245734081 thousand per year and are expected to reach Rs. 3517950S1 thousand in fiscal
year 2078/79 to 2082/83 respectively. According figure shows the trend of deposit of NABIL
is increasing rapidly.

Correlation between Total Deposit and Loan andAdvances

The correlation between total deposit and loan and advances of Nabil Bank Limited. The
calculated correlation is presented in the following table.
Table 5

Correlation between Total Deposit and Loan and Advances

(Amount in Billion)

Fiscal Year X Xy

89.88 14137.21 8078.41 10686.73

2073/74 118.9

18173.74 12911.78 15318.46

2074/75 134.81 113.63

26552.70 16256.25 20776.13

2075/76 162.95 127.5

36408.46 21918.80 28249.42

2076/77 190.81 148.05

39211.92 44251.53
198.02 49938.84
2077/78 223.47

Ey-677.08 Ex=145210.95 2y' =98377.16 Exy =119282.27

N=5 Ex=830.94
(Source: Researcher, 2022)
Since, x=0

- 166188353

10 -26515243

Calculation of estimated value

Substituting the values of aan bin
y=atbx For 2078/79 (6)
Estimated value yc = 166188353+26S15243 x3
= Rs. 245734081 thousand
For 2079/80

Estimated value, yc = 166188353+26515243 x4

=Rs. 272249324 thousand

For 2080/81

Estimated value yc = 166188353+26515243 x 5

= Rs. 298764566 thousand

For 2081/82

Estimated value yc =166188353+26515243 x6

= Rs. 325279809 thousand

For 2082/83

Estimated value yc = 166188353+26515243 x7

= Rs. 351795051 thousand

Above calculation shown in the trend line below.
Calculation correlation coeficicnt betweenx andy.

Stands for Deposit

y= Stands for Loan and Advances

Sx119282.27 - 830,94 x 677.08

J5x145210.95 - (830.94) /5x 98377.16 - (677.08)?

and advances is positive i.c. +0.98. I
Since, the correlation between deposit and loan
deposits to loan and advances is
indicates that the direction of movement between the

The major findings of the study are as follows:
The Nabil Bank Limited provides different types of deposit they are current deposit,
saving deposit, calldeposit, fixed deposit and other deposit.
Rs. 134810669677, Rs.
The total deposit of the bank is Rs. 1188961 56802,
2073/74 to
162953999572, Rs. 190806469972 and Rs. 223474470361 in fiscal year
bank is increasing every
2077/78 respectively. The total deposit composition of the
and lowest in other deposit.
fiscal year. The highest deposit amount in saving deposit
89877127 thousand, Rs. 113625155
The total loans of Nabil Bank Limited are Rs.
thousand and Rs. 198021418
thousand, Rs. 127500243 thousand, Rs. 148054071
respectively. The total loan of the bank
thousand from fiscal year 2073/74 to 2077/78
is increasing in every fiscal year.
average of total loan is Rs. 135415603 thousand and deposit is Rs.
36579908 thousand and deposit is Rs.
thousand, standard deviationof total loan is Rs.
loan is 27.01% and deposit is
37734130 thousand, coefficient of variance of total
minimum value of total loan is Rs. 89877127 thousand and deposit is
of total loan is Rs. 198021418
I18896157 thousand andmaximum value
and deposit is Rs. 223474470 thousand.

The trend of total deposit have been increasing by Rs. 245734081 thousand per year
and are expected to reach Rs. 351795051thousand in fiscal year 2078/79 to
respectively. The trend of deposit of NABIL is increasing rapidly.
The correlation between deposit and loan and advances is positive i.e. +0.98.
advances is
indicates that the direction of movement between the deposits to loan and


In this project work report is entitled on deposit analysis of NABIL for the study. The research
is done in only one bank among the 27 commercial banks but the rescarchers have taken
NABIL,which are listed in Nepal Stock Exchange. In the study of few research project
work on same topic of several commercial banks. The previous researcher used the
NEPSE index, but this study finds out conclusion using banking index. Banking index
calculated based on listed comnmercial banks.

The researcher is interested in deposit analysis of NABIL, the related research has not taken
into consideration the deposit mobilization factors together with the performance of
commercial banks and how it can be improved as mneans of increasing their financial
performance. After having observed the gap in this area of research, the researcher conducted
the research on the topic of deposit analysis of Nabil Bank Limited with five during period
Le. 2073/74 to 207/78.

NABIL has objective to collect the scattered saving of the region & invest themn in the
productive sectors and earning profit. And to provide excellent professional service and
improve its position as a leader in the field of financial related services NABIL has been
Successful in activating these objectives of large extent. It has been providing wide range of
deposit &credit schemes according to the desire of its customers. It has been able to collect
adequate amount of saving and disburse credit to the productive sectors,


From the above analysis the study has conclude the NABIL. The project work entitled about
deposit analysis of NABIL. Against the worse economical condition & political condition of
the country this financial institution has increase the deposits. The Nabil Bank Limited
provides different types of deposit they are current deposit, saving deposit, call deposit, fixed
leposit and other deposit. The total deposit composition of the bank is increasingevery fiscal
a. lhe highest deposit amount in saving deposit and lowest in other deposit. The total loan
Dnk 1s Increasing in every fiscal year. The average of total loan is Rs. 135415603
housand and deposit is Rs. 166188353 thousand, standard deviation of total loan is Rs.

coefficient of variance of total

26579908 thousand and deposit is Rs. 37734130 thousand,
total loan is Rs. 89877127 thousand
Joan is 27.01% and deposit is 22.71%, minimum value of
value of total loan is Rs. 198021418
and deposit is Rs. 118896157 thousand and maximum
trend of total deposit have been
thousand and deposit is Rs. 223474470 thousand. The
expected to reach Rs. 351795051
increasing by Rs. 245734081 thousand per year and are
The trend of deposit of NABIL is
thousand in fiscal year 2078/79 to 2082/83 respectively.
and advances is positive i.e.
increasing rapidly. The correlation between deposit and loan
between the deposits to loan and advances
+0.98. It indicates that the direction of movement
is positive.
NABIL. This study is prescribed by
For this research study is about the deposit analysis of
implies that shows the deposit
the TUfulfillment of the requirement of BBS 4" Year. It
structure of the bank, it shows the deposit interest rate and management banking system
us and it's found the banking performance. It is created new idea for saving money for
provides facilities. It is main earning idea for the bank in investing sector of loan. This study
isconsidered next year coming researcher for the make report writing.
Journals & Articles


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Review ofPrevious

Aorabari, N. (2014). Cash Management of Kumari Bank Limited. An Unpublished Report of

Bachelor of Business Studies, Lumbini Banijya Campus, Butwal.
Machhapuchhare Bank Limited. An Unpublished
Chhetri, S. (2016). Deposit Collection of
Oxford College, Butwal.
Report of Bachelor of Business Studies,
Analysis of Nepal SBI Bank Limited. An Unpublished
Gyawali, P. (2017). Fixed Deposit
Studies, Aims College,
Report of Bachelor of Business
of Everest Bank Limited. An Unpublished Report of
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Nabil Gautam
Bachelor of Business Studies,

Annual Report 2077/78.

fiscal Year 2073/74to
Annual Report ofNabil Bank Limitedfromy

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