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Industrial Training

Weekly Diary
Industrial Training At

From: 3rd June 2024 TO 13th July 2024

Name of Supervisor :- Mr. Akshay Gaikwad

Designation of Supervisor :- Project Lead

Name of the Student :- Roshni Manoj Baviskar

Branch :- Computer engineering

Name of Polytechnic :- Maulana Mukhtar Ahmed Nadvi Technical Campus

Special instructions for students:

1) Write down the daily activity on the same day.
2) Make note of the important actual activity Performed.
3) Summarize at the week-end.
4) Add extra sheets if needed for daily or weekly activity report.

Signature of Student:
Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

Maharashtra State Board of Technical

Industrial Training

Week-1: From: 3rd June 2024 TO 8th June 2024

Expected Work:

Day Activities carried out

1 Introduction to Python Basics

- Installation
- setup
- basic syntax

2 Declaration and Calling

- Variables
- data types (integers, floats, strings),
- basic operations

3 Condtional Statements
- Conditional statements (if, elif, else).

4 Loops and control flow

- Loops (for loops, while loops).
- Control flow exercises
- Problem-solving.

5 Functions
- Defining functions, parameters, and return values.

6 scope
- function scvope and arguments

Weekly Summarization of activities:

Signature of Student:
Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

Maharashtra State Board of Technical

Industrial Training

Week-2: From: 10th June 2024 TO 15th June 2024

Expected Work:

Day Activities carried out

1 Lists and List functions

- Creating and manipulating lists.
- List comprehensions.

2 Tuple and its function

- Tuples and their immutability.

3 Dictionaries and Sets

- Creating dictionaries.
- Dictionary methods and operations.

4 Sets and their operation

- Creating Sets.
- Set operations and practical examples.

5 File Handling
-Reading from and writing to files.
- Handling file objects and file modes.
- Practical exercises with file operations.

6 Operators and their uses.

- Introduction to operators.
- Types of operators

Weekly Summarization of Activities:

Signature of Student:
Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

Maharashtra State Board of Technical

Industrial Training

Week-3: From 17th June 2024 TO 22nd June 2024

Expected Work:

Day Activities carried out

1 Introduction to OOP
- Understanding classes and objects.
- Attributes, methods, and instantiation.

2 OOP Concepts
- Inheritance

3 OOP concepts
- Encapsulation
- Polymorphism

4 Overloading and overriding

- Method overriding
- Method overloading.

5 Problem solving
- OOP exercises and problem-solving

6 Introduction to data science

- What is Data Science ?
- What is Pandas?

Weekly summarization of the above activities:

Signature of Student:
Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

Maharashtra State Board of Technical

Industrial Training

Week-4: From 24th June 2024 TO 29th June 2024

Expected Work:

Day Activities carried out

1 Working on data science

- loading the dataset copying the data
- loading the dataset copying the data

2 Project Planning (Dice Roll Game)

- Designing classes for a dice game.

3 Project building and execution(Dice Roll Game)

- Implementing game logic using OOP principles.
- Testing and debugging the dice roll game.

4 Text-to-Speech Project planning

- Introduction to text-to-speech libraries (e.g., pyttsx3).
- Implementing a text-to-speech program.
- Customizing voice, speed, and other parameters.

5 Refining and Presenting Projects

- Enhancing the dice roll game (e.g., adding user interface).
- Improving the text-to-speech program (e.g., multiple voices).
- Presentation preparation.

6 Dice Rolls Game

- Introduction to the game
- Installing necessary libraries (`random`, `pyttsx3`)
- Setting up the `pyttsx3` engine
- Writing text-to-audio function using `engine.say`

Weekly summarization of the above activities:

Signature of Student:
Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

Maharashtra State Board of Technical

Industrial Training

Week-5: From 1st July 2024 TO 6th July 2024

Expected Work:

Day Activities carried out

1 Dice Rolls Game (continued)

- Implementing dice roll logic using `random`
- .Integrating text-to-audio feedback
- Testing and debugging the game

2 Automatic Message Sender/WhatsApp Message Bomber

- Introduction to `pywhatkit` and `pyautogui`
- Installing necessary libraries
- Overview of `pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg`
- Sending a message to a user-defined number at a specified time
3 Automatic Message Sender (continued)
- Using `pywhatkit.sendwhatsimage` to send images
- Automating screenshot taking and sending
- Testing and debugging the message sender

4 Turtle Graphics Programming

- Introduction to `turtle` graphics
- Installing the `turtle` library
- Basic turtle functions: `t.forward`, `t.backward`, `t.right`, `t.left`
- Drawing simple shapes
5 Problem solving
- OOP exercises and problem-solving

6 Introduction to data science

- What is Data Science ?
- What is Pandas?

Weekly Summarization of activities:

Signature of Student:
Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

Maharashtra State Board of Technical

Industrial Training

Week-6: From 8th July 2024 TO 13th July 2024

Expected Work:

Day Activities carried out

1 Working on data science

- loading the dataset copying the data
- loading the dataset copying the data

2 Project Planning (Dice Roll Game)

- Designing classes for a dice game.

3 Project building and execution(Dice Roll Game)

- Implementing game logic using OOP principles.
- Testing and debugging the dice roll game.

4 Text-to-Speech Project planning

- Introduction to text-to-speech libraries (e.g., pyttsx3).
- Implementing a text-to-speech program.
- Customizing voice, speed, and other parameters.

5 Refining and Presenting Projects

- Enhancing the dice roll game (e.g., adding user interface).
- Improving the text-to-speech program (e.g., multiple voices).
- Presentation preparation.

6 Dice Rolls Game

- Introduction to the game
- Installing necessary libraries (`random`, `pyttsx3`)
- Setting up the `pyttsx3` engine
- Writing text-to-audio function using `engine.say`

Weekly summarization of the above activities:

Signature of Student:
Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

Maharashtra State Board of Technical

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