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Mooroolbark College

2024 - Semester 1


Year 7

Included Subjects:









This report is a crucial tool for understanding your child's progress during Semester 1. We encourage you to review it
in detail with your child.

Your child’s progress is measured against the Victorian Curriculum Achievement Standards ﴾Years 7 to 10﴿, Victorian
Certificate of Education VCE, or the VCE ‐VM Outcomes ﴾Years 11 and 12﴿. In addition, you will receive information
regarding the learning goals set by your child and an assessment of their work habits.


Students have set formal learning goals for the first time this semester. These goals were set as part of the College’s
Home Group structure. We encourage you to discuss these goals and their achievement with your child. They will be
reviewed early next semester.

The report comprises the student's achievements in the learning areas in which they are enrolled. It also includes
students' work habits that align with the school values of respect, compassion, endeavour, and resilience.

Years 7‐10 Common Assessment Tasks ﴾CATs﴿ are designed for students to demonstrate their learning concerning the
key knowledge and skills being assessed. Students are expected to achieve a minimum E Grade for each CAT and
complete the coursework satisfactorily.


Year 7 ‐ 10
To complete a unit satisfactorily students must achieve a minimum S grade for each Common Assessment task ﴾CAT﴿
and coursework task﴾s﴿.
VCE and VCE ‐ VM
To achieve an overall Satisfactory unit completion, students are expected to gain an ‘S’ ﴾Satisfactory﴿ for each Area of
Study as outlined in the Study Design.

The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority ﴾VCAA﴿ published its revised mathematics curriculum
﴾Mathematics Curriculum 2.0﴿ this year. At Mooroolbark College, we use the revised mathematics curriculum for
school reporting from Semester 1, 2024.

In previous years, the students were reported against the three strands of the achievement standard for mathematics
﴾Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability﴿. Under the Mathematics
Curriculum 2.0, students are reported against the achievement standard, providing a single, aggregated score.

As the achievement standards reported have changed, this report shows students' achievements under the
Mathematics 2.0 curriculum; it will only show achievements, not progress. For all reports after this, progress will be
shown against the single achievement standard.

If you have any questions regarding your child’s progress during Semester One, please contact your child’s House
Leader or House Cluster Leader

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Victorian Curriculum
Mooroolbark College - 2024 - Semester 1

Victorian Curriculum

Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9


Reading and Viewing

Speaking and Listening


Health and Physical Education

Health Education

Physical Education






Design and Technologies

Digital Technologies

The Arts


The Humanities


Previous result

Your child's achievement this semester

Your child's progress

The expected level of achievement

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Mooroolbark College - 2024 - Semester 1


In this subject, students learned and enhanced their coding vocabulary and Python scripting skills through assignments like creating MadLibs stories
and developing interactive "choose your own adventure" tales. These projects combined creativity with coding practice, enabling students to hone
their Python programming skills and terminology.

Work Habits

Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently

RESPECT : Allow for learning

ENDEAVOUR : Satisfactory
Completion of Coursework

ENDEAVOUR : Satisfactory
Completion of Assessments

ENDEAVOUR : Timely Completion of


ENDEAVOUR : Strive for Excellence

RESILIENCE : Perseverance

COMPASSION : Considerate

Semester Result Overall Result S

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Learning Tasks
CAT : Vocabulary Test A+

• Samuel, you annotated every element of code correctly.

• Your definitions of the vocabulary words are fantastic.
• Your retention of coding terms is excellent and relevant.
• Continue working with as much endeavour as you put into this task. Well done.

CAT : MadLibs Game A

• Samuel, your program effortlessly replaces blanks with user inputs, crafting a cohesive and grammatically correct narrative.
• Your program runs error-free, demonstrating a strong grasp of Python syntax.
• You used timers to enhance user experience.
• Your variable names are sensible.
• In the future, I encourage you to maintain this excellent level of work-ethic and positive attitude towards Coding.

CAT : Choose Your Own Adventure A+

• Samuel, you have crafted an exceptional Choose Your Own Adventure story.
• You have extended yourself by implementing input validation to manage user errors.
• Your Python code is correct and efficient.
• Your lines of code are not too long.
• In the future, I encourage you to maintain this excellent level of work-ethic and positive attitude towards Coding.

Coursework : Vocab Presentation S

Coursework : Storyboard S

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In this subject, students studied and analysed a variety of texts and learned to write in many different forms. They completed a creative writing unit
that explored texts through the framework of resilience. They also completed non-fiction writing tasks, including a writing folio that explored the
genres of autobiography, biography, and memoir, and learned about the art of persuasion through their persuasive letter writing.

Work Habits

Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently

RESPECT : Allow for learning

ENDEAVOUR : Satisfactory
Completion of Coursework

ENDEAVOUR : Satisfactory
Completion of Assessments

ENDEAVOUR : Timely Completion of


ENDEAVOUR : Strive for Excellence

RESILIENCE : Perseverance

COMPASSION : Considerate

Semester Result Overall Result S

Learning Tasks
CAT : Creative Writing - Resilience A

• Samuel, your writing piece contains original ideas that centre around the theme of resilience.
• Your words have been carefully considered and chosen to engage the audience.
• Your voice is very engaging and appropriate to your chosen structure.
• You have constructed sentences that are varied and use a range of sentence structures, types and lengths.
• Your writing piece contains no spelling, grammar or punctuation errors.

CAT : Non-Fiction Writing - Autobiographies, Biographies, Memoirs B+

• Samuel, you have written a biography about your chosen person that attempts to engage and follows some of the conventions of the
• Your storyline makes sense and your piece has a clear beginning, middle, and end.
• You have used descriptive words to match the purpose of your piece.
• Next time, you should aim to use more description, rather than simply telling the reader.

CAT : Persuasive Writing - Sustainability C

• You have shown a good understanding of your chosen issue.

• Your contention and arguments are reasonably clear.
• You have used a wide range of language devices to support your arguments.
• You have put some thought into how your word choices will impact your target audience.
• In future, try to expand your paragraphs to really convince your reader.

Coursework : StepsWeb S
Coursework : Workbook Check S

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In this subject, students were introduced to the design process, which includes responding to a design brief, research, production and evaluation.
This unit addressed practical food preparation skills, kitchen safety and hygiene, the use of various equipment and a basic understanding of
nutrition. Students needed to perform satisfactorily for all assessment tasks to achieve an overall satisfactory subject result.

Work Habits

Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently

RESPECT : Allow for learning

ENDEAVOUR : Satisfactory
Completion of Coursework

ENDEAVOUR : Satisfactory
Completion of Assessments

ENDEAVOUR : Timely Completion of


ENDEAVOUR : Strive for Excellence

RESILIENCE : Perseverance

COMPASSION : Considerate

Semester Result Overall Result S

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Learning Tasks
CAT : Safety and Hygiene Test A+

• Samuel, your test results indicate that you have developed a thorough understanding of key concepts covered and have been able to
apply this knowledge to answer a range of questions to a very good standard.
• You have been able to clearly list the class rules and have been able to discuss the importance of rules to help individuals achieve
their potential.
• Samuel, you can describe what the danger zone is and can identify key temperatures related to food storage, handling and cooking.
• You have been able to accurately identify the difference between allergies and intolerances, identifying symptoms and examples.
• Continue developing your skill in applying your knowledge to your responses and making valid recommendations.

CAT : Practical Tasks with Written Evaluations A+

• Samuel, you have successfully used a rubric to assess your production work and have used your assessment to help make
improvements to your practical work.
• You have been able to reflect on your production work in a thoughtful and detailed manner.
• Samuel, the quality of your products were of a very good standard. They illustrate that you have a good understanding of key
processes and have applied this knowledge to develop a range of practical skills.
• You have been able to manage your time and work space well during the practical sessions to ensure that your productions were
consistently completed on time.
• Samuel, you are to be congratulated on the quality of the products your have you have produced over this semester and are
encouraged to continue to apply yourself in this focused and positive manner in the future.

CAT : Designer Muffins B+

• Samuel, you have made relevant, comprehensive recommendations based on your evaluation which you could use to improve future
production work.
• Your writing included well-structured sentences, accurate punctuation and spelling and the correct use of technical language.
• Samuel, your production work illustrates that you have been able to work independently and apply the skills and knowledge that you
have developed to produce a muffin to a very good standard.
• Good to see you use direct quotes, however, make sure you properly footnote the reference as well as discussing and drawing
conclusions from the information.
• Understanding and being able to apply the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating food model to evaluate the nutritional value of food is
important if undertaking foods courses in the future. It is therefore important that you ensure in the future that you invest time in
developing your understanding of this food model.

Coursework : Australian Guide to Healthy Eating S

Coursework : Follow a Recipe Task S
Coursework : Safety and Hygiene Notes S

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In this subject, students were introduced to the study of natural and human environments. They had the opportunity to study different types of maps
and applied this knowledge in the creation of their own maps. Students learnt about the importance of water and researched the impacts of water
scarcity around the world. Finally, students considered the concept of liveability and designed their own liveable suburb.

Work Habits

Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently

RESPECT : Allow for learning

ENDEAVOUR : Satisfactory
Completion of Coursework

ENDEAVOUR : Satisfactory
Completion of Assessments

ENDEAVOUR : Timely Completion of


ENDEAVOUR : Strive for Excellence

RESILIENCE : Perseverance

COMPASSION : Considerate

Semester Result Overall Result S

Learning Tasks
CAT : Mapping Assignment C

• Your written section contained a number of geographic terms and was of a moderate length.
• Your drawings include the main features of your chosen area.
• Your maps must include all six of the BOLTSS conventions (Border-Orientation-Legend-Title-Scale-Source).
• Use a fineliner pen for the final draft of maps and drawings

CAT : Water Research Task A+

• You have completed your Water Assignment to a very good standard.

• Your bibliography was detailed and each source was correctly cited.
• You have effectively used visual material (graphs and diagrams) to accompany your written information.
• Read and check carefully the instructions for each assignment.

CAT : Suburb Design B

• Samuel, a portion of your grade was lost due to late submission of work.
• The layout of your suburb makes sense and it is clear that you understand what makes an area liveable.
• To improve the quality of your maps, make sure you rule all of the straight lines.

Coursework : Glossary S
Coursework : Mapping Task S
Coursework : Workbook Check S

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Work Habits

Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently

RESPECT : Allow for learning

ENDEAVOUR : Satisfactory
Completion of Coursework

ENDEAVOUR : Satisfactory
Completion of Assessments

ENDEAVOUR : Timely Completion of


ENDEAVOUR : Strive for Excellence

RESILIENCE : Perseverance

COMPASSION : Considerate

Semester Result Overall Result S

Learning Tasks
CAT : Technique Good

• Samuel, your control of dynamics, articulations, phrasing, beat, pulse and execution of techniques at your current
playing level is at a satisfactory standard. You demonstrated satisfactory control and articulation across the range of
the instrument which was evident when performing your technical assessment including scales, arpeggios and

CAT : Repertoire Good

• Samuel, you prepared well for your performance piece, however; more commitment to home practice is necessary.

CAT : Ensemble Satisfactory

• You have attended several ensemble classes throughout the semester but need to engage more with other members
and the pieces.

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The Literacy LORE program combines reading and reflection time, aiming to build comprehension skills and develop a greater passion for reading.
Alongside these focuses, students learn strategies that improve their writing through the '6+1 Traits of Writing' and engage in functional literacies
that help them operate better in an ever-changing world.

Work Habits

Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently

RESPECT : Allow for learning

ENDEAVOUR : Satisfactory
Completion of Coursework

ENDEAVOUR : Satisfactory
Completion of Assessments

ENDEAVOUR : Timely Completion of


ENDEAVOUR : Strive for Excellence

RESILIENCE : Perseverance

COMPASSION : Considerate

Semester Result Overall Result S

Learning Tasks
Semester 1 : Student Feedback - Independent Reading S

• Your reading journal shows that you can respond to questions stems in some depth.
• You have sometimes shown a willingness to share your thoughts with the class.
• Your reading journal shows that you can write in full sentences.
• You are encouraged to remain focused during reading time so that you can develop your literacy skills.

Semester 1 : Student Feedback - Traits of Writing S

• You are able to correctly apply most of the traits of writing that have been covered this semester in your work.
• You are encouraged to focus on improving how you organise and structure your work.
• You would benefit from revisiting the traits of writing work to understand them better.

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In this subject, students enhanced their learning through the use of a wide variety of activities including group work, practical and problem-solving
tasks and individual work. The focus was on student learning growth, as well as the development of numeracy skills and an appreciation of the
applications of Mathematics. The topics studied included working with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios and algebra.

Work Habits

Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently

RESPECT : Allow for learning

ENDEAVOUR : Satisfactory
Completion of Coursework

ENDEAVOUR : Satisfactory
Completion of Assessments

ENDEAVOUR : Timely Completion of


ENDEAVOUR : Strive for Excellence

RESILIENCE : Perseverance

COMPASSION : Considerate

Semester Result Overall Result S

Learning Tasks
CAT : Integers and Cartesian Plane Assignment A

• You were able to link the shape of your graph with the ice cream making process.
• Your logo was completed in an eye catching fashion.
• You needed to take greater care when drawing your Time Vs Temperature graphs to improve your accuracy.
• Samuel, your level of effort was excellent. Well done.

CAT : Best Buys Assignment D+

• Samuel, you showed good research skills to find your savoury and sweet items at multiple sources.
• Your ratio diagram/s did not depict the ratio stated.
• You needed to show your working out where required.
• In the future, use the class time provided to complete the assignment more effectively and ask questions to clarify your understanding.

Coursework : Homework Book S

Coursework : Numeracy Journal Reflections S
Coursework : Workbook Check S

Learning Tasks Decimal

CAT : Number Post Test 6.5

• Samuel, finding the percentage of a number was a strength of yours.

• You were able to compare and order decimals correctly.
• You were not able to correctly convert a standard number into scientific notation.
• Samuel, you have shown an increase in your understanding of Number, as evidenced by the growth you have shown
this term.

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In this subject, students explored the basics of musical notion, through reading and writing notes and rhythmic activities. Students learnt basic piano
skills including scales, and warm-ups and explored some beginner pieces. Students also began to learn to play the guitar, learning basic riffs, scales
and techniques as well as researching how the guitar works, the history of the instrument and prominent artists.

Work Habits

Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently

RESPECT : Allow for learning

ENDEAVOUR : Satisfactory
Completion of Coursework

ENDEAVOUR : Satisfactory
Completion of Assessments

ENDEAVOUR : Timely Completion of


ENDEAVOUR : Strive for Excellence

RESILIENCE : Perseverance

COMPASSION : Considerate

Semester Result Overall Result S

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Learning Tasks
CAT : Music Basics B

• Samuel, you have successfully completed listening activities that show your understanding of pitch and rhythm.
• You know the rhythmic values of the notes.
• You understand the note values and know how to read and write notes on a treble and bass stave.
• Proof reading your assignment will assist you with avoiding small mistakes.
• You need to provide more detail in your responses, ensuring that you complete all the questions.

CAT : Piano Prac B

• Samuel, you have attempted to learn the class assigned pieces.

• You were able to identify the notes on the piano keyboard.
• You have displayed dexterity and control with both hands whilst playing the keyboard.
• You have displayed rhythmic control whilst playing the keyboard.
• In the future, you need to use your class time more efficiently to rehearse effectively.

CAT : Guitar Styles B+

• Samuel, your work is presented neatly with diagrams and text that is both easy to read and accurate.
• Your responses show a clear understanding of how the guitar works, is designed and is used.
• Your responses show a developing understanding of how the guitar works, is designed and is used. Try to include more detail and
research to further your understanding.
• You need to ensure that you follow instructions carefully and complete all required questions.
• In the future, you should compliment your practical skills with research, reading and writing.

Coursework : Book Check S

Coursework : Piano Warm-up Check S
Coursework : Guitar Riff S
Coursework : Guitar Style Progress Check S
Coursework : Whole Song and Practice Test S

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In this subject, in the PE component, students undertook units of study on Athletics, basic motor skills, Netball, Soccer, Gymnastics, fitness, Hockey,
Volleyball and Badminton. In Health, students undertook units of study on relationships, communication, values for self and community, self-esteem,
feeling, bullying, body image and nutrition. Year 7 students also took part in the Peer Support Program during Semester 1.

Work Habits

Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently

RESPECT : Allow for learning

ENDEAVOUR : Satisfactory
Completion of Coursework

ENDEAVOUR : Satisfactory
Completion of Assessments

ENDEAVOUR : Timely Completion of


ENDEAVOUR : Strive for Excellence

RESILIENCE : Perseverance

COMPASSION : Considerate

Semester Result Overall Result S

Learning Tasks
CAT : Movement B+

• Samuel, you sometimes selected an appropriate person to pass the ball to.
• You have demonstrated satisfactory decision making by occasionally selecting the best available option to receive a pass.
• Samuel, you have shown an effort to congratulate and encourage peers during lessons.
• In the future Samuel, you should continue your high level of efforts in practical lessons.

CAT : Time Capsule D+

• Samuel, you provided a detailed letter to yourself in the future.

• Samuel, addressing all questions would be beneficial to gaining full marks. Including current newspaper articles and more photos
would have enhanced your grade.
• As suggested on the assignment sheet, the addition of current newspaper articles would have been useful to enhancing the
authenticity of your assignment.
• Samuel in the future I suggest you check your work against the rubrics provided.

CAT : Skill B+

• Samuel, you were able to work with a group to complete a variety of balances.
• You were able to use effective communication and collaboration skills in the creation of your routine.
• Samuel, you were able to hold your partner balances for 3-5 seconds.
• You were able to use music to support the flow of your routine. Well done.
• I commend you for you continued hard working ethic and the development of your skills.

Coursework (PE) : Participation and Engagement with Practical Lessons S

Coursework : Engagement in Peer Support Program S
Coursework : Health Workbook S

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In this subject, students learned how to work safely as scientists, how to separate mixtures using a variety of techniques, how precious resources
are utilised, and how the movement of the earth is related to seasons and eclipses. Students also developed their Science inquiry skills through
planning and conducting experiments and also how to communicate, analyse and evaluate the results obtained from experiments.

Work Habits

Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently

RESPECT : Allow for learning

ENDEAVOUR : Satisfactory
Completion of Coursework

ENDEAVOUR : Satisfactory
Completion of Assessments

ENDEAVOUR : Timely Completion of


ENDEAVOUR : Strive for Excellence

RESILIENCE : Perseverance

COMPASSION : Considerate

Semester Result Overall Result S

Learning Tasks
CAT : Working Safely as a Scientist B+

• Samuel, you have demonstrated a very good understanding of how a scientist works safely in the laboratory.
• You correctly explained how some of the hazards could be avoided.
• Samuel, you were able to identify each piece of equipment.
• You were able to justify your correct choice of equipment, in the scenario provided.

CAT : Bunsen Burner A

• Samuel, you were able to safely light a Bunsen burner to obtain your Bunsen burner license.
• You accurately identified each part of the Bunsen burner from its function.
• You made detailed observations of the Bunsen burner flame.
• Samuel, you needed to provide more detailed responses to the discussion questions.

CAT : Green Gunge Practical Report D+

• Samuel, a portion of your grade was lost due to late submission of work.
• Unfortunately, your experiment did not included many of the required sections.
• Samuel, you have produced a satisfactory practical report communicating your separating techniques for your mystery mixture.
• Your Aim outlined what your experiment hoped to achieve.
• Next time, I would suggest that you use class more effectively to ask questions and seek feedback on how you can improve.

Coursework : Fossil Fuel Worksheet S

Coursework : Lab Safety S
Coursework : Precious Resources Vocab Task S
Coursework : Room Safety Check Worksheet S
Coursework : Workbook Check S

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Learning Goals
Mooroolbark College - 2024 - Semester 1

Students Goal Setting


My learning goal is My learning goal is to work on my attendance, and to pass geography and science.

Things I already do well Mathematics, Music, Writing/English, Food Studies

Things I need to improve on Science and Geography.

I can achieve my learning goal by doing

the following things Go to school even when i'm feeling ill and to put more effort into my work

Some possible obstacles to achieving my Me becoming ill, me forgetting to do my homework, having to do other chores, attendance and handing
learning goal are in work late.


I was / was not able to achieve my

learning goal because I was not able to attend school every day and was away a lot of days because of me becoming ill
and I passed geography and Science.

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