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This map was been taken from an Internet mapping program, where an

address is entered and a map of the surrounding area appears with a pin to
locate the address.

Manual Pin Maps Computer Mapping

GIS Crime Analysis Mapping

Your department is discussing strategies to prevent crime. How does police

crime mapping contribute to these strategies?

By directly intervening in criminal activities

By identifying crime trends and deploying resources accordingly
By profiling individuals based on their social status
By increasing police presence only in affluent neighborhoods

You're tasked with creating a crime map for your district. Which factor is NOT
considered when creating a crime map?

Socioeconomic status of residents

Weather conditions
Police officer preferences
Time and date of incidents

A citizen approaches you with concerns about increasing crime in their

neighborhood. What role do citizens play in police crime mapping initiatives?

They are responsible for creating crime maps.

They provide feedback and report incidents.
They analyze crime data using specialized software.
They have no involvement in the process.

You're reviewing the ethical considerations of implementing police crime

mapping. Which consideration is essential?
Ensuring transparency in data collection and usage
Sharing sensitive information without consent
Discriminating against certain demographic groups
Limiting access to crime maps for law enforcement personnel only

A police department is conducting risk assessment for an upcoming public

gathering in the city center. They identify potential threats such as terrorist
attacks or mass protests. What should be the immediate action based on this

Increase surveillance in neighboring residential areas

Cancel the event to avoid potential risks
Deploy specialized units to handle potential threats
Ignore the assessment and proceed with regular patrolling

Which of the following is considered as the most important factor in

formulating an effective patrol strategy?

training of station commander

adequacy of resources of the police station
rank of the patrol commander
salary rates of police personnel

It is the process of using a geographic information system in combination with

crime analysis techniques to focus on the spatial context of criminal and other
law enforcement activity.

Manual Pin Maps Computer Mapping

GIS Crime analysis Mapping

It is a vertical photo taken from a satellite or a plane that is digitized and

placed within the geographic information system coordinate system so that
there are x and y coordinates associated with it.

Image Feature Data Polygon Features Data

Point Features Data Line Features Data

You are the Patrol Supervisor for the morning shift. You don’t have enough
men to cover all the patrol beats. Which of the following will you implement?

Assign roving mobile patrol with no foot patrol

Assign mobile patrols only in strategic places
Maintain your patrolmen at the station and just wait for calls for police
Assign foot patrol in congested and busy patrol beats but assign a roving
mobile patrol to cover beats which are not covered by foot patrol
A police department is adopting a community-oriented policing approach to
address rising gang-related violence in a neighborhood. What strategy would
best align with this approach?

Conducting large-scale raids to arrest gang members

Increasing patrols only during nighttime hours
Collaborating with community leaders and residents to develop prevention
Implementing strict curfew laws for all residents

A police department is evaluating the effectiveness of a new technology for

crime analysis and prediction. After implementation, they find that it
significantly reduces response time to emergencies and helps in proactive
policing. What should be the department's next step?

Discontinue the technology due to budget constraints

Expand the use of the technology and provide training to all officers
Ignore the technology and rely on traditional policing methods
Decrease officer training hours to compensate for the technology costs

It is a geographic feature that can be represented by a grid or set of lines.

This map shows how different types of geographic features such as railways,
streets, and rivers can be represented by a line in a GIS.

Image Feature Data Polygon Features Data

Point Features Data Line Features Data

This model is especially appreciated for police agencies as it based on

problem oriented approach to planning. It relies heavily on the problem
identification and analysis of the planning process and can assist police
administrator in formulating goals and priorities is called;

long range planning synoptic planning

transactive planning problem oriented planning

A police department has set a long-term goal to improve community relations

and trust. Which action would best contribute to achieving this goal?

Increasing fines for minor infractions to deter crime

Implementing community outreach programs and establishing regular
dialogue with residents
Decreasing officer presence in residential areas to reduce friction with the
Ignoring community feedback and complaints

A police department is planning to allocate resources for patrolling during a

major city event. Based on crime analysis, it is identified that there is a higher
likelihood of pick pocketing and theft during such events. What should be the
primary focus of resource allocation?

Increasing traffic enforcement

Enhancing community engagement
Deploying more officers in areas prone to pickpocketing and theft
Conducting random patrols throughout the city

A police department wants to foster collaboration and dialogue with

community members to address crime. What planning approach would be
most suitable?

Radical planning Synoptic planning

Transactive planning Incremental planning

A city facing environmental challenges that contribute to crime wants to

develop strategies to address these issues. What planning approach would
consider these factors?

Advocacy planning Radical planning

Transactive planning Synoptic planning

A police department aims to implement changes gradually to assess their

effectiveness. What planning approach would be most suitable?
a) Radical planning b) Incremental planning
c) Advocacy planning d) Transactive planning

What crime mapping application that served as an investigative support in

crime investigation. This analyzes locations connected to a series of crimes to
determine the most probable area in which the offender lives.

Spatial Regression Thematic Mapping

Hot spot Geographic Profiling

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