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Workbook answer key 4 What's your name? Hi Nancy Hole Me Garcia Wenice to meet you, Me Bakar Nico to moet you, to, Jahn Exercise 2 1. A Hi Whats yourname? My nama Usa And whats your nae? A My rame James. 2A. Whats hisnane? BH name is Michael A Arid whats hat nama? B: Hac mame i Susan Exercise 3 1. Helo, Me Witon ‘Gad morning, Dad. Haw are you? [EmOK thane you HL How ae you Ms. Tuer? Fm jut fing thank you How about ou, Me, Smith? Pretty goad thanks. Hows t gain, Ken? Great Hawa you doing? Pretty good Exercise 4 2A’ My name Ellen Mile, 8: Cm Rob Wiliam 3. A Hallo, Carol How & going? Eine thanks, 4. How dou yl your lastname? 8 5. A im Rich Martine. 8 nice tameetyou Exercise 5 a tvee B eight hone 1: ten five ea Oze0 four Exercise & “4, 949.555.3902 '5. bran jomaonts7@a— 019 6. 773555:1779 7. marabrady 7Beup 019 B. tna fox 9528p 079 Workbook answer key Exercise 7 4. A: Whats your name? 8: mMomoko Sto 2: Wnice to meet you, Memako. 2. & Hello. im Josh Brown, min your Erglah cas, 8: Yes andyoutrain my ath cls, to, 2 & Vina name? B: techvs Alen, 1A Hes incur English as. 8: Youta right! Exercise 8 4 Amy: Excuse me fre yu Alex Waker? Cres: Nom nat He ove there ‘any Ob, ki sory 2. Amy: Excuse mo ue you Alex Waker? ‘Ale Yo, lam ‘ny, Alon My name ia Ary Clk ‘Al Oh, yout mimy English dase. ‘amy: Tatseght sniceto meet you ‘Alex Nice to moet you 190 Exercise 9 Wi dreyou Andes Nelson? No, Imnot (Oh, sory. What youre? Keny Moore Hoes you sal your fet nara? KERRY. Andh your lastname? MOORE tes 618.5557120. (Anduhats your ema address? Is koere19cup 03 Exercise 10 A 2. A Goodkbe 8: See youtomorow 3 & Excuse me, you Mini Pak? 8: Yes am. Ieee to mest you, 4. & Goadevening. 8: Hallo 2 Where are my keys? Exercise 1 A 2. alaptop 3. snumbrella 4 Svallet 5. svastebasiot tablet rotabook ‘hain B 2. This laptop 23. Theis an umbrella 4 Thins awallet, 5. Thins awartetorkt This atablet. 7. This a notebook 1. This ahora, Exercise 2 [al = doors, umbels, keys, nergy bas Is = books laptops, dest, tablets Jia! = quizzes, boxes, purses, hatbrushes Exercise 3 2A What this? B safash dive, 3. A: What ae these? 8 4.8 What ae these? 8 5. A: What ae these’? 8 6. A: What eth? 8 iteapuse, Exercise 4 Clara: Wow! Whats this? Kevin tea pure Clara: Oh, cool Thank you. Kevin Kevin Youre welcome va: Now open thsbox Clara: OK Whats his? Ba: tea tablet cao Clara: Oh, thank you, Eva. And what ar these? va: Theyre sunglasses Clara: Thanks! Thee great Laura: Open this too! Clara: Oh, i’s an ublla, Thanks, Laval Exercise 5 2. A: Excuse me this the math class? Yes tis Andim your teacher 13. lemy purse on the chair? 8: Na.a.nat ls under the table, 4.4 Whore’ my pop? B tin your backpack 5. A Whore are your classes? 3B Thaysein my purse 6. A: Hi Are you in my math cass? 8 Yes.lam AndI'min your Englishcas, oo! 2A 8 BA 8 ‘Ae these your keys? Yes. theyre Thank you Excuse me. Are you Mi-s00 Cho? Nomar My name's Jinsho Han Minsoo ist in thisclas. Exercise 6 & 8 & 8 A & 8 A 8 & & 8 & 8 A 4a 8 8 A (Oh, nol Where ismy tablet? Isitinyour backpack? Hmm, rit under yourmath book? Yes, tis Thankyou! lsthis my cell phone? Noi not Its my cll phone Soery Where & my cell phone? leitmyour purse? Oh, yon ti Thaks. Whore ara my keys? Are thayin your pocket? No theyre act ‘thoy on the table? Hm, Ys, thay ae. Thanks. lemy rotebookin your backpack? No itknot Soe. Hn, Wha i my notebook? Isitbehind you laptop? Lot me seo Yes, tis Thankyou! Exercise 7 Answers wl vary. 2.No, tenot Ie 3. No, Renot Its. /Yen its No, Renot I 55. No, mnt. 'm nan English cls, Exercise 8 The umbrolla under the tao 23. The keys are neato the walet, 44 The pen sin kant af the puse 5. Tho laptop onthe desk 6. The wastebasket s behind the chat Exercise 9 p> swe Serererer 8 8 Where ar the books? They'tounder the table Whore the cell phone? Ite inthe pure Whore ar the pers? They'on the tale Whore the purse? Its infront ofthe TV, Where ae the sunglasses? They'behnd the cane Anawers wil any ‘Workbook answer key 3 Where are you from? Exercise 1 A Counter Natonatiee Languages Seal Braaian Bouse Célomtia Calanbian Seah SoutKeres Southorgan Kazan Gonado Canadian fngish andre Turtey Tush Tush Argentina Argentca Seas pan Japanese dasanase Eat Eovause ‘ahs Boge in Colombia, Telyo isn Jara. Sto Paulo and io de Janeiro vein ral, Seoul and Daejeon aain South Kova, Buenos Aves isin Aigeatia. Vancouver and Ottawa aan Canada, Coreisin Eons. Exercise 2 1. Ate you and your family rom Neve Zealand? No, wea not Wel ram Aust Oh, so youlsa Austalan Ye, lam. 'm from Melooue, lean Cental marca? No, tot lee in South Amica, Oh ewe from Bran Daa? Yes a ag Welts fom Bra original but wei here inthe US now Toei your wale? Yess Thanks. And ate these your unglases? Yes, they az Weil, theyse very nice sunglasses. Tharkyou! Isyou' English teacher fom the US? 'No,shei not Shem Canada Montes, Canada leEnglah her frat language? No, not Her Fst language ie French Exercise 3 2. leshefrom india? 8 Yes sho, 3. A leche fom Canad? 8 4.4 Aro theyin Mexico? 8 5. A lehe im Banghek? : No.belsnot Hela New York, A Row they 9 Egypt B: Yes they ar. Exercise 4 4. fourteen 2 tory 2 siy 4 thetoon 5. twenty-seven DEOrarar erererera> Workbook answer key ‘one hunched and two leven thay eighteen 10. oghty Exercise 5 2. Is your fet language Engen? 8: Nout Japanaso. 23. What are they ike? 8 4A Whot that? B: Hes thenow-math teacher, 5. A: Where are Rahul ands fami? 8 4. & How oldiehe now? B: Heb twenty-eight. 7. Whats Marrakech ke? 8: bey mtesesting, Exercise 6 A 2, Mark nc Caron ae tlt 3: Bran stn and Owen is baat 4 Danioliezeaus 5. Marto shat and Ben ital Giony is uaa Dr Loperskind 9. No, she's not. 9. No, hes no Yen she Yes they are No, she not. Yor, 1am. No, mnot Ys, am, / No, mnt Exercise 7 1. & Annette, whats your best fiend ike? B: Shai ver nice. Her name Valente. tall her Tina 2: eta she ron? ksh from Spain? B: No, shot nat. Sh's fom tay. 2. Toh, ae you and Nom from Japan? Yes, na ae Wt tom Osaka, ‘A: Whats your fist language? B: Mgfiat snguage ie Japanese, but Naomi est language is English Her parents ave from New York ongnal Exercise 8 Answer wil a Aitmfom: 4. Shi om. / He rom 5 She's. / He's im x 4\s this coat yours? Exercise 1 jacket Bose bet sie high hese oe Tete sors Exercise 2 (Chock those toms Forwork Forhome For cold weather shone Tenet For wae shore Exercise 3 ‘Avenar il ay, Exercise 4 A 2. A Whose tists? Boots 13. A Whose bats ae shes? 4A Whose shoes ate shes? 41. & Whose Tshirts tis? sit Ayuris? B: Nowiténot hast mina 2. A Me these yout ears? B: No,they rent my jean, Lets ack Meharmed I hink theyre is 3. A Methese Stephanie and Jemilers socks? 1B: Nowthey wen thas They your A. | dontthinkso. These socks ae white, and mine ae be Exercise 5 ‘Avewors wil vay Fosse sewers 2. ee sering raining 3. Rewintor fs snowing every ol 44 Resumes Revoryhot ls humic sunny. 5. Reta is sumy ts cocl 6. Sina 5 sun very cole Exercise 6 A 3. Sungrmins wearing a hit. ‘4 Lirtrweming sti 5. Alcon wearing aches 6 Lizard Sung-min ae wearing sneakers 7. Stevan i wearing asc Steven and Pablo re wasting hat 8 2. No, thay ate. No, they nt Theyre wearing jackets 3 No, sho srt /No, shes nat. Shs wearng jan ‘4. No,stw isnt. /No, sh not She's wearng adres 5. No, thay ate’. No, theyre net Theyre wearing blouses. 16. No, thay arent. No, they'e net. Theyre wearing pnts Exercise 7 4 My names Jamie Him maaring «Tshirt and shonin. wearing sors, 09, Ka raning, but tmngk eating.» 2 Ite wintey so Marie notearing ict acing high heels shes wearing boots Shes eating scr, but shes nabweaing isnt wssnng a hat. 2 ever hot Retard and Meg aunt mating sweaters today. They nearing Fshts Ws warm, so Meas. ‘wean cht parts and Richards waaring short “4 Eesyganng su. Hos nanwoating st wearing scar buthes weatingatie Hels wearing shoes and socks voy wind Exercise 8 2 Itevory cold outsid, bit mnct wearing coat 3. Herska isble, ander blower 00 4 its ainng so need an umbrella 5. Het wearing an expenive su, ut heb wearing sneaker. 6 ts summer andits very sunny saitsho. Workbook answer key 5 What time is it? Exercise 1 2. Its even o'clockin the morning 3. Its aquarertothroe inthe afteoon./ Re wo forty. fve inthe afternoon 4. Itsnnesanty inthe maming./ Ws twenty ater nin in the morning 5. Its square after scn the evening. /I ic feen in the evening Ine seven clock at right. 7. Its thee thity inthe morning 1B. Its ble oclock inthe aernaon,/enoon Exercise 2 2.15 1.00a1 in Phoanit Rs leven cicoc inthe 3 181202 n Meco City. oon. stele ook inthe atemoon, Its t0brar Linas oe o'ackin the tencon tts 200rm nLaPaz Ketwo olka the secon 6: 30m Morte on tin Exercise 3 2. Wes wale otdock 3. ie nne-hthree, 4 Its aquarter toto, 5. les fourth Its ten after eight Exercise 4 2. Its 1000 ts en at ight 3. Its 515. ts fvefitens 4, Its 7.00 es even inthe euening. 5. lts430 ltsfourthiny. & Its 8001 Ir eightin the morning 7. les wolverine, Its 2007 ts two inthe afteencon 9, Its wale au Re midnight 40, Its 645. ts a uatarto seven. 1, 1e5 11:15 It 9 quarto after elven Exercise 5 2. He's working. 2. Shes eding abil They watching amie Ho cing Ho's shopping They having breakfast Theyre taking a walk Shek caling a tend Workbook answer key Exercise 6 3. No, he'snot. He swimming. 44 No, hes not He cooking. 5. No, they're nt. Theyre running 6. No, dee not. She sleping, 7. No, hes not. He reading, 1. No, theyre nt. Theyre playing basketball Exercise 7 2. Bob chinking sods? B: Yes, eis. 3. A: Are Jason and Beth watching a movie? B: No, theyve nat. Theyre dancing 4. le kina wearing jeans? B: No, shot nat Shab wearing a sit 5. A: Ar Amy and Gabriela chatting online? B: No, theyenat. They eating piza 6 A IsDanel taking te Adana? B Yes, eis. 7.1. le Bob wearing shorts? B: No, het not He's wearing pans 8. A: leMin talking onthe phone? B: Yes, she Exercise 8 13. A: What are Tom and Donna doing? B: Theyre visting fiends 4A: Whats Sandra dong? B: Shes getting wp. 5. A: What ae you and labels doing? B: Wet ring bikes. 6. A: What ae Diego and Patricia doing? B: They working 7.8: Whatis Tm dong? B: Heb listening to music 18: What areyou doing? B: Fmstudyng Engish / We're studying Engish 9. A: What are Sonya and Annie doing? B: Theyre having dene. 410. A: Whatam 'dong? B: Youre fishing this oxere Exercise 9 Answersvil vary. 6 | ride my bike to school. Exercise 1 A 14 Ace and Lary are my pants, Alice my maths, and Lary ism father 2. Nick sm husband. 'mhis wie 3. Ethan, Avery and Bala ae our childtn. Avery and Bella se our daughtar, and Ethan sour son Avery i Boll's ster and Ethan shor brother 8 Arenore wll vy. Exercise 2 CChstne:So, do you ive dountown, Sarah? ‘Sarah Yos, |i wth my brother He bas an apartment near he (Christine: Oh, so you valk 0 work Sarah Actua, | daat wa to workin the morning. | taka the bus to work andthen lak home at right What about you? Christine: Well, my husband and thave 3 house inthe suburbs navy so ive to werk My husband doesrt work lomntown. He wavs nthe suburbs near our house, so he ‘does to work by bu Exercise 3 12, vatches Sei) smi (els /u) regular sleeps studes dances dows takes Ives ses goes aks rides watches fas Exercise 4 A ‘Avene wil vary. 8 ‘Avene wil vary, Exercise 5 2. She goesto work at 8:0 every dy. 3 She has lunch st 1100 every day 4, She takes wak at 200 every day. 5. She frshos work a 5:00 every day 6 she plays basketball t 00 on Monday, 7, She goes to clase at 600 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8, She watches a move at 400 on Fridays, Exercise 6 Anawers al vary. 2.1---on Tuesdays. Idont on Tuesdays. 3.1. on Wednesdays. dont. on Wednesdays. 4.10 on Thuradoys.Idont on Thursdays 5.1. on Frys Ion on Faye 61. on Saturdays. dont on Saturdays. 2.1. —-on Sundays dont..on Sends Exercise |. A: Do you goto bed late anweskends? B: Yes, Ido. 99 ta bed at midnight But! go tobed @ cay an weekday A: Doyou stayin the ateroon? B: No, Isto inthe morning an weekends andl study in the evening an Mondays and Wedhosdays 3. A What time do you getup inthe morning on weekdays? B: [get up at 600 every doy 4.4: Do you have Engh class nthe morning? B: No, have English a 33Din the atemoon an Tuesdays {and Thursdays. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, our lai at 500 Exercise 8 2. A: Doyou and you family watch television nthe attemaan? “es, my family and watch television inthe afternoon Yes, getup ear on Fridays er erererararere Iget up at $30. Nowny ssa don de wok Nowe dow te ob Sh aks Newry td doen need, Yes, my mom works inthe ety. Sho restaurant manager Does she use public vanspestaton? [Noy she doesn ute publi anspotation She drives to work 7. A: Doyo have abig unc on Sundays? B: Yes, we have abi lunch on Sundays ee A B: Wehave lunch at 100. Exercise 9 2. We don’ ve in the suburbs. 3. We take thebus, the ain, or the subway 4 He goes to work before noon, 5. | dont work fo frombore, 6. She doesn't getup eatly on Sundays Exercise 10 Anawers all vay. eon weekdays 2.1. onwookends 3.1. on Fey matt 4.10 on Sandy mamings. Workbook answer key 7 Does it have a view? Exercise 1 2. bathroom & g3rag0 3 ktchon 2. yard 4. dining room 8. doset 5: livingroom Exercise 2 Jitye:Do you lve in house, Femands? Femands Jihyer Wal ei very big? Femands ihyer Doesit havea view? Femands:Yes.ithasagteatview ofthe cy. Jchye! Oh thats great! And do you ive slone? Femande No. Lani mth my aster. Exercise 3 Aa you vanes hor, Brandon? Brandon: Yes, Ido. My wie and Ive on Main Street {AF Oh, do youlim in an apartment? Brandon: No, we daatt We have 3house ‘ALOh, geal Da you hae chicren? Brandon: No, we dont But my mether ams with us. ‘Al Realy? Does she do alot of wark athoma? Brandon: Yes, she das. Infact, she coaks dinner every night! {You're lucky! |v alone, and cook my oan dinner Exercise 4 ‘Avene lay 2. Yes, do. No, dont, 3. Yes, do. No, Idont, 4. Yes, itdoes./ Not dosn't 5. Yes, /he does./‘No, she doesn. 6. Yes, we do. / No, we dont. 7. Yes, we do. /No, we dont 8. Yos,itdoes./ No, i doesn't. 9. Yos,it does. /No,itdoosn'. 410. Yes, it does /No, tdoasn', Exercise § A 2. & Dothayneed.a able? 2: Yes theydo. 3. A: Dotheyhave chars? 4 ‘ 4. Dothey needa deesser? 8: Notheyclont 5. & Dothoy have aminor? 8: No theyclont 6. & Dothoy have curtains? 8: Yes thay. 7. & Does he have a bookcase? 8: Yessbedows. 8. A Doss he need curtine? Yes be does. Does he needa sofa? 3 Does he havea chair? No he doesnt. Does ha havea lame? Yosh doss. Does he need pictures? Nowhedovsrit. s Workbook answer key 8 Acewers wil vary 1 Ihave ./Ineed Exercise 6 In Maria's apariment, theres a big ving room. There az ‘wo bedrooms and two bathrooms. Theres na elevator, Dut there ae stairs He has fot of books, so there are ‘bookcases in the Ining ream and bedkooms. Thee agen. any chaisin the kitchen, but thera big table wth chais inthe dring oom. Thor nocoffee maker inthe Kitchen, but there a mieromave oven. There aa wo televisions Marts apartment theres one television in the lving room, andthe one television nthe bedroom, Exercise 7 ‘Aceworswil vary Possible answers 2. Yos, hore a stove inmy kitchen / No, thre it stove. / No, there no stove 13. Yo, there a sofain my ving room. / No, thre ina sofa. No, therosno sof, 4 Yes there are soma bookcases in my livingroom. Yes, ‘there's one bookcase n my ving room. / No, there sent {any bookcases in my ning room / Ne, there ae no bookcases my living room, 5, Yes there's a clockin mybatinoom. No, there isn't 1 dockn mybathroom / No, there’no lockin my battroom 6, Yes, there are some pictuesin my bedkoom./ Yes, thers one picture my bedroom, / No, there aon any pictures in my bedroom. / No, there are na pictues my bedroom, 7. Yos, theres a dost my bedroom, / No, there int 1 dosetin my bedroom / No, there's na coset a my bedroom, Exercise 8 A 2. There arent any cals in the dining room. / There are no chai inthe ding room, 3. Thorer a stows nthe living room, 44. Theres a rigoratorin the bedroom, 5. There no bedin the beckoom. / There ent abedin the bedroom 6, Thave are armchairs in the bathroom, 7. Thorwsa bodin the tchon, 1B. There arent any bookcases i theliing room. / There ae no beckeases the vg fom. 8 Acewers wil vary Exercise 9 2. A: Da younced Ising room fui? 8: Yas. Lda. need a sofa andacofee table. 3. A Irallynoed anon desk 8: Soletsgo shonpingthis weekend. 4. A Doyouhave chars your kitchen? 8: Yes. do.t hav sx chats, Exercise 10 Avenerswl vay 8 Where do you work? Arenors wll vary Possible answers 2. Heb avendor He handles money. He handles food He sfonde all day. He works oui 3. Shet/He a frefighter Sh/He helps people. She/Me works hard 4A. She's a hel She workin a restaurant. She handles food, Sha stands al day. 5, Heb tax drver He handles money He sits allay He helps people {She a teacher She works in a school. She helps students, She works hard Exercise 3 2. A Wht do Victoria and Jon do? Victoria and Jon ae nurses. And thay work together too ‘A Where dashes ark? B: At Spuingleld Hosp. 3. A Wher does your daughter work? BB Mydoughter worsin an ace 1x What dozasha da? Shes an accountant ‘4. & What do you and Don do? B: Den and I? We're software engingers A How do youlike i? 8: We lke alot! Exercise 4 4. & Dayou have ajob? Yes, Ido Oh, what do you do? B: Em/ am graphic designer A Where da you wat? BI work at home, 2 Oh, wow! How da you lke your ob? [really kets a great abt ‘What me da you start werk? BI stat work at 80D a1, and Ifnsh at 300°. 2. A My brother has new ob Real Whore does he work? Ho works at tho Town Conte Mall B: What doashe da there? A Hes! sa security guard B: How dos he ike hs job? A Oh | guess he les it B: What tme dogs ho start work? ‘A He sas work a 1000 a, and he finishes at 600 rx. Exercise § A Be Be ae B ‘Arsuers wilvary Possible answers 2. A securiy guards job is boring. A securty quad doesnt hhave an exiting jab. Asecutty quards ob isnt exciting. 13. Paulhasa dangerous jo Paul doesn thave a sate jab Paul jab n't sate 4. front desk clerk as astressfuljob. A front desk clerk 1A plumbers jab TA reporters job Workbook answer key 9 | always eat breakfast. Exercise 1 Fruit Dairy 2 oranges 43. milk 3. apples 44. choose 4. bananas Fate and ols Vegetables 45. outer 5, ietuce 16.1 6 broceot ‘Meat and other proteins 7 potatoes 17. chicken 8 carote 48. boars Grains 49. ours 9 rico 20. es 10, cores 41. bread 12. crackers Exercise 2 2. Theis @yogur 3 Theisapouto 4. Theis an 99 5. Theis an onon 6 Theis Qece Exercise 3 Arenore vl vary. Exercise 4 11 A: What do you eat for lunch? 8: oll, usualy have some noodles in broth [A That sounds good. De you have any vegetables? 3: No,I dont eat any vegetables for lunch {: Real? Do you hive anything ele? 8: Well | usualy have soma fut - grapes or stranberos, but dont eat any dessert 1 you drink anything with your lunch? Ialwaye hove same water and cole, I don put acy rmikin my coffee, but he some suger in What do you want fox der? Lets make same chicken soup. Good idea. Do we have ay chicken? Yes, we have soma chicken, but we don'thave any. vegetables Lets get sama celery and onions (OK Do we reed any pasta forthe soup? Yes, let's got soma pasta. Oh, and some gat, to. Great. We have some salt and pepper soe dont ‘eed any spices, 8: Yeah, but lots get some bread. And soma crac, 10, Workbook answer key Exercise 5 ‘Answers wl vary Possible ansvets: 2. You need some lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and carrots You dont need ay 13. You need some pasts, tomatoes, onions, and cheese. You dont need any 4. You need some fish, bread, lettuce, anda tomato. You dont need any '5. You need some apples, oranges, bananas, and Dbkaberis, You don’ need any 6. You need some... You don't need any Exercise 6 A 2. In Canad, people hardly ever have salad for broaktast 13. Some pacplen South Korea always eat pickled ‘vegetables fr breakfast. 4, American often put cream in thee cof ', Braiians often make cis with fut 6: In England, people usually put mikin thei ta. 7. Some peeplein Mexico nove eat pasta In China, people hac ever put sugar in th B newer wil vay Exercise 7 ‘Acewors wil vary Possible answers 2. Ineverhardly eve/sometimes/ohen/isualy/alvays have pasta forlunch 13. [neverhharaly ever/sometimes/ofon/iausly/alvays have coffee for lurch 4, Ineverhardly ever/ometimes/ofon/iausly/alvays have 299s fr lunch 5. [neverthardly eve/sometimes/ohen/isualy/alvays have ‘beef for lunch 6. Ineverhardly eve/sometimes/ohen/isualy/alvays have sie for lunch 7. Ineverthardly eve/ometimes/ote/iausly/alvays have bearefrluneh 8. Inevertaraly evesometineslotoniauslylalvays have salad for unch Exercise 8 Acewor wil vary 4. My favorite restaurant 2. utuallphave for dinner 2. Yos sometimes often cook./ No, thardly ever/ ever cook 4. My favorit kind of foods. 1. Myfavortesnackis 10 What sports do you like? Exercise 1 A at an 4 9 i play Bike riding ice-skating hockey baseball got swimming hiking batketball soccer football Exercise 2 Kate: What do you do onthe weekends? Isabel: ik to play spots, ete: Really? What spots do you lke? Isabela: Well love to go snowboarding Katie: Dass youc husband go saasbaaring. tac? leabela:No, he doesn't ike cold weather He kes o play basketball Kate: What da you ke ta da inthe summee? Isabela: ke to play tenis when the weather is warm, ete: Wha do you practice wt Irabel:lprotice with my str She loves terns t00. Exercise 3 Answer wil vay. 2. What sports do you watch? watch 13. What sports do you play play {4 How often do you go summing? '5. Who do you pay sports with? Iplay sports th Exercise 4 2. Can Dovg ride a ores? No, he cat 3. Can Mariana bake cookies? No, she cant Gan Felipe and Ken skateboard? Yes, they can '. Can George play hockey? Ys, he can 6. Can Ana and Debbie ply terms? Yes, they can, Exercise 5 ‘Answers may vary. Possible arsiers 2. He can do math in hisheal but he can fix a computer 1. She ean play chess, but she cant play soccer 44. She ean build a rbot, but she canting, Exercise 6 2. A: Who doyou go bike riding wih? 8 3. A: Who canplay the piano? B: Macacan. 4. Whore do you go hiking? Inthe mountain. Exercise 7 A ‘Anawers al vary. 8 Anawers all vary. Exercise 8 2. He can play sports wel 13. She has mary talents 4 lowest ‘5. He cant dance at all 6. She tolls ood kes Exercise 9 Anawers wll vay. Yes Ican./ No, can Yes, ean. No cant Yes, ean. No, cant Yes, lam. /No, Fm nat. Yes, am. /No, mnt. Yes 6/ No, dont Yor ean. / No, cant Yes, do / No, don. Yes, |. / No, Ion. Yes Iean./ No, cant Exercise 10 Anavers wl vary. Workbook answer key 41 I'm going to have a party. Exercise 1 A 2. February 3. Moreh 4 fpr 5. May & une 7 ly 2B August 9. September 40, Ostsber 41, November 42, December 8 Anwnare wl ary c 2. March ffoerth 3. November fst 4 Auguctsoteerth 5. July ony fourth & May enth| 7. February second 1B. Decomber twontyzoventh Exercise 2 2. Laie going tobe tity three on October sith '3. Ruth and Sharon ae going tobe satynine on September twenty fat. 4. lamgoingtobe...on Exercise 3 2. On August sath, he's goingto ply terns ater wor 38. On August eighth hes going to chive tothe beach wth Mates 4. On August tenth hes going to go shopping ater work 55. On Auguat talth het going to wor late 6 On Auouat thiteonth hel going to mest Meliss fordinner 7. On August fenth he going to go to armuseun eth iva '8. On August nineteenth, hes going tobuy Kenta, bithday present. 1. On August entith, hes going to go to Kenta bithday pany 40, On Augast mentysighth hes goingto see a movie eth fond Exercise 4 2. On Friday, my end Joe andl ate. going ta zat a movie Aftor the movie, we are. going dinner tour avorte Mexican estaurat 3. On Saturday morning, my parents ae going tov. They ‘ue. going ia dive ino the oy and we ara. gcing 2.92, tothe at maseum Ithek my mother gcingio lat, bbatmy father. goingin ket Later we are going atch sbaeeball game on TW My pron ate going £2.09 home after dinnee 4. On Sunday | am gong a getup ea, Then am going. tetakaa valk. On Sundoy aterncon am goina toda Yoga Inthe evening, my fend Eve and fare gag to stuch together ‘Workbook answer key Exercise 5 4. Eric: what are you going odo tis weekend? Alex This weekend? im going to goto the ty with my son ne: That nice, Where afe you ging sia)? Aloe We're going ostay at my sisters apartment. She Ives there fe Realy? Whetase ou ging tad? Wheto actin we going to 90 toa mein fe Ai Novus ant gong goths Sh oingto ‘ge bike riding. 2. Scott Im gaing te have abrthay party for Ben next Saturday. Con you come? Emily: See Scot fs going to beat my nouse. Do youhave the acres? Emily: Yes do Ard ahan sit goingto star? /whattime is. ‘gong isan? | Scotts going to start a sven o'clock Emiy: sob gong tobe thee? Scot: No, Bob nt going tobe thre Emily. Tattoo bad. a you gaing ta bake acake? Scot: No, Im not going ta bake a cake. leant bel I'm Emly OK Sounds good. See you on Saturday. Exercise 6 A 2. Theyre going to play soccer: 2 Shas gong toy the pro, 4 Theyre gong to go shopping 5. Hee going to sud & Theyre going to ply chess 7. Thayre gong to S00 a move 1. Theyre going to bake cookies 9, Heb going tarde a hore 8 Aeworewil ary. Exercise 7 ‘Arenareil ary. 12 How do you feel? shoulder bow hand 16. foot Exercise 2 2. Sho has a soe throat 3. Hehe an earache 4. Hoh a stomachache 5. Sho has a headoch 1, She ha a backache Exercise 3 41 Jake: H, Carla, How ara you? (Cami: tm ne thanks. How about you? Jake: Not so good. Actually | fee really av Camis: Jake think have the fu (Caml: That'ston bad Ave you going ta see a doctor? Jake: No, mgongto ge home now. Cami: OK Ger somavest. Jake: OK. Thanks 2. Camis: How do you fel day? Jake fee mach beter dake: Ys, am. (Camila: Great See youlater Exercise 4 2. Ihave ahorrible col, so Im going to buy some cal medics 3. Your eye lookred andtired Get some syadaas. 4. Alan has stomachache,s0 he's going to got some antacid 5, Thavea terible headache. Ingedsome asin {6 Mandi cough sounds awiul Tm going ta give her some sough sup Exercise 5 2. What’ wrong? 3. Imvory teed, 44. im sony to hoor that 5. I'm lad to hear that. & My head foals trl, 7. have a stomachache B. Ihave a sore throat. Exercise 6 2. Go home oat 3. Drnksome water 4. Go othe grocery store 5. Don't stay up late 6. Have a hot drink, 7. Dent lit hea things. 1B. Don't work too hard Exercise 7 Anawers wil vary Exercise 8 A ‘Answers wil vary B Anawers wil vay Workbook answer key 13 How do | get there? Exercise 1 A 2. 'm going to go to the bank. need a new debit card 3. Mycaris almost out of gasoline. Is there a gas station sear here? 4, re you going tothe pastffic? I need some stamps. 5. On Sundays, [buy food for my family atthe supermarket 6. We'e going to have an espresso at the cafae shop. before lass 7, Anita is going to get some medicine at the deugstore 8. Mysonis going ta school next week We'e going tothe department state downtown to buy him a backpack 8 Top row Bottom row 8, 4,5,7 Exercise 2 2. Tho hospitals ashind the bank 3. The bookstore is onthe camar af Fox Street and Second Avenue 4. The Chinese restaurantis on West Steet, etuzen the coffe shop and the supermarket. 5. The shoe store snaxtia the drugstore 6, The Mexican restaurant acass om the park Exercise 3 A Arewers wil van B Anewers wil vary Exercise 4 Tom: Excuse me Can you hefa me? Woman: Se. Tom: shete arestcom wound hers? ‘Woman: Yes, there sts inthe supermarket on West Stet. Tom: Whave’an West Seat? ‘Weoman: son the comer of West Street and Third Avenue Tom: Next ta the Chinese cestaurant? ‘Woman Yes, hats ight. I'sright next tothe Chinese restaurant. Tom: Thanksalot, Weman: Youre welcome Workbook answer key Exercise 5 2. The Empire State Building ifr rom hore, but Central Parkisnearhere. You can walk thee 3. Don't walk down Columbus Avenue, Walk ua Columbus Avenue, “4. The New Landon Hotalntin rent ofthe bank ts boeind 5. Dont tu laft on Sitoonth Stoet. Turn tight Exercise 6 Answers wil vary Possible answers: 2. Go up Fourth Sueet Tum left on West Steet Wak to Second Avenue. Is onthe right, between the coffee shop andthe supermarket 3. Walk down Second Avenue, Tun lft on Haris Set. ‘Walk to Fourth Avenue, ft on the le, across from the park ‘A. Via up Thied Avenue. Turleft on West Street, Turnright on Second Avenue. It's on the aight, next to the coffee shop. Exercise 7 Answers vary 14 | had a good time. Exercise 1 A 2. He answered email 3. They exercsed 4. He claaned the house 5. She dd laundry. 6. She suc, 7. He washed the ca 8. She went grocery shopping Answers wil vary Exercise 2 in tas relly busy | wacked on Friday then nue frends ove afar work leaked dione for them. We lesen to music and talled about wort, but hey did't stay very late ‘kn: gatup ea on Saturday because | played basketball with Angela Then | isted relatives, We walkad downtown and ata dinner Oh, and we sam a movie. On Sunday, | studded for my math testwith my fiends. [did laundry on Sunday atenoon, 100. ‘Alisha Wow! That was abusy weekend! | dat da much this weekend, |ansieied emal on Feday night and | watched TV too. On Saturday | dat gat up ear |claaned the house and | went grocery shopping. dit da anything fon Sunday Exercise 3 2. Hiro wont toa museum, Claudia dit goto a museum. 3. Claudia ode abigyle Heo didnt ride abicydl. ‘4. Claudia and Hiro cooked 5. Hiro studied, Claucha didn't study 6. Claudia shopped. Ho dia’ shop. 7. Hiro played tm, Claucka didn't play tennis Exercise 4 Present Past Present Past buy ought = go wasnt come came hae had do Sd ‘ead cad ex ala fide ‘ade fel fet sea sow mast met st st Exercise 5 ‘Aaron: So, Beth, did you havea good summer? Beth: Wel hac an steresting sunmmex My sister and her fam came to visi fortwo weeks Aaron Thats nice Beth: Yos and no. My ster dik ee wel, so she sat onthe sofa and watched TV She hardly ever gatun, ‘Aaron: Oh, wll Did hor husband and ke have 2 ‘good tne? Both: hinko, They played vllyball and rade the bikes every dy. ‘Aaron: Did you gat to any restaurants? Beth: No, lgacked breakast, lunch, and nner every day They at lot of food, but they ditnash any dishes. ‘Aaron: Thats too bad. Did yu ral atl lst sure? Beth: Yes My ster and her family fal want home, nd then | laked | usttead some books and listened to music Exercise 6 ‘Avene vl any 2. &: Did you go anyuhere interesting? 3 Yes, did... /No, ici 3. & Did you take ary pictres? 3: Yes, did... No, ci ‘4.4: Did you buy anything interesting? 8: Yos, Idi... No, Ici 5. & Did you eat any now foods? 8: Ves, did... No, ci 6. & Did you ply any games? 8: Yes, did. No, Idi 7..& Did you play any sports? B: Yes, did... /No, iit 8. & Did yourmeet ay interesting people? B Yes, id. /No, Ic 9. & Did you soe ary good movies? B Yes, [did No, Ici Exercise 7 A Arewors may ary. 2. Theyhad abatbecve 3. Theywent hiking 4. They ate pizza 5. Theyplayed got, 6. They read books. 7. They aw amave./They watched a mavie./They went tothemove theater 8. Theywentto NewYork. 8 Arewors wll ay Workbook answer key 15 Where were you born? Exercise 1 siszon: Were youbom herein the US, Maio? Marie slason: Oh, were youbom in Francs? Marie: Nom from Belgium. slason: Realy? What city were you born in? Mare : slason: Were yout parents born in Brussels too? Mare sisson: And why did you come tothe US? Mare sisson: So when dd you mows here? Marie: We moves herein 2002, sisson: Realy? How ald were you then? Marie: Luas-aisteen. slagon: Wa sean? Marie: Nowtwasn'.lavedith Exercise 2 1. Sancta: Wlareyou born in the US, Wan? hans Yes, ae My brother and Iera born hore inion Sanco" was bom here, too, What about your parents? ‘Ware they bom here? Ivan: Wel my fathor wasnt He was bom in Cuba, but my mother as bom nthe US. —in Dato Sanca: Dato? Really? My pants wae born in Devo, too! 2. Kit called you on Saturday, but you wetent home, Jennifer: No asc Iwas atthe beach al weekend esti: That’ ree. How was the weather there? Jenner: tas beaut ‘tein Wace your parents there? Jennifer: No, they ware I as th my sister. iewas gest! 3. Mindy Wea you n college as year, Alan? Alan: No, len | graduated fom college Wo years ago. Mindy: So where wars you lst year? ‘Alan: yas in Japan. Mindy: Oh! Wee youn Tokyo? Alan: No, waz’ Iwas in Ora, had ajob ther. Mindy: Wt as the job? Alan las an Englch teacher Exercise 3 Answers lary Exercise 4 2. A: Wha was your favor teacher? B: Myartteacher Mrs. Heit, 3. A: When di you graduate fom high choo? 8: In zn, ‘A. Where did you go to college? 8: Iswont to Duke Unversty 5. A Wl did you study physics? B: Because wanted a become an asvonaut! 6.4: Hon were your profesor in clloge? B: They were gest 7. A: Hatta were you when you graduated? B: 1a 22 yeas old Workbook answer key Exercise 5 2. Tow 3. False SudantsofterVusualy/aluays eat lunch nthe cafeteria. ‘4. Foleo. Physical education clases are never/almost never inan auctorum, 5. Toe. Exercise 6 1A 2 B: nsvors wll vary) 2. A: Wha was yourfavarite teacher? B: nner ll vay) 3A: Whatwas your favorite class? B: nsvers will vay) “4. Who wore your best ends? B: nse ll vay) 5. A: Where did you spend youre time? B: nse wl vary) {6 A: When did you leave elementary school? B: nwer tl vary) Exercise 7 A 2. A: Didyou grow upin abig cy? B: Yer, did: /No, dnt. 3. A Did youl sports? B: Yos, did. /No, It “4. 8 Vlas yourhome near yourschool? B: Yor, twas. No, twain 5. A: Didyouride abusto school? B Yes, Idi. /No, cid. 6 A: War you a good student? B Yes, as. No, wasnt 7. A: Wee your teachos nice? B Yes, thay ware-/ No they weren't A Did youhave alot ends? B: Yes Idd. No, lt. 9. &: Did your grandparent ve near you? B Yes, they id. No, they n't, 10. A: Did both your parents work? B: Vos, they hc / No they hn, 8 ‘Answers wl vary. 16 Can I take a message? Exercise 1 Receptionist: Good morning, Oceanside Medical Me Jones: Good momings Is Dr Siva thore? Receptions: m sorry but Or Siva sina meeting, Mr Jones: Oh Receptionist: Can I take a message? ‘Me Jones Yes This is Bian Jones. Plea aek he to call me Receptions: Does Dr Shahave your number? Me Jones: don't think so. Its 604) 5550682. Receptions (604) 555.0562. give her your message. Me Jones: Thank you very much Roceptionst You're welcome, Good-bye. Me Jones: Good-bye, Exercise 2 2. Jay Holo? Kate: Hey Jay ts — say: Kate, Somy can you call me intha moening? Tm in bed 3. Marcola Hello? Kate: i, Marcela Its Kate. Do youwant to see 3 owe tonight? Marcela: love to, but leant Im an sacaton wth ‘ny parents 4, Bob: Helo? Kate: Hi, Bob. Its Kate, Youknow, you sound tere, ‘ae youOK? 0b: Not ell. rm indatthe hospital. broke my leg! 8. Angie:Helo? Kate: Helo, Angie? Its Kate, Why are you whispering? Whore are you? ‘Angie: Oh, rs at he ary 6. Peco: Heo? Kate: Hey, Pecko. Do you have aminute? Pecko: Not realy. 'm at wark. Callme tonight. Exercise 3 2. Can hep you? 3. They gave her the book 4. Do youremember me? 5. Imined hie call orterday 6. We visited them ist weekend. Exercise 4 Ann's mestage Hel, Miss Anderson. This Ann Lopes [work at Fest City Bank You left your wallet here this moming,Plase call ma at) 5551247. 1d Ihe to give itbacktoyoubelore we ‘lose today. sims message Hy Hoi es Jim. 'm sony misc your callyestordy. Listen, my fiends and are going to go out for coffee tomorrow moming We're meeting at my house at 9:00 ‘Would you le to joins? Give me's call Sarah's message Hi Heid Ite Serah. Did you see Marco today? He haxing 1 bethday party on Friday Do you wart to.go wth me? Fm ‘going to buy bim a precont later Call mel Thank! Exercise 5 ‘Allison: Hello? Evan: Hello. Can | speak to Roberta, plaasa? ‘Allison: I'm sory, ut she'sin ameeting, Can | give her 5 message? van: Yes. This Evan Martin, Please ak hero callme. mat work ‘Allison: Does she hava your umber? Evan:Yes, she dass Exercise 6 ‘Answers vill vary. Exercise 7 Answers vill vary. Exercise 8 1 Would you like to goto Bills party on Thursday night? "a tke to love a go, but have to study Ihave atest on Feds. Do you nantia pay tennis after work? the t love ta, but | have to work late Would you ite to hve dinner at ou howe? Yes, tdiaveta! Do you want ia vit the science museum tomorrow? Vd tke to lave ta go, but already have plans ‘Would you li 10 90 tothe maves tonight? Yes, but don't want see Horror House 3. don lke scary moves! Do you wantta leave a message? Yes please tll Or O'Brien that ke ta speak with her dbout our meeting ee prorerar oP Exercise 9 Aniwors wl vary Nike to I need 2 Iwan to meet Hike to eat, 5 hvant to Hike to Hike to.90 Workbook answer key

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