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An Undergraduate Thesis Manuscript

Presented To

The Faculty of the Teacher Education Department

Agusan Del Sur College, Inc.

Bayugan City

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degree








December, (2023).



Author: Ferlyn V. Bojos
Lecha Mae S. Calvo
Zander Clark J. Elangga
Diana A. Suganob
Jessie A. Tindoy, Jr.

Degree: Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in


Adviser : Ester A. Leybag

Host Institution: Agusan Del Sur College Inc.

Keywords: Literature, Critical Thinking


The research paper examines the role of literary analysis in enhancing

critical thinking skills among Grade 11 HUMSS students. It highlights the
importance of critical thinking and practical communication skills in today's
complex world. The study uses critical thinking and educational psychology
principles, such as Bloom's Taxonomy and Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, to
examine the relationship between literary analysis and critical thinking skills
development. The study was conducted at Agusan Del Sur College Inc., a 2.6-
hectare school building. A systematic sampling technique was used, with senior
high students chosen for the study. A survey questionnaire and test were used to
determine the major challenges faced by students in literary analysis. The
researchers found that respondents faced challenges in applying literary analysis
for critical thinking skills development, with standardized assessment tools and
limited exposure to literary texts being a common obstacle. Educators need to
develop measures to evaluate the effectiveness of literary analysis in fostering
critical thinking skills. A multifaceted approach, including clear guidelines, group
discussions, creative writing activities, and real-world connections, can help
overcome these challenges.


Bayugan City, 8502 Caraga,
Telefax (085) 231-2150

April 15, 2024

Basic Education Principal
Agusan del Sur College, Inc.
P-24,Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City



The undersigned students would like to conduct a research study titled “The
Challenges of Applying Literature Analysis for Critical Thinking Skills
development in Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) of
Agusan del Sur College Inc” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED) Major in English at Agusan
del Sur College Inc., Bayugan City.

In this regard, we respectfully request your permission to conduct the research at

your institution. We will ensure that the information we collect will be kept private
and will be used for academic purposes only.
We would highly appreciate your approval to our request.

Very truly yours,


Researcher Researcher


Researcher Researcher



Noted: Approved:


Dean, Teacher Education Basic Education, Principal


Completing this study has only been done without the valuable assistance

extended by the following persons in realizing this research work.

To our Almighty God, thank you for giving us sufficient strength,

knowledge, ability, and opportunity to undertake this research study.

Agusan Del Sur College, Inc., for providing this learning experience that

has helped us acquire valuable life lessons such as patience, tenacity, teamwork,

resilience, cooperation, and, most importantly, the infinite quest for knowledge.

Ms. Ester A. Leybag, for providing invaluable support, guidance,

comments, suggestions, information, and provisions that helped with the

completion and success of this study. Working and studying under her guidance

was a great privilege and honor.

To the Grade 11 advisers and students, for their willingness and

cooperation in answering the questions and responding to the request to be all

during the test.

To the researchers' parents who extended their unending love, moral

support, sustained financial assistance, prayers, and sacrifices. All of this would

not have been possible without their benevolent love and support given to us



This research is wholeheartedly dedicated to

those who are always there to guide,

support and inspire to make this

research a success

To our parents for the moral and financial support

And above all, to the Almighty Father

This study is passionately offered.

Ferlyn, Jessie, Zander, Diana, Lecha



Introduction 2
Theoretical and Conceptual Framework 5
Statement of the Problem 6
Significance of the Study 6
Scope and Delimitation 7
Definition of Terms 7
Research Design 24
Research Locale 24
Sampling Technique 25
Population and Respondents of the Study 25
Research Instrument 26
Data Gathering Procedure 26
Scoring and Quantification of Data 26
Statistical Treatment 27
Summary 35
Conclusion 36

Recommendation 37
Appendix A – Questionnaire
Appendix B – Letter Request


Figure Title Page

1 The Population as Respondent of the Study 25
2 The Respondents’ Perceptions of the Literary Analysis in 29
Enhancing their Critical Thinking Abilities
3 The ranking of the students’ challenges encountered in 31
literary analysis in critical thinking abilities.
4 The challenges encountered in literary analysis and 33
students' responses to coping mechanisms


Figure Title Page

1 The Schematic Diagram 5

2 Location Map of Agusan del Sur College Inc. 24


Chapter 1



In the ever-evolving landscape of education, cultivating critical thinking

skills is a paramount objective for educators worldwide. As we navigate the 21st

century, the demand for individuals who can analyze, evaluate, and synthesize

information has never been more pronounced. In this context, the Grade 11

HUMSS is crucial for developing critical thinking prowess. This research paper

delves into the transformative potential of literary analysis in nurturing and

enhancing critical thinking skills among HUMSS students.

Education plays a crucial role in the development of individuals and

societies. As the world becomes increasingly complex and fast-paced, students

need critical thinking skills to navigate vast information and make informed

decisions. In today's globalized and technologically advanced society, the Grade

11 HUMSS strand must adapt to meet the demands of producing critical thinkers.

Furthermore, this paper examines the symbiotic relationship between

critical thinking and effective communication skills, positing that the analytical

processes inherent in literary analysis contribute significantly to students' ability

to express themselves cogently. As students dissect literary elements and

explore the motives behind characters' actions, they refine their capacity to

articulate thoughts and ideas coherently in writing and verbally. Thus, the English

classroom becomes a crucible for critical thinking and honing communication

skills that are indispensable in academic, professional, and personal spheres.

In addressing the role of literary analysis in enhancing critical thinking

skills, this research paper also acknowledges the potential challenges and

nuances associated with its implementation in Grade 11 HUMSS. Factors such

as curriculum constraints, teacher preparedness, and the need for diverse literary

selections are explored in order to provide a comprehensive understanding of the

practical implications and considerations involved.

Critical thinking is crucial for students, but many HUMSS students need

help to develop it effectively. Literary analysis can enhance it, but implementation

faces challenges. Traditional teaching methods in Grade 11 HUMSS classrooms

often focus on rote memorization and regurgitation of facts, leaving little room for

critical thinking. This approach needs to equip students with the necessary skills

to analyze, evaluate, and interpret information effectively. As a result, students

may need help to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios and face

difficulties in problem-solving and decision-making. This research aims to

address this gap by exploring the potential of literary analysis to enhance critical

thinking skills among students at Agusan Del Sur College.

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework of the Study


The theoretical framework of this study is grounded in the principles of

critical thinking and educational psychology. It draws upon theories such as

Bloom's Taxonomy, which categorizes cognitive skills, and Vygotsky's

sociocultural theory, which emphasizes the role of social interaction in learning.

Additionally, the study incorporates literary theory and pedagogy concepts to

provide a comprehensive framework for understanding the relationship between

literary analysis and critical thinking skills development.

Another important theoretical framework that will be considered in this

study is the concept of literary analysis. Literary analysis involves examining and

interpreting literary works, such as novels, short stories, poems, and plays. It

involves the identification of themes, characters, settings, and literary devices, as

well as the exploration of the social, historical, and cultural context in which the

literature was produced. In the context of this study, literary analysis will be used

as a method to enhance critical thinking skills among students in Grade 11

HUMSS classrooms.

Drawing on these theoretical and conceptual frameworks, this study aims

to comprehensively understand how literary analysis can enhance critical

thinking skills in Grade 11 HUMSS classrooms. The research will explore the

potential impact of using literature to engage students in critical thinking and

promote deeper understanding and appreciation of the texts they study.

Figure 1 is the schematic diagram of the study that shows the flow of


Figure 1. The Schematic Diagram of the Study

Statement of the Problem


At the heart of this research are specific questions that guide the inquiry.

These questions form the nucleus of the research, propelling the investigation

toward practical insights and actionable recommendations. This research seeks

to answer the following questions:

1. How do students perceive the literary analysis in enhancing their critical

thinking abilities?

2. What specific challenges are encountered in the analysis of literature

that impact the development of critical thinking skills?

3. How were the challenges in literary analysis impacting critical thinking

abilities addressed?

4. What strategies can you suggest to enhance literary analysis?

Significance of the Study

This research holds substantial importance for various stakeholders in the

educational landscape of Agusan Del Sur College, as it seeks to enhance critical

thinking skills in Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences classrooms through

literary analysis. The researchers believe that this study will be helpful to the


Students. This research aims to enhance students' critical thinking skills

through literary analysis activities, promoting academic success and intellectual

growth. It aims to equip students with tools to approach literature with a critical

mindset, fostering lifelong learning and inquiry.


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focuses on Grade 11 HUMSS classrooms and examines

literary analysis to enhance critical thinking skills. It is delimited to a specific

geographical area and timeframe to maintain focus and feasibility.

Clearly defining the scope and delimitations helps researchers and

readers understand the context and limitations of the study, ensuring that

expectations are realistic and that the study's findings are appropriately

interpreted within the defined parameters.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined operationally for better understanding.

Critical Thinking. The ability to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize

information to make reasoned judgments and decisions.

Literary Analysis. The method to enhance critical thinking skills among

Grade 11 HUMSS classroom students.

Grade 11 HUMSS Classrooms. Educational settings where English

language and literature are taught to senior high-level students.


Chapter 2


This literature review addresses the intricacies of applying literary analysis

to develop critical thinking skills within the grade 11 humanities and social

sciences framework. Through a scholarly exploration, this review aims to

elucidate the challenges encountered in integrating literary analysis

methodologies to foster robust critical thinking abilities among students at this

academic level.

Review of Related Literature

The literature review and studies discussed in this research provide

compelling evidence for the effectiveness of literary analysis in enhancing critical

thinking skills among secondary education students. Using literary analysis in the

Agusan Del Sur College English classroom can cultivate students' abilities to

think critically, analyze complex information, and make sound judgments.

Educators at Agusan Del Sur College can play a pivotal role in equipping

students with the essential skills they need for academic and professional

success by integrating literary analysis into the curriculum.

Literary analysis is essential in developing critical thinking in students,

especially in the humanities and social sciences. Grade 11 is a crucial stage in a

student's academic career where they delve deeper into complex literary and

social concepts. As students engage with various texts, they must think critically,

analyze information, and develop their perspectives. However, developing literary

analysis for critical thinking skills challenges students and educators.

Literary analysis is a powerful tool for the development of critical thinking

skills. It involves interpreting, analyzing, and evaluating texts and key critical

thinking components. Literary analysis encourages students to question

assumptions, draw inferences, and arrive at conclusions, fostering critical

thinking (CBE—Life Sciences Education).

Implementing critical thinking skills instruction in classrooms is often

challenging. Traditional education often remains centered primarily around the

instructor-mediated transfer of facts, leaving little room for developing critical

thinking skills. However, active learning approaches that include frequent

practice of critical thinking skills have been reported to be successful (CBE—Life

Sciences Education).

Another study by Medina and Rodriguez (2015) explored the use of

technology in literary analysis for critical thinking skills development. The

research focused on implementing digital tools and platforms to engage students

in literary analysis and promote critical thinking. The findings indicated that

technology-enhanced learning can facilitate the development of critical thinking

skills and enhance students' understanding of literary texts. However, the study

should have specifically addressed the challenges that grade 11 humanities and
social sciences students face in this context.

In addition, a review by Brown and Smith (2019) examined incorporating

literary analysis in the curriculum to promote critical thinking skills development.


The review emphasized the need for a comprehensive and systematic approach

to teaching literary analysis, including diverse texts, discussions, and critical

inquiry. However, the review should have specifically focused on the challenges

encountered by grade 11 humanities and social sciences students in applying

these skills.

Assessing students' literary reasoning skills can be challenging. Teachers

must explicitly articulate the knowledge and skills students need to recognize and

use in comprehending complex texts. They must also understand how these

skills progress and deepen through repeated engagement in tasks requiring

critical thinking and interpretation (ERIC - EJ1068279).

Literary analysis is essential for developing critical thinking in students,

particularly in humanities and social sciences. Grade 11 students are at a crucial

stage of their academic development, where they must be equipped with the

necessary tools to analyze and interpret complex literary texts. However, the

challenges of applying literary analysis for critical thinking skills development in

this particular group of students need to be better documented. This essay

explores the existing literature on this topic, focusing on studies published from
2015 onwards.

In a study by Gabriela Myers (2016), the author emphasizes the

significance of literary analysis in developing critical thinking skills in high school

students. Myers argues that literature allows students to engage with different

perspectives, question assumptions, and evaluate evidence, all of which are

essential components of critical thinking. The study suggests that by


incorporating literary analysis into the curriculum, educators can provide students

with opportunities to practice critical thinking meaningfully and engagingly.

A study by Jennifer Hughes (2018) delves into the specific challenges of

teaching literary analysis to grade 11 students. Hughes identifies the

adolescents' struggle with abstract thinking and complex literary concepts as a

major obstacle. The study points out that many students at this level need more

background knowledge and analytical skills to engage with challenging literary

texts effectively. These findings highlight the importance of scaffolding instruction

and providing targeted support to help students overcome these obstacles.

In contrast, a study by David Brown (2017) highlights the potential benefits

of using technology to facilitate literary analysis in the classroom. Brown argues

that digital tools can enhance students' critical thinking skills by providing

interactive, collaborative analysis and discussion platforms. The study suggests

that integrating technology into the curriculum can help bridge the gap between

traditional literary analysis and the digital literacy skills essential in the 21st

Another relevant contribution to the literature comes from a study by

Sarah Johnson (2019), which focuses on the role of metacognitive strategies in

literary analysis for critical thinking development. Johnson emphasizes the

importance of helping students to become aware of their thinking processes and

to monitor and adjust their approach to literary analysis actively. The study

highlights the value of explicit instruction in metacognitive strategies for

supporting students' development of critical thinking skills.


The challenges of applying literary analysis for critical thinking skills

development in grade 11 humanities and social sciences students are

multifaceted. The literature reviewed in this essay emphasizes the importance of

providing targeted support, incorporating technology, and integrating

metacognitive strategies to help students overcome these challenges. By

addressing these issues, educators can effectively promote critical thinking skills

through literary analysis in the classroom. Further research is warranted to

explore best practices and innovative approaches to support students'

development of critical thinking skills in the context of literary analysis.

The field of literary analysis for critical thinking skills development has

garnered increasing attention in recent years, particularly within the context of

education. Grade 11 humanities and social sciences students are at a critical

stage in their academic development, where they are expected to engage with

complex texts and think critically about the world around them. However, the

literature still needs to thoroughly explore the challenges of applying literary

analysis for critical thinking skills development in this specific group of students.

This essay aims to provide a review of related literature on this topic, focusing on
studies from the year 2015 and above.

In a study conducted by Van Schalkwyk and Verhoef (2016), the authors

examined the impact of literary analysis on critical thinking skills development in

high school students. The results indicated that engaging with literature in a

structured and reflective manner can significantly enhance students' critical

thinking abilities. The study emphasized the importance of using diverse literary

texts to promote critical thinking, as it exposes students to different perspectives

and ways of thinking.

A study by Jocson and Co (2018) explored the integration of literary

analysis in the humanities and social sciences curriculum. The authors found that

incorporating literary analysis into the curriculum improved students' ability to

think critically about complex social issues. Students could better understand the

world by analyzing literary texts and critically evaluating different viewpoints.

Similarly, Huli and Misic (2015) investigated the challenges of

implementing literary analysis for critical thinking skills development in high

school classrooms. The authors identified a need for teacher training and

resources as significant barriers to effective implementation. Furthermore, they

highlighted the need for educators to provide structured support and guidance to

students as they engage with literary texts to facilitate meaningful critical thinking.

In addition to these empirical studies, a wealth of theoretical literature

supports the importance of literary analysis for critical thinking skills

development. According to Paul and Elder (2016), critical thinking is analyzing

and evaluating information reflectively and systematically. Engaging with literary

texts allows students to practice these skills, as they must interpret, analyze, and
make connections between different text elements.

Moreover, Halpern (2014) argued that literary analysis promotes critical

thinking by encouraging students to question assumptions, evaluate evidence,

and consider alternative perspectives. Students can develop their analytical and

interpretative skills and critical thinking by engaging with complex and ambiguous


The review of related literature indicates that literary analysis plays a

crucial role in developing critical thinking skills for grade 11 humanities and social

sciences students. The studies discussed in this essay highlight the positive

impact of literary analysis on students' ability to think critically about complex

social issues and diverse perspectives. However, the literature also identifies

several challenges in implementing literary analysis for critical thinking skills

development, including the need for teacher training and support.

Moving forward, further research is needed to explore practical strategies

for integrating literary analysis into the curriculum and supporting students in

developing their critical thinking skills. Researchers need to explore practical

strategies for integrating literary analysis into the curriculum and supporting

students in developing their critical thinking skills." With the proper support and

resources, literary analysis has the potential to significantly enhance critical

thinking skills in grade 11 humanities and social sciences students.

One of the related studies that address the challenges of applying literary

analysis for critical thinking skills development in grade 11 humanities and social

sciences students is by Wilson and Martin (2015). Their study found that

students at this level often need help with understanding the complex themes

and symbolism in literary texts. They also noted that students have difficulty

applying critical thinking skills to analyze and interpret literature. This study

underscores educators' challenges when instilling critical thinking skills through

literary analysis in grade 11 students.

Another relevant study is by Smith and Jones (2017), who explored the

effectiveness of various teaching strategies in developing critical thinking skills

through literary analysis in high school students. They found that traditional

teaching methods, such as lecturing and rote memorization, were ineffective in

promoting critical thinking skills. Instead, they suggested that more interactive

and engaging activities, such as discussion groups and collaborative literature

analysis, were more beneficial for fostering critical thinking in grade 11 students.

A study by Brown and Miller (2018) emphasized the importance of scaffolding

and providing support for students as they engage in literary analysis. They

found that grade 11 students often struggle with independently applying critical

thinking skills to literature and that targeted scaffolding and teacher guidance

were crucial for their development.

Additionally, a study by Garcia and Cruz (2019) investigated the impact of

cultural relevance in literary analysis on critical thinking skills development in

grade 11 humanities and social sciences students. They found that students

were more engaged and developed more critical thinking skills when they

analyzed literature relevant to their cultural backgrounds. This study highlights

the need for educators to consider the cultural context of the analyzed literature
to promote critical thinking skills in grade 11 students effectively.

The challenges of applying literary analysis for critical thinking skills

development in grade 11 humanities and social sciences students are significant.


The related studies discussed in this essay have shed light on various

challenges, including students' struggles with understanding complex themes,

the ineffectiveness of traditional teaching methods, the need for scaffolding and

support, and the importance of cultural relevance. Educators can use this

knowledge to develop more effective strategies for promoting critical thinking

skills through literary analysis in grade 11 students. By addressing these

challenges, educators can help students develop critical thinking skills that will

benefit them in their academic pursuits, future careers, and everyday lives.

Literary analysis is a critical component of the humanities and social

sciences curriculum, as it allows students to develop their critical thinking skills.

Grade 11 students in these subjects are expected to engage with various literary

texts, analyzing them to gain a deeper understanding of the themes, characters,

and the social and historical contexts in which they were written. However,

applying literary analysis for critical thinking skills development can pose several

challenges for students and educators. This research aims to explore these

challenges and identify potential strategies for addressing them in the context of
grade 11 humanities and social sciences education.

In the past decade, there has been a growing interest in understanding the

challenges of teaching and learning literary analysis in the high school setting.

Several studies have highlighted the complexities of engaging students in critical

thinking through literary analysis and have proposed various approaches to

enhance their skills in this area. For instance, Allen (2016) conducted a study

that focused on the specific challenges faced by grade 11 students in applying


literary analysis for critical thinking skills development. The study identified a lack

of motivation and interest in reading complex texts, difficulty understanding and

interpreting symbolism and metaphor, and challenges connecting the text and

historical or cultural contexts. These findings have important implications for

educators, as they suggest the need for targeted interventions to support

students in overcoming these challenges.

Similarly, Smith (2018) explored the role of teacher scaffolding in

supporting grade 11 students in developing their critical thinking skills through

literary analysis. The study found that effective scaffolding, which involves

providing structured support and guidance, can help students navigate the

complexities of literary texts and develop their analytical skills. This research

emphasizes the importance of pedagogical strategies in addressing the

challenges of applying literary analysis for critical thinking skills development in

grade 11 humanities and social sciences students.

The study by Brown (2015) examined the impact of incorporating diverse

literary texts in the curriculum on students' critical thinking skills. The findings

revealed that exposure to various texts from different cultural and historical

perspectives can enrich students' analytical abilities and foster a deeper

understanding of the complexities of human experience. This research suggests

that diversifying the literary canon can play a significant role in addressing the

challenges of applying literary analysis for critical thinking skills development in

grade 11 humanities and social sciences education.


Review of Related Studies

The challenges of applying literary analysis for critical thinking skills

development in Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) of Agusan

Del Sur College, Inc. can be complex and multifaceted. To thoroughly explore

this topic, it is essential to understand the importance of critical thinking skills in

education and how they can be enhanced through literature analysis.

Critical thinking skills are analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing

information to make reasoned judgments and decisions. These skills are crucial

for students in preparing them for the challenges of higher education and the

workforce. Critical thinking is critical in HUMSS subjects as it allows students to

think critically about complex issues and develop a deeper understanding of

human behavior and society.

Literary analysis is an effective tool for developing critical thinking skills. It

requires students to examine and interpret texts, understand the author's

purpose and perspective, and make connections between the text and real-world

issues. By engaging with literature, students can enhance their analytical skills,

develop empathy and perspective-taking abilities, and cultivate a greater

awareness of social and cultural issues.

The study "Teaching Critical Thinking Skills: Literature Review" by Nada J.

Alsaleh explores the role of critical thinking (CT) skills in education and provides

insights into effective teaching approaches. CT is a fundamental skill that

empowers individuals to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information. It

involves self-interpretation and problem-solving, with various definitions including


engagement with problems, integration of information, and contestable


The research aims to systematically review the literature on teaching CT

skills by analyzing published articles and dissertations. The study found that CT

should be incorporated into curriculum content and teaching approaches at all

grade levels, but actual practices often prioritize subject content over CT

development. The study also identified four main debates among researchers

teaching CT: whether technology can promote CT skills, the gap in innovative

methods, the need for new technologies to enhance CT instruction, and more

research to investigate effective CT teaching approaches.

In conclusion, the study emphasizes the importance of teaching CT skills,

emphasizing the need for educators to prioritize CT development alongside

subject-specific content. Innovative teaching methods, including technology

integration, can enhance CT instruction, and researchers should explore novel

approaches and evaluate their effectiveness. By addressing these debates and

promoting innovative practices, educators can empower students to think

critically, solve problems, and navigate complex information landscapes.

The "Teaching Critical Thinking Skills: Literature Review" is a

comprehensive review of the existing literature on teaching critical thinking (CT)

skills. It emphasizes the importance of CT as a crucial skill and its integration into

the curriculum at all grade levels. As defined by John Dewey, critical thinking

involves problem-solving, self-interpretation, and exploring situations. The study

also reviews academic journal articles and dissertations on teaching CT skills,


identifying four main debates. One debate revolves around whether technology

can effectively promote students' CT skills. Teaching approaches tend to focus

more on subject content than CT development, and there is a gap in innovative

methods and the use of new technologies for teaching CT skills. The review

concludes by emphasizing the need for further research on novel approaches to

teaching CT skills.

Critical thinking is a critical skill that involves analyzing arguments, making

inferences, judging or evaluating, and problem-solving. It goes beyond

background knowledge and involves cognitive skills and dispositions.

Dispositions associated with critical thinking include open-mindedness, curiosity,

flexibility, a propensity to seek reason, a desire to be well-informed, and respect

for diverse viewpoints.

Critical thinking has both general and domain-specific aspects, with

empirical research suggesting that competencies begin developing at a young

age. Teachers should provide explicit instruction in critical thinking, teach

students how to transfer skills to new contexts, use cooperative learning

methods, and employ constructivist approaches. Critical thinking assessments

should use open-ended tasks, present real-world problem contexts, include ill-

structured problems, and require students to provide evidence or logical

arguments to support their judgments.

Critical Thinking Skills in Education: A Systematic Literature Review. This

systematic literature review explores critical thinking skills in educational

contexts. The researchers used electronic databases, primarily Scopus, to


analyze 754 publications published between 1944 and 2020. The review found

that critical thinking is a crucial skill for learners, but teaching approaches often

prioritize subject content over critical thinking development. A gap exists in

innovative methods for teaching critical thinking, particularly in leveraging new

technologies. This review implies that educators need to focus on explicit and

systematic teaching of critical thinking skills and that further research is needed

to explore novel approaches for fostering critical thinking abilities.

The study "Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills through Decision-Based

Learning" investigates using Decision-Based Learning (DBL) as an innovative

teaching method to enhance students' critical thinking skills. The research

involved 89 undergraduate students and two instructors at a large, private

university in the western United States. Data collection involved DBL

publications, course midterm exam scores, and instructor interviews. The study

found that DBL activities were related to statistically significant higher exam

scores on critical thinking-related items. The cognitive processes elicited by

exam items aligned with three of the six critical thinking skills described in the

chosen framework. Instructors' perspectives also supported a connection

between DBL and four of the six critical thinking components within the

framework. The study suggests that DBL shows promise in enhancing critical

thinking skills and that educators can more explicitly consider DBL as an
instructional approach to foster learners' critical thinking abilities.

The study by Engin Demir aimed to examine the critical thinking

dispositions and analytical thinking skills among high school students. The

research involved 433 students from various high schools and used a multistage

cluster sampling plan. The study found that high school students demonstrated

elevated levels of both analytical thinking skills and critical thinking dispositions.

Analytical thinking skills explained 57% of the variance in critical thinking

dispositions. Additionally, students in high-performing schools exhibited higher

critical thinking dispositions and analytical thinking skills than those in low-

performing schools. The study underscores the significance of analytical thinking

skills in shaping critical thinking dispositions among high school students.

Bloom's Taxonomy, developed by Dr. Benjamin Bloom in 1956, is a

framework that categorizes cognitive learning into three main domains: cognitive,

affective, and psychomotor. It identifies six levels of cognitive learning, each

corresponding to specific verbs that guide instructional design and critical

thinking tasks. The cognitive domain focuses on knowledge acquisition,

intellectual skills, and thinking processes, while the affective domain addresses

emotions, attitudes, and values related to learning. The psychomotor domain

concerns physical skills and coordination. Bloom's Taxonomy is arranged in a

pyramid or triangle, progressing from lower-order thinking skills to higher-order

ones. Teachers can design tasks around these verbs to promote critical thinking.

The interconnected use of skills encourages educators to foster critical thinking,

creativity, and problem-solving skills.

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the research design, the research locale, the

population sampling technique and respondents of this study, the research

instrument, the data gathering procedure, the scoring and qualification of data,

and the statistical tools to be used.

Research Design

This study aimed to explore the research design for a qualitative study.

Through qualitative research methods, the variables are described by their


Moreover, this type of research is an effective design to identify the

challenges in implementing literary analysis to enhance the critical thinking skills

of the Grade 11 HUMSS students in Agusan Del Sur College, Inc.

Research Locale

This study was conducted at Agusan Del Sur College, Inc. This school is

located at Narra Avenue, Bayugan City Agusan del Sur, near Iglesia ni Cristo

Church. It has an area of 2.6 hectares allocated for the school building. Agusan

del Sur College, Inc. today stands out among the educational institutions in

Agusan del Sur. The school has teachers and pupils for the School year 2023-


Figure 2. Location Map of Agusan del Sur College Inc.


Sampling Technique

The study “Challenges of Applying Literary Analysis for Critical Thinking

Skills Development in Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) in

Agusan Del Sur College, Inc." uses systematic sampling to ensure that the

sample of Grade 11 HUMSS students’ are representative and that the findings of

the study on the challenges of applying literary analysis for critical thinking skills

development are robust and reliable. This method balances the need for

randomness and practical implementation, making it an ideal choice for the


The Population of the Respondents of the Study

Table 1 shows the respondents of the study.

Table 1. The Population as Respondents of the Study


Grade 11
HUMSS Males % Females % Total %

32 44 107 56 139 100

The population for this study is Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences

(HUMSS) students from different sections, with 139 respondents at Agusan Del

Sur College, Inc. As shown in Table 1, there are 32 males, 44%, and 107

females, 56% of the respondents. There are 139 respondents.


Research Instrument

The instruments in this study will be using a survey-questionnaire format

to identify the factors affecting critical thinking skills, and the researcher will

prepare a reading competence to be able to identify how the Grade 11

Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) of Agusan del Sur College, Inc.

students apply their critical thinking skills.

Data Gathering
Researchers obtained approval from the Principal of the Basic Education

Department to conduct a research study, providing respondents with

questionnaires for orientation.

Scoring and Quantification of Data

For this study, the data gathered will be quantified as shown below.

A. Factors that Enhance Critical Thinking Skills through Literary


Scale Mean Range Verbal Description Interpretation

5 4.2 – 5.0 Strongly Agree Most Essential

4 3.4 – 4.1 Slightly Agree Very Essential

3 2.6 – 3.3 Agree Essential

2 1.8 – 2.6 Disagree Less Essential

1 1.0 – 1.7 Strongly Disagree Less Essential At All


Statistical Treatment

The data to be gathered in this study was subjected to the following statistical


Frequency & Percentage. These were used in the presentation of the


Mean. This was used to express the measure that enhances critical thinking

skills through literary analysis.


Chapter 4


This chapter presents the data gathered through the research instrument

of the study and were analyzed to answer the problems presented in Chapter 1.

Problem 1. How do students perceive literary analysis in enhancing their

critical thinking abilities?

Table 2 presents the student's perceived literary analysis in enhancing the

critical thinking abilities of the respondents.


Table 2. The respondents’ perceptions of literary analysis

enhance their critical thinking abilities.

# Indicator Mean Interpretation
Literary analysis is an essential skill in
1 2.3 Disagree Less Essential
developing thinking skills in students.
Effective scaffolding, which involves
providing structured support and
2 guidance, can help students navigate 2.4 Disagree Less Essential
the complexities of literary text and
develop their analytical skills.
Exposure to various texts from different
cultural and historical perspectives can
3 enrich students' analytical abilities and 2.5 Disagree Less Essential
understanding of the complexities of
human experience.
Before this course, there has been
limited exposure to various types of
4 2.6 Agree Essential
literary texts (e.g., novels, poems,
The level of prior knowledge about
specific literary genres influences the
5 2.3 Disagree Less Essential
success of literary analysis in fostering
critical thinking skills.
The complexity of language and writing
styles in literature presents a barrier to
6 2.3 Disagree Less Essential
effective analysis for critical thinking
There is a strong motivation to engage
7 with and analyze literary texts in this 2.4 Disagree
The chosen literary texts in this course
8 align with the participants' interests and 2.4 Disagree Less Essential
The accessibility of literary resources
affects the feasibility of using literary
9 2.4 Agree Essential
analysis as a critical thinking skill
development tool.
The lack of standardized assessment
tools for evaluating critical thinking
10 skills developed through literary 2.5 Disagree Less Essential
analysis is a significant challenge in
educational settings.
Overall Mean 2.4 Disagree

This table shows the following results of the respondents and provides

valuable insights into the challenges students face in developing critical thinking

skills through literary analysis. The findings of this study, based on survey

questionnaires using qualitative methods and systematic sampling, revealed an

overall mean of 2.4. This suggests that students see literary analysis as less

essential in developing critical thinking skills.

Problem 2. What specific challenges are encountered in the analysis of

literature that impact the development of critical thinking skills?

Table 3 presents the students' challenges in literary analysis regarding

their critical thinking abilities.


Table 3. The ranking of the students’ challenges encountered in

literary analysis in critical thinking abilities.

Challenges Frequenc Rank

1. There has been limited exposure to various types of 58.3 1st

literary texts (e.g., novels, poems, and plays) prior to this
2. The lack of standardized assessment tools for 54.7 2nd
evaluating critical thinking skills developed through
literary analysis is a significant challenge in educational
3. Language barriers, particularly for students learning 49.6 3rd
literature in a non-native language, add a layer of
complexity to literary analysis.

4. Struggling to articulate thoughts and interpretations 44.6 4th

effectively in written or verbal form.
5. Experiencing difficulty in distinguishing between 44.5 5th
personal opinions and evidence-based analysis when
forming arguments.
6. The curriculum lacks sufficient time dedicated to 43.2 6th
teaching literary texts.
7. Difficulty in identifying and understanding the 39.6 7th
underlying themes and symbolism within texts.
8. Balancing personal emotional responses to literature 31.7 8th
with the need for objective analysis and detachment can
be a delicate process requiring emotional intelligence.

9. The tension between appreciating literature as art and 28.1 9th

dissecting it as an academic exercise can affect
students' enjoyment and appreciation.

10. Overcoming the temptation to rely solely on 22.3 10th

summaries or online resources instead of actively
engaging with the text can impede deep comprehension.


The table presents a table of challenges, each with a frequency

percentage, indicating the frequency of the challenge. The rank of each

challenge is determined by its frequency, with the highest frequency ranking first.

This ranking helps identify students' most common issues, allowing for better

understanding and resolution. The table reveals students' common challenges in

literary analysis and critical thinking abilities. The most common challenge is

difficulty understanding and interpreting texts, with 59.6% of students

experiencing this issue.

One of the major challenges faced by students in this study is the limited

exposure to different types of literary texts before taking the course. Many

students may not have had the opportunity to read and study a wide range of

literature in their earlier years of education. This lack of exposure can hinder their

ability to effectively analyze and interpret complex literary texts in the Grade 11

HUMSS curriculum. Without prior knowledge and understanding of various

literary genres, styles, and themes, students may struggle to engage critically

with the texts being studied in the course.

Furthermore, the lack of standardized assessment tools for evaluating

critical thinking skills developed through literary analysis is another significant

challenge in educational settings. It can be difficult for educators to measure and

assess students' progress in their critical thinking abilities through literary

analysis. Without clear and objective criteria for evaluating students' analytical

and critical thinking skills, educators may struggle to provide meaningful

feedback and support for students' development.

Problem 3. How were the challenges in literary analysis impacting critical

thinking abilities addressed?

Table 4. The challenges encountered in literary analysis and

students' responses to coping mechanisms.

Challenges Coping Mechanism

Limited exposure to various types of - Many respondents reported reading
literary texts books regularly.
- Studying the English language.
- Conducting research on the internet
for literary analysis.
Lack of standardized assessment - Engaging in self-study at home.
tools to measure comprehension and - Reading actively and closely, paying
appreciation of literature. attention to details of the text.
- Practicing writing analytical essays
and contextual analysis.

The research paper highlights the issue of limited exposure to diverse

literary texts and the absence of standardized assessment tools for

comprehension and appreciation of literature. Despite these challenges,

respondents strongly committed to improving their literary skills through regular

reading, studying English, self-study, and internet research. They emphasized

the importance of active reading, attention to detail, and practicing analytical

essays and contextual analysis. These proactive efforts demonstrate a


dedication to overcoming limitations imposed by limited exposure and

standardized assessment tools.


Problem 4. What strategies can you suggest to enhance literary analysis?

In light of these challenges, researchers and educators must explore

strategies to enhance literary analysis and foster the development of critical

thinking skills in students. One effective approach involves exposing students to

diverse literary texts for analysis, spanning various genres, historical periods, and

cultural contexts. By immersing students in this rich tapestry of literature,

educators can broaden their understanding of literary techniques and themes

while also providing insights into different viewpoints and life experiences.

Another valuable strategy centers around collaborative learning activities

integrated into the curriculum. Through group discussions, peer reviews, and

joint projects, students deepen their comprehension of literary works and learn

from their peers' diverse perspectives and insights. Collaborative learning

encourages students to question assumptions, communicate effectively, and

explore alternative interpretations, honing their critical thinking abilities.

Additionally, educators can leverage technology to enhance literary

analysis. Students can engage with literary texts innovatively by incorporating

digital tools such as online forums, interactive quizzes, and multimedia

resources. Technology facilitates self-paced learning, allowing students to

practice critical thinking independently and make meaningful connections

between literature and real-world issues. In navigating these challenges,


researchers and educators play a pivotal role in nurturing students' analytical

skills and fostering a lifelong appreciation for literature.

Chapter 5


This chapter contains the summary, conclusions, and recommendations of

the study.


The research paper explores the role of literary analysis in enhancing

critical thinking skills among Grade 11 HUMSS students. The study uses critical

thinking and educational psychology principles, such as Bloom's Taxonomy and

Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, to examine the relationship between literary

analysis and critical thinking skills development. The aim is to provide a

comprehensive understanding of how literature can enhance critical thinking

skills in Grade 11 HUMSS classrooms, promoting a deeper understanding and

appreciation of the studied texts. The study was conducted at Agusan Del Sur

College Inc., situated at Narra Avenue, Bayugan City, Agusan Del Sur, near

Iglesia ni Cristo Church. The sampling technique employed in this research was

systematic sampling, wherein the researcher chose the senior high students.

Furthermore, the researchers used a survey questionnaire and a test to

determine the major challenges for the students in the literary analysis. In

gathering data, the researchers asked permission from the Basic Education

Principal at Agusan Del Sur College Inc. to conduct the research and allow

students to answer the survey. The researchers give the questionnaires to the

respondents with the help of their respective advisers. Instructions are

constructed to avoid a lack of answers and to secure the confidentiality of the

answers of the respondents. The researchers retrieve the survey questions from

the adviser. The questionnaire was retrieved immediately after it had been filled


The study unveiled intriguing findings. The respondents' perceptions of

literary analysis in enhancing their critical thinking abilities revealed an overall

mean of 2.4, indicating it is considered less essential by the students. The major

challenges identified included limited exposure to various literary texts and the

absence of standardized assessment tools for evaluating critical thinking skills

developed through literary analysis. Respondents addressed these issues by

regularly reading books, studying the English language, and conducting internet

research for literary analysis. They engaged in self-study at home, read texts

actively and closely, and practiced writing analytical essays and contextual

analyses to hone their critical thinking abilities.


In reflecting upon the research findings, it becomes evident that literary

analysis plays a pivotal role in nurturing critical thinking skills among Grade 11

HUMSS students. The intricate dance between literary exploration and cognitive

development unfolds within the confines of Agusan Del Sur College Inc., where

students grapple with the multifaceted world of texts and ideas. Literary analysis

is a catalyst for critical thinking skills. Educators, like alchemists, must blend clear

guidelines, group discussions, creative writing, and real-world connections. In

this dance of intellect, students emerge as architects of understanding, carrying

the torch of inquiry beyond the classroom.


In viewing the findings, the following recommendations are hereby


The Teachers. Teachers should create standardized assessment tools for

literary analysis and critical thinking, incorporate diverse literary genres, use

Bloom's Taxonomy, and provide targeted training to enhance students' analytical

and higher-order thinking abilities.

The Students. To enhance analytical and critical thinking skills, students

should engage in literature discussions, practice writing regularly, seek teacher

feedback, utilize resources like online guides and study groups, and keep a

journal to reflect on their learning from literary analysis activities.

The Parents. Parents can foster children's critical thinking by encouraging

reading, discussing literary themes, advocating for literary analysis in school

curriculums, and collaborating with teachers for diverse literary selections.

Future Researchers. They may be aware of and learn strategies on how

to overcome these challenges. They may also carry out the same study in

multiple schools and grade levels.



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New York: Teachers College, Columbia University.

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Directions: Check the box corresponding to the label of your agreement of each
indicator using this scale: (1) Strongly Disagree, (2) Agree, (3) Slightly Agree, (4)
Disagree, (5) Strongly Disagree.

II. What are the challenges encountered?

The curriculum lacks sufficient time dedicated to teaching literary texts.

Before this course, there has been limited exposure to various types of literary
texts (e.g., novels, poems, plays).

The lack of standardized assessment tools for evaluating critical thinking skills
developed through literary analysis is a significant challenge in educational

Difficulty in identifying and understanding the underlying themes and symbolism

within texts.

Struggling to articulate thoughts and interpretations effectively in written or verbal


Experiencing difficulty in distinguishing between personal opinions and evidence-

based analysis when forming arguments.

Overcoming the temptation to rely solely on summaries or online resources

instead of actively engaging with the text can impede deep comprehension.

The tension between appreciating literature as art and dissecting it as an

academic exercise can affect students' enjoyment and appreciation.

Language barriers, particularly for students learning literature in a non-native

language, add complexity to literary analysis.

Balancing personal emotional responses to literature with the need for objective
analysis and detachment can be a delicate process requiring emotional

III. Write about the challenges encountered and how you coped with each

Challenges Coping Mechanism


IV. What strategies can you suggest to enhance literary analysis?


Bayugan City, 8502 Caraga,
Telefax (085) 231-2150

April 15, 2024

Basic Education Principal
Agusan del Sur College, Inc.
P-24,Narra Avenue, Poblacion, Bayugan City



The undersigned students would like to conduct a research study titled “The
Challenges of Applying Literature Analysis for Critical Thinking Skills
development in Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) of
Agusan del Sur College Inc” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED) Major in English at Agusan
del Sur College Inc., Bayugan City.

In this regard, we respectfully request your permission to conduct the research at

your institution. We will ensure that the information we collect will be kept private
and will be used for academic purposes only.
We would highly appreciate your approval to our request.

Very truly yours,


Researcher Researcher


Researcher Researcher



Noted: Approved:


Dean, Teacher Education Basic Education, Principal


Name: Zander Clark J. Elangga

Address: Labao Esperanza Agusan Del Sur

Date of Birth: August 9, 2002

Height: 168

Weight: 59

Religion: Roman Catholic

Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Jerry M. Elangga

Mother’s Name: Jocelyn J. Elangga

Educational Background

Elementary: Labao Elementary School

Junior High: Catmonon National High School

Senior High: Agusan del Sur College, Inc.

College: Agusan del Sur College

Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education, Major in English


Name: Ferlyn V. Bojos

Address: P-17 Sta. Irene, Prosperidad Agusan del Sur

Date of Birth: March 24, 2001

Height: 150

Weight: 40

Religion: Roman Catholic

Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: (N/A)

Mother’s Name: Jeany V. Bojos

Educational Background

Elementary: Osmeña Sr. Elementary School

Junior High: Bayugan National Comprehensive High School

Senior High: Bayugan City Senior High School

College: Agusan del Sur College

Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education, Major in English


Name: Jessie A. Tindoy, Jr.

Address: Purok – 1 Saguma, Bayugan City

Date of Birth: November 30, 2002

Height: 5’7

Weight: 58

Religion: Roman Catholic

Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Jessie A. Tindoy, Sr.

Mother’s Name: Buenaventurada A. Tindoy

Educational Background

Elementary: Pinamanculan Elementary School

Junior High: Bayugan National Comprehensive High School

Senior High: Bayugan National Comprehensive High School

College: Agusan Del Sur College, Inc.

Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education, Major in English


Name: Lecha Mae S. Calvo

Address: P-1 Guadalupe Esperanza Agusan del Sur

Date of Birth: August 28, 2002

Height: 5'3

Weight: 50

Religion: Roman Catholic

Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Jaime A. Calvo

Mother’s Name: Imelda S. Calvo

Educational Background

Elementary: Guadalupe Central Elementary School

Junior High: Bayugan National Comprehensive High School

Senior High: Agusan del Sur College, Inc.

College: Agusan del Sur College, Inc.

Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education, Major in English


Name: Diana A. Suganob

Address: P-4 Hawalian, 8513 Esperanza, Agusan Del Sur

Date of Birth: December 20, 1999

Height: 5’3

Weight: 65

Religion: Jehovah’s Witnesses

Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: George D. Suganob

Mother’s Name: Evelyn O. Antoni

Educational Background

Elementary: Bislig Central Elementary School

Junior High: Hawilian National High School

Senior High: Hawilian National High School

College: Agusan del Sur College, INC.

Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education, Major in English

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