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CVE 202: Strength of Materials


Some of the terms associated with direct stresses are:

1. Load: The simplest type of load (P) is a direct pull or push, known technical as tension
or compression.

Figure 1: Illustration of tension and compression forces
As shown in Figure 1, the bar is acted on at its ends by two equal and opposite axial
forces (loads). The forces coincide with the longitudinal axis of the bar and act through
the centroid of the cross section. The tensile forces (Figure 1a) tend to stretch or elongate
the bar, thus the bar is said to be in tension. Similarly, compressive forces (Figure 1b)
are directed toward each other. They tend to shorten or compress the bar. The bar is
said to be in compression.
(i) A rope hanging from a beam and carrying a l0ad – Tension forces on the rope:
weight of the load; pull of the beam.
(ii) The piers of a bridge – Compression forces : weight of bridge (presses down); the
ground (pushes up).
(iii) Rope attached to a crane hook – Tension forces: The load being raised; the pull of
the winding gear.
(iv) The leg of a table – Compression forces: Weight of table on top; reaction of the
Since there is no movement, the forces are equal and opposite.
2. Stresses: when a body is acted upon by some load or external force, it undergoes
deformation (i. e. change in shape or dimension) which increases gradually. During
deformation, the material of the body resists the tendency of the load to deform the body;
and when the load influence is taken over by the internal resistance of the material of

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CVE 202: Strength of Materials

the body, it becomes stable. This internal resistance which the body offers to meet with
the load is called stresses.
Stress can be described as either total stress or unit stress. Total stress represents the
total resistance to an external effect and is expressed in N, kN, or MN. Unit stress
represents the resistance developed by a unit area of cross-section, and is expressed in
kN/m2 or MN/m2 or N/mm2. In SI unit, unit stress is preferably expressed in Pascals (Pa)
or MPa, where 1 Pa = 1 N/m2 and 1 MPa = 1 N/mm2.
Various types of stresses include:
(i) Simple or direct stress: This includes tension, compression and shear.
(ii) Indirect stress: This include bending and torsion.
(iii) Combined stress: This is any possible combination of type 1 and 2.
The emphasis now is on direct stresses.
Simple stress is often called direct stress because it develops under direct loading conditions,
that is simple tension and simple compression when the applied force (load) is in line with
the axis of the member, and simple shear occurs when equal, parallel and opposite forces
tend to cause a surface to slide relative to the adjacent surface.
When any type of simple stress, σ (sigma) develops, the magnitude of the stress is calculated
σ = stress (in kN/m2 or N/mm2)
P = load (external force causing stress to develop), in kN or N
A = cross-sectional area over stress develop (in m2 or mm2).
1 kPa = 103 Pa = 103 N/m2
1 MPa 106 Pa = 106 N/m2
1 GPa = 109 Pa = 109 N/m2
The direct stress formula nay be re-written in several ways for use in various applications.
For analysis problems in which the capacity of a member is to be determined,
P = σall . A
Where P = the axial load capacity (maximum allowable axial load)
σall = the allowable or permissible axial stress
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CVE 202: Strength of Materials

A = the cross-sectional area of the axially loaded member

In design-type problems where it is necessary to support a given load without exceeding an
allowable stress,
Where A = the required cross-sectional area of the axially loaded member being designed
P = external applied axial load or force
σall = the allowable or permissible axial stress
Table 1 summarises the three forms of the direct stresses formula.
Example 1
A steel rod with a diameter of 15 mm supports a weight of 6 kN. Determine the average unit
tensile stress developed in the rod.
Table 1: Direct stress formula
Formula Usage
𝐏 Analysis for stress
P = σall . A Analysis for load
𝐏 Design for required area

The tensile stress is computed as:

P = applied load or weight = 6 kN

A = cross-sectional area = πr2 = (πD2)/4 = (π x 0.0152)/4 = 1.77 x 10-4m2
Therefore, σ = 6 kN/1.77 x 10-4m2
= 33,953 kN/m2 = 33,953 kPa = 33.95 MPa
Example 2
A hollow steel tube with an inside diameter of 100 mm must carry a tensile load of 400 kN
(Figure 2). Determine the outside diameter of the tube if the stress is limited to 120 MN/m2.

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CVE 202: Strength of Materials

Figure 2: A hollow steel tube

Inside diameter, d = 100 mm
Load, P = 400 kN = 400 x 103 N
Stress, σ = 120 MN/m2 = 120 N/mm2
Since σ = P/A, A = P/σ
= 400 x 10-3 N = 120 N/mm2
3.33 x 103 mm2
Area of steel, A = Outside area – inside area
= лD2 - лd2 = л (D2 – d2) = 3.33 x 103 mm2
4 4 4
3.33 x 103 mm2 x 4 = лD2 – (л x 1002)
D2 = 14244.133, D = √14244.133. Therefore, outside
diameter, D = 119.35 mm

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