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CVE 202: Strength of Materials

Worked Examples
Example 1
A steel bar of cross section 500 mm2 is acted upon by the forces shown in Figure E1a.
Determine the total elongation of the bar. For steel, consider E = 200 GPa.

Figure E1
The entire bar is in equilibrium, and hence are all portions of it. The portion between A and
B has a resultant force of 50 kN acting over every cross section and a free-body diagram of
this 0.6-m length appears as in Figure E2b. The force at the right end of this segment must
be 50 kN to maintain equilibrium with the applied load at A.
The elongation of this portion is given as:
𝑃1𝐿1 50000 𝑥 0.6
𝛿1 = = (500 𝑥 10−6 )𝑥 (200 𝑥 109 )
= 0.0003 m

The force acting in the segment between B and C is found by considering the algebraic sum
of the forces to the left of any section between B and C, i.e., a resultant force of 35 kN acts to
the left, so that a tensile force exists. The free-body diagram of the segment between B and C
is shown in Figure E2c and the elongation is:
𝑃2𝐿2 35000 𝑥 1
𝛿2 = = (500 𝑥 10−6 )𝑥 (200 𝑥 109 )
= 0.00035 m

Similarly, the force acting over any cross section between C and D must be 45 kN to maintain
equilibrium with the applied load at D. The elongation of CD is:
𝑃3𝐿3 45000 𝑥 1.25
𝛿3 = = (500 𝑥 10−6 )𝑥 (200 𝑥 109 )
= 0.00056 m

Therefore, the total elongation is

δ = δ1 + δ2 + δ3 = 0.0003 + 0.00035 + 0.00056 = 0.00121 m = 1.21 mm
Example 2
A bronze bar 3 m long with a cross-sectional area of 320 mm2 is placed between two rigid
walls as shown in Figure E2. At a temperature of -20°C, the gap Δ = 25 mm. Find the
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CVE 202: Strength of Materials

temperature at which the compressive stress in the bar will be 35 MPa. Take α = 18.0 × 10 -6
m/(m·°C) and E = 80 GPa.

Figure E2: A bronze bar

Length of bar, L = 3 m = 3000 mm
Cross-sectional area, A = 320 mm2
Initial temperature, Ti = -20oC; Gap, Δ = 25 mm
Compressive stress, σ = 35 MPa; α = 18.0 × 10-6 m/(m·°C); E = 80 GPa = 80000 MPa
Using the expression for elongation, αL(∆T) = PL = σL + ∆
i.e. (18.0 × 10-6)(3000)∆T = 35 x 3000 + 25
Therefore ∆T = 487.27oC
But ∆T = Tf – Ti = 487.27oC
Thus Tf = 487.27oC + Ti = 487.27oC - 20oC = 467.27oC
Example 3
A homogenous 800 kg bar is supported at either end by a cable as shown in Figure E3. Calculate
the smallest area of each cable if the stress is not to exceed 90 MPa in bronze and 120 MPa in

Bronze (L=4m) Steel (L=3m)

10 m
Figure E3: A suspended homogenous bar

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CVE 202: Strength of Materials

Weight of bar = 800 kg
Length of bar = 10 m
Maximum allowable stress in Bronze, σbr = 90 MPa
Maximum allowable stress in Steel, σst = 120 MPa
Now, estimated load = weight x g = 800 x 9.81 = 7848 N

5m 5m

7848 N
By symmetry, Load, Pbr = Pst = 0.5 x 7848 N = 3924 N

Now, σbr = (Pbr/Abr), and σst = (Pbr/Abr)

Therefore, Area of Bronze cable, Abr = (Pbr/σbr) = 3924 N = 43.6 mm2
90 N/mm2
Area of Steel cable, Ast = (Pst/σst) = 3924 N = 32.70 mm2
120 N/mm2
Practice Questions
1. A force of 6.7 kN is applied to a steel wire 7. 5 m in length. The tensile stress in the wire
must not exceed 138 MPa and the total elongation (deformation) must not exceed 4.5
mm. calculate the required diameter of the wire. Neglect the weight of the wire; use E =
207000 MPa and proportional limit of 234 MPa. Check to ensure that the tensile stress
developed is less than the proportional limit. (Answer: d = 8.28 mm)
2. The temperature of a steel rod is raised from 40oC to 70oC. Find the stress induced in
the steel rod if α = 12 x 10-6/oC and E = 2 x 105 N/mm2. (Answer: 72 MPa)
3. A steel rod of length 8 m supports two parallel walls by nuts. The nuts are tightened at
a temperature of 30oC, and the diameter of the rod is 30 mm. Determine the stress
induced in the rod when the temperature rose to 80oC. E = 2 x10^5 N/mm2; α = 12 x
106/oC. (Answer: σ = 120 MPa)

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CVE 202: Strength of Materials

4. A mild steel tie rod 3 m long having a cross-sectional area 4 cm2 is subjected to an axial
pull of 10 kN. If E = 2 x 106 N/mm2, compute the (i) stress; (ii) strain; and (iii) elongation
of the rod. (Answer: σ = 25 MPa; ϵ = 1.25 x 10-5; δ = 3.75 x 10-2 mm)
5. A load of 10kN is to be lifted with the help of steel wire of length 2 metres. Find the
minimum diameter (in mm) of the steel wire if the permissible stress is limited to 100 x
106 N/m2. Also determine the elongation (in mm) of the steel wire when stressed to its
permissible limit. E = 200kN/mm2. (Answer: d = 11.28 mm; δ= 1 mm)
6. A bar of 5 cm diameter and 400 cm long is acted upon by a load of 100 kN. It is found to
extend 10 cm. find (a) the stress; (b) the strain, and (c) Young’s modulus. (Answer: σ = 50.93
MPa); ϵ = 0.25; E = 203.72 MPa)

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