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Educational Planning


Name:________________________________________________________Date: _____________
General Instructions:

Read each question carefully and provide comprehensive answers in the spaces
provided for each item. The exam consists of both theoretical and practical questions.
Ensure your responses are well-structured and supported by relevant examples,
research, and theories.

PART I: Choose only two questions to answer. (50 points)

1. Analyze the historical evolution of educational planning theories and models.

Compare and contrast traditional top-down approaches with more
contemporary participatory and decentralized planning methods. Evaluate
the effectiveness of each approach in addressing the complexities of modern
educational systems.

2. Educational planning requires a deep understanding of social, cultural, and

economic factors that influence the education landscape. Discuss the
concept of the "education ecosystem" and how various components, such as
government policies, funding, curriculum development, and community
engagement, interact to impact educational planning decisions. Provide
examples to support your analysis.

3. Describe the key elements of educational planning and their significance in

the context of educational institutions.

4. Discuss the role of stakeholders in the educational planning process. How can
educational planners effectively engage and collaborate with various
stakeholders to achieve successful outcomes?

5. As a doctoral student in educational planning, you are tasked with conducting

a research study to assess the effectiveness of a specific educational
intervention program. Describe the key steps you would take in designing a
research framework, including research questions, data collection methods,
and data analysis techniques. Explain how your research findings can inform
future planning and policy decisions. (25 points)

PART II: You are required to answer this. (50 points)

Supposed that you are an educational planning consultant working with a struggling
school district. The district is facing declining enrollment, financial challenges, and low
academic performance. As part of a comprehensive improvement plan, you need
to develop an educational plan that addresses these issues and sets the district on a
path of sustainable growth and success.

Your plan should include the following elements:

a. Strategies to attract and retain students in the district

b. Financial management and resource allocation strategies
c. Academic improvement initiatives and support for educators
d. Community engagement and partnership strategies
e. Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms to assess the plan's effectiveness

Make an appropriate educational plan, outlining specific actions, timelines, and

performance indicators. Justify your choices with research-based evidence and best
practices in educational planning. You are to conceptualize your own template for
the plan appropriate for the cited scenario.

MASR 2024

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