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Leadership in Management


Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Date: _____________

General Instructions:
Read each question carefully and provide comprehensive answers in the spaces provided for each
item. The exam consists of both theoretical and practical questions. Ensure your responses are well-
structured and supported by relevant examples, research, and theories.


Direction: Select and answer only 3 questions.

1. Define leadership and discuss its significance in the field of management.

2. Explain the difference between transactional and transformational leadership. Provide
examples of situations where each style would be appropriate.
3. Discuss the concept of emotional intelligence in leadership and explain its impact on team
performance and organizational outcomes.
4. Compare and contrast the trait theory and behavioral theory of leadership. Which approach
do you find more useful in understanding effective leadership? Justify your answer.
5. Discuss the concept of servant leadership and its relevance in contemporary management
practices. How does it differ from traditional leadership styles?
Direction: Read the following case study and answer the questions based on your understanding of
leadership in management:

Case Study: Leading Organizational Change

Cagayan State University is a multifaceted higher education institution. Due to changing academic
demands and increased competition among state universities and colleges, the university needs to
undergo a major organizational change to stay relevant and maintain its competitive position. As a
doctoral student in leadership, you have been hired as a consultant to provide guidance on leading
this change initiative.

Case Study Questions:

1. Identify and explain three key leadership competencies or qualities that would be crucial for
the leader spearheading the organizational change at Cagayan State University.
2. Develop a change management plan outlining the steps and strategies the leader should
consider to effectively implement the organizational change.

3. Discuss potential challenges or resistance that the leader may face during the change process
and propose strategies to overcome them.
PART III: Essay Question

Direction: Choose one of the following essay questions and provide a comprehensive response.
Encircle the letter of the question you will answer.
a. Discuss the ethical challenges faced by leaders in contemporary organizations. How can ethical
leadership contribute to the long-term success of an organization?
b. Explain the concept of leadership agility and its relevance in today's dynamic business
environment. Discuss how leaders can develop and enhance their agility skills.
c. Analyze the role of diversity and inclusion in effective leadership. How does a diverse and
inclusive leadership team contribute to organizational success?
Note: The exam duration is three hours. Good luck! SRRJ 2024

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