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Strength Classification

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and Diagnosis: Not All

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Strength Is Created Equal

Lachlan P. James, PhD, CSCS,1 Scott W. Talpey, PhD, CSCS,2 Warren B. Young, PhD,2
Mary C. Geneau, MSc, CSCS,1 Robert U. Newton, PhD, DSc, CSCS, FNSCA,3 and Paul B. Gastin, PhD1
Sport and Exercise Science; School of Allied Health, Human Services and Sport; La Trobe University, Victoria,
Australia; 2School of Science, Psychology and Sport, Federation University Australia, Victoria, Australia; and 3School of
Medical and Health Sciences, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia, Australia

ABSTRACT scientists to classify the relative impor- versus lower body and ballistic versus
tance of physical qualities to performance nonballistic tasks in samples of univer-
Maximal force can be expressed
in a chosen sport to inform training, to sity students. In-depth systematization
across a range of conditions influ-
develop an athlete’s physiological profile, of athlete strength assessment was
enced by the external load and the time and to monitor the training process to developed through research and
available to express force. As a result, determine if the desired goals have been professional practice by leaders in the
several distinct and specific strength met (45,47). Performance diagnosis, there- field such as Schmidtbleicher (46),
qualities exist. Conversely, some fore, allows resources to be directed to the Häkkinen (25), and Bosco (58), who
expressions of maximal force are sim- areas of greatest need with the ultimate described specific neuromuscular
ilar and can be categorized as a single goal of improving the physical prepara- responses elicited by heavy strength
quality. Therefore, strength assess- tion process for enhanced sport perfor- training and different forms of jumping.
ment systems must be sophisticated mance and increased athlete well-being. Knowledge at the time was furthered
enough to isolate and measure each
Of particular interest to practitioners is by the doctoral work of Young (64) in
quality while minimizing redundant the assessment of maximal strength the 1990s, who identified the indepen-
information. This article presents a qualities (i.e., the ability to apply force dence of leg extensor strength factors
contemporary, evidence-based and maximally, in a single action, under par- such as high velocity dynamic strength
practical framework that reduces the ticular conditions). Although consider- (e.g., quantified by the countermove-
many strength and speed-strength able research has been placed on the ment jump [CMJ] and squat jump
metrics into 5 distinct qualities. reliability of strength assessment and [SJ]), reactive strength (derived from
Alongside this, we present case data processing methods (4,10,34,38), a drop jump where contact time
examples of the application of strength it is important first to understand which was minimized), and isometric
diagnosis. tests and measures should be included strength (extracted from an isometric
in strength diagnosis models. Specific squat test). Two decades ago, Newton
and independent strength qualities exist and Dugan (43) proposed a model con-
INTRODUCTION taining the following strength qualities:
(64), and it is therefore vital that diag-
erformance diagnosis is the pro- maximal strength, high-load speed-

P cess of test selection and adminis-

tration to quantify relevant physical
capacities, analysis of the resulting data to
nosis systems are sophisticated enough
to isolate and measure each quality
while simultaneously
redundant information.
strength, low-load speed-strength,
rate of force development, reactive
strength, and skilled performance, in
identify strengths and weaknesses, and an important practical article published
targeted training prescriptions to address SPECIFIC STRENGTH QUALITIES
the revealed deficiencies (42,47,64). Appli-
Empirical investigation into distinct
cation of this process allows coaches and KEY WORDS:
strength qualities was undertaken in assessment; muscular power; perfor-
Address correspondence to Dr. Lachlan P. the early to mid-1970s (29,30) with mance
James, solutions generally based on upper

Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association 333

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Strength Classification and Diagnosis

in this journal to present a pragmatic maximal dynamic strength; and (e) replicating a primary dynamic lift or
system to be easily applied in practice. reactive strength. movement, such as a squat or midthigh
However, amid the increased volume However, it is important to note that pull (36). The athlete applies maximal
force to an immovable bar for 2–5 sec-
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and availability of information (from isolating aspects of strength expression

practical literature to popular social is a complex process that is con- onds while a force platform, load cell,
media), the next generation of practi- founded by factors such as the sport, strain gauge, or tensiometer system is
used to quantify force production (22).
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tioners need to be cognizant of strength training history of the athlete, resis-

classification. To this end, we are revisit- tance training age, adaptability to It is important to consider that even
ing this topic on the 20th anniversary of training, and the training status within when the isometric position is repli-
the Newton and Dugan (43) article. In a competitive season (50), and bound- cated dynamically under maximal
the contemporary training environment, aries may therefore overlap in some loads (i.e., heavy maximal dynamic
electronic and wireless technology cases. Nonetheless, it is hoped that this strength [MDS]), such as an isometric
improvements have allowed data article provides a contemporary model squat and one repetition maximum
streams to become more easily available to aid practitioners and inspire future (1RM) back squat or isometric mid-
to the strength and conditioning coach research into the topic. thigh pull (IMTP) and 1RM power
(55), which may cloud parsimonious and clean, it generally demonstrates a com-
valid application of strength diagnosis if monality of approximately 14–50% in
not used appropriately. Furthermore, the ASSESSING STRENGTH QUALITIES athletes who are not competitive
body of knowledge on the existence of weightlifters (36). The shared variance
specific strength qualities has increased between isometric and heavy MDS
The greatest amount of force applied
considerably over the last 20 years, performance tends to be higher when
to an unyielding object, regardless of
which has provided deeper insight into comparing heavy training lifts in com-
the rate or ability to sustain the effort,
the area and enables a re-examination of petitive weightlifters to their IMTP
represents maximal isometric strength
the boundaries between different forms peak force output (69–86%) (23,24).
(24,61,70). Because it is considered an
of strength expression. In these exceptional cases, maximal
expression of strength in its purest form
isometric and heavy dynamic strength
There is a need for an empirical, (not affected by changes in skeletal
can be considered a very similar qual-
evidence-based discussion to separate geometry and muscle mechanical
ity. Although capable of detecting
knowledge from colloquial opinion characteristics), maximal isometric
training induced changes in perfor-
and anecdotal information. This article strength is of notable interest to prac-
mance, maximal isometric strength
provides a contemporary resource for titioners. In the context of strength and
may not respond to training in the
the practitioner to understand the var- conditioning, this attribute is assessed
same way as heavy MDS
ious and distinct forms of strength, in a mid-range or key body position
how they can be assessed, deficits in
certain qualities diagnosed and re-
ported, and intelligent and informed
decisions on training program design
determined, implemented, and evalu-
ated. A specific focus is placed on
multi-joint dynamic and isometric
actions of the lower extremity because
these are most influential in the widest
variety of sports.
Here, we present a practical frame-
work informed empirically by the sci-
entific literature and applied practice
that reduces the many strength and
speed-strength metrics into 5 distinct
qualities (Figure 1) that share limited
commonality (r2 , 0.50, indicating
more uniqueness than sameness)
(3,18,66) and external load-time char-
acteristics (Figure 2). These are as fol- Figure 1. Schematic Venn diagram representing the independent strength qualities.
lows: (a) maximal isometric strength; Although each has a degree of overlap with the others, they are
(b) explosive strength; (c) heavy max- empirically distinct enough to be considered unique. Regions of overlap
imal dynamic strength; (d) fast are illustrative only and not to scale.

334 VOLUME 45 | NUMBER 3 | JUNE 2023

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extracted from the CMJ share very lit-
tle commonality (,1–30%) to iso-
metric RFD.
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Based on a typical force-time curve,

maximal strength is not achieved in
isometric conditions until 0.60–2.50
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(27) seconds after onset. Most athletic

tasks (e.g., high speed running, jumping
from a run-up) require force applica-
tion as short as 0.100–0.200 seconds
(1,53); thus, practitioners need to mea-
sure the force produced in the early
stages of the force-time curve.
The instructions should maximize
“fast” force production and are conven-
tionally combined with a “hard” cue
(e.g., pull or push as hard and as fast
as possible). To properly assess explo-
sive strength, the time frame must be
brief enough to sufficiently distinguish
it from the peak force measure (i.e.,
Figure 2. Each strength quality contains a different combination of external load and
time constraint characteristics. MDS 5 maximal dynamic strength. maximal isometric strength) (Figure 3).
For example, 76% of the variance in
force at 0.250 s can be explained by
(7,13,15,32,54). Taken together, maxi- can be made by the judgment of the maximal isometric strength (8), indi-
mal isometric strength can therefore be practitioner and might consider factors cating that they are testing a similar
considered an independent form of such as athlete preference and training muscular performance quality. The
strength expression in almost all cases. experience, size, and transportability threshold where explosive strength be-
The cue to produce maximal force in of the platform and rig, standardization comes isolated from maximal isometric
such isometric tests is typically “hard of position, setup, and familiariza- strength seems to be 0.150 seconds,
and fast” (22). However, a gradual rise tion time. with an explained variance of 52%
to peak force over several seconds has (11) and 48% (8) reported. Therefore,
also been used (48,63). This slow build- EXPLOSIVE STRENGTH it is recommended to use a measure
up to peak force is often used during Explosive strength is another strength that occurs no later than 0.150 seconds
the isometric squat to reduce injury quality that can be quantified from the from the onset of effort.
potential from a sudden and maximal previous isometric tests. In technical
axial loading from a bar placed across terms, this refers to a measure of
the shoulders (62). It is unclear how the early-stage (0.030–0.150 seconds) force HEAVY MAXIMAL DYNAMIC
maximal force output differs between a production during an isometric test STRENGTH
fast and slow cue in these tests, so it is and is often referred to as rapid or fast The most common method for assess-
recommended that cues are consistent force production in research settings. ing heavy MDS is via a 1RM, 3RM, or
when comparing within and between Explosive strength includes quantities 5RM test and is therefore very familiar
athletes. Tests of maximal isometric such as rate of force development to practitioners. As previously high-
strength are also appealing because (RFD) (change in force/change in lighted, this quality is independent of
they have low injury risk, are nonfati- time), time-specific impulse (the area maximal isometric strength, particu-
guing, and take minimal time when as- under a specified portion of the larly when tracked longitudinally. A
sessing individuals or small groups. force-time curve), or the instantaneous very low explained variance exists
However, because specialized equip- force at a given time point (57). between MDS in heavy conditions
ment and instrumentation are required, Although RFD was recognized by and explosive strength, particularly at
it can be challenging to test large Newton and Dugan (43) as a unique early time points (0.050 seconds 5
squads in the available time. Because strength quality derived from either ;2%, 0.100 seconds 5 10–40%, 0.150
maximal strength measured by the isometric or fast dynamic tests (e.g., seconds 5 20–45%) (8,19,56). The
IMTP and isometric squat represent CMJ), our definition restricts the higher end of the range is generally
somewhat similar strength qualities description to high external load con- found when comparing explosive
(44), the decision on which to use ditions. This is because measures IMTP values to heavy MDS in

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Strength Classification and Diagnosis

somewhat quick movement times

(.0.30 seconds). The most common
test of fast MDS is the CMJ, although
the squat jump (no countermovement)
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can also be used. The commonality to

each of the other strength qualities
ranges from 20 to 40%, and variation
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can occur based on population and

training status (36,51,52,69).
Depending on the instrumentation
used, a multitude of variables can be
derived from the CMJ or SJ test
(14,21). In its simplest form, the vertical
jump or squat jump can give a measure
of jump height with only chalk on the
Figure 3. Commonality (represented by the coefficient of determination—r2) wall or a jump-and-reach-device, and
between explosive strength measured at different timepoints and peak this alone can be an acceptable mea-
force in the isometric squat. A similar pattern exists for the isometric sure of fast MDS. Although this may be
midthigh pull. The lower the r2, the more new information the variable suitable for sports where jumping tasks
contains, which is important for valid strength assessment models. are important, it may not be sufficient
to fully understand an individual’s fast
weightlifting actions among competi- strength (43), training with these loads MDS ability. A more sophisticated
tive weightlifters (8). results in very little 1RM improve- analysis is often required because the
ments (;5%) when compared with jump output (e.g., height) generally
Although the equipment needed for an training intensities of 75–90% 1RM describes only 45–65% of what
RM test is minimal, the time taken to (;30%) (15). From a practical perspec- occurred during the CMJ (33). To
perform these tests and the require- tive, the velocity (or peak force) of a address this, a CMJ or SJ can be per-
ment to achieve failure can limit the single repetition at a load approxi- formed with a force platform, acceler-
feasibility of these tests and prevent mately $80% 1RM can represent a ometer, or linear position transducer
frequent monitoring (e.g., weekly). In heavy MDS characteristic (see Weak- (37). Such systems can derive multiple
the last 20 years, considerable progress ley et al. (59) for more information). variables from the action and poten-
in training technology, such as force Because the proximity to failure is rel- tially provide greater insight into an
platforms, accelerometers, and linear atively low compared with an RM test, individual’s high velocity MDS. The
position transducers, has made these these assessment methods can be per- large number of metrics available from
systems readily available to coaches formed more frequently and easily a CMJ or an SJ test can, however, make
at nearly all levels. When accompanied integrated into the training process. it challenging for the practitioner to
by such devices, submaximal loads An assessment of heavy MDS typically determine which variables possess
moved with maximal intent in a non- contains both an eccentric and a con- diagnostic utility (41). Fortunately,
ballistic (e.g., back squat) or ballistic centric phase but can also be designed most of the variation in CMJ test per-
(e.g., jump squat) manner can provide to isolate each phase. However, perfor- formance can be explained with only 2
an objective outcome measure (e.g., mance across these conditions is highly to 3 variables (33,40). Jump height, ver-
vertical velocity and peak vertical interrelated. For example, Spiteri et al. tical velocity at takeoff (which dictates
force) that is representative of dynamic (49) demonstrated an 85% commonal- jump height), peak vertical velocity,
strength under heavy loads. This is ity between traditional 1RM back squat and relative peak power tend to load
because there is a linear and near- strength and 1RM eccentric only back onto the same statistical factor (i.e.,
perfect relationship between relative squat strength. In most cases, practi- contain very similar information)
external load and barbell mean veloc- tioners will, therefore, only require (33,40). Timing variables (e.g., time to
ity (4,59). For example, using velocity one of these forms of heavy MDS take off, time to peak force/velocity/
at a series of incremental loads up to assessments. power) generally represent the second
90% 1RM will explain 86% of the true major component of the CMJ (33).
1RM, however this is reduced to FAST MAXIMAL DYNAMIC Bishop et al. (9) recommend supple-
approximately 60% when the heaviest STRENGTH menting these with countermovement
load is 60% of 1RM (4). Although 30% This quality is defined by an expres- depth and the ratio of jump height to
of 1RM was originally proposed as the sion of force produced maximally movement time to better understand
cutoff between heavy and fast dynamic against no or little additional load over what occurred in the jump. The choice

336 VOLUME 45 | NUMBER 3 | JUNE 2023

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of a variable within each factor can maximal isometric (36), explosive movement is needed. It is necessary
then be determined by what is most (35), heavy (5,20), and fast strength to provide feedback after each jump
reliable, interpretable, and relevant to (52,66), respectively. to find the balance between contact
the end user. Practitioners may also time and subsequent jump perfor-
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compare changes in fast MDS relative Historically, a drop jump performed mance (69).
to maximal isometric strength (referred onto a contact mat, force platform, or
to as the dynamic strength index) to optical measurement system (e.g., More recently, other tests of reactive
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help decide when to switch between Optojump) from progressively more strength have been developed to over-
heavy strength and high velocity train- intense heights (30, 45, and 60 cm) come the limitations associated with
ing (31,48). with an instruction to “jump for max- the drop jump. For example, rebound
imal height with minimal contact jump tests have been established
REACTIVE STRENGTH time” has been used to assess reactive where the athlete performs an initial
Reactive strength is the ability to strength. From this assessment, char- maximal CMJ and, upon landing
produce force in a short/fast stretch acteristics of the jump such as height, quickly, rebounds for maximal height
shortening cycle characterized by contact time, and determination of with minimal contact time (12). It is
ground contact times ,0.25 seconds reactive strength index (RSI) as cal- hypothesized that rebound jump tests
(46). Because reactive strength is a culated by the jump height or flight require less familiarization and may
measure of an athlete’s ability to tol- time divided by the ground contact better indicate an athlete’s ability to
erate and use high stretch loads, it time can be used to assess reactive repeatedly express reactive strength,
has a strong relationship with activ- strength capabilities. Additionally, such as when sprinting, compared with
ities associated with high eccentric this test has prescriptive utility one-off efforts in a drop jump (26).
demands, such as sprint running because the individual’s theoretically However, further research is needed
(65), vertical jumps after a run-up optimal drop height (that produces to better understand the differences
(66), change of direction speed (67), the greatest RSI) is superior or equal between the 2 tests. Practitioners
and attacking agility (68). Reactive to other drop heights used in plyo- should note that the more recently
strength seems to be uniquely inde- metric training at eliciting improve- proposed metric “reactive strength
pendent of the other strength ments in reactive strength. A noted index modified” is derived from a
qualities, sharing approximately 10, limitation of the drop jump test is that CMJ and is therefore not a measure
20, 30, and 35% commonality with extensive familiarization with the of reactive strength but rather strength

Table 1
Example tests and associated metrics for each independent strength quality
Strength quality Test Primary metric Supplementary metric(s)

Maximal Isometric squat or IMTP Peak force

Explosive Isometric squat or IMTP Force or impulse @ #0.150 s
Heavy maximal 1RM or 3RM, or mean velocity at The load lifted for RM tests, or the
dynamic incremental loads to .80% 1RM in a mean velocity of a single repetition
strength relevant primary lift at .80% 1RM
Fast maximal CMJ or SJ with no, or minimal, additional Any one of: jump height, vertical Any one of: time to takeoff,
dynamic load velocity at takeoff, peak vertical time to peak force/
strength velocity, or relative peak power velocity/power
Ratio of jump height or
flight time to time to
Countermovement depth
Reactive Drop jump or rebound jump for minimal RSI Constituent RSI variables
strength contact time and maximal height (jump height and contact
CMJ 5 countermovement jump; RM 5 repetition maximum; RSI 5 reactive strength index; IMTP 5 isometric midthigh pull; SJ 5 squat jump.

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Strength Classification and Diagnosis

Table 2
Prioritization of resistance training modalities for each strength quality

Strength quality Primary training Secondary training

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Maximal isometric strength Heavy strength training emphasizing a Maximal isometric tasksa
concentric start and end portion RoM
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Explosive strength Weightlifting derivatives Ballistic/plyometrics with minimal

Heavy maximal dynamic Heavy strength training Weightlifting derivatives
Fast maximal dynamic strength Plyometrics (slow SSC) Heavy strength training and weightlifting
Reactive strength Plyometrics (fast SSC) Plyometrics (slow SSC) and heavy strength training
Practitioners should also consider the impact of existing strength level, opportunities for concentrated loading, and sequencing of training over
Although this modality holds the greatest transfer to the maximal isometric strength, it may possess relatively limited transfer to other strength
qualities. As such, it has been de-emphasized.

RoM 5 range of motion; SSC 5 stretch shortening cycle.

at fast velocities. This is reflected in the strength quality can be explored and Once the outcome and performance
limited commonality it shares with DJ- prioritized. Competition outcome can indicators are established, associations
derived RSI (22%) (39). Table 1 sum- be defined by factors such as wins or to each strength quality can be
marizes the associated test and metrics losses, higher versus lower-level play- explored and prioritized. An assess-
for each strength quality. ers, and ladder rank (17). In sports ment of the athlete’s current capabil-
defined by distance, mass, or time, ities relative to the key strength
DIAGNOSING STRENGTH the results in the respective units qualities will enable the strength and
QUALITIES IN SPORT directly represent outcome (2). “Perfor- conditioning professional to develop
With an understanding of the distinct mance” is characterized by action var- a strength profile to inform training
strength qualities that exist in athletes, iables that occur during competition interventions.
the practitioner must then determine that are linked (positively or nega-
the degree of relevance each holds to tively) to competition outcome (28). INTERPRETATION AND TRAINING
outcome and performance in the sport These indicators are generally derived RESPONSE
of interest. Perhaps the most critical from notational analysis and can Once the most relevant strength qual-
step in this process is defining what include metrics such as kicks, goals, ities for the sport are identified and the
“outcome” and “performance” actually strikes landed, tackles, and many athlete’s strengths and weaknesses are
mean, so empirical links to each others, depending on the sport (6). diagnosed (relative to benchmarks or

Table 3
A comparison of two athletes with similar isometric and explosive strength, but different heavy dynamic strength

IsoSq PF/BM, N/kg F@100 ms/BM, N/kg 1RM/BM, kg/kg Diagnosis Training emphasis
Athlete 37.0 26.3 2.14 Good strength at slow Heavy rack pulls; weightlifting
A velocities; lacking pure derivatives from the hang
and explosive strength across a range of loads
Athlete 37.1 25.8 1.82 Good pure and explosive Heavy strength training
B strength; lacking through full ranges of
strength at slow motion that use the SSC
BM 5 body mass; F@100 m 5 force at 100 milliseconds from onset in the isometric squat; PF 5 peak force; IsoSq 5 isometric squat;
RM 5 repetition maximum.

338 VOLUME 45 | NUMBER 3 | JUNE 2023

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Table 4
A comparison of two athletes with contrasting performances in a fast dynamic strength assessment and a reactive
strength assessment
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CMJ height, m CMJ TTT, s DJ RSI, m/s DJ contact time, s Diagnosis Training emphasis

Player 0.42 0.84 2.37 0.190 Good reactive Combined heavy strength,
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A strength; poor slow loaded and unloaded ballistic

SSC strength at fast tasks
Player 0.41 0.75 1.72 0.240 Good slow SSC Plyometrics with instructions to
B strength at fast maximize jump heights or
velocities; poor distance with minimal contact
reactive strength times
CMJ 5 countermovement jump; DJ 5 Drop Jump; TTT 5 time to takeoff.

previous results), training can be tar- improvements across a broad range the 2 athletes. However, Athlete A
geted towards the aspects of strength of strength qualities when exposed to has a markedly greater MDS in
that require the most attention. Based heavy strength training. Accordingly, heavy conditions. As a result, the 2
on the principle of specificity, the train- as one becomes stronger, more specific athletes can be distinguished and dif-
ing modalities that are most similar to and targeted training is required ferent training interventions can be
the strength quality of interest will (16,32,60). prescribed.
likely have the greatest transfer  Training should be periodized. Con- The jump profiles presented in Table 4
(Table 2). Although further experimen- sider the timeline of events, opportuni- demonstrate that both players produce
tal evidence is needed to compare the ties for concentrated loading, logical
a similar CMJ height, but Player B
impact of different training structures sequencing, and progression (i.e., how
on certain strength qualities, some achieves this with a faster movement.
does the development of one quality
additional general recommendations now impact the development of However, this does not necessarily
can be made: another in the future?) (50). mean that Player B also performs well
in a fast SSC task, so a test of reactive
 Training history and existing maxi- Strengths or weaknesses can be deter-
strength (DJ-RSI) was needed to differ-
mal heavy dynamic strength level. mined by comparing test results to
Those who are stronger (i.e., 1RM squad averages or norms from the entiate the 2 individuals. An important
back squat of 2.0 3 BM) will display same cohort. Here we provide several point is that a fast movement time in a
superior adaptations to high velocity case examples of how strength diagno- slow SSC action (e.g., a CMJ) does not
(e.g., ballistic) and explosive training sis can inform training. imply a fast contact time in a reactive
(e.g., weightlifting derivatives) (16,32). In Table 3, the isometric squat strength assessment because the con-
 Those who are weaker or with low- assessment of maximal and explosive straints and objective of the tasks are
level training experience will show strength was unable to distinguish different.

Table 5
A comparison of two athletes with contrasting performances in a fast dynamic strength assessment, a sport specific
jumping test, and a reactive strength assessment
Standing VJ, m Running VJ, m % Gain DJ RSI, m/s Diagnosis Training prescription

Player 0.83 0.95 (double) 14 2.08 Good fast strength, poor Single-leg plyometric training
A reactive strength and where contact time
single-leg takeoff ability is minimized
Player 0.73 0.91 (single) 25 2.26 Good reactive strength and Bilateral slow (longer contact/
B single-leg takeoff ability; movement time) SSC
relative weaker fast plyometric training, heavy
strength capacity strength training
DJ 5 drop jump; RSI 5 reactive strength index; SSC 5 stretch shortening cycle; VJ 5 vertical jump.

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Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Strength Classification and Diagnosis

The inclusion of a test that replicates the and in response to specific training
Robert U.
execution of a sport-specific task can be interventions is also needed.
Newton is a pro-
used as a diagnostic performance mea-
fessor of Exercise
sure. In jumping sports such as basketball Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:
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Medicine in the
and volleyball, an example would be a The authors report no conflicts of interest Exercise Medicine
standing vertical jump or a vertical jump and no source of funding. Research Institute
that incorporates a run-up with a single-
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at Edith Cowan
or double-leg takeoff. This information
University, Perth,
can be combined with the direct assess- Lachlan P. Western Australia.
ments of muscle function like a counter- James is a lecturer
movement jump or drop jump to and course coordi-
diagnose strengths and weaknesses to nator of the Mas- Paul B. Gastin
inform training. ter of Strength is a professor and
Presented in Table 5 is a running vertical and Conditioning head of Sport and
jump, standing vertical jump, and RSI at La Trobe Uni- Exercise Science
from 2 basketball players. From this versity, Mel- at La Trobe
information, we can decipher the per- bourne, Australia. University, Mel-
centage improvement in jump height bourne,
with respect to their RSI to inform train- Australia.
ing. Player “A” has a greater vertical jump Scott W.
from a standing position but is not as Talpey is a senior
effective at using their run-up as Player lecturer and pro-
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