JEE Formulas - Check Most Important Formulas of Physics, Chemistry & Maths

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Ta} JEE Formulas - Check Most Important Formulas of Physics, Chemistry & Maths In IIT JEE many formulae-based questions are asked and in some cases, an understanding of the formula helps us save the time of a lengthy process of calculation. To help students in their preparation we have provided a list of {11 JI. Main Formulas for Physics, Chemistry and Maths subjects. The best part here is that the formulas are re arranged topic-wise, hence it is easy for all the students to navigate through the pool «These IIT JEE Formulas will help in quick revision for better last-minute preparation. ! Topic-wise list of JEE formulas makes selective revision possible. Daily practice of writing down these formulas on paper will help in memorization and completing the JEE Main syllabus in an effective manner. Important Formulas for JEE Main (All three subjects) In this article, we will be going through all the important formulas which are organized Subject- Wise and within that, it is arranged Topic-Wise. There are around 90 chapters for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics altogether and each chapter has a ton of formulas and identities, it is challenging to keep all these in mind in one go, therefore, revision is a must for JEE preparation. Tor the mission to help all the JEE aspirants, Testbook has accumulated all the necessary formulas to guide the students to success. Is it only for JEE Main? No, anyone can go through the written formulas. If you are preparing for the 12th Boards or just want to gain knowledge, you are most welcome to our platform, Important Formulas for JEE Main (Physics) Physics revision formulas for JEE Main are listed below. All the formulas are grouped topic-wise as per the JEE Main Physics Syllabus. Vector Formulas Physics — . The Resultant Vector is written as R=A+B or R=k=1nAk . The Resultant Vector in Cartesian Form is R=A2+B2+2AB where is the angle between the two vectors. . If A=Axi+Ayj+Azk then the Direction Cosines are =Ax/A, =Ay/A and =Az/A. 2 Dot Product: AB=AB where is the angle between the two vectors {If A=Axi+Ayj+Azk and B=Bxi+Byj+Bzk then the Dot-Product is AB=AxBx+AyBy+AzBz . Cross Product: AB=AB n where n is a Unit Vector perpendicular to both A and B 1 If A=Axi+Ayj+Azk and B=Bxi+Byj+Bzk then the Cross-Product is given by the Determinant ijk, jk-i and ki-j Kinematics Formulas Physics v=dr/dt and a=dv/dt and a=d2r/dt2 For 1-D Motion: a=v(dv/dx) v=urtat, s=ut+(1/2)at2 and v2=u2+2as sn-sn-1=u+(a/2)(2n-1) v (relative)=v (actual)-v (reference) Projectile Motion Initial Horizontal Velocity is ux=u Projectile Motion Initial Vertical Motion is uy=u Velocity at any instant of a Projectile Motion is v=u i+(u-gt) j Horizontal Distance at any time is x=ut Time of Flight is T-2u/g Maximum Height of the Projectile is H=u22/2g Horizontal Range is R=u22/g Equation of Trajectory is y=x-gx2/( 2u22 ) Time of Flight for the Horizontal Projection from a cliff is T=2h/g Horizontal Range for the Horizontal Projectile from a cliff is R=uT Angle of velocity at any instant for Horizontal Projection from a cliff is =(gt/u) Laws of Motion and Friction Formulas Physics Fundamental Forces of Nature are Gravitational Force, Electromagnetic Force, Weak Nuclear Force and Strong Nuclear Force. F=dp/dt and F=ma is mass is constant Impulse j=Ft in discrete case and j=t1t2F dt Acceleration of Pulley when both masses are downwards is a=| m1-m2 |g/(m1+m2) Tension in the string of a Pulley System when masses are downwards is T=2m1m2g/ (mi+m2) Man ina lift going upwards: Fne' Man in a lift going upwards: Fne' Centripetal Force is F=mv2/r=m2r Static Frictional Force N where N is the Normal Force on the object Kinetic Frictional Force is f=kN where N is the Normal Force on the object Angle of Friction is Block sliding on an incline with angle of Repose : f=-mg and N=-mg (gea) (g-a) Work Power and Energy Formulas Physics Work Done W=Fd when distance is non-variable and W=abFs when distance is variable Kinetic Energy K=mv2/2 Potential Energy U=mgh+h where h is the height from the reference line Conservative Force F= -U, in 1-D, it is F= -dU/dx Work Energy Theorem: W (all forces)=K=KE-Ki Power P=Fv or P=Wit Circular Motion Formulas Physics Time Period T=1/f is reciprocal of Frequency =l/r, =d/dt=2/T=2f and =djat =v/r or v=r Net acceleration a=r+v and a=( 2r )2+(r )2 Maximum velocity without skidding is v-Rg Maximum velocity for banked road is v= (+1-)Rg Bending of a Cyclist: vr*g*tan Condition to complete the vertical circle is uSgR Condition for Oscillation is u2gR and the Tension in the string i Condition for leaving path is 2gRR Backward Slipping happens when vCMR Gravitational Field on the Surface of the Spherical Shell is -GM/R2 Gravitational Field inside the Spherical Shell is 0 Gravitational Field outside a Solid Sphere is -GM/r2 where r>R Gravitational Field inside a Solid Sphere is -GMr/R3 where rR Gravitational Potential inside a Solid Sphere is V= -GM(3R2-r2)/2R3 where rR Time Period of a satellite is T=2*r1/GM Potential Energy of a point mass at a distance r from the center of object is U= -GMm/r Kinetic Energy of a satellite is Mechanical Energy of a satellite is Kepler’s 3rd Law of Planetary Motion is T2=ka3 where a is the length of semi-major axis Solid Mechanics Formulas Physics «Stress is the Ratio of Internal Restoring Force per unit Area of Cross-Section ._ Strain is the Ratio of change in size of the object to its original size « Hooke's Law within elastic limit is StressStrain . Young’s Modulus Y=( F/A )/( L/L) . Increment in length due to its own weight L=gl2/2Y {Bulk Modulus = -P/( V/V) . Compressibility is the reciprocal of Bulk Modulus + Modulus of Rigidity =(E/A) . Poisson's Ratio =Lateral Strain/Longitudinal Strai « Work Done on a wire is W=(1/2)*Stress*Strain*Volumi (D/D)(L/L) FL/2 Fluid Mechanics Formulas Physics Mass Density is =MassVolume Specific Weight is WeightVolume=g Relative Density is Density of LiquidDensity of Pure Water at 40C Density of a mixture with variable Volume is =k=1nmkk=1n( mk/k ) Density of a mixture with variable Mass is =k=1nVkkk=1nVk Pressure P=Normal ForceArea Difference of Pressure in depth h is P=hg Gauge Pressure at depth h of a liquid when placed in an elevator is P=h( ga) Gauge Pressure between two points on same level at a distance of | when the liquid is accelerated by a is P=la Rotating Cylinder along the length and passing through the center, th extra height is h=(n)2/2g Pascal’s Law: F1A1=F2A2 Absolute Pressure=Atmospheric Pressure+Gauge Pressure Atmospheric Pressure is Patm=101325 N/m2 Buoyant Force is the Weight of Displaced Fluid, FB=Vg Equation of Continuity is Alv1=A2v2 Bernoulli's Theorem is P+v2/2+gh=Constant Principle of Venturimeter is v=A22ghj( A12-A22 ) Velocity of Efflux is v=2gh Horizontal Range of Efflux is R=2h(H-h) Surface Tension is Force per unit Length, T-F/l Surface Energy is S=TA Excess Pressure for water droplet is 2T/R Excess Pressure for soap bubble is 4T/R Height of Capillary Rise h=2T/rg Height of Capillary Rise after correction h=[ 2T/rg ]-(r/3) Newton’s Law of Viscosity is F=A( dv/dx ) Stoke’s Law is F=6rv Poiseuille’s Formula is Q=pr4/(8L ) Terminal Velocity is vI=2r2()g/9 Reynold’s Number is Re=vd/ Thermal Physics and Thermodynamics Formulas Physics Linear Expansion I=10(1+T) Areal Expansion A=A0(1+T) Volume Expansion V=VO(1+T) Fractional Change in Time Period of a Simple Pendulum is T/2 Thermal Strain I/l=T Thermal Stress F/A=YT Coefficient of Volume Expansion in Gases is =1/T Heat Capacity of a body is H=Q/T Specifc Heat Capacity is s=Q/mT Molar Heat Capacity is QinT Latent Heat L=Q/m Rate of Heat Flow is dQdt= -KAdTax Thermal Resistance RT=I/KA Coefficient of Thermal Conduction in Series Connection is K=i=1nlii=1nli/Ki Coefficient of Thermal Conduction in Parallel Connection is K=i=1nKiAii=1nAi Stefan-Boltzmann’s Law says I=eT4 where I is the Intensity and e[0, 1] Prevost’s Theory of Heat Enrgy Exchange is Inet=e( T4-T04 ) Newton’s law of Cooling is -dT/dt(T-T0) or T=T0+(Ti-T0)(-kt) Newton’s Law of Cooling for small temerature difference is T1-T2t=k[T1+T22-T0} Wien’s Displacement Law max=b/T where b2.8910-3mK Solar Constant S=(RST2/r)2 Mayer's Formula CP=Cv+R. Average Distance between two consecutive collisions is =12d2n Mixture of Non-Reacting Gases - Molecular Weight Mmix=k=1NnkWkk=1Nnk ° Specific Heat Capacity at constant Volume is sV: | Specific Heat Capacity at constant Pressure is s » N-1=n11-1+n22-14+n33-1+...+nkk-1 Molar Heat Capacity for any polytropic process is C=CV+R1-x First Law of Thermodynamics is Qsupplied-Wby system+U Work Done by the System is W=V1V2P dV For Adiabatic Process PV=Constant and W=(P1V1-P2V2)/(-1) For Isothermal Process PV=Constant and W=nRT(V2/V1) Nnk(sV)kk=1Nnk Nnk(sP)kk=1Nnk For Isobaric Prceess RT Efficiency of a Carnot Cycle is Coefficient of Performance i: Isothrmal Bulk Modulus of Gases i Adiabatic Bulk Modulus of Gases i Oscillations and Waves Formulas Physics Angular Frequency =km Equation for Linear SHM is d2xdt2+2x=0 Equation for Angular SHM is d2dt2+2=0 Displacement in SHM is x=A(t+) Velocity of a particle in SHM is v=A(t+)=A2-x2 Acceleration of a particle in SHM is a= -A2(t+)= -2x Kinetic Energy of a particle in SHM is K-kA22(t+)/2 Potential Energy ofa particle in SHM is U=kA22(t+) Total Energy of a particle in SHM is E=K+U=(1/2)kA2 Time Period in a Spring Block System is T=2mk Time Period in a Combined Spring Block System is T=2k where is the reduced mass ‘Time Period in a Series combination of springs is T=2mk where k is the effective Spring Constant, that is 1k=1k1+1k2+1k3+...+1kn Time Period in a Series combination of springs is T=2mk where k is the effective Spring Constant, that is k=k1+k2+k3+...+kn Time Period of a Simple Pendulum is T=21g Time Period of a Physics Pendulum is T=2lg where =Moment of Inertiaml2 Time Perod of a Conical Penduum is T=21 g Time Period of a Tortional Pendulum is T=: oon Time Period for an SHM in a U-Tube Manometer is T=2hg where h is the height Time Period of a particle in SHM in a tunnel inside te Earth is T=2Rg Equation of a Damped Oscillation is d2xdt2+2x+bmv=0 Displacement due to Damped Oscillation is x=ACbt/2m)(t+) Angular Velocity in Damped Oscillation is Total Energy in Damped Oscillation is E=(1/2)kKA2(-bt/m) Equation of any wave in 2-D is 2yt2=v22yx2 Equation of a Plane Progressive Wve in 2-D is y=A(t-kx) where k=2/ Velocity of a wave is v=/k Velocity of the particle is vP=y/t=A(t-kx) vP= -v(dy/dx) Particle Acceleration is 2y/t2= -A2(t-kx) Relation between Phase Difference, Path Difference and Time Difference is 2==" Kinetic Energy per unit volume is (1/2)vP2=(1/2)2A22(t-kx) Potential Energy per unit volume is (1/2)2A22(tkx) Total Energy per unit volume is 2A22(t-kx) Power of a wave is P=(1/2)2A2vS where S is the Area of Cross-Section Intensity of a wave is (1/2)2A2v Speed of a transverse wave on string v=T/ Interference of two waves - For amplitude A=A12+A22+2A1A2 For intensity I=11+12+21112 For constructive Interference, =n or =2n and Imax=(I1+12)2 For Destructive Interference, =(2n+1) and Imin=(I1-I2)2 , Degree of Hearing is (Imax /Imin )-1( Imax/Imin )+1100 Amplitude of Reflected Wave is Ar=2-12+1Ai where is the frequency Amplitude of Trnasmitted Wave is At=222+1Ai nth harmonic in stationary string wave is f=nv/2I (fixed at both ends) (2k-1)th harmonic in stationary wave is f=(2k-1)v/4l (fixed at one end) Velocity of Sound Wave with elasticity E is Newton's Formula for Sound Waves v=P/ Laplace Correction to Newton's Fomula v=P/ Equation of a Pressure Wave is p=ABk(t-kx) Frequency in a Closed End Organ Pipe is f=(2k-1)v/4l for (2k-1)th harmonic Error Correction in Closed End Organ Pipe is f1=v/4(1+0.6R) Frequency of an Open End organ Pipe is f=nv/2I for nth harmonic Error Correction in Open End Organ Pipe is f1=v/2(1+1.2R) Wavelength of a Resonating Tube is =2(12-11) End Correction in a Resonating Tube is e=(12-311)/2 Loudness of Sound (in dB) is =10(1/10) Doppler’s Effect f=v-vOv-vsf Electrostatics Formulas Physics Coulomb's Law F=140q1q2r2 Principle of Supreposition F=F1+F2+F3+...+Fn Electric Field E=F/q Electric Field due to a point charge is E=140qr2r Equilibrium of charges for an Equilateral Triangle is q= -q0/3 Equilbrium of charges for a Square is = -q0(22+1)/4 Equilbrium of two charges hanging from a point through thread T=mg and T=Fe Electric Potential Va= —aEdr or E= -V Electric Potential for a point charge is Electric Potential Energy of two charges q: Electric Dipole Moment p=q2a where 2a is the total length of the dipole Torque on an electric dipole in a uniform electric field is =pE. Potential Energy stored in a dipole in a uniform electric field is U= -pE Electric Field at Axial Point is E=1402pr3_ Electric Field at Equitorial Point is E=140-pr3 Electric Field at any point due to an electric dipole is E=140p1+32r3 Electric Potential at any point due to an electric dipole Total Potential Energy due to many charges is U=Uself+j Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law =SEdA=qenclosed0 Electric Field due to a charged spherical shell when rR is E=140Qr2 Electric Field due to a charged spherical shell when r0 Entropy Ssystem=ABdqrevT Entropy of an Ideal Gas is Ssystem=nCVT2T1+nRV2V1 Gibbs Free Energy for a system is G-H-TS Electrochemistry Formulas Chemistry For an Electrode Oxidation Potential+Reduction Potential=0 Ecell=Reduction Potential of Cathode-Reduction Potential of Anode E0Ocell=Standard Reduction Potential of Cathode-Standard Reduction Potential of Anode Gibbs Free Energy G= -nFEcell and GO= -nFE0cell Nernst Equation Ecell=E0cell-0.0591n10Q Nernst Equation for an Electrode is E=E0-RTnF1[ Mn+ ] Faraday’s Law of Electrolysis are W=ZIt and WE Condition for the simultaneous deposition of Copper and Iron on cathodeE0Cu2+/Cu- E0Fe2+/Fe=0.02955([Fe2+]-[Cu2+]) Conductance=1/Resistance and Conductivity=1/Resistivity Equivalent Conductance E=1000K/Normality Molar Conductance m=1000K/Molarity Kohlrausch’s Law for Strong Electrolyte is OM=M-be Kohlrausch’s Law for Strong Electrolyte is =n+++n— Solutions and Colligative Properties Formulas Chemistry Osmotic Pressure =gh Van't-Hoff Formula =CRT=nRT/V Osmotic Pressure of a mixture is =(1V1+2V2 )(V1+V2) Van't-Hoff Correction i=Observed value of PropertyTheoretical Value of Property For Degree of Dissociation i=1+(n-1) For Degree of Association i=1+(1/n-1) Raoult’s Law P-PsPs=inN or p=p0x Elevation in Boiling Point Th=iKbm Depression in Freezing Point Tf=iKfm Raoult’s Law for binary mixture of volatile liquids is P=POAXA+POBXB Henry's Law p=H*m Check out the best JEF Main Chemistry Books Here! Important Formulas for JEE Main (Mathematics) Mathematics revision formulas for JEE Main are listed below. All the formulas are grouped topic- wise as per the JEE Main Maths Syllabus. Logarithms Formulas Maths (xy)=xty Qiy=xy ba= talebase Change aax=x Trigonometry Formulas Maths Radians=1800=200 Grade 24251 2=1+2 2 0 in the first and second quadrant. 0 in the first and fourth quadrant. 0 in the first and third quadrant. = and [ (2n+1)+ ]= - and [ (2n+1)+ J= - = - and [ (2n+1)- J= PLO/21 *L@/2 FL O/2) -2*[ (4/2 LE O/2 J ane=(4)+() Inverse Trigonometric Function Formulas Maths Domain and Range of Inverse Trigonometric Functions - , X[-1,1] and xf -/2, /2] ¢ x[-4,1]J and x[0,] XG.) and x(-/2,/2) SL ent SEP ALARM SRL A[ xy-1-x21-y2 ] for x0 Roots are real D=0 Roots are real and identical D<0 Roots are Imaginary If a+ib is one root then a-ib must be the other root. Roots of ax2+bx+c=0 and x2+x+=0 then a=b=c Ifa, bO then a+b2*a*b If f(x)=ax2+bx+c and a>0 then f(x) ( 4ac-b2 )/4a If f(x)=ax2+bx+c and a<0 then f(x) ( 4ac-b2 )/4a {(x,y)=ax2+by2+2hxy+2gx+2fy+c can be resolved into two linear factors if and only if abe+2fgh-af2-bg2-ch2=0 Sequence and Series Formulas Maths If the first term is a and common difference is d then the nth term of AP is an=a+(n-1)*d k=1na+(k-1)*d=n2[ 2a+(n-1)d J=n2(a+an) n+B then a=A+B and d=! n2+Bn then a=A+B and d=2*A The Arithmetic Mean of a and b is (a+b) / 2 Ifa,A1,A2,A3,...,An,b are in AP with Ak (k=1,2,3....,.n) is the Arithmetic Mean, then the common difference is d=(b-a)/(n+1) If the first term is a and the common ratio is r then the nth term of GP is an=a*rn-1 k=1na*rk *(rn-1)r-1 where r1 k=1a*rk-1=a1-r where |r| <1 The Geometric Mean of a and b is a*b Ifa,G1,G2,G3,...,Gn, b are in GP with Gk (k=1,2,3,....n) are the Geometire Mean, then the common ratio (b/a)1/(n+1) . Ifal,a2,a3,...,an>0 are terms in GP then al , a2, a3 an are in AP oe TERR SOE RSA AEE SEE SEES SADE: SEEELMIROMEOE MDE Ome ee Se SARE MERE ARERR MERE Ne ete Oe (atn-1)*d } The Harmonic Mean of a and b is 2ab/(a+b) AMGMHM k=Ink=n(n+1)2, k=1nk2=n(n+1)(2n+1)6 and k=Ink3=n2(n+1)24 Binomial Theorem Formulas Maths (xty)n = nCOxn + nC1xn-Ly + nC2xn-2y2 +...# nCnyn The (r+1)th term of (x+y)n is Tr¥1 = nCrxn-ryr, Cx=Cyx=y or xty=n Cr-1+Cr = n+1Cr k=OnCkk+1=2n+1-1n+1 and k=On(-D)KCkk+1=1n+1 CO+C1+C2+...+Cn=2n and CO2+C12+C22+...+Cn2=2nCn The greatest coefficient of (x+y)n is Cn/2 is n is even or C(n-1)/2 and C(n+1)/2 if n is odd. (Lex)k=1+kx+k(k+1)x2/2!+k(k+1)(k+2)x3/3!+... LKR (1-x)-1=1+X+X2+x3+... (1+x)-1=1-X+x2-x3+... ex= k=Oxkk! and (1+x)= k=1¢-1)k+1xkk where x -1 Complex Numbers Formulas Maths If z=atib then z=a-ib 2+2=2*Re(z), 2-2=2*i Im(z) and zz=a2+b2 |z|=a2+b2 and Arg(z)=-1(y/x) Arg(z1*z2)=Arg(z1)+Arg(z2) , Arg(z1/z2)=Arg(z1)-Arg(z2) and Arg(zn)=n*Arg(z) z=1(+i)=rei where r is the magnitude and is the argument. Euler’s Formula is ei=+i 2=ei+e-i and 2=ei- If {(+i)=a+ib then f(-)=a-il The triangle inequalities are | 21+22 || z1 |+| 22 | and | 21-22 || | zt |-| 22 | | If z=r(+i) then zn=rnI (n)+i(n) J, this is De Moiver’s Theorem Cube Root of Unity is 1, and 2 where = -1 + i32 and 2= -1 -i32 1**2=1 and 1++2=0 a2+b2+c2-ab-be-ca=(atb+c2)(a+b2+c) a3+b3=(a+b)(a+b2)(a2+b) X2+x+1=(K-)(K-2) If z=r(+i) then z1/n=r1/n[ {(+2k)/n}+i{(2k)/n} ] Equation of a Circle with center 20 and radius r is | 2-20 |=r Matrices Formulas Maths Sum of diagonal elements or the Trace of a Matrix is tr(A)=i=1naii. ‘Two Matrices [aij]=[bij] are equal then aij=bij. aij} Bbij)=Laij+bij] and k*[aij]=[k*aij]. Define Amn-[aij] and Bnp=T[bij], then AB= [k=1naikbkj]. Cayley-Hamilton’s Theorem: | A-I |=0 where is the Eigenvalue. Commutative Property of Matrix Addition A+B=B+A. Associative Property of Matrix Addition (A+B)+C=A+(B+C). Associative Property of Matrix Multiplication (AB)C=A(BC). Distributive Property of Matrices A(B+C)=AB+AC and (B+C)A=BA+CA. Define n, mN then AnAm=An+m, (An)m=Anm and In=I where I is the Identity Matrix. Orthogonal Matrix A-1=AT or ATA=I. Symmetric Matrix AT=A and Skew-Symmetric Matrix AT= -A. The diagonal elements of a Skew-Symmetric Matrix are 0, that is aii=0. A(adjA)=(adjA)A=|A| In| adjA |=| A {n-1. adj(adjA)=| A |n-2A and | adj(adjA) |=| A |(n-1)(n-1). adj(AB)=(adjB)(adjA) and adj(kA)=kn-LadjA where k is a constant. ee eee Inverse of a Matrix Product is (AB)-1=B-1A-1. The solution to the system of equations AX=B is X=adjA| A |B where | A |0. te | ‘ |0 but (adjA)B=0 then the solution is x=y=z=0. and (adjA)B=0 then the system of equations has Infinite Solutions. and (adjA)BO then there is NO Solution. Ira Determinants Formulas Maths For an nn Determinant, if ak is the k th element in ith row with Cofactor AK, then the value of hte Determinant is k-InakAk. The value of the Determinant does not change if the rows and columns are interchanged. Interchanging the i th row with (i1) th row will change the sign of the Determinant. If any two rows (or columns) are proportional then the Determinant evaluates to Zero. Row Operation . If the Determinant is then its derivative is written as Multiplication of Determinants | [ aij ] |*| [bij] |=| aij*bij ] |. Determinant of a Skew-Symmetric Matrix is Zero. If we have akx+bky+ck=dk k=1,2,3 then the solution using the Cramer’s Rule is x=1/, y=2/ and 2=3 | where 1, 2, 3 and are as shown Properties and Solutions of a Triangle The Law of Sine is aA=bB=cC ‘he Law of Cosine is A= b2+c2-a22be ‘he Law of Tangent is [ (A-B)/2 ]= a-ba+b(A/2) The Projection Formula is a=bC+cB (A/2)= (s-b)(s-c)be , (A/2)= s(s-a)be and (A/2)= s(s-a) where s= atb+c2 Area of a Triangle is =s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c) where s= a+b+c2 ‘Area of an Equilateral Triangle is eq= 3412 where 1 is the length of each side of the triangle. Area ofa Triangle given an angle is =12bcA=12caB=12abC Radius of the Circumcenter is R= a2A=b2B=c2C=abc4 Radius of Incircle is r=/s=(s-a)(A/2)=(s-b)(B/2)=(s-c)(C/2) Radius of Excircle is r’ a, r2= s-b and r3= s-c Length of Median from angle A is mA=122b2+2c2-a2 Length of Angle Bisector of A is bA= 2bcb+c(A/2) Length of Altitude from A is hA= aB + C mA2+bA2+hA2=34( a2+b2+c2 ) For an Isosceles Triangle aB=bA r= a2 (/n) and R= a2 (/n) for a Regular Polygon with n sides and side length a Area of a Cyclic Quadrilateral with sides a, b , c and dis =(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)(s-d) where s=(atb+c+@/ Ptolemy’s Theorem is AC*BD=a*c+b*d Straight Lines Formulas Maths x=r and y=r where r=x2+y2 and =-1(y/x) Distance Formula in 2-D is d=(x1-x2)2+(y1-y2)2 Coordinates for Internal Division is (mx2+nx1m+n, my2+ny1m+n ) Coordinates for External Division is (mx2-nxim-n, my2-nylm-n ) Coordinates of the Centroid is ( x1+x2+x33, y1+y2+y33 ) Coordinates of Incenter is ( ax1+bx2+cx3a+b+e, ayi+by2+cy3a+b+e) Area of a Triangle with vertices (x1, y1), (x2, y2) and (x3, y3) is Latex Code: ee Slope of a line is given as m= y2-y1x2-x1 Slope Intercept Form of a Line: y=mx+c Point Slope Form of a Line: y-y1=m(x-x1) ‘Two Point Form of a Line: y-y1= y2-y1x2-x1 (x-x1) Intercept Form of a Line: xa*+yb=1 Normal Form of a Line: x+ Parametric Form of a Line: x=htr and y=k+r General Form of a Line: ax+by+c=0 Angle between two lines is =-1( m1-m21+m1m2 ) Lines are Parallel if and only if ala2=bib2c1c2 Lines are Perpendicular if and only if ala2+b1b2=0 Lines are Coincident if and only if ala2=b1b2=clc2 Lines are Intersecting if and only if ala2b1b2 Length of Perpendicular from (x1,y1) to the line ax+by+c=0 is Distance between two Parallel Lines is Line parallel to axtby+c=0 has the equation ax+by+k=0 where ck Line perpendicular to ax+by+c=0 is bx-ay+=0 Three lines of the form ax+by+c=0 are concurrent if and only if Linear Translation of axes by (,): xnew=x- and ynew=y- Rotation of axes by angle anti-clockwise: xnew=x+y and ynew=-x+y Equation of the line passing through the intersection of a1x+b1y+c1=0 and a2x+b2y+c2-0 is alx+bly+cl+(a2x+b2y+c2)=0 ax2+2hxy+by2+2gx+2fy+c=0 is the equation for pair of straight lines if and only if or abc+2fgh-af2-bg2-ch2=0 For a pair of straight line ax2+2hxy+by2+2gx+2fy+c=0, angle between them is =-1( 2h2- aba*b ). Lines are Perpendicular if atb=0 Equation of the Angle Bisectors of ax2+2hxy+by2=0 is x2-y2a-b=xyh Pair of Straight Lines perpendicular to ax2+2hxy+by2=0 is bx2-2hxy+ay2=0 Coordinates of the foot of the perpendicular (h, k) from (x1, y1) to the line ax+by+c=0 is hexla=k-y1b= -ax1+by1+ca2+b2 Coordinate (h, k) of the image of a point (x1, y1) over the line ax+by+c=0 is h-xla=k-y1b= -2* (axl+by1+c)a2+b2 Circle Formulas Maths Standard Equation of a Circle is (x-h)2+(y-k)2=r2 where the centre is (h, k) with Radius r. General Equation of a Circle is x2+y2+2gx+2fy+c=0 where the coordinates of the centre is (g, -f) with Radius g2+f2-c. If g2+£2-c=0 then the Circle is actually the point (-g, -f). If g2+f2-c<0 then the Circle is Imaginary. If the end-points of the Diameter are (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), then the Equation of the Circle is (X-X1)(6-X2)Hy-yI(y-y2)=0. ‘The parametric form of (x-h)2+(y-k)2=r2 is x=h+r and y=k+r. ‘The parametric form of x2+y2+2gx+2fy+c=0 is x= -g+g2+f2-c and y= -k+g2+f2-c. The point (r, 1) is simply written as point. The equation of a line joining the points and of the circle x2+y2=a2 is x{(/2}+y{)/2}-a{O/2}. Define C(x, y)=x2+y2+2gx+2fy+c and (a,b) is any arbitrary point, then If C(a, b)=0 The point is on the boundary of the Circle. If C(a, b)<0 The point lies inside the Circle. * I Cla, b)>0 The point lies outside the Circle. For x2+y2=r2, the Equation of the Tangent at (a, b) is ax+by=r2. For x2+y2=r2, the Equation of the Tangent at (r, r) is x+y=r. Two Tangents at points and of the Circle x2+y2=r2 intersects each other at the point ‘The Equation of Tangent for the Circle x2+y2+2gx+2fy+c=0 at the point (a, b) is axtby+g(x+a)+f(y+b)+c=0. Equation of the Tangent on the Circle x2+y2= with Slope m is ixr'1+mz2. ee ee eS ea ae byrl+m2. The length of Tangent from (a, b) to the Circle C(x, y) is Cla, b). From an external point (a, b) two Tangents can be drawn to the Circle C(x, y), the Equation of the pair of Tangents is C(x, y)C(a, b)=T2(x, y) where T(x, y)=ax+by-r2. The Equation of the Normal to the Circle with center (-g, -f) and on the point (a, b) is written as y-b=| (b+f)/(a+g) I(-a). The Equation of the Chord of Contact is T(x, y)=0. If the midpoint of the Chord is (a, b), then the Equation of Chord is T(x, y)=S(a, b). If C1(x, y)=0 and C2(x, y)=0 are two given Circles, then the family of Circles passing through the point of intersection of the Circles is C1(x, y)+C2(x, y)=0. The angle between two Circles with Radius r1 and r2 and d being the distance between Radii is given by =-1[ (r12+r22-d)/2r1r2 J. Radical axis of two Circles is C1(x, y)=C2(x, y) Parabola Formulas Maths Eccentricity of a Parabola is 1. ‘There are four types of Parabolas - Upward, Downward, Leftward and Rightward openings. Equation of Rightward Opening Parabola is y2=4ax where a is the distance between the Center and the Vertex of Parabola. Equation of Leftward Opening Parabola is y2= -4ax where a is the distance between the Center and the Vertex of Parabola. Equation of Upward Opening Parabola is x2=4ay where a is the distance between the Center and the Vertex of Parabola. Equation of Downward Opening Parabola is x2= -4ay where a is the distance between the Center and the Vertex of Parabola. Length of Latus Rectum of y2= 4ax or x2= 4ay is 4a. Parametric representation of y2=4ax is x=at2 and y=2at. Define P(x, y)=y2-4ax and any arbitrary point (a, b), then - P(a, b)=0 The point is on the boundary of the Parabola. P(a, b)<0 The point is inside the Parabola. . Pa, b)>0 The point is outside the Parabola. Equation of a Chord joining the points t1 and t2 is (t1+t2)y=2x+2atlt2. Equation of Tangent to y2=4ax with Slope m is y=mx+(a/m). Equation of Tangent to x2=4ay with Slope m is y-mx-am2. Equation of Tangent to y2=4ax at the point (a, b) is by=2a(x+a). Equation of Tangent to y2=4ax at the point t is ty=x+at2. Equation of Normal to y2=4cx at the point (a, b) is y-b=(-b/2c)(x-a). Equation of Normal to y2=4ax with Slope m is y=mx-2am-am3. Equation of Normal to y2=4ax at the point t is y+tx=2at+at2. Define P(x, y)=y2-4cx and T(x, y)=by-2c(x+a), the Equation for the pair of Tangents drawn from the point (a, b) is P(x, y)P(a, b)=T2(x, y). The Equation for the Chord of Contact is T(x, y)=0 where the Tangents to the Parabola is drawn from an external point (a, b). Equation of the Chord with midpoint (a, b) is T(x, y)=P(a, b). Length of Co-Tangent is 2at2 and the length of Co-Normal is 2a. Ellipse Formulas Maths Equation of a standard Horizontal Ellipse is x2a2+y2b2=1 where a>b. The Eccentricity of the Horizontal Ellipse is e=1-b2a2(0,1). Coordinates of the Foci of a Horizontal Ellipse are (ae, 0). Coordinates of the Vertices of a Horizontal Ellipse are (a, 0). Coordinates of the Co-Vertices of a Horizontal Ellipse are (0, b) The equation of Directrix of a Horizontal Ellipse are x= ae. Length of the Latus Rectum of a Horizontal Ellipse is 2b2/a. Oe ee = ee Equation of a standard Vertical Ellipse is x2a2+y2b2=1 where a0 The point is outside the Ellipse. E=0 The point is on the boundary of the Ellipse. E<0 The point is inside the Ellipse Parametric Form of x2a2+y2b2=1 is x=a and y= The Equation of a Chord joining two points and of x2a2+y2b2=1 is xa+2+yb+2=-2. The Equation of the Tangent to x2a2+y2b2=1 with Slope m is y=mxa2m2+b2. The Equation of the Tangent to x2a2+y2b2=1 at (p, q) is pxa2+qyb2=1. ‘The Equation of the Tangent to x2a2+y2b2=1 at the point is xa+yb=1. The Equation of the Normal to x2a2+y2b2=1 at the point (p, q) is a2px-b2q =a2-b2. The Equation of the Normal to x2a2+y2b2=1 with Slope m is y=mx(a2-b2)ma2+b2m. The Equation of the Normal to x2a2+y2b2=1 at the point is ax] byeaz, The Equation for the Chord of Contact for x2a2+y2b2=1 is T(x, ‘The Equation for the pair of Tangents to x2a2+y2b2=1 is E(x, VEO, “q)=T2(x, y) where the Tangents are drawn from the external point (p, q). The Equation of the Director Circle of x2a2+y2h2=1 is x2+y2=a2+b2. The Equation of a Chord in x2a2+y2b2=1 with mid-point at (p, q) is T(x, y)=E(p. @). ‘The point of intersection of two Tangents at the points and is Hyperbola Formulas Maths ‘The Equation of a standard Horizontal Hyperbola is x2a2-y2b2=1. The Eccentricity of a Horizontal Hyperbola is e=1+b2a2. The Coordinates of the Foci of a Horizontal Hyperbola are (ae, 0). The Coordinates of the Vertices of a Horizontal Hyperbola are (a, 0). The Equation of the Directrix for a Horizontal Hyperbola are x= a/e. The Equation of the Latus Rectum is x= ae. The Length of the Latus Rectum is 2b2/a. ‘The Equation of the Conjugate Hyperbola is -x2a2+y2b2=1. If the Eccentricities of Horizontal and Vertical Hyperbolas are e1 and e2, then 1e12+1e22=1. The Equation of a Rectangular Hyperbola is x2-y2=a2 or xy=c2. The Eccentricity of a Rectangular Hyperbola is 2. The Parametric Form of x2a2-y2b2=1 is x=a and y=b. Define H(x, y)=x2a2-y2b2-1 and an arbitrary point (p, q), then H(p, q)<0 The point lies inside the Hyperbola. H(p, q)=0 The point lies on the boundary of the Hyperbola. ° H(p, q)>0 The point lies outside the Hyperbola. ‘The Equation of the Tangent to x2a2-y2b2=1 at the point (p, q) is pxa2-qyb2=1. ‘The Equation of the Tangent to x2a2-y2b2=1 with Slope m is y-mxa2m2-b2. The Equation of the Tangent to x2a2-y2b2=1 at the point is xa-yb=" The Equation of the Normal to x2a2-y2b2=1 at the point (p, q) is a2px+b2qy =a2+b2. The Equation of the Normal to x2a2-y2b2=1 with Slope m is y=mx m(a2+b2)a2-b2m2. ‘The Equation of the Normal to x2a2-y2b2=1 at the point is ax+by =a2+b2. ‘The Equation for the Chord of Contact is T(x, y)=0. The Equation for the pairs of Tangents is H(x, y)H(p, q)=T2(x, y) where the Tangents to the Hyperbola is drawn from an external point (p, q). The Equation of the Chord with midpoint (p, q) is Tx, y)=H(p, ‘The Equation of the pair of Asymptotes of x2a2-y2b2= js x2a2) Mono =0. ES ee ee ee ee ee ee }. The Parametric Form of Rectangular Hyperbola xy=c2 is x=ct and y=c/t where t0. {The Equation of Normal to the Rectangular Hyperbola is y-(c/t)=t2(x-ct). Limits, Continuity and Differentiability Formulas Maths «Sum Rule: xpl f(x)+g(0) J=xpf(x)+xpg(s) Difference Rule: xp[ f00-g(x) ]=xpio)-xpg(x) 1 Product Rule: xpf@dg00)=xpfooxpg() . Quotient Rule: xpf f(x)g@x) ]=xpf()xpg(x) provided xpg(x)0 2 Scalar Multiple Rule: xpk*f(x)=k*xpf(x) 1 Power Rule: xpl f60 Jk=kI xpf() ] } Composite Function Rule: xpf(g(x))=f(xpg0o) provided f(x) exists at xpg(x) . Important Limit Properties - ~ XO[ Xx ]=1=x0[ xx ]=x0[ xx ]=x0[ xx ] > xpl (xn-pn )(x-p ) Jenpn-1 | xOl 40x x0[ ( ex-1 )x ]=1 and x0J ( ax-1 )x ]=a where a>0 x0(1+x)1/x=e and x(1+1/x)x=e If xpf(x)=1 and xpg(x)= then xp[ f(x) ]g@)=expl xpg(x){ f(x)-1 } ] L Hospital Rule: xp[ f(s)g0) J=xpl f'(3)-g'6) ] Missing Point Discontinuity: xpf(x) exists, f(p) undefined Isolated Point Discontinuity: xpf(x)f(p) Finite Type Discontinuity: Left-Hand LimitRight-Hand Limit Infinite Type Discontinuity: Either Left-Hand Limit or Right-Hand Limit Oscillatory Type Discontinuity: Limit oscillates between two finite numbers. Intermediate Value Theorem: If f(x) is continuous in the interval [ a, b ] then f(c)=K for some c(a, b) and K( f(a), f0b) ). . Right-hand Derivative: f(p+)=h0[ { f(p+h)-f(p) th ] 2 Left-Hand Derivative: f(p-)=h0l { ftp)-f(p-h) }h ] A function is differentiable only if fip+)=f(p-) at a point x=p Differential Calculus Formulas Maths Sum Rule: (£+g)'(@)=f'(x)+g'(@) Difference Rule: (f-g)'(x)=f'(x)-g'(x) Product Rule: (fg)'(x)=(f'g)(x)+(fg (x) Quotient Rule: (fg)(x)=[ (gf )(x)-(fg'() 1g2G0), Scalar Multiple Rule: (k*f(x))'=k*f'(x) Chain Rule: [ f{ g(x) } ]'=f'{ g@) }*g'@) Derivative of some common functions - (Constant )'=0 (xn )'=nxn-1 (ex )'=ex and ( ax )'=axa where a>0 (x)=1/x (x . Logarithmic Differentiation: y=[ f(x) Jg0x) then y'=[ £00 ]gG0L{ gof(x) }+g'@)160 ] provided f(x)>0 xDomain = hihi Bde SS ee ee | 1 Ifx=1( and y=2(0) then dydx=dy/dtdx/at 2 If g(s)=f-1(8) or g(fOo)=x then f'0g'T £00) ]=1 Maxima and Minima Formulas Maths . Maxima/Minima are of two types - Local and Global 2 £(p)=0 and f"(p)<0 then f(9 is maximum in the neighborhood of x=p 2 £(p)=0 and f"(p)>0 then f(x is minimum in the neighborhood of x=p Tangents and Normals Formulas Maths Tangent on y=f(x) at the point x=p has the Slope Normal on y=f(x) at the point x=p has the Slope Length of Tangent to the curve y=f(x) at the point (x1, y1) is Length of Sub-Tangent to the curve y=f(x) at the point (x1, y1) is Length of Normal to the curve y=f(x) at the point (x1, y1) is Length of Subnormal to the curve y=f(x) at the point (x1, y1) is Integral Calculus Formulas Maths ._ Indefinite Integral of some common functions - (ax+b)n dx=(ax+b)n+1a(n+1)+C where n-1 xtbap+C where p>0 (ax+b)a+C (ax+b) dx=(ax+b)at+C (ax+b) dx=| (ax+b) |a+C (ax+b) |a+C 2(ax+b) dx=(ax+b)a+C 2(ax+b) dx= -(axtb)a+C (ax+b)(ax+b) dx= (ax+b)a+C (ax+b) dx=| (ax+b)+(axtb) [a+ 2a | a+xa-x|+C 2a|x-axta|+C a2-x2 dx=x2a2-x2+a22-1x+C x2+a2 dx=x2x2+a2+a22-1xa+C X2-a2 dx=x2x2-a2+a22-1xa+C , eax(bx) dx=eaxa2+b2[a(bx)-b(bx)}+C , eax(bx) dx=eaxa2+b2[a(bx)+b(bx)]+C ex[f(x)+f'(x)]=exf(x)+C ef(x)[1+xf'(X)=xef()+C fls)g(x) dx=fOdg(x) dx-[ddxflx)g(x) dx] dx abf(x) dx=abfly) dy abf(x) dx= -baf(x) dx abf(x) dx=acf(x) dx+cbf(x) dx -aaf(x) dx=0 if f(x) is an Odd Function -aaf(x) dx=20af(x) dx if f(x) is an Even Function King Property abf(x) dx=abf(a+b-x) dx Queen Property 02af(x) dx=20af(x) dx if f(x) is an Even Function otherwise 0 a a eo ee | Se ee ae ee So xT+xf(x) dx=OTFC0) dx when f(T+x)=f00) a+nTb+nTf(x) dx=abf(x) dx when f(T+x)=f(x) mTnTf(x) dx=(n-m)OT£(x) dx when f(T+x)=f(x) Walli’s Formula 0/2nxnx dx=[ (n-1)(n-3)...(1 or 2) ][ (m-1)(m-3)...(1 or 2) ]K(m+n)(m+n-2) (m+n-4)...(1 or 2) where K=/2 when m, n are Even or K=1 otherwise Leibniz-Newton Formula ddxg(x)hGof(s) dx=ffhodIh'(x)-f1g@o1g'0) Limit of Riemann Sum (Left Rule) abf(x) dx=(b-a)n1nk=On-1fla+k(b-an)] Limit of Riemann Sum (Right Rule) abf(x) dx=(b-a)n1nk=Infla+k(b-an)] Important Integrals - , 0/2(x) dx=0/2(x) dx= -22 * ab|x| dx=b-a2 © ab|x|xdx=|b|-[a] Area under two curves from x=a to x=b is ab[f(x)-g(x)] dx Vectors and 3-D Geometry Formulas Maths Internal Section Formula using position vectors is r=(na+mb)(n+m) Vector Equation of a Line is r=a+tb Three points are collinear if ax+by+cz=0 and x+y+z=0 Projection of a on b is ab | atb+c |2=a2+b2+c2+2( ab+betca) Lagrange’s Identity | ab |2=a2b2-( ab )2 Area of a Triangle is the magnitude of (1/2)[ ab+be+ca ] ‘Area of a Quadrilateral with diagonals di and d2 is A=(1/2)| d1d2 | Shortest Distance between Skew Lines is |(b-a)(pq)| pq | | Distance between parallel lines is |b(a1-a2)b| Scalar Triple Product Volume of a Tetrahedron is [a bc ]/6 Volume of a Parallelepiped is [abc] a ]=0 and [a+b b+cc+a }=2[abc] ab be ca] Vector Triple Product is a( be )=(ac)b-(ab)c Distance Formula in Space is d=x2+y2+z2 Centroid of a Triangle is (x3,y3,23) Equation of a Straight Line in symmetrical form is x-x1I=y-ylm=z-zin Equation of a Line through two points is x-x1x2-x1=y-yly2-y1=2-2122-21 Vector Equation of a Plane is (r-ajn=0. Equation of a Plane in Intercept Form is xa+yb+ze=1 Equation of a plane in Normal Form is Ixtmy+nz=p Angle between two planes with normal vectors n1 and n2 is nin2n1 * n2 Angle between a Line and a Plane is ndn * d Foot of the Perpendicular of a Point on a Plane is given by xa=yb=zc= - axl +by1+cz1+da2+b2+c2 Reflection of a Point on a Plane is given by xa=y Two lines are coplanar if and only if Perpendicular Distance of a Point from a Plane is | ax1+by1+cz1a2+b2+c2| Distance between Parallel Planes is | d1-d2a2+b2+c2 | =ZC= -2(ax1+by1+cz1+da2+b2+c2) Probability and Statistics Formulas Maths Probability-Number of favorable outcomesNumber of total outcomes P(A)+P(A)=1 P(AB)=P(A)+P(B)-P(AB) Conditional Probability P(A | B)=P(AB)P(B) Multiplication Theorem P(AB)=P(A)P(B | A)=P(B)P(A |B) Bayes’ Theorem P(B| A)=P(B)P(A|B)P(A) Binomial Distribution P(X=x)=nxpxqn-x ‘Sees mail Zleedcee nil Tohcmeatal Clecillsarclocn wensecnm: ucmaiil vemuansumssesanee fons ten a pact gpg Ry hae aclins” Whlae paral inane cebitaecanipaliapeitinitiniteg ea Tach. Uiianiiy, * a, 0s cali saci S Arithmetic Mean is nxkn for ungrouped discrete data Arithmetic Mean is nfkxkk=Infk when frequency is given Mean by Shortcut Method is x=A+k=1nfkdkk=1nfk where dk=xk-A and A is the Assumed Mean Mean by Step Deviation Method is x=A+(k=Infkukk=1nfk)h where uk=dkh Weighted Mean is x=k=Inwkxkk=Inwk Combined Mean is given by x=k=1Nnkxkk=1Nnk Median for ungrouped distribution is Median of Grouped Distribution is 1+(N/2)-Ffh Mode of a Grouped Frequency Distribution is l+f0-f12f0-f1-f2h Mode=3*Median-2*Mean Mean Deviation is k-1n| xk-x |n Variance for discrete distribution is k=1nxk2n-Mean2 Variance for frequency distribution is k=1nflxk2N-Mean2 Standard Deviation is the Principal Square Root of Variance Mean Square Deviation is S2=k=1n(x-A)2n or S2=k=1nfk(x-A)2k=Infk Mathematical Reasoning Formulas Maths AND (is called the Conjunction Operator. OR (is called the Disjunction Operator. NOT ()is called the Negation Operator. IMPLIES ()is called the Conditional Operator. IEF ()is called the Bi-Conditional Operator. The Truth Table for Conjunction Operator is Pp q Pq T 7" T T ¥ F F T F F F F . The Truth Table for Disjunction Operator is q Pq T T F T rd T F F . The Truth Table for Negation Operator is The Truth Table for the Conditional Operator is The Bi-Conditional Operator is Equivalent to (p a) (q p). is ou EEG) T T T T F F E T T e F T . The Truth Table for bi-Conditional Operator is P a Pq qP Det T T Yr t Tr T F F i & P T T F F F F T Tr T Two compound statements are logically equivalent if both have the same Truth Table. Tautology is the statement that is always true. Fallacy is the statement that is always false. If the statement is p q then the Converse is q p. If the statement is p q then the Inverse is p q. If the statement is p q then the Contrapositive is q p. (PM pqand(pq@ pa. Check expert-recommended |FF Main Maths Books Here! How ao the jEE Formulas help? The JEE Main important formulas sheet is a great add-on in your study material hence improving your JEE mains preparation strategy. A list form of formulas makes the revisions quick. The more you revise; the more obvious it becomes. Ithas been noticed that JEE Main puts on many formula-based questions, but most of the students are not able to solve it, only because they were not able to recall the correct formula then. Each question in JE Main has 4 marks, this can drastically affect one’s rank. Now think about it, what if these 4 marks can be obtained by just plugging in the formula and a couple of minutes of calculations? This is the real importance of these listed formulas. Take all the weapons to the war even ifit is not required. Having a strong command of the formulas will give you an extra edge toward success. We hope the free online JEE Main Formulas have been useful to you. 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