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US2000 Bi-directional description

The inspection device sends the bar code information tolily Query the items that the barcode
IPU sends
needs to do
<SB> MSH | ^ ~ \ & | URIT | US2000 | | LIS | 20181221103210 | |QRY^Q02|12| P|2.3.1||||||
Framehead Message Head Split SetCompanySend Side Device DeviceSend Time Message Type SN HL7Protocol
VersionCodeLine Break

QRD|20181221103210| R| D|12||| RD|123456789| OTH||| T| <CR>

Query Application Query TimeBar CodeOTHQuery CategoryT Query Results Show Range

<EB><CR>End of framelilySuccessful acceptance of barcode information,Send to device when

LIS obtains Fault the message type,
Where corresponding information
query application, is notisfound
bar code used to distinguish the identification.
application <SB> MSH | ^ ~ \ & | PC | LIS | US2000 | URIT | 20181221104027 | |
form DSR ^ Q03 | URIT-BA | P001 | 2.3.1 | | | | 0 | | UNICODE <CR>
information Framehead Message Head Split SetCompanySend-side DeviceSending SoftwareDevice Send

toIPU Time Message Type Product LabelProduct SN HL7Protocol VersionCode Line Break

according to MSA|AR|4| Required field mission|101| D| <CR>

Barcode Answer segment lilyDenyMessageIDRequirements Field LostFaultID:101 Save the message

for post-processing use

ERR| E001^Read REQ error^123456789<CR>
Error segment Error number(self-determined)-Read request single errorsbar code

<EB><CR>End of frame
LIS accepts the barcode Keyinformation
1,error number.successfully,
2,the bar codeand after obtaining the application form
not found.
information, it sends the inspection application to the device.
PC LIS US2000 URIT, 20181221104027 DSR?Q03 URIT-BA P001, 2.3.1, 0 . . . UNICODE
Normal Framehead Message Head Split SetCompanySend-side DeviceSending SoftwareDevice Send Time Message Type Product

LabelProduct SN HL7Protocol VersionCode Line Break

MSA| AA|20181221104027| Message accepted|0| F|0|<CR>
Answer segment LISreceived successMessageID requirement field lostFaultID:0Request to send test results based on this

QRF| US2000|20181221104027|20181222104027||| RCT| ANY| ALL<CR>

Query Segment EquipmentRequest TimeDeadline Beyond This Time Instrument No Response Think Time-Out

Disconnect Time RuleAll Results

DSP|1|||| <CR>info1 birth day
DSP|2|||| <CR>info2 gender M/F
DSP|3|||| <CR>info3 sample type
DSP|4|||| <CR>info4 pregnancy Y/N
DSP|5|||| <CR>info 5 STAT Y/N
DSP|6|| UD|| <CR>info6 item isolation with”^” ,example ,UD^UC
DSP|7|||| <CR>info7 case Number.
DSP|8|||| <CR>info8 Name.
DSP|9|| 0|| <CR>info9 blood type .0,A
DSP|10|| 3012|| <CR>info10 bed#.
DSP|11|| department ABC || <CR>info11 department.
DSP|12|| John || <CR>info12 sender.
DSP|13|| 123456789|| <CR>info13 barcode
DSP|14|| diagnose ABC || <CR>info14 diagnose.
DSP|15|| Remark abc || <CR>info15 remark.
<EB><CR>last frame
Information 6 item number in the LIS response is the most important, nothing indicates uncertainty,UD indicates that only urine is physically tested,UC indicates that

only dry chemistry is measured, The UD?UCrepresents both tests.

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