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Carrier Liaison Program

January 31, 2024

Exemption of the Six-Month Passport Validity Rule

Visitors traveling to the U.S. are required to be in possession of passports that are valid for six months beyond
the period of their intended stay in the U.S. Citizens of the countries listed below are exempt from the six-
month rule and need only have a passport valid for their intended period of stay. This list is effective
January 28, 2024.
This update supersedes the list found inside the 2022-2023 Carrier Information Guides, and any previous
Carrier Liaison Program (CLP) bulletins.

Albania Estonia Luxembourg San Marino

Andorra El Salvador Macau Saudi Arabia
Angola Ethiopia Madagascar Serbia
Antigua and Barbuda Federated States of Maldives Seychelles
Antilles Micronesia Malaysia Singapore
Argentina Fiji Malta Slovakia
Armenia Finland Mauritania Slovenia
Aruba France Mauritius South Africa
Australia Georgia Mexico South Korea
Austria Germany Monaco Spain
Bahamas, The Greece Mongolia Sri Lanka
Barbados Grenada Montenegro St. Kitts and Nevis
Belgium Guatemala Mozambique St. Lucia
Belize Guinea Nepal St. Vincent and The
Bermuda Guyana Netherlands Grenadines
Bolivia Haiti New Zealand Suriname
Bosnia-Herzegovina Hong Kong Nicaragua Sweden
Brazil Hungary Nigeria Switzerland
Bulgaria Iceland North Macedonia Taiwan
Burma India Norway Thailand
Canada Indonesia Pakistan Trinidad and Tobago
Chile Ireland Palau Tunisia
Colombia Israel Panama Turkey
Costa Rica Italy Papua New Guinea Tuvalu
Cote d’Ivoire Jamaica Paraguay Ukraine
Croatia Japan Peru United Arab Emirates
Cyprus Kosovo Philippines United Kingdom
Czech Republic Latvia Poland Uruguay
Denmark Lebanon Portugal Uzbekistan
Dominica Libya Qatar Vatican City- Holy See
Dominican Republic Liechtenstein Romania Venezuela
Egypt Lithuania Russia Zimbabwe

For the most up to date list of six-month countries visit:

Publication Number 3514-1223

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