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Sangama Dynasty- Harihara and Bukka

In my series on Vijayanagar Empire, I had started with the founding of the Empire
beginning/), and in this post I will be looking at the reign of the brothers Harihara I
and Bukka Raya, and the foundation of the Sangama Dynasty.

Virupaksha Temple at Hampi

Not really much is known about Harihara’s reign as a ruler, except for some
inscriptions, that give him the titles of Karnataka Vidya Vilas (master of great
knowledge and skills), Bhashegetappuvarayaraganda (punisher of those feudatories
who don’t keep their promise), Arirayavibhada (fire to enemy kings). What emerges
from most historical studies is that Harihara and Bukka were among the prominent
ones of the 5 brothers, and Vidyaranya Swamy was their main guidance. Also during
1343, the last Hoysala ruler Veera Ballala III, was killed during one of his numerous
battles with the Sultan of Madurai, what this meant all the Hoysala territories by
default came underneath Vijayanagara empire, giving a vast area to rule over.

While Harihara I ruled over the empire , his brothers Marappa administered
Chandragutti region( probably today’s Chandragiri), Kampana governed over Nellore
region, and Mudappa looked after the Mulbagal region( now in Karnataka). Bukka
was the most powerful of the lot, and was second in command to his brother, a
great warrior himself, and one seen as the next ruler. It’s said that under his reign,
Vijayanagar covered the entire Tungabhadra Valley to the east, and the Konkan,
Malabar coast to the west. The role of Vidyaranya Swamy, during the initial years of
the Vijayanagara Empire, needs to be emphasized here. While he was the Raja Guru,
as well as the Chief Minister for Harihara I, he played a major role in the wise
delegation of powers and responsibilities. He undertook the duties of being the
advisor to Harihara I,while he delegated his equally wise brother Sayana, to
Sangama, who became the Viceroy General after death of his father Kampana , and
commanded the Eastern provinces. Vidyaranya’s other brother Bhoganatha, was the
Jagadguru of Sringeri, and commanded great respect. In effect it was these two
families that of Vidyaranya and Harihara, Bukka who together played a major role in
the initial years of the empire.It was out of respect to Vidyaranya that Harihara I
built a massive temple at Hampi close to the Tunghabhadra river, which still exists

As per most records Harihara I, passed away around 1343 AD, and since Kampana
was the 2nd son of Sangama, he would have been the natural successor to throne.
However Bukka being the second in command to Harihara, ascended the throne
around that time. While there is speculation that there might have been a battle of
succession and Bukka could have emerged victorious defeating his brothers, there
is really not much historical evidence to suggest so. Also with Vidyaranya playing a
key role as an adviser, he would have stepped in to avert a possible conflict. What
is clear from most evidences is that Bukka ruled for around 36 years, between 1343
and 1379, and during his reign, the kingdom expanded all the way up to Kalinga.
Most of the Southern kingdoms surrendered to Bukka, and it could have been for
tactical reasons. One as a defense against the Muslim invasions from the North,
and another as a counter to the emerging Bahmani kingdom. In fact Bukka’s reign
was marked more by his constant battles with the Bahmani rulers, than with other
Bahmani Kingdom

While studying the history of Vijayanagara, it is pretty much imperative, that we also
have an idea of the Bahmani kingdom. Nothing much is known about the origin of
the founder Allaudin Bahman Shah, except that his real name was Hassan Gangu,
and he worked as a servant in the home of a Brahmin astrologer named Gangadhar
Shastri of Delhi. It is believed that Gangadhar Shastri, blessed him, when he
returned the wealth he found in his farm. Later Hassan Gangu served as a general
in the army of Md.Bin Tughlaq, and received the title of Zafar Khan, after he became
a Governor. Later he broke away from the Delhi Sultanate and founded his own
kingdom in 1347, under the title of Allauddin Bahman Shah, it is believed that the
Bahman could be a corruption of the word Brahman, or after a famous Iranian
warrior. Thus the Bahmani and Vijayanagar kingdoms were founded at same time.
The initial capital of the Bahmanis was at Gulbarga, and for the next couple of
centuries, the Deccan would be a witness to the constant battle for supremacy
between the Bahmanis and Vijayanagara.

The initial forays of Allauddin Bahman Shah, saw him extend the territory up to
Adoni( now in Kurnool district, AP). Allauddin passed away in 1358, and he was
succeeded by his son Mahmud Shah I, with whom Bukka had a long rivalry. One of
the earliest attacks by Mahmud Shah I, was on a combined force of Vijayanagar and
Warangal empires, and while he almost came up to Hampi, he could not really covet
the advantage. Another expedition was on the city of Vellunputtun, under Warangal,
which fell to the Bahmanis and the hapless prince Vinayaka Deva was burnt alive.
Bukka and the prince of Warangal, then joined forces against Muhammad Shah I,
even requested Feroze Shah Tughlaq to help them, but the latter refused.
Muhammad Shah I, then attacked Warangal and Golkonda, which fell to him, and
also yielded the vast treasures of the area. Warangal would be ultimately annexed
to the Bahmani Kingdom by 1424, and they dominated the entire area north of the
Krishna river.

Mudgal Fort, Karnataka

With Warangal, conquered, Muhammad Shah now turned his attention to the
Vijayanagara empire. The first of the battles fought was believed to be due to Bukka
Raya, insulting the messenger of a draft from Mohammad Shah, demanding him to
pay tribute. Bukka mounted a huge force against the Bahmani Kingdom, with 30,000
horses, 3000 elephants and 1000 cavalry. The strategically important fort of
Mudgal( now in Raichur district, Karnataka) lying in the Raichur Doab, between
Krishna and Tungabhadra rivers was first attacked, its inhabitants massacred, and a
lone survivor carried the news to Muhammad Shah I. Enraged at the loss of a
strategic fort, Mohd Shah I, swore revenge on the Vijayanagara rulers, and mounted
a surprise attack on the Vijayanagara forces camping outside another fortress
Oodnee, where they were caught unawares and massacred en masse. After Odni,
Muhammad Shah I, now attacked the fortress of Adoni, and Bukka I, sent his army
to protect the place. Crossing the Tunghabhadra River, he was only around 25 miles
from the fortress one of the most strategic ones. The Tungabhadra here, forms an
arc of sorts, with the Adoni fortress in center, and Bukka placed himself on the
Southern banks of the river.

Adoni Fort,

Finally on July 1366, the armies of Mohammed Shah I, and Bukka Raya clashed on
the open plains, the Bahmani forces under the command of Khan Mahmud, and
Vijayanagar forces under Bukka’s maternal uncle Hajemula Raya. It was a fierce
battle with the forces of Vijayanagara first gaining the advantage breaking the right
and left flanks of the Army. Just when Khan Mahmud seemed to be losing hope,
Mahmud Shah appeared with a fresh reinforcement of troops and they counter
attacked. The artillery under Mukrib Khan, also inflicted heavy damages on the
Vijayanagara forces. When Hajemula Raya was badly wounded, he had to flee the
battlefield, and this scattered the Vijayanagara troops. The Bahmani forces indulged
in a large scale massacre of the Hindus there, and soon went in hot pursuit of
Bukka Raya I, who escaped through the forests and mountains to Vijayanagara. But
at a terrible cost, as Mahmud Shah I, destroyed all the places he came across in his
pursuit. Muhammad Shah then laid seige to Vijayanagara, however the constant
attacks by Hindu defenders made him retreat back. It was however a tactical retreat
to fool Bukka Raya I, and there again was an attack, followed by wholesale
massacres, which made Bukka Raya go for a temporary truce of sorts. Around 5
lakh Hindus were estimated to have been slaughtered by Muhammad Shah I, and
the Carnatic provinces were so devastated that it took ages for them to recover
Muhammad Shah I, died in 1375 and was succeeded by his son Mujahid Shah, who
shortly after his accession, wrote to Bukka Raya I, that he should limit himself up to
the Tungabhadra River, and all the eastern side along with the fort of Bankapur, in
Haveri district to be given to him. Bankapur was strategically important in the
Deccan, as it lay on the route connecting Vijayanagar to the sea, and having control
over it, would mean cutting off their trade. Bukka Raya replied back, saying that the
Sultan should vacate the whole of the Krishna-Tungabhadra doab, and give back
Raichur and Mudgal forts as they belonged to Anegundi. Mujahid declared War
against Vijayanagara, and once again Bukka Raya I, made a tactical retreat to
Sandur, near the capital. Using a network of secret routes in forests, Bukka
managed to evade Mujahid, and reach Vijayanagara safely. Mujahid however
managed to reach up to Vijayanagara, through the Sandur valley which now
connects Vijayanagara and Bellary. The Sultan first attacked a temple, near
Vijayanagara, which enraged the Hindus to attack back. The Vijayanagara Army
initially suffered reverses, and were on the verge of defeat, but Bukka’s brother
Kampana, arrived with a huge force, and a fierce battle was again fought. The
Vijayanagara forces soon captured all the crucial positions and forced Mujahid to
retreat back. He again besieged Adoni, but after a 9 month long siege that yielded
no results, Mujahid retreated back to Gulbarga. Mujahid was soon assassinated by
his own uncle Daud Khan in 1378, along with a group of other disgruntled nobles,
and the Bahmani kingdom was soon plunged into chaos. Daud himself was killed a
month later, and Bukka Raya now taking advantage of the internal dissensions,
captured the entire Doab area, as well as the fortress of Raichur.

Another feature of Bukka’s rule was the wars against the Madurai Sultanate, which
were carried out by his son Kampana. Prior to that there was the issue of
Tondaimandalam, to east of Vijayanagar,a strategically important kingdom, which
the Bahmanis eyed. The ruler of Tondaimandalam, Champaraya, refused to ally with
Bukka Raya I, which gave him no option but to attack him. Kampana attacked the
fort of Rajagambhira where Champaraya took refuge, and the latter was soon killed
in the battle. With Tondaimandalam, secured, Kampana now turned his attention to
Madurai, Srirangam, and he declared war on the Sultan. The Sultan’s general died,
and soon Kampana captured Madurai, Srirangam, and became the Governor of the
Southern part of Vijayanagara. Kampana’s exploits in Madurai were recorded by his
wife Gangambika in the Sanskrit book Madhura Vijayam. Bukka also captured Goa,
Odisha, forced the Zamorins of Malabar and the rulers of Jaffna to pay tributes to
him. During his reign, the kingdom extended from the Western Coast to Odisha, and
all the way up to Rameshwaram.

As a ruler Bukka ensured freedom of worship, and harmony between all religious
sects. He mediated in the disputes between the Jainas and Srivaishnavites,
emphasizing that both of them were equally important, and such quarrels would
only help the Bahmanis who were seeking to capture Vijayanagara. Vidyaranya
Swamy wrote Vedartha Prakashika, for a more simpler understanding of the Vedas,
while many Jain authors also flourished during his reign.After a long reign, Bukka
finally passed away in 1377.

In the next post, we shall look at some of the other Sangama rulers.

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