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Industrial Training

Weekly Diary
Industrial Training At

From: 3rd June 2024 TO 13th July 2024

Name of Supervisor: Akshay Gaikwad

Designation of Supervisor: Project Lead

Name of the Student: Sneha Mahesh Mohite

Branch: Computer Engineering

Name of Polytechnic: S.H. Jondhle Polytechnic Dombivli

Special instructions for students:

1) Write down the daily activity on the same day.
2) Make note of the important actual activity Performed.
3) Summarize at the week-end.
4) Add extra sheets if needed for daily or weekly activity report.

Signature of Student:
Signature of Industrial Supervisor:
Maharashtra State Board of Technical
Industrial Training

Week-1: From: 3rd June 2024 TO 8th June 2024

Expected Work:
Day Activities carried out

Today, we covered Python's setup and basic

1. syntax to get started with programming.

We learned about variables, data types

(integers, floats, strings), basic operations,
2. and the importance of comments and print

3. Focused on using if, elif, and

else statements to add
capabilities to our
4. Explored for and while loops, practicing control flow to solve various programming

Defined functions, explored parameters, and return values to create reusable code

Understood function scope, arguments, and

their impact on how variables are accessed
6. within programs.

Weekly Summarization of activities:

Signature of Student:
Signature of Industrial supervisor
Maharashtra State Board of Technical
Industrial Training

Week-2: From: 10th June 2024 TO 15th June 2024

Expected Work:

Day Activities carried out

Today, we delved into lists in
1. Python, learning how to
create, manipulate, and
utilize list comprehensions
for efficient coding.
Explored tuples, understanding their immutability and basic operations
that differentiate them from lists.

Focused on dictionaries and sets, exploring how to create, manipulate, and

use them effectively in Python programs.

We delved deeper into sets,

4. understanding their operations and
solving practical problems using set
data structures.
Learned about reading from and writing to files, handling file objects, and
understanding different file modes for effective data manipulation.
Explored various types of operators in Python, understanding their roles
and applications in programming.

Weekly Summarization of Activities:

Signature of Student:
Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

Maharashtra State Board of Technical

Industrial Training

Week-3: From 17th June 2024 TO 22nd June 2024

Expected Work:

Day Activities carried out

1. Introduced object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts, including classes, objects, attributes,
methods, and instantiation, with practical examples.

Explored inheritance in OOP,

understanding how classes can
2. inherit attributes and behaviors
from other classes.
Covered encapsulation, where data is restricted to within a class, and polymorphism, which allows
methods to behave differently based on the object they are invoked upon.

Discussed method overriding, where a subclass provides a specific

implementation of a method defined in its superclass, and method
4. overloading, where multiple methods can have the same name with
different parameters.

Applied OOP principles to solve various programming problems and exercises, reinforcing
understanding through practical application.


Explored the fundamentals of data science, understanding its role and significance, and
introduced the Pandas library for data manipulation in Python.

Weekly summarization of the above activities:

Signature of Student:
Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

Maharashtra State Board of Technical

Industrial Training

Week-4: From 24th June 2024 TO 29th June 2024

Expected Work:

Day Activities carried out

Focused on practical aspects of data science, including loading datasets,
copying data, and initial data exploration.

Designed classes and planned the structure for implementing a dice roll game using
object-oriented principles.

Implemented the game logic using OOP principles, tested functionality, and debugged to
ensure smooth operation of the dice roll game.

Introduced text-to-speech libraries like pyttsx3,

planned and began implementing a text-to-
4. speech program, configuring voice settings
and other parameters.
Enhanced the dice roll game by adding user interface elements
5. and improved the text-to-speech program by integrating multiple
voices and enhancing functionality, preparing for project
Introduced the dice roll game, installed necessary libraries (random, pyttsx3), set up
the pyttsx3 engine, and implemented text-to-audio functionality using engine.say

Weekly summarization of the above activities:

Signature of Student:
Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

Maharashtra State Board of Technical

Industrial Training

Week-5: From 1st July 2024 TO 6th July 2024

Expected Work:

Day Activities carried out

Implemented the dice rolling logic using the random module, integrated text-to-audio
feedback, and rigorously tested and debugged the game for smooth performance.
1. `

Introduced libraries pywhatkit and pyautogui, installed necessary components, and

explored pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg for sending messages at specified times.

Extended functionality using pywhatkit.sendwhatsimage for sending images,

automated screenshot capture, and continued testing and debugging of the message
3. sender

Introduced turtle graphics library, installed it, and learned basic functions (t.forward,
t.backward, t.right, t.left) to draw simple shapes and patterns.

Created complex shapes and patterns using turtle graphics, developed simple games,
and performed testing and debugging to refine turtle programs.

Installed essential data science libraries (pandas, numpy, seaborn, matplotlib),

learned data handling with Pandas, including finding null values and copying data for
6. analysis.

Weekly Summarization of activities:

Signature of Student:
Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

Maharashtra State Board of Technical

Industrial Training

Week-6: From 8th July 2024 TO 13th July 2024

Expected Work:

Day Activities carried out

Continued exploring data science fundamentals, including
calculating mean, median, and mode values, handling missing
1. data using .isna() and .fillna(), and applied these
concepts to practical exercises with datasets.

Introduced matplotlib for data visualization, learned to plot basic graphs and
charts, and explored drawing box plots to identify outliers in data

Advanced data visualization using seaborn, customized plots, and visualizations to

enhance understanding of real-world data sets through practical exercises.

Wrote and executed Python code for a project, ensuring it ran smoothly,
tested functionality, debugged issues, and documented code with comments
4 for clarity.

Prepared a detailed report outlining the project's objectives, methodology, results,

implementation details, challenges faced, key findings, and insights gained.

Created a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the project, including slides on

background, objectives, methodology, results, conclusions, and utilized visuals like
6. graphs and charts to enhance clarity and presentation quality

Weekly summarization of the above activities:

Signature of Student:
Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

Maharashtra State Board of Technical


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