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Industrial Training

Weekly Diary
Industrial Training At

From: 3rd June 2024 TO 13th July 2024

Name of Supervisor: Akshay Gaikwad

Designation of Supervisor: Project lead

Name of the Student: Aarya Rajesh Chaudhari

Branch: Computer Technology (CO)

Name of Polytechnic: Shivajirao S Jondhale, Ambernath

Special instructions for students:

1) Write down the daily activity on the same day.
2) Make note of the important actual activity Performed.
3) Summarize at the week-end.
4) Add extra sheets if needed for daily or weekly activity report.

Signature of Student:
Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

Maharashtra State Board of Technical

Industrial Training

Week-1: From: 3rd June 2024 TO 8th June 2024

Expected Work:
i. Study of Organization Chart :Analyzed the organizational structure of the industry/plant, detailing
responsibilities associated with different positions.
ii. General Study of Industry :Researched the industry's background, including its location, historical context,
product range, size, employee count, turnover, and other relevant details.

Day Activities carried

Python Environment Setup: Covered setting up Python, IDE installation, and basic syntax

2 Variables and Basic Operations: Declared variables, explored different data types (lists,
tuples, dictionaries), and practiced basic operations.

Conditional Logic: Introduced conditional statements (if, elif, else) and their application in
decision-making processes.

Looping Constructs: Explored loop structures (for loops, while loops) and practiced
implementing control flow mechanisms.

Function Definition: Discussed the creation of functions, passing parameters, and

understanding function return values.

Scope and Modularity: Explored function scope, modular programming concepts, and
discussed the use of arguments in Python functions.

Weekly Summarization of activities:

Signature of Student:
Signature of Industrial supervisor

Maharashtra State Board of Technical

Industrial Training

Week-2: From: 10th June 2024 TO 15th June 2024

Expected Work:
Study of layout and specifications of major machines, equipment and raw
materials/components used.

Day Activities carried out

Introduction to Lists: Covered the basics of creating and manipulating lists in Python,
including list comprehensions for efficient data handling.

Exploring Tuples: Delved into tuples and their immutability, focusing on tuple functions
to manage and access data.

Understanding Dictionaries: Introduced dictionaries for key-value pair data storage and
discussed various dictionary operations.

Working with Sets: Explored the creation of sets and conducted practical exercises on set
operations like union and intersection.

File Operations: Learned file handling techniques in Python, including reading from and
writing to files, with practical applications.

Exploring Operators: Covered different types of operators in Python, including

arithmetic, comparison, logical, and assignment operators and their uses.

Weekly Summarization of Activities:

Signature of Student:
Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

Maharashtra State Board of Technical

Industrial Training

Week-3: From 17th June 2024 TO 22nd June 2024

Expected Work:
Study of production processes along with production planning and control

Day Activities carried

1 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Explored the fundamentals
of OOP, focusing on classes and objects.
Attributes and Methods: Discussed attributes, methods, and how objects are
instantiated in Python.
Basic OOP Examples: Implemented basic OOP examples and practiced
with exercises.
OOP Concepts: Inheritance: Delved into inheritance, a key concept in OOP where
classes inherit attributes and methods from other classes.

OOP Concept: Encapsulation and Polymorphism: Explored encapsulation for data

hiding and polymorphism for method overloading and overriding.

Overloading and Overriding: Practiced method overriding and discussed method

overloading in Python.

Problem Solving with OOP: Engaged in OOP exercises and solved problems to reinforce
understanding and application.

6 Introduction to Data Science: Introduced the field of data science, its applications,
and the role of Python's Pandas library.
What is Data Science?: Explored the scope and importance of data science in
modern industries.
Introduction to Pandas: Learned about Pandas, a powerful data manipulation and
analysis library in Python.

Weekly summarization of the above activities:

Signature of Student:
Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

Maharashtra State Board of Technical

Industrial Training

Week-4: From 24th June 2024 TO 29th June 2024

Expected Work:
Study of testing and quality assurance processes.

Day Activities carried out

Data Science Exploration: Explored data loading techniques and initial data
manipulation for a project involving dataset handling.

Project Planning (Dice Roll Game): Designed the foundational classes and architecture
for a dice game project.

Project Development (Dice Roll Game): Implemented game logic using object-
oriented programming principles. Conducted testing and debugging to ensure

Text-to-Speech Project Planning: Introduced text-to-speech libraries like pyttsx3.

Developed and customized a text-to-speech program with focus on voice customization
and speed control.

Project Refinement and Presentation: Enhanced the dice roll game with user
interface improvements. Expanded the text-to-speech program capabilities with
multiple voice options. Prepared for project presentations.

6 Dice Roll Game Development: Explored the basics of the dice roll game, installed
necessary libraries (e.g., random, pyttsx3), set up the pyttsx3 engine, and
implemented text-to-audio functionality using the engine.

Weekly summarization of the above activities:

Signature of Student:
Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

Maharashtra State Board of Technical

Industrial Training

Week-5: From 1st July 2024 TO 6th July 2024

Expected Work:
Study of preventive and breakdown maintenance & safety Practice adopted in industry.
List the Sections of Industry visited and list
(i) the major machines/plants whose preventive and breakdown maintenance procedures
(ii) The major safety practices adopted in the industry
(iii) Organization chart of the industry with responsibilities of different departments/ posts

Day Activities carried out

1 Dice Rolls Game: Implemented dice roll logic using the random module.
Text-to-Audio Feedback: Added text-to-audio feedback for better user
Game Testing and Debugging: Conducted sessions to ensure smooth gameplay.

2 WhatsApp Automation: Explored pywhatkit and pyautogui for automating

messaging tasks.
Library Installation: Installed necessary libraries and discussed their roles.
pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg: Learned to send messages to specified numbers
at predefined times.
3 WhatsApp Image Sending: Used pywhatkit.sendwhatsimage for sending images.
Screenshot Automation: Implemented automated screenshot capturing and
Testing and Debugging: Ensured reliability through rigorous testing.

4 Turtle Graphics: Introduced turtle graphics for visual programming.

Library Installation: Installed the turtle library and explored basic functions.
Drawing Shapes: Created basic geometric shapes.

5 Advanced Turtle Graphics: Explored advanced techniques to create complex

shapes and patterns.
Game Development: Developed simple interactive games using turtle graphics.
Testing and Debugging: Conducted thorough testing sessions.
6 Data Science Basics: Installed essential libraries for data analysis.
Handling Data with pandas: Learned basics like finding null values and copying
Exploratory Data Analysis: Introduced techniques for initial data exploration and

Weekly Summarization of activities:

Signature of Student:
Signature of Industrial Supervisor:

Maharashtra State Board of Technical

Industrial Training

Week-6: From 8th July 2024 TO 13th July 2024

Expected Work:Report writing
Day Activities carried out

1 Data Science Fundamentals (Continued): Calculated mean, median, and mode

values using Python.
Handling Missing Data: Utilized .isna() and .fillna() methods to manage
missing data in datasets.
Practical Data Exercises: Applied data manipulation techniques to real-world

2 Introduction to Data Visualization: Explored matplotlib for creating basic

graphs and charts in Python.
Box Plots and Outliers: Learned to draw and interpret box plots, focusing on
identifying outliers in data.
3 Introduction to Data Visualization: Explored matplotlib for creating basic
graphs and charts in Python.
Box Plots and Outliers: Learned to draw and interpret box plots, focusing on
identifying outliers in data.

4 Introduction to Data Visualization: Explored matplotlib for creating basic

graphs and charts in Python.
Box Plots and Outliers: Learned to draw and interpret box plots, focusing on
identifying outliers in data.

5 Project Report Writing: Compiled a comprehensive report detailing the project's

objectives, methodology, results, and challenges encountered.
Implementation Details: Discussed specific technical aspects and insights gained
from the project implementation.
Key Findings: Highlighted significant findings and conclusions drawn from the
project outcomes.
6 Project PowerPoint Presentation: Created a concise PowerPoint presentation
summarizing the project journey.
Visual Enhancement: Incorporated graphs, charts, and images to enhance
presentation clarity and engagement.
Presentation Preparation: Practiced delivering a clear and concise presentation
to effectively communicate project details.

Weekly summarization of the above activities:

Signature of Student:
Signature of Industrial Supervisor:
Maharashtra State Board of Technical
Industrial Training

Maharashtra State Board of Technical


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