Yamat, Angel M.

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Perceived Effects of Tiktok Application Usage Among Grade 11 Users in Benigno S.

Aquino National High School


Abstract - This study examines how Grade 11 one mathematics course, to senior high school, where
students at Benigno S. Aquino National High School they take two mathematics courses. Still, a lot of
view the effects of using the TikTok app using a students have difficulty with arithmetic, and as a
qualitative methodology. Using a narrative study result, fewer new seniors in high school are choosing
methodology, data from journals and credible to major in STEM fields.
sources are examined to discover more about the TikTok, in particular, has become a
experiences students have using TikTok. Structured prominent platform for teenagers, offering a
questionnaires are the primary tool used in the study space to create and share short, entertaining
for gathering data, and 12 diverse individuals were videos. Research indicates that a large number
selected using purposive sampling. The emphasis of of teenagers use TikTok regularly, with
respondents' answers was on careful thought, Filipino teens ranking it as their preferred
integrity, and confidentiality. To collect data, the social media site. TikTok's rapid growth
researchers formally request information from the highlights its influence on teenage culture and
school, identify respondents through a survey, and daily routines. The main objective of the study
then distribute questionnaires to them. Through a is to understand the challenges that Grade 11
meticulous examination, computation, and STEM students at Benigno Aquino National
assessment of the data, the study aims to tackle High School have adjusting to dual
pertinent and useful issues about TikTok usage by mathematics classes. Teachers who have a
students. deeper knowledge of these difficulties can
create techniques that work to support these
kids in their academic and personal endeavors.
The results of this study are expected to open
the door to a more inclusive and encouraging
Social media has become an integral part of daily learning environment, allowing STEM students
life, providing a platform for discussions, sharing in grade 11 at Benigno Aquino National High
knowledge, and connecting people. Platforms like School and beyond to succeed in their
Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook are widely used by mathematical endeavors.
individuals of all ages, with teenagers, especially
those in Generation Z, being the most active users. While TikTok aims to inspire creativity and
Studies show that a significant percentage of entertainment, its usage can have both positive
teenagers use social networking sites, with platforms and negative impacts on teenagers. On one
like TikTok gaining immense popularity. hand, it allows adolescents to explore various
Considering the majority of domains depend on interests and engage with current events and
using mathematical reasoning, mathematics is a issues. On the other hand, excessive use can
crucial component of the STEM strand. As such, lead to addiction, neglect of hygiene and diet,
learning mathematics can be difficult and draining exposure to inappropriate content, and negative
for students. Over the years, there have been several social comparisons, which can impact self-
studies on mathematics education since kids who esteem and mental health.
possess this information are likely to have successful
occupations in the future. Students who have chosen This study aims to investigate the effects of
to enroll in STEM courses may find it challenging to TikTok usage on Grade 11 students at Benigno
adjust from junior high school, where they only take

S. Aquino National High School. By school, a survey to identify respondents,

understanding how teenagers interact with and administering questionnaires, all
TikTok and how they manage its effects, this managed by the researchers. The focus is
research seeks to provide insights into the on confidentiality, honesty, and reflection
impact of social media on adolescents' lives in respondents' answers, with the collected
and offer strategies for mitigating any negative data analyzed to address real-world issues
consequences. related to TikTok usage among students.


This study investigates how Grade 11 students This study aimed to explore the perceived effects of
at Benigno S. Aquino National High School TikTok on users' mental health and social behavior,
perceive the effects of using the TikTok app. It as well as strategies to manage these effects. Through
examines both positive and negative impacts on Thematic Analysis, six themes emerged: specific
their social interactions, creativity, entertainment, activities, productivity and efficiency, mental health
academic performance, mental health, behavior, instability, self-worth boosting, influence, and
attitudes, beliefs, and self-image. The research also management. TikTok users engage in various
explores the strategies students use to manage any activities on the platform, feeling productive and
negative effects. Overall, the study aims to provide efficient, yet this can lead to mental health issues.
a comprehensive understanding of TikTok's Some users experience anxiety and depression, while
influence on these students. others find self-worth through positive feedback. The
platform also influences users' behavior and
Conceptual/Logical Framework attitudes. To manage these effects, users set limits,
take breaks, and seek support. These findings
highlight the nuanced impact of TikTok on users'
lives, emphasizing the need for strategies to promote
responsible use and mitigate negative effects.

Theme 1. Tiktok is a platform in which

several specific activities can be done

Tiktok is a platform that many adolescents

Figure 1: Diagram of the Study utilize as a source of entertainment in their daily life.
Various activities are available for users to engage in.
METHODS The results of the analysis. showed most informants
This research utilizes a narrative stated that they mainly utilize Tiktok for watching
study design to investigate the effects of various videos, specifically for seeking educational
TikTok on Grade 11 students at Benigno matter, whereas they use it for searching for
S. Aquino National High School, information and looking for cooking recipes, which
employing data from journals and credible enabled them to learn effectively while also being
sources. The study employs the descriptive entertained. "I specifically watch Tiktok for looking
survey research method to authentically information as it already has these contents where
reflect participants' experiences with the they can gain knowledge from different. content
TikTok app. Purposive sampling is used to creators," one responder noted. Furthermore,
select 12 Grade 11 students based on numerous informants stated that they watch
specific criteria, ensuring diverse entertaining, inspirational, and motivational videos
representation. A structured questionnaire, on the application, which has helped them recover
validated by professionals, serves as the from the negative emotions they experienced prior to
primary data collection tool, with data watching on the app. Furthermore, several
gathering involving a request letter to the respondents claimed that they scroll Tiktok seeking


for live videos of people who conduct gaming and to escape the tough and pressure of reality by
selling, which has provided them with sufficient unwinding and relaxing, watching some videos that
knowledge in their field of interest. they can laugh and enjoy, and this could result in a
simple way of decompressing for a period of time in
Some informants, on the other hand, stated that they the real world.
use Tiktok to create videos expressly for singing, Users may experience satisfaction as a result of using
imitating dance, and lip-syncing trends that are this application.
currently being done by other content creators.
"Along with dancing the most well-known and in- The application can also help individuals to
demand. dances of the day, I also lip-sync to big reduce their anxiety as well as to boost their self-
movie scenes like "My Ex and Whys," a participant esteem. They may also gain confidence they claimed
explained. These activities are what make Tiktok that the app can serve as a source of motivation not
useful application that can assist users in completing only for themselves but also for others. Gaining and
a variety of tasks. making little by little progress can motivate them to
perform better and combat the problems that they are
Theme 2. Tiktok is a functional program facing with confidence. These users get inspiration
designed primarily to achieve productivity and and confidence by engaging with TikTok content,
Efficiency establishing a positive mindset and empowering
them to pursue their goals and objectives.
The study found that all participants
considered TikTok to be a highly useful application, These experiences implies that TikTok has a
enabling them to watch videos, share and create variety of good benefits. particularly on the mental
content, discover new ideas, and find inspirational health aspect. on its users. It fosters a sense of
messages and quotes that they could apply to their community and connection among individuals by
lives. Participants viewed TikTok as a means to providing a platform for encouragement. TikTok is
achieve productivity and efficiency, allowing them to also a source of inspiration, motivation, and
enjoy learning and serving as role models for others. amusement, allowing for personal development.
Many participants used TikTok as a form of
entertainment, utilizing it during leisure time to pass Theme 4. Consistent use of Tiktok has the
the time and alleviate boredom. Additionally, potential to cause mental health instability
participants noted that TikTok was not just about
amusement but also about education and knowledge Aside from the positive consequences of the
acquisition. They used the platform to stay updated Tiktok application, respondents have addressed the
on trends, cope with current events, and explore new negative implications on their mental health. The
ideas, leading to innovation and creativity. responses were examined, and the conclusion was
Furthermore, TikTok was found to have a positive that this application could lead to mental health
impact on mental health, uplifting individuals who instability. The majority of respondents stated that
felt down or lonely by providing positive and one of the mental health. consequences they face is
encouraging content. Overall, TikTok was seen as a referred to as 'addiction,' in which the user is addicted
platform that fosters community, connection, and overusing the application, which can lead to
inspiration, motivation, and personal development certain uncertainties such as being unable to sleep
among its users. carly, causing them to be sleep-deprived as they
continue to utilize the Tiktok application on an
Theme 3. The Tiktok application helps people in ongoing basis.
developing and boosting their sense of self-worth

The majority of informants claimed that

Tiktok increases their self- worth by bringing them Other informants revealed that, aside from
inner peace and raising their self-esteem. They have being sleep deprived as a result of overusing the
indicated that the use of the application can be a way Tiktok application, other mental health negative


effects that the researchers have encountered during The researchers would like to suggest
the interview was the loss of concentration, which the following based according to
could be caused by lifestyle issues that should be the above conclusion:
addressed, such as rising insecurities from others,
such as their body goals, which makes them envious 1. For future researchers to investigate
about their own bodies to others. Overthinking means into other parameters of the perceived effects
that instead of solving the problem, they ponder of using the Tiktok program, such as physical
about it and reside on the negative phase without health, learning behavior. and emotional
coming up with a logical. solution, which can lead to behavior.
the user becoming anxious or even paranoid.
Respondents have additionally stated that using the 2. For future researchers to discover
app can trigger their traumas and phobias as they additional approaches on how a user should
continue to see things that are inappropriate for their mitigate the potential negative effects of
mental health condition, which could lead to a loss of utilizing the program.
focus and forgetting what is reality, trapping their
mind in certain fantasies, and as they used Tiktok,
they frequently forgot that there is no such thing as REFERENCES

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