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Acronyms - Tnc yrc

Acronyms - Tnc yrc

A/C - Alternating Current ( xyncax ry )
ACK - Acknowledgement ( Taapx yr )
ADSL - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop ( Xprr Tr xr yc T Byra )
AES - Advanced Encryption Standard (Iyrpyyc B]px r )
ANSI - American National Standards Institute (Aep Yc craapr crryr )

ARQ - Automatic Repeat Request (Anrar anrar Xycr )
ARRL - American Radio Relay League (Aep Pa X r )
ASK - Amplitude ShiIt Keying ( Aryypra cx apra )
ASN.1 - Abstract Syntax Notation One (Xcnp ryyp y Trr )
AT&T - American Telephone & Telegraph
ATM - Asynchronous Transmission Mode (Acxp ayy rp)
ATS - Arrival Time Stamp ( Hpx xyraaa rrr)
AVLN - AV Logical Network
BBC - British Broadcasting System ( Fpra yc r ccre)
BC - BackoII Counter ( Fyax ryyp )
BER - Bit Error Rate ( Fr aaa pr )
BP - Beacon Period ( uryyr x ye )
BPC - BackoII Procedure ( Fyax rp )
BPL - Broadband over Power Lines ( Haxraa p xy yraaap pr ypnac
yr nrpyyx )
BPSK - Binary Phase ShiIt Keying ( Xpr r ccre ]a cx apra )
CA - Collision Avoidance ( 3pc acxx )
CAP - Channel Access Priority ( Cynr xaar a xr )
CBC - Cipher Block Chaining
CBPSK - Coherent Binary Phase ShiIt Keying ( apaaara xpr r ccre
]a cx apra )
CCIP - Communications and InIormation Policy ( )
CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access ( K xyprr rrpyyr apra )
CFA - Contention-Free Access
CIFS - Contention Inter-Frame Space
CIP - Critical InIrastructure Protection
CL - Convergence Layer
CP - Cyclic PreIix
CPE - Customer Premises Equipment
CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Check
CSMA - Carrier Sense Multiple Access (3r pr xaar )
CSMA/CA - Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance (3r pr
xaar / capyar )
CSMA/CD - Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection (pr pyyc,
xarra r xaar )
CSPEC - Connection SpeciIication ( Xr rpxr )
CW - Contention Window ( Mapraa x)
DA - Destination Address ( Xypx xar )

DAB - Digital Audio Broadcast (T yyr nrpyyr )
DAK - Device Access Key ( Txp xaax ryxyyp )
dB Decibel (yy rap] r, yy ccr rynr xapyyca xrxyy )
DBPSK DiIIerential Binary Phase ShiIt Keying (]]epea xpr r ccre
]a cx apra )
DC - DeIerral Counter ( Vxpax ryyp )
DES - Data Encryption Standard (rr ]x r )
DHS - Department oI Homeland Security (Tpc yrar Ayry a Tacar )
DiII-Serv - DiIIerentiated Services (raca Yryy )
DS1 - Digital Signaling Level 1 ( T x ryrp ryn )
DSL - Digital Subscriber Loop ( T xprr yra )
DSSS - Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum ( Byy apaaca rapxarra cerp)
DQPSK - DiIIerential Quadruple Phase ShiIt Keying ( ]]epea pn ax crr
xpr r ccre ]a cx apra )
E-PAD - Encryption Packet Assembler Disassembler ( B]px Xapar xpnyyx )
EFG - End oI Frame Gap
EIFS - Extended Inter Frame Space
EKS - Encryption Key Select
ELF - Extremely Low Frequency ( Tyr a anra)
E.O. - Executive Order ( Vpar ryaa )
EOF - End oI Frame ( upe rrcr )
E.O.P - Executive OIIice oI the President (Epxr Vpax Aa raap )
EP - Emergency Preparedness (Or rx F aa )
ETSI - European Telecommunications Standards Institute
I - Frequency ( anra )
FAIL- Failure ( Aaa )
FC - Frame Control ( upe xyyar )
FCC - Federal Communications Commission ( OV- x cc )
FCS - Frame Check Sequence ( upe apaaa arax )
FDD - Frequency Division Duplex ( 2 rr cynr anra xynaax apra )
FDM - Frequency Division Multiplexing (anra Xynaar rrpyyax )
FEC - Forward Error Correction ( ayyar aaa acax )
Fed-Std - Federal Standard ( OV- craapr )
FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency ( )
FFT - Fast Fourier TransIorm
FH - Frame Header ( upe rr )
FHSS - Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
FTSC Federal Telecommunications Standards Committee
FTTH Fiber To The Home
Gb/s Giga-bits per second
GHz Gigahertz (axraa ry axraa cp r anrar
repr yyy px.)
HC Hybrid Coordination ( Xr xyyar )
HD High DeIinition ( p rrpara )
HF High Frequency ( p anra )
HF/VHF - High Frequency/Very High Frequency ( p anra / xr p anra )
HLE - Higher Layer Entity ( anxpar r )
HPAV - HomePlug AV
HV- High Voltage ( p xy )
Hz Hertz ( Iep )
IAIP - InIormation Analysis and InIrastructure Protection
IEC International Electrotechnical Committee
IEEE - Institute oI Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IETF - Internet Engineering Task Force
IFFT Inverse Fast Fourier TransIorm
I/N InterIerence to Noise
IP Internet Protocol
ISO International Organization Ior Standardization
ISP Internet Service Provider
ITU International Telecommunications Union
ITU-R International Telecommunications Union Radiocommunications Sector
ITU-T International Telecommunications Union Telecommunications Sector
K/bps Kilo bits per second
LAN Local Area Network
LF Long Frame
LLC Logical Link Control
LN Logical Network
LOS Line OI Sight
LSB Least SigniIicant Bit
LSF Last Segment Flag
LV Low Voltage
MAC Medium Access Control
Mb/s Mega-bits per second
MA Microwave Access
MCF Multicast Flag
MD Message Digest
MHz Megahertz
MLPP Multi Level Precedence and Preemption
MPDU MAC Protocol Data Unit
MPLS Multi Protocol Label Switching
MS Milliseconds
MSDU MAC Service Data Unit
MV Medium Voltage
N2 Technology and Programs Division
N6 Technology and Standards Division
NCS National Communications System
NEK Network Encryption Key
NESC National Electric SaIety Code
NII National InIormation InIrastructure
NMK Network Membership Key
NOI Notice oI Inquiry
NS/EP National Security/Emergency Preparedness
NTIA National Telecommunications and InIormation Agency
OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
OMNCS OIIice oI the Manager National Communications System
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
PA Preamble
PB PHY Block
PBKDF Password Based Key Derivation Function
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
PCF Persistent Contention Free
PCS Physical Carrier Sense
PDU Protocol Data Unit
PKCS Public Key Crypto System
PMP Point-to-MultiPoint
PHY Physical Layer
PLC Power Line Communications
PLT Power Line Telecommunications
PPDU PHY Protocol Data Unit
PRN Pseudo Random Number
PRP Priority Resolution Period
PRS Priority Resolution Signal
PSK Phase ShiIt Keying
QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
QoS Quality oI Service
QPSK Quadrature Phase ShiIt Keying
RCS Ripple Carrier Signaling
RIFS Response Inter-Frame Space
RFC Request For Comments
RFCS Response Frame Check Sequence
RF Radio Frequency
ROBO Robust Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
RSVP Resource Reservation Protocol
SA Source Address
SACK Selective Acknowledgement
SBM Subnetwork Bandwidth Manager

SC Segment Control
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SDU Service Data Unit
SF Short Frame
SFD Start Frame Delimiter
SL Segment Length
SOF Start oI Frame
SOFDMA Scalable Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Access
SN Sequence Number
TIB Technical InIormation Bulletin
TC Turbo Code
TCC Turbo Convolutional Code
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TDD Time Division Duplex
TDM Time Division Multiplexing
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
TM Tone Map
TMI Tone Map Index
TXOP Transmit Opportunities
UHF Ultra High Frequency
VCS Virtual Carrier Sense
VHF Very High Frequency
VLAN Virtual LAN
VLF Very Low Frequency
VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol
WiFi Wireless Fidelity
WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability Ior Microwave Access

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