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ISOLATION AND LOCKOUT Classification: Critical Rev.: 04


Date of
Revision Index Subject Issued by

1.1 Changes to titles/ positions PTVI COO 14/01/2006

1.2 Changes to accountabilities PTVI COO 19/05/2006

1.3 Minor update PTVI COO 14/04/2007

1.4 Minor update PTVI COO 01/08/2007

1.5 Minor update PTVI COO 06/11/2007

2 Minor update PTVI COO August 2008

3 Major update for Vale Global and local requirements PTVI COO October 2016

04 Minor updates PTVI COO 7th November 2018

Approved by:
Next review date: 7th November 2020
COO, KTT & Director
Lovro Paulic

Responsible Person: All Managers & Project Target Audience: All PTVI and Contractor
Managers Employees
Technical Responsible:

Abu Ashar
Manager EHS, Engineering and Construction
Key words: EHS, Major Hazard Standards, Isolation, Lock Out, Hazardous Energy
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1.1 Section 9.1 - Changed accountability from “All Personnel” to “PTV Area Managers”
Rationalised Vale Indonesia consistent descriptors for accountabilities. (e.g. All Managers, All PTV Managers and Relevant
1.2 Managers were changed to PTV Managers to be consistent descriptors in all standards) Note: No actual accountability was
Revised to include reference to EHS Standard Procedure 09 - Isolation and Lockout remove duplication in Standard
Procedure and MHS and update Attachments.
Revision in section 2.2
Relevant operational experience was changed to Possessing relevant area, operational or system experience.
Successfully completed a recognised risk assessment training course was changed to Having 2 or more people trained in
PTV Risk Assessment (SP01) and nominated by their manager as competent in this role.
Section 6.1: “In addition, all isolation and lockout equipment shall be maintained in a fit for purpose condition” – re-worded
to now show that this equipment does not have to be part of a maintenance program.
Section 1.1 reworded to highlight the scope of the MHS – risk assessments on equipment that is being maintained,
inspected, etc., not all equipment.
Extensive review and revision to remove procedural items after release of EHS Standard Procedure 09 – Isolation and
Lockout. There was extensive revision of Elements 3, 4 and 5 with rewording of objectives based on the SP and removal of
procedural requirements (and objectives) where required. 7.2.
2 Section 6.1 reworded to highlight that isolation devices must be maintained fit for use, and not necessarily part of a formal
maintenance system.
Section 8.3 reworded to reflect realistic criteria for auditing and inspections.
Section 2.3 revised to reflect new training and competency requirements.
Sections 2.4 and 2.1 incorporated into section 2.3 (now 2.2) and revised to reflect new workplace assessor requirements
Changed to a single language document.
Updates to meet requirements of Vale RAC.
Minor changes to the ‘about the MHS section’
Expanded the contents page to show more headings.
Update the purpose section.
Updated the scope section.
Added the following sections:
o References
o Terminology
o Accountabilities.
Deleted the ‘accountabilities’ and ‘tools’ columns from the ‘requirements’ section. Accountabilities and Tools are now
included in the text of the document when appropriate.
Changed PT Inco (PTI) to PT Vale Indonesia (PTVI).
Section 1.1: Specified minimum requirements to be included in Risk Assessments.
Section 1.2: Changes to Change Management, included changes in personnel.
Section 1.3: New section: Added Permit to Work Requirements.
Section 2.1: Changed the qualification requirements for teams conducting risk assessments.
Section 2.2: New section for Medical Assessment requirements.
Section 2.3: Previously 2.2. Updated the training and competency requirements and reference PTVI documents.
Section 3.1: Changed from PTVI induction to Department Specific Induction.
Section 3.2: Frequency for discussion of isolation risks and controls to be based on risk.
Section 3.3: New section: Communication of Modifications.
Section 4.1: Isolation Documents Register. Added detail of information to be included in the register.
Section 4.2: Added specifications for isolation points.
Section 4.3: Include prohibition against using combination type padlocks.
Section 4.4: Minor changes to isolation tag specifications.
Section 4.5: Minor changes to isolation device specifications.
Section 4.6: Added PPE section.
Section 4.7: Previously section 4.6.
Section 5.2: Previously section 5.3.


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Section 5.2: Added requirement for KTT approval to conduct work where ‘zero energy state’ cannot be achieved for
Section 5.3: Previously section 5.2.
Section 5.3: Clarified use of ‘generic’ isolation procedures and documents.
Section 5.4: Added an exception for applying isolation to energy sources. May be applied to single line circuits such as
conveyor systems.
Section 5.4: Added requirements for removing isolation devices.
Section 5.5: New section for Online Repair.
Section 5.6: New section Remote Isolation of Transmission Lines.
Section 7.2: Clarified use of FES Isolation Tags.
Section 7.3: New Section for Emergency Procedures.
Section 8.1: Added reference to SP 14 EHS Inspections and Audits for EHS and Dept. / Project Managers.
Section 8.2: New section on Contractor Management.
Removed Equipment and Machinery Surveys. Addressed in section 6.1.
Removed Audits of Isolation System Application. Addressed in section 8.1.
Section 9.2: New section for Incident Reporting and Corrective Actions.
Updated legal references, including removal of Kep/Men/555 and inclusion of Kep/Men/1827/K30/MEM/2018.
04 Minor changes to bullet and number formatting.
Other minor updates to improve readability.


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These Standards are designed to address the major safety hazards at PT Vale Indonesia (PTVI) and
their implementation is intended to prevent fatalities and serious injuries from the relevant hazard. The
MHS have been identified and developed based on critical operational hazards identified at PTVI and
other similar mining/ processing operations. For each major hazard they define minimum performance
outcomes and the range of available controls that could be implemented to address key aspects of the
hazard in the context of industry best-practice.
The MHS need to be understood and implemented in conjunction with the full range of General EHS
Standards and Standard Procedures that are available on the PTVI Intranet.
These Standards will be updated regularly to align with applicable Indonesian EHS Legal requirements
and Vale Global requirements.
Compliance with these Standards comprises a long-term management goal for the site, as does our
commitment to zero harm for all workers. It is not expected that all areas of PTVI’s operation could be
in complete compliance with all aspects of each Standard, just as it is not expected that all risk can be
eliminated from any mining and processing operation.
However, the concept of best practice includes a commitment to ongoing improvement, and these
Standards provide a means of measuring and guiding that progress. Periodic audits will be conducted
to measure compliance with all Major Hazard Standards, and this in turn will form the basis for
improvement plans in all Departments that will result in progressive reduction of risk of injury from


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Detailed Revision History .............................................................................................................. 2

About The PT Vale Indonesia Major Hazard Standards .............................................................. 4
Purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Scope .............................................................................................................................................. 7
References ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Terminology ................................................................................................................................... 8
Accountabilities ............................................................................................................................. 8
Requirements ................................................................................................................................. 8
1 Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control ........................................................................................... 8
1.1 Risk Assessment ............................................................................................................................................. 8
1.2 Change Management ...................................................................................................................................... 9
1.3 Permit to Work................................................................................................................................................. 9
2 Selection, Training, Competency and Authorisation ............................................................................................ 9
2.1 Risk Assessment Competency ........................................................................................................................ 9
2.2 Medical Assessment Program ......................................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Training and Competency ............................................................................................................................... 9
3 Communication and Awareness........................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Department Specific Induction ...................................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Communication of Isolation and Lockout System Requirements .................................................................. 10
3.3 Communication of Modifications.................................................................................................................... 10
4 Specifications ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
4.1 Isolation Documents Register ....................................................................................................................... 11
4.2 Design and Purchasing Specifications of Isolation Points ............................................................................. 11
4.3 Specifications for Isolation Locks .................................................................................................................. 11
4.4 Specifications for Tags .................................................................................................................................. 11
4.5 Specifications for Isolation Devices ............................................................................................................... 11
4.6 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)........................................................................................................... 12
4.7 Minister of Mines and Energy Regulations .................................................................................................... 12
5 Work Method and Condition Control ................................................................................................................... 12
5.1 Isolation and Lockout System ....................................................................................................................... 12
5.2 Achieving and Securing Positive Isolations ................................................................................................... 12
5.3 Isolation Documents ...................................................................................................................................... 12
5.4 Application of Isolation and Lockout .............................................................................................................. 13
5.5 Online Repair ................................................................................................................................................ 13
5.6 Remote Isolation of Transmission Lines ........................................................................................................ 13
6 Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................................... 14
6.1 Maintenance Program ................................................................................................................................... 14
7 Emergency Controls .............................................................................................................................................. 14
7.1 Emergency Evacuation ................................................................................................................................. 15


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7.2 Fire and Emergency Services Isolation ......................................................................................................... 15

7.3 Emergency Procedures ................................................................................................................................. 15
8 Monitoring, Inspections and Audits ..................................................................................................................... 15
8.1 Inspection and Auditing ................................................................................................................................. 15
8.2 Contractor Safety Management..................................................................................................................... 15
9 Reporting, Assessment and Corrective Actions ................................................................................................. 15
9.1 Hazards and Defects ..................................................................................................................................... 15
9.2 Incident Reporting and Corrective Actions .................................................................................................... 15

Table 1: Isolation and Lockout Competencies .................................................................................................................... 10


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To define the requirements to isolate all sources of hazardous energy that have the potential to cause injury to persons, damage
to equipment or damage to the environment, should they be left in an energised state when accessing equipment.
Isolation and lockout requirements may apply to any phase of an equipment/ facility’s life cycle including; planning/ design,
construction, installation, inspection, commissioning, testing, operation, maintenance, return to service, modification, and
This document also specifies the minimum requirements for tagging of equipment when out of service, under maintenance,
inspection, modification and during emergency situations.

This Standard applies to work conducted on all equipment, machinery and facilities at PTVI involving isolation and/ or tagging of
Additional requirements related to isolation and lockout is addressed in the following PTVI MHS and these should be read in
conjunction with this MHS:
 MHS 05 Lifting and Supporting Loads: Details detailed outcomes and accountabilities for the management of man cages
being lifted by a crane
 MHS 06 Confined Space: Details isolation and lockout requirements for the safe preparation and entry to a confined
 MHS 07 Rotating and Moving Equipment: Details isolation requirements specific to rotating and moving equipment such
as conveyor systems.
 MHS 10 Electrical: Details detailed outcomes and accountabilities for the management of electrical isolations and
defines the application of high voltage area access and excavation.
 Vale, Safety Guidelines for Incident Energy (PRO-023808): Defines the minimum requirements and guidelines for
management of the incident energy risk in works with electricity.

 Act No. 1 year 1970 on Occupational Safety.
 Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 1827/K30/MEM/2018 on Guidelines for the Implementation
of Good Mining Practices.
 Vale, Critical Activities Requirements (PTP-000813).
 Safety Guidelines for Incident Energy (PRO-023808).
PT Vale Indonesia:
 INS 003 Accountabilities for Safety & Behavior
 EHS 06 EHS Risk Management.
 EHS 09 Personal Protective Equipment.
 EHS 10 EHS Accountabilities.
 Standard Procedure 01 General Purpose Risk Assessment.
 Standard Procedure 02 Job Safety Analysis.
 Standard Procedure 04 Permit to Work.
 Standard Procedure 09 Isolation and Lockout.
 Standard Procedure 10 Change Management.
 Standard Procedure 11 Incident Management.
 Standard Procedure 14 EHS Inspections and Audits.
 PTVI Competency Training Standard.
 SOP 0002 EHS Training Requirement and Guideline.


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 PTVI Contractor Safety Management System.

Approved Work Refers to a documented work procedure that has been approved to guide persons to undertake
Procedure hazardous work safely, including all relevant risk controls identified within the corresponding risk
Approved Work Procedures can include Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Work Instructions
(WIs) and Job Safety Analyses (JSAs).

Hazardous Energy Energy that may cause harm to persons, equipment or the environment if not correctly controlled.
May include: electrical, mechanical, chemical, thermal, radiation, stored pressure and gravitational

Online Repair Maintenance tasks conducted on equipment where complete isolation of hazardous energy sources
is not able to be achieved. Generally related to repairs to steam piping.

Responsible The manager responsible for management of the equipment, work environment, and/ or workers in a
Manager particular area. This is generally the Department Manager, Project Manager or Contractor Company

PTVI’s Board of Directors, Chief Operating Officer/ Technical Mine Manager (KTT) and EHS Manager are responsible for the
broader MHS program, including allocation of sufficient resources for implementation, monitoring of Department programs for
MHS compliance and facilitating the MHS audit program.
Responsible Managers e.g. PTVI Department Managers, Project Managers and Contractor Company Managers are accountable
for implementing the requirements of this MHS within their areas of responsibility.
Employees are responsible for adhering to the requirements of this Standard as well as their accountabilities as defined in EHS10
EHS Accountabilities and INS003 Accountabilities for Safety and Behavior.

 To ensure a risk management process is applied to identify and control hazardous energy before any work is
authorised on any equipment or machinery.
 To ensure the PTVI Change Management Process is applied.
 To require a PTVI Permit to Work when performing Complex Isolations.

1.1 Risk Assessment

Risk assessments must be conducted using the methodologies outlined in PTVI EHS06 EHS Risk Management Standard e.g.
HAZOP, General Purpose Risk Assessment etc.
Responsible Managers must undertake a risk assessment on all plant, equipment and machinery with actual or potential
hazardous energies on which installation, modification, construction, inspection, commissioning, decommissioning and/or
maintenance work is performed.
Risk assessments shall determine where isolations and lock out are required to control hazardous energy and how they are to
be applied.
Risk assessments shall identify and assess as a minimum the following:
Hazardous energies.
De-energising and isolation requirements.
Related systems that may need control during isolations.
PPE requirements.
Risks of re-energising equipment.


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Specific communication requirements between affected parties (e.g. maintenance and operations) to permit safe re-
Permit requirements.
Emergency scenarios and controls.
As a minimum, isolation controls shall be documented in accordance with PTVI Isolation and Lockout Procedure (SP09).

1.2 Change Management

The PTVI Change Management Procedure (SP10) must be followed to authorise changes related to equipment and
management practices for isolation and lockout. Examples of applicable changes include, but are not limited to the following:
Modifications to plant, equipment or machinery isolation installations.
Changes to organisational/ human resources with responsibilities to manage or supervise activities under the scope of this

1.3 Permit to Work

All Complex Isolations shall be authorised and conducted under the control of a PTVI Permit to Work in accordance with PTVI
Permit to Work Procedure (SP04) and PTVI Isolation and Lockout Procedure (SP09).


 To ensure personnel required to conduct risk assessments are competent.
 To ensure all personnel performing working under the Isolation and Lockout System are medically fit.
 To ensure all personnel required to work under the Isolation and Lockout System receive training and are assessed
as competent.

2.1 Risk Assessment Competency

Risk assessments must be conducted by a team, lead by a competent facilitator. Specifically:
 Teams shall include management and non-management personnel, with the team collectively possessing relevant
operational and maintenance experience and qualifications.
 The facilitator must be trained in the risk assessment methodology used e.g. General Purpose Risk Assessment,

2.2 Medical Assessment Program

The Manager responsible for medical services shall implement a medical assessment program to assess workers engaged in
operational tasks requiring isolation and lockout. The program must include initial pre-employment assessment, change of
position assessment and periodic re-assessment.
Assessments shall be conducted at a PTVI approved medical facility.
Department and/ or Project Managers shall ensure all relevant personnel have completed the required PTVI medical and have
medical clearance to work in the role.

2.3 Training and Competency

Personnel must be trained, assessed as competent and authorised to perform isolation and lockout activities.
Training and competency assessment must be undertaken in accordance with the PTVI Competency Training Standard.
Centralised EHS training in isolation and lockout must be undertaken in accordance with EHS 0002 EHS Training Requirement
and Guideline.
Workers must carry their competency card on their persons when performing isolation and lockout tasks. The competencies are
listed in Table 1 are applicable to isolation and lockout.


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Table 1: Isolation and Lockout Competencies

Title Training Provider Required Participants Course ID

EHS Technical
Isolation and Lock Out EHS & PTVI Persons working under the PTVI Isolation TSEHSISOLO
Authorised Trainers and Lockout System.

Basic Permit System - EHS & PTVI All persons required to work under a permit EHS0000002
Worker Authorised Trainers e.g. complex isolation.
Permit System for EHS & PTVI Persons required to issue or accept permit to TTPERMTOWO
Supervisor (Issuer/Acceptor) Authorised Trainers work, e.g. complex isolation.

Department and project training programs shall address the following:

Include a Training Needs Analysis identifying applicable isolation and lockout training.
Department induction/ orientation processes shall be in place to educate personnel regarding isolation risks and controls;
this shall include SOP training.
Training and assessment for workers required to:
 Isolate equipment or machinery.
 Supervise the isolation of equipment.
 Prepare equipment or machinery for maintenance.
 Conduct inspections, maintenance, testing, commissioning and decommissioning on equipment or machinery.
 Conduct online repairs.
 Conduct remote isolations on transmission lines.


 To communicate isolation and lockout system requirements during the induction process.
 To ensure regular communication of requirements of the isolation and lockout system is developed and applied.
 To ensure exposed personnel are informed of changes to equipment or isolation processes.

3.1 Department Specific Induction

Based on risk, Departments shall include relevant Isolation and lockout information in their department specific inductions.

3.2 Communication of Isolation and Lockout System Requirements

Information must be provided on a regular basis (frequency to be based on department risk exposure) through consultative
forums and SOP refreshing for all personnel who are required to work under the isolation and lockout system. This must address
as a minimum:
Critical aspects of isolation and lockout (e.g. decontamination, release of stored energy, testing of isolations, isolation
points and method).
Applicable Isolation Procedures.
Changes to procedures.

3.3 Communication of Modifications

Modifications/ changes to isolation processes or devices shall be documented and communicated to relevant stakeholders and
equipment owners (refer section 1.2).


 To define requirements for the creation and maintenance of an Isolation Documents Register in each Department.
 To define the design and purchasing specifications for all equipment and machinery to meet isolation system


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 To define the purchasing specifications for isolation system devices and aids.
 To require the identification of PPE relevant to isolation and lockout out tasks.
 To require adherence to the Minister of Mines and Energy Decree Kep/Men/1827/K30/MEM/2018.

4.1 Isolation Documents Register

Responsible Managers shall record all Isolation Checklists and Procedures (section 5.3) in an Isolation Documents Register.
Registers shall be kept up to date and accessible or available to all personnel who are required to perform isolations.
The Isolation Documents Register must record as a minimum:
Individual Isolation Checklist/ Procedure identification number.
Equipment / machinery identification number and type.
Types of hazardous energy associated with the equipment or machinery.
Isolation methods for hazardous energy:
 Isolation points.
 Isolation devices.
 Other hazardous energy control methods.
Methods used to prove successful isolations (i.e. ‘test for dead’).
Method to de-isolate and re-energise (if required due to the hazardous nature of the process).

4.2 Design and Purchasing Specifications of Isolation Points

Personnel responsible for procurement and design shall ensure design and/or purchasing specifications of isolation point(s) are
available for all installations, equipment and machinery that will require isolation and lockout. Specifically, isolation points shall:
Allow the use of a padlock/ fitting of an isolation device.
Have mechanical integrity which does not allow for easy violation.

4.3 Specifications for Isolation Locks

Personnel responsible for procurement shall ensure specifications for isolation locks include:
The master series lock has series keys available.
Personal locks are designed so that they can only be unlocked by the key that is issued with that lock.
It is prohibited to use combination type padlocks.
Purchasing specifications for isolation locks must comply with PTVI Isolation and Lockout Procedure (SP09).

4.4 Specifications for Tags

Personnel responsible for procurement shall ensure specifications for isolation tags include the following:
All tags can be attached directly to the lock by means of a reinforced eyelet and by string or other form of temporary
attachment aid.
Require details for; operator name, badge number, telephone/extension, Department/ Company/ Area, the date and time
of the application and reason.
All tags are made with the following qualities:
 Durable for the workplace conditions.
 Be standardized in term of colour, shape, size and type of material, and easy to identify.
 Not less than 60 x 120 mm in size.
 Ability to be written on (except permanent danger tags).
 Created with all writing in Bahasa Indonesian on the front and English on the reverse side.
Purchasing specifications for isolation tags must comply with PTVI Isolation and Lockout Procedure (SP09).

4.5 Specifications for Isolation Devices

Personnel responsible for procurement shall ensure specifications for isolation devices must require:


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That availability for an adjustable physical barrier on all isolations is provided.

Lock boxes and Permit Control Boards are designed fit for purpose.
All Isolation Devices are made with the following qualities:
 Ability to accept attachment of a pad lock.
 Durable and have mechanical integrity which does not allow for easy violation.
 Ability to adjust to fit various isolation needs for differing valves, switches etc.
Purchasing specifications for isolation devices must comply with PTVI Isolation and Lockout Procedure (SP09).

4.6 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Equipment risk assessments and approved work procedures shall determine the PPE requirements for isolation and lockout
The PPE shall be maintained and inspected regularly as per manufacturer recommendations/ PTVI risk assessments.

4.7 Minister of Mines and Energy Regulations

Personnel responsible for electrical design and/or purchasing specifications relating to Isolation and Lockout system
requirements of equipment and machinery meet the requirements of the Mines and Energy Ministers Decree,


 To define the Isolation System to be applied at PTVI.
 To ensure all isolations are positive (physical break or barrier to the release of energy).
 To define the isolation documents used at PTVI.
 To define the application of isolation and lockout at PTVI.
 To define the control requirements for online repairs where isolation is not feasible.
 To define the control requirements for remote isolation of transmission lines.
 To require adherence to the Minister of Mines and Energy Decree Kep/Men/1827/K30/MEM/2018.

5.1 Isolation and Lockout System

The Isolation and Lockout System at PTVI shall be defined in the PTVI Isolation and Lockout Procedure (SP09), and shall
include the following types of isolation:
Simple Isolation.
Complex Isolation.
NOTE: Each type of isolation has different requirements and a competent and authorised person shall determine which type is
appropriate to each task for work performed on all equipment and machinery.

5.2 Achieving and Securing Positive Isolations

All simple, complex and remote isolations at PTVI must be positive (physical break or barrier to prevent the release of energy),
locked, tagged, have residual energy released and tested in accordance with the PTVI Isolation and Lockout Procedure
When in specific situation that's not possible to obtain the zero energy state an operational safety procedure shall be approved
by the KTT.

5.3 Isolation Documents

Isolation requirements shall be determined based on equipment and machinery risk assessments (section 1.1) and documented
within the required Isolation Documents. This shall be done in accordance with PTVI Isolation and Lockout Procedure (SP09)
Isolation Procedures:
 Department based Isolation Procedures that may contain an isolation checklist to define and record correct isolation


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 Isolation maps, single line diagrams and P&ID may also be used as supporting documentation.
Isolation Checklists:
 An Isolation Checklist is used to detail and control the isolations that need to be implemented.
 Isolation maps, single line diagrams and P&ID may also be used as supporting documentation.
Approved Work Procedures:
 A documented work procedure that has been approved to guide persons to undertake hazardous work safely, including
all relevant risk controls identified within the corresponding risk assessment.
 Includes Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Work Instructions (WIs) and Job Safety Analyses (JSAs).
A common isolation procedure/ checklist can be applied to multiple items of equipment provided the following conditions are
 The equipment/ machinery types are the same or similar. E.g. different class of Dozers.
 The isolation/ de-isolation methodology and devices are the same.
 The equipment is not part of a broader process that could be affected by the isolation e.g. screening station conveyors.
The relevant Isolation Documents must be made available to all personnel who are required to perform isolations.

5.4 Application of Isolation and Lockout

For equipment isolation PTVI Isolation and Lockout Procedure (SP09), the following requirements shall be met:
Whenever practicable, isolation shall be applied to the energy sources and not rely on control circuitry. Exceptions include
single line circuits such as those found in conveyor systems.
Push buttons, stop switches, interlocks, emergency stops, pilot circuitry lanyards etc., shall not be used as a means of
A Permit Control Board shall be used to house the permits and associated documentation and provide a means to secure
the isolation key(s) in a lockable box.
Appropriate Isolation Devices shall be used to secure isolation points such that they cannot be re-energised whilst isolated
and locked out.
Isolation Tags shall be applied in accordance with PTVI Isolation and Lockout Procedure (SP09).
Isolation Locks shall be applied in accordance with PTVI Isolation and Lockout Procedure (SP09).
Removal of locks and isolation tags shall be by the lock owner. Exemptions to this must be done in accordance with
Isolation and Lockout Procedure (SP09).
If equipment that has energies isolated requires testing, jogging or re-positioning during the progress of the work, the
process will be followed as outlined in PTVI Isolation and Lockout Procedure (SP09).

5.5 Online Repair

Online repair of a system or equipment that is not completely de-energized, is allowed only when deemed safe to do so and in
accordance with the following requirements:
Completed under a Permit to Work (refer to PTVI Standard Procedure Permit to Work (SP04).
A risk assessment and approved work procedure/s shall be in place. These documents shall be approved by the Technical
Mine Manager (KTT) prior to execution of the work.
A register of approved Online Repair activities shall be maintained by the Department Manager EHS.
The work methods selected shall be consistent with proven methodologies applied for similar repair/equipment elsewhere
e.g. Oil and Gas or Processing Industry.
Workers and supervisors involved shall be deemed competent and authorized to perform the task.
Workers shall be equipped with task specific PPE and special tools, applicable to the task.
Emergency procedures for the task are documented and included in the Permit to Work package.

5.6 Remote Isolation of Transmission Lines


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Remote Isolation is a procedure where someone other than the worker/s conducting the maintenance task attaches an isolation
lock and tag to the equipment isolation point due to restrictions based on distance and topography between the isolation point
and work location.
Remote isolations can only be approved under the following circumstances:
Completed in accordance with requirements of a Complex Isolation, as defined in PTVI Isolation and Lockout Procedure
Completed under a Permit to Work (refer to PTVI Standard Procedure Permit to Work (SP04).
A risk assessment and approved work procedure/s shall be in place. These documents shall be approved by the Technical
Mine Manager (KTT) prior to execution of the work.
A register of approved Remote Isolation activities shall be maintained by the Department Manager EHS.
The work methods selected shall be consistent with proven methodologies applied for similar repair/equipment elsewhere
e.g. Electrical Transmission Authorities.
Workers and supervisors involved shall be deemed competent and authorized to perform the task.
Workers shall be equipped with task specific PPE and special tools, applicable to the task.
Emergency procedures for the task are documented and included in the Permit to Work package.
Locking of the main isolation point/s is delegated to an authorized person e.g. Supervisor of maintenance, construction or
Both sides of the electrical conductors shall be isolated.
All adjacent transmission lines shall be isolated, to prevent induction.
Grounding devices protecting workers shall be applied at the isolated section of line.
Prior to accessing the line, the supervisor must conduct a High voltage test of the line after isolation is completed; to ensure
the line transmission is OFF.
A coordination meeting shall be held as part of the permit issuing process to clearly define and communicate key job steps
and responsibilities associated with the isolation, work, and re-energisation process.

 To require that a maintenance program is established in all Departments to ensure the ability to isolate and lockout
equipment and machinery is maintained.

6.1 Maintenance Program

Responsible Managers shall implement a maintenance program so that:
All fixed and mobile, equipment and machinery identified in risk assessments have lockable isolation points installed, or a
physical means to prevent an uncontrolled release of energy.
All isolation and lockout test equipment is maintained in a fit for purpose condition and in accordance with the
manufacturer’s specifications.
Isolation and lockout equipment is maintained in a fit for purpose condition, including:
 Isolation points, switches, valves, circuit breakers.
 Locks, keys, isolation devices, multiple lockout devices (e.g. scissor locks extension, cover valves and lock boxes).

 To require all work being done under a permit to be suspended during an emergency evacuation.
 To define the conditions under which Fire and Emergency Services personnel may apply FES Emergency isolation
 To require emergency response requirements to isolation failures to be documented.


NO: INS-004-VIEHS-MHS-04 Page: 15 of 15
ISOLATION AND LOCKOUT Classification: Critical Rev.: 04

7.1 Emergency Evacuation

Should a general emergency evacuation occur during the normal process of work, all work shall cease and work permits shall
be suspended.
The Permit Issuer (along with the Authorised Isolator if required) must perform a complete check of all isolations and permit
conditions to ensure the work is safe to continue after the emergency.

7.2 Fire and Emergency Services Isolation

In the event of an emergency where access to energised or potentially energised equipment is required, the Fire and Emergency
Services (FES) shall apply a FES Emergency Isolation Tag as defined in PTVI Isolation and Lockout Procedure (SP09) –
FES Emergency Isolation Tags.

7.3 Emergency Procedures

Emergency guidelines for uncontrolled energy release due to isolation failures must be document. This information shall be
based on the equipment risk assessments (refer section 1.1) and may be documented in Approved Work Procedures such as


 To require the auditing and inspection of compliance to this Standard.
 To require management of contractor performance.

8.1 Inspection and Auditing

The Department Manager EHS shall develop an inspection and audit program to assess compliance with this Standard (refer
PTVI EHS Inspections and Audits Procedure (SP14)).
Responsible Managers shall meet the requirements of the inspection and audit program e.g. Safety Observation – Inspection
and Job Cycle Check Program.

8.2 Contractor Safety Management

Responsible Managers shall manage contractors performing isolation and lockout related activities in accordance with the PTVI
Contractor Safety Management System.


 To require all personnel to identify, report, correct and record equipment hazards.
 To ensure all incidents and near misses associated with isolation and lockout are reported and corrective actions

9.1 Hazards and Defects

All hazards or defects, including unauthorised modifications affecting the isolation and lockout of equipment, machinery and
plant must be reported.
If a defect renders the equipment or machinery unsafe for operation, it must be put Out of Service by use of a PTVI - Out of
Service Tag, placed on the isolation point / ignition switch in accordance with PTVI Isolation and Lockout Procedure (SP04).

9.2 Incident Reporting and Corrective Actions

All isolation and lockout breaches shall be reported and investigated to ensure corrective action(s) are implemented.
Incident reporting and management shall follow PTVI Incident Management Procedure (SP11).



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