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1. First step should be get the group by BatchNumber of DryPlanks (SWD, WDP).
* [Inventory transaction financial view] => Filter executed by period date range
* 1st Filter available on Form
For Wood + Ledger Acco152100
report and + Offset Accou154300
costing + Reference: Transaction
+ Receipt stat Purchased
+ Item group: WDP,SWD

2. Second Step should be get filter all transactions (all date) but filter by the Group By Batch Number you got at 1st
* Put the BatchNumber you got filter in the [Inventory Transaction Posting]
* Filter the Ref Transaction, Purchase Order
! After filtered => Sort Financial Date by ASC for easier view.
! After to Excel => Remove unecessary data by delete the filter ItemGroup [SWD,WDP] and JournalNameID [NSXC,XSX

3. How to get LB+OVH for Wood Costing?

* [Ledger Transaction Details View], filter Date [From..To], Account [154300], voucher [GL*]

#COST.1 [Mandatory] Month-end transactions posted

After got the confirmation from General Accountant (GA) that the closing data in Acc Dept is all posted and
If any adjustment & new posting within the period is under costing, you need to be informed and determin
Noted: all reversing, correction, credit note must be done as is required and valid for this step to be proces

#COST.2 [Mandatory] Misc. charges allocation

Cost accountant has to check the balance of account 152700 in TB / or General Ledger View to determindin

#COST.3 [Mandatory] Extra: MRs return

Importance noted: This step is auto decommission (stop) when implement production picking list return.
Materials (All raw materials including DryPlanks(Wood)) have been return from production to WH must be
+ Reference to file MRs-Return-MM-YYYY in costing folder
+ General principle & steps
+ Step 1: General Ledger -> Reports -> Managerial Reports -> Inventory -> Inventory transactions financial
+ Filter: Date example [1/1/2023..1/31/2023]; Ledger account [152*]; Offset Account [621*]
+ Step 2: Clone (copy) the MRs-Return-MM-YYYY template for new costing period
+ Clear format for excel data which was exported, and copy past values to sheet[MRs-Retur
+ Determinding return cost price: Copy item(s) and groupping (remove duplicated) and run r
+ Back to sheet [MR-Return-MM-YYY], replace & change column [Adjustment amount] to [R

+ Step 3: Retreiving MRs-Returns transaction going to apply return amount to AX system

+ Groupping (Remove duplicatate) the LOT-ID; then combine with Item Id using for query ba
+ Copy data from Return-Transactions in inventory closing & adjustment (Form) to sheet[Wo

#COST.4 [Mandatory] 1st Recalculation (!BTP,!SWD,!WDP,!TP,!SW

+ Perform system recalculation to apply the inventory closing principle (e.g., Avg/FIFO/LIFO/etc)

#COST.5 [Mandatory] Check & Reslove MR cost price

Recalculate for each special case by individual itemId. After that, get that report data for usin
+ Filter in report Cost Historical: [!WDP,!SWD,!TP,!BTP,!DVSX,!DVVP,!DDVP,!FA,!GCSX,!PL1,!PL2,!Stopped,

#COST.7 [Mandatory] Costing for outsource items.

+ Step 1: Go to GL view check the transaction in costing period for account [1547*,1548*] to determinding
+ Step 2.1: If item purchasing in PO, go to PO and using Misc. Charge standard function to allocate the o
+ Step 2.2: If item is not purchasing from PO, it is from transfer to outsource Vendor and transfer back =

#COST.9 DryPlanks Costing DryPlanks (HeartWood/SapWood) =>

#COST.9.1 [Optional] Wood costing =>
#COST.9.2 [Optional] Wood costing =>
#COST.9.3 [Mandatory] Wood costing => Identifying Batch

#COST.9.6 [Mandatory] Extra: Dryplanks return

To identify DryPlank return from production, the filter is the same with
Wood costing => Identifying Batch
To process the DryPlank return in costing, it is same same with step #COST.3 (MRs return) bu

#COST.9.4 [Mandatory] Wood costing => Calculation - DM

#COST.9.5 [Mandatory] Wood costing => Calculation - COGM
At these steps of Wood Costing procedure, it has been step by step described in the Wood_C

#COST.9.7 [Mandatory] Wood cost price applying to AX

#COST.9.8 [Mandatory] 2nd Recalculation (WDP,SWD)

#COST.9.9 [Mandatory] All materials cost price complete

umber of DryPlanks (SWD, WDP).
executed by period date range

all date) but filter by the Group By Batch Number you got at 1st step.
ry Transaction Posting]

e the filter ItemGroup [SWD,WDP] and JournalNameID [NSXC,XSXC] => Then delete these rows.

[From..To], Account [154300], voucher [GL*]

Make sure all of AP/AR invoice has been posted, inventory journal, GL Salary, Assets Depreciation, etc must be posted befo
tant (GA) that the closing data in Acc Dept is all posted and the Period status must be stopped to avoid any misstake posting wrong pe
od is under costing, you need to be informed and determinding how it is impact to the costing job and resolve if any.
t be done as is required and valid for this step to be processed.

Purchase misc. charge, import tax/fee allocation in PO. After allocated, check the balance of acc 152700 and reconcile & re
ount 152700 in TB / or General Ledger View to determinding which amount is posted in this period are pending allocate to inventory t

MRs return from production; cost price costing. Using the opening cost price to return, try resolve it before 1st Recal is per
on (stop) when implement production picking list return.
(Wood)) have been return from production to WH must be costing to reduce equipvalent amount from DM(621*) vs Inventory(152*);

ial Reports -> Inventory -> Inventory transactions financial view

..1/31/2023]; Ledger account [152*]; Offset Account [621*]; Qty [>0]; ItemGroup[NVLC,NVLP] => Then export to Excel
Y template for new costing period
ch was exported, and copy past values to sheet[MRs-Return-MM-YYY]
: Copy item(s) and groupping (remove duplicated) and run report [Cost Historical] for pervious period Avg-Unit-CostPrice => then copy
-YYY], replace & change column [Adjustment amount] to [Return-CostPrice] by lookup the Return-CostPrice; replace column[Financial

oing to apply return amount to AX system

e) the LOT-ID; then combine with Item Id using for query back the Return-Transactions in inventory closing & adjustment
ctions in inventory closing & adjustment (Form) to sheet[WorkSpace] and validate the Qty must be matching with Return-Transaction =

1st Recalculation (!BTP,!SWD,!WDP,!TP,!SWW,!NVLT2); For all items which are not semi/or finished goods.
entory closing principle (e.g., Avg/FIFO/LIFO/etc)

Now we have unit cost price for all direct materials in the costing period. Run report COST/COG/COGS historical to double
by individual itemId. After that, get that report data for using costing of COGM-DM in next steps.
TP,!BTP,!DVSX,!DVVP,!DDVP,!FA,!GCSX,!PL1,!PL2,!Stopped,!VPP,!GCCX,!MSC,!SMSC,!SUBCON] Check Cost price groupId

Costing for outsource items receipt by check whether transactions by Ledger Account 1547/1548 and try to allocate the ou
n costing period for account [1547*,1548*] to determinding which transaction is came from AP-Invoice outsourcing fee.
O and using Misc. Charge standard function to allocate the outsource fee to inventory items.
, it is from transfer to outsource Vendor and transfer back => Manual allocation by Qty / Amount by rate % in Excel file and using inven

Outcome - File: Wood_Costing_YYYY_MM [Finalized]

+ Filter the Wet-planks which was issued to Kiln-Dry in periods.
+ Filter the Dry-planks / SapWood which was receipt in periods. [That help get group by BatchNumber Identifying]
+ Pickup the batchnumber reference from Dry-planks receipt, and using to filter the Wet-planks and the LogWood which w

+ Dryplanks return from production; cost price costing. Using the opening cost price to return, try resolve it before 2nd Re
production, the filter is the same with
but the inventory journal name is not [!NGPK] (khác với Nhập gỗ phách khô)
costing, it is same same with step #COST.3 (MRs return) but we separated for DryPlanks. (Reference to DryPlanks-Return costing file)

+ Follow the excel and cost allocation principle for DryPlanks/SapWood and do calculation for each batch-number. SapWo
+ After calculated the direct materials cost, continue allocate the Labor + OVH for each item Dryplanks/SapWood.
rocedure, it has been step by step described in the Wood_Costing_File

+ Apply the cost to AX system by inventory manual adjustment on each voucher of the DryPlanks/SapWood receipt transa

+ 2nd Recalculation (WDP,SWD); After that we have the correct cost price for DryPlanks/SapWood, and system auto trans

+ Reconcile & Post closing cost price to save cost historical data for reporting & required for next steps.
ng take action.
ou are under costing.

not resloved, transfer to 627*.

P(154*) will be virtualral increasing.

] = [Qty * Return-CostPrice]

are data to Apply-To-AX

l case such as zero or abnormal number and resolve it;

ense identifying by AP invoice for outsource vendor.

& adjustment to adjust the cost amount.

e less than 50% compared to DryPlanks, all scrap is zero cost price.

rom 1521 to WIP(154) which was issued for production.

#COST.4 [Mandatory] 1st Recalculati 1st Recalculation (!BTP,!SWD,!WDP,!TP,!SWW,!NVLT2); For all items which are n

#COST.5 [Mandatory] Check & Reslove MR cost price

#COST.9.3 [Mandatory] Wood costing => Identifying Batch
#COST.9.7 [Mandatory] Wood cost price applying to AX
#COST.9.8 [Mandatory] 2nd Recalculation (WDP,SWD)
#COST.3 [Mandatory] Extra: MRs return
NVLT2); For all items which are not semi/or finished goods.
Costing in [01-2
ERP Sure Operating Processing (E-SOP) # Sta
Task# [Mandatory] Task name
#COST.0 Prerequiments
#COST.1 [Mandatory] Month-end transactions posted
#COST.2 [Mandatory] Misc. charges allocation
#COST.3 [Mandatory] Extra: MRs return
#COST.4 [Mandatory] 1st Recalculation (!BTP,!SWD,!WDP,!TP,!SW
#COST.5 [Mandatory] Check & Reslove MR cost price
#COST.6 [Optional] Export inventory all transactions

#COST.7 [Mandatory] Costing for outsource items.

#COST.7.1 [Mandatory] Allocation & Recal Outsource Items

#COST.9 DryPlanks Costing DryPlanks (HeartWood/SapWood) =>

#COST.9.1 [Optional] Wood costing =>
#COST.9.2 [Optional] Wood costing =>
#COST.9.3 [Mandatory] Wood costing => Identifying Batch
#COST.9.4 [Mandatory] Wood costing => Calculation - DM
#COST.9.5 [Mandatory] Wood costing => Calculation - COGM
#COST.9.6 [Mandatory] Extra: Dryplanks return
#COST.9.7 [Mandatory] Wood cost price applying to AX
#COST.9.8 [Mandatory] 2nd Recalculation (WDP,SWD)
#COST.9.9 [Mandatory] All materials cost price complete

#COST.10 FGs Costing for Finished Goods. =>

#COST.10.1 [Optional] FGs Costing =>
#COST.10.2 [Optional] FGs Costing =>
#COST.10.3 [Optional] FGs Costing =>
#COST.10.4 [Mandatory] FGs Costing => DM - Consumption report
#COST.10.5 [Mandatory] FGs Costing => COGM Calculation Sheet
#COST.10.6 [Mandatory] FG cost price applying to AX
#COST.10.7 [Mandatory] 3rd Recalculation (TP)
#COST.10.8 [Mandatory] Check special sales
#COST.10.9 [Mandatory] Determinding scrap / destroy COGS
#COST.10.10 [Mandatory] Reconcile Inventory subledger
#COST.10.11 [Mandatory] Reconcile Final TB (Invent, WIP, COGS, etc)
[Optional] Inventory period closing (closed)
Costing in [01-2023]
ERP Sure Operating Processing (E-SOP) # Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

Task desc.

Make sure all of AP/AR invoice has been posted, inventory journal, GL Salary, Assets Depreciation, etc must be posted befo
Purchase misc. charge, import tax/fee allocation in PO. After allocated, check the balance of acc 152700 and reconcile & re
MRs return from production; cost price costing. Using the opening cost price to return, try resolve it before 1st Recal is per
1st Recalculation (!BTP,!SWD,!WDP,!TP,!SWW,!NVLT2); For all items which are not semi/or finished goods.
Now we have unit cost price for all direct materials in the costing period. Run report COST/COG/COGS historical to double
Export All inventory transactions for master data sheet. Filter Financial Date (, Reference (Transaction, Purchase

Costing for outsource items receipt by check whether transactions by Ledger Account 1547/1548 and try to allocate the ou
Identify which cost for allocation for stock-items which are outsourced, and perform inventory recalculation or Outsource

Outcome - File: Wood_Costing_YYYY_MM [Finalized]

+ Filter the Wet-planks which was issued to Kiln-Dry in periods.
+ Filter the Dry-planks / SapWood which was receipt in periods. [That help get group by BatchNumber Identifying]
+ Pickup the batchnumber reference from Dry-planks receipt, and using to filter the Wet-planks and the LogWood which w
+ Follow the excel and cost allocation principle for DryPlanks/SapWood and do calculation for each batch-number. SapWo
+ After calculated the direct materials cost, continue allocate the Labor + OVH for each item Dryplanks/SapWood.
+ Dryplanks return from production; cost price costing. Using the opening cost price to return, try resolve it before 2nd Re
+ Apply the cost to AX system by inventory manual adjustment on each voucher of the DryPlanks/SapWood receipt transa
+ 2nd Recalculation (WDP,SWD); After that we have the correct cost price for DryPlanks/SapWood, and system auto trans
+ Reconcile & Post closing cost price to save cost historical data for reporting & required for next steps.

Outcome - File: FG_COGM_YYYY_MM [Finalized]

+ Filter all finished goods report as finished - receipt transactions.
+ Filter all direct materials issued to production.
+ Filter all product sold - sales invoiced. (...\Data\27. BOM Costing\List of Product Sold.xlsx)
+ Build direct materials consumption report by JobNumber. (General ledger -> Reports -> Managerial Report Collection -> I
+ Build COGM Calculation Sheet - Gather Labor / OVH cost and do allocation principle by COGM-DM cost / +Labor time rat
+ Applying the COGM to AX system (FGs report finished - receipt transactions) base on the unit COGM in Excel COGM Calc
+ 3rd Recalculation (TP); System will auto tranfer COGM from WIP -> Inventory -> COGS (632) base on COGM unit cost pri
Extra check special sales case such as replacement, sales materials, sales sample products and take the note for speical CO
+ Including MRs/FGs scrap/ destroy; It is not included the samples sales zero price & disposal sales which was already costi
+ Run TB report before costing to Reconcile & Resolve priority for Direct materials (152*), Tool&Equip(153*), Wood and F
+ Reconcile and transfer the Unplanned / Unfavorable WIP amount to 632300 - Unplanned / Unfavorable Non-Deductible
+ Optional final step: posting inventory period closing (closed) if every costing operations are completely done to prevent

Check [⎷] Importance note
[⎷] 152700: Transfer unallocated purchase charges [0] vnd to OVH (627760) in 12-2[Transfer unallocated purchase
[⎷] 34,490,971 vnd in this period
[⎷] ! Attention: Remember check account 21*,24* to check any impact by inventory transfer to fixed assets and res
Tips: 1st: identifying the movement amount in acc 1547*, 1548*. 2nd: identifying is any frame item groupId [IR
[…] Note:
Allocated items [??] Amt outsource [??] vnd, and fill-in cost price for outsource item receipt if any
+ [00.00] VND outsource in this period is allocated!
[…] Keep in mind that we have to transfer this amount to+WIP-FG
Remember if have no changes
to reset to allocated
system auto to outsourcing
posting amount if any! ite

[…] Filter by: Account: 152400 | Offset Account: 154300 JournalNamXGXG ItemGroup: NVLT2, Issue Statu
[…] Filter by: Account: 152100 | Offset Account: 154300 JournalNamNGPK ItemGroup: WDP, SWD; Receip
[⎷] Noted: This step is continue keeping long-term procedures in SOP.
[⎷] (Inventory cost historical report) => Filter by: ItemGroup [!TP]

[⎷] Filter by: Account: 155000 | Offset Account: 154100 JournalNamNTPSX ItemGroup: TP; Receipt status:
[…] Filter by: Account: * | Offset Account: 621000 JournalNam* ItemGroup: *; Issue status: Sol
[⎷] Filter by: Reference: Sales order, Status: sold + Purchased
[…] (Need check some special sales have no vouchers /or have transactions in inventory but not show in COGS repo
[…] [Not any scrap/destroy journal in this period!]
[…] Note: Remember reconcile & clear account 152999 this is period if any
[…] Outcome - File: TB_Invent_Recon_YY_MM_Official_Finalized
[Transfer unallocated purchase charges …?]

y transfer to fixed assets and resolve it!; Tips: check the voucher by inventory closing 1st calc step in GL.

ng is any frame item groupId [IRON1,IRON2] receipt which are zero price?
item receipt if any
his period is allocated!
s to allocated
auto to outsourcing
posting amount if any! items.

ItemGroup: NVLT2, Issue Status: Sold

ItemGroup: WDP, SWD; Receipt Status: Purchased


ItemGroup: TP; Receipt status: Purchased

ItemGroup: *; Issue status: Sold
er, Status: sold + Purchased

ntory but not show in COGS report)

Costing in [02-2
ERP Sure Operating Processing (E-SOP) # Sta
Task# [Mandatory] Task name
#COST.0 Prerequiments
#COST.1 [Mandatory] Month-end transactions posted
#COST.2 [Mandatory] Misc. charges allocation
#COST.3 [Mandatory] Extra: MRs return
#COST.4 [Mandatory] 1st Recalculation (!BTP,!SWD,!WDP,!TP,!SW
#COST.5 [Mandatory] Check & Reslove MR cost price
#COST.6 [Optional] Export inventory all transactions

#COST.7 [Mandatory] Costing for outsource items.

#COST.7.1 [Mandatory] Allocation & Recal Outsource Items

#COST.9 DryPlanks Costing DryPlanks (HeartWood/SapWood) =>

#COST.9.1 [Optional] Wood costing =>
#COST.9.2 [Optional] Wood costing =>
#COST.9.3 [Mandatory] Wood costing => Identifying Batch
#COST.9.4 [Mandatory] Wood costing => Calculation - DM
#COST.9.5 [Mandatory] Wood costing => Calculation - COGM
#COST.9.6 [Mandatory] Extra: Dryplanks return
#COST.9.7 [Mandatory] Wood cost price applying to AX
#COST.9.8 [Mandatory] 2nd Recalculation (WDP,SWD)
#COST.9.9 [Mandatory] All materials cost price complete

#COST.10 FGs Costing for Finished Goods. =>

#COST.10.1 [Optional] FGs Costing =>
#COST.10.2 [Optional] FGs Costing =>
#COST.10.3 [Optional] FGs Costing =>
#COST.10.4 [Mandatory] FGs Costing => DM - Consumption report
#COST.10.5 [Mandatory] FGs Costing => COGM Calculation Sheet
#COST.10.6 [Mandatory] FG cost price applying to AX
#COST.10.7 [Mandatory] 3rd Recalculation (TP)
#COST.10.8 [Mandatory] Check special sales
#COST.10.9 [Mandatory] Determinding scrap / destroy COGS
#COST.10.10 [Mandatory] Reconcile Inventory subledger
#COST.10.11 [Mandatory] Reconcile Final TB (Invent, WIP, COGS, etc)
[Optional] Inventory period closing (closed)
Costing in [02-2023]
ERP Sure Operating Processing (E-SOP) # Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

Task desc.

Make sure all of AP/AR invoice has been posted, inventory journal, GL Salary, Assets Depreciation, etc must be posted befo
Purchase misc. charge, import tax/fee allocation in PO. After allocated, check the balance of acc 152700 and reconcile & re
MRs return from production; cost price costing. Using the opening cost price to return, try resolve it before 1st Recal is per
1st Recalculation (!BTP,!SWD,!WDP,!TP,!SWW,!NVLT2); For all items which are not semi/or finished goods.
Now we have unit cost price for all direct materials in the costing period. Run report COST/COG/COGS historical to double
Export All inventory transactions for master data sheet. Filter Financial Date (, Reference (Transaction, Purchase

Costing for outsource items receipt by check whether transactions by Ledger Account 1547/1548 and try to allocate the ou
Identify which cost for allocation for stock-items which are outsourced, and perform inventory recalculation or Outsource

Outcome - File: Wood_Costing_YYYY_MM [Finalized]

+ Filter the Wet-planks which was issued to Kiln-Dry in periods.
+ Filter the Dry-planks / SapWood which was receipt in periods. [That help get group by BatchNumber Identifying]
+ Pickup the batchnumber reference from Dry-planks receipt, and using to filter the Wet-planks and the LogWood which w
+ Follow the excel and cost allocation principle for DryPlanks/SapWood and do calculation for each batch-number. SapWo
+ After calculated the direct materials cost, continue allocate the Labor + OVH for each item Dryplanks/SapWood.
+ Dryplanks return from production; cost price costing. Using the opening cost price to return, try resolve it before 2nd Re
+ Apply the cost to AX system by inventory manual adjustment on each voucher of the DryPlanks/SapWood receipt transa
+ 2nd Recalculation (WDP,SWD); After that we have the correct cost price for DryPlanks/SapWood, and system auto trans
+ Reconcile & Post closing cost price to save cost historical data for reporting & required for next steps.

Outcome - File: FG_COGM_YYYY_MM [Finalized]

+ Filter all finished goods report as finished - receipt transactions.
+ Filter all direct materials issued to production.
+ Filter all product sold - sales invoiced. (...\Data\27. BOM Costing\List of Product Sold.xlsx)
+ Build direct materials consumption report by JobNumber. (General ledger -> Reports -> Managerial Report Collection -> I
+ Build COGM Calculation Sheet - Gather Labor / OVH cost and do allocation principle by COGM-DM cost / +Labor time rat
+ Applying the COGM to AX system (FGs report finished - receipt transactions) base on the unit COGM in Excel COGM Calc
+ 3rd Recalculation (TP); System will auto tranfer COGM from WIP -> Inventory -> COGS (632) base on COGM unit cost pri
Extra check special sales case such as replacement, sales materials, sales sample products and take the note for speical CO
+ Including MRs/FGs scrap/ destroy; It is not included the samples sales zero price & disposal sales which was already costi
+ Run TB report before costing to Reconcile & Resolve priority for Direct materials (152*), Tool&Equip(153*), Wood and F
+ Reconcile and transfer the Unplanned / Unfavorable WIP amount to 632300 - Unplanned / Unfavorable Non-Deductible
+ Optional final step: posting inventory period closing (closed) if every costing operations are completely done to prevent

Check [⎷] Importance note
[⎷] 152700: Transfer unallocated purchase charges [0] vnd to OVH (627760) in 12-2[Transfer unallocated purchase
[⎷] [00] vnd in this period
[⎷] ! Attention: Remember check account 21*,24* to check any impact by inventory transfer to fixed assets and res
Tips: 1st: identifying the movement amount in acc 1547*, 1548*. 2nd: identifying is any frame item groupId [IR
[⎷] Allocated items [??] Amt outsource [??] vnd, and fill-in cost price
+ [00.00] VNDfor outsource
outsource item
in this receipt
period if any
is allocated!
[⎷] Keep in mind that we have to transfer this amount to+WIP-FG
Remember to reset
if have system auto
no changes posting amount
to allocated if any!
to outsourcing ite

[⎷] Filter by: Account: 152400 | Offset Account: 154300 JournalNamXGXG ItemGroup: NVLT2, Issue Statu
[⎷] Filter by: Account: 152100 | Offset Account: 154300 JournalNamNGPK ItemGroup: WDP, SWD; Receip
[⎷] Noted: This step is continue keeping long-term procedures in SOP.
[⎷] (Inventory cost historical report) => Filter by: ItemGroup [!TP]

[⎷] Filter by: Account: 155000 | Offset Account: 154100 JournalNamNTPSX ItemGroup: TP; Receipt status:
[⎷] Filter by: Account: * | Offset Account: 621000 JournalNam* ItemGroup: *; Issue status: Sol
[⎷] Filter by: Reference: Sales order, Status: sold + Purchased
[⎷] (Need check some special sales have no vouchers /or have transactions in inventory but not show in COGS repo
[⎷] [0.00] scrap/destroy in this period
[⎷] Note: Remember reconcile & clear account 152999 this is period if any
[⎷] Outcome - File: TB_Invent_Recon_YY_MM_Official_Finalized
[Transfer unallocated purchase charges …?]

y transfer to fixed assets and resolve it!; Tips: check the voucher by inventory closing 1st calc step in GL.

ng is any frame item groupId [IRON1,IRON2] receipt which are zero price?
his receipt
period if any
is allocated!
auto posting amount if any!
s to allocated to outsourcing items.

ItemGroup: NVLT2, Issue Status: Sold

ItemGroup: WDP, SWD; Receipt Status: Purchased


ItemGroup: TP; Receipt status: Purchased

ItemGroup: *; Issue status: Sold
er, Status: sold + Purchased

ntory but not show in COGS report)

Costing in [03-2
ERP Sure Operating Processing (E-SOP) # Sta
Task# [Mandatory] Task name
#COST.0 Prerequiments
#COST.1 [Mandatory] Month-end transactions posted
#COST.2 [Mandatory] Misc. charges allocation
#COST.3 [Mandatory] Extra: MRs return
#COST.4 [Mandatory] 1st Recalculation (!BTP,!SWD,!WDP,!TP,!SW
#COST.5 [Mandatory] Check & Reslove MR cost price
#COST.6 [Optional] Export inventory all transactions

#COST.7 [Mandatory] Costing for outsource items.

#COST.7.1 [Mandatory] Allocation & Recal Outsource Items

#COST.9 DryPlanks Costing DryPlanks (HeartWood/SapWood) =>

#COST.9.1 [Optional] Wood costing =>
#COST.9.2 [Optional] Wood costing =>
#COST.9.3 [Mandatory] Wood costing => Identifying Batch
#COST.9.4 [Mandatory] Wood costing => Calculation - DM
#COST.9.5 [Mandatory] Wood costing => Calculation - COGM
#COST.9.6 [Mandatory] Extra: Dryplanks return
#COST.9.7 [Mandatory] Wood cost price applying to AX
#COST.9.8 [Mandatory] 2nd Recalculation (WDP,SWD)
#COST.9.9 [Mandatory] All materials cost price complete

#COST.10 FGs Costing for Finished Goods. =>

#COST.10.1 [Optional] FGs Costing =>
#COST.10.2 [Optional] FGs Costing =>
#COST.10.3 [Optional] FGs Costing =>
#COST.10.4 [Mandatory] FGs Costing => DM - Consumption report
#COST.10.5 [Mandatory] FGs Costing => COGM Calculation Sheet
#COST.10.6 [Mandatory] FG cost price applying to AX
#COST.10.7 [Mandatory] 3rd Recalculation (TP)
#COST.10.8 [Mandatory] Check special sales
#COST.10.9 [Mandatory] Determinding scrap / destroy COGS
#COST.10.10 [Mandatory] Reconcile Inventory subledger
#COST.10.11 [Mandatory] Reconcile Final TB (Invent, WIP, COGS, etc)
[Optional] Inventory period closing (closed)
Costing in [03-2023]
ERP Sure Operating Processing (E-SOP) # Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

Task desc.

Make sure all of AP/AR invoice has been posted, inventory journal, GL Salary, Assets Depreciation, etc must be posted befo
Purchase misc. charge, import tax/fee allocation in PO. After allocated, check the balance of acc 152700 and reconcile & re
MRs return from production; cost price costing. Using the opening cost price to return, try resolve it before 1st Recal is per
1st Recalculation (!BTP,!SWD,!WDP,!TP,!SWW,!NVLT2); For all items which are not semi/or finished goods.
Now we have unit cost price for all direct materials in the costing period. Run report COST/COG/COGS historical to double
Export All inventory transactions for master data sheet. Filter Financial Date (, Reference (Transaction, Purchase

Costing for outsource items receipt by check whether transactions by Ledger Account 1547/1548 and try to allocate the ou
Identify which cost for allocation for stock-items which are outsourced, and perform inventory recalculation or Outsource

Outcome - File: Wood_Costing_YYYY_MM [Finalized]

+ Filter the Wet-planks which was issued to Kiln-Dry in periods.
+ Filter the Dry-planks / SapWood which was receipt in periods. [That help get group by BatchNumber Identifying]
+ Pickup the batchnumber reference from Dry-planks receipt, and using to filter the Wet-planks and the LogWood which w
+ Follow the excel and cost allocation principle for DryPlanks/SapWood and do calculation for each batch-number. SapWo
+ After calculated the direct materials cost, continue allocate the Labor + OVH for each item Dryplanks/SapWood.
+ Dryplanks return from production; cost price costing. Using the opening cost price to return, try resolve it before 2nd Re
+ Apply the cost to AX system by inventory manual adjustment on each voucher of the DryPlanks/SapWood receipt transa
+ 2nd Recalculation (WDP,SWD); After that we have the correct cost price for DryPlanks/SapWood, and system auto trans
+ Reconcile & Post closing cost price to save cost historical data for reporting & required for next steps.

Outcome - File: FG_COGM_YYYY_MM [Finalized]

+ Filter all finished goods report as finished - receipt transactions.
+ Filter all direct materials issued to production.
+ Filter all product sold - sales invoiced. (...\Data\27. BOM Costing\List of Product Sold.xlsx)
+ Build direct materials consumption report by JobNumber. (General ledger -> Reports -> Managerial Report Collection -> I
+ Build COGM Calculation Sheet - Gather Labor / OVH cost and do allocation principle by COGM-DM cost / +Labor time rat
+ Applying the COGM to AX system (FGs report finished - receipt transactions) base on the unit COGM in Excel COGM Calc
+ 3rd Recalculation (TP); System will auto tranfer COGM from WIP -> Inventory -> COGS (632) base on COGM unit cost pri
Extra check special sales case such as replacement, sales materials, sales sample products and take the note for speical CO
+ Including MRs/FGs scrap/ destroy; It is not included the samples sales zero price & disposal sales which was already costi
+ Run TB report before costing to Reconcile & Resolve priority for Direct materials (152*), Tool&Equip(153*), Wood and F
+ Reconcile and transfer the Unplanned / Unfavorable WIP amount to 632300 - Unplanned / Unfavorable Non-Deductible
+ Optional final step: posting inventory period closing (closed) if every costing operations are completely done to prevent

Check [⎷] Importance note
[⎷] 152700: Transfer unallocated purchase charges [0] vnd to OVH (627760) in 12-2[Transfer unallocated purchase
[⎷] [00] vnd in this period
[⎷] ! Attention: Remember check account 21*,24* to check any impact by inventory transfer to fixed assets and res
Tips: 1st: identifying the movement amount in acc 1547*, 1548*. 2nd: identifying is any frame item groupId [IR
[⎷] Allocated items [??] Amt outsource [??] vnd, and fill-in cost price
+ [00.00] VNDfor outsource
outsource item
in this receipt
period if any
is allocated!
[⎷] Keep in mind that we have to transfer this amount to+WIP-FG
Remember to reset
if have system auto
no changes posting amount
to allocated if any!
to outsourcing ite

[⎷] Filter by: Account: 152400 | Offset Account: 154300 JournalNamXGXG ItemGroup: NVLT2, Issue Statu
[⎷] Filter by: Account: 152100 | Offset Account: 154300 JournalNamNGPK ItemGroup: WDP, SWD; Receip
[⎷] Noted: This step is continue keeping long-term procedures in SOP.
[⎷] (Inventory cost historical report) => Filter by: ItemGroup [!TP]

[⎷] Filter by: Account: 155000 | Offset Account: 154100 JournalNamNTPSX ItemGroup: TP; Receipt status:
[⎷] Filter by: Account: * | Offset Account: 621000 JournalNam* ItemGroup: *; Issue status: Sol
[⎷] Filter by: Reference: Sales order, Status: sold + Purchased
[⎷] (Need check some special sales have no vouchers /or have transactions in inventory but not show in COGS repo
[⎷] [0.00] scrap/destroy in this period
[⎷] Note: Remember reconcile & clear account 152999 this is period if any
[⎷] Outcome - File: TB_Invent_Recon_YY_MM_Official_Finalized
[Transfer unallocated purchase charges …?]

y transfer to fixed assets and resolve it!; Tips: check the voucher by inventory closing 1st calc step in GL.

ng is any frame item groupId [IRON1,IRON2] receipt which are zero price?
his receipt
period if any
is allocated!
auto posting amount
s to allocated if any!
to outsourcing items.

ItemGroup: NVLT2, Issue Status: Sold

ItemGroup: WDP, SWD; Receipt Status: Purchased


ItemGroup: TP; Receipt status: Purchased

ItemGroup: *; Issue status: Sold
er, Status: sold + Purchased

ntory but not show in COGS report)

Costing in [04-2
ERP Sure Operating Processing (E-SOP) # Sta
Task# [Mandatory] Task name
#COST.0 Prerequiments
#COST.1 [Mandatory] Month-end transactions posted
#COST.2 [Mandatory] Misc. charges allocation
#COST.3 [Mandatory] Extra: MRs return
#COST.4 [Mandatory] 1st Recalculation (!BTP,!SWD,!WDP,!TP,!SW
#COST.5 [Mandatory] Check & Reslove MR cost price
#COST.6 [Optional] Export inventory all transactions

#COST.7 [Mandatory] Costing for outsource items.

#COST.7.1 [Mandatory] Allocation & Recal Outsource Items

#COST.9 DryPlanks Costing DryPlanks (HeartWood/SapWood) =>

#COST.9.1 [Optional] Wood costing =>
#COST.9.2 [Optional] Wood costing =>
#COST.9.3 [Mandatory] Wood costing => Identifying Batch
#COST.9.4 [Mandatory] Wood costing => Calculation - DM
#COST.9.5 [Mandatory] Wood costing => Calculation - COGM
#COST.9.6 [Mandatory] Extra: Dryplanks return
#COST.9.7 [Mandatory] Wood cost price applying to AX
#COST.9.8 [Mandatory] 2nd Recalculation (WDP,SWD)
#COST.9.9 [Mandatory] All materials cost price complete

#COST.10 FGs Costing for Finished Goods. =>

#COST.10.1 [Optional] FGs Costing =>
#COST.10.2 [Optional] FGs Costing =>
#COST.10.3 [Optional] FGs Costing =>
#COST.10.4 [Mandatory] FGs Costing => DM - Consumption report
#COST.10.5 [Mandatory] FGs Costing => COGM Calculation Sheet
#COST.10.6 [Mandatory] FG cost price applying to AX
#COST.10.7 [Mandatory] 3rd Recalculation (TP)
#COST.10.8 [Mandatory] Check special sales
#COST.10.9 [Mandatory] Determinding scrap / destroy COGS
#COST.10.10 [Mandatory] Reconcile Inventory subledger
#COST.10.11 [Mandatory] Reconcile Final TB (Invent, WIP, COGS, etc)
[Optional] Inventory period closing (closed)
Costing in [04-2023]
ERP Sure Operating Processing (E-SOP) # Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

Task desc.

Make sure all of AP/AR invoice has been posted, inventory journal, GL Salary, Assets Depreciation, etc must be posted befo
Purchase misc. charge, import tax/fee allocation in PO. After allocated, check the balance of acc 152700 and reconcile & re
MRs return from production; cost price costing. Using the opening cost price to return, try resolve it before 1st Recal is per
1st Recalculation (!BTP,!SWD,!WDP,!TP,!SWW,!NVLT2); For all items which are not semi/or finished goods.
Now we have unit cost price for all direct materials in the costing period. Run report COST/COG/COGS historical to double
Export All inventory transactions for master data sheet. Filter Financial Date (, Reference (Transaction, Purchase

Costing for outsource items receipt by check whether transactions by Ledger Account 1547/1548 and try to allocate the ou
Identify which cost for allocation for stock-items which are outsourced, and perform inventory recalculation or Outsource

Outcome - File: Wood_Costing_YYYY_MM [Finalized]

+ Filter the Wet-planks which was issued to Kiln-Dry in periods.
+ Filter the Dry-planks / SapWood which was receipt in periods. [That help get group by BatchNumber Identifying]
+ Pickup the batchnumber reference from Dry-planks receipt, and using to filter the Wet-planks and the LogWood which w
+ Follow the excel and cost allocation principle for DryPlanks/SapWood and do calculation for each batch-number. SapWo
+ After calculated the direct materials cost, continue allocate the Labor + OVH for each item Dryplanks/SapWood.
+ Dryplanks return from production; cost price costing. Using the opening cost price to return, try resolve it before 2nd Re
+ Apply the cost to AX system by inventory manual adjustment on each voucher of the DryPlanks/SapWood receipt transa
+ 2nd Recalculation (WDP,SWD); After that we have the correct cost price for DryPlanks/SapWood, and system auto trans
+ Reconcile & Post closing cost price to save cost historical data for reporting & required for next steps.

Outcome - File: FG_COGM_YYYY_MM [Finalized]

+ Filter all finished goods report as finished - receipt transactions.
+ Filter all direct materials issued to production.
+ Filter all product sold - sales invoiced. (...\Data\27. BOM Costing\List of Product Sold.xlsx)
+ Build direct materials consumption report by JobNumber. (General ledger -> Reports -> Managerial Report Collection -> I
+ Build COGM Calculation Sheet - Gather Labor / OVH cost and do allocation principle by COGM-DM cost / +Labor time rat
+ Applying the COGM to AX system (FGs report finished - receipt transactions) base on the unit COGM in Excel COGM Calc
+ 3rd Recalculation (TP); System will auto tranfer COGM from WIP -> Inventory -> COGS (632) base on COGM unit cost pri
Extra check special sales case such as replacement, sales materials, sales sample products and take the note for speical CO
+ Including MRs/FGs scrap/ destroy; It is not included the samples sales zero price & disposal sales which was already costi
+ Run TB report before costing to Reconcile & Resolve priority for Direct materials (152*), Tool&Equip(153*), Wood and F
+ Reconcile and transfer the Unplanned / Unfavorable WIP amount to 632300 - Unplanned / Unfavorable Non-Deductible
+ Optional final step: posting inventory period closing (closed) if every costing operations are completely done to prevent

Check [⎷] Importance note
[⎷] 152700: Transfer unallocated purchase charges [0] vnd to OVH (627760) in 12-2[Transfer unallocated purchase
[⎷] [00] vnd in this period
[⎷] ! Attention: Remember check account 21*,24* to check any impact by inventory transfer to fixed assets and res
Tips: 1st: identifying the movement amount in acc 1547*, 1548*. 2nd: identifying is any frame item groupId [IR
[⎷] Allocated items [??] Amt outsource [??] vnd, and fill-in cost price
+ [00.00] VNDfor outsource
outsource item
in this receipt
period if any
is allocated!
[⎷] Keep in mind that we have to transfer this amount to+WIP-FG
Remember to reset
if have system auto
no changes posting amount
to allocated if any!
to outsourcing ite

[⎷] Filter by: Account: 152400 | Offset Account: 154300 JournalNamXGXG ItemGroup: NVLT2, Issue Statu
[⎷] Filter by: Account: 152100 | Offset Account: 154300 JournalNamNGPK ItemGroup: WDP, SWD; Receip
[⎷] Noted: This step is continue keeping long-term procedures in SOP.
[⎷] (Inventory cost historical report) => Filter by: ItemGroup [!TP]

[⎷] Filter by: Account: 155000 | Offset Account: 154100 JournalNamNTPSX ItemGroup: TP; Receipt status:
[⎷] Filter by: Account: * | Offset Account: 621000 JournalNam* ItemGroup: *; Issue status: Sol
[⎷] Filter by: Reference: Sales order, Status: sold + Purchased
[⎷] (Need check some special sales have no vouchers /or have transactions in inventory but not show in COGS repo
[⎷] [0.00] scrap/destroy in this period
[⎷] Note: Remember reconcile & clear account 152999 this is period if any
[⎷] Outcome - File: TB_Invent_Recon_YY_MM_Official_Finalized
[Transfer unallocated purchase charges …?]

y transfer to fixed assets and resolve it!; Tips: check the voucher by inventory closing 1st calc step in GL.

ng is any frame item groupId [IRON1,IRON2] receipt which are zero price?
his receipt
period if any
is allocated!
auto posting amount if any!
s to allocated to outsourcing items.

ItemGroup: NVLT2, Issue Status: Sold

ItemGroup: WDP, SWD; Receipt Status: Purchased


ItemGroup: TP; Receipt status: Purchased

ItemGroup: *; Issue status: Sold
er, Status: sold + Purchased

ntory but not show in COGS report)

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