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Chris S. Edrington, Student Member IEEE Babak Fahimi, Senior Member IEEE
University of Missouri-Rolla
1870 Miner Circle
Phone: (573) 341-4552
Fax: (573) 341-6771

Absfrocf-Development of a precise dynamic model for Switched Krishnan [I], discuss mutual effects but do not address the
Reluctance Motors (SRM) is a critical step in design and case of saturation. Stephenson and El-Khazendar, in [5],
analysis of optimal control strategies. This paper is focused on discuss the issue of saturation in detail, but do not present a
important issues concerning the development of such models comprehensive model. The aforementioned are important
and their subsequent use in designing control strategies for the
SRM drive. The main goal in modeling is to provide a good issues that can undermine the overall precision of the model.
accuracy over the entire speed and torque range. To achieve Furthermore, additional factors of importance include the
this objective, the following requirements need to he met: 1) A effect of short flux paths in each electrical cycle, and the
good accuracy in following the inductance of each stator phase, necessity of auto-calibration of the machine parameters in
2) Inclusion of mutual effects when significant overlap among order to represent the most up to date and accurate model.
phases exists, 3) Inclusion of short flux path operation in each This paper introduces the above factors and their inclusion in
electrical cycle when significant overlap among adjacent phases our modeling approach. An 816 SRM drive, has been
exists, 4) Capability for auto-calibration to cope with parameter designed and manufactured, for experimental verification of
variations caused by manufacturing imperfections and our claims.
operational conditions.
In this paper, we present a precise modeling approach along
with an auto calibration strategy. A simple yet elegant test
collects the necessary data for developing the proposed model. 11. S R M DRnTE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION
Inherent separation among mechanical, electrical and control
time constants have been used to develop the auto-calibration The SRM drive system consists of three basic components:
process. Our modeling approach takes into account the effects of SRM, inverter, and controller. Figure 1 shows the stator and
short flux path in each electrical cycle as well as effects of rotor of the 816 SRM to be used for experimentation. Some of
overlap inductances at high speeds. This, in turn, results in the machine specifications are given in Table I.
further enhancement of the accuracy in predicting the dynamic
response of the SRM drive when significant overlap among
phases exists


The Switched Reluctance Machine (SRM) has been used in

many variable speed applications. Specifically, in demanding
applications such as fans, pumps, hand-tools, centrifuges,
machining spindles, and electric vehicles [I]. The SRM is a
cost effective and rugged machine due to the absence of any
magnetic source in the rotor. The S R M has a simple doubly
salient structure. Despite a simple geometry, the SRM
demonstrates a highly nonlinear and complex behavior. This
is due to local and bulk saturation of various parts of stator
and rotor. In order to obtain quality performance,
interdependence between magnetic status of the machine and
its excitation should be understood. Therefore, development
of an accurate model is of paramount importance in design ~

and analysis of advanced control strategies. Fig. 1 : Experimental 816 SRh4

Modeling approaches that are reported in the past have in
part neglected some of the critical issues that are crucial in
prediction of SRM performance. For instance, Bae and

0-7803-7754-0/03/$17.0002003 IEEE 409

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Table1 : Machine parameters for experimental 816 S R M meaning positive, negative, or zero bus voltage, to be placed
Parameter I Value across the phase windings, which aids in "defluxing" of the
phase after excitation ends [2]. Defluxing is the process by
which a negative bus voltage is placed across the phase
winding in order to reduce the phase current to zero.

Winding Resistance 1I m n
Supply Voltage 42 V
Output Power 2 kW
Maximum speed 12000 r.p.m.

Fig. 3: Classic 2 switcldphase converter for a 4 phase 8/6 SRM.

In Figure 2(a), the machine is shown with phase-A aligned
i.e. at 0". In Figure 2@), the rotor position is at 15" with Control of the SRM drive is implemented on a
respect to phase B. Thus with this machine configuration, TMS320F240 fixed point DSP. This issue will be addressed
phase B is at mid-way to the aligned position. Figure 2(c) in the section relevant to system time constants.
illustrates the rotor position with respect to phase C, which is
in quadrature with phase A, is at 30" thus phase C is in the 111. ANALYTICAL MODEL OF S R M
unaligned position. This is a unique attribute of 816
configuration, i.e. by aligning any one phase, there is A. Induetanee Arising From Phase Overlap
automatically two adjacent phases at the midway to aligned
position and a phase in quadrature that is at the unaligned Since it is desired to operate the machine over a wide
position. speed range, overlap inductances cannot he neglected. This
is primarily due to the fact that at higher speeds, there is a
significant phase current overlap. Overlap inductance is an
inductance that arises from the flux path modification that
naturally occurs when two adjacent phases are excited. Some
authors have erroneously called this mutual inductance,
however this is not a mutual inductance in the classical sense,
in that it is not an inductance that couples two adjacent coils.
Thus, there is a necessity to introduce new terminology to
make a clear distinction between the two concepts. An
illustration of this concept is given in figures 4 and 5 for the
single phase and multiphase excitation cases respectively.

Fig 2: (a) phase A at aligned position, @) phases B and D at midway
to aligned position, (c) phase C at unaligned position.

The converter used for this 8/6 SRh4 is a classic 2 switch

per phase converter. Figure 3 illustrates this converter
configuration. The classical type converter is used due to its
natural flexibility, in that it allows tr-state voltage signals, Fig. 4 Flux Path During'Single Phase Excitation


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Expansion of (2) reveals the added complexity in modeling
the machine due to incorporation of the overlap inductances.
This is given in (3) below, where all terms that have an effect
6om overlap inductance, including saturation and back-emf,
have been included.

d W y d9.
--I, +LM,,+--
di dWY %
dtl dt dt di, dt
V =R i +--dl,,de. di
1 +LLn+--
dl,, di,
y y d8 dt dt dl, dt

Fig. 5 : Flux Path During Phase Overlap qY

de. di
~- I, +LM,+--
d W y di,
d8 dt dt di, dt
Figure 4 shows a flux density plot, obtained kom FEA, for
the case in which the machine is aligned and under single In ( 3 ) above, L,and Lr/ represent the self-inductances of
phase excitation. It is clear that the flux flows symmetrically phases x and y respectively. Here we note that if the
around the machine. In this case, the inductance in the machine is assumed symmetric then the following
machine is the standard self-inductance. However, as seen relationship exists.
from the flux density plot shown in figure 5 , the flux flows in
an altered path due to excitation of the adjacent phase. The
M, = M, (4)
inductance seen in this configuration is inherently different
since it arises from multiphase excitation.
In a SRM, the dynamic equation that govems the stator
phase current is represented by: B. Effect of Overlap Inductance on Electromagneiic
da. Electromagnetic torque in the SRM is given in general as
v,, =&+- ~31:

In (1) V,, is the voltage applied across the phase winding, R

is the phase winding resistance, i is the phase current, and h is
the flux linkage. Where W, is the co-energy. Calculation of W, for both single
Magnetic flux will he flowing in excited adjacent phases phase and multiphase excitation yields an equation for co-
for some duration of time. Thus, in light of the phase energy given in (6) below.
overlapping we can reduce the analysis to only two phases at
a time. We can denote these phases as x and y. So the W, =-(L,ii
1 +2M,,iXiy +L&)
dynamic equations for the machine resulting from two (6)
adjacent phases would be:
Substitution of (6) into ( 5 ) yields the equation for
electromagnetic torque, illustrating the additional effect of the
overlap, inductance. We note that in both (6) and (7) that
second order saturation effects have been neglected, but are
implicitly contained in the inductance expressions given in
(8) and (9).
Hence, V, is equal to Vburland V, is equal to VbusZ. Where
Vb-1 and v b u Q are not necessarily equal and depend upon the (7)
switching strategy that is being implemented.
Referring to Figure 3 , it should be noted that the case
where a single switchidiode pair is conducting is not There will be an increase in electromagnetic torque
considered since it does not apply to the overall control produced due to the overlap inductance during phase overlap
strategy. between the two adjacent phases. This is illustrated in figure
6, where the torque has been computed using FEA.


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-cy- (*i

Fig. 6 Effom of phasc overlapping on torque.

This increase in torque i s especially evident at current

levels above 40 A where the machine experiences significant
bulk saturation. It should also be noted that the current i s mi-
polar and thus the sign of the torque i s dependent solely upon
the derivative of the inductance derivative ofthe inductance.
As can be seem from equations (3) and (7) the dynamic
model of the machine has an increased complexity due to the
addition of the overlap inductance that is a result of phase
overlapping. Lack of inclusion of the overlap inductance
terms will definitely result in sub-optimal performance at
higher speeds where a “defluxing” process in a phase
adjacent to the excited phase is occurring [2].

C. Represenfafionof Inductance Profiles

In [4] a representation of the self-inductance profile is

discussed. This profile provides an analytical expression in
terms of a mncated Fourier series. The self-inductance is
thus given as:

L,(i)cos(nN,e + qn) (8)
~ , 1 .. .... ,.... . ... . .. ..... .. ...... .... , . .... .., . . ... . . . .... ...

. .
00 10 a01 11..-..;110
-,,-,.,”, ca 70 8)

T h i s illustrates the important fact that self-inductance is Fig. 8: Inductancc at midway from aligned pasition as B function of
dependent upon both the rotor angle and the phase current. phase cmcnf
I&) can be obtained through experiments or fmite element
analysis (FEA). Various cuwe-fimng routines provide ways Finally, we show in Figure 9, the inductance versus phase
to yield analytical expressions for Mi). We have chosen to current for the unaligned position. Note that Ule inductance
use a 5’ order polynomial C U N ~fit to express L&). does not change with respect to the phase current due to the
In F i y r e 7, the aligned inductance for the expenmental 816 dominating reluctance of the large air-gap.
SRM i s plotted versus the current. From Figure 4, we note
that as current increases the machine is becoming saturated
and thus‘the inductance i s decreasing.


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cases in which the macbine is saturated in the statdrotor
poles and stator back-iron. As in the self-inductance case,
we may model the overlap inductance by a truncated Fourier
series expansion. However, in the self-inductance case the
Fourier series coefficients could be obtained in terms of L,,
L,, and L. With respect to the overlap inductance however,
its Fourier series would be dependent upon the set of rotor
angles where both phases are conducting. Thus as in the case
with self-inductance we can represent the overlap inductance

s3} ... i. j ...... : ....... :. . . . . . : ......

5.2 .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0 1 0 2 0 ~ 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0
D. Signifieance Of Short Flwc Paths In SRM Drives
Fig. 9: Inductance at the unaligned position as a function of phase There are also issues that arise concerning short versus
current. long flux paths. When the machine is operating in either the
counterclockwise or clockwise direction phases are excited in
In calculating the self-inductance of the machine, we can a sequence opposite to the direction of rotation. When the
completely characterize the self inductance by measuring the sequence is finished the process is repeated. As shown in
aligned, midway-to-aligned, and unaligned inductances. The Figure 7, once per each electrical cycle, there exists a short
relationship between the coefficients of the inductance profile flux path. Due to distinct differences in magnetic field caused
in (8) and inductance at aligned, unaligned and midway-to- by a short flux path versus long flux path, the equivalent
aligned positions La, L,, and h, respectively, is given in inductances and hence electromagnetic torque generated by
equation (9): the machine will be different. This is especially apparent
when the machine is operating at high levels of flux and a
substantial overlap among phases exists. As can be seen in
Figure 10, under saturation conditions the long flux paths will
have a higher reluctance and therefore a lower inductance
-1 1 L,(i) thus yielding a smaller torque as compared to the short flux
path which will have a smaller reluctance and therefore a
(9) larger inductance and consequently larger torque.

Inductance due to phase overlap, i.e. the overlap

inductance M,,, like self-inductance, is both a fimction of the
rotor angle, and phase currents.
In [6], a method to calculate mutual inductance (in the
classical sense) offline, is given. This is essentially just
applying a voltage to a phase and then solving the phase
voltage equations of the other phases by applying Faraday’s Fig. 10: Illustration of short versus long flux path for a 816 SRM
law. This methodology does not address the effect of
saturation on mutual inductances, nor the case when phase We have included the effects of short flux path in our
overlap is present, but merely addresses the mutual dynamic model. Upon detection of overlap among phases, the
inductance in a non-excited phase that arises due to excitation inductances of the phases that are engaged in the forming of
of an adjacent phase. However, similar methodologies may the short flux path will be altered to match the new magnetic
be employed in order to obtain overlap inductance values. reluctances.
It is essential that in order to accurately model the
machine, the overlap inductance must be characterized for the


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IV. AUTO TUNING AND CALCULATION OF where L is the self-inductance and R is the winding
INDUCTANCE resistance. Taking the ratio of T ~ ~to~ T, , ~we,obtain:
~ ~

Although the self and overlap inductances can be measured

and stored ofline, it is important to adopt an auto-calibrating
approach to keep these inductances up-to-date. This is
because of the fact that inductances of the SRM are subject to thus the machine should be virtually at standstill during one
alteration due to relaxed manufacturing tolerances and electrical time constant. This fact is illustrated in the
operating conditions. We have developed a time efficient following figures. In Figure 11, the phase current is shown.
modeling approach for extraction of inductances at aligned, The current rises from its zero value to its regulated peak at
unaligned and midway-to-aligned positions in an 816 SRM. 60 A, in approximately 0.9ms. This rise time is 2.45%of.rCl,,.
This method can be modified for other configurations of Since the current can be used during this time to calculate the
interest. flux-linkage and thus inductance we can essentially say that
As noted earlier, when aligning one phase of an 816 SRM, the ratio between ~,,h and t, is:
the other two phases are automatically located at midway and
unaligned positions, as shown in Figure 2. This important
geometric relationship that exists for the 816 SRM, along with (14).
the system stifiess discussed below can he used to facilitate
the extraction of the inductances La, L, and L,,, at these
targeted positions. m
To perform this analysis, a solid pulse of voltage is F" ,Yr"_" ti11 sum", w * a
........... .......... ...............
submitted to the phase of interest and current allowed to
increase up to a maximum rated current. Upon reaching the
maximum value, the phase excitation will be b e d off and
the current is allowed to decay back down to zero. By
measuring the current and induced voltage in the coil during ........
the region of rising current, one can compute the flux linkage
and thus the inductance as a function of current. In the
proposed method, we will align one phase and perform the
above diagnostic approach in a sequence on the other phases, .............
which are at midway-to-aligned, and unaligned respectively,
thereby obtaining the aligned, midway-to-aligned, and ................
unaligned inductance values. Our simulation shows that due
to the existing separation between mechanical, electrical and
control time constants, the rotor will not move. This is the Time (SI x 10-
most important factor in this technique, i.e. we are essentially Fig 11: Current Versus Time for a Single Excited Phase
gathering the necessary information for inductance
computation and updating as if it were a locked rotor test. In To illustrate that indeed the rotor essentially does not move
addition, as discussed below, all necessary data for parameter over this brief time period, we show a plot of the rotor
updates can be obtained in less than a few milliseconds. position versus time during the same time period over which
The experimental 816 SRhf has a mechanical time constant the current ramps from its zero value to its regulated peak
which is given as: value.
As seen by the graph in Figure 12, the rotor position has
J changed by its initial value of 0" to a value of 0.0009°. This
T,,~ = - zz 1.6436s change in rotor angle is thus so small that the conclusion can
he made that all calculations can be made under the
assumption that the rotor is at standstill. This is a significant
where in (Il), J is the moment of inertia of the rotor
assembly, and B is the dynamic 6iction. The electrical time result with respect to online parameter estimation.
However, given the above analysis, an update for the
constant is given as:
model can be obtained in a matter of a few milliseconds.
Implementation of this modeling strategy, however, requires
L a high performance processor. To address this issue, the DSP
T , , ~= - zz 0.0367s (12)
R computation time becomes the driving factor. Since the auto-
tuning procedure relies on the sensing of phase currents and
voltages, there is a need to perform an Afl) conversion.


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I d l
00 02 04 ”” [Is --I
time (*I X I

Fig 12: Rotor Position Versus Time Fig. 13: Experimentallymeasured flux linkage at aligned position

The TMS320F240 has an A D conversion time of 6 . 4 ~ ~ .

Referring to the discussion of Figures 11 and 12, it can he VI. REFERENCES
seen that approximately 150 samples of the current and
voltage waveforms can be obtained. We have developed an [l] Bae, H. K. and Krishnan, R., “A Novel Approach to
experimental testbed using the above processor and OUI Control of Switched Reluctance Motors Considering Mutual
experimental SRM drives. Figure 13 shows a sample Inductance”, Industrial Electronics Conference, Vol2 ,200 1,
experimental result obtained from measuring flux linkage at pp 1488 -1493.
aligned position using the proposed modeling approach. [2] Miller, T.J.E., “ElectronicControl of SwitchedReluctance
Comprehensive experimental data and comparison to Machines”, Newnes, 2001.
simulation results are currently being conducted. [3] Krause, P.C., Wasynczuk, 0, and Sudhoff, S., “Analysis
ofElectric Machinery”, IEEE Press, 1995.
[4] Fahimi, B., Suresh, G., Mahdavi, J., and Ehsani, M., “A
V. CONCLUSIONS New Approach to Model Switched Reluctance Motor Drive,
Application to Dynamic Performance Prediction, Control and
A computationally efficient model which includes self and Design”, Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Vol 2,
overlap inductances of a SRM drive is proposed. We have 1998, pp 2097 - 2102.
incorporated auto-calibration to enhance the flexibility of the [5] Stephenson, J.M., El-Khazendar, M. A., “Saturation in
proposed technique to parameter variations. Our findings doubly salient reluctance motors”, IEE Proceedings on
show that this technique can be effectively used for Electric Power Applications, Vol 136, Issue 1, 1989, pp 50-
desigdenhancement of controllers and development of 58.
advanced control technologies such as sensorless control. The [6] Panda, D. and Ramanarayanan, V., “Effect of Mutual
experimental verification of the proposed concept is Inductance on Steady-state Performance and Position
underway and a detaiIed comparison will be given in a hture Estimation of Switched Reluctance Motor Drive”, I n d u s 9
paper. Applications Conference, Vol4, 1999, pp 2227-2234.


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