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Directions. Read each statement carefully and then encircle the best answer.
1. It has a solid body which is spherical in shape, flattened at the poles, and bulging slightly around
the equator.
A. Mercury B. Venus C. Earth
2. It is the outermost layer of the Earth. The layer is composed of granite and basalt.
A. crust B. mantle C. core
3. The thickest layer of the Earth.
A. mantle B. core C. crust
4. The inner layer of the Earth.
A. core B. crust C. mantle
5. Which layer of the core has 1 400 kilometers thick.
A. outer core B. middle core C. inner core
6. Which layer of the core has 2 000 kilometers thick.
A. outer core B. middle core C. inner core
7. The point of separation between the crust and the mantle.
A. Mohorovic Discontinuity B. Mohorovicic Discontinuity C. Mohor
8. What is the essential building materials of the Earth?
A. minerals B. rocks C. water
9. Which is TRUE about rocks?
I. Rocks differ in shape. Most are irregular in shape.
II. The color of rocks also vary.
III. Some rocks are hard.
A. I only B. I and II only C. I, II, and III
10. An element or compound that is found in rocks and soil.
A. sand B. Mineral C. plastic
11. A person who specializes in the study of the formation, composition, and classification of crystal
of rocks.
A. Petrologists B. Metrologists C. Geologists
12. These are most abundant elements and make up nearly 75% of the Earth’s surface.
A. quartz and talc B. silicon and oxygen C. gold and silver
13. A mineral that is used to make porcelain and enamel.
A. silicon B. quartz C. feldspar
14. It is used to make optical instruments and also used in radio and2 electronic equipment.
A. quartz B. mica C. talc
15. A mineral used for insulation in electrical equipment and for fireproof materials.
A. granite B. talc C. mica
16. It is used for ceramics, paints, paper, and talcum powder.
A. talc B. feldspar C. quartz
17. It is a non- metallic minerals used in making cement and building materials.
A. graphite B. calcite C. sulfur
18. Important ingredients for cooking and used as a preservative.
A. sugar B. sulfur C. salt
19. A non- metallic mineral used to make sulfuric acid, explosives, insecticides, and vulcanizing
A. sulfur B. graphite C. calcite
20. A non- metallic that used in pencils.
A. gold B. ore C. graphite
21. A rock or mineral deposit from which a metal can be extracted.
A. ore B. silicon C. granite
22. It is a fine conductor of electricity and is used in photography, coins, kitchen utensils and
A. gold B. silver C. aluminum
23. It is used for coins, for jewelry, and coating ornamental objects.
A. iron B. aluminum C. gold
24. It is used for making planes, cars, transport vehicles, and kitchen utensils.
A. aluminum B. iron C. silver
25. It is used in modern infrastructure and building projects.
A. silver B. gold C. iron
26. They are the scientists who study rock formation.
A. Petrologists B. Metrologists C. Geologists
27. A type of rock that originates from the hot molten materials that come out of the earth’s surface
through volcanic eruptions
A. Igneous B. Sedimentary C. Metamorphic
28. A type of rock that broken into pebbles, sand or into very soft clay or mud.
A. Igneous B. Sedimentary C. Metamorphic
29. Rocks that are subjected to great heat and pressure.
A. Igneous B. Sedimentary C. Metamorphic
30. The natural process of slowly breaking down rocks into smaller pieces.
A. weathering B. lithification C. oxidation
31. Happens when rocks break due to the action of water, frost, temperature changes, plants,
animals, and human activities.
A. chemical weathering B. mechanical weathering C. natural weathering
32. Occurs when the breaking down of rocks is due to the action of water, oxygen, and carbon
A. mechanical weathering B. natural weathering C. chemical weathering
33. It is the process of combining oxygen with other substances.
A. weathering B. lithification C. oxidation
34. It is the changing of sediments into rocks.
A. weathering B. lithification C. oxidation
35. It is the most important product of weathering.
A. soil B. sand C. sea
36. It has a little amount of clay and is mostly sand.
A. alluvial B. loam soil C. sandy soil
37. It is mostly clay with very fine particles. It is sticky when wet and retains a lot of water.
A. sandy soil B. clay soil C. loam soil
38. It has a large amount of humus and has certain amounts of sand, gravel, and clay. It is the best
type of soil for most plants.
A. loam soil B. volcanic C. limestone soil
39. It is a type of soil that has been transported by water. This soil is fertile and is good for
A. sandy B. alluvial soil C. loam
40. It is formed by rock particles and minerals that comes from volcanic rocks and ashes.
A. volcanic soil B. sandy C. alluvial
41. Soil that is formed from a large amount of limestone.
A. loam soil B. clay C. limestone soil
42. It is the transport of rock particles and soil from where they were formed to another place. It is
brought by water and wind, which are constantly at work.
A. weathering B. erosion C. deposition
43. Agent of soil erosion that does most of the work of erosion.
A. running water B. wind C. wave action
44. Changing tides and storm surges can either bring in loads of sand and pebbles into beaches,
sweep them away to another part of the coast, or deposit them off the shore to build up sand
A. wind B. wave action C. running water
45. An agent of soil erosion that can change the Earth's surface by moving sand and dust.
A. wave action B. running water C. wind
46. A weather disturbance with a circling mass of wind, thunderstorms, and rain.
A. storm B. tropical cyclone C. cyclone
47. A tropical cyclone that has less than 63 kilometers per hour.
A. tropical depression B. typhoon C. tropical storm
48. It has a wind speed of 119 km/hr or more. The most violent and oftentimes very destructive.
A. tropical depression B. typhoon C. tropical storm
49. A tropical cyclone with 63 to 118 kilometers per hour.
A. tropical depression B. typhoon C. tropical storm
50. Who became one of the first to use an optical telescope to view the moon from the Earth?
A. Galileo Galilei B. Neil Armstrong C. Albert Einstein
51. An astronaut from the United States that made the first step to the moon.
A. Alan Bean B. David Scott C. Neil Armstrong
52. The earth's natural satellite, is a ball of rock about one- fourth the size of our planet.
A. moon B. sun C. mars
53. A shadow cast in space.
A. ellipse B. eclipse C. moon phase
54. Happens when the moon passes directly between the sun and the Earth.
A. solar eclipse B. moon phase C. lunar eclipse
55. Occurs when the sun, the Earth and the moon are in a straight line.
A. solar eclipse B. moon phase C. lunar eclipse
56. The center and the largest celestial body in the solar system.
A. moon B. earth C. sun
57. The innermost layer of the sun.
A. core B. corona C. photosphere
58. Surrounds the core and makes up 32% of the sun's volume.
A. radiative zone B. convective zone C. corona
59. Where the energy from the radiation zone circulates up to the outer layers.
A. chromosphere B. convective zone C. photosphere
60. The lowest layer of the atmosphere and sometimes referred to as the sun's "surface".
A. photosphere B. core C. radiative zone
61. Layers of the sun characterized in a rise in temperature of 10 000K in some areas and 20 000K
in others.
A. corona B. chromosphere C. core
62. The outermost layer of the sun. It is called the sun's crown.
A. chromosphere B. photosphere C. corona
63. It is the outflow of gas into space.
A. solar wind B. solar flare C. sunspot
64. It looks dark because they are cooler than the surrounding areas in the photosphere.
A. solar flare B. sunspots C. solar wind
65. A large explosion in the sun's atmosphere releases massive amounts of energy.
A. sunspot B. solar wind C. solar flare
66. These can be seen in the skies of the North and South Poles.
A. aurora borealis B. aurora australis C. auroras
67. The southern light is called.
A. aurora australis B. auroras C. aurora borealis
68. The display of shifting colored lights.
A. auroras B. aurora borealis C. aurora australis
69. The only one of the galaxies in a huge universe.
A. Andromeda B. Milky Way C. Magellanic Clouds
70. A group of celestial bodies composed of the sun, the eight planets and their moons.
A. Pulsars and quasars B. Cygnus A C. solar system
71. What do you call to the inner planet close to the sun?
A. ocean planet B. terrestrial planet C. gaseous planet
72. The large outer planets made up of gases.
A. ocean planet B. terrestrial planet C. gaseous planet
73. The third and the only planet that can support life.
A. mars B. earth C. Jupiter
74. It is the second biggest planet and the most beautiful because of its seven colorful major rings.
A. Neptune B. Saturn C. mercury
75. It is called the red planet because of its iron oxide or rust content.
A. mercury B. venus C. mars
76. The eighth planet in the solar system and also an ice giant.
A. Uranus B. Neptune C. earth
77. The hottest planet in the solar system.
A. Jupiter B. venus C. mercury
78. A gaseous planet termed the ice giant.
A. mars B. Uranus C. venus
79. The nearest planet to the sun and the second smallest planet in the solar system.
A. earth B. mercury C. Jupiter
80. The largest of all planets in the solar system.
A. Jupiter B. Saturn C. neptune

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