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Ritual Halal Poultry Slaughterhouse

Business Plan

Ritual Poultry Slaughterhouse

Standard business model


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Ritual Halal Poultry Slaughterhouse

Chapter 1. Introduction Business Plan

1.01.01 Introduction business plan

This business plan has been developed in collaboration with the

directors and shareholders active in the Ritual Poultry Slaughterhouse industry.

Based on discussions with stakeholders, an inventory of all possibilities, including

opportunities and threats, the plan was developed for establishing and maintaining
one or more ritual poultry slaughterhouses (also called a
slaughterhouse or abattoir). ). A ritual poultry slaughterhouse is a company that
slaughters poultry (such as chicken and turkeys). The animals are supplied by poultry
farmers and turkey farmers, after which the slaughterhouse slaughters the animals
and prepares the resulting carcasses for consumption and/or export. The
carcass parts are supplied to butchers and also as processed meat products for
retail sale. (Supermarkets and so on)

This company was established to establish and operate a standard ritual poultry
slaughterhouse. The processing of the slaughter process will take place
on the basis of extremely animal-friendly ritual slaughter procedures and fully in
accordance with all guidelines for these procedures, directives and regulations of,
among others, the European Commission EU_1099/2009 and other applicable
guidelines. This slaughterhouse will serve as a supplier to the meat
processing industry and the consumer industry.

1.01.02 Slaughter

Ritual slaughter (also called non-stunned or non-stunned slaughter) is a collective

term for the slaughter of poultry and turkeys in a manner prescribed by a particular
religion. This plays a role, among other things, within Islamic and
Jewish communities and smaller African tribes. Other, non-ritual forms of
slaughter are known by the collective term "conventional slaughter".

The Poultry and Turkeys to be slaughtered consist of Poultry (such as chicken,

turkey, game and poultry).

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1.01.03 Poultry

The most important animal species that are considered Poultry are chicken,
turkey, guinea fowl, goose and duck. The donkey and also the horse and
various fur-bearing animals are also considered Poultry. The latter animals are not
included in this plan. In Europe, for example, people are increasingly keeping all
kinds of other, sometimes more exotic animals as poultry, such as ostrich, emu, deer and kanga
Keeping and breeding fish (fish farming) is also considered Poultry Farming.
Outside Europe, more species are added, such as the camel, dromedary
and llama.

1.01.04 Small cattle and large cattle

The term small livestock is used for all livestock smaller than a donkey, in
particular sheep, goats and poultry, but also for bees. The term large cattle is
used for adult cattle to distinguish them from immature animals, which are called
young cattle.

1.01.05 Legislation and regulations

The company will comply with all locally applicable regulations, guidelines and
regulations, taking into account all parts of the legislation, the slaughter process,
and the consumer. Most existing slaughterhouses that have been around for
some time no longer comply with the current regulations and require a
lot of investments to adapt their processing methods to the applicable
regulations. Examples of this include regulations for the processing of residual
materials released during the slaughter process.

1.01.07 Halal Quality Mark

The company will comply with all conditions and regulations to be allowed to
use the halal quality mark. The company will be accredited for this purpose
by a recognized body. Below is the official halal quality mark. This quality
mark will be applied to all meat products from the Poultry Slaughterhouse

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1.01.06 Modern slaughterhouse

This plan should lead to the establishment of one or more ritual

slaughterhouses worldwide. This involves close collaboration with an external
consultant who has been conducting research into setting up and operating slaughterhouses fo
In addition to a technical background, the entrepreneur has a close relationship
with the Islamic community and Muslim consumer target groups.

The slaughterhouse is set up with the most modern techniques and equipped
with energy-saving installations. Very careful attention is paid to the preservation
and improvement of all natural conditions and the preservation of the living
environment of humans and animals.

Despite years of research into slaughter, the time has now come to put large-scale
halal slaughter into practice.

This business plan has been drawn up as an official document for the
description of future business operations and basically serves as a document for
applying for the necessary financing and subsidies from the appropriate institutions.
1.01.07 Animal-friendly Ritual Slaughterhouse

These Ritual Poultry Slaughterhouses will be among the most animal-friendly

slaughterhouses. After the animals have arrived at the slaughterhouse, the
animals will go to a living area to completely relax. No more employees will
enter this area and the animals will be monitored entirely by camera systems.
Here the animals can relax completely in comfort. All the horrible images
about animals being herded into slaughterhouses are completely excluded.

1.02.01 Business plan objectives.

The business plan, together with the financial appendices, includes all necessary
information to establish and maintain one or more modern ritual slaughterhouses
for poultry such as chickens, game and poultry.

First objective

The first objective is also the most important part, obtaining sufficient
financial resources to set up and maintain a production location. The implementation
of this objective has now come into effect by compiling this business plan to obtain
the financial resources obtained.
To make these financial resources available, an investment budget and an operating
budget provide insight into the investment and intended operation. A multi-year
operating budget must provide certainty for the first six years of
operation. Continuous monitoring and adjustment of operating costs throughout the
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implementation phase and continuous research into subsidies to be obtained

will be carried out subsequently and will partly determine the financial results to
be achieved for establishing and maintaining the ritual poultry slaughterhouses.

Second objective

After achieving the first objective, the second objective is to obtain a location
with permits and licenses. This location is required to establish and operate a
slaughterhouse. This second objective has already entered preparatory phase
and consultations are now underway with various landowners and
government institutions to obtain the necessary locations. An important element
for obtaining this location is that the zoning plan category is suitable
for slaughterhouses. This is zoning plan category 3.2 to 4.2 (depending on future
activities). As soon as the location is known, the necessary certificates,
subsidies and permits are applied for for this location after the land has
been acquired. The entrepreneur will, in consultation with the advisors,
investigate which location with the applicable regulations and legislation
is suitable for this.

Third objective

The third objective is to establish and maintain a ritual poultry

slaughterhouse. A period of 12 to 18 months is planned for the construction period
of the slaughterhouse before full production can commence. As soon as the
construction of the ritual poultry slaughterhouse has started, the
following objectives will immediately start during the construction
period to accelerate the start-up process.

Fourth objective

The fourth objective is to set up and process the entire business organization and
business administration in order to manage the company organizationally and
financially expertly. The business administration will be carried out
via an existing software package, with the overall business operations being
carried out with just one software package. This objective is now being
prepared with a study into which software packages will be eligible for this. The
final result must be real-time transparent business administration for all
parts within the organization. It is important to be able to administer and trace the
traceability of the products to be processed at every step. (Recall) a very
important part of setting up the organization is recruiting, selecting and
hiring management and all future employees.

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Fifth objective

The fifth objective is to set up and implement a purchasing strategy in collaboration

with the purchasing department employees to receive sufficient supply of
Poultry via suppliers from the market. Preference is given to working with
recognized Poultry traders who are active in the Poultry industry and the
Poultry sales market. Exploratory discussions have now been held with various
poultry traders and as soon as the production location is built, definitive
purchasing contracts can be concluded.

Sixth objective

The sixth objective is to set up and further expand a sales strategy in

collaboration with the employees of the sales department to market the
slaughtered products through structured sales channels. Preference is given
to collaboration with the meat processing industry. Discussions with
wholesale companies are now underway.

All important information to achieve the objective is further detailed in the

relevant parts of this plan.

With the help of the right management, commitment from the shareholder
and the right guidance from the advisors, this plan will irrevocably lead to
the desired results.

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1.03.01 Declaration of intent from the entrepreneur

Partly due to a market in which safety, environmental protection and
consumer protection are playing an increasingly important role, as a result of which manufacturers,
suppliers and users of industrial products are increasingly being delegated
responsibilities by national governments (such as the European Community), the ritual
poultry slaughter business processes and procedures will describe and implement
within your own organization,

The main goal is that the entire business operations and associated procedures become
testable, traceable and transparent for the entrepreneur, future management, future
employees and all other parties involved. The processing process in the slaughterhouse will
be fully automated and administered with specially available software.

This must also take place, not least for customers and potential customers to emerge and
collaborate with as a solid, reliable and quality-conscious partner.

The entrepreneur declares that he will provide all employees with the desired training and
resources and will jointly develop initiatives to achieve the above objectives.

The management will inform and encourage all employees in all areas within the company with
regard to the development of quality awareness.

Heiloo, October 18, 2023

The entrepreneur

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Chapter 2. The advisor and the entrepreneur.

2.01.01 The entrepreneur

Name ; not named

SSN ; not named
Date of birth ; not named

Birthplace ; not named

Nationality ; not named
Telephone ; not named
Address ; not named

PC Residence ; not named

The entrepreneur preferably has full independent authority.

2.01.02 The Entrepreneur's strengths

The entrepreneur has years of experience as an entrepreneur and business

manager and has gained a lot of experience in recent years in managing
companies and implementing business processes. The entrepreneur is
punctual and determined to achieve the objectives. This experience is used to
drive the development of this business plan.

2.01.03 The entrepreneur's weaknesses

Despite years of management experience and technical training, the

entrepreneur has not gained any experience in writing such a qualified business
plan. An external business advisor has been appointed for this purpose.

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2.02.01 The advisor

Name ; not yet appointed
BSN/SSN ; not yet appointed
Date of birth ; not yet appointed
Birthplace ; not yet appointed
Nationality ; not yet appointed
Telephone ; not yet appointed
Address ; not yet appointed
PC Residence ; not yet appointed

The consultant has more than 30 years of experience in consultancy and management matters.

2.02.02 The Advisor and his strengths

The consultant has years of experience as an entrepreneur, international
business manager and business advisor for setting up new companies and
reorganizing existing companies. The advisor is punctual and determined to
achieve all objectives for his relations. From this position he came into contact
with the entrepreneur and an exclusive collaboration was entered into for this
business plan.

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Chapter 3. The Company

3.01.01 The company the Ritual Slaughterhouse

Company no ; not yet appointed

Name ; Ritual Slaughterhouse (place name)

Trade name ; not yet appointed

Address ; not yet appointed

Place ; not yet appointed

Telephone ; not yet appointed

E-mail ; not yet appointed

3.01.02 Description of the company

The description of the company is a Ritual poultry slaughterhouse.

3.01.03 Legal form

The legal form of the company is a private company.

3.01.04 Company number

The company is Registered under company number not yet named

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3.01.05 Tax authorities

The company is registered with the tax authorities under number not yet

3.01.06 Memberships.
The company will become a member of many associations in the field of
poultry slaughterhouses and animal welfare.

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3.01.07 Permit, Quality and Certificates

The company now has a European permit to establish and operate a
slaughterhouse for a period of 25 years. The application period lasted approximately
five years. The company thus meets all the required certificates for setting up a

Quality and safety certificates are also required to operate the slaughter business.
These will be brought into line with the company's activity

3.01.08 SBI Code

Slaughterhouses usually fall under the SBI Code 1010 and this immediately indicates under
which environmental category a slaughterhouse falls.

3.01.09 Environmental category

Slaughterhouses generally fall under the European SBI code 1010 as an

activity and usually belong to environmental category 3.2. The ritual poultry
slaughterhouses according to this plan prefer to be established in an environmental
Classification 4.2. The reason for this is that the post-processing of meat and
the post-processing of waste materials may make this technically necessary.

3.01.10 Conditions of Sale

Terms and conditions of sale are drawn up on a prospective basis, taking into
account the product and country of destination of the goods. The company will
draw up tailor-made sales contracts with buyers of the products in addition
to the standard delivery sales and payment terms. A standard payment term of 14
days is usual as a condition of sale.

3.01.11 Purchase Conditions

Purchasing conditions are drawn up in a prospective manner, taking into
account the product and country of origin of the goods.

The company enters into exclusive cooperation agreements with the

suppliers of the products. This agreement will serve as a guideline for the
purchasing conditions to be applied.

A standard payment term to suppliers is 14 days after delivery and invoicing of the

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3.01.12 Insurance conditions

The company will be insured with building and inventory insurance,

business liability and product liability insurance. The policy for this will be taken
out on the insurance exchange through a recognized insurance broker.

3.01.13 Risk Inventory and Evaluation

A risk inventory and evaluation will be drawn up for the entire process. The advisor
will carry out this risk inventory and evaluation in combination with an
employment expert and the insurer. The risk inventory is emphatically
important to assess and map the business risk for all insurance policies to be taken

3.02.01 The company and the opportunities

Poultry Ritual Slachterij is a company in the medium and small business category
and has opportunities to establish and maintain an advanced slaughterhouse that
fully complies with the applicable rules and regulations.
Due to the high quality of the products and the continued demand for meat,
the opportunities are limitless.

The company has many growth opportunities because it focuses on the

business and consumer markets. The tightening of the conditions for existing
slaughterhouses will result in a disadvantaged position for these existing
slaughterhouses. Due to the completely new design of this slaughterhouse, this does not apply.

The products can be sold both nationally and internationally.

3.03.01 The company and the threats

The short-term threats have been covered because all conditions and
regulations must be met for the new slaughterhouse to be built.

It is important that the environmental conditions in recent years and in the years
to come play an important factor in being able to continue to meet all conditions.
With the design of this new slaughterhouse, the number of threats has been kept
to a minimum. The long-term threats cannot be predicted and partly depend on
product developments and future legislation and regulations.
These threats will be inventoried, determined and adjusted on an annual

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Chapter 4. Establishment

4.01.01 Headquarters
Head of Branch not yet appointed
Address not yet appointed

Zipcode city not yet appointed

Branch number not yet appointed

The head office now consists of a new business premises to be built. The
description of the new business premises to be built with the program of
requirements is stated in chapter 4.01.02

4.01.02 New Headquarters

A new location is being sought for production to fully meet current requirements.
The new location will be used in the future for the slaughter of several animal
species belonging to the white meat category ((chicken, game and poultry). For
cutting and slicing all products released during the slaughter of poultry, rendering
the by-products of the meat and the water treatment plant, separate
business premises will be built and equipped.
The main reason for these separate facilities is to reduce the risk of
contamination and to guarantee food quality.

The size and scope of the new headquarters will be determined depending on the
activities to be carried out.

4.02.01 Land for the slaughterhouse

The total area of the site for the Ritual Poultry slaughterhouse is estimated at
approximately 20,000 m2. The following company buildings will be newly
constructed on this site. We assume environmental category 4.2 and a
maximum building area of 60 percent. No depreciation will take place on the
investment in the surfaces for the slaughterhouse

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4.03.01 Business premises Main slaughterhouse

A business premises will be erected for the main slaughterhouse with a total built-up
area of a maximum of 8,000 m2. All mentioned types of Poultry are slaughtered here.
The office of the Ritual Poultry slaughterhouse will also be housed here.
A depreciation period of 20 years will be applied to the investment in the main
slaughterhouse business premises.

4.03.02 Business premises Cutting and Packaging Department

A business premises with a gross floor area of maximum 2000 m2 will be built for
the cutting and packaging department from the main slaughterhouse.
A depreciation period of 20 years will be applied to the investment in the
Cutting and Packaging Department business premises.

4.03.03 Business premises Rendering department

A business premises with a gross floor area of maximum 2000 m2 will be built for the
Rendering department for the slaughterhouse waste coming from the main slaughterhouse.
A depreciation period of 20 years will be applied to the investment in the business
premises of the Rendering department.

4.03.04 Business premises Purification installations

For the water purification for the entire slaughterhouse from the main
slaughterhouse, the cutting and packaging department and the Rendering department,
a business premises will be built with a gross floor area of a maximum of 2000 m2. A
depreciation period of 20 years will be applied to the investment in the commercial premises of purific

4.04.01 Installations Main slaughterhouse

A slaughterhouse with a maximum gross floor area of 6000 m2 will be installed

for the main slaughterhouse. A depreciation period of 20 years will be applied to the
investment in the main slaughterhouse inventory.

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4.04.02 Installations Cutting and Packaging Department

For the cutting and packaging department, products coming from the main
slaughterhouse will be installed with a maximum gross floor area of 1,500
m2. The installations for the Cutting and Packaging Department will be depreciated
for 10 years.

4.04.03 Installations Rendering department

An inventory will be installed for the rendering department of incoming

products from the main slaughterhouse with a maximum gross floor area of
1500 m2. A depreciation period of 10 years will be applied to the investment of the
inventory rendering department.

4.04.04 Installations Purification installation

For the water purification of the entire slaughterhouse, the cutting and packaging
department and the rendering department, a purification plant will be
installed with a maximum gross floor area of 1500 m2. A depreciation period
of 10 years will be applied to the investment in the inventory of the purification plant.

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4.04.05 Other installations

All other installations for the 4 departments are housed in the 4 main departments. This
concerns the following installations

• Alarm systems

• Fire protection systems

• Fire extinguishing system (Sprinkler)

• Camera security installations

• Data communication installations

• Electrical installations

• Energy storage system (Battery backup system)

• Gas installations

• Cooling installations

• Cleaning installation for trucks

• Sewage system

• Sanitary installations

• Telecommunications installation

• Heating and heat pump installations

• Water supply installations

• Weighbridges for incoming and outgoing goods

• Solar panels with day and night yield DNE panels

4.05.01 Investigation into main location VPO Investigation

The location of the new head office with production facility is not yet known. All locations are within
sight. Before the purchase will ultimately take place, a final location survey (VPO) must be carried
out. As soon as the production location is known, the main branch (head office) will also
be moved to this new location to reduce costs.

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The storage of poultry, stocks of slaughter products and equipment usually takes
place at the production location. Separate permits may be required for this.

The choice was made to immediately carry out a complete and extensive new construction.
This allows savings on construction costs and fully complies with the latest
environmental legislation.

An important characteristic that the location must meet is whether the road supply
and discharge routes will be accessible for large vehicle transport. For example, not
through residential areas and the like

An important characteristic that the location must meet is whether there is sufficient supply

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Chapter 5. Products and Services

5.01.01 Meat products.

Meat is the muscle tissue of vertebrates. In the broadest sense of the word, it
includes all animal tissues, including organs such as liver or kidneys. In its
narrowest sense, the term refers exclusively to the muscle tissue of
mammals bred for human consumption. The majority of the meat consumed
comes from animals from factory farming (slaughter meat). One of the
latest developments in the field of meat is cultured meat. Cultured meat does
not apply here

5.01.02 Ritual slaughter

The slaughter or slaughter of animals is "the killing of animals by

exsanguination" (according, for example, to the definition in European
Directive 93/119/EC on the protection of animals during slaughter or killing).
Slaughter is therefore distinguished from hunting.

According to the applicable legislation (for example the European Directive

and the Belgian and Dutch Legislation derived from it), in most cases slaughter
must take place in a slaughterhouse. It is also mandatory to stun the animals
beforehand (electroshock firing pin through the skull), although there is an
exception for slaughter according to a religious rite (ritual
slaughter), which mainly refers to shoot (Jews) and dabh (Muslims). (For example,
in Belgium the exception applies under COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No
1099/2009 of 24 September 2009).

5.01.03 How is an animal slaughtered halal?

In Europe, for example, an animal that is slaughtered must be stunned
(stunned) before killing. The exception to this is ritual slaughter according to the
Jewish or Islamic rite. For example, a cattle, sheep or goat is not stunned, but
secured. The animal bleeds to death through a cut through both carotid arteries.

5.01.04 Halal and Haram

Halal (Arabic for clean, permitted) is an Islamic term that indicates what is
permitted for Muslims. The opposite, in non-legal terms, is haram (Arabic
unclean, forbidden). This concerns both actions and products.

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Special guidelines apply to food, among other things, that a Muslim must adhere to.
These rules are derived from the Quran, the Hadith and Sunnah derived from it.

5.01.04 Halal meat

People with religious beliefs such as Muslims may only eat food that is halal. Sura
the Cow 172-173 says about this:

O you who believe, eat of the righteous things We have provided for you as
sustenance, and give thanks to God, if it is Him that you worship. He has made
forbidden for you only the dead, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which was
slaughtered with an invocation other than to God. But whoever was compelled by
necessity, without desiring it and without transgressing, for him it is no sin. God
is truly forgiving and merciful.

Halal meat is bled meat from a limited number of permitted animals, which have
been slaughtered according to Islamic regulations (diaria). Meat from carnivores
and animals that have died spontaneously, as well as pork explicitly mentioned in
the Koran, are only permitted if there is nothing else available for humans to
survive. Animals that still have nursing young, as well as the nursing young
themselves, may not be slaughtered. Killing an animal is only permitted for
consumption or to put it out of its misery if the animal has become ill or injured.

The Quran states that eating meat killed in the name of anyone other than God is
not permitted. Some Muslim clerics are of the opinion that meat from permitted
animals slaughtered by a non-Muslim, but in the manner prescribed by Muslims,
is also halal. Kosher meat and meat from animals slaughtered by Christians and
Jews in the name of God are also considered halal according to Surah the Tablet:

“All virtuous things are lawful for you today. And the food of those to whom the
Scripture has been given (Jews and Christians) is lawful for you, and your
food is lawful for them.” (Sura 5:5).

According to most Mashhads, everything that comes from the sea is absolutely halal,
it does not have to be killed in a special way. The Mashhads have minor differences,
for example on whether shrimp and mules are allowed for consumption, and the
Hanafi madhhabs in particular have restrictions on what can be eaten from the

Insects are undoubtedly haram, as are substances extracted from

insects, such as carmine red (E120) which is extracted from the cochineal aphid.

All other types of food (vegetables, fruits and drinks, with the exception of
alcoholic drinks and narcotics) are permitted for consumption without special

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5.01.05 What is halal meat and what is the difference with regular meat?

The term halal (literally translated: clean/permissible) is used for food that
complies with Islamic laws. The opposite of halal is haram (unclean/forbidden).
According to the doctrine, this certainly applies to pork. Meat must meet certain
requirements to be halal, such as requirements for the method of slaughter.
This means, among other things, that the animal must be cut with a sharp
knife by a professing Muslim, with the neck cut in one smooth movement.
This does not mean that the animal is fully conscious. A reversible
anesthetic is usually given. If animals are slaughtered completely unstunned,
they must be stunned if they are not unconscious within 40 seconds. A veterinarian
from the Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority always supervises the
cutting and ensures that each animal is stunned within 40 seconds. Much meat
from animals slaughtered according to Islamic laws carries halal quality
marks. Various organizations monitor and approve the process of halal
meat and meat products.

5.01.06 Special Halal permit

In Europe, lambs and sheep are slaughtered all year round (with a peak at the end
of Ramadan) according to Islamic regulations. This is done under the supervision
of an inspector and is subject to requirements. Companies must have a
special permit for this. Halal means 'clean' in Arabic. It indicates what is
permitted for Muslims. Halal concerns actions and products. The dietary laws
are based on the Quran, the Sunnah and Islamic jurisprudence.
For more information:

5.02.01 Chicken and poultry

Chicken and poultry are part of a healthy diet, mainly because of their proteins,
vitamins and minerals. This concerns unprocessed chicken, such as a piece of
chicken fillet. It is not necessary to eat meat, you can replace it with
other products.

Proper storage and hygienic preparation of chicken is important to prevent

the risk of a food infection.

Chicken burdens the environment more than vegetable products but

less than other types of meat. You can take the environment and animal
welfare into account by paying attention to top quality marks such as
Better Life 2 and 3 stars.

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5.02.02 What is chicken meat and poultry?

Chicken meat is the meat of a chicken. Poultry, for example, is duck
or turkey. Unprocessed chicken and poultry are in the five bracket. Chicken and
poultry are white meat. There is also red meat. This comes from mammals such
as cows, goats, sheep and pigs.

5.02.03 Chicken meat

For example, in the Netherlands, broiler chickens of the Cobb and Ross breeds are
mainly kept. These varieties have been selected because they grow quickly. They
are slaughtered when they are about 6 weeks old. They are not yet adults.
Actually, we don't eat chicken but chicks, even though it is sold as chicken in the store.

Companies that raise chicken for meat are called broiler farms. In chicks, no clear
difference is yet visible between males and females. Chicken meat can therefore
come from both male and female animals.

In recent years, the 'chicken of tomorrow' has been on the rise. These are
slower growing varieties that live under improved conditions. For example, these
chickens live 1 to 2 weeks longer than conventional broilers.

5.02.04 What products are made from chicken and poultry

Many parts of chicken and poultry are eaten. Which pieces are those and how are
they located in the store?
• Breast: fillet

• Legs: bolts

• Under legs: drumsticks

• Upper legs: pork chop

• Wings: wings

• Liver: chicken livers, duck liver and goose liver

5.02.05 Processed products

Besides chicken meat, there are many products that contain chicken. Meat products such
as chicken fillet or chicken roulade, for example. But snacks such as chicken nuggets,
croquettes, frikadellen, frankfurters, smoked sausages and satay often also contain chicken meat.

Processed products contain meat that has been mechanically scraped from chicken backs
and carcasses. This is called mechanically separated meat. Soups and sauces often contain
chicken fat, which is Document number 20230818001 Page 22
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extracted from chicken backs and carcasses. Chicken liver is processed into products
such as liver sausage.

5.02.06 Origin

For example, the Netherlands has an extensive broiler farming sector. Most broiler meat
is exported to Germany, Great Britain and other EU countries. Countries in Africa and
Asia are important destinations for frozen products, such as legs and legs. The
largest company in chicken meat processing is located in Brazil.

On the other hand, the Netherlands, for example, also imports a lot of chicken. A large
part of this is processed or processed in the Netherlands and then exported again.

In addition to the Netherlands, for example, a lot of raw chicken comes from Germany
and Belgium. About 20 percent of the chicken comes from outside the European Union,
mainly from Brazil, Thailand and Ukraine. Brazil is the largest exporter of poultry meat in the world.
Chicken from Brazil arrives frozen or salted in the Netherlands. It is mainly intended for
the catering industry and the meat processing industry and is used for chicken nuggets,
chicken satay, chicken cutlets and the like. Thailand mainly produces boiled and
sometimes salted chicken. This chicken is mainly found in ready-made meals. Fresh
chicken is also imported from Ukraine.

5.03.01 Is chicken healthy?

5.03.02 Nutrients
Depending on the type of poultry, chicken and poultry meat is rich in vitamin B6 and
the minerals phosphorus and selenium. It is a source of vitamin B2 and the
mineral copper. It also provides vitamin B1 and vitamin B12, but clearly less than
other types of meat, such as beef and pork. Pork contains much more vitamin B1 and
beef much more vitamin B12 than chicken. Chicken liver is rich in vitamin A.

Chicken meat and poultry meat naturally contain protein and fat. It contains no
carbohydrates. However, carbohydrates can be added to the meat as a result of
preparation, for example breading (schnitzel, chicken nuggets, chicken burger).

The fat from chicken and turkey contains about 25% less saturated fat than beef and
pork. Saturated fat increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Only chicken with skin,
such as chicken legs, clearly contains more fat and therefore more saturated fat.
Chicken and turkey fillet is lean meat. These also provide fewer calories.

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5.03.03 Processed chicken products and meat products

The nutritional value of meat products such as chicken nuggets, chicken sausage,
chicken burgers or meat products such as roast or smoked chicken breast depends on
how it is made. It often contains a lot of salt and the fat content is higher, for example due to frying.

Processed chicken and poultry and chicken meat products, just like processed
meat and meat products, may contain harmful substances that arise because
the product has been preserved by smoking, drying, salting or by adding
preservatives. Read more about the health effects of meat and meat products.

5.04.01 Is chicken in the Wheel of Five?

Unprocessed chicken and poultry are included in the Wheel of Five together with other
unprocessed lean meats, fish, legumes, tofu, tempeh and egg. For example, the Wheel
of Five contains chicken fillet and chicken drumstick. The Wheel of Five is all about
alternating between animal and plant products.

5.05.01 How much chicken do we eat in the Netherlands?

Poultry meat consumption per capita is around 22 kilos per year.

This is the carcass weight (including bone). Chicken fillet is a favorite in the Netherlands.
Less popular are whole chickens, chicken legs and chicken wings. Chicken livers are
also sold. Based on food consumption figures, it appears that in the Netherlands
we eat an average of 16.6 grams of chicken and turkey per day. In Eastern
countries the consumption rate will be higher. The Netherlands has been used as a frame of reference

5.6.01 How do you prepare chicken?

You can prepare chicken in many ways: from boiling, roasting, grilling and stir-frying to
barbecuing. It is important that chicken is thoroughly cooked so that any harmful bacteria
are killed. Chicken is properly cooked when the meat is white on the inside and when
it comes away from the bone.

5.06.02 Pre-cooking

Pre-cooked chicken products are for sale in the store. You just need to heat this up a
bit. See the instructions on the packaging for this.

As a precaution, it is best to use pre-cooked chicken products when

barbecuing. You can also pre-cook chicken yourself.
5.06.03 Defrosting

The same rules apply to defrosting as for meat.

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5.07.01 How do you store chicken?

Chicken and poultry are susceptible to spoilage. It is therefore important

to store them properly. The same advice applies as with meat.

With chicken, be extra careful that moisture from raw or thawed chicken cannot leak
onto other food, for example in the refrigerator.

5.07.02 Freezing

You can freeze raw chicken. The chicken will then remain good for about 3 months.
Prepared chicken and chicken meat products also keep well in the freezer for
about 3 months. Frozen chicken contains fewer pathogens. But then it is also
important to heat the chicken thoroughly.

5.08.01 Can you safely eat chicken?

5.08.02 Pathogens

Pathogens can occur on raw chicken and poultry. The most important are the
bacteria salmonella and campylobacter. These occur regularly. Even if only part
of the chicken is contaminated, it can still make you seriously ill. This especially
applies to people with reduced resistance, the elderly, young children and
pregnant women.

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5.08.03 Harmful substances

Burned meat contains harmful substances, namely paks. There are studies
showing that regularly eating burnt meat increases the risk of pancreatic or
colon cancer.

5.08.04 Animal diseases

Chickens can contract animal diseases such as bird flu. All chickens are
inspected before slaughter.

5.08.05 Bird flu is not a risk

Eating chicken is safe, even in times of bird flu. All animals are inspected
before slaughter. To combat bird flu, chickens that are (presumably) sick are
destroyed and therefore not sold. Moreover, in the imaginary case that
contaminated chicken meat or eggs are sold, the virus will not survive heating.

5.08.06 Antibiotics

Chickens can be given antibiotics to prevent and combat infections. There is

a waiting period after using antibiotics. The chicken or products from the treated
chicken may not be slaughtered or eaten during that time. After this waiting
period, there are virtually no traces of antibiotics left in the chicken meat. The
greatest risk of frequently using antibiotics is the development of antibiotic
resistance. By eating chicken that has not been properly cooked, people can
become infected with pathogenic bacteria that are resistant to important
antibiotics. That's why it's important to prepare chicken safely. The use of
antibiotics in chickens is decreasing. Since 2011, a lot of attention has been paid to it and use

5.09.01 Is chicken sustainable?

5.09.02 Animal welfare

Animal welfare is also an important point of attention for chickens. Most companies
keep chickens in large stables, where space per chicken is limited. The chickens
grow very quickly and can therefore have problems with their health.

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In Europe, all broiler farms must comply with the rules in the Animal
Health and Welfare Act. Other European countries also have such rules. For
example, companies are allowed to keep a maximum of 42 kilos of chicken per
square meter. That amounts to about 19 chickens. Various quality marks already
prescribe fewer chickens per square meter. Outside Europe it is unclear what
requirements are imposed on the broiler farming system. By nature, a chicken is
a social animal that lives in small groups of a rooster, a few hens and chicks.
Chickens need enough space to move and spread their wings. Dust baths are
necessary to keep the feathers clean.

Chickens peck and scratch to get food. In the wild they spend the night in trees.
Here they sit high and safe. Chickens that are kept like to rest on an elevated perch
at night.

In conventional husbandry, the limited space, but especially the rapid growth,
causes problems:

Stress: Especially as the chicks gain weight, they have limited space. They
can then no longer browse around as well or scratch or peck at litter. They can
also get very warm. This causes them a lot of stress. As a result, they become
ill more quickly and recover less well from infections.

Health problems: Due to their rapid growth and high weight, chicks often develop
health and welfare problems. They can no longer take dust baths or spread their
wings very well. Sometimes they have difficulty walking or can no longer stand
on their feet. They can also 'continue to grow' (suddenly die due to acute cardiac arrest).
Other problems include wounds on the legs and ascitis, a fatal disease
caused by a lack of oxygen. On average, 1% of the number of chickens dies
every week during the fattening period.

Hunger: The broiler chickens used for breeding are given too little feed as a
precaution. With a normal amount of feed, these adult chickens become too
heavy, which means they can no longer reproduce.

5.09.03Common broiler farms

About 70% of broiler farms in the Netherlands belong to conventional
broiler farming. The stocking rate in the Netherlands is on average 18 to 21
chickens per square meter. The chickens are fed food containing grains, seeds,
soy, fish meal and milk components. They are slaughtered after 5 to 6 weeks (35-42
days). In conventional broiler farming, the broilers sit close together on the floor
in large stables.

The number of chicks in the stable exceeds 20,000. They can't go outside.
There is only artificial light, up to 20 hours a day.

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Chicken from conventional broiler farming is mainly exported abroad.

5.09.04 The 'new' broiler farming

Due to the changed demand, more than 30% of broiler farmers have switched to
slower growing breeds that live under improved conditions.
This includes the supermarket chain-specific implementations of the
'Chicken of Tomorrow.' Chickens with a Better Life and an organic quality mark
already met this requirement. These chickens have fewer leg and health problems
than in conventional husbandry. There are still differences between these more animal-friendly

All supermarkets in the Netherlands have switched to the 'Chicken of

Tomorrow'. The supermarkets each have their own requirements for welfare and
living environment, which are slightly better than in conventional broiler
farming. But these new concepts do not yet meet the 1 star Better Life quality
mark. These chickens live between 45-49 days. They have slightly more space
(13.5 to 17 chickens per square meter) and a more natural day and night rhythm.
These chickens generally have little living space and no range.

The 'Chicken of Tomorrow' can be an intermediate step towards the Better Life quality mark.
Various supermarkets strive to ensure that all chicken ultimately meets at
least 1 Better Life star. But no end date has been set for this yet.

The Better Life quality mark from the Animal Protection Society and the organic
quality mark impose stricter requirements on animal welfare and living conditions.
These chickens have more space, distraction material and opportunities to
exercise their natural behavior. The more stars, the better the animal welfare
requirements. These chickens live from 56 days (1 star) to 81 days (3 stars).
They live with 10 to 13 chickens per square meter. And they get daylight
and have a (covered) outdoor area. The shopping assistant helps you choose
chicken, taking the life of the animal into account.

5.09.05 Mating behavior

Roosters have sharp nails and spurs on their feet. This allows roosters to injure
the hens during mating, especially on the thigh, back and wings. As a result,
the hens experience chronic stress and anxiety.

The spurs and hind toes of the roosters are removed in the hatchery to limit skin
and feather damage to the hens. This would be necessary less often if the roosters:

Would come to the hens at the right time.

Were reared together with the hens.

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The cages would be less full.

This means they have less stress, are more used to each other, have enough
space to mate and are in good condition.

5.09.06 Environment

Of all types of meat, chicken has the least impact on the environment . Chicken places a greater
burden on the environment than vegetable protein sources, such as meat substitutes, soy and legumes.

1 kilo of chicken meat requires less feed than 1 kilo of beef or pork. A fast-growing
chicken only needs 2 kilos of feed to grow 1 kilo. As a result, keeping chicken places
less demand on agricultural land and water resources.

Broiler farming produces a lot of chicken manure. Poultry farming also emits
greenhouse gases through manure. Chicken produces less manure per kilo of meat
compared to a cow or pig.

Organic farming uses more space. As a result, the groundwater becomes less
polluted per hectare. Due to the extension to the outside, the ground may be
subject to additional stress in certain places. Furthermore, organic chickens need
more feed before they are ready for slaughter.

5.09.07 Deforestation

Chickens eat grain and concentrates. It usually contains soy, some of which comes
from South America. Forests are being cut down there to meet the increasing
demand for livestock feed. Slow-growing breeds such as organic chickens need
more feed before they are ready for slaughter because they live longer. But
organic chicken feed also often comes from the region. About 20% of all wheat and
corn in Europe is fed to chicken and poultry.

5.09.08 Dilemma between environment and animal welfare

Animal welfare does not always go hand in hand with being good for the
environment. Chicken from conventional broiler farms has the lowest animal welfare,
but is also the least bad for the environment. For example, slow-growing breeds
require more feed and free-range chickens require higher land use. Should you
choose one or the other? An interim solution could be to choose meat with a low
environmental impact, such as chicken, but with an animal welfare quality mark, such
as Better Life 2 or 3 stars or organic. Or you choose to eat less meat and select the
meat you do eat based on animal welfare.

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5.10.01 Label: what should you pay attention to with chicken?

5.10.02 Added water

Adding water to raw, unprocessed chicken is not allowed, otherwise it cannot
be called meat. Unprocessed means: not marinated, seasoned, ground,
breaded, smoked or otherwise processed.

Water may be added to processed chicken meat such as minced chicken, for
example to make it more tender or heavier. Other ingredients or additives are
often added to bind the water. On the label you can see in the list of ingredients
whether water has been added.

Sometimes a chicken product (for example marinated chicken fillet) looks like a
whole piece of meat such as a steak or slab. If more than 5% water has been
added, this must be stated as 'added water'. In the list of ingredients you can
then see how much water has been added.

If you do not want meat or chicken to which water has been added, it is advisable
to pay attention to the label or ask the seller about the composition.
5.10.03 Fresh, frozen or quick-frozen
Chicken can be sold in 3 ways.
Fresh: Chicken meat that has never been frozen, but has also never
had a temperature higher than 4 °C.
Frozen: Chicken meat that is stored at a temperature lower than -12 °C.

Frozen: Chicken meat that is stored at a temperature lower than -18 °C.

5.10.04 Indication of origin

Chicken products must have an oval image with an abbreviation of the country
where the processor is located. This indicates where the last
operation took place, not where the product came from. For pure chicken meat
(100%), the label must state where a chicken leg or chicken fillet comes from
and where it was slaughtered.

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5.10.05 Quality marks in the Netherlands

There are husbandry systems that take the welfare of the chickens more into account. They get
more space, grow less quickly and can sometimes go outside. Milieu Centraal, in
collaboration with the Nutrition Center and other experts, has designated a number of top
quality marks that score highest on: control, transparency, environment, animal welfare or
people and work. For chicken these are:

• Better life quality mark (2 or 3 stars)

• European Biological Characteristic

• Demeter

• Eko Quality Mark

5.10.06 Other quality marks

• PDO: there are no chicken products or products from other poultry in Belgium that
are protected because of their origin, composition or traditional production
method. Chicken with a protected designation of origin (PDO) is for sale in Spain
and France. In Spain it concerns chicken and fowl from Prat, an area around
Barcelona. Many regions in France have their 'own poultry', such as Loué and Bresse.

• Kosher and Halal. There are various quality marks and certificates that indicate
that a product is kosher or halal.

5.10.07 Other names

There is also corn chicken and Omega Balance Chicken for sale. These chickens have
been given different food. Corn chickens are fed vegetable feed, mainly corn. This may cause
the meat to turn a bit yellower. The chicks of the Omega Balance Chicken are given special feed
to positively influence the levels of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids in the meat.

5.10.08 Nutritional characteristics

Chicken with skin, prepared Chicken with skin, raw Skinless chicken. Skinless
chicken, prepared Chicken burger, breaded, prepared Chicken fillet (meat) Chicken fillet, prepared
Chicken fillet, raw Chicken fillet, prepared with salt Chicken nugget, fried Chicken liver,
prepared Chicken liver, raw Chicken leg, prepared Chicken schnitzel, breaded, prepared

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5.10.09 Nutritional values

Nutritional values of the slaughter products are available on request

5.10.10 Permit for slaughter

To practice animal slaughter, a European permit is required to establish and

operate a slaughterhouse.

Poultry Ritual Slaughterhouse Belgium already has a certificate for operating a

ritual slaughterhouse in Belgium with European approval for the period of the
next 25 years.

5.10.11 Inspection and inspection of the meat

Inspectors carry out inspections in the European Poultry and meat sector.
In virtually no other sector have quality and control systems and
standards been introduced on such a large scale. Many poultry checks are
carried out as a precaution to guarantee food safety.

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Chapter 6. Market and Market Development

6.01.01 The Market

The size of the European market for Poultry Ritual Slaughter is unlimited.
Both as a slaughterhouse and as a rendering (after-processing
company). The world population is still increasing and the spread of
peoples continues apace. The diet of the population will also never be
completely without eating meat. The average meat consumption is between 35
and 38 kilograms of meat per person per year. The market is therefore unlimited

The sale of meat from a Poultry Ritual Slaughterhouse can take place through
several channels. Via meat wholesalers, large supermarket chains, traditional

The product is suitable for the Belgian market, for example, but also for the
European market. The sale of Halal products is also possible to non-Muslim
consumers. Conversely, the sale of non-halal products cannot be consumed
by Muslim consumers. The European market for halal meat is therefore larger than
the traditional meat products market.
Consumers and intermediaries such as wholesalers, retail chains and
consumers must be able to have confidence that the products of Poultry
Ritual Slachterij will be of high quality. The price compared to non-Halal
meat products may be the same and is not an obstacle to purchasing the products
from Poultry Ritual Slachterij

6.02.01 Market development

The market development is stable, there is sufficient demand for Halal slaughtered
meat. The world population is still growing. The products of Poultry Ritual
Slachterij always meet the highest quality and safety. Continuous monitoring of
the quality and safety of the products will only increase sales and deliver
the desired results for the slaughterhouses.

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6.02.02 Market analysis

The choice to work with wholesale companies arose from a cost
calculation and determined on the basis of the commercial objectives. The
combination of sales via wholesalers and retail chains results in stock
savings and continuous purchase of the products of the Poultry Ritual
Slaughterhouse. This allows the focus to remain 100 percent on the safe
slaughtering and processing of halal meat. By working with fixed purchase
contracts, this will save on sales costs.

6.03.01 Current market.

The current market has a need for Halal slaughtered meat products due to the
ever-increasing number of migrant Muslim residents in Europe

Those companies that are outdated and no longer meet the quality
and safety requirements will eventually have to modernize or close their slaughterhouse,
Modernization entails high investment costs

Partly because of this, sales of Halal slaughtered meat products from the
Poultry Ritual Slaughterhouse will only increase.

The current market for halal slaughtered meat is well defined. The reason for this
is once again that Poultry Ritual Slaughterhouse will go 100 percent and continue
to meet all quality and safety requirements.

It will therefore not be necessary or wise to adjust the price downwards to obtain
more orders. Charging the necessary sales prices to cover costs
and achieve a minimum profit margin is therefore the current and future vision.

6.04.01 Marketing mix

The expansion of market share by opening the Poultry Ritual Slaughterhouse
will therefore not have a negative impact on sales volumes and pricing, but will
have a positive impact on the operating result of the Poultry Ritual
Slaughterhouse. Correct commercial operation of the market through
the right buyer, awareness and purchase of the products of Poultry Ritual Slachterij
will further increase the turnover and operating result of Poultry Ritual Slachterij.

6.05.01 Competition among companies

Competition is always present. Due to the high quality and safety requirements,
the Poultry Ritual Slaughterhouse will eventually surpass the competition and grow into

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a regional and or even national player for supplying high quality Halal
slaughtered meat products.

6.06.01 Distinctive character of the companies

Not only the possession of a full license, but also the combination of Halal meat
with the high quality of the products and the safe processing of the
products should distinguish the Poultry Slaughterhouse from other slaughterhouses.
A not unimportant factor is the care of the animals to be slaughtered in
comfortable conditions before these animals are slaughtered into meat for consumption.
This distinctive character also makes it possible to achieve a normal profit
margin on the products without competition.

6.07.01 Commission orders

Because the construction of the slaughterhouse has yet to start, no orders have
yet been placed, but consultations have already taken place with
suppliers and customers. As soon as construction starts, the department
responsible for commerce will start actually accepting and accepting
orders for both slaughter orders and purchase agreements for products.
However, agreements of intent can be concluded with future customers.
6.08.01 Stocks
The intention is to keep stocks as limited as possible. As soon as the
slaughterhouse opens its doors, a stock will be built up that can be delivered
to the buyers of the meat products within 24 hours.

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Chapter 7 Plan description in order of operation

7.01.01 Plan description

The plan is to provide clarity and overview in successive sub-plans.

These have already been mentioned in the Objective and are mentioned
again here

First objective

The first objective is also the most important part, obtaining sufficient
financial resources to set up and maintain a production location. The
implementation of this objective has now come into effect by compiling this
business plan to obtain the financial resources obtained.
To make these financial resources available, an investment budget and an
operating budget provide insight into the investment and intended operation.
A multi-year operating budget must provide certainty for the first six
years of operation. Continuous monitoring and adjustment of operating costs
during the implementation phase and continuous research into subsidies to
be obtained will subsequently be carried out and will partly determine the
financial results to be achieved for establishing and maintaining the ritual poultry slaughterho

Second objective

After achieving the first objective, the second objective is to obtain a location
with permits and licenses. This location is required to establish and operate a
slaughterhouse. This second objective has already entered preparatory phase
and consultations are now underway with various landowners and
government institutions to obtain the necessary locations. An important element
for obtaining this location is that the zoning plan category is suitable
for slaughterhouses. This is zoning plan category 3.2 to 4.2 (depending on future
activities). As soon as the location is known, the necessary certificates,
subsidies and permits are applied for for this location after the land has
been acquired. The entrepreneur will, in consultation with the advisors,
investigate which location with the applicable regulations and legislation
is suitable for this.

Third objective

The third objective is to establish and maintain a ritual poultry

slaughterhouse. A period of 12 to 18 months is planned for the construction
period of the slaughterhouse before full production can commence. As soon as
the construction of the ritual poultry slaughterhouse has started,
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Construction period, the following objectives will be started

immediately to accelerate the start-up process.

Fourth objective

The fourth objective is to set up and process the entire business organization and
business administration in order to manage the company organizationally and
financially expertly. The business administration will be carried out
via an existing software package, with the overall business operations being
carried out with just one software package. This objective is now being
prepared with a study into which software packages will be eligible for this. The
final result must be real-time transparent business administration for all
parts within the organization. It is important to be able to administer and trace the
traceability of the products to be processed at every step. (Recall) a very
important part of setting up the organization is recruiting, selecting and
hiring management and all future employees.

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Fifth objective

The fifth objective is to set up and implement a purchasing strategy in collaboration

with the purchasing department employees to receive sufficient supply of
Poultry via suppliers from the market. Preference is given to working with
recognized Poultry traders who are active in the Poultry industry and the
Poultry sales market. Exploratory discussions have now been held with various
poultry traders and as soon as the production location is built, definitive
purchasing contracts can be concluded.

Sixth objective

The sixth objective is to set up and further expand a sales strategy in

collaboration with the employees of the sales department to market the
slaughtered products through structured sales channels. Preference is given
to collaboration with the meat processing industry. Discussions with
wholesale companies are now underway.

7.02.01 Tax structure

Because the licensing rights for this slaughterhouse are owned by the
company, a reverse takeover will eventually take place by a newly established
holding company. The current company will then function as an operating
company. The immovable property and fixed inventory will be placed in a
separate real estate management company as part of the newly established
holding company. A rental agreement will be entered into with the operating
company for an indefinite period.

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Chapter 8. Organization

8.01.01 Organization General

The organization of the company can still be described as limited

The organization is managed by the entrepreneur.

Supervision of this project is carried out in close collaboration with the external consultant.

Management meetings are held monthly. The project team basically consists of the
entrepreneur and the advisor. The organization will be expanded with new officers depending
on need and size

A person responsible will be appointed for each department in the future. Despite a small
team, periodic consultation is necessary to further streamline and develop the company's
vision and strategy.

The company will be divided into departments in the future: The departments will be managed
by the entrepreneur. The departments are held responsible for adequately maintaining the
necessary administration.

1. Finance Department

2. Purchasing Department

3. Logistics Department

4. Human Resources Department

5. Production Department

6. Sales Department,

8.02.01 Finance Department

The financial administration is set up based on research into a suitable administration
package. As soon as the research data is known, the software packages will be implemented.
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In all likelihood, an EXACT Administration or AFAS will be chosen

Software or the like

As a result, all information will be available to management in real time on a daily basis and
profitability per product and project will be displayed. Invoicing is also carried out by the
sales staff after a short training and administration setup.

The administration is fully automated as required, this concerns the complete:

• Asset administration,

• Accounts receivable administration,

• Accounts Payable

• Financial administration,

• Purchasing administration,

• Wage and salary administration

• Production administration,

• Sales administration,

• Stock administration.

An accounting firm is appointed to audit the administration.

8.02.02 Purchasing Department (Purchase)

The entrepreneur is responsible for the daily management of the purchasing department and is
assisted by the advisor.

This concerns making agreements, monitoring compliance with agreements, and monitoring the
purchasing process. Maintaining contacts with suppliers both at the production location and at
the supplier. Checking and collecting the necessary administration for the purchasing

A purchasing manager will be appointed for the sales department in the future who will
be responsible for the entire purchasing process.

8.02.03 Logistics Department

The entrepreneur is responsible for the daily management of the logistics

department and is assisted by the advisor.

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This concerns making agreements, monitoring compliance with agreements, and monitoring the
logistics process. Maintaining contacts with suppliers both at the production location and at
the supplier. Checking and collecting the necessary administration for the logistics

A logistics employee will be appointed for the logistics department in the future who will be
responsible for the entire logistics process.

8.02.04 Personnel Department (HR)

Personnel are the pivot around which everything revolves. Trained and well-
functioning employees contribute to the success of the company. Characteristic are low
absenteeism, high commitment and affinity with the company. To achieve this, an advisor will
initially assist the management in structuring the human resources department into a
modern socially managed organization. This will result in very low absenteeism due to
illness and, with the exception of, is subject to the employees' own risk. The absenteeism risk
will be transferred to an insurance company.

Once financial automation has been optimized with associated training, it will be further
integrated into business operations. Various advanced software and communication
tools and well-designed and implemented automation optimize and complete the

An HR officer will be appointed for the human resources department in the future who will be
responsible for the entire HR process

The workforce will grow to the next team of employees in the future

Poultry slaughterhouse management 2 FTE

Slaughterhouse production staff 44 FTE

Management Rendering-Cutting Lines 2 FTE

Production Rendering Cutting Lines 10 FTE

Total required number of employees for an indefinite period 58 FTE

Where possible, companies will commit to deploying employees who are distanced from the
labor market in those places where possible.

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8.02.05 Production department (operations)

The entrepreneur is responsible for the daily management of the production department
and is assisted by the advisor.

As indicated above, the production administration will be further

automated to obtain daily project insight on paper that is similar to practice. Due
to extensive automation, the company will increasingly become a financially
driven company instead of a company run on an emotional basis. The timesheets
of permanent and/or hired employees are processed daily in the administrative
package and can also be used to accurately maintain payroll and payroll administration.

A production manager will be appointed for the production department in the

future who will be responsible for the entire production process

The production department will consist of 44 production employees for the slaughter
of both poultry and small poultry.

The cutting lines department will consist of 10 production employees for cutting,
post-processing and packaging meat products.

8.02.06 Sales Department

The entrepreneur is responsible for the daily management of the sales department
and is assisted by the advisor.

This concerns making agreements, monitoring compliance with agreements,

monitoring projects and maintaining contacts with clients both at the workplace
and at the client. Checking and collecting the necessary administration
for invoicing. A sales manager will be appointed for the sales department in the
future who will be responsible for achieving sales targets.

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Chapter 9.0 Financial plan

9.01.01 Financial Plan

The plan proposes investments in a production facility and inventory
financing to ensure the continuity of the companies for the years from now
until 2030.

The investment will only take place after full financing has taken place.

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9.02.01 Investment plan

The investment plan according to the budget concerns an investment classified into the following

Lands and grounds € 6,000,000.00

Business premises Main slaughterhouse € 8,000,000.00

Installations Main slaughterhouse €20,000,000.00

Business premises Cutting department and Packaging department € 2,000,000.00

Installations Cutting and packaging department € 3,000,000.00

Commercial property Rendering department € 2,000,000.00

Installations Rendering department € 3,000,000.00

Business premises Water purification € 2,000,000.00

Water purification installations € 3,000,000.00

Installations other installations € 6,000,000.00

Working capital financing € 500,000.00

Total investment budget €55,500,000.00

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9.03.01 Financing
The financing of the assets will take place via a mortgage with a term of 20
years. The financing of the inventory and production lines is financed with a
business loan with a term of 10 years. A clause must be included in the
business loan to extend the term of the loan for the same period.

9.04.01 Investment budget

Directly below is the investment budget with interest and depreciation charges.
Halal Chicken slaughterhouse 2 x 15000/ Hour Overview Interest and depreciation
Investment description
Investment total Depreciation % Depreciation /year Interest/Year Depreciation+Interest

Depreciation of Land € 6,000,000.00 € 300,000.00 € 300,000.00

Depreciation Real Estate Slaughterhouse € 8,000,000.00 20 € 400,000.00 € 400,000.00 € 800,000.00

Depreciation of slaughterhouse inventory € 20,000,000.00 20 € 1,000,000.00 € 1,000,000.00 € 2,000,000.00

Depreciation Real estate cutting processing € 2,000,000.00 20 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 200,000.00

Depreciation Inventory Cutting Processing € 3,000,000.00 20 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 300,000.00

Depreciation Real estate rendering € 2,000,000.00 €20 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 200,000.00

Depreciation Inventory Rendering € 3,000,000.00 €20 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 300,000.00

Depreciation of Real Estate Water Treatment € 2,000,000.00 €20 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 200,000.00

Depreciation of water purification inventory € 3,000,000.00 €20 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 300,000.00

Depreciation of Other Inventory € 6,000 ,000.00 €20 € 300,000.00 € 300,000.00 € 600,000.00

Total investment € 55,000,000.00 € 2,750,000.0 0 € 2,750,000.0 0

Working Capital € 500,000.00

Total Financing required € 55,500,000.00 € 2,450,000.00 € 5,200,000.00 € 7,650,000.00

Total Depreciation € 2,450,000.00

Total Interest € 5,200,000.00

Total Depreciation and Interest € 7,650,000.00

Total investment € 55,500,000.00

Total Depreciation/Year € 2,450,000.00

Total Interest/Year € 5,200,000.00

Total Depreciation+interest/year € 7,650,000.00

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9.05.01 Operating budget at full operation

The inserted operating budget is required to manage the company
financially, to test financial values, to promote sales figures and to
further improve profitability.
Halal Chicken slaughterhouse 2 x 15000/ Hour Profit and loss
Description Number Quantity Base Cost Total Remark
SalesProduct 30000000 € 61,410,000.00 Sales Slaughter €
Sales slaughter 30000000 15,000,000.00 Sales Cutting and Slicing exclusive white meat (chicken) € 30,000,000.00
Sales Cutting 30000000
Sales Profits 30000000 €21,282,000.00
Sales Total €127,692,000.00 -
Purchase Product 30000000 €61,410,000.00 Purchase

Gross Margin 30000000 €66,282,000.00 gross margin

Company costs
Management costs 2 FTE € 75,000.00 € 150,000.00 Management costs
Employment Costs 90 FTE € 44,000.00 € 3,960,000.00 Employment Costs
Real Estate Costs 2% Percentage € 55,000,000.00 € 1,100,000.00 Real Estate Costs
0% Year € 6,000,000.00 € -
Depreciation Areas Depreciation Areas
Depreciation Real Estate Slauchthouse 20 years € 8,000,000.00 € 400,000.00 Depreciation Real Estate Slauchthouse
Slaughterhouse Depreciation Inventory 20 years € 20,000,000.00 € 1,000,000.00 Slaughterhouse Depreciation Inventory
Depreciation Real Estate Cutting 20 years € 2,000,000.00 € 100,000.00 Depreciation Real Estate Cutting
Depreciation Inventory Cutting 20 years € 3,000,000.00 € 150,000.00 Depreciation Inventory Cutting
Depreciation Real estate Rendering 20 years € 2,000,000.00 € 100,000.00 Depreciation Real estate Rendering
Depreciation Inventory Rendering 20 years € 3,000,000.00 € 150,000.00 Depreciation Inventory Rendering
Depreciation Real Estate Water Cleaning 20 years € 2,000,000.00 € 100,000.00 Depreciation Real Estate Water Cleaning
Deptreciation Inventory Water Cleaning 20 years € 3,000,000.00 € 150,000.00 Deptreciation Inventory Water Cleaning
Depreciation Other installations 20 years € 6,000,000.00 € 300,000.00 Depreciation Other installations
Transportation costs 1% Percentage € 55,000,000.00 € € 550,000.00 Transportation costs
Service and Maintenance Costs 2% Percentage 55,000,000.00 € € 1,100,000.00 Service and Maintenance Costs
Purchase Cost 1% Percentage 55,000,000.00 € 550,000.00 Purchase Cost
Sales Costs 1% Percentage €55,000,000.00 € 550,000.00 Sales Costs
Administrative costs 1% Percentage €55,000,000.00 € 550,000.00 Administrative costs
General Costs 1% Percentage €55,000,000.00 € 550,000.00 General Costs

Total company costs € 11,510,000.00 Total company costs

Finance Costs 5% percentage €55,000,000.00 € 1,375,000.00 Finance Costs

Working Capital 5% percentage € 500,000.00 € 12,500.00 Working Capital -

Total Company costs Total € 12,897,500.00 € 12,897,500.00 Total Company costs

Company result before Tax €53,384,500.00 Company result before Tax -

Company Tax 22.00% percent € 53,384,500.00 €11,744,590.00 Company Tax
Company result after tax €41,639,910.00 Company result after Tax

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9.05.02 Operating budget for start-up period

The attached operating budget is required to manage the company financially
during the start-up period, to test financial values, to promote sales figures
and to further improve profitability.
Halal Chicken slaughterhouse 2 x 15000/ Hour More Year Exploitation Budget
Description Number Units Bese First Year Second Year Third Year fourth Year Fifth Year Sixth Year
Sales percentage 100% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
TotalSales Total €127,692,000.00 €63,846,000.00 € 76,615,200.00 € 89,384,400.00 € 102,153,600.00 € 114,922,800.00 € 127,692,000.00
Total Purchase Total €61,410,000.00 €30,705,000.00 € 36,846,000.00 € 42,987,000.00 € 49,128,000.00 € 55,269,000.00 € 61,410,000.00

Gross Margin Total €66,282,000.00 €33,141,000.00 € 39,769,200.00 € 46,397,400.00 € 53,025,600.00 € 59,653,800.00 € 66,282,000.00

Company costs
Management costs 2 FTE € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00
Employment Costs 90 FTE € 3,960,000.00 € 3,960,000.00 € 3,960,000.00 € 3,960,000.00 € 3,960,000.00 € 3,960,000.00 € 3,960,000.00
Real Estate Costs 2% % € 1,100,000.00 € 1,100,000.00 € 1,100,000.00 € 1,100,000.00 € 1,100,000.00 € 1,100,000.00 € 1,100,000.00
0%Year € 6,000,000.00 € - € - € - € - € -
Depreciation Areas
Depreciation Real Estate Slauchthouse 20 Years € 8,000,000.00 € 400,000.00 € 400,000.00 € 400,000.00 € 400,000.00 € 400,000.00 € 400,000.00
Slaughterhouse Depreciation Inventory 20 Years € 20,000,000.00 € 1,000,000.00 € 1,000,000.00 € 1,000,000.00 € 1,000,000.00 € 1,000,000.00 € 1,000,000.00
Depreciation Real Estate Cutting 20 Years € 2,000,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00
Depreciation Inventory Cutting 20 Years € 3,000,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00
Depreciation Real estate Rendering 20 Years € 2,000,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00
Depreciation Inventory Rendering 20 Years € 3,000,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00
Depreciation Real Estate Water Cleaning 20 Years € 2,000,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00
Deptreciation Inventory Water Cleaning 20 Years € 3,000,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00
Depreciation Other installations 20 Years € 6,000,000.00 € 300,000.00 € 300,000.00 € 300,000.00 € 300,000.00 € 300,000.00 € 300,000.00
Transportation costs 1% % € 55,000,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00
Service and Maintenance costs 2% % € 55,000,000.00 € 1,100,000.00 € 1,100,000.00 € 1,100,000.00 € 1,100,000.00 € 1,100,000.00 € 1,100,000.00
Purchase Costs 1% % € 55,000,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00
Sales cost 1% % € 55,000,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00
Administration Costs 1% % € 55,000,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00
General Costs 1% % € 55,000,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00
Total company costs € 11,510,000.00 € 11,510,000.00 € 11,510,000.00 € 11,510,000.00 € 11,510,000.00 € 11,510,000.00

Finance costs 5% percentage € 55,000,000.00 € 2,750,000.00 € 2,750,000.00 € 2,750,000.00 € 2,750,000.00 € 2,750,000.00 € 2,750,000.00
€ 500,000.00 € 25,000.00 € 25,000.00 € - € - € - € -
Finance costs Working capital 5% percentage
Total company costs Total € 14,285,000.00 € 14,285,000.00 € 14,260,000.00 € 14,260,000.00 € 14,260,000.00 € 14,260,000.00
Loss of Cover

Company result before tax € 18,856,000.00 € 25,484,200.00 € 32,137,400.00 € 38,765,600.00 € 45,393,800.00 € 52,022,000.00
Company Tax 20% € 5,096,840.00 € 6,427,480.00 € 7,753,120.00 € 9,078,760.00 € 10,404,400.00
Company result after tax € 18,856,000.00 € 20,387,360.00 € 25,709,920.00 € 31,012,480.00 € 36,315,040.00 € 41,617,600.00

9.06.01 Liquidity budget for first year

A liquidity budget can be made upon request. The attached operating

budget and the company's financial position provide sufficient insight for the
next 6 years 2024-2030.
9.07.01 Guarantee for loans

Applications for guarantees on the loans to implement this plan are

submitted to the national government directly through the financing
companies or directly through requests to the national government.

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9.08.01 Subsidy

A study is now being conducted at local and national

authorities to apply for all possible subsidies for which
Poultry Ritual Slaughterhouse wishes to be eligible. The
budgets do not take into account any subsidies to be

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Chapter 10.0 Commercial plan

10.01.01 Marketing plan

All matters mentioned in this commercial plan apply to Poultry Ritual
Slachterij to all products and services to be supplied.

10.02.01 Marketing Objectives

Achieving the financial objectives as stated in the operating budget depends
mainly on the long-term turnover results, in part with the delivery of the
right quality, logistics and service. In the coming years, the company will have
to pay attention to commerce. The attention to commerce will be further
structured and stimulated based on the experiences gained in business
operations and the results achieved.
10.03.01 Brand awareness

The name and logo of Poultry Ritual Slachterij will be registered as a

brand name, after which the use of the name and logos by others will not be
permitted. In the future, all vehicles, advertising and documentation
must be provided with the logo with the brand name. This brand name will
therefore also become a visually well-known trade name in the meat processing
and meat-using industry.

10.04.01 Products catalogue

A product specification is developed for all products. This product specification
forms the basis for order processing and project administration.
These product specifications are placed on the Poultry Ritual Slachterij
website. The product package will be standardized as much as possible and
will be provided with all EAN numbers and quality marks required for trade

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10.05.01 Target groups of customers

The target groups can be named as follows

• Butchery wholesale companies.

• Supermarket retail chains.

10.06.01 Offline promotion

Offline promotion is made with advertising on vehicles, work clothing

and packaging. To stimulate further promotion, customers and advisors
will be approached to make the product better known.

10.07.01 Online promotion

The website is set up with all product specifications and associated photo
material, delivery conditions, insurance conditions, purchasing conditions and references.
The website must be continuously adapted to the wishes and requirements of
the time.

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10.08.01 Mail
The target groups are periodically approached with a newsletter and informed
about the latest developments regarding offers, product development,
quality certificates, etc. Address files are now being collected and these data
files are entered into the commercial programs to support sales.

10.09.01 Media
Media such as regional business newspapers are used to further promote the
products of Infrared Energy Europe. Renting stands at trade fairs at home
and abroad is an excellent way to present products to customers.
Social media such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter will
develop as a must for every company. The website must be linked to all social
media channels. Displaying quality photos and news on social media will help
build brand awareness.

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Chapter 11. Forecast

11.01.01 Short term forecast 0- 2 years

After further meeting the financing requirement, the first step will be to
set up a production location, expand and adapt the organization, management
and workforce.

Complying with all quality standards, safety requirements and other standards.
Achieving the turnover targets as indicated in the operating budget. The short-
term forecast is included in the multi-year operating budget.

11.02.01 Medium term forecast 2-5 years

After the short-term objectives have been achieved, the focus will be on growing
the company's turnover, further improving the product package with more
products and growing into a company with a turnover to make the production
location financially self-sufficient. The turnover to be achieved is included in
the operating budget. The medium-short term forecast is included in the multi-
year operating budget.

11.03.01 Long term forecast 5-10 years

The long-term future is difficult to predict. Depending on the experiences to be
gained in the coming years with, among other things, product development
and turnover development, the future must be further determined. Expectations
partly depend on economic and product developments in the industry.
Factors such as developments in regulations and the environment will play a
determining role in this. The long-term forecast is not included in the multi-
year operating budget

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Chapter 12 Risk and Analysis

12.01.01 The company and the market

With the right financial resources, Poultry Ritual Slachterij can grow into a
leading producer and supplier of Halal slaughtered meat products.

The financial perspective according to the operating budget is good.

In addition, Poultry Ritual Slachterij has sufficient production capacity

and sales market to develop turnover according to the operating budget.

Negative consequences of the economic crisis due to the corona virus do not
apply to Poultry Ritual Slachterij because the company will only be set up after
the corona period and all products will meet the strictest safety and quality

Bankruptcies of competing slaughterhouses occur every day, which only

strengthens the position of Poultry Ritual Slachterij.

There is sufficient space for Slachterij's products on the European market

The annual decrease in meat per inhabitant has no negative impact on the
turnover development of Poultry Ritual Slachterij. This is offset by the
development of population growth and migration of the Islamic population.
Further increase in the Islamic population will have a positive impact on the
sales results of Slaughterhouse.

The prospects for the company are therefore favorable.

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Chapter 13 Copyright

13.01.01 Copyright

The ownership rights and authorship of this plan lie with the advisor. None of
this content may be reproduced, copied or reproduced without prior written
permission from the author. The advisor is W Pilkes, living at Jan Boltenhof
18, 1852 HG in Heiloo

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Chapter 14 Declaration of Intent

14.01.01 Declaration of intent of directors and management

The management of Poultry Ritual Slachterij will use this business plan to achieve adequate
and efficient business operations and adjust it according to needs in the coming
years 2023 to 2030.

Yours sincerely,

Poultry Ritual Slaughterhouse

Heiloo, Netherlands

October 18, 2023.

The entrepreneur,

Abdelkader ALAMI.

Heiloo, Netherlands October 18, 2023.

The advisor

W Pilkes

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Chapter Appendices

Appendix 01

202306001 – October 18, 2023, Multi-year operating budget 2023-2030

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Table of contents

Chapter 1. Introduction Business Plan ....................................................... .................................................. ................ 2

1.01.01 Introduction business plan ............................................ .................................................. ................................... 2

1.01.02 Slaughtering ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. ......2

1.01.03 Poultry .......................................... .................................................. .................................................. ....3

1.01.04 Small livestock and large livestock ............................................ .................................................. ............................................ 3

1.01.05 Legislation and regulations ............................................ .................................................. ................................................3

1.01.07 Halal Quality Mark ............................................ .................................................. ................................................3

1.01.06 Modern slaughterhouse ............................................ .................................................. ................................................ 4

1.01.07 Animal-friendly Ritual Slaughterhouse ............................................ .................................................. ................... 4

1.02.01 Business plan objectives. .................................................. .................................................. ...................... 4

1.03.01 Declaration of intent from the entrepreneur................................................... .................................................. ................ 7

Chapter 2. The advisor and the entrepreneur. .................................................. .................................................. 8

2.01.01 The entrepreneur ............................................ .................................................. ................................................ 8

2.01.02 The Entrepreneur's strengths ............................................ .................................................. ...................... 8

2.01.03 The entrepreneur's weaknesses ............................................ .................................................. .................... 8

2.02.01 The advisor ............................................ .................................................. .................................................. ..9

2.02.02 The Advisor and his strengths ............................................ .................................................. ........................ 9

Chapter 3. The Company ....................................................... .................................................. ...................... 10

3.01.01 The company the Ritual Slaughterhouse ............................................ .................................................. ............... 10

3.01.02 Description of the company ............................................ .................................................. ................... 10

3.01.03 Legal form ................................................ .................................................. ................................................ 10

3.01.04 Company number .......................................... .................................................. ................................ 10

3.01.05 Tax authorities .......................................... .................................................. ............................................ 11

3.01.06 Memberships. .................................................. .................................................. ................................... 11

3.01.07 Permit, Quality and Certificates ............................................ .................................................. ............... 12

3.01.08 SBI Code ............................................ .................................................. .................................................. ...12

3.01.09 Environmental category ................................................ .................................................. ............................................ 12

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3.01.10 Terms and Conditions of Sale ................................................ .................................................. ................................... 12

3.01.11 Purchasing conditions ................................................ .................................................. ................................... 12

3.01.12 Insurance conditions ................................................ .................................................. ............................ 13

3.01.13 Risk Inventory and Evaluation ................................................. .................................................. .................... 13

3.02.01 The company and the opportunities ............................................ .................................................. ................................... 13

3.03.01 The company and the threats ............................................ .................................................. ................................ 13

Chapter 4. Establishment ................................................ .................................................. ................................ 14

4.01.01 Headquarters ................................................ .................................................. ............................................ 14

4.01.02 New Headquarters ............................................ .................................................. ................................ 14

4.02.01 Slaughterhouse site ............................................................ .................................................. ................................ 14

4.03.01 Business premises Main slaughterhouse ............................................. .................................................. .......................... 15

4.03.02 Business premises Cutting and Packaging Department ................................................. .................................................. ........15

4.03.03 Business premises Rendering department ............................................ .................................................. ...................... 15

4.03.04 Business premises Purification installations ............................................ .................................................. ................ 15

4.04.01 Main slaughterhouse installations ............................................. .................................................. ............................ 15

4.04.02 Cutting and Packaging Department installations ................................................. .................................................. ........... 16

4.04.03 Installations Rendering department ............................................ .................................................. .......................... 16

4.04.04 Installations Purification installation ............................................ .................................................. ...................... 16

4.04.05 Other installations ............................................ .................................................. ............................................ 17

4.05.01 Investigation into main location VPO Investigation ............................................ .................................................. ...17

Chapter 5. Products and Services ............................................ .................................................. ................ 19

5.01.01 Meat products. .................................................. .................................................. ............................................ 19

5.01.02 Ritual slaughter ............................................ .................................................. ............................................ 19

5.01.03 How is an animal slaughtered halal? .................................................. .................................................. ............ 19

5.01.04 Halal and Haram ............................................ .................................................. ............................................ 19

5.01.04 Halal meat ............................................ .................................................. .................................................. 20

5.01.05 What is halal meat and what is the difference with regular meat? .................................................. ................................ 21

5.01.06 Special Halal permit ............................................ .................................................. ................................ 21

5.02.01 Chicken and poultry ............................................ .................................................. ............................................ 21

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5.02.02 What is chicken meat and poultry? .................................................. .................................................. .............. 22

5.02.04 What products are made from chicken and poultry ............................................ .......................................... 22

5.02.05 Processed products ............................................ .................................................. ............................................ 22

5.02.06 Origin ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. ..23

5.03.01 Is chicken healthy? .................................................. .................................................. .......................................... 23

5.03.02 Nutrients ................................................ .................................................. ................................................ 23

5.03.03 Processed chicken products and meat products ............................................ .................................................. .............. 24

5.04.01 Is chicken in the Wheel of Five? .................................................. .................................................. ................ 24

5.05.01 How much chicken do we eat in the Netherlands? .................................................. .................................................. .......... 24

5.6.01 How do you prepare chicken? .................................................. .................................................. ................................... 24

5.06.02 Pre-cooking ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. 24

5.06.03 Defrosting ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. 24

5.07.01 How do you store chicken? .................................................. .................................................. ................................ 25

5.07.02 Freezing ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. ..25

5.08.01 Can you safely eat chicken? .................................................. .................................................. ............................ 25

5.08.02 Pathogens ................................................ .................................................. .......................................... 25

5.08.03 Harmful substances ............................................ .................................................. ............................................ 26

5.08.04 Animal diseases ................................................ .................................................. ................................................ 26

5.08.05 Bird flu is not a risk ............................................ .................................................. ................................ 26

5.08.06 Antibiotics ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. 26

5.09.01 Is chicken sustainable? .................................................. .................................................. ................................... 26

5.09.02 Animal welfare .......................................... .................................................. ................................................ 26

5.09.03Common broiler farms ............................................................ .................................................. ................ 27

5.09.04 The 'new' broiler farming ............................................ .................................................. ...................... 28

5.09.05 Mating behavior .......................................... .................................................. ............................................ 28

5.09.06 Environment ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. ......29

5.09.07 Deforestation .......................................... .................................................. .................................................. 29

5.09.08 Dilemma between environment and animal welfare ............................................ .................................................. ............ 29

5.10.01 Label: what should you pay attention to with chicken? .................................................. .................................................. ..........
30 Document number 20230818001 Page 59
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5.10.02 Added water ............................................ .................................................. .......................................... 30

5.10.03 Fresh, frozen or deep-frozen ............................................ .................................................. .......................... 30

5.10.04 Indication of origin ............................................ .................................................. ................................... 30

5.10.05 Quality marks in the Netherlands ............................................ .................................................. ................................ 31

5.10.06 Other quality marks ............................................ .................................................. ............................................ 31

5.10.07 Other names ............................................................ .................................................. ............................................ 31

5.10.08 Nutritional characteristics ................................................ .................................................. ................................... 31

5.10.09 Nutritional values ................................................ .................................................. .......................................... 32

5.10.10 Slaughter permit ............................................................ .................................................. ................................ 32

5.10.11 Inspection and inspection of the meat ............................................ .................................................. .................... 32

Chapter 6. Market and Market Development ............................................ .................................................. .......33

6.01.01 The Market ............................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...33

6.02.01 Market development ................................................ .................................................. ............................................ 33

6.02.02 Market analysis ................................................ .................................................. ................................................ 34

6.03.01 Current market. .................................................. .................................................. ................................................ 34

6.04.01 Marketing mix ................................................ .................................................. ............................................ 34

6.05.01 Business competition ............................................................ .................................................. ................ 34

6.06.01 Distinctive character of the companies ............................................ ................................................ 35

6.07.01 Commissioned orders ............................................ .................................................. ................................................ 35

6.08.01 Stocks ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. 35

Chapter 7 Plan description in order of operation ....................................................... ................................................ 36

7.01.01 Plan description ................................................ .................................................. ................................................ 36

7.02.01 Tax structure ............................................ .................................................. ............................................ 38

Chapter 8. Organization ................................................ .................................................. ................................ 39

8.01.01 Organization General ............................................ .................................................. ................................... 39

8.02.01 Finance Department ....................................................... .................................................. ............................................ 39

8.02.02 Purchasing Department (Purchase) ............................................ .................................................. ................................ 40

8.02.03 Logistics Department ....................................... .................................................. .......................................... 40

8.02.04 Personnel Department (HR) ............................................ .................................................. ........................ 41

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Ritual Halal Poultry Slaughterhouse

8.02.05 Production department (operations) ............................................ .................................................. ........................ 42

8.02.06 Sales Department ....................................... .................................................. ................................................ 42

Chapter 9.0 Financial plan ................................................ .................................................. ...................... 43

9.01.01 Financial Plan ............................................ .................................................. ............................................ 43

9.02.01 Investment plan ................................................ .................................................. ................................................ 44

9.03.01 Financing ................................................ .................................................. ................................................ 45

9.04.01 Investment budget................................................... .................................................. ................................... 45

9.05.01 Operating budget at full operation ................................................. .................................................. ................ 46

9.05.02 Operating budget for start-up period ............................................. .................................................. ................ 47

Halal Chicken slaughterhouse 2 x 15000/ Hour More Year Exploitation Budget
Description Number Units Bese First Year Second Year Third Year fourth Year Fifth Year Sixth Year
Sales percentage 100% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
TotalSales Total €127,692,000.00 €63,846,000.00 € 76,615,200.00 € 89,384,400.00 € 102,153,600.00 € 114,922,800.00 € 127,692,000.00
Total Purchase Total €61,410,000.00 €30,705,000.00 € 36,846,000.00 € 42,987,000.00 € 49,128,000.00 € 55,269,000.00 € 61,410,000.00

Gross Margin Total €66,282,000.00 €33,141,000.00 € 39,769,200.00 € 46,397,400.00 € 53,025,600.00 € 59,653,800.00 € 66,282,000.00

Company costs
Management costs 2 FTE € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00
Employment Costs 90 FTE € 3,960,000.00 € 3,960,000.00 € 3,960,000.00 € 3,960,000.00 € 3,960,000.00 € 3,960,000.00 € 3,960,000.00
Real Estate Costs 2% % € 1,100,000.00 € 1,100,000.00 € 1,100,000.00 € 1,100,000.00 € 1,100,000.00 € 1,100,000.00 € 1,100,000.00
0%Year € 6,000,000.00 € - € - € - € - € -
Depreciation Areas
Depreciation Real Estate Slauchthouse 20 Years € 8,000,000.00 € 400,000.00 € 400,000.00 € 400,000.00 € 400,000.00 € 400,000.00 € 400,000.00
Slaughterhouse Depreciation Inventory 20 Years € 20,000,000.00 € 1,000,000.00 € 1,000,000.00 € 1,000,000.00 € 1,000,000.00 € 1,000,000.00 € 1,000,000.00
Depreciation Real Estate Cutting 20 Years € 2,000,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00
Depreciation Inventory Cutting 20 Years € 3,000,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00
Depreciation Real estate Rendering 20 Years € 2,000,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00
Depreciation Inventory Rendering 20 Years € 3,000,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00
Depreciation Real Estate Water Cleaning 20 Years € 2,000,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00 € 100,000.00
Deptreciation Inventory Water Cleaning 20 Years € 3,000,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00 € 150,000.00
Depreciation Other installations 20 Years € 6,000,000.00 € 300,000.00 € 300,000.00 € 300,000.00 € 300,000.00 € 300,000.00 € 300,000.00
Transportation costs 1%% € 55,000,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00
Service and Maintenance costs 2%% € 55,000,000.00 € 1,100,000.00 € 1,100,000.00 € 1,100,000.00 € 1,100,000.00 € 1,100,000.00 € 1,100,000.00
Purchase Costs 1% % € 55,000,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00
Sales cost 1% % € 55,000,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00
Administration Costs 1% % € 55,000,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00
General Costs 1% % € 55,000,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00 € 550,000.00
Total company costs € 11,510,000.00 € 11,510,000.00 € 11,510,000.00 € 11,510,000.00 € 11,510,000.00 € 11,510,000.00

Finance costs 5% percentage € 55,000,000.00 € 2,750,000.00 € 2,750,000.00 € 2,750,000.00 € 2,750,000.00 € 2,750,000.00 € 2,750,000.00
€ 500,000.00 € 25,000.00 € 25,000.00 € - € - € - € -
Finance costs Working capital 5% percentage
Total company costs Total € 14,285,000.00 € 14,285,000.00 € 14,260,000.00 € 14,260,000.00 € 14,260,000.00 € 14,260,000.00
Loss of Cover

Company result before tax € 18,856,000.00 € 25,484,200.00 € 32,137,400.00 € 38,765,600.00 € 45,393,800.00 € 52,022,000.00
Company Tax 20% € 5,096,840.00 € 6,427,480.00 € 7,753,120.00 € 9,078,760.00 € 10,404,400.00
Company result after tax € 18,856,000.00 € 20,387,360.00 € 25,709,920.00 € 31,012,480.00 € 36,315,040.00 € 41,617,600.00


9.06.01 Liquidity budget for first year ............................................ .................................................. ...................... 47

9.07.01 Guarantee for loans ............................................ .................................................. ................................... 47

9.08.01 Subsidy ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. ....48

Chapter 10. Commercial Plan ............................................................ .............. Wrong! Bookmark not defined.
10.01.01 Marketing plan ................................................ .................................................. ............................................ 49

10.02.01 Marketing Objectives ............................................ .................................................. ............................ 49

10.03.01 Brand awareness .......................................... .................................................. ............................................ 49

10.04.01 Products catalog ................................................ .................................................. ................................... 49

10.05.01 Target groups of customers ............................................ .................................................. ................................ 50

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10.06.01 Offline promotion ............................................ .................................................. .......................................... 50

10.07.01 Online promotion ............................................ .................................................. .......................................... 50

10.08.01 Mail ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. .......51

10.09.01 Media ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. .....51

Chapter 11. Forecast ................................................ .................................................. ................................ 52

11.01.01 Short term forecast 0- 2 years ............................................ .................................................. ........................ 52

11.02.01 Medium-term forecast 2-5 years ............................................ .................................................. ............... 52

11.03.01 Long-term forecast 5-10 years ............................................ .................................................. ...................... 52

Chapter 12 Risk and Analysis ............................................ .................................................. ...................... 53

12.01.01 The company and the market................................................... .................................................. ................................... 53

Chapter 13 Copyright ................................................ .................................................. ...................... 54

13.01.01 Copyright .......................................... .................................................. .......................................... 54

Chapter 14 Declaration of Intent ................................................ .................................................. ................... 55

14.01.01 Declaration of intent of directors and management ............................................ .................................................. ......55

Chapter Appendices ................................................ .................................................. ................................... 56

Appendix 01 ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. ........... 56

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