Melkar’s Gift #24 (1)

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‭Cover credit: Symatt‬

‭M‭E‬ LKAR‬‭’‭S‬ ‬ ‭G‬‭IFT‬ ‭#24‬

‭ umour has it that the great Dwarf Scholar‬‭Veruna‬‭has settled down on a farmstead known as‬‭Melkar’s Gift‬
‭with some noble fella,‬‭Tomas‬‭? It’s just across the‬‭Kummer‬‭river, less than half a day away. What would the likes‬
‭of her be interested in a farming life you might well ask? But what is really strange is that it’s not grain nor‬
‭vegetables they farm and sell, no sir, they sell fish!‬

I‭ ’m telling you they say they sell loads of fish. Apparently the pair have a gift for fishing because the rumour is‬
‭that “people” queue all morning to buy the stuff and it's not just cultured types that come to buy the fish, no sir.‬
‭They say even goblins and frog people? Yep, frog people! Come to buy the fish!! Crazy!!!‬

‭ eah? Well a friend of a friend of mine swears he stayed at their bunkhouse but never again. The pair locked him‬
‭in at night whilst a fierce storm raged outside. But the noise, not just the wind, rain, and thunder. He swears he‬
‭heard waves crashing outside as if he were by the sea! But locked in as he were and the shutters were barred so‬
‭couldn’t look and see for himself. Next morning he bolted back for Outskirt and never once looked back.‬

‭ nce‬‭Ironside‬‭and his crew had drunk themselves to‬
‭sleep,‬‭Tomas‬‭slipped out of the wardrobe and convinced‬
‭Melkar‬‭they should slit their throats and take the‬
‭treasure for themselves. It didn’t take much to convince‬
‭Melka‬‭for‬‭Ironside‬‭was a cruel husband. So it was‬‭that‬
‭Ironside‬‭and his mates were murdered in their sleep.‬

‭ las‬‭Tomas‬‭nor‬‭Melka‬‭were not gifted sailors and in‬‭the‬

‭stormy sea that night both he and‬‭Melka‬‭were swept‬‭off‬
‭their small boat and would surely drown. But as‬‭Tomas‬
‭was gasping his last breaths he was offered a deal. A‬
‭voice in his head asked “‬‭Want to live? There is but‬‭a small‬
‭price to be paid …‬‭”.‬‭Tomas‬‭greedily accepted and so‬‭his‬
‭life, but not‬‭Melka’s‬‭, was spared.‬

‭ ot only was‬‭Tomas’s‬‭life spared, but for better or‬

‭worse, he no longer aged. Was he now immortal?‬
‭However he was also forever cursed. It seems wherever‬
‭the nobleman goes, those that lay near him at night‬
‭breathe their last breath. In the morning, their mouths‬
‭are filled with sea water! They have seemingly drowned‬
‭ hortly after the‬‭Dragon Emperor‬‭was laid to rest and‬
S ‭in their sleep. So‬‭Tomas‬‭left his home and sought a place‬
‭civil strife befell his empire, centuries ago, there was a‬ ‭of solitude. A place where his curse could hopefully do‬
‭nobleman,‬‭Tomas‬‭. He was constantly ridiculed by his‬ ‭no further harm.‬
‭father and two brothers. Not only for having the face of a‬
‭maid but being only good for battling maids in the‬ ‭ las as the centuries passed,‬‭Tomas’s‬‭curse seemingly‬
‭bedroom rather than battling men in the battlefield. So it‬ ‭grew with him. Now a great circle of wooden pilings,‬
‭was that‬‭Tomas‬‭was dallying with one such maid,‬ ‭tremendous in size, surrounds‬‭Tomas’s‬‭lodgings and‬
‭Melka,‬‭until her husband‬‭Noorhis Ironside‬‭and his‬ ‭the whole area within the circumference fills with sea‬
‭ruthless cre, the Sea Dogs, returned that evening.‬ ‭water, at least 5m deep, every night. So‬‭Thomas‬‭made‬
‭his own pilings and piece by piece rebuilt his farm high‬
‭ omas‬‭hid in a wardrobe and stayed to listen.‬‭Ironside‬
T ‭in the air so that now it sits above the waters that come‬
‭and his crew had sunk a treasure ship and come‬ ‭every midnight and stay until dawn. Certainly this task‬
‭morning, once the approaching storm had abated, they‬ ‭took‬‭Tomas‬‭many years but after all, time was never an‬
‭planned to return and fish the treasure out.‬ ‭issue for‬‭Tomas‬‭, not these days.‬

‭Roll for every‬‭shift‬‭of time the player characters spend in the area within the circumference of the‬‭Wooden Poles‬‭(2).‬


‭1-8‬ ‭Nothing happens.‬

‭9-12‬ ‭ istant Sounds.‬

‭All player characters who make a successful PASSIVE (can’t be pushed) AWARENESS roll hear one of (D4):‬
‭1.‬ ‭A low, piercing “‬‭keow‬‭” followed by low “‬‭cow-cow-cow‬‭”. Seagulls squawking. None are in sight;‬
‭2.‬ ‭A male’s and a female's joyous laughter. Neither can be seen, nor the sound pin-pointed;‬
‭3.‬ ‭The clashing of swords. The terrible screams of people dying. The Crashing of waves; or‬
‭4.‬ ‭A storm, rolling thunder, fierce wind, and pelting rain. But there are clear blue skies overhead and‬
‭only the gentlest of breezes?‬

‭ he remnants of the ancient road end at an equally ancient‬
‭arched stone bridge that has collapsed into the river it once‬
‭forded. A fenced but barren field lies on the opposite bank‬
‭and a remarkable farmstead. Remarkable in that it sits some‬
‭6 or 7 m above the field, supported by wooden pilings.‬
‭Beyond the farmstead a small hill rises its crest crowned by‬
‭several standing stones of various sizes.‬


‭ ong ago this would have been an impressive structure,‬
‭some 10 m wide, spanning 100m. It has long since collapsed‬
‭and is now mostly rubble on the river bed. On the left hand‬
‭side of the bridge is a ferry with wooden landings. The ferry‬
‭is on the south bank when the store is open (see below).‬
‭Next to the southern landing is a large brass bell attached to‬
‭a sturdy wooden post. Under the arch of the bridge is a‬
‭simple store, barely more than a large wooden table and‬
‭several barrels. Painted on a sign above “the store” is‬
‭ ritten “‬‭Melkars Gift‬ ‭SHOP‬
w ‭”. The word “Shop” seems‬
‭an afterthought and likely written by a different hand.‬

‭❖‬ S ‭ hop Open:‬‭Tomas‬‭and‬‭Veruna‬‭will be here‬

‭between 9am and midday selling fish to a‬
‭number (D6) of either (D12) 1-6 Humans, 7‬
‭Dwarves, 8 Elves, 9-10 Goblins, 11 - Frog People,‬
‭or 12 - Cat People. Player characters who‬
‭examine the fish and make a successful‬ ‭2. WOODEN POLES‬
‭BUSHCRAFT roll realise the fish are saltwater‬
‭varieties. A wooden cart rests next to the ferry.‬ ‭ welve great wooden poles (roughly 0.5 m in diameter and‬
‭❖‬ ‭Shop closed:‬‭No one attends the store at any‬ ‭6 to 7 m tall) form a ring around the farm and hill. Each‬
‭other time.‬ ‭smooth and white from exposure. Clumps of weeds and‬
‭❖‬ ‭River Crossing:‬‭If the player characters ring the‬ ‭shellfish cling from ground level to around the 5 m mark‬
‭brass bell‬‭Tomas‬‭will eventually come down to‬ ‭where a white ring (salt) has formed. Noticeably the clumps‬
‭the opposite bank and ask their business. He will‬ ‭are only on the sides that face towards the rings centre.‬
‭gladly ferry the player characters across.‬
‭Otherwise the player characters need a‬ ‭❖‬ T
‭ he Drowning Sea:‬‭Between midnight and sunrise‬
‭successful SWIMMING roll to swim across or if‬ ‭a fierce storm comes out of nowhere and rages‬
‭they cross via the ruined bridge a successful‬ ‭within the area surrounded by the‬‭Wooden Poles‬‭.‬
‭ACROBATICS roll (roll SWIMMING if they fail‬ ‭An invisible barrier forms between the‬‭Wooden‬
‭that roll).‬ ‭Poles‬‭and within a‬‭shift‬‭of time a sea of salt water,‬

‭ m deep has risen. Anyone in the area within the‬
5 ‭ ote:‬‭Each stall has a shuttered window but they‬
‭ring of Wooden Poles (who is‬‭NOT‬‭above the 5 m‬ ‭are all locked tight (from the outside). Both doors‬‭to‬
‭mark) either at the farmstead (4) or atop the hill‬ ‭the barn are locked by‬‭Tomas‬‭/‭V ‬ erduna‬‭at night.‬
‭(5) must make successful SWIMMING rolls every‬ ‭2.‬ ‭Kitchen:‬‭Consisting of a workbench, a table,‬
‭stretch (DB Core Rules Page 53).‬ ‭cupboard, two large barrels (mead), a wooden‬

‭ ‬ ‭Fish Farm:‬‭At the first light of dawn the inland‬ ‭box, large pottery jars. All manner of kitchen‬
‭items, utensils, cutlery, plates, cups, jars,‬
‭sea suddenly rises up over 10m into the air and‬
‭kitchen knives, vegetables, dried fish, flour, etc.‬
‭then just as suddenly rushes and crashes into‬
‭A set of two keys hangs on a hook next to the‬
‭the largest standing stone on the hill’s crest (5).‬ ‭fireplace above a wood pile. One for the large‬
‭All evidence of its existence disappears other‬ ‭external door, the other for the other 3 doors.‬
‭than the soaked soil and the dozens of fish that‬ ‭ .‬ ‭Bedroom:‬‭Shared by‬‭Tomas‬‭and‬‭Veruna‬‭. Large‬
‭fall from the sky and land in the field (3).‬ ‭bed, wardrobe (Simple clothes and Bandages‬
‭(10)), writing desk (Quill & Ink, Parchment (7)),‬
‭3. THE FIELD‬ ‭two bookshelves (full of books on all manner of‬
‭subjects, written in Dwarvish), and a workbench‬
‭ wooden fence surrounds a large area of ploughed yet‬
A ‭with Carpentry Tools mounted on the wall.‬
‭barren field. Nothing here currently grows, not even a weed.‬ ‭Under the bed is a Chest: Refer to adventure‬
‭conclusion but otherwise only contains a journal‬
‭❖‬ U ‭ nderwater Garden:‬‭Between midnight and dawn‬ ‭entitled “‬‭The Life and Times of Tomas‬
‭the field is under‬‭The Drowning Sea‬‭(3).‬ ‭Silverthorne‬‭” - See Aftermath.‬‭Veruna‬‭usually‬
‭❖‬ ‭Fish Farming:‬‭Between sunrise and 9am,‬‭Tomas‬ ‭has the key.‬
‭and‬‭Veruna‬‭gather the fish in the field into their‬
‭cart and once completed, take the cartload of‬
‭fish to the shop on the other side of the river.‬ ‭TOMAS‬
‭❖‬ ‭Drying Field:‬‭Between 9am until midnight the‬
‭initially soggy field dries out over the course of‬ ‭ omas‬‭(human) is attractive, mid twenties, wears plain‬
‭the day.‬ ‭clothes but speaks with eloquence. Definitely an aristocratic‬
‭tongue. He is always smiling and is extremely friendly but‬
‭underneath there is a sadness.‬
‭ oll PASSIVE (can’t be pushed) AWARENESS with a BANE to‬
‭ “regular” farmhouse and barn are positioned on the NE‬
‭notice. He wants his curse to end and has a fair idea of how‬
‭corner of‬‭The Fields‬‭(3). What is extremely irregular‬‭is that‬
‭it can be done but has been unable to defeat Ironside (refer‬
‭the farmstead has been built on a wooden platform that‬
‭to‬‭Dream Sequences‬‭- page 5).‬
‭stands some 6 to 7 m above the field below. The farmstead‬
‭can be accessed by either of two sets of stairs. Above the‬ ‭ e thinks perhaps the player characters may succeed where‬
‭smaller external door is written “Melkar’s Gift”.‬ ‭he has failed and tries to persuade them to stay the night (to‬
‭test their mettle). If they don’t run as others have perhaps‬
‭they can defeat‬‭Ironside‬‭and end the curse? Initially‬‭he will‬
‭not offer any information about the curse, not until the PCs‬
‭have stayed the night in the old barn.‬

‭Movement:‬‭10‬ ‭Damage Bonus:‬‭-‬ ‭HP:‬‭12‬

‭Armour:‬‭1 (‬‭Melkars Wedding Band‬‭-‬‭See Aftermath)‬

‭Skills:‬‭Bartering 14, Bluffing 16, Persuasion 16‬

‭Weapons:‬‭Short Sword 12 (D10)‬

‭ bilities:‬‭Master Carpenter‬
‭Immortal:‬‭Cannot be killed.‬
‭Damage automatically heals itself over a few rounds.‬
‭Natural Charm:‬‭Anyone who interacts with Tomas‬
‭must make a PASSIVE (can’t be pushed) roll against‬
‭WIL. If they fail, they are captivated by him.‬
‭1.‬ ‭ ld Barn:‬ ‭What was once an old barn has been‬
‭converted into sleeping quarters for up to 10.‬
‭Each “stall” contains a coarsely woven rug and a‬
‭simple bed. A large wooden table and two‬
‭benches are situated in the centre of the barn.‬
‭❖‬ L ‭ arge Central Stone:‬‭Ancient incisions have‬
‭been made. A player character who succeeds 4‬
‭separate LANGUAGES roll interprets them as:‬
‭1.‬ ‭Patterns‬‭loosely representing: Air, Mist,‬
‭Storm, Water, Wind; and at the top of‬
‭the stone, three more specific runes …‬
‭2.‬ ‭Hagalaz‬‭“Hag-all-az”: Catastrophe,‬
‭Crisis, Radical Change, Acceptance,‬
‭Surrender, Opportunity.‬
‭3.‬ ‭Laguz‬‭“Log-uhz”: Subconscious,‬
‭Collective Memory, Unity, Psychic‬
‭Powers, Dreams, Imagination.‬
‭4.‬ ‭Gebo‬‭“Gay-boo”: Exchange, Sacrifice,‬
‭Sacred Union, Innate Talents,‬
‭There are noticeable differences between the‬
‭pattern runes and the three specific runes at the‬
‭top. The pattern runes appear to be much older‬
‭Veruna‬‭Credit: Symatt‬ ‭then the three others but all appear to be‬
‭centuries old.‬
‭❖‬ ‭Blood and Bones:‬‭The lower portion of the‬‭Large‬
‭VERUNA‬ ‭Central Stone‬‭has dark stains (A player who‬
‭succeeds a HEALING roll determines this is dried‬
‭ eruna‬‭is a elderly female Dwarf with grey hair and beard,‬
V ‭blood). In addition, many fish scales lie in the grass‬
‭dressed in what were once Fine Garments (Robes), but now‬ ‭at the foot of the stone as well as a few (fish) bones.‬
‭are worn and tattered. She speaks little but when she does it‬ ‭❖‬ ‭Five Surrounding Stones:‬‭If examined each‬
‭is always with authority.‬ ‭stone has a face incised upon its surface. They‬
‭are faint and would appear to be unique. The‬
‭She is partial to mead.‬ ‭face on the largest of these stones has horns or‬
‭perhaps they are wearing a helm with horns?‬
‭ he is aware of‬‭Tomas’s‬‭curse, is in agreement with‬‭Tomas‬
S ‭❖‬ ‭Offering:‬ ‭If an offering‬‭*‬ ‭is made at the base of the‬
‭on how it may be broken but very reluctant to act on it for‬ ‭Large Central Stone‬‭all those within the ring of‬
‭she is deeply in love with‬‭Tomas‬‭.‬ ‭stones will instantly partake in one of two mystical‬
‭dream sequences (hallucinations). Which sequence‬
‭Movement:‬‭8‬ ‭Damage Bonus:‬‭STR +D4‬ ‭HP:‬‭14‬ ‭occurs depends on when the offering was made‬
‭Armour:‬‭-‬ ‭a.‬ ‭Between midnight and sunrise; or‬
‭b.‬ ‭Any other time.‬
‭Skills:‬‭Healing 14, Languages 16, Myths & Legends‬‭16‬ ‭Refer to‬‭Dream Sequences‬‭(page 5).‬

‭Weapons:‬‭Staves 12 (D8 + STR)‬ ‭Pretty much anything serves as an offering. For‬
‭ xample: food or coins worth at least 1SP per person‬
‭within the circle of stones (e.g. a pile of fish), or‬
‭blood worth at least 1 HP per person in the circle of‬
‭5. STANDING STONES‬ ‭stones, or a single life.‬
‭❖‬ ‭Grassy Mounds:‬‭If a player character succeeds‬
‭ worn track leads from the‬
A ‭an OBSERVATION roll, they notice three mounds‬
‭collapsed stone bridge, past the‬ ‭(old graves) directly north of the large stone, at‬
‭fields and farm house, and up a‬ ‭the outer edge of the ring of stones. Several‬
‭grassy hill. Atop the hill stand‬ ‭years ago‬‭Tomas‬‭told his tale to a group of‬
‭half a dozen standing stones of‬ ‭heroes who tried but failed to overcome‬
‭various sizes, but the central‬ ‭Ironside‬‭.‬‭Tomas‬‭buried them here.‬
‭stone is at least twice the size as‬ ❖
‭ ‬ ‭Skeletal Adventurers:‬‭If the PCs dig up any of the‬
‭the next biggest. Obvious patterns‬ ‭graves, a‬‭Skeletal Warrior‬‭will emerge and attack in‬
‭have been incised upon the‬ ‭the first round. In the second round a‬‭Skeletal Thief‬
‭surface of the central stone.‬ ‭and‬‭Mage‬‭will emerge from the other two graves‬
‭As you climb the hill, cart tracks‬ ‭(see below).‬
‭suddenly appear and lead to the‬ ‭❖‬ ‭Treasures:‬‭Treasures equivalent to two treasure‬
‭central stone (at the 6m mark -‬ ‭cards can be found within the grave pits.‬
‭any tracks lower than this height‬
‭are washed away each night).‬

‭ equence‬‭commence OR the player characters find‬
‭SKELETAL CHAMPIONS‬ ‭themselves back on the hill if it is that‬‭Dream‬
‭Sequence’s‬‭last part.‬
‭ hese mindless wretches rise up and attack anyone foolish‬
‭enough to disturb their rest. One an ex-fighter dressed in‬
‭rusty chain mail, an ex-thief dressed in mouldy leathers,‬
‭Ironside’s Cabin‬
‭and an ex-mage in tattered robes.‬
‭1.‬ ‭ itchen:‬‭Table, cutlery, fireplace (fire is lit),‬
‭water barrel, pottery urns.‬
‭Movement:‬‭10‬ ‭Dam Bonus:‬‭STR/AGL+D6‬ ‭HP:‬‭24‬ ‭2.‬ ‭Bedroom:‬‭An out of place regal double looking‬
‭bed (seen better days), wardrobe, locked chest.‬
‭Armour:‬‭Chain (4) Leather (1) Robes (0)‬ ‭WP:‬‭15‬ ‭ .‬ ‭Long Room‬‭:‬‭Clearly a more recent addition.‬
‭Long table, two benches, rug, large fireplace,‬
‭Skills:‬‭Awareness 12, Evade 8‬ ‭bearskin rug, two thrones that seem out of place‬
‭(from a previous era).‬
‭Weapons:‬‭Fighter‬‭- Longsword 16 (2D8 + STR)‬
‭Thief‬‭- Dagger 14 (D8 + AGL)‬
‭Mage‬‭- Staff 12 (D8)‬

‭Abilities:‬‭(‬‭all‬‭) Veteran, Robust x 4‬

‭(‭F ‬ ighter‬‭) Defensive, Double Slash‬
‭(‭T‬ hief‬‭) Fast Footwork, Dual Wield‬
‬ age‬‭) Magic Talent (Fireball‬‭& Frost),‬
‭Master Spellcaster‬

‭ he following‬‭Dream Sequences‬‭occur when an offering‬
‭is made at the base of the main standing stone (location‬

‭❖‬ D ‭ ream sequence #1:‬‭Occurs if the offering is made‬

‭between 6am until midnight.‬
‭❖‬ ‭Dream sequence #2:‬‭Occurs if the offering is made‬
‭between midnight and sunrise.‬

‭ ach dream sequence consists of three parts. In both‬

‭dream sequences the player characters always start in‬
‭❖‬ ‭Dream Sequence #1‬‭(6am till midnight)‬
‭ ote:‬‭The players characters cannot interact with‬
‭anything in the following scenes. They can however‬
‭ escribe‬‭how the player characters are at one moment‬
‭move about (or leave)‬‭Ironsides'‬‭cabin if they wish‬
‭standing atop the hill before the largest standing stone.‬
‭The next moment it seems as if all the light in the world‬
‭ art 1:‬‭The player characters are in the‬‭Kitchen‬‭.‬‭Through‬
‭abruptly rushes towards them and then just as suddenly‬
‭an open door to their right they hear two voices. A man‬
‭everything goes pitch black. Shortly thereafter a spark of‬
‭and a woman laughing and flirting with each other. If‬
‭light appears at their feet and slowly expands. As it‬
‭they look through they see the man (‬‭Tomas‬‭) and a‬
‭expands it reveals they are no longer standing on the‬
‭young woman (‬‭Melka‬‭) who is in her early twenties‬
‭hill. They are now inside an old wood cabin …‬
‭standing in each other’s arms on the bearskin rug. They‬
‭ XIT‬‭: Player characters can leave the current‬‭Dream‬
E ‭begin to dance. A few minutes later the pair, hand in‬
‭Sequence‬‭Part‬‭in the following ways:‬ ‭hand run, through to the‬‭Kitchen‬‭, then through the‬
‭curtain to the‬‭Bedroom‬‭beyond, their laughter never‬
‭1.‬ I‭ n‬‭Ironsides‬‭Cabin: Walk through the exit door‬ ‭ceases.‬
‭(South).‬ ‭The light suddenly fades …‬
‭ .‬ ‭When on the sea: By jumping overboard.‬
‭ art 2:‬‭The player characters are now on the deck‬‭of a‬
‭ layer characters who do this will be in a state of limbo‬
P ‭ship at sea. Standing among a crew of a dozen or more‬
‭until either that part of the‬‭Dream Sequence‬‭ends‬‭(as‬ ‭individuals. Before them stands a commanding human‬
‭written) or once‬‭ALL‬‭the player characters leave in‬‭the‬ ‭female (‬‭Vinjia‬‭), the ship’s captain. She addresses her‬
‭stated manner. Only then will the next part of the‬‭Dream‬ ‭crew in a clear unwavering voice:‬

‭ ‭M
“ ‬ y friends. None of us want to be here. But here we are. If‬
‭Movement:‬‭12‬ ‭Dam Bonus:‬‭STR +D6‬ ‭HP:‬‭9‬
‭we do not succeed at getting our cargo to the general, all of‬
‭us, including our children, and our children’s children will‬
‭Armour:‬‭-‬ ‭WP:‬‭6‬
‭forever remain in the grasp of the Dragon’s Claw. I know‬
‭none of you signed up for this.‬‭”.‬
‭Skills:‬‭Awareness 10‬
‭She then grabs a golden medallion around her neck and‬
‭Weapons:‬‭Scimitar 12 (2D6 + STR)‬
‭“‭B‬ ut I swear by the Ravens’ and Serpents' will, I‬‭will protect‬
‭you with my life if I must.‬‭”‬
‭Intoxicated:‬‭The‬‭Sea Wolves‬‭attack with a Bane.‬
‭The light suddenly fades …‬

‭ art 3:‬‭The player characters have returned to the‬‭deck‬

‭of the ship. However, now the ship has been boarded by‬
‭an unsavoury bunch, led by an incredibly large human‬
‭(‭I‬ ronside‬‭) who wields an equally cutlass and wears‬‭a‬
‭horned helm. The ship’s captain fights valiantly against‬
‭the horned invader as her defenceless crew are cut down‬
‭one by one. She tries to hold back tears as the horned‬
‭one cuts her down and laughs as he tears the medallion‬
‭from her neck.‬
‭The light suddenly fades …‬

‭ he player characters are returned to the standing‬

‭stones on the hill.‬

‭❖‬ ‭Dream Sequence #2‬‭(midnight till sunrise)‬

‭ ote:‬‭The players characters cannot interact with‬

‭anything in the following scene unless stated otherwise.‬
‭They can however move about (or leave)‬‭Ironsides'‬
‭cabin if they wish.‬

‭ art 1:‬‭The player characters are in the‬‭Kitchen‬‭.‬‭Tomas‬

‭and a young woman (‬‭Melka‬‭) who is in her early twenties‬
‭slip through the curtain from the‬‭Bedroom‬‭into the‬
‭Kitchen. Tomas says to the lass “Trust me my love, we‬
‭are doing the world a favour by being rid of him” as the‬
‭pair pick up large kitchen knives and creep into the‬‭Long‬
‭Within the‬‭Long Room‬‭a number of men (equal in‬
‭number to the number of player characters) are slumped‬
‭on the long table, asleep. Mugs half filled with ale stand,‬
‭or in one case has spilled its content on the table's‬
‭surface. One of these individuals is particularly large and‬
‭wears a horned helm (‬‭Ironside‬‭).‬
‭Ironside (Minotaur Form)‬‭Credit: Symatt‬
‭Powerless to intervene, the player's characters observe‬
‭the pair slit the throats of each of the sleeping men.‬
‭Tomas and the maid turn to leave but then fade from the‬ ‭IRONSIDE‬
‭Shortly thereafter, the corpse’s shadows cast by the‬ ‭ n immense man with a horned helm. His shadow on the‬
‭great fire on the far wall move, grow, transform, and‬ ‭wall transforms and he emerges from his shadow on the‬
‭then materialise! The player characters are attacked (can‬ ‭wall as a Minotaur Pirate who snorts defiance. Around his‬
‭now interact with their assailants).‬ ‭neck is a thick gold medallion. Depicted on its surface a‬
‭Raven carries a Serpent in its beak.‬
‭Ferocity:‬‭2‬ ‭Size:‬‭Large‬
I‭ nitially simply shadows of men on the wall they each‬
‭change shape and emerge from the wall as snarling‬ ‭Movement:‬‭16‬ ‭Armour:‬‭-‬ ‭HP:‬‭24‬
‭Wolfkin. Their movement is staggered and uncoordinated.‬

‭Continued …‬

‭MONSTER ATTACKS‬ ‭Vinjia and Melka‬

‭D6‬ ‭ATTACK‬ ‭ he ghost of Vinjia, tears rolling down her face, looks‬
‭beggingly at the PCs. If she sees her medallion her face‬
‭1‬ ‭ ull Fist!‬‭A furry fist hits a player character with‬
B ‭twists into rage and she attacks. Melka on the other stares‬
‭full force. The attack inflicts 2D6 bludgeoning‬ ‭unblinking at the player characters with a maniacal grin‬
‭damage and leaves the victim Dazed, even if‬ ‭then rushes forward to attack.‬
‭their armour prevents any damage.‬
‭ ote:‬‭The spirits of‬‭Vinja‬‭and‬‭Melka‬‭have combined‬‭into‬
‭2‬ ‭ oof Kick!‬‭Using its powerful legs, the minotaur‬
H ‭one. The stats for a single ghost are given below and‬
‭kicks the victim with its hooves. The force of the‬ ‭each point of ferocity represents one of the pairs. It's‬
‭attack throws the victim 2D6 metres away and‬ ‭possible that only one or none of the ghosts attack in any‬
‭inflicts the same amount of bludgeoning‬ ‭one round depending on the player character’s actions.‬
‭damage. The victim lands prone.‬
‭Ferocity:‬‭2‬ ‭Size:‬‭Normal‬
‭3‬ ‭ orn Rush!‬‭The minotaur lowers its head and‬
‭rushes toward two adventurers within 2 metres‬
‭Movement:‬‭12‬ ‭Armour:‬‭-‬ ‭HP:‬‭27‬
‭of each other, hoping to impale them with its‬
‭sharp horns. Both victims suffer 2D8 piercing‬
I‭ mmunity:‬‭Ghosts are immaterial beings and immune‬
‭damage and are knocked down.‬
‭to all damage except magic and fire. A defeated ghost‬
‭is only banished for one shift, after which it returns.‬
‭4‬ ‭ leaving Chop!‬‭The beast swings its weapon‬
‭The only way to banish the ghost permanently is to‬
‭over its head and brings it down with full force.‬
‭cast PURGE (page 64) or solve whatever problem‬
‭The attack inflicts 2D6 plus an extra D10, and‬
‭(Offering to return Vinjia’s medallion)‬‭keeps it bound‬‭to‬
‭can be parried.‬
‭the world of the living.‬
‭Persuadable:‬‭Unlike other monsters, ghosts can‬
‭5‬ ‭ weeping Attack!‬‭The minotaur roars and‬
‭usually be PERSUADED, albeit with a bane on the roll.‬
‭sweepsits weapon in a wide arc, hitting everyone‬
‭within 2 metres. The attack inflicts 2D6 damage.‬
‭6‬ ‭ tomping Attack!‬‭The minotaur jumps high in‬
‭the air and comes crashing down on an‬
‭adventurer, who suffers 2D10 bludgeoning‬ ‭D6‬ ‭ATTACK‬
‭damage and is knocked down.‬
‭1‬ ‭ host Strike!‬‭The ghost lunges at a player‬
‭character within 10 metres and strikes with‬
‭great force. The victim is knocked back 2D6‬
I‭ ronside‬‭and his‬‭Sea Dogs‬‭fade away as each is defeated‬ ‭metres, suffers the same amount of bludgeoning‬
‭but the medallion around‬‭Ironsides‬‭neck will fall to the‬ ‭damage, and lands prone.‬
‭ground with a loud clunk when he dies and the PCs can‬
‭pick it up and take it with them.‬ ‭2‬ ‭ ouch of Death!‬‭The ghost sticks its translucent‬
‭Note:‬‭Move to‬‭Part 2‬‭when the player characters have‬ ‭hand into the chest of an unfortunate player‬
‭acquired the gold medallion or if they all flee the cabin.‬ ‭character and grasps the victim’s heart. The‬
‭The light suddenly fades …‬ ‭victim suffers 2D10 points of damage and‬
‭becomes Scared. Armour has no effect.‬
‭ art 2:‬‭The player characters are now on the deck‬‭of a‬
‭ship at sea. The ship's crew lies on the deck in pools of‬ ‭3‬ ‭ host Scream!‬‭The undead face contorts into a‬
‭their own blood. A shimmering blue figure, back towards‬ ‭horrible grimace and lets out a scream that chills‬
‭the player characters, kneels beside two of the dead‬ ‭the souls of all adventurers within 10 metres. All‬
‭crew, weeping. The kneeling figure turns to face the PCs.‬ ‭of them suffer a fear attack (page 52).‬
‭She is clearly an officer, the captain? (‬‭Vinjia‬‭) but unlike‬
‭her crew, she is clearly an incorporeal ghost.‬ ‭4‬ ‭ eath Stare!‬‭The ghost towers over a player‬
‭As the ghost turns to face the player characters, have‬ ‭character, staring directly into their soul with its‬
‭each player character make a PASSIVE (can’t be pushed)‬ ‭dead eyes. The victim sees their life pass before‬
‭AWARENESS‬‭roll. Those that fail are caught by surprise‬ ‭their eyes and is tormented by grotesque visions‬
‭as another ghost climbs aboard the deck from the sea‬ ‭of all their dead friends and foes. The victim‬
‭below. The second ghost (‬‭Melka‬‭). A young woman, early‬ ‭becomes Scared, suffers a fear attack (page 52),‬
‭twenties, dressed in commoners clothing. Her hair and‬ ‭and gets a bane on their WIL roll.‬
‭clothing are drenched from the sea from where she‬
‭Continued …‬

‭ he player characters are returned to the standing‬
‭stones on the hill. Any objects they acquired in the‬
‭dream, the medallion and/or treasure vanish with the‬
‭5‬ ‭ hostly Embrace!‬‭The ghost emits an unnatural‬
‭wheeze and suddenly appears right in front of an‬
‭adventurer within 10 metres, wrapping them in‬ ‭AFTERMATH‬
‭a deadly embrace to smother their spark of life.‬
‭The attack inflicts 3D6 bludgeoning damage and‬ I‭ f the player characters fail to return‬‭Vinjia’s‬‭medallion‬
‭leaves the victim Dazed.‬ ‭Tomas‬‭will continue to live and the area will remain‬
‭under the curse. If however the player characters‬
‭6‬ ‭ old Strike!‬‭The ghost grabs a victim and lets‬
C ‭manage to succeed, the moment they return from the‬
‭the icy chill of death streams into their body.‬ ‭second‬‭Dream Sequence‬‭the following events occur:‬
‭The player character suffers 2D8 damage and‬
‭cannot heal HP or WP until they spend one shift‬ ‭ ‬‭Tomas‬‭will turn to face‬‭Veruna‬‭, smile and say‬
‭in a warm location. Armour has no effect.‬ ‭“‭G ‬ oodbye my love‬‭” before turning to dust that is carried‬
‭away by the wind.‬
‭-‬‭Veruna‬‭is clearly saddened but thanks the players‬
‭ ote:‬‭Move to‬‭Part 3‬‭when the player characters have‬
N ‭characters. She then presents them with the key to the‬
‭returned‬‭Vinja’s‬‭medallion to her or have defeated‬‭the‬ ‭Chest in their bedroom and says: “‬‭Tomas‬‭would want you‬
‭Ghost(s).‬ ‭to have this‬‭”.‬
‭Note:‬‭The curse will only be broken when the medallion‬
‭has been returned to‬‭Vinjia‬‭.‬ ‭- Inside the Chest:‬
‭❖‬ ‭Melkar’ Wedding Band‬
‭ art 3:‬‭The player characters are beneath the waves‬‭of a‬
P ‭- Grants the wearer +1 to their armour rating‬
‭turbulent sea. Below them a vessel slowly sinks to the‬ ‭provided they are not wearing metal armour.‬
‭sea floor below. Around them debris and various objects‬ ‭❖‬ ‭A journal entitled “‬‭The Life and Times of Tomas‬
‭(some valuable) are tumbling in the currents slowly‬ ‭Silverthorne‬‭”‬
‭descending, as do a dozen dead crew.‬ ‭- Whoever spends a stretch reading the text may‬
‭The valuable objects are the treasure that the ship was‬ ‭then make a MYTHS AND LEGENDS roll with a‬
‭carrying. Any player character who wants to acquire an‬ ‭boon.‬
‭object must make a successful SWIMMING roll. If they‬ ‭❖‬ ‭A healing potion.‬
‭succeed they can draw one treasure card (or roll on the‬ ‭❖‬ ‭Any of the treasures the player characters may‬
‭treasure tables on page 121).‬ ‭have recovered in Part 3 of the second‬‭Dream‬
‭The light suddenly fades …‬ ‭Sequence‬‭.‬

‭ ooks:‬‭If over hearing the rumours is not enough to entice the adventurers to investigate the area known as‬‭Melkar’s‬
‭Gift‬‭some other options could be:‬

1‭ .‬ O‭ ne or more of the player characters seek an audience with the renowned Dwarf Scholar‬‭Veruna‬‭.‬
‭2.‬ ‭Vagnhild‬‭requests the player characters buy some fresh fish from a couple who reside north of here.‬

‭ ntested:‬‭I just wrote this thing. I have no idea‬‭if it is a certain death trap. I don’t think it is. I did however reduce the‬
‭HP of the Minotaur and the Wolfkin “Guards”. One thing to bear in mind is that the majority of the fighting will occur‬
‭in the second‬‭Dream Sequence‬‭. As written there is no opportunity for the player characters to take a break and heal. It‬
‭may be wise (required) that the player characters gain the benefits of a‬‭stretch rest‬‭when they transition between any‬
‭of the‬‭Dream Sequence‬‭Parts.‬

I‭ nspiration:‬‭This whole adventure concept was inspired‬‭from using the‬‭Random Generation‬‭tables (pages 109‬‭to 111).‬
‭Here is what I rolled if you are interested (I personally think the tables are gold):‬

‭ ne day in the gloom of a tavern the characters come across gossip about‬‭Veruna‬‭, an obsessive female dwarf scholar who‬
‭wants to protect a treasure called‬‭Ironside‬‭.‬
‭The journey is easy with plenty of time for song and camaraderie and ends on the bank of a river (edited). There is a strangely‬
‭shaped farm surrounded by strange symbols. The place is called‬‭Melkar’s Gift‬‭.‬
‭The way in is dangerous - a trap has been set. There is a strange mural but also unexpected guests in the form of D6‬‭wolfkin‬
‭and a large‬‭minotaur‬‭. There is a deadly challenge in the form of a curse that must be lifted. Finally the player characters must‬
‭defeat‬‭Vinjia‬‭- an ancient ghos‬‭t.‬

I‭ had no idea about the treasure so I googled “‬‭Ironside Treasure‬‭” which led me to the Witcher Wiki that I “borrowed”‬
‭from. Without these sources of inspiration this adventure would never have come to be.‬

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