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The main idea of this essay is my

understanding of the concept of

cultures from a south African
point of view.
there are eleven official
languages in south africa alone
that should stand to reason that
there are different cultures in
south africa. to top it off there are
more unofficial languages that
we not evens counting simply
because there's a variety of
different cultures in south
africa.Contained within South
Africa's borders are Zulu, Xhosa,
Pedi, Tswana, Ndebele, Khoisan,
Hindu, Muslim, and Afrikaner
people to name but a few.
the main definition of cuture is a
set of shared
s and artifacts that characterizes
a group of people or society.
from a south african
point of view we as a nation
characterize ourselves as a
rainbow nation due to our
uniqueness with all the different
cultures living in one country.
People from collectivist cultures
may have more concrete and
interdependent self-concepts
than do people from individualist
cultures (G. Hofstede, 1980)

The Khoikhoi and San is the first

example i can think of when
thinking about the first
established culture in south
africa. The Khoikhoi and San
have been around since 2300
bp(before present) they were
origanally established in
botswana but as the population
grew most of them moves to the
the westen half of south africa in
doing so they became the first
pastoralist in southern africa.
The Zulu people are also another
culture group that has it own
unique roots in south africa. They
are known as a worrier race that
became famous due to their zulu
king,king shaka. the main belief
of zulu people is that of their
ancestral spirtits who they
believe they can communicate
with throught dreams.They also
believe in the supreme being
who rarely involves itself in
mortal activities.
Blessed with so many different
cultures one thst stand out as
well is the Sotho culture mainly
because they differ from every
other culture in south africa
especially on how they organize
their stead of having
scattered settlements another big
differsnce the Sotho culture has
compare to any other culture in
south africa is that they allow
their sons ro marry from within
their kin, esspecially from the
maternal side.

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