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Air System Sizing Summary for BS-AHU-01

Project Name: 479-16 Quran Memorization center AWQAF-20230129 02/14/2023

Prepared by: APG 04:34PM

Air System Information

Air System Name BS-AHU-01 Number of zones 4
Equipment Class CW AHU Floor Area 393.0 m²
Air System Type VAV Location Doha, Qatar

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing Peak zone sensible load
Sizing Data Calculated Space L/s Sizing Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load 26.9 kW Load occurs at Jul 1500
Sensible coil load 25.5 kW OA DB / WB 46.0 / 30.0 °C
Coil L/s at Jul 1500 1631 L/s Entering DB / WB 22.5 / 14.5 °C
Max block L/s at Jul 1500 1870 L/s Leaving DB / WB 9.5 / 8.8 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s 1870 L/s Coil ADP 8.1 °C
Sensible heat ratio 0.947 Bypass Factor 0.100
m²/kW 14.6 Resulting RH 42 %
W/m² 68.5 Design supply temp. 12.0 °C
Water flow @ 5.6 °K rise 1.16 L/s Zone T-stat Check 4 of 4 OK
Max zone temperature deviation 0.0 °K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s at Jul 1500 1870 L/s Fan motor BHP n/a
Standard L/s 1867 L/s Fan motor kW 4.29 kW
Actual max L/(s-m²) 4.76 L/(s-m²)

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s 245 L/s L/s/person 14.41 L/s/person
L/(s-m²) 0.62 L/(s-m²)

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Zone Sizing Summary for BS-AHU-01
Project Name: 479-16 Quran Memorization center AWQAF-20230129 02/14/2023
Prepared by: APG 04:34PM

Air System Information

Air System Name BS-AHU-01 Number of zones 4
Equipment Class CW AHU Floor Area 393.0 m²
Air System Type VAV Location Doha, Qatar

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing Peak zone sensible load
Sizing Data Calculated Space L/s Sizing Individual peak space loads

Zone Sizing Data

Maximum Maximum Zone

Cooling Design Minimum Heating Floor
Sensible Airflow Airflow Time of Load Area Zone
Zone Name (kW) (L/s) (L/s) Peak Load (kW) (m²) L/(s-m²)
B-CORRIDOR 01 14.5 1338 200 Jul 1500 4.2 220.0 6.08
B-CORRIDOR 02 4.0 365 45 Jul 1500 1.4 117.0 3.12
B-TOILET 01 1.0 62 1 Jul 2300 0.2 23.0 2.70
B-TOILET 02 1.1 68 1 Jan 2300 0.0 33.0 2.05

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

Reheat Zone Zone

Reheat Coil Htg Htg Mixing
Coil Water Coil Water Box Fan
Load L/s Load L/s Airflow
Zone Name (kW) @ 11.1 °K (kW) @ 11.1 °K (L/s)
B-CORRIDOR 01 6.1 0.13 0.0 0.00 0
B-CORRIDOR 02 1.8 0.04 0.0 0.00 0
B-TOILET 01 0.2 0.00 0.0 0.00 0
B-TOILET 02 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0

Space Loads and Airflows

Cooling Time Air Heating Floor

Zone Name / Sensible of Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(s-m²)
B-CORRIDOR 01 1 14.5 Jul 1500 1338 4.2 220.0 6.08
B-CORRIDOR 02 1 4.0 Jul 1500 365 1.4 117.0 3.12
B-TOILET 01 1 1.0 Jul 2300 62 0.2 23.0 2.70
B-TOILET 02 1 1.1 Jan 2300 68 0.0 33.0 2.05

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