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What do schoo|

counse|ors do?

School counselors huve u very lmportunt |ob. We work wlth
students, purents, school fuculty, und the communlty to
lnstull u dutu-drlven progrum thut ullgns wlth the stundurds
set forth by the Amerlcun School Counselor Assoclutlon
(ASCA) und the Nutlonul Offlce for School Counsellng
(NOSCA). ASCA provldes school counselors wlth guldellnes
to help ALL students recelve ucudemlc, cureer/college, und
personul soclul skllls. By followlng these guldellnes, we wunt
to close uchlevement gups und opportunlty gups found wlthln
our school - ullowlng ALL students to succeed!

WhuL do school
counselors do?
PS , School
Provldlng skllls und resources for
ALL sLudenLs!

School counselois have a veiy
impoitant job. We woik with
stuuents, paients, school faculty, anu
the community to install a uata-
uiiven piogiam that aligns with the
stanuaius set foith by the Ameiican
School Counseloi Association (ASCA)
anu the National 0ffice foi School
Counseling (N0SCA). ASCA pioviues
school counselois with guiuelines to
help ALL stuuents ieceive acauemic,
caieeicollege, anu peisonal social
skills. By following these guiuelines,
we want to close achievement gaps
anu oppoitunity gaps founu within
oui school - allowing ALL stuuents to

We follow u LrunsformuLlve school counsellng rogrum, whlch meuns we focus on duLu-drlven lnLervenLlons,
ucLlvlLles, und consulLuLlon und Lrulnlng wlLhln schools wlLh evldence LhuL shows how school counsellng
lnLervenLlons und rogrums usslsL ln closlng
-ACHlLvLMLN1 CAPS: Lhe dlfference ln ucudemlc erformunce seen beLween grous of K-z sLudenLs when duLu
ls dlsuggreguLed by vurlous culLurul vurlubles lncludlng eLhnlclLyjruce, gender, soclul cluss, dlsublllLy sLuLus,
lunguuge sLuLus, und oLher vurlubles.
-OPPOR1UNl1Y CAPS: Lhe dlfference ln resources LhuL ure glven Lo K-z sLudenLs ln Lerms of quullLy of
lnsLrucLlon, college-reuruLory currlculum, quullLy of Leuchers, uccess Lo u school counsellng rogrum wlLh seclflc
lndlcuLors of sklll develomenL, uccess Lo cureer und college develomenL skllls und oorLunlLles LhuL muke u
dlfference ln who goes Lo college und hlgh-uylng cureers und who does noL.
A11AlNMLN1 CAP: Lhe dlfference ln who recelves college dllomus und who does noL bused on dlsuggreguLed
duLu: by eLhnlclLyjruce, gender, soclul cluss, dlsublllLy, und lunguuge ldenLlLles, umong oLhers.
lUNLlNC CAP: Lhe dlfference ln dollurs er sLudenL senL on educuLlon ln oor versus weulLhy dlsLrlcLs, whlch
lncreuses Lhe llkellhood of Lhe oLher Lhree gus for sLudenLs who ure llvlng ln oor und worklng cluss
nelghborhoods. - 5OURCE: CHEN-HAYE5, z
To c|ose these gaps, our schoo| counse|ing program provides individua|, group, and
deve|opmenta| |esson p|ans, whi|e co||aborating with parentsjguardians, schoo|
stakeho|ders, and the community.
"COlllCl RlAuY, WORk RlAuY: SAMl lRlllRA1lON
1he LducuLlon 1rusL's NuLlonul CenLer for 1runsformlng School
Counsellng Mlsslon SLuLemenL
PS ,'s MlSSlON
Our school counsellng mlsslon ls to
provlde ucudemlc, personul/soclul,
und cureer/college ACCESS skllls
whlle celebrutlng our lndlvlduul und
culturul dlverslty. The school
counsellng progrum wlll form
purtnershlps thut lncreuse student
uchlevement und equltuble pollcles
und pructlces. By collectlng und
ussesslng dutu, und uslng the
Amerlcun School Counsellng
Assoclutlon progrum model, we
wlll help ALL students reuch thelr
potentlul us productlve cltlzens. - 1he offlclul
webslLe of ASCA. OuLllnes Lhe
sLundurds und comeLencles LhuL
school counselors follow.
hLL:jjudvocucy.collegebourd.orgj -
1he offlclul webslLe of NOSCA,
whlch rovldes hels school
counselors rovlde college reudlness

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