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Interference Study

Version C
Petroleum Pipeline Co.
Mostakbal City Pipeline

Project reference if 200152

Date 2018-09-03

Editor Mr. Schmidt

Office address Siemens AG EM DG PTI

Energy Management Division,
Digital Grid,
Power Technologies International
Freyeslebenstr. 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany

Phone +49 (0)9131 / 7 – 32764

Fax +49 (0)9131 / 7 – 32525

PM_TE_Report_en Ver.4.02

Restricted © Siemens AG, 2018 All rights reserved.
Petroleum Pipeline Co.
Mostakbal City Pipeline

Revision History

Rev. Status / Changes Date Author

Version A Initial release 2018-06-21 Mr. Schmidt

Version B Changes acc. to meeting 2018-07-25 2018-08-10 Mr. Schmidt

and comment letter 2018-07-30

Version C One statement regarding interconnec- 2018-09-03 Mr. Schmidt

tion of screening conductors and pipe-
line is added (page 24)

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Table of Contents
Revision History ....................................................................................................................2

Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................3

List of Figures ........................................................................................................................6

List of Tables .........................................................................................................................6

1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................7

2 Limits for permissible interference ...........................................................................8

2.1 Limits with respect to safety of people and pipeline damages ......................................8
2.1.1 Fault conditions .............................................................................................8
2.1.2 Operation conditions .....................................................................................8
2.2 Limits with respect a.c. corrosion .................................................................................9

3 Data ..........................................................................................................................10
3.1 Soil resistivity ............................................................................................................10
3.1.1 Measurement sequences .............................................................................10
3.1.2 Determination of apparent resistivity ...........................................................10
3.1.3 Determination of two layer soil model for conductive coupling ....................10
3.1.4 Soil resistivity for inductive coupling ............................................................11
3.2 Pipeline .....................................................................................................................11
3.3 Overhead lines ..........................................................................................................12
3.3.1 500 kV line...................................................................................................12
3.3.2 220 kV line...................................................................................................13
3.3.3 66 kV line.....................................................................................................14
3.4 Earth fault currents....................................................................................................14
3.4.1 500 kV line...................................................................................................14
3.4.2 220 kV line...................................................................................................15
3.4.3 66 kV line.....................................................................................................16
3.5 Maximum load currents.............................................................................................16

4 Calculation method .................................................................................................17

4.1 Inductive interference ...............................................................................................17
4.2 Conductive interference ............................................................................................18
4.3 Resulting interference ...............................................................................................18

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5 Calculation results ...................................................................................................19

5.1 500 kV earth fault......................................................................................................19
5.1.1 Inductive interference ..................................................................................19
5.1.2 Conductive coupling ....................................................................................19
5.1.3 Resulting interference ..................................................................................19
5.2 220 kV earth fault......................................................................................................20
5.2.1 Inductive interference ..................................................................................20
5.2.2 Conductive coupling ....................................................................................20
5.2.3 Resulting interference ..................................................................................20
5.3 Normal operation ......................................................................................................21

6 Mitigation measures ................................................................................................22

6.1 Principle ....................................................................................................................22
6.2 Recommended mitigation .........................................................................................23

7 Calculation results with mitigation .........................................................................25

7.1 500 kV earth fault......................................................................................................25
7.1.1 Inductive interference ..................................................................................25
7.1.2 Conductive coupling ....................................................................................25
7.1.3 Resulting interference ..................................................................................25
7.2 220 kV earth fault......................................................................................................26
7.2.1 Inductive interference ..................................................................................26
7.2.2 Conductive coupling ....................................................................................26
7.2.3 Resulting interference ..................................................................................26
7.3 Normal operation with maximum AC load currents....................................................27

8 Loss of one earth connection ..................................................................................28

8.1 Description ................................................................................................................28
8.2 220 kV earth fault......................................................................................................28
8.2.1 Inductive interference ..................................................................................28
8.2.2 Conductive coupling ....................................................................................28
8.2.3 Resulting interference ..................................................................................28
8.3 Normal operation with maximum AC load currents....................................................29

9 Loss of one screening conductor.............................................................................30

9.1 Description ................................................................................................................30
9.2 220 kV earth fault......................................................................................................30
9.2.1 Inductive interference ..................................................................................30

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9.2.2 Conductive coupling ....................................................................................30

9.2.3 Resulting interference ..................................................................................30
9.3 Normal operation with maximum AC load currents....................................................31

10 Summary ..................................................................................................................32


Appendix .............................................................................................................................34

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List of Figures
Figure 3-1 Tower outline 500 kV ............................................................................12
Figure 3-2 Tower outline 220 kV and 66 kV............................................................13
Figure 3-3 Maximum 500 kV earth fault currents on the line section running in
parallel to the pipeline ..........................................................................14
Figure 3-4 Maximum 220 kV earth fault currents on the line section running in
parallel to the pipeline ..........................................................................15
Figure 6-1 Location of screening conductors ..........................................................23

List of Tables
Table 2-1 Limits for interference voltages depending on fault duration ..................8

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1 Introduction
In the course of the development of Mostakbal City existing 500 kV, 220 kV and 66 kV over-
head lines are relocated. The new route of the overhead lines runs over a length of 6 km in
parallel to a 20” pipeline of Petroleum Pipelines Co.
Load and fault currents in the overhead lines induce voltages in the pipeline (inductive inter-
In case of an earth fault at a tower of a high voltage overhead line the pipeline is influenced
by conductive coupling.
The pipeline is laid underground. Therefore no capacitive coupling could occur.
To protect people and equipment permissible values for interference voltages have to be
kept. Calculation procedures, permissible limits and possible mitigation measures are given in
regulations such as:
• European standards [1], [2]
• CIGRE guide [3]

Siemens PTI was asked to study the pipeline interference due to inductive and conductive
coupling. In case of calculated voltages exceeding the permissible limits protective measures
are to be recommended.

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2 Limits for permissible interference

2.1 Limits with respect to safety of people and pipeline damages

2.1.1 Fault conditions

With respect to electrical safety of instructed persons with common closing but safety shoes
the following limits for pipeline-to-earth voltages and voltages across insulating flanges are
given in EN 50443 [1]:

Table 2-1 Limits for interference voltages depending on fault duration

Fault duration t [s] Interference voltage (r.m.s. value) [V]

t ≤ 0.1 2 000
0.1 < t ≤ 0.2 1 500
0.2 < t ≤ 0.35 1 000
0.35 < t ≤ 0.5 650
0.5 < t ≤ 1.0 430
1<t≤3 150
t>3 60

For a fault duration ≤ 1.0 s for the 500 kV, 220 kV and 66 kV lines the permissible interference
voltage is:
430 V (rms value)

With respect to damages to the pipeline system the maximum interference voltage according
EN 50443 [1] is:
2000 V (rms value)

2.1.2 Operation conditions

With respect to to electrical safety of persons the interference voltage of the pipeline system
versus earth or across the insulating joints at any point normally accessible to any person shall
not exceed (EN 50443 [1]):
60 V (rms value)

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2.2 Limits with respect a.c. corrosion

Induced a.c. voltages result in a.c. currents flowing between the metallic pipe and the sur-
rounding soil at defects in the pipe coating. These currents could cause corrosion at the steel
surface at coating defect.
The damage caused by a.c. corrosion depends on a number of parameters like:
§ number and geometry of coating defects
§ soil resistivity
§ d.c. current density of cathodic protection system at a defect in the pipe coating
§ a.c. current density at a defect in the pipe coating
§ a.c./d.c. current density ratio,
§ a.c. voltage

According to EN 15280 [2] the likelihood of a.c. corrosion can be reduced

§ by reducing the a.c. voltage on the pipeline to 15 V (rms value) or
§ by reducing the a.c. current density to 30 A/m² (rms value) measured on a 1 cm² probe.
Both values (voltage and current density) are measured as an average over a representative
period of time (e.g. 24 h).
The relation between a.c. current density IAC and a.c. voltage UAC is given by the following
equation [6]:

8 ⋅ UAC
ρe ⋅ π ⋅ d

The maximum allowable a.c. voltage to comply with a limit of a.c. current density can be cal-
culated as follows:

UAC = 0.125 ⋅ IAC ⋅ ρe ⋅ π ⋅ d

IAC 30 A/m² limit of a.c. current density
ρe 70 Ωm soil resistivity of top layer (see chapter 3.1.3)
d 0.013 m diameter of a holiday or a probe with an area of 1 cm²

UAC = 11 V

As fault currents are of a short duration, they will not impact a.c. corrosion of the pipeline.

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3 Data

3.1 Soil resistivity

3.1.1 Measurement sequences

Soil resistivity measurements according to Wenner's four probe method were carried out
§ at seven locations along the new corridor of the overhead lines with probe distances of
2 m, 4 m and 8 m (sequence 1 – 7)
§ at three locations along the pipeline with probe distances between 1.5 m and 30 m (se-
quence 8 – 10)
The results for the single sequences are shown in Appendix 1 to Appendix 10.

3.1.2 Determination of apparent resistivity

Starting from the physical conditions the average value is determined by averaging the con-
ductivity values measured:

ρA = n
1 1

n i=1 ρ A i

ρA Average apparent soil resistivity

n Number of measurements for one electrode spacing
ρAi Apparent resistivity measured for one electrode spacing

The average values calculated for apparent soil resistivity are given in Appendix 11.

3.1.3 Determination of two layer soil model for conductive coupling

For simulation of conductive coupling the soil in the surrounding of the overhead line towers
is modeled with a two layer soil model.
The chart of the average apparent soil resistivity as function of the probe distance (Appendix
11) shows a decreasing trend from 70 Ωm to 15 Ωm for increasing probe distances from
1.5 m to 30 m. This shape of the averaged apparent soil resistivity as function of the probe
distance can be described by a two layer soil model with a top layer of higher resistivity.
The measured apparent resistivity curve was analyzed with a least square algorithm to find
the best matching two-layer soil configuration. This results in the following two-layer soil

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ρt = 70 Ω⋅m Specific soil resistivity of top layer

ρb = 14 Ω⋅m Specific soil resistivity of bottom layer
h = 2.8 m Thickness of top layer

These soil model data match well with the measured soil characteristic values. This can be
concluded from Appendix 12, where the theoretical curve f (ρt, ρb, h) as well as the measured
curve are given.

3.1.4 Soil resistivity for inductive coupling

For calculation of coupling impedances between line-to-earth loops of the inducing overhead
lines and the induced pipeline the soil resistivity of deep layers (up to some hundreds of me-
ter) has to be considered.
The measured soil resistivity decreases with increasing depth to values lower than 20 Ω⋅m. To
consider also deeper layers with higher resistivity the following average value of soil resistivity
is used for inductive coupling calculations:

ρe = 50 Ω⋅m Specific soil resistivity of inductive coupling calculations

3.2 Pipeline
The route of the pipeline is shown in Appendix 13
The following data are given for the 20” pipeline:

pipeline material carbon steel

outer diameter of the pipe d= 0.58 m
coating material: polyethylene
specific coating resistivity rc = 100 kΩ·m²
thickness of coating d= 2.5 mm

Based on these data the following electrical parameters of the pipeline are calculated with the
equations given in CIGRE TB95 [3]:

series resistance R' = 0.0855 Ω/km

series reactance X' = 0.5217 Ω/km
admittance G' = 0.0182 S/km
capacitance C' = 15.5 µF/km

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3.3 Overhead lines

3.3.1 500 kV line

The route of the 500 kV overhead line is shown in Appendix 13.
For the 500 kV single system overhead line the following data are given:
Tower outline: see Figure 3-1
Phase wire: 3 x ACSR 490/65 per phase
Earth wires: 108 mm² galvanized steel
OPGW (68.7 mm² Aluminum alloy / 42.4 mm² ACS)
Earth wire reduction factor: ke = 0.68

Figure 3-1 Tower outline 500 kV

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3.3.2 220 kV line

The route of the 220 kV overhead line is shown in Appendix 13.
For the 220 kV double system overhead line the following data are given:
Tower outline: see Figure 3-2
Phase wire: 2 x ACSS 357/55 per phase
Earth wire: OPGW (68.7 mm² Aluminum alloy / 42.4 mm² ACS)
Earth wire reduction factor: ke = 0.73

Figure 3-2 Tower outline 220 kV and 66 kV

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3.3.3 66 kV line
The two 66 kV systems run nearly over the full pipeline exposure length on the same towers
as the 220 kV systems (see Figure 3-2).
For the 66 kV double system overhead line the following data are given:
Phase wire: 1 x ACSR 380/50 per phase
Earth wire: OPGW (68.7 mm² Aluminum alloy / 42.4 mm² ACS)
Earth wire reduction factor: ke = 0.77

3.4 Earth fault currents

3.4.1 500 kV line

For the 150.5 km long 500 kV overhead line from Abo‐Zaabal to EI‐Sokhna the positive and
zero sequence short circuit impedances at the two ends of the line were given:
Abn‐Zaabal Busbar:
Positive sequence impedance: 1.524 Ω + j 11.362 Ω
Zero sequence impedance: 2.192 Ω + j 13.477 Ω
EI‐Sokhna Busbar:
Positive sequence impedance: 1.492 Ω + j 14.958 Ω
Zero sequence impedance: 0.624 Ω + j 10.274 Ω

Based on these short circuit impedances at the line ends the maximum earth fault currents on
the line section running in parallel to the pipeline was calculated. The results are shown in
Figure 3-3.

Figure 3-3 Maximum 500 kV earth fault currents on the line section running in parallel to the pipeline

The maximum earth fault current at the line section running in parallel to the pipeline is:
IK1” = 13.89 kA

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This value is considered for calculation of conductive coupling in case of an earth fault at a
tower close to the pipeline.

For inductive interference not the full earth fault current but only the partial zero sequence
fault current flowing via the overhead line in parallel to the pipeline is relevant. For an earth
fault at one end of the parallel section (left side in Figure 3-3) the zero sequence current via
the parallel line section is 4.53 kA. For a fault at the other end (right side in Figure 3-3) the
current via the parallel line section is 8.58 kA. The following zero sequence current is consid-
ered for calculation of inductive interference:
3·I0 = 8.58 kA

3.4.2 220 kV line

For the 19.2 km long 220 kV overhead line from Badr to EI‐Mostakbal the positive and zero
sequence short circuit impedances at the two ends of the line were given:
Mostakbl Busbar:
Positive sequence impedance: 1.744 Ω + j 5.980 Ω
Zero sequence impedance: 2.511 Ω + j 12.555 Ω
Badr Busbar:
Positive sequence impedance: 0.630 Ω + j 3.074 Ω
Zero sequence impedance: 0.248 Ω + j 2.644 Ω

Based on these short circuit impedances at the line ends the maximum earth fault currents on
the line section running in parallel to the pipeline was calculated. The results are shown in
Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-4 Maximum 220 kV earth fault currents on the line section running in parallel to the pipeline

The maximum earth fault current at the line section running in parallel to the pipeline is:
IK1” = 22.21 kA
This value is considered for calculation of conductive coupling in case of an earth fault at a
tower close to the pipeline.

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For inductive interference not the full earth fault current but only the partial zero sequence
fault current flowing via the overhead line in parallel to the pipeline is relevant. For an earth
fault at one end of the parallel section (left side in Figure 3-4) the zero sequence current via
the parallel line section is 4.16 kA. For a fault at the other end (right side in Figure 3-4) the
current via the parallel line section is 11.28 kA. The following zero sequence current is con-
sidered for calculation of inductive interference:
3·I0 = 11.28 kA

3.4.3 66 kV line
For the 36.5 km long 220 kV overhead line from Badr to EI‐Katamia the positive and zero se-
quence short circuit impedances at the two ends of the line were given:
Badr Busbar:
Positive sequence impedance: 2.577 Ω + j 10.496 Ω
Zero sequence impedance: 4.362 Ω + j 25.753 Ω
EI‐Katamia Busbar:
Positive sequence impedance: 0.482 Ω + j 3.062
Zero sequence impedance: 0.015 Ω + j 4.921 Ω

The earth fault current of the 66 kV system are clearly lower than of the 220 kV system. As
the systems of both voltage levels run on the same towers, earth faults in the 220 kV system
are relevant for the maximum inductive and conductive interferences to the pipeline.

Therefore only earth faults at the 220 kV systems are considered. If the calculated pipeline
interference voltages in case of a 220 kV earth fault comply with the permissible limits, the
limits are also kept in case of a 66 kV earth fault.

3.5 Maximum load currents

The following maximum load currents are given for the overhead lines:
§ 2061 A for the 500 kV ohl system
§ 2400 A for each of the two 220 kV ohl systems
§ 594 A for each of the two 66 kV ohl systems

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4 Calculation method

4.1 Inductive interference

Calculation of of inductive interference is carried out with the Siemens software tool DIGBEIN.
At first the coordinates of the induced pipeline and the inducing power lines are digitised
point by point from a scaled map. The computer program divides the whole exposure into
sections of parallel exposures, oblique exposures and crossings. For each section the coupling
impedance Z’ is calculated using Carson’s series [5].
The induced longitudinal voltage for the whole exposure in the case of an earth fault on the
power line is calculated as follows:
Ui = k t ⋅ k e ⋅ 3I0 ⋅ ∑ l i ⋅ Z i'

Ui induced longitudinal voltage (electromotive force)
kt is the reduction factor for screening conductors associated with the Pipeline (k t=1.0)
ke is the reduction factor of earth wires of the inducing overhead lines (see chapter 3.3)
3·I0 is the maximum zero sequence current flowing via the inducing line (see chapter
n is the number of sections
ℓi is the length of the i-th section
Zi ’ is the coupling impedance per unit length of the i-th section

The induced longitudinal voltage in case of normal operation of the power line is calculated
as follows:
n k
Ui = k t ⋅ ∑ l i ⋅ ∑ Ij ⋅ Zi' ,j
i=1 j=1

Ui induced longitudinal voltage (electromotive force)
kt is the reduction factor for screening conductors associated with the Pipeline (k t=1.0)
n is the number of sections
ℓi is the length of the i-th section
k is the number of conductors of the power line (phase and earth wires)
Ij is the current of j-th conductor of the overhead line (see chapter 3.5)
Zij’ is the coupling impedance per unit length of j-th conductor and the i-th section

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In case of a perfect insulation of the pipe from earth the maximum transverse voltage of the
pipeline is the induced longitudinal voltage Ui. In practice the coating of pipes buried in the
soil have small damages of the coating. For this reason the leakance of the pipe as well as
earth electrodes on the pipeline have to be considered.
Currents in the power line induce a longitudinal voltage into the pipe. This value is calculated
for sub-sections of approximately uniform spacing to the power line. The transverse voltage
of the pipeline caused by the longitudinal voltage of each sub-section is determined under
consideration of leakage current by using hyperbolic expressions [5]. Finally the results of the
sub-sections are superposed.

4.2 Conductive interference

Calculation of conductive interference in case of a phase-to earth fault on an overhead line
tower is carried out with the Siemens software tool TERRA. In TERRA the earthing system of
the faulted tower as well as the earthing systems of the adjacent towers are modelled. The
faulted tower is connected to the adjacent towers by the impedance of the earth wire(s).
The earth fault current entering the earthing system of the tower resp. transition yard returns
on different ways.
Because of inductive coupling between phase wires and earth wires of an overhead line a part
of the earth fault current which flows in the phase wires returns via the earth wire(s) to its
source. The remaining part which flows via earth is described by the earth wire screening fac-
tor ke (see chapter 3.3).
A part of the earth fault current flows via the earthing system of adjacent towers which are in
parallel via the earth wire of the overhead line.
Only the remaining part flows between earthing system of the tower where the fault occurs.
The surface potentials in the surrounding area of the tower respectively the transition yard
are calculated with the computer program TERRA considering the parameters of the two layer
soil (see chapter 3.1.3) and the distribution of the fault current.

4.3 Resulting interference

The resulting interference, consisting of an inductive and a conductive component, can be
calculated as follows:

Ures = Uind
+ U2ohm

Ures interference voltage resulting from inductive and conductive coupling
Uind interference voltage caused by inductive coupling
Uohm interference voltage caused by conductive coupling
This resulting interference voltage is a transverse voltage between pipe and far earth. It is also
the voltage which stresses the pipeline coating.

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5 Calculation results

5.1 500 kV earth fault

5.1.1 Inductive interference

In case of a 500 kV earth fault at the worst location an inducing current of 3·I 0 = 8.58 kA flows
via the 500 kV overhead line. For this inducing current the calculated pipe-to-earth voltages
are shown in Appendix 14. The maximum calculated pipe to earth voltage is:
Uind = 3270 V

5.1.2 Conductive coupling

In case of a 500 kV earth fault at a tower close to the pipeline the earth fault current is
IK1” = 13.89 kA.
This current splits up: A part of the earth fault current returns via the earth wire of the over-
head line to the source. The remaining part IE, flowing via earth, can be calculated with earth
wire reduction factor ke of the 500 kV overhead line:
IE = ke · IK1” = 0.68 · 13.89 kA = 9.45 kA
The earth surface potential in case of an earth fault at a typical 500 kV tower (in this case
tower M18) is shown in Appendix 16. It can be seen that the earth potential is not only in-
creased in the surrounding of the faulted tower but also in the surrounding of the adjacent
towers. These towers are connected via the impedance of the earth wires with the faulted
tower. At the location of the pipeline in approximately 100 m distance to the 500 kV tower
the earth potential rise is between 50 V and 100 V.
Appendix 17 shows the potential at the soil surrounding the pipe for this fault scenario. The
maximum earth potential at the pipeline is:
Uohm = 85 V

5.1.3 Resulting interference

Calculation results show that the inductive interference is by a factor of more than 30 higher
than conductive interference. In this case the resulting interference is nearly equal to the in-
ductive interference:
Ures = 3271 V

This calculated maximum interference voltage is much higher than the permissible limit of
430 V for fault durations up to 1.0 s. Therefore mitigation measures have to be planned and

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5.2 220 kV earth fault

5.2.1 Inductive interference

In case of a 220 kV earth fault at the worst location an inducing current of 3·I 0 = 11.28 kA
flows via the 220 kV overhead line. For this inducing current the calculated pipe-to-earth
voltages are shown in Appendix 15. The maximum calculated pipe to earth voltage is:
Uind = 6500 V

5.2.2 Conductive coupling

In case of a 220 kV earth fault at a tower close to the pipeline the earth fault current is
IK1” = 22.21 kA.
This current splits up: A part of the earth fault current returns via the earth wire of the over-
head line to the source. The remaining part IE, flowing via earth, can be calculated with earth
wire reduction factor ke of the 220 kV overhead line:
IE = ke · IK1” = 0.74 · 22.21 kA = 16.44 kA
The earth surface potential in case of an earth fault at a typical 220 kV tower (in this case
tower BT15) is shown in Appendix 18. It can be seen that the earth potential is not only in-
creased in the surrounding of the faulted tower but also in the surrounding of the adjacent
towers. These towers are connected via the impedance of the earth wires with the faulted
tower. At the location of the pipeline in approximately 50 m distance to the 500 kV tower the
maximum earth potential rise is about 250 V.
Appendix 19 shows the potential at the soil surrounding the pipe for this fault scenario. The
maximum earth potential at the pipeline is:
Uohm = 255 V

5.2.3 Resulting interference

Calculation results show that the inductive interference is by the factor of 25 higher than
conductive interference. In this case the resulting interference is nearly equal to the inductive
Ures = 6505 V

This calculated maximum interference voltage is much higher than the permissible limit of
430 V for fault durations up to 1.0 s. Therefore mitigation measures have to be planned and
Because of the higher fault currents and the lower distance of the overhead line to the pipe-
line the interference voltage in case of an 220 kV earth fault is clearly higher than in case of
an 500 kV fault.

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5.3 Normal operation

Under assumption of maximum symmetrical load currents in the high voltage systems the
induced pipe-to-earth voltages are shown in Appendix 20.
The calculation results in the following maximum pipe-to-earth voltages:
§ Uind = 158 V for a load current of 2061 A in the 500 kV system
§ Uind = 329 V for a load current of 2400 A in each of the two 220 kV systems
§ Uind = 37 V for a load current of 594 A in each of the two 66 kV systems

For the two 220 kV as well as for the two 66 kV systems an identical phase arrangement of
the two systems is considered:
§ L1, L2, L3 from top to down in both 220 kV systems (see tower outline in Figure 3-2)
§ L1, L2, L3 from left to right in both 66 kV systems (see tower outline in Figure 3-2)

This assumption results in the maximum induced voltages in the pipeline. By changing the
phase arrangement of the two systems the induced voltage by the 220 kV and the 66 kV sys-
tems can be reduced significantly.

As the load current directions and phase angles are not defined also the phase angles of the
voltages, induced by the three voltage levels, are not defined. As worst case it must be as-
sumed that the induced voltages have the same phase angle and the voltages sum up. This
worst case assumption results in a resulting induced voltage under normal operation of the
power lines of:
Uind = 524 V

In case of normal operation of the high voltage systems no current flows via the tower earth-
ing systems to earth. Therefore no conductive coupling has to be considered and the resulting
interference is equal to the inductive interference.

This calculated maximum interference voltage is much higher than the permissible limit with
respect to personal safety of 60 V. Therefore mitigation measures have to be planned and

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6 Mitigation measures

6.1 Principle
Because interference voltages at the pipeline are clearly higher than the limits mitigation
measures against short-time and long-time interference are required.
Principle mitigation measures at pipelines are [3] [4]:
§ Installation of concentrated earth electrodes at specific locations along the pipeline
(lumped earthing) and connection of these electrodes to the pipeline.
In case of a cathodic protected pipeline these connections between the pipeline and the
earth electrodes have to be equipped with a devise, able to block direct current of the ca-
thodic protection system (d.c.-blocking device).
§ Subdivision of the induced pipeline in a number of electrically disconnected sections.
In case of a cathodic protected pipeline each of these sections need a separate cathodic
protection system.
§ Installation of one or more screening conductors in parallel to the pipeline. Load and fault
currents in the power lines induce currents in theses screening conductors. These currents
in turn induce a voltage into the pipeline, which has a phase angle difference of nearly
180° compared to the voltage induced by the power line. As a consequence the resulting
induced voltage is reduced.

To reduce the high induced voltages to the permissible limits concentrated earth electrodes
with an earthing resistance of 0.1 Ω or less at both ends of the induced pipeline section and
at several locations within would be required. To get such a low earthing resistance earth
mats with an area of sum hundreds meter by some hundreds meter would have to be in-
stalled. Therefore installation of earth electrodes as single measure seems to be unrealistic.

Subdivision of pipeline into electrically disconnected section would require at least 16 sec-
tions to limit the induced voltage to the permissible limits in each of these sections. Every of
these sections would need an individual cathodic protection system. Therefore also this
measure seems to be unrealistic.

Hence installation of a screening conductor as described in next chapter is recommended.

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6.2 Recommended mitigation

It is recommended to install two screening conductors 70 mm² bare copper in parallel to the
induced pipeline. The conductors have to be buried directly above the pipeline in a depth of
approximately 0.5 m.

2 x 70 mm² copper


0.800 m
0.900 m

Figure 6-1 Location of screening conductors

Figure 6-1 shows the location of the screening conductors as considered for the following
calculations. A location of the copper conductor closer to the pipeline (e.g. by laying the cop-
per conductors in a depth of 1 m) would slightly increase the screening effect. Also an in-
creased spacing between the conductors (e.g. one in 0.5 m and the other in 1.0 m depth)
would slightly increase the screening effect.
The screening conductors have to be laid along the full exposure length of about 6 km and
should extend the exposure length at both ends by 1 km. This results in a total length of the
screening conductor of about 8 km (for each of the two conductors).
The screening conductors have to be connected to the pipeline at both ends of the induced
section. At both ends three connections with distances of 500 m in between are required. For
the simulation model connections between pipeline and screening conductors are considered
at the following pipeline – kilometers (for kilometer indication see Appendix 13):
Northern end: 0.5 km; 1.0 km; 1.5 km
Southern end: 7.0 km; 7.5 km; 8.0 km

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In case of any touchable over ground structure of the pipeline (e.g. valves) within the induced
section additional connections between this structure and the screening conductor are pro-
To maintain the effectiveness of cathodic protection system all connections between pipe and
screening conductor have to be equipped with DC-blocking devices (e.g. anti-parallel set of
diodes). The blocking devices have to be selected according to the maximum continuous cur-
rent and the maximum short time current via the earth connection. These maximum currents
are calculated for every interference scenario and are given in the following chapters of the
At the points of pipeline earthing, the two screening conductors have to be interconnected
and connected to the pipeline via one DC blocking device.

The screening conductors have the following three effects:

§ Load and fault currents in the power lines induce currents in these screening conductors.
These currents in turn induce a voltage into the pipeline, which reduce the resulting pipe-
line voltage. This reduction is described by a screening factor. The following screening
factor is calculated for two 70 mm² copper conductors with the arrangement as shown in
Figure 6-1:
kt = 0.46
§ The screening conductors of bare copper act as low impedance earth electrode, the pipe-
line can be earthed to.
§ The screening conductors of bare copper act as potential grading electrodes reducing the
voltage difference between the pipeline and the local earth near to the pipeline. This re-
sults in a lower touch voltage for a person who touches the pipe. Furthermore a lower
voltage difference between the metallic pipe and surrounding soil reduces the corrosion

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7 Calculation results with mitigation

7.1 500 kV earth fault

7.1.1 Inductive interference

For the maximum inducing current of 3·I0 = 8.58 kA the calculated pipe-to-earth voltages for
the pipeline with the described mitigation measures are shown in Appendix 21. The maxi-
mum calculated pipe to earth voltage is:
Uind = 115 V

7.1.2 Conductive coupling

Appendix 23 shows the potential at the soil surrounding the pipe in case of an earth fault at
the 500 kV tower M18.
The screening conductors along the pipeline have only a small leveling effect on earth poten-
tials at the pipeline. At locations near to the faulted or an adjacent tower the potential de-
creases slightly while the potential at locations between the towers slightly increase.
The maximum earth potential at the pipeline is:
Uohm = 76 V

7.1.3 Resulting interference

The resulting interference, calculated as described in chapter 4.3, comes to:

Ures = 140 V

This calculated maximum interference voltage is clearly lower than the permissible limit of
430 V for fault durations up to 1.0 s.
The calculation shows that the recommended mitigation measures are efficient and suffi-

For the maximum induced short-time AC current flowing via a DC blocking device in case of a
500 kV earth fault the following value is calculated:
Ishort = 380 A

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7.2 220 kV earth fault

7.2.1 Inductive interference

For the maximum inducing current of 3·I0 = 11.28 kA the calculated pipe-to-earth voltages for
the pipeline with the described mitigation measures are shown in Appendix 22. The maxi-
mum calculated pipe to earth voltage is:
Uind = 190 V

7.2.2 Conductive coupling

Appendix 24 shows the potential at the soil surrounding the pipe for an earth fault at the
220 kV tower BT15.
The screening conductor along the pipeline has only a small leveling effect on earth poten-
tials at the pipeline. At locations near to the faulted or an adjacent tower the potential de-
creases slightly while the potential at locations between the towers slightly increase.
The maximum earth potential at the pipeline is:
Uohm = 210 V

7.2.3 Resulting interference

The resulting interference, calculated as described in chapter 4.3, comes to:

Ures = 285 V

This calculated maximum interference voltage is lower than the permissible limit of 430 V for
fault durations up to 1.0 s.
The calculation shows that the recommended mitigation measures are efficient and suffi-

For the maximum induced short-time AC current flowing via a DC blocking device in case of a
220 kV earth fault the following value is calculated:
Ishort = 600 A

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7.3 Normal operation with maximum AC load currents

Under assumption of maximum symmetrical load currents in the high voltage systems the
induced pipe-to-earth voltages are shown in Appendix 20.
The calculation for a pipeline with mitigation measures results in the following maximum
pipe-to-earth voltages:
§ Uind = 7 V for a load current of 2061 A in the 500 kV system
§ Uind = 11 V for a load current of 2400 A in each of the two 220 kV systems
§ Uind = 2 V for a load current of 594 A in each of the two 66 kV systems

As worst case it must be assumed that the voltages, induced by the different high voltage
systems have the same phase angle and the voltages sum up. This worst case assumption
results in a resulting induced voltage under normal operation of the power lines of:
Uind = 17 V

This calculated maximum interference voltage is clearly lower than the permissible limit with
respect to personal safety of 60 V.

The calculated maximum interference voltage is slightly higher the a.c. voltage of 15 V given
with respect to a.c. corrosion. The voltage is also higher than the value of 11 V, derived from
the required a.c. current density of 30 A/cm² (see chapter 2.2). Nevertheless the corrosion risk
is very low because:
§ For the calculation absolutely worst case conditions are considered
- regarding the phase arrangement of the two 220 kV and the two 66 kV systems and
- regarding the phase angles of the voltages, induced by the 500 kV, 220 kV and 66 kV
§ The limits with respect to a.c. corrosion are average values over a representative period of
time (e.g. 24 h) [2]. The above given voltages are calculated for peak load conditions on-
ly. In practice load currents are changing with a daily load curve.
§ The above given voltages are calculated as potential differences between pipe and far
earth. Due to the potential grading effect of the screening conductor the potential of the
soil near to the pipeline is increased and the potential differences between pipe and sur-
rounding soil are lower than the above given voltages. Therefore also the corrosion risk is

For the maximum induced AC current flowing via a DC blocking device under maximum load
conditions the following value is calculated:
Icont = 43 A

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8 Loss of one earth connection

8.1 Description
Safety of pipeline voltages is required also for the loss of one earth electrode respectively loss
of one connection between pipe and the parallel copper conductors.
For the modeled loss of one connection between pipeline and the parallel copper conductors
only the worst case short time interference by an earth fault is considered. Interference in
case of a 500 kV earth fault is not calculated because it is lower than in case of a 220 kV earth

8.2 220 kV earth fault

8.2.1 Inductive interference

For the maximum inducing current of 3·I0 = 11.28 kA the calculated pipe-to-earth voltages for
loss of every single of the six earth connections are shown in Appendix 26. The maximum
pipe to earth voltage is calculated for a loss of the earth connection at kilometre 0.5 of the
pipeline. The maximum calculated pipeline potential comes to:
Uind = 340 V

8.2.2 Conductive coupling

The maximum earth potential at the pipeline is not influenced by the loss of one earth con-
Uohm = 210 V

8.2.3 Resulting interference

The resulting interference, calculated as described in chapter 4.3, comes to:

Ures = 400 V

This calculated maximum interference voltage is lower than the permissible limit of 430 V for
fault durations up to 1.0 s.
The calculation shows that the recommended mitigation measures are efficient and sufficient
also in case of a possible loss of one of the six connections to the parallel copper conductors.

For the maximum induced short-time AC current flowing via a DC blocking device in case of a
220 kV earth fault the following value is calculated:
Ishort = 800 A

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8.3 Normal operation with maximum AC load currents

Under maximum load conditions the loss of the earth connection at kilometer 7.5 of the pipe-
line is the worst case. The calculated induced pipe-to-earth voltages for this worst case are
shown in Appendix 27.
The calculation for a pipeline with mitigation measures results in the following maximum
pipe-to-earth voltages:
§ Uind = 9 V for a load current of 2061 A in the 500 kV system
§ Uind = 14 V for a load current of 2400 A in each of the two 220 kV systems
§ Uind = 2 V for a load current of 594 A in each of the two 66 kV systems

As worst case it must be assumed that the voltages, induced by the different high voltage
systems have the same phase angle and the voltages sum up. This worst case assumption
results in a resulting induced voltage under normal operation of the power lines of:
Uind = 22 V

This calculated maximum interference voltage is clearly lower than the permissible limit with
respect to personal safety of 60 V.

For the maximum induced AC current flowing via a DC blocking device under maximum load
conditions the following value is calculated:
Icont = 55 A

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9 Loss of one screening conductor

9.1 Description
Safety of pipeline voltages is required also for the loss of one screening conductor at one sec-
tion between connection points between pipe and these conductors. The worst case is the
loss of one of the two screening conductors of the long section between kilometer 1.5 and
kilometer 7.0 of the pipeline.
This will cause the following negative effects:
§ an increase of the screening factor from kt = 0.46 to kt = 0.58
§ an increase of the earthing resistance for the earthing connections at pipeline kilometer
1.5 and 7.0

For this modeled loss of one screening conductor only the worst case short time interference
by an earth fault is considered. Interference in case of a 500 kV earth fault is not calculated
because it is lower than in case of a 220 kV earth fault.

9.2 220 kV earth fault

9.2.1 Inductive interference

For the maximum inducing current of 3·I0 = 11.28 kA the calculated pipe-to-earth voltages for
loss of every single of the six earth connections are shown in Appendix 28. The maximum
pipe to earth voltage is calculated for a loss of the earth connection at kilometre 0.5 of the
pipeline. The maximum calculated pipeline potential comes to:
Uind = 285 V

9.2.2 Conductive coupling

The maximum earth potential at the pipeline is not influenced by the loss of one earth con-
Uohm = 210 V

9.2.3 Resulting interference

The resulting interference, calculated as described in chapter 4.3, comes to:

Ures = 355 V

This calculated maximum interference voltage is lower than the permissible limit of 430 V for
fault durations up to 1.0 s.

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The calculation shows that the recommended mitigation measures are efficient and sufficient
also in case of a possible loss of one parallel copper conductor at one pipeline section.

For the maximum induced short-time AC current flowing via a DC blocking device in case of a
220 kV earth fault the following value is calculated:
Ishort = 900 A

9.3 Normal operation with maximum AC load currents

The pipeline-to-earth voltages under maximum load conditions and the loss of one screening
conductor at pipeline section 1.5 km to and 7.0 km are shown in Appendix 29.
The calculation for a pipeline with mitigation measures results in the following maximum
pipe-to-earth voltages:
§ Uind = 10 V for a load current of 2061 A in the 500 kV system
§ Uind = 15 V for a load current of 2400 A in each of the two 220 kV systems
§ Uind = 4 V for a load current of 594 A in each of the two 66 kV systems

As worst case it must be assumed that the voltages, induced by the different high voltage
systems have the same phase angle and the voltages sum up. This worst case assumption
results in a resulting induced voltage under normal operation of the power lines of:
Uind = 27 V

This calculated maximum interference voltage is clearly lower than the permissible limit with
respect to personal safety of 60 V.

For the maximum induced AC current flowing via a DC blocking device under maximum load
conditions the following value is calculated:
Icont = 63 A

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10 Summary
In the course of the development of Mostakbal City existing 500 kV, 220 kV and 66 kV over-
head lines are relocated. The new route of the overhead lines runs over a length of 6 km in
close proximity to a 20” pipeline of Petroleum Pipelines Co.
By fault and maximum load currents high voltages would be induced in the pipeline. Voltages
up to 6500 V under fault conditions and up to 530 V under worst case load conditions are
calculated. Because these voltages are much higher than the permissible limits with respect
to safety of people mitigation measures are essential.
It is recommended to lay two screening conductor 70 mm² blank copper in parallel to the
pipeline. At the ends of the induced pipeline section this screening conductor has to be used
as earth electrode, the pipeline has to be earthed to.
To maintain the effectiveness of cathodic protection system these earth connections have to
be equipped with DC-blocking devices (e.g. anti-parallel set of diodes). DC-blocking devices
with rated continuous and short time currents (1 s) higher than the following calculated max-
imum currents have to be selected:
Maximum continuous current: 63 A
Maximum short time current (1 s): 900 A

Interference calculations with these mitigation measures show, that the recommended
measures are efficient and sufficient.

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[1] EN 50443: Effects of electromagnetic interference on pipelines caused by high voltage
a.c. electric traction systems and/or high voltage a.c. power supply systems, December
[2] EN 15280: Evaluation of a.c. corrosion likelihood of buried pipelines, August 2013
[3] CIGRE Technical Brochure 95: Guide on the Influence of High Voltage AC Power Systems
on Metallic Pipelines, Working Group 36.02, 1995
[4] NACE International, SP0177, Mitigation of Alternating Current and Lightning Effects on
Metallic Structures and Corrosion Control Systems, 2014-03-08
[5] CCITT – The international Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee: Directives
concerning the protection of telecommunication lines against harmful effects from
electric power and electrical railway lines.
Volume II – Calculating induced voltages and currents in practical cases, Geneva 1989
[6] NACE Report 327:AC Corrosion State-of-the-Art: Corrosion Rate, Mechanism, and Miti-
gation Requirements, 2010

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Appendix 1 Soil resistivity measurement – Diagram of measured values
sequence 1 ...........................................................................................36
Appendix 2 Soil resistivity measurement – Diagram of measured values
sequence 2 ...........................................................................................37
Appendix 3 Soil resistivity measurement – Diagram of measured values
sequence 3 ...........................................................................................38
Appendix 4 Soil resistivity measurement – Diagram of measured values
sequence 4 ...........................................................................................39
Appendix 5 Soil resistivity measurement – Diagram of measured values
sequence 5 ...........................................................................................40
Appendix 6 Soil resistivity measurement – Diagram of measured values
sequence 6 ...........................................................................................41
Appendix 7 Soil resistivity measurement – Diagram of measured values
sequence 7 ...........................................................................................42
Appendix 8 Soil resistivity measurement – Diagram of measured values
sequence 8 ...........................................................................................43
Appendix 9 Soil resistivity measurement – Diagram of measured values
sequence 9 ...........................................................................................44
Appendix 10 Soil resistivity measurement – Diagram of measured values
sequence 10 .........................................................................................45
Appendix 11 Soil resistivity measurement – Diagram of measured values –
average values ......................................................................................46
Appendix 12 Soil resistivity measurement – Comparison of determined values
with measured values ...........................................................................47
Appendix 13 Layout plan of pipeline and ohls............................................................48
Appendix 14 Induced pipeline voltages in case of a 500 kV earth fault.......................49
Appendix 15 Induced pipeline voltages in case of a 220 kV earth fault.......................50
Appendix 16 Surface potential in case of an 500 kV earth fault at tower M18 ............51
Appendix 17 Potential along the pipeline in case of an 500 kV earth fault at
tower M18 ............................................................................................52
Appendix 18 Surface potential in case of an 220 kV earth fault at tower BT15 ...........53
Appendix 19 Potential along the pipeline in case of an 220 kV earth fault at
tower BT15 ...........................................................................................54
Appendix 20 Induced pipeline voltages under normal operation of overhead
lines with maximum load currents ........................................................55
Appendix 21 Induced pipeline voltages in case of a 500 kV earth fault (with
mitigation) ............................................................................................56

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Appendix 22 Induced pipeline voltages in case of a 220 kV earth fault (with

mitigation) ............................................................................................57
Appendix 23 Potential along the pipeline in case of an 500 kV earth fault at
tower M18 (with mitigation) .................................................................58
Appendix 24 Potential along the pipeline in case of an 220 kV earth fault at
tower BT15 (with mitigation) ................................................................59
Appendix 25 Induced pipeline voltages under normal operation of overhead
lines with maximum load currents (with mitigation) .............................60
Appendix 26 Induced pipeline voltages in case of a 220 kV earth fault (with
mitigation; loss of earth connections) ...................................................61
Appendix 27 Induced pipeline voltages under normal operation (with mitigation;
loss of earth connection at 7.5 km) .......................................................62
Appendix 28 Induced pipeline voltages in case of a 220 kV earth fault (with
mitigation; loss of screening conductor) ...............................................63
Appendix 29 Induced pipeline voltages under normal operation (with mitigation;
loss of one screening conductor)...........................................................64

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Appendix 1 Soil resistivity measurement – Diagram of measured values sequence 1

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Appendix 2 Soil resistivity measurement – Diagram of measured values sequence 2

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Appendix 3 Soil resistivity measurement – Diagram of measured values sequence 3

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Appendix 4 Soil resistivity measurement – Diagram of measured values sequence 4

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Appendix 5 Soil resistivity measurement – Diagram of measured values sequence 5

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Appendix 6 Soil resistivity measurement – Diagram of measured values sequence 6

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Appendix 7 Soil resistivity measurement – Diagram of measured values sequence 7

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Appendix 8 Soil resistivity measurement – Diagram of measured values sequence 8

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Appendix 9 Soil resistivity measurement – Diagram of measured values sequence 9

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Appendix 10 Soil resistivity measurement – Diagram of measured values sequence 10

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Appendix 11 Soil resistivity measurement – Diagram of measured values – average values

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Appendix 12 Soil resistivity measurement – Comparison of determined values with measured values

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Appendix 13 Layout plan of pipeline and ohls

0 km

1 km

2 km

3 km

4 km

5 km

6 km

7 km

8 km

9 km

10 km

11 km

12 km

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Appendix 14 Induced pipeline voltages in case of a 500 kV earth fault


transverse voltage pipe - earth [v]







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
pipeline km

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Appendix 15 Induced pipeline voltages in case of a 220 kV earth fault


transverse voltage pipe - earth [v]







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
pipeline km

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Appendix 16 Surface potential in case of an 500 kV earth fault at tower M18

50 V - 100 V
100 V - 150 V
150 V - 200 V
200 V - 250 V
250 V - 300 V
> 300 V

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Appendix 17 Potential along the pipeline in case of an 500 kV earth fault at tower M18


Limit 430 V

transverse voltage pipe - earth [v]




2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4
pipeline km

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Appendix 18 Surface potential in case of an 220 kV earth fault at tower BT15

50 V - 100 V
100 V - 150 V
150 V - 200 V
200 V - 250 V
250 V - 300 V
> 300 V

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Appendix 19 Potential along the pipeline in case of an 220 kV earth fault at tower BT15


Limit 430 V

transverse voltage pipe - earth [v]




2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4
pipeline km

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Appendix 20 Induced pipeline voltages under normal operation of overhead lines with maximum load currents


overall induced voltage

voltage induced by 500 kV load currents
transverse voltage pipe - earth [v]

voltage induced by 220 kV load currents

voltage induced by 66 kV load currents




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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Appendix 21 Induced pipeline voltages in case of a 500 kV earth fault (with mitigation)


Limit 430 V

transverse voltage pipe - earth [v]




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Appendix 22 Induced pipeline voltages in case of a 220 kV earth fault (with mitigation)


Limit 430 V

transverse voltage pipe - earth [v]




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Appendix 23 Potential along the pipeline in case of an 500 kV earth fault at tower M18 (with mitigation)

Limit 430 V

transverse voltage pipe - earth [v]




2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4
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Appendix 24 Potential along the pipeline in case of an 220 kV earth fault at tower BT15 (with mitigation)

Limit 430 V

transverse voltage pipe - earth [v]








2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4
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Appendix 25 Induced pipeline voltages under normal operation of overhead lines with maximum load currents (with mitigation)


Limit 60 V
transverse voltage pipe - earth [v]

50 overall induced voltage

voltage induced by 500 kV load currents
voltage induced by 220 kV load currents
voltage induced by 66 kV load currents




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Appendix 26 Induced pipeline voltages in case of a 220 kV earth fault (with mitigation; loss of earth connections)


Limit 430 V

transverse voltage pipe - earth [v]

Loss of earth connection at 0.5 km

Loss of earth connection at 1.0 km
Loss of earth connection at 1.5 km
300 Loss of earth connection at 7.0 km
Loss of earth connection at 7.5 km
Loss of earth connection at 8.0 km



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Appendix 27 Induced pipeline voltages under normal operation (with mitigation; loss of earth connection at 7.5 km)


Limit 60 V
transverse voltage pipe - earth [v]

50 overall induced voltage

voltage induced by 500 kV load currents
voltage induced by 220 kV load currents
voltage induced by 66 kV load currents




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pipeline km

if 200152 Interference Study Version C

Siemens AG EM DG PTI 2018-09-03 Page 62 of 64
Petroleum Pipeline Co.
Mostakbal City Pipeline

Appendix 28 Induced pipeline voltages in case of a 220 kV earth fault (with mitigation; loss of screening conductor)


Limit 430 V

transverse voltage pipe - earth [v]




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pipeline km

if 200152 Interference Study Version C

Siemens AG EM DG PTI 2018-09-03 Page 63 of 64
Petroleum Pipeline Co.
Mostakbal City Pipeline

Appendix 29 Induced pipeline voltages under normal operation (with mitigation; loss of one screening conductor)


Limit 60 V
transverse voltage pipe - earth [v]

50 overall induced voltage

voltage induced by 500 kV load currents
voltage induced by 220 kV load currents
voltage induced by 66 kV load currents




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
pipeline km

if 200152 Interference Study Version C

Siemens AG EM DG PTI 2018-09-03 Page 64 of 64

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