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university oF WATERLOO Midterm Exam Spring 2022 AMATH 250 Online Thursday, June 23, 5:00 pm — Friday, June 24, 5:00 pm (2 hours and 20 minutes exam) Once you start the test, you will have 2 hours and 20 minutes to complete and 10 minutes to upload your solutions to Crowdmark. If you exit and then re-enter the assessment, you will sce the timer has continued to count down, You cannot pause or restart the assessment. There will be an automatic lateness penalty of 1% per MINUTE after the timer runs out or the due date has passed (whichever comes first) You may y of the content posted on the AMATH 250 Learn site and your recommended course note, but you are NOT allowed to get help from anyone, and you are NOT expected to search for answers on the internet. This is intended for you to complete by yourself. se a The University of Waterloo subscribes to the strictest interpretation of academic integrity. Faculty members and students bear joint responsibility in assuring that cheating on assignments or any examinations is not tolerated. Students who en- gage in academic dishonesty will be subject to disciplinary action under Policy 71 (available for your review upon request). This cxamination is protected by copyright. Reproduction or dissemination of this document or the contents or format of this document in any manner whatsoever (cg. Sharing the content with other students), without express permission of the instructor, is strictly prohibited. I confirm that I will keep the content of this examination confidential. I confirm that I have not received any unauthorized assistance in prepar- ing for or writing this examination. Student Name and ID (please print) Student Signature 1. Find the general solutions (implicit or explicit) to the following equations. la] (a) yf =e 4 ae Solution: Multiplying both sides by e”, we obtain rf ae e 1 This is separable DE. We have 1 eM dy=( 4a) de => / eM dy = / (& 42°) de 1 This gives 1 dy i4| b) = i OG : We rewrite the equation in the following form, (32? + yoosar) da + (—4y? + sinx) dy =0 05 This is an exact equation because: Op ase O pao _ 1 an ( Ay? + sin by (32? + ycosx) =c ‘Thns, we want to find F(x,y) = C such that Fy = 32" + yoosr , Fy =—4y* + sine Integrating with respect to 7, P(e, = [oe + yoosx) dr + g(y) 05 This gives F(a,y) = 2° + ysine + g(y) Taking the derivative with respect to ys F,=sinz+(y)=—4y>+sinz > gy)=—4y® 9.5 Integrating with respect to y: gy) = Pdyt Cr = +r 05 ‘Thus, the general solution F(xr,y) = C ean be written as a 4ysing—y'=C 1 [4] (c) y"-2y +y =e sin(x) Solution: Write the characteristic equation for the homogencous DE y’ 2 Hy =0 M-241=0 + (A-1P =0 A=1 (Repeated roots) 05 Nem + Core™ Me 0.5 For a trial particular solution we will use 0.5 tp = (A sin(x) + B cos(x)) yl, = &(A sin(x) + B cos(r)) + e*(A cos(r) — Bsin(r)) uff = (A sin(x) + B cos(sr)) + 26%(A cos(r) — Bsin(x)) + e%(—A sin(x) — B eos(z)) Substitute into DE y — 2y/ + y = e* sin() 26*(A cos(r) — Bsin(r)) — 2e*(A sin(x) + B cos(x)) — 2¢*(A cos(x) — Bsin(x)) 0.5 + (A sin(r) + B cos(z)) = &* sine) Grouping by like terms we have; —2B -2A+ 20+ A)e si 24 — 2B — 24+ Be cos(x) =e sin(w ( at ae sin) + ¢ +B) & cos(x) = & sin(x) We obtain B = 0 and A ==, therefore, yp(:r) = —e* sin(x) The general solution is : u(r) = Cre? + Crne® — 6 sin(x) a 2. Consider the DE $% = y(4—y?) (a) Sketch the direction field and determine the intervals of increase decrease and intervals of concavity. ‘Then sketch the solution eurves for the initial conditions (ICs) (0) 114. Solution: We write the DE in the form of v=ud-v) > fu.t)=94-9) We let y! = 0 therefore, y= 0 and y = £2 are the equilibrium solutions. 0,5 ‘Taking derivative with respect to t, we get: of =o A-v)—Qur)y= (Aw — wy = (Aya ‘We let y” = 0 therefore y = 0, +2, +h #115 05 ya? [-2eye-1is] 1s ey <0] 0eyel [Leyva] gs vps z . ve t + c 1 y | increasing | decreasing | decreasing | increasing | increasing | decreasing oD cu cb cl cD cu ‘Therefore, y = +3; = £1.15 are the points of inflection. 0,5 VA 3] (| (| HELEELA \ FTE ELTS j PELE EA TS \ ate as SLL S by > TTT 74 i TETTTIT TITLITN 1 LEEL EEL L SKS ® VANE § VAN \ AAANAAAN \ SAAS * rrirerey i rerraady ' rtiat ' filddidd 1 rerndayd 1 (b) Based on the direction field (a), determine how the behaviour of the so- lutions y for large sr (j.e., as x + +00) depends on different initial values of yat r= 0. Solution: We consider three ranges y>0, y=0, y <0. For y > 0, based on the direction field, the solutions y(r) tend to the value y=2as 2-00, For y = 0, based on the direction field, the solutions y(:r) tend to the value y=Oasr oo, For y < 0, based on the direction field, the solutions y(:r) tend to the value y= —2as 2 00. (a) For the following IVP, predict the behaviour using the Existence /Uniqueness ‘Theorem. y ay — = Solution: Writing the differential equation as ay(2)¥' + a9(2) = f(x) I we soe that ay(2) = Is continous everywhere and has itsynly root at zr = 0 Similarly, ao(r) = is continuous as long as 0< x <1 or 1 ru(a)) = 05 Integrating with respect to 2, gives veoru(a)= froPrdrte=tamete 0,5 Solving for u(r) = 1/y(2), we find the gencral solution: (uy Eine yn 1 ule) secr seer ™ eo We sin + ccosr 0.5 il (b) (e+ By)dr + (y — 2)dy = = Z Solution: The DE (2 + 3y)dr + (y —2)dy =0 can be written as, dy _2r+3y _2+3% 05 dr ° Let 2 = 4 or This gives dy | dz 0.5 a7} ae Substitnting into the DE. we obtain cy allt 243: NTE Te (05 Thus, we have 0.5 dz a, tee | EH, zte 1 —3h 22 4+2242)+2tan (2+1)=Inlsl+C 0.5 Returning the original variables, m2? + 2) 42) + 2tan (2) +1)=Info| + mplifying to —p inl? } Que + 20?| 4 In| + 2tan (=) Injel+C 5 So the general solution is 1 5 ln|y? + 2ye + 20] +2 tan () =c 1 6. Use appropriate change of variable to reduce the order of differential cquations and solve them: fal (a) y"=14+0/8 Solution: This is a 2nd-order DE, with dependent variable missing, so we use the change of variable 4 = v, This gives: &y _ dv de de 0.5 Substituting into the DE y/’ = 1+ (y/)?. dv 2 dv Poise = { - 05 ‘This is a separable DE. Integrating both sides, we obtain arctan(v) =r +0; = v=tan(e+Cr) 05 Returning the original variable, dy Integrating both sides, fa = frm Oy) dr +O, > yl) =—Infeosr + Cy)| + Cy (5) (b) zy” + 2(y)? — Solution: The DE sry" + x (y')? — y' = 0 is a 2nd-order DE, with dependent variable missing, so we use #¢ = v and £4 = 42. This gives, 0 or 2 yaa 95 de dy vty te we 0.5 We use the transformation u =, thus u! = —v-v'. Substituting into the DE: srw -us—2 Writing in the standard form (assuming « 0): w+tuet 0.5 We have a linear first order DE and we can use the method of integrating factor to find the solution: ; wr)=IF= MP2 gs Multiplying both sides of DE by -r, we have d cutusr > ae jrul=z 0.5 a 7, = unt (5 +a) 05 Returning the original variable u = y, therefore y' dy A 0.5 as ~ FD Integrating: Qrdxr > fa Pow Frys In|? +20 + C2, 9.5 Therefore the general solution is, y(z) = In |x” + 2C\| + Cr Applying the ICs, y(2) = 2, y'(2) = 1 2 =In[2? +20) + C2 1 = O1=0 0.5 Therefore, Cy —2In(2) and the solution to the IVP is 2 In(x) + 2—2 In(2) 0.5

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