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L-19 A Seed tells a Farmer’s Story

Note: Kindly do this work in your notebook or Assignment sheet

1 Define the following terms:

a) Crop
b) Kharif crop
2 . Give one word for the following:
a) The rearing and the cultivation of earthworm -________________________
b) The chemical substance used to enhance the fertility of the soil -
c) A special stew served with Bajra rotis in Gujarat-___________________
d) A huge pit dug to dump the organic waste to decompose to make manure -
3 Fill in the blanks:
e) Cotton used to be spun on a _______________by the village people at home.
f) The new seeds are such that the crops can easily get affected by harmful _________.
g) ______ is a natural fertilizer.
h) The __________ are called the best friends of the soil.
i) ______ are built on the big rivers to generate electricity and for drawing water for
j) Growing the same crop over and over, and using so many chemicals, affects the
4 Give two examples of each:
a) Rabi crops: _________________, _________________
b) Oil producing crop: _________________, _________________
c) cereals: _________________, _________________
5 Give reason:
a) Medicines have to be sprayed on the crops.
b) Farmers started growing only cotton and wheat.
6 Answer the questions:
a) What are threshers?
b) What did Damjibhai do to protect seeds from insects?
c) How has farming become easier in modern times?

Note: Answer Key will also be provided.

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