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Hogan Main Scales

HPI - Strengths Insight Regarding: Lower Score Behaviors: Higher Score Behaviors:
Vigilant, self-aware, urgent; Resilient, optimistic, composed;
Adjustment Resilience
pessimistic, tense, & stress-prone arrogant & feedback-resistant
Supportive, team-oriented; High self-confidence, drive, energy;
Ambition Drive & Energy
lower confidence, drive, & initiative forceful, may over-compete
Focused, purposeful socially Socially proactive, team-oriented,
Sociability Social Style
reactive, lower-impact social style distractible, talks more than listens
Interpersonal Direct, frank, straightforward; Diplomatic, warm, friendly;
Communication Style
Sensitivity low-touch style & potentially abrasive potentially “too soft” with feedback
Flexible, ambiguity-tolerant; resistant Dependable, process-focused,
Prudence Task-Focus
to supervision & inattentive to details organized; rigid about details & rules
Pragmatic, strong implementer, Strategic, longer-term, big-picture
Inquisitive Problem-Solving
tactical, & short-term view view; low process & execution focus
Hands-on, practical, “just in time” Continuous, “traditional” learning
Learning Approach Learning Style
learning style; may seem uninformed style; possibly seems pedantic

HDS - Derailers Crosses line from everyday strength...  ...To potential strength over-used
Excitable Intense & energetic  Moody, inconsistent, volatile & unpredictable

Skeptical Perceptive & insightful  Cynical, negative, distrustful & fault-finding

Cautious Careful & thorough  Risk-averse, overly careful & fearful of failure

Reserved Independent & objective  Socially withdrawn, tough, & uncommunicative

Leisurely Cooperative & agreeable  Stubborn, privately irritable & passive-resistant

Bold Confident & assertive  Entitled, arrogant, & overestimates competence

Mischievous Charming & interesting  Risk-taking, limit-testing & untrustworthy

Colorful Outgoing & socially-skilled  Attention-seeking, self-promoting & dramatic

Imaginative Innovative & creative  Eccentric, impractical, & lacking focus

Diligent Detailed & conscientious  Micromanaging, perfectionistic, & nit-picking

Dutiful Supportive & loyal  Over-eager to please, deferential, & ingratiating

MVPI - Values Lower Scores Value: Higher Scores Value:

Recognition Modesty, “behind the scenes” roles Public acknowledgement, visibility
Power Cooperation, democratic decision-making Authority, top-down influence, impact

Hedonism Professional, formal work environments Fun, lighthearted, open minded cultures
Altruistic Personal responsibility, self-reliance Helping others, coaching, providing service
Affiliation Privacy, task-focus, minimal interruptions Networking, relationships, teamwork, belonging

Tradition Progress, diversity, autonomy Role clarity, conservative, principled cultures

Security Risk-taking, limit-testing, experimentation Structure, order, predictability
Commerce Cooperation, less focus on bottom line Making money, focus on bottom line

Aesthetics Functionality and substance over form Quality, image, and product “look & feel”
Science Experience-based, intuitive decisions Analytics, data-driven decision making
HPI Subscales
Empathy Irritated by others’ flaws Empathic toward others’ shortcomings I believe people should have a second chance.

Not Anxious Anxious or tense Seems relaxed & seldom gets anxious Deadlines don’t bother me.

No Guilt Worries about & regrets past mistakes Does not dwell on or regret past mistakes I have few regrets about the past.

Calmness Gets emotional at times Is calm & collected My coworkers think I am a calm person.

Even Tempered Is temperamental or moody Is even-tempered with stable moods I am a patient person.

No Complaints Complains about many issues Does not often complain I'm not one to complain.

Trusting Questions others’ intentions Trusts others & not suspicious of intent Most people are basically honest.

Good Attachment Hostile towards authority Has positive attitude toward authority In school, teachers liked me.

Competitive Laid back & lacks competitive drive Enjoys competition & works to get ahead I always play to win.

Self Confident Lacks confidence Confident in oneself & abilities I expect to succeed at everything.

Accomplishment Unhappy with accomplishments Enjoys & is satisfied with achievements When I fail at something, I try even harder the next time.

Leadership Reluctant to assume leadership roles Willing to assume authority positions I think I would enjoy positions of authority.

Identity Lacks career direction Focused career direction I am confident in my career choice.

No Social Anxiety Socially retiring & lacks social confidence Socially confident & sure of self I am pretty confident about my ability as a public speaker.

Likes Parties Does not enjoy social gatherings Enjoys social gatherings I often go to parties in my free time.

Likes Crowds Prefers smaller group settings Enjoys large group settings I enjoy crowded sporting events.

Experience Seeking Unadventurous & prefers little variety Adventurous; seeks new experiences I like a lot of variety in my life.

Exhibitionistic Avoids the limelight Wants attention; enjoys the limelight I sometimes show off in front of others.

Entertaining Not particularly entertaining Charming, amusing, good sense of humor I always have a good joke to tell.

Easy to Live With Not always tolerant & kind-hearted Perceived as tolerant & easygoing I can get along with just about anybody.

Sensitive Not very tactful, seems insensitive Tactful, kind & considerate I am sensitive to others' feelings.

Caring Does not appreciate others’ needs Perceptive, sensitive & understanding I like helping people who need a break.

Likes People Socially withdrawn & isolating Enjoys interaction & others’ company I am actively involved in my community.

No Hostility Critical of other faults & mistakes Generally accepting of others’ faults I would rather not criticize people, even when they need it.

Moralistic Prefers to set his/her own rules Adheres strictly to conventional values I always admit it when I make a mistake.

Mastery Relaxed attitude about his/her work Hard-working & wants to do a good job I strive for perfection in everything I do.

Virtuous Willing to admit minor faults Diligent, precise, & perfectionistic It bothers me when people don't proofread their work.

Not Autonomous Independent & feedback resistant Concerned about others’ opinions I never speak in a group where I have a differing opinion.

Not Spontaneous Spontaneous; enjoys improvisation Planful approach; enjoys predictability Each morning, I know what I want to accomplish that day.

Impulse Control Enjoys being impulsive Deliberate, prefers to “play it safe” I would never buy the first car that I test drive.

Avoids Trouble Takes risks; professed troublemaker Considers actions & their consequences I avoid trouble at all costs.

Science Ability Shows little interest in why things happen Takes an interest in why things happen Science is the key to our future.

Curiosity Low degree of curiosity about the world High degree of curiosity about the world I ask other people a lot of questions.

Thrill Seeking Not interested in stimulation/excitement Seeks challenge, stimulation, excitement My friends think I am an adventurous person.

Intellectual Games Not interested in intellectual games Interested in riddles & puzzles I enjoy solving riddles.

Generates Ideas Does not see self as an idea generator Good at generating new ideas I enjoy brainstorming.

Culture Narrow interests, reluctant to try new things Wide variety of activities & interests I enjoy visiting historical landmarks.

Education Negative experiences with education Positive attitude about education I have a good memory.

Math Ability Does not work well with numbers Works well with numbers Doing well in school was important to me.

Good Memory Somewhat forgetful Can remember things easily Others usually depend on me to calculate the tip when dining out.

Reading Does not keep up-to-date Keeps up-to-date; enjoys reading I am always reading.

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