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A diorama Skirmish Game

‘The age of the living ended long ago.
Only the dead remain.

Liches chase the ambitions of aeons past; revenants wage war over crumbling cities and the broken
undead flock to find meaning in the service of these dark lords.

Channel your magick and muster your minions; for the treasures of the Endless City await.’
Necropolis is a skirmish game set in a dark fantasy world where all life as we know it has
vanished. The land is populated only by those who whether by intent or curse, have
overcome the laws of time and mortality.

The game is played with only a handful of miniatures within a compact play area. The focus
is on quick play; brutal combat; and game-changing spells. Players will create Gatherings of
unique miniatures, set up a battlefield then take turns activating miniatures and utilising
Action Points (AP) to fight; cast spells; and achieve objectives in order to secure victory.
Gatherings will change from game to game via a system of ambitions; side objectives you
choose to pursue in game. Ambitions allow miniatures to become stronger; learn new
magic; or suffer debilitating injuries and maladies.

Key game ideas/concepts

• Everything and everyone is un/dead: leaders are necromancers/liches/wights,
minions are zombies/skeletons/ghasts and some beasties.
• Players alternate activations of their models.
• Action points can be spent on actions each time you activate a model.
• Narrative campaign focus: always progressing in some way due to the ambitions
system which work both as side objectives and experience.
• There are no misses or failures when rolling dice, only lesser successes.
• Mana based spell casting divided by blood/bone/plasm. All models all have one of these
keywords as well and these will interact.
• Each point of mana is a die (1D10), you can choose how many to roll when casting,
taking the highest result but these dice are gone for the rest of the game.
• When a unit is Shattered it leaves a mana token of its type (blood/bone/plasm) and these
can be consumed to gain mana.
• Small board size, 16”x16” to encourage making mini dioramas to play on.
An Age of Death
‘The age of the living ended long ago.
Only the dead remain.

The ensorcelled ruins of the Endless City jut from the ashen remains of the world like bones from a dry
lakebed. Here the undead gather: skeletal thralls; rotting acolytes and wailing spirits. Inheritors of this
lifeless place.

But the city is not without lords.

The First: claimed progenitor of necromancy with their Cairn-born faithful, dedicated to recover the
knowledge of ages gone.

The Rotten Goddess: not seen for centuries, holding a crumbling court of embalmers and flesh-sewers.

The Doomed Child: an unseen trickster commanding a swath of treacherous ghasts.

Against the mighty towers of these Grand-Lichs gather the unnumerable undead, seeking purpose in
their shadows. Worshippers of root and rot; those bound by fungus and wisp; ancient skeletal monarchs
and long dead maleficars, all mingle in the ruined shanties and lairs of the City.

To the West; the undying forest of Eternal Autumn; to the East the sunken Aldmarsh, and all around the
shattered remnants of ages gone.

Channel your magick and muster your minions, for the treasures of the Endless City await.
Getting Started
The Game
Necropolis is a 2 player skirmish game about the clashes of rival undead in a world without
life, with additional content for solo and cooperative games. Each player has a group of
models referred to as a Gathering made up of models to represent their leaders and their
minions as they battle on the tabletop.

To play Necropolis you will need

• A 16’’x16’’ board or space to play on.
• Around 1-8 miniatures per player; of an undead-ish variety.
• A smattering of terrain elements .
• A handful of 10-sided dice (Referred to as D10).
• Some tokens to represent dropped mana and objectives.

The game is played in a series of turns, with players alternately activating single models
from their gatherings in order to win a set scenario.

The Models
Necropolis is generally played with 28mm scale miniatures. As there are no living things,
models that are vaguely undead looking are perfect. Players are encouraged to get creative
and design and convert models that fit their own view of the setting and the dead that
inhabit it.

Each leader or minion entry lists ideas for how it could be portrayed along with suggestions
for base sizes. These are both intentionally quite open to encourage players to use whatever
models and basing they enjoy the most.

The Board
Necropolis is played on a 16’’x16’’ surface, this could be anything from a designated space
marked on a table to hand crafted diorama boards dripping with detail. Included in the
scenario section are suggestions for the kind of terrain that could be used but the main goal
should be for the board to be both beautiful and tactically challenging to play on.
Turn Order
All measurements are in inches and are taken from the model’s base.

After deployment, which is detailed in Scenarios section below, each gathering receives
mana dice of a type and amount equal to the mana points of their leader, e.g. a leader with 2
blood mana points and 2 bone mana points would mean the gathering receives 2 blood mana
dice and 2 bone mana dice. These are referred to as the gathering’s pool of mana dice or mana
pool and are not affixed to individual models but shared between the whole gathering.

After this follow the turn order below.

Turn order.
1. Initiative Step
Each player rolls a d10 with the highest deemed to have won the initiative roll.
2. Gathering Step
Starting with the player that won the initiative roll, take turns activating single
models until all have activated.
3. Others Step
Any models not part of the gatherings then activate. Each player selects one non
player character (NPC) and in initiative order bids any number of mana dice to
control them. If both players bid the same amount of mana dice, or none at all,
control of the NPC is decided by roll off. Players can keep bidding until they run out
of mana dice and any mana dice bid are lost.
4. Turn Ends
The turn then ends and a new turn begins with the initiative step.

When a model activates it can spend its Action Points (AP) to perform actions, each action
has a cost outlined below. Spellcasting also has an AP cost and is dealt with in a later
Creaking ancient limbs carry the dead onward, crumbling with the burden of time.
AP cost 1: move the model an amount of inches up to its move characteristic. Models may not
move through other models. Vertical surfaces may be ascended or descended as long as the
model can move the centre of its base to horizontal ground within their movement distance,
if they cannot then they fall, see Falling below. Small gaps may be “jumped” providing the
model has sufficient Move to make it across without falling.

Models can move horizontally out from a ledge and choose to fall.

Hacking flesh and breaking bones: in a dead world there are no painful or fatal strikes. Only
dismemberment brings victory.
AP cost 1: An enemy model must be in range of the weapon the activated model is using. Roll
a number of d10s equal to the weapon’s attacks characteristic. Each roll that meets or
exceeds the relevant characteristic is a hit, each that does not is a glance. For melee weapons
use the Model’s violence characteristic and for ranged attacks use ranged.

Each hit causes the target to take the higher damage of the weapon, any glance causes them
to take the lower. Damage is expressed as damage x/x on the weapon profile; the higher
damage number is always used on hits. The damage from all hits and glances is added
together and the armour value of any armour worn by the target is then subtracted, to a
minimum of 1 damage.

If the attacker rolled any successful hits during the attack, they may push the target model 1”
in any direction.

Attack Sequence
1. Choose a target in range of the model’s weapon.
2. Roll attack dice equal to model’s weapon’s attacks characteristic.
3. Each D10 that equals or exceeds the attacking model’s relevant characteristic, is
considered a hit and each that does not is a glance.
4. Total the damage of all hits and glances and subtract the targets armour (down to a
minimum of 1).
5. Subtract the total damage from the target's HP.
6. If any hits were scored the target may be pushed 1’’ in any direction.

EXAMPLE, A model with an axe with 3 attacks and damage 1/3 a would roll 3 dice, if they
rolled 2 hits and a glance, they would do 7 damage.
Pick up Relic
Grimoires; mana infused silver obols; mellified flesh; all treasures in the Endless City.
AP cost 1: if a model is in base contact with a relic they may perform this action. Remove the
relic from the board and place it next to that model’s sheet. The model is now carrying the
relic. If the model is Shattered by a ranged attack or spell the relic is dropped where their base
was when they are removed. If the model is Shattered by a melee attack the relic is taken and
carried by the attacking model. Models can carry any number of relics and any model can
carry a relic unless explicitly stated.

Patience; something that comes easy to those with infinite time.
AP cost 1: the model's activation ends, however it may reactivate again later in the round but
does not restore AP when doing so.

EXAMPLE: a minion with 2AP activates and takes the lurk action for AP cost 1; their
activation ends and they may activate again later in the round with 1AP.

Slipping through a trapdoor or an unstable portal: anything to gain advantage.
AP cost 1: when a model is in base to base contact with a traversal node such as a door or
portal, you may remove the model and place it in base to base contact with a connected
traversal node.

Free Actions
An ensorcelled charm; a hastily applied tincture, swiftly done in the heat of battle.
AP cost 0: some actions are free actions, such as using minor treasures. Free actions do not
require you to spend AP to perform them.
Core Rules
Stumbling from a frenetic assault or impelled by sorcerous force. Ancient joints are forced into motion.
A push moves the target model the specified number of inches in any horizontal direction.
Pushes are usually the result of an attack or spell. The casting or attacking player will move
the targeted model. The pushed model stops if it comes into contact with terrain. Falling
and dangerous terrain effects apply to pushed models

Reducing the dead to piles of desiccated limbs or splatters of plasm is the only sure way to defeat an
If a model is reduced to 0hp or below it is considered Shattered and is removed from the
table. Each removed model is replaced with a mana token of the same type (blood/bone/plasm)
as the model’s keyword. If any leader makes a move action or is pushed across the token the
gathering receives additional mana dice of that type for its mana pool and the token is

Mana Tokens
Wisps of power, emerging from the destroyed bodies of the dead.
These tokens replace Shattered models when they are removed and represent the sorcerous
energy left in the wake of the undead being destroyed. Usually these will be represented by
either a token or a miniature on a 20mm-40mm base and can take the form of wisps of
energy, a pile of bones or bloody corpses depending on the keyword of the model that has
been Shattered.

If any leader makes a move action or is pushed across the token the gathering receives
additional mana dice of that type for its mana pool and the token is removed.

Mana tokens do not block line of sight and models may move across or through them freely.

Relic Tokens
Grimoires; mana infused silver obols; mellified flesh; all treasures in the Endless City.
Relic tokens, sometimes referred to as relics, represent the carriable treasure of the Endless
City. Usually these will be represented by either a token or a miniature on a 20mm-40mm
base. Relics can take the form of piles of silver obols, chests of treasure and other desirable
detritus that can be carried.

Relic tokens do not block line of sight and models may move across or through them freely.
Sarcophagi filled with ancient untouched flesh; broken shards of the Oblivisk; the desiccated corpse of a
Objectives represent the larger desirable treasure of the Endless city. Usually these will be
represented by either a token or a miniature on a 20mm-60mm base. Objectives can take the
form of huge shards of meteoric glass, statues covered in ancient scrawled secrets or any
other treasure that would be difficult to carry away in the heat of battle.

Objectives block line of sight and models may not move across or through them freely.

Bones splinter and shatter, even the spectral dead struggle to hold their forms together under profound
If a model cannot rest on a horizontal surface after being moved or pushed, it falls directly
downward. For every inch fallen the model suffers 1 damage. If a falling model lands in
base-to-base contact with another model that model also suffers the same amount of

By souls untethered or rotted wings.
When a model with the Fly keyword makes a Move action, climbing vertical surfaces does not
count towards the distance moved and they may ignore other models when moving (they
may not end their move on another model). If the model does not land on a horizontal
surface at the end of its Move action then it will fall as normal.

Line of Sight
Through rotten eyes and empty sockets, the senses linger.
Most terrain in necropolis, such as walls and solid objectives are deemed to block
movement and line of sight (LOS). If models cannot draw a LOS to the target of their attack
or spell action then they cannot perform that action.

Taking cover from hails of ancient arrows; cowering from ensorcelled bolts.
If a model can see a straight line to the target of their attack but that target is partly
obscured by terrain (for example; a fence, gate or window), or an intervening model, the
attacker receives a -1 to their violence/ranged roll.
Dangerous terrain and board edges
A spiked barricade; a pit of unquiet dead; a pile of alchemical jars.
Spiked walls, cursed sigils and other unnameable hazards all exist within the endless city,
presenting deadly peril to those unlucky enough to make contact with them. If a model
moves, falls or is pushed into one of these pieces of terrain their movement stops and they
suffer 3 damage.

The board edges are deemed to be dangerous terrain: nothing friendly exists out there in the

Traversal nodes
An unstable mystical portal; a cramped door through a dark tower; rope pulley acrobatics! The Endless
City offers many opportunities to swiftly cross its landscape, if one knows where to look.
On agreement between players, points on the map may be designated as traversal nodes.
Each traversal node must have at least one other traversal node it is considered connected
to. Models may travel between connected nodes by using the traverse action. Traversal
nodes can take the form of anything the players like from a tower door that connects to a
rooftop hatch, a pair of enchanted mirrors that act as portals, or a zip line between roofs.
The Endless City
Moonlight pierces the clouds; shards of silver illuminate the vast emptiness below. The Great Wastes
now encompass the world, a lifeless rocky bleakness as far as can be imagined.

A figure shuffles through this ruinous landscape; its petrified eyes gaze lifeless upon a pile of rubble
topped with an empty shrine: the first sign of civilisation for incalculable distance in any direction. Then
another, and another, a cluster of broken buildings laid low by centuries of howling wind and neglect.
The figure does not stop; it passes the ruins without regard. The soft creak of leather-dry skin and
calcified ligaments fade into the stale air as it moves on.

Further still there lies an old road; its time-worn cobbles barely visible under silt and desiccated earth,
winding into the oppressive silence of the night beyond. The figure advances; disturbing quiet centuries
of dust with the rude scrape of bone upon ancient stone as it shambles forward.

The road snakes its path through blackened mountains; under crumbling arches; past empty shrines
and way-chapels before cresting at a precipice. The figure pauses: from here the city becomes visible.

Three towers jut audaciously from the ruins of a vast sprawl; each taller than could be built by mortal
means. Lights dot their surfaces and many more cluster around their bases: society of a sort exists here.

The Endless City, named not for its size but for its endurance: The last monument of civilisation in a
world where only the dead remain.

Moving into the ruined streets, across the crumbling remains of cathedrals and great libraries; the figure
meets first signs of habitation. Skeletal shapes wrapped in shabby cloaks and rags scavenge through the
rubble; the clack of their metal shod feet echoing in the dark. They pay the figure no heed as it passes on.

The figure trudges determinedly towards the base of the towers; where the curling smoke of fires can be
seen. The structures here are more maintained: hanging cloths as makeshift roofs for buildings; doors
and shutters boarded. Half rotten corpses huddle around a fire in a snicket, sewing and securing their
failing flesh as another keeps watch; ancient cudgel gripped between its failing fingers. Its waxy eyes
follow the figure as it passes; then return to watching the road behind.

The core of this place is sprawling, buildings pile atop each other in maddening ways. Each listing tower
or keep is the makeshift lair of some Lich or other powerful creature. Their minions move through the
streets, now teeming with others; mendicants and ancient monarchs mingle, barter and bicker, all laid
low by their inescapable immortality. Those who lack the necromantic means to maintain their forms
slump against walls in dark shanties to beg as they crumble: fated to become sentient dust.

The gargantuan towers themselves are fortress cities, each one a testament to the philosophy and
transcendent power of the Grandlich within. To gain entry is to pledge eternal servitude. Yet all are
surrounded by crowds of genuflecting dead: ancient war bands offering lost treasures and grisly trophies
scoured from the hidden corners and forgotten depths of the world. Few are granted entry; fewer still
emerge unchanged. The whims of a Grandlich are as unknowable as the forgotten gods of this place.

The figure presses on; striding now with purpose as it shoulders past the gathered assembly of deathless
creatures. Its eyes burn with immortal ambition as it approaches the three great towers. Destiny awaits,
Gathering Creation
1. Receive 300 obols, the silver infused mana currency of the Endless City.
2. Choose a Covenant or forsake one and be Wretched Undead.
3. Purchase a Leader and Minions.
4. Generate a Lair.

Each gathering begins with a maximum deployment limit of 350 obols for each battle. The
deployment limit is the maximum value of models players can deploy for a single game,
although they may have a greater value of models in their roster. The players decide which
models to field in each scenario. A gathering’s deployment limit may be increased over time
by actions such as upgrading the gathering’s lair (see the Campaign section).
Below is an example gathering for reference.

Gathering Name: The Tainted Faithful

Covenant: Embalmed Hands
Lair: The Tainted Chapel

Leader Name: The Mire Walker Type/keyword: Corpse Husk/Blood

Type/keyword: Lich/Blood Trait: March of the Hands
Traits: Sorcerous Talent, Chosen of the Equipment: Bow
Hands Cost: 80
Equipment: 2h Polearm
Mana: 3 blood, 2 plasm Minion Name: The Restless
Spells: Summon, Vigour, Congealed Blast, Type/keyword: Corpse Husk/Blood
Blink Trait: -
Cost: 15 Equipment: Improvised weapon
Cost: 50
Minion Name: The Furious
Type/keyword: Corpse Husk/Blood Minion Name: The Cursed
Trait: - Type/keyword: Corpse Husk/Blood
Equipment: Dual hand weapons, Light Trait: -
armour Equipment: Improvised weapon
Cost: 100 Cost: 50

Minion Name: The Vindictive Total cost: 295 obols

This gathering has been built around swamping both the enemy and objectives with bodies:
The Furious would lead The Restless and The Cursed in the front to crush difficult enemies
whilst The Vindictive picks off damaged models. All this is supported by The Mire Walker,
using the vigour and summon spells to keep the minions in the fight, repositioning them
with blink or using coagulated blast to detonate them suicidally at when they are outclassed.
Covenants are the allegiance your gathering has in the Endless City. Each covenant comes
with model or spell restrictions, but provides the bonus of an additional trait for your leader
and a covenant specific single trait for a model of your choice. Alternatively, you can choose
to eschew a covenant and be Wretched Undead, gaining 2 traits for any models of your
choice from the Wretched Undead traits list below.

Leaders may have up to a maximum of 3 traits, including their basic leader trait. Minions
may only have 1 type of trait. Once traits are taken they cannot be removed or sold. Some
traits are restricted to models with the keyword Blood/Bone/Plasm and occasionally
Husk/Beast/Leader. No trait can be taken more than once on a single model.

Embalmed Hands, Scions of the Rotten Goddess

Time is the enemy. though held fast through embalming and alchemical arts, the flesh withers.
Rumours circle that the Goddess, unseen by her court in centuries, fades. And so her Hands are sent out
into the ruins of the world. They seek the rarest of treasures: ancient preserved flesh; vitrified blood;
mellified bodies sealed within lock-graves; any resource able to preserve the flesh of their master.

If you choose this covenant your Gathering may only contain models with the Blood

Your leader gains the following trait in addition to any others:

Chosen of the Hands (Blood)

When this gathering receives blood mana dice for its mana pool all models in this gathering
restore 1hp.

1 model may be chosen to have the following trait or a trait from the Wretched Undead trait

March of the Hands (Blood)

Moving ever forward, the goddess’s goals above all else.
On the first turn, before rolling for initiative, you may push this model 4’’.
Cairn-born, Faithful of the First Grandlich
Long before the age of the living ended the First was already dead. It was the First who unlocked the
secrets of necromancy; it was the First who subjugated empires; who amassed the knowledge of the
Oblivisk; who constructed the Crematorial Plateau and who sank the treacherous Aldmarsh. To serve
the First is to preach their histories and to collect and return all knowledge lost in the ruins of the world.

If you choose this covenant your Gathering may only contain models with the Bone keyword.

Your leader gains the following trait in addition to any others:

Osseous Sacrifice (Bone)

On activation you may choose to suffer -2hp and then Bone school spells gain +1 to any
damage dealt that activation. This additional damage does not affect friendly models.

1 model may be chosen to have the following trait or a trait from the Wretched Undead trait

Adamant Structure (Bone)

A body of ancient, blackened bone that is nigh indestructible.
When this model ‘suffers’ damage, e.g. as a result of falling, dangerous terrain or
spellcasting, that damage is reduced by 1 to a minimum of 1. This is not armour and has no
effect against attacks.

The Crescent of Mourn, Spectres of the Doomed Child

Sweeping from their sealed lairs in a tide of spectral balefire; the Crescent of Mourn do the inscrutable
bidding of the Doomed Child. They spread discord; assassinate;turn the petty fiefdoms of minor undead
against each other. All to the further the unknowable aims of their spectral lord.

If you choose this covenant your Gathering may only contain models with the Plasm

Your leader gains the following trait in addition to any others:

Moonlight Flit (Plasm)

After an enemy attack action and any subsequent pushes have been resolved against your
leader you may push your leader up to 2’’ further.

1 model may be chosen to have the following trait or a trait from the Wretched Undead trait

Mournful Curse (Plasm)

When struck down this ghast burns attackers in a final burst of balefire.
When this model is Shattered every model within 3'' suffers 2 damage.
Recusant Maleficar
Submitting neither to the service of a Grandlich nor the division of the schools of necromancy themselves,
they seek the purity of spellcasting in its original form. Some of the bolder liches of this philosophy seek
access to the Repository of Calsus; to brave its spectral guardians and take the ancient tomes within.

If you choose this covenant the leader of this Gathering must be a Lich and they may initially
only take spells from the necromancy list. Spells of other types can be gained as normal
during a campaign. In addition, this Gathering’s initial deployment limit is 300 rather than
350, starting obols remain 300.

Your leader gains the following trait in addition to any others:

Each time this leader rolls mana dice for spellcasting, on any rolls of 9-10 do not discard that
mana dice from the gathering’s mana pool.

1 model with the Husk keyword may be chosen to have the following trait or a trait from the
Wretched Undead trait list:

Few share knowledge freely in the Endless city, but there are those who will submit themselves to eternal
servitude to gain a glimpse of the truth.
This model knows 1 spell that is also known by the gathering’s leader. When spellcasting they
use the gathering's mana pool as normal. This model suffers arcane backlash on a
channelling roll of 1-2. This trait cannot be taken by a leader.
Wretched Undead, The Lost, Abandoned and Forgotten
Myriad gatherings of undead exist: those that bear no allegiance to a Grandlich but serve other masters
or simply their own ambitions. Worshippers of root and rot; those bound by fungus and wisp; ancient
skeletal monarchs and long dead maleficars. All mingle in the ruined shanties and lairs of the City.

Up to 2 models from this gathering may be chosen to have a trait from the list below.

Acolyte (Blood/Bone/Plasm)
Praying, chanting and drawing forth wisps of mana
This model gains the following action:
Chant AP cost 2: the gathering receives an additional mana dice of any type for its mana pool.

Balefire Body (Plasm)

A form of balefire that leaves all scorched in its wake
If this model moves or is pushed over or through an enemy model, that model suffers 1
damage. An enemy model can only suffer this damage once per move or push action.

Skitter (Blood/Bone)
Possessed of preternatural speed, leaping running and vaulting like quicksilver
This model has +1 move, ignores falling damage if falling from 3’’ or lower Falling damage
still applies to any model it lands in base-to-base contact with.

Filthy/Shrouded (Blood/Bone/Plasm)
Obscured by grime and filth or shrouded in mystical darkness; either way they are difficult to perceive
If this model is targeted by an attack/spell action from over 5'' away it is deemed to be
obscured (attacker receives a -1 to their violence/ranged roll) this bonus cannot stack with
being obscured by terrain.

Fungal Bloom (Blood/Bone)

Covered in growing fungal colonies and mushrooms that fill the air with acidic spores
On activation, you may choose a single model within 3’’ of this model, it suffers 1 damage.

Gnarled (Blood/Bone)
Grown through with branch and bramble, lending verdant toughness
Once per game, when this model is targeted by an attack action, the model receives +2
armour for the duration of that action.

Grafted/Many Limbed (Blood/Bone/Plasm)

Twisting additional limbs for work and war
On a single attack action per game, the model receives +1 attacks to 1 weapon it has.
Ineffable Dead (Blood/Bone/Plasm)
Indescribable forms wind and twist, defying reality and perception.
Reduce the distance this model is pushed by 1”, to a minimum of 1”

Purloiner (Blood/Bone/Plasm)
A thief by guile or threats: both yield profit
After each scenario roll a d10, if this is equal or lower than this model’s move characteristic,
gain d10 obols.

Sluglike/Fleshy Amalgam (Blood/Bone)

A form so twisted and distorted it looks more like a slug than whatever conglomeration of bodies it began
Movement up or down a vertical surface is counted as only half the distance in inches for
this model. For example, a move of 4’’ up a vertical surface would be treated as only 2” of

Voices from the Firmament (Leader, Blood/Bone/Plasm)

Mouths sprout across bone, flesh and plasm, and speak the Words that are not Words
This model gains the following action:
Speak AP cost 1, Choose a single model within 5'' and push it 1''
Purchase Leader
Choose Blood/Bone/Plasm as the leader’s keyword
Bone: the leader gains improve their violence by 1 (e.g. +7 becomes 6+)
Blood: the leader gains +2 max hp
Plasm: the leader gains the fly keyword and -2hp and cannot wear heavy armour
Then choose one of the following leader types:

Lich 0 obols (base size 20mm -50mm)

Miniature ideas: A rotten necromancer, an ancient lich, a phantasmal sorcerer
Keyword: Blood/Bone/Plasm, Leader
AP Move Violence Ranged HP
2 3 7+ 7+ 15

Mana Points: divide 4 points between Blood/Bone/Plasm

Gain the Summon spell
Choose 3 additional spells
Choose 1 Basic Leader Trait, see below

Special Rules
Caster: A lich cannot wear heavy armour or carry a shield

Revenant 0 obols (base size 20mm -50mm)

Miniature ideas: A desiccated knight, a barrow monarch, a spectral martyr
Keyword: Blood/Bone/Plasm, Leader
AP Move Violence Ranged HP
2 3 6+ 7+ 17

Mana Points: divide 3 points between Blood/Bone/Plasm

Gain the Summon spell
Choose 1 additional spell
Choose 1 Basic Leader Trait, see below

Special Rules
Ancient Skill: during this model’s attack action if any dice rolled is an unmodified 10 that
dice is considered a critical hit, critical hits do an additional +1 damage. For example, if a
model with a blade (Damage 1 / 3) scores a glance (1 damage), a hit (3 damage) and a critical
hit (3+1 damage) that attack action would do 8 damage.

Fighter: A revenant can never gain more than 4 spells (including summon) and 4 mana points
Ascended Undead 250 obols (base size 40mm -60mm)
Miniature ideas: An imposing pontiff of sewn corpses, a multi limbed skeletal sorcerer-monarch,
spectral death incarnate
Keyword: Blood/Bone/Plasm, Leader
AP Move Violence Ranged HP
3 3 5+ 6+ 25

Mana Points: divide 5 points between Blood/Bone/Plasm

Gain the Summon spell
Choose 3 additional spells
Choose 1 Basic Leader Trait, see below

Colossal: This model can only take weapons from the Colossal Melee Weapon list

Basic Leader Traits

1. Unyielding will: gain +2 max hp
2. Combatant: improve violence by 1 (e.g. +7 becomes 6+)
3. Perceptive: improve ranged by 1 (e.g. +7 becomes 6+)
4. Celerity: improve move by 1
5. Stalwart: Reduce the distance this model is pushed by 1”, to a minimum of 1”
6. Sorcerous talent: choose an additional mana point of any type
7. Studious: choose an additional spell of any type
8. Regenerating Soul: each time this leader activates they restore 1hp
9. Spirit Syphon: if the leader inflicts any damage with melee attacks, they restore 2hp
at the end of their activation.
10. Miserly, receive 50 obols, note this does not increase your initial deployment limit.
Choose a name for your leader or roll on any parts of the table below to generate a name.
D10 First Name First Name Title Origin
Section Alternative
1 Aglæca Mod Osseous Needle Of the City
2 Anda Nædre Silenced Sage Of the Oblivisk
3 Æsc Ord Azure Eye Of Dellimus
4 Ealdor Rædan Curse-Fated Of the Crematorial
5 Eallwealda Sendan Heretic- Of the Mauseloum
Scholar Quarter
6 Eorl Þegn Gloam Walker Of Calsus
7 Feond Weard Circle Breaker Of the Labyrinth
8 Gamol Gewinn Prestidigitator Of the Eternal Autumn
9 Hlaford Wræcca Soulleech Of Hydropolis
10 Hyse Gewinnan Drycræft Of Aldmarsh

Brenna pulled her hood further down over the pitted surface of her skull, the scrape of rusted metal rings
sewn into its fabric rasped at the still air as they moved. From her perch in the shattered chapel she could
see the squat tower that contained her quarry; its windows illuminated by candles from within. Using
something as rare as a candle to light a lair!
“The decadence.” Brenna hissed.As contempt engulfed her mind the lights extinguished, followed by the
sound of a door being hastily unbolted.
She slowly rose to her feet, iron shod heels and toe bones making a quiet clacking sound as she moved.
Though the metal made her steps more audible it was essential to stop her legs eroding to stumps like the
crawling mendicants or stilt walkers that begged around the Tower of the First. A fate that was a
constant threat to those without necromantic gifts.
Emerging from the tower’s gloomy doorway was a lich, clad in deep red robes that half hid the partially
preserved flesh of its face. It stepped swiftly into the moonlit street clearly wary of being watched. A
moment later the lich was followed by two lumbering ursine beasts of pale sewn flesh who sniffed and
snorted at the air.
Brenna placed a bolt into her cheiroballistra and began to quietly crank the mechanism; she would not
fail this time.
Purchase Minions
Husk, 50 obols (base size 20mm -40mm)
Blood Miniature ideas: A preserved acolyte, a golem of blood, a shambling horror
Bone Miniature ideas: A rattling swordsman, an ambulatory mass of bones, an ossified horror
Plasm Miniature ideas: A spectre of a scorned lover, a phantasmic nightmare, a ghostly crossbowman
Keyword: Choose either Blood/Bone/Plasm, Husk
AP Move Violence Ranged HP
2 3 7+ 7+ 10

Special Rules
If the model chooses the Bone keyword it improves its Violence by 1, becoming 6+
If this model chooses the Blood keyword it gains +2 HP
If this model chooses the Plasm keyword it gains the fly keyword, -2hp and may not wear
heavy armour

Aberrant Husk, 90 obols (base size 30mm -50mm)

Miniature ideas: A towering corpse, a great knight entombed in armour, a huge ghostly executioner
Keyword: Choose either Blood/Bone/Plasm, Husk
AP Move Violence Ranged HP
2 3 6+ 7+ 12

Special Rules
If the model chooses the Bone keyword it improves its Violence by 1, becoming 5+
If this model chooses the Blood keyword it gains +2 HP
If this model chooses the Plasm keyword it gains the fly keyword and -2hp and may not wear
heavy armour

Brutal: When this model performs an attack action, add +1 to the damage total.
Familiar, 40 obols (base size 20mm -40mm)
Miniature ideas: A dark swarm of bats, a skull faced crow, a poltergeist
Keyword: choose either Blood/Bone/Plasm, Fly, Beast
AP Move Violence Ranged HP
2 5 9+ - 6

Special Rules
Familiar can only take claws and fangs as a weapon

Familiar cannot wear armour or carry a shield

Unique: Each gathering may only take 1 familiar

Soul Link: if a familiar moves or is pushed across or into base contact with a mana token, the
gathering receives additional mana dice of that type for its mana pool. The token is then

Necromantic Remnant, 35 obols (base size 20mm -40mm)

Miniature ideas: a bone construct centipede, a herald homunculus, a wisp knight
Keyword: Choose either Blood/Bone/Plasm, Beast, Husk
AP Move Violence Ranged HP
2 3 9+ 9+ 6

Special Rules
Necromantic Remnant cannot take 2h weapons apart from claws and fangs
If this model chooses the Plasm keyword it gains the fly keyword and -1hp

Small beast, 60 obols (base size 20mm -40mm)

Miniature ideas: The remains of a wolf, a twisting mass of bones
Keyword: Choose either Blood/Bone/Plasm, Beast
AP Move Violence Ranged HP
2 4 7+ - 10

Special Rules
Small beast can only take claws and fangs as a weapon
Small beast cannot carry a shield or wear heavy armour
If this model chooses the Plasm keyword it gains the fly keyword and -2hp
Flying beast, 70 obols (base size 20mm -40mm)
Miniature ideas: A fell bat, a skeletal winged horror
Keyword: Choose either Blood/Bone, Beast, Fly
AP Move Violence Ranged HP
2 4 7+ - 10

Special Rules
Flying beast can only take claws and fangs as a weapon
Flying Beast cannot wear armour or carry a shield

Large Beast, 80 obols (base size 40mm -60mm)

Miniature ideas: A patchwork beast, a tide of six dozen skulls
Keyword: Choose either Blood/Bone, Beast
AP Move Violence Ranged HP
2 3 7+ - 15

Special Rules
Large beast can only take claws and fangs or large claws as a weapon
Large Beast cannot carry a shield
Each gathering may only take 1 Large Beast

Gigantic horror, 225 obols (base size: 50mm -60mm)

Miniature ideas: A rotten chimeric horror, the skeleton of a giant knight, a screaming mass of souls
Keyword: Choose either Blood/Bone/Plasm
AP Move Violence Ranged HP
2 3 7+ - 25

Special Rules
Colossal: This model can only take weapons from the Colossal Melee Weapon list
If this model chooses the Plasm keyword it gains the fly keyword and -2hp and cannot wear
heavy armour
Unique: Each gathering may only take 1 Gigantic Horror

You see this arm, it belonged to one of the Azure Spears of Calsus, long before those zealots burned away
their flesh. I would wager it still knows the Forms of Lazulite and with witchery like that it would be
useful for one such as yourself, wouldn’t it?

I could graft it to you, for a price of course, a fair, fair price.’

The Hare, Relic Peddler

A leader may have 2 weapons and freely change between them, any minion may only have 1
unless otherwise stated.

If leaders or minions have not purchased a weapon they are assumed to be armed with an
improvised weapon.

Melee Weapons
Melee Weapon Attacks Damage Range Special Obols
Improvised 1h 2 1/3 1 - -
Blade 1h 3 1/3 1 +1 armour against attack 10
actions from melee weapons
Axe 1h 3 1/3 1 Ignore 1 armour 10
Bludgeon 1h 3 1/3 1 May push 2’’ 10
Polearm 1h 3 1/3 2 - 10
Polearm 2h 3 1/4 2 - 20
Great Weapon 2 2/6 1 - 35
Dual hand 4 1/3 1 -1 to violence rolls 35
weapons 2h
Claws/Fangs 2h 3 1/3 1 - 5
Large Claws 2h 2 2/5 1 Cannot be taken unless 40
noted on leader/minion

Colossal Melee Weapons

Colossal melee weapons cannot be taken unless noted on the leader/minion entry.
Colossal Melee Weapon Attacks Damage Glance/Hit Range Special Obols
Improvised 1h 2 2/4 2 - -
Massive Hand Weapon 1h 3 2/4 2 - 10
Colossal Weapon 2h 2 3/7 2 - 40
Dual Massive Weapons 2h 4 1/4 2 -1 to violence rolls 30
Large Claws 2h 2 3/7 2 - 40
Ranged Weapons
Ranged Attacks Damage Range Special Obols
Weapon Glance/Hit
Sling 1h 1 1/3 1-6 - 10
Bow 2h 1 1/4 1-12 AP cost 2 per attack action. 30
Alternatively, a model armed with
a bow can make ranged attack
with the following profile
AP cost 1
Attacks: 1
Damage: 1/3
Range: 6’’
Crossbow 1 1/6 1-10 AP cost 2 per attack action 40
Armour subtracts from the total damage received during each enemy attack action to a
minimum of 1, for example if an enemy makes an attack action and has a bludgeon, they roll
3 dice and you subtract from the total damage of all their rolls. If an effect states that a
model ‘suffers X damage’ armour does not affect the damage received (for example; damage
suffered due to falling).

Models may only have 1 type of armour and 1 shield. A shield can only be used if the model
isn’t using a weapon that requires 2 hands, written as 1/2h next to the weapon name above.

Armour Armour Special Obols

Light 1 - 20
Heavy 2 - 50
Shield 1 - 10
Great 1 +1 armour against attack actions from ranged weapons 20
Shield and the model cannot be pushed by attacks from ranged
attack actions
Miscellaneous Equipment
Each model may only have 1 piece of Miscellaneous Equipment.

Thrown Weapons
Ranged Attacks Damage Range Special Obols
Weapon Glance/Hit
Wardart 1 1/4 1-6 This attack action can only 5
be made once per game
Throwing 1 1/5 1-4 This attack action can only 5
Axe/Mallet be made once per game

Item Effect Obols
Rope and This model gains the following action, 5
Hook Ascend/Descend, AP cost 2, move vertically up or down terrain up
to twice the model’s movement.
Banner This model gains the following action, 20
Plant the Banner, AP cost 1, until this model's next activation no
friendly model within 3'' can be pushed as a result of an attack
Musical This model gains the following action, 20
Instrument Toot Toot, AP cost 1, choose a friendly model within 6’’ that has
not activated this turn. You may activate that model immediately
after the activation of this model ends.
After deployment, which is detailed in scenarios section below, each gathering receives
mana dice of a type and amount equal to the mana points of their leader, e.g. a leader with 2
blood mana points and 2 bone mana points would mean the gathering receives 2 blood mana
dice and 2 bone mana dice.

These are referred to as the gathering’s pool of mana dice or mana pool and are not affixed to
individual models but shared between the whole gathering.

Each spell has an AP cost, usually 1, and a channel value. When using an action to spellcast
you may choose how many mana dice from your mana pool you wish to roll . Only mana dice
that share the keyword blood/bone/plasm with the spell lore of the spell being cast may be
used to cast that spell. Any mana dice can be used for the Necromancy spell lore. Mana dice
used in this way are discarded for the remainder of the battle.

If any dice rolled match or exceed the channelling value of the spell you will use the right
side of any ‘/’ numbers. If no result is higher than the channelling value you will use the left
side numbers of any ‘/’ in the spell description.

Only leaders and certain specific models may spellcast and each spell can only be cast once
per turn by each gathering.

Arcane Backlash
Any spellcasting is fraught with terrible danger and in the sorcerous ruins of the endless city there is
always a price to pay for failure.
If any of the mana dice used to cast a spell roll a 1, the spell completes as normal but the
casting model suffers an arcane backlash. Roll on the following table to determine the
effects of the backlash of magickal energy:

Arcane backlash, roll d10

1. The casters form is wracked with explosions of iridescent embers.
The caster suffers 6 damage and any model in 3’’ suffers 3 damage.

2-3. An overload of mana throws the caster wildly about.

The opposing player may push the caster 5’’ in a straight line. If the model touches any
terrain feature or other model, they suffer 3 damage and stop. Any model they are pushed
into contact with also suffers 3 damage. This damage is cumulative with dangerous
terrain/falling damage.
4-6. The caster loses control of their body to malign forces, spells are cast without control.
Under the control of the opposing player, the caster gains a mana dice of any type and must
instantly use it as a free action to cast another spell.

7-9. A burst of bale fire torches the casters body as their power syphons into the ether.
The caster suffers 3 damage, your opponent may choose one mana dice from your
gathering’s pool and add it to theirs.

10. In a momentary ascendancy, mana floods into the casters dead form, lifting them from the ground
in a display of pure power.
You may push the caster 3’’ as if they had the fly keyword. The caster gains a mana die of any
type and must instantly use it as a free action to cast another spell.
Spell Lores
The Curse Path, The Narrow Art, The Purling Way
Any mana dice may be used to cast Necromancy spells.

Bone, flesh and spirit swirl and coalesce into a shuddering new form
AP Channel Effect
1 6+ Choose a Shattered friendly model that does not have the Leader
keyword and place it back on the board within 5’’ of the caster and
restore 4/6 hp to it.

Breaks set; muscles reknit and plasm condenses
AP Cost Channel Effect
1 7+ Restore 3/5 hp to a model in 6’’ and line of sight of the caster

An expression of the caster’s pure will overrides the target’s agency; sending them staggering out of
AP Cost Channel Effect
1 6+ Choose a model within 6’’ and line of sight: push that model 1’’/3’’

Skulls crack, blood rots and spirit dissipates under a command of entropy
AP Cost Channel Effect
1 5+ Chose a model in 6’’ and line of sight, it suffers 1/4 damage

With a word of power the minds of the weak are overridden and controlled
AP Channel Effect
1 6+ Activate any NPC within 8'' as if they had 1/2 AP. This model can no
longer be activated in the Others Step
Mana swirls and contracts before bursting, tearing all around it asunder
AP Channel Effect
1 6+ Choose a mana token on the battlefield within 8’’ and line of sight: every
model within 2’’ of the token suffers 1/3 damage. The mana token is
then removed from play.

Blood school
The Mercury Art, Vital Force, The Boiling Vein
Only Blood mana dice may be used to cast Blood spells.

Blood Whip
Drawing coagulated blood from an unwilling body, the caster forms a whip of boiling crimson liquid
AP Channel Effect
1 7+ Choose any model within 3’’ and line of sight with the Blood keyword
The model suffers 1/2 damage. The caster may then make a melee
attack with the following profile:

Blood whip
Attacks 1/2*
Damage 2/4
Range 3
*Number of attacks based on spell success

Tide of Vermin
Animating the remains of small creatures for a brief moment, the caster commands them to drown their
enemies in a tide of crawling horrors
AP Channel Effect
1 6+ Choose 1/2 model/s within 8’’ and line of sight, they suffer 1/2 damage
then you may push them 1’’/2’’

Congealed Blast
Blood and flesh explode in a shower of boiling viscera wounding all in the vicinity
AP Channel Effect
1 7+ Choose any model within 8’’ and line of sight with the Blood keyword, it
suffers 2/4 damage. Every model within 2” of that model also suffers 2/4
damage. If the initial target is Shattered by the damage the secondary
targets suffer an additional 1 damage
For a brief moment the caster turns the rotted blood of the dead into vital fluid
AP Channel Effect
1 5+ Choose a friendly model within 3’’/6’’ and line of sight with the Blood
keyword, they may make a free move action.

Bone school
The Salt Art, The First’s Path, The Splinter-Hurler
Only Bone mana dice may be used to cast Bone spells.

Teeth and bones splinter from the target to pelt nearby enemies with a hail of razor sharp shards
AP Channel Effect
1 6+ Choose any model with the Bone Keyword and line of sight within 3’’ and
line of sight, the model suffers 1 damage. Then choose up to 1/2
additional models within 3’’of that model, the caster may then make a
ranged attack against each with attacks: 1, damage 1/4 range: 6’’

Bone Spear
Tearing and reshaping a single bone from its host, forming a javelin hurled with pure force of will
AP Channel Effect
1 6+ Choose any model within 5’’ and line of sight with the Bone keyword, it
suffers 2 damage. The caster may then make a ranged attack with
attacks: 1, damage 3/6 range: 6’’/8’’
*Range based on spell success

Bone Armour
Pulling the very form of a willing minion apart, its bones are reshaped into armoured plates to protect
the caster
AP Channel Effect
1 6+ Choose any friendly model within 3’’ and line of sight with the Bone
keyword, it suffers 3/5 damage. The caster is then armour +2/+3, to a
maximum of 4, for the rest of the game. This spell may only be cast once
per game.
Tireless Command
Skeletal forms blur as they are pushed into action by invisible hands
AP Channel Effect
1 7+ Choose a friendly model within 3’’/5’’ and line of sight with the Bone
keyword, they may make a free attack action with a melee weapon.

Plasm School
The Sulphur Path, Gytrash Moon, The Way of Sorrow
Only Plasm mana dice may be used to cast Plasm spells.

The caster pushes their minion briefly out of the material plane, phasing them back in a new location
AP Channel Effect
1 7+ Choose a friendly model within 3’’ and line of sight, push that model
3’’/5’’ as if it had the fly keyword.

Plasmic Emberburst
Azure balefire erupts from the caster, sending their attackers reeling
AP Channel Effect
1 6+ Every model (besides the caster) within 3’’ suffers 1/3 damage and is
pushed 3’’ directly away from the caster.

Spectral Pull
Hands of pure energy reach out to draw treasures close
AP Cost Channel Effect
1 6+ Push an objective or relic model within 4’’/7’’and line of sight 3’’

Plasmic Shield
A cracking corona of pale mana turns aside the strikes of enemies
AP Channel Effect
1 5+ Select a model within 3/6” and line of sight, that model has +1 armour
up to a maximum of 4 until the casters next activation.
A small and lingering spirit is drawn forth to do the casters bidding
AP Channel Effect
2 6+ Place a friendly phantasm model within 2’’/5’’ of the caster. This
phantasm disappears at the end of the battle. This spell can only be cast
once per scenario.
Phantasm (base size 25mm)
Miniature ideas: A glowing wisp, a floating spectral visage
Keyword: Plasm, Fly
AP Move Violence Ranged HP
1 5 - - 4
This model may not make attack actions but can otherwise act as normal.
Choose or roll on one of the tables below to name your lair. Each leader begins with a lair.
You may upgrade your lair during a campaign but for now it is a narrative tool to root your
leader and their minions in the world.

D10 Description Form D10 Form Description
1 The Undying Keep 1 The Hovels Of Ruin
2 The Tainted Church 2 The Labyrinth Of the Void
3 The Rotten Anchorhold 3 The Library Of the Gloam
4 The Charnel Gatehouse 4 The Lock Of the Forgotten
5 The Hungering Fort 5 The Rookery Of the Lost
6 The Gloaming Tower 6 The Ruin Of the Doomed
7 The Dusk Temple 7 The Folly Of Entropy
8 The Profane Chapel 8 The Cloister Of Compunction
9 The Hallowed Maze 9 The Priory Of Grief
10 The Crumbling Barbican 10 The Sanctum Of Contrition

Details on upgrading your lair can be found in the campaign section.

‘Tread carefully in the slums and bazaars that surround this tower. Most of the dead here have no
allegiance. They have no necromantic powers and their minds persist as their forms crumble. Most will
end up as sentient dust lest they can steal enough obols to pay a lich to maintain them.

Our preserved flesh is rare and precious, pull your cloaks tight and keep your blade close…

Hodrick, Hunter of the Embalmed Hands

To decide what scenario to play, players first
1. Determine environment
2. Determine the victory conditions
3. If both players agree, roll on the dread omen table
4. If playing a campaign, declare ambitions
5. Deploy Gatherings

It’s important to note that players can simply agree on the environment, victory conditions
and dread omens together. This is a narrative game so feel free to use any method of
scenario selection and building that best suits the best gaming experience. All scenarios are
played on a 16’’x 16’’ board.

The intention is for players to construct 16’’x 16’’ diorama boards for their gatherings to clash
on. These can be wonderful hobby projects and can let you get creative with your own little
corner of the necropolis universe. Of course, not everyone has the time or inclination for
such things so if you’d like to keep it simple there is a list below with some suggested board
set ups.

The following environments are simple board set up suggestions with some flavour for your
scenarios. The best environment is a terrain setup that is exciting and cinematic so do not
cling to these as hard rules.

1. The Endless City

The ruins of the city stretch out like a maze, shadowed figures and arcane treasures lost in the
twists of its ancient streets.
Place 2-3 ruins, if they can be scaled and jumped between then this is optimal.

2. Hintertombs labyrinth
Beneath the city itself lies the labyrinth, millennia of tunnels and catacombs spun like a web
into the dark below.
3-5 wall sections with no climbable platforms.

3. Eternal Autumn
When all things died, so too did the forest. But as the cursed living returned to their rotting
bodies so too did the great wood. Paths change; branches grasp; all pushed by a malevolent
collective intelligence.
2-3 trees leaving room for models to pass between.
4. The Great Wastes
Beyond the known lands lay the great wastes, a desert of ash rising in great drifts over the
remains of fallen empires.
A single central terrain piece such as a ruined building, a towering beacon, or a dead
tree. If any objectives are placed within the terrain piece, attempt to place them on
the highest level possible.

5. Undead Settlement
In the heart of the endless city, clinging to the outer walls of the GrandLich towers lay shanty
towns of desperate undead. Their hovels form a network of alleys and snickets perfect for an
3-5 buildings and fences arranged into a tight settlement.

6. Flatwater Mire
Once an area of the city filled with chapels, temples and houses of worship. Now dark waters
have risen, drowning the area in a shallow lake. Strange shapes move below the surface as the
undead move from rooftop to spire to keep safe from the horrors below.
3-5 buildings interconnected by bridges over marshes which count as dangerous

Once you have laid out the battlefield with terrain suitable to your chosen environment,
place any additional scatter or dangerous terrain. Place as little or as much as you like, but
consider elements of the game such as line of sight or creating areas of high peril. When
both players are satisfied that the battlefield will provide a fun and exciting game; the set up
is complete.
Victory Conditions
Roll for or pick the victory condition.

A game is assumed to last 5 complete turns, unless stated otherwise or agreed upon by both
players. In the case of ties in the number of models on/near objectives; relics held; damage
done to npc targets, or other victory conditions: any draws are considered wins for both

1. Consult the Seer

This spectral augur appears so rarely that the undead rush to record its words of import.

Place a model to represent the Seer in the centre of the board, this model cannot
suffer any damage or be targeted by any spells during this scenario. The Seer moves
5” toward a random table corner at the end of each turn, ignoring vertical movement
as if it had the fly keyword (alternatively you can roll a scatter dice if you possess
one). Melee attack actions targeting the Seer steal a single relic token with the
attacking model being considered to now be carrying that relic.

After a roll off, the winning player chooses a corner and the other takes the opposite
corner. Then players alternate placing a model touching both table edges then
alternate placing a model that either touches a table edge and another friendly
model’s base or two friendly model’s bases.

Victory Conditions
The gathering carrying the most relics after 5 turns wins. If models are shattered all
relics carried are dropped as normal.

The Seer cannot be pushed, suffer damage, be the target of spell actions or be
activated in the others phase.

2. Secure the Artefacts

Caches of treasure from the age of the living still sit in the darkness of the ruins, waiting to be

Place 3 objectives, 1 in the centre of the board and 2 placed 3’’ from the table edges in
opposite corners.
Any leader that ends their activation next to an objective gains a mana dice of any

After a roll off, the winning player chooses a corner and the other takes the opposite
corner. Then players alternate placing a model touching both table edges then
alternate placing a model that either touches a table edge and another friendly
model’s base or two friendly model’s bases. Players may not deploy in the corners
containing objectives.

Victory Conditions
The gathering with the most models in base-to-base contact with an objective is
deemed to control that objective, the gathering with the most controlled objectives at
the end of 4 turns wins. Players may not deploy in the corners containing objectives.

3. Strike down the Rival

Nothing is more offensive to those who seek power than others on the same path.


Players take turns in placing 3 mana tokens of any kind each. Each token must be at
least 3’’ from a board edge and 3’’ from any other token. If this is not possible due to
terrain, place them as far away as possible from each other.

All mana in this scenario is swelling with unknowable power, each time a model
picks up a mana token roll a roll a d10. On a 1-2 the model suffers 1 damage, on a 3-10
the model restores 1hp.


After a roll off, the winning player chooses a corner and the other takes the opposite
corner. Then players alternate placing a model touching both table edges, then
alternate placing a model that either touches a table edge and another friendly
model’s base or two friendly model’s bases.

Victory Conditions

The gathering who causes their opponent's leader to be shattered wins and the game
ends at the end of the current turn. If neither have been shattered at the end of 5
turns the gathering with their leader closer to the centre of the board wins.
4. Relic hunters
A book: an ancient wine; a mote of comfort; all worth fighting for.

Alternate placing 2 relic tokens per player plus 1 additional relic on the board. Relics
must be 3” apart and 3’’ from any board edge.

After a roll off, the winning player chooses a corner and the other takes the opposite
corner. Then players alternate placing a model touching both table edges then
alternate placing a model that either touches a table edge and another friendly
model’s base or two friendly model’s bases.

Victory Conditions
The gathering carrying the most relics after 5 turns wins.

5. Ancient Horror
An undead weapon, a rampaging beast, bringing renown and resources to those who could face

Deploy a Gigantic Horror (NPC) of any type armed with a great weapon and heavy
armour in the centre of the board. This Gigantic Horror has unlimited HP and
cannot become Shattered.

After a roll off, the winning player chooses a corner and the other takes the opposite
corner. Then players alternate placing a model touching both table edges then
alternate placing a model that either touches a table edge and another friendly
model’s base or two friendly model’s bases.

Victory Conditions
The gathering that does the most damage to the horror by the end of 5 turns wins.
6. Claim the Mellified Corpse
Perfectly preserved, unblemished flesh steeped in sweet honey; the most valuable commodity in a
world without life.

Place an objective in the centre, preferably a honeyed corpse.

After a roll off, the winning player chooses a corner and the other takes the opposite
corner. Then players alternate placing a model touching both table edges then
alternate placing a model that either touches a table edge and another friendly
model’s base or two friendly model’s bases.

Victory Conditions
Victory is achieved by claiming the corpse. To claim the corpse a player’s leader
model must be within 3” of the corpse at the end of the 5th turn. If both players have
their leader model within 3” of the corpse at this point; victory goes to the player with
the most other models also within 3” of the objective.

7. The Horde
A petty band of masterless dead swarms, malevolent and lost in the darkness.

After deployment each player takes turns placing 3 NPC minions of any type with the
Husk keyword, on the board (a total of 6 in a 2-player game). These minions must be
at least 6’’ from any player models and 2’’ from each other.

After a roll off, the winning player chooses a corner and the other takes the opposite
corner. Then players alternate placing a model touching both table edges then
alternate placing a model that either touches a table edge and another friendly
model’s base or two friendly model’s bases.

Victory Condition
The player that causes the most NPCs to become Shattered by the end of turn 5 wins.

8. The Hidden Stash

Great treasure, hidden and protected by ancient hands.

Players alternate placing 2 objectives per player plus 1 additional objective in the
centre of the board. Objectives must be 3” apart and 3’’ from any board edge. Each
model in the gatherings may make the following action when base to base with an

Investigate Objective, AP cost 1: remove the objective from the board and roll on the
following table. If this is the last objective on the board being investigated, you
automatically receive the 10 result

1-2. Trapped chest: the objective explodes in a shower of cinders, all models
within 3’’ suffer 3 damage.
3-4. Disturbed rest: you disturb the rest of an abandoned minion, place a
Necromantic Remnant NPC of any type armed with an improvised weapon
where the objective was.
5-9. Wisps of power: place a mana token of any type where the objective was.
10. Hidden Treasure; gain a relic token.

After a roll off, the winning player chooses a corner and the other takes the opposite
corner. Then players alternate placing a model touching both table edges then
alternate placing a model that either touches a table edge and another friendly
model’s base or two friendly model’s bases.

Victory Conditions
The gathering carrying the most relics after 5 turns wins. If models are shattered all
relics carried are dropped as normal.

9. Curse-Wormed Relics
What would you trade for ascendancy?

Place a relic in the centre of the board, then alternate placing 2 relic tokens per
player. Relics must be 3” apart and 3’’ from any board edge.

For each relic carried by a model they improve their AP by 1. However, each time a
model with a relic activates, roll a d10: on 9+ they explode in a shower of embers and
are Shattered. If the model carries 2 or more objectives this roll becomes 6+.

After a roll off, the winning player chooses a corner and the other takes the opposite
corner. Then players alternate placing a model touching both table edges then
alternate placing a model that either touches a table edge and another friendly
model’s base or two friendly model’s bases.
Victory Conditions
The gathering carrying the most relics after 5 turns wins. If a model is shattered all
relics carried are dropped as normal.

10. Escort the Relic Peddler

To provide protection for the peddlers of the bazaars has its benefits, as does taking the relics
from their shattered body.

The players roll off with the winner choosing whether to be the attacker or the
defender. The defender then additionally deploys a Peddler model as part of their
gathering. The defender may use the summon spell on the Peddler as if they were
part of their gathering, but they can only be summoned a maximum of 1’’ from the
Peddler, (base size 20mm -40mm)
Miniature ideas: A hunched relic bearer, a skeletal merchant dripping in medallions of silver
Keyword: Choose either Blood/Bone, Husk, Peddlar
AP Move Violence Ranged HP

2 3 7+ 7+ 15

The Peddler is armed with a bludgeon

Melee Weapon Attacks Damage Glance/Hit Range Special

Bludgeon 3 1/3 1 May push 2’’

The defender chooses a corner and the attacker takes the 2 adjacent corners. Then
players alternate placing a model touching both table edges then alternate placing a
model that either touches a table edge and another friendly model’s base or two
friendly model’s bases. The attacker may deploy freely between their 2 corners.

Victory Conditions
The defender wins if the Peddler touches both board edges of a corner on the
opposite side of the board. The attacker wins if the Peddler has not achieved this by
the end of turn 6.
Dread Omens
If both players agree you may roll on the dread omens table to add additional spice to the

1. Magical Storm
The battlefield is whipped by a terrifying gale bringing swirling debris and magical thunder to
bear on the gatherings as they try to take cover.
Any model that ends their activation not in base contact with a terrain feature, such
as a vertical surface, suffers 2 damage.

2. Sorcerous Duel Site

This place was once the site of a sorcerous battle of immense power and mana still crackles in the
Each leader receives an additional mana dice of any kind at the start of the battle. In
addition, arcane backlash occurs on a roll of 1-2 for the duration of the battle.

3. Masterless Beasts
Rotting monstrosities long separated from their master stalk this area.
After players have deployed, each player may set up a large beast (NPCs) of any type,
armed with large claws, within 3’’of the board centre.

4. Swampy Mire
The ground here is sodden and those who do not struggle onwards are swallowed whole in the
marshy ground.
Any model that does not make a move action during its activation suffers 2 damage
as it sinks into the ground.

5. Rising Murk
Dark mist rises from the earth, quickly blinding the gatherings.
From the beginning of turn 3 all ranged weapons have a maximum range of 6’’

6. Lost Peddler
Caught in the darkness of the battlefield is a peddler, they call out to all to come and see their
wares, heedless of the danger all around.
After players have deployed, set up a Peddler (NPC) of any type within 3’’of the board
centre. This NPC is activated in the Others Phase as normal but can only take move
actions of 3’’ and may not attack, be attacked or be the target of any spells.

Each model in the gatherings may make the following action.

Hastily Browse, AP cost 1: this action can only be taken in base contact with the
Peddler model.
The browsing model may gain one of the following items by paying the cost in obols:
Item Effect Obols
Thunderclap Make a ranged attack action, Range: 6 Attacks: 1 Damage: 1/5 10
additionally every model within 3’’ of the target suffers 1 damage.
Discard after use.
Eaterwater Make a ranged attack action with Range: 6, reduce targets armour 10
by 1/2 until the beginning of this unit's next activation. Discard
after use
Sunburst Make a ranged attack action with Range: 6, reduce the target's 10
violence and ranged by 1/2 until the start of this unit’s next
activation. Discard after use.
Stonetar Make a ranged attack action with Range: 6, reduce the target's move 10
by 1’’/2’’ until the start of this unit's next activation. Discard after

7. Dust-Rot
Ancient rot hangs in the air, eroding all from existence.
If a model is below their maximum HP at the end of their activation, that model
suffers 1 damage.

8. Soul Trap
No respite from existence can be found here; the defeated are quickly reformed against their will
by unknown powers.
In the initiative step of each turn, each player may choose one of their Shattered
models and place it back on the board within 3’’ of their leader and restore 4 hp to it.

9. Scattered Treasures
Forgotten coins, discarded in the darkness.
Alternate placing 2 relic tokens per player. Relics must be 2” apart and as close to the
centre of the board as possible. Players receive 1d10 obols for each relic token carried
by their gathering at the end of the scenario.

10. Winged nightmares

Ancient winged horrors perch atop the ruins, watching and waiting to strike.
After players have deployed, each player may set up a flying beast (NPCs) of any type,
armed with claws and fangs, within 5’’ of a board corner but at least 3’’ away from any
other model.
Ambitions are your leader's long term goals. Only the ambitious are capable of escaping
death in the first place and this drive is not diminished as the centuries roll.

Ambitions are goals you pursue in addition to the Victory Conditions of the scenario. These
are the primary ways to develop your warband over time. Each time you meet the conditions
of the ambition, check the box on your gathering sheet. Once the goal number is reached,
marked (x), you receive the reward in the after-battle sequence, detailed in the campaign
section below.

Before each battle choose 4 ambitions to be active. A list of ambitions is found in the
campaign section. Once the goal number is reached, marked (x), you receive the reward.
Their rewards can be found on the gathering sheet or below in the campaign section.

All deployment is corner deployment unless otherwise stated. After a roll off, the winning
player chooses a corner and the other takes the opposite corner. Then players alternate
placing a model touching both table edges then alternate placing a model that either touches
a table edge and another friendly model’s base or two friendly model’s bases.

After deployment, each leader receives mana dice of a type and amount equal to their mana
points, e.g. a leader with 2 blood mana points and 2 bone mana points would receive 2 blood
mana dice and 2 bone mana dice.
After battle sequence
1. Roll for reconstitution maladies if your leader was Shattered
2. Receive victory rewards
3. Score ambitions and receive any rewards
4. Visit the Bazaar
5. Roll new scenario

1. Reconstitution Maladies
Permanently destroying the undead is nigh impossible when one with necromantic powers
can restore and rebuild them. However leaders, being such consummate rivals, will not
perform this service for each other. Instead, a leader must draw their own soul back into the
world and reconstitute a serviceable form. Beware that such actions are draining beyond
mortal comprehension.

When you leader has been Shattered in a battle roll on the following table and apply the result
to them:
1. Frail reformation: -1 max hp (to a minimum of 10)
2. Cursed form: your opponent chooses either your move, violence or ranged and reduces it by 1
(e.g. 6+ becomes 7+ for violence and ranged, but move goes from 3 to 2)
3-5. Incomplete form: choose move, violence or ranged and reduce it by 1 (e.g. 6+ would
become 7+ for violence and ranged but move would worsen from 3 to 2)
6-9. Pilfered: your opponent chooses one minor treasure your leader is carrying that you lose
and they gain
10. Perfect reconstitution, +1 max hp

All models in the warband are restored to full HP.

2. Victory rewards
Winner receives 30+2d10 obols and 2 rolls on the minor treasure table.
Loser receives 20+2d10 obols and a roll on the minor treasure table.
Minor Treasures
Leaders may carry up to 3 minor treasures and minions may carry 2. Minions with the Beast
keyword may not carry minor treasures.

D10 Minor Treasure Effect

1. Binding Pact Discard at the deployment step and add an additional small
beast of any type to your gathering for the duration of the
2. Mana Bottle Free action, discard to gain a mana dice of any type
3. Soul Tether Free action, discard to restore 5 hp
4. Phantasm Bottle Free action, discard then instantly cast the Phantasm spell as
if you passed the channelling roll.
5. Quicksilver Powder Free action, discard then +1 move for the rest of this model’s
6. Blade Oil Free action, discard then +1 to violence rolls for the rest of this
model’s activation
7. Scroll of Free action, discard then this model has the fly keyword for
Insubstantiation the rest of this model’s activation
8. Iron sludge Tincture Free action discard then +1 armour until this model’s next
9. Summoning Scroll Free action discard then instantly cast the Summon spell as if
you passed the channelling roll.
10. Channelling Charm Free action discard then +2 to channelling rolls for the rest of
this model’s activation
3. Ambitions
Ambitions are your leader's long term goals. Only the ambitious are capable of escaping
death in the first place as this drive is not diminished as the centuries pass.

Before each battle choose 4 ambitions to be active. Each time you meet the conditions of an
ambition check the box on your gathering sheet. Once the goal number is reached, marked
(x), you receive the reward. Certain ambitions can be repeated and others met once only. If
an ambition is [once only]; the next time it is achieved you receive the extended reward.
[Repeatable] rewards can be gained multiple times as long as the conditions are met again.
Ambitions, along with any progress made in fulfilling them, can be carried over between
games. You may select new ambitions to be active before each battle if you wish; but only a
maximum of four at any time.

Test the Limits of Undeath
Condition: Cast the summon spell (4)
Reward: gain +1 max hp for the whole gathering [once only]
Extended: gain d10 obols

Commune with the Truth

Condition: Run out of mana dice during a battle (2)
Reward: +1 mana point of any type [once only]
Extended: gain d10 obols

Master Abyssal Artillery

Condition: Cause an enemy model to become Shattered with a spell (3)
Reward: +1 to the channelling roll for a spell of your choice [repeatable]

Settle Old Grudges
Condition: Cause an enemy model to become Shattered with melee attacks (5)
Reward: Improve violence by 1 for a model of your choice [once only]
Extended: Gain d10 obols

Rain Iron Sleet

Condition: Cause an enemy model to become Shattered with ranged attacks (2)
Reward: Improve ranged by 1 for a model of your choice [once only]
Extended: Gain d10 obols
A Favoured Familiar
Condition: A familiar causes an enemy model to become Shattered (1)
Reward: +1 move and +1 max hp for that familiar [once only]
Extended: Gain d10 obols

Strike down the Horrors

Condition: Cause an enemy Gigantic Horror to become Shattered (1)
Reward: One model in your gathering may take a trait from your covenant or the wretched
undead list [once only]
Extended: Gain d10 obols

Scour the Lands
Condition: Complete a scenario (2)
Reward: Roll on the treasure table [repeatable]

Read the omens

Condition: Complete a scenario that uses the dread omens table (3)
Reward: when playing a scenario using the dread omens table you may reroll the result once.
[once only]
Extended: gain d10 obols

Search for Ancient Lore

Condition: Leader ends their activation holding an objective or relic (3)
Reward: Gain a spell of any type [repeatable]

Build a Sanctuary
Condition: Purchase a lair upgrade (2)
Reward: Gain +50 deployment limit [once only]
Extended: Gain d10 obols

Inspire fear
Condition: Field a gigantic horror (1)
Reward: +50 deployment limit [once only]
Extended: Gain d10 obols
4. Bazaar
Small settlements of lesser necromancers and undead can be found in the shadows of the
many towers of powerful liches that dot the ruins of the endless city. Perhaps their
ambitions diminished, or they might be taking a well-earned break of a few centuries. Many
ply a trade in buying and selling goods or services to those passing gatherings which shuffle
through their settlements.

Each player may resolve each of the locations below.

Tireless skeletons doing a roaring trade in polishing ancient weapons and armour.
• You may purchase any number of new minions, weapons and armour from the
• Any weapon or armour can be sold for half its value, rounding up.
• Any minor treasure can be sold for 10 obols.

Soul Binder
A shady skulking lich who will heal the ravages of reconstitution.
• 50 obols, remove any reconstitution malady, reverse its effects and remove from
your sheet.

Tomb robber
A desiccated and cheerful corpse seemingly without a master who robs tombs and
sepulchres, selling the treasures discovered within to pay for its own upkeep.
• Roll on the treasure table and then you may pay 30 obols to receive that item, once
only per gathering.

Wayfinders, pack beasts and seers

Finding a ruin to make your lair is easy enough in the endless city, but to occupy one safely
and securely is aided by this band of rotting misfits.
• Buy a lair upgrade, 50 obols. Each lair upgrade can only be purchased once.
1. Arcane Library: gain 1 spell.
2. Balefire Brazier: gain 1 mana point of any type.
3. Forgotten Forge: weapons and armour costs -20% rounding down.
4. Dank Culvert: gain +d10 obols at the end of each scenario.
5. Abandoned Mine: gain +d10 obols at the end of each scenario.
6. Dusty Crypts: Deployment Limit +50
7. Bell Tower: Deployment Limit +50
8. Dark Tunnels: deploy a single model within 2’’ of the centre of the board each
9. Alchemy Workshop: you may choose to buy 1 throwing pot or potion from the list
10. Gloomy Hall: one model in your gathering may take a trait from your covenant or the
wretched undead list.

Alchemy Workshop
If your lair has an Alchemy Workshop you may choose to buy 1 throwing pot or potion from
the list below. Each throwing pot or potion counts as a minor treasure. Leaders may carry up
to 3 treasures and minions may carry 2. Minions with the Beast keyword may not carry any
minor treasures.

Throwing Pots
Item Effect Obols
Thunderclap Make a ranged attack action, Range: 6 Attacks: 1 Damage: 1/5 10
additionally every model within 3’’ of the target suffers 1 damage.
Discard after use.
Eaterwater Make a ranged attack action with Range: 6, reduce target’s armour 10
by 1/2 until the beginning of this unit’s next activation. Discard
after use.
Sunburst Make a ranged attack action with Range: 6, reduce the target's 10
violence and ranged by 1/2 until the start of this unit’s next
activation. Discard after use
Stonetar Make a ranged attack action with Range: 6, reduce the target's move 10
by 1’’/2’’ until the start of this unit's activation. Discard after use

Item Effect Obols
Mana Bottle Free action, discard to gain a mana dice of any type 10
Phantasm Free action, discard then instantly cast the Phantasm spell as if 10
Bottle you failed the channelling roll.
Quicksilver Free action, discard then +1 move for the rest of this model’s 10
powder activation
Blade oil Free action, discard then +1 to violence rolls for the rest of this 10
model’s activation
Iron sludge Free action discard then +1 armour until this model’s next 10
tincture activation
Black cloud Free action, discard then this model and every other model 10
within 2’’ is considered obscured until the beginning of next
Masterless wandering undead, keen to sell their ancient skills for obols and upkeep of their
failing forms.

• Each sellsword can be added to your roster for the amount of obols on their entry.
• Only one sellsword can be deployed per gathering in each scenario.
• Each time they are deployed an additional cost must be paid. If your opponent's
gathering has a deployment limit of 100+ more than your gathering, you may deploy
a sellsword from your roster for no cost.
• Sellswords do not count toward your gatherings deployment limit.

Blightblade, Beast Hunter 30 obols to add to roster, 20 obols to deploy in a

Clad in armour of spikes and rings designed to break the claws of beasts and horrors. This hunter wields
a boar spear dripping with the blighted alchemical concoctions of their dark trade. To destroy the stray
undead beasts that plague the Endless City’s dark corners.

Keyword: Choose either Blood or Bone, Sellsword

AP Move Violence Ranged HP
2 3 6+ 6+ 10

Melee Attacks Damage Range Special

Weapon Glance/Hit
Blighted 3 1/3 2 If this model makes an attack action
Spear against a model with the Beast Keyword,
this model’s damage become 1/4

This model wears Hunters Mail, armour 1, in addition if any model attacks this model with
the Claws and Fangs or Large Claws weapons the attacking model suffers 1 damage after the
attack is resolved.

Scout: during deployment, this model must be placed last but can be placed anywhere on the
board more than 8’’ from an enemy model.
Neoteric Arcuballista, 30 obols to add to roster, 30 obols to deploy in a scenario
A skeleton clad in the garb of a fallen empire carries an unwieldy projectile weapon of intricate design.
Each Neoteric’s weapon is unique and they spend their eternity attempting to perfect its function.
Keyword: Bone, Sellsword
AP Move Violence Ranged HP
2 3 6+ 6+ 10

Ranged Attacks Damage Range Special

Weapon Glance/Hit
Arcuballista 1 1/8 16 AP cost: 2 per attack action. Once an
attack action is made this model must
complete a reload action before the
weapon can be used again.
Reload:, AP cost 1, once this action is
performed the weapon can then be
selected to make an attack action., Note
this attack action still has an AP cost of 2.

This model has light armour, armour 1

Dramatis Personae, Unique Named Sellswords

Dolthorn the Pestilent, 50 obols to add to roster, 50 obols to deploy in a scenario

Once a powerful merchant and rumoured practitioner of dark pacts with the undergods; Dolthorn was
claimed by the sea when the great cataclysms ransacked the earth.
After centuries festering beneath the stagnant quagmire of the old harbour, Dolthorn’s putrid form
crawled from the foetid sludge. His remaining flesh now riddled with maggots and his putrid form a
truly repugnant vision to behold.
Keyword: Blood, Sellsword

AP Move Violence Ranged HP

2 2 6+ 6+ 15

Melee Weapon Attacks Damage Glance/Hit Range Special

Rotten Limbs 4 1/3 1 May push 2’’

Ranged Weapon Attacks Damage Glance/Hit Range Special

Putrid Bile 1 1/4 6 Ignore 1 armour

With eternal thanks to

Martin Jackson, @crittles_mcpainbow, for everything imaginable

Ben Rose, @apocrypha_now, playtesting for listening to me bellyache

Chris Boreham, @worldsmithing, for playtesting and listening to me bellyache

Christof Bachmann, for playtesting and listening to me bellyache

Steve Rowlinson, @steves_paint_brush, for editing the rules

Martin Trese/Mccoy @martin_mccvoy for the art

Brian Yashka @goatmansgoblet, for the map

Bryan Ruhe, @ibrewtiny, for help with the initial blurb writing

The entire SWC, for playtesting and being just a wonderfully welcoming bunch of people

All the wonderful people in the discord, for giving this nonsense your precious gaming time
and showing me the holes in my writing

© Peter Vigors 2021

Typefaces, Alegreya, JSL Blackletter

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