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Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases (2022) 32, 1e16

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Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases

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Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in adults 2021: A clinical practice

guideline of the Italian Association for the Study of the Liver (AISF),
the Italian Society of Diabetology (SID) and the Italian Society of
Obesity (SIO)*
Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Fegato (AISF), Società Italiana di Diabetologia
(SID) and Società Italiana dell’Obesità (SIO)1

Received 26 April 2021; accepted 28 April 2021

Available online 16 December 2021

KEYWORDS Abstract Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a common and emerging liver disease in
NAFLD; adults, paralleling the epidemic of obesity and diabetes, and leading to worrisome events (hepa-
NASH; tocellular carcinoma and end-stage liver disease). In the last years, mounting evidence added in-
Guidelines sights about epidemiology, natural history, diagnosis and lifestyle-based or drug treatment of
NAFLD. In this rapidly evolving scenario, members of the Associazione Italiana per lo Studio
del Fegato (AISF), the Società Italiana di Diabetologia (SID) and the Società Italiana dell’Obesità
(SIO) reviewed current knowledge on NAFLD. The quality of the published evidence is graded,
and practical recommendations are made following the rules and the methodology suggested
in Italy by the Centro Nazionale per l’Eccellenza delle cure (CNEC) and Istituto Superiore di Sanità
(ISS). Whenever possible, recommendations are placed within the context the Italian Healthcare
system, with reference to specific experience and local diagnostic and management resources.

Level of evidence: Level of evidence of recommendations for each PICO question were re-
ported according to available evidence.
ª 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Italian Diabetes Society, the Ital-
ian Society for the Study of Atherosclerosis, the Italian Society of Human Nutrition and the
Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Federico II University. This is an open access article
under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Introduction diagnosis and treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver dis-

ease (NAFLD) is translated into relevant practical recom-
The present report is a summary of Clinical Practice mendations for management following the rules and the
Guidelines resulting from a cooperative work of the methodology suggested in Italy by the Centro Nazionale
Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Fegato (AISF), the per l’Eccellenza delle cure (CNEC) and Istituto Superiore
Società Italiana di Diabetologia (SID) and the Società di Sanità (ISS). In this summary, we report the outline of
Italiana dell’Obesità (SIO). Current knowledge on the disease burden and the risks associated with disease

This article is co-published in the journals: Digestive and Liver Disease https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dld.2021.04.029; Nutrition, Metabolism &
Cardiovascular Diseases https://doi.org/10.1016/j.numecd.2021.04.028 and Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity
The members of the guidelines panel are listed in Appendix 2.
Correspondence: S. Petta.
E-mail addresses: info@webasif.org, salvatore.petta@unipa.it.

0939-4753/ª 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Italian Diabetes Society, the Italian Society for the Study of Atherosclerosis, the Italian Society of
Human Nutrition and the Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Federico II University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://

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personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2024. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
2 Members of the guidelines panel

progression, followed by PICO questions and recom- serum aminotransferase levels [16e18]. In Italian patients
mendations. The review of the literature at the basis of with diabetes NAFLD is reported in 59.0e73.2% [19,20],
individual recommendations is uploaded as supplemen- with about 13%-18% of them experiencing advanced
tary material. fibrosis [21]. A bidirectional association exists between
NAFLD and T2DM [17,22], worsening the course of both
Burden of disease and risk factors diseases; the presence of T2DM increases the risk of
NAFLD progression to advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis, as
The natural history of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease well as also of incident hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC),
(NAFLD) has been extensively investigated in the past 20 liver-related hospital admissions and liver-related deaths
years [1,2]. Steatosis is the hallmark of NAFLD and has been [17,23e25], whereas the presence of NAFLD in T2DM is
identified as an independent risk factor for the full spec- associated with a reduced probability of achieving good
trum of liver damage including inflammation, ballooning glycemic control, and exacerbates atherogenic dyslipide-
and fibrosis [3]. The diagnosis of NAFLD requires the mia, further increasing the risk of chronic kidney disease
exclusion of both secondary causes and of alcohol con- and adverse CV outcomes [17,18], particularly in the pres-
sumption 30 g per day for men and 20 g per day for ence of NASH-fibrosis [26].
women [4]. Recently, a consensus of experts proposed to The lifetime costs of all NASH patients in the United
overcome the current nomenclature “NAFLD” and adopt States in 2017 is estimated at $222.6 billion, and the cost of
for a “positive” definition the acronym Metabolic the advanced NASH population at $95.4 billion [27]. Data
dysfunction-Associated Fatty Liver Disease (MAFLD) using from Italian local Health Units, based on administrative
metabolic dysfunctions as diagnostic criteria indepen- data and resources utilization, calculated an average direct
dently of the presence of other causes of chronic liver cost for NAFLD/NASH progressively increasing from the
disease [5]. The mean prevalence of NAFLD worldwide is non-advanced stage, to advanced NAFLD disease,
24.1%, ranging from 13.5% in Africa to 31.8% in Middle East, compensated cirrhosis, liver transplant, and hepatocellular
with differences among studies also related to diagnostic carcinoma (HCC), also driven by comorbidities, up to over
methods, age, gender and ethnicity [1]. Italian studies V 65.000/year [28]. Considering the projections calculated
indicate a prevalence of 22.5e27.0% in the general popu- by disease modeling for the next decades, the total costs is
lation [6e9], with a 2% prevalence of noninvasively- likely to become very challenging for the National Health
assessed advanced fibrosis due to NAFLD [9]. The preva- system [29].
lence increases in patients with metabolic comorbidities
and the metabolic syndrome (MetS), defined by the presence NAFLD mortality and morbidity
of at least three metabolic alterations among elevated waist
circumference (94 cm in males; 80 cm in females in Patients with NAFLD have an increased overall mortality
Europids), elevated triglycerides (150 mg/dL), reduced compared to matched control populations [30,31]. Accord-
HDL-C (40 mg/dL in males; 50 mg/dL in females), ing to a meta-analysis, overall mortality was reported to be
elevated blood pressure (systolic pressure 130 mmHg and/ 15.4 per 1,000 person-years (range, 11.7e20.3) for patients
or diastolic pressure 85 mm or antihypertensive drug with NAFLD and 25.6 (range, 6.3e103.8) for the cohort with
treatment) and elevated fasting glucose (100 mg/dL anti- NASH [1]. The presence of NASH (adjusted hazard
hyperglycemic treatment) [10]. NAFLD is observed in ratioadjHR], 9.16), age (adjHR, 1.06), and the presence of T2DM
54e90% [9,11] and 78.8% [12] of cases with obesity or with (adjHR, 2.09) increased all-cause and liver-related mortality,
MetS, respectively. In the Dionysos study, the presence of after controlling for other variables. Liver-specific mortality
steatosis was closely associated with obesity [13] and in was estimated as 0.8 (range, 0.3e1.8) in NAFLD and 11.8
the Dionysos and Nutrition Liver Study the risk of NAFLD (range, 7.1e19.5) in NASH [1]. Cardiovascular (CV) disease
was 9-fold increased by the presence of BMI  30 kg/m2 (CVD) remains the most common cause of death, indepen-
and 6-fold by abdominal obesity (waist circumference dent of other metabolic comorbidities [32,33], driven by the
102 cm in males, 88 in females) [6], independently of atherogenic profile and widespread CV complications
altered liver enzymes. Raised liver enzymes, assumed as [33e35], independently of other known risk factors [36,37].
surrogate indexes of NAFLD, were reported in 21% of cases Fibrosis stage is the strongest predictor for mortality from
with obesity and did not increase systematically with CVD and liver-related disease in a cohort of biopsy-proven
obesity class [14]. In a more recent analysis of 890 subjects NAFLD after up to 33 years of follow-up [38].
of the community-based ABCD (“Alimentazione, Benessere NAFLD is also associated with an approximate 2-fold
Cardiovascolare e Diabete”) study, Petta et al. reported a increased risk of incident T2DM, ranging from a 35% to a
NAFLD prevalence of 48%, with a relative risk for obesity of 5.5-fold increase, independent of overweight/obesity and
4.02 (95% confidence interval, 2.77e5.84) [9], but the other common risk factors [34,39]. The risk of incident
various diagnostic tools and/or settings may provide T2DM appears to diminish over time following the
slightly different results. improvement or resolution of NAFLD [40,41]. Patients with
The prevalence of NAFLD is as high as 70e80% in pa- NAFLD also have a nearly 40% increase in the long-term
tients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) [15,16], who risk of incident chronic kidney disease [42], as well as
are also more likely to have nonalcoholic steatohepatitis other recognized associations with sleep apnea, osteopo-
(NASH) and cirrhosis, even in the presence of fairly normal rosis, psoriasis and endocrinopathies [43].

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personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2024. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Practice Guidelines 3

The presence of NASH increases liver-related mortality 25 kg/m2 for non-Asian subjects) of 9.7% (95% CI: 7.7e11.8%),
[44,45], but the most important driver of mortality is with an upward trend between 1988 and 2017[57]. Their
fibrosis at histology, specifically, zone 3 sinusoidal fibrosis rate of comorbidity is lower compared to obese patients,
plus periportal fibrosis (stage 2), advanced fibrosis but higher compared to healthy controls [58,59]. Data on
(bridging fibrosis [stage 3] or cirrhosis [stage 4]) [2,46], histological severity are controversial; they can develop
associated with the multiple component of MetS [47]. the full spectrum of liver disease associated with NASH
Patients with stage 4 fibrosis (cirrhosis) had a nearly 10- [60] and similar adverse health outcomes when longitu-
fold risk of liver-related complications [2], with liver- dinally examined [61,62].
related events occurring in 8.9 per 100 person-years
(95% CI, 6.7e11.7]. The reported annual incidence of he- Methods for guideline development
patic decompensation was 3.3 and 15.6 per 100 person-
years among patients with Child Pugh (CP)-A5 and CP-A6 Following the needs of an updated guidance upon clinical
cirrhosis, respectively [48]. management of the Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, the
Scientific Societies whose members are primarily involved in
Hepatocellular carcinoma and extrahepatic cancers its management (Italian Association for the Study of the Liver
- AISF; Italian Society of Diabetology - SID; Italian Society of
NAFLD is the third-most common cause of HCC in the Obesity - SIO) commissioned to an experts panel the drafting
United States, after hepatitis C and alcohol-related disease, of a new dedicated document to outline the updated clinical
accounting for 14.1% of all cases [49]. The cumulative practice guidelines. The present document was made ac-
incidence of NAFLD-associated HCC has been reported to cording to the rules dictated by the Italian Center for the Cure
range from 2.4% to 12.8% over a median follow-up period Excellence (Centro Nazionale per l’Eccellenza delle Cure -
of 3.2e7.2 years [50], corresponding to 0.44 (range, CNEC), an institution recently set up by the Italian National
0.29e0.66) per 1000 person-years and increasing at a 9% Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanità - ISS) to
annual rate [1,49,51]. Patients with NAFLD fibrosis stages outline the methodologies needed to provide evidence-
F3 and F4 have an almost 7-fold increased risk of HCC based clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines in Italy
compared to people without liver disease [49] and the risk [63]. According to these rules, a “multi-societary” and “multi-
is >10 folds higher in association with T2DM and obesity disciplinary” committee of experts was selected by the
[52], making NAFLD the second leading cause of liver abovementioned Scientific Societies. The committee defined
transplantation (LT) due to HCC in U.S and the most rapidly the objectives, the key issues and retrieved the relevant evi-
increasing indication [53]. At diagnosis, patients with dences by performing a systematic review of literature.
NAFLD-related HCC are older, have higher prevalence of Finally, the committee members (chosen on the basis of their
extrahepatic comorbidities but lower prevalence of specific expertise) identified the guidelines’ key questions
cirrhosis (absence of cirrhosis in up to 1/3 of cases), and and developed them following the PICO format (Population,
shorter survival time [50], being more likely to die from Intervention, Comparison, Outcomes) [64]. The most rele-
their primary liver cancer than other HCC patients [49]. vant questions were chosen by voting among the whole
These conditions may be driven by less systematic sur- committee. The mean agreement among panel members on
veillance, leading to diagnosis at later stage and less recommendations was 98.15%, as reported in supplementary
treatment [54]. Table 1. For each PICO question, a systematic review of the
Other extra-hepatic cancers are similarly increased, literature was made on the most important scientific data-
namely cancers of the uterus (IRRZ2.3; 95%CI 1.4, 4.1), bases (Pubmed, Scopus, Embase) by performing both a free-
stomach (IRRZ2.3; 95%CI 1.3, 4.1), pancreas (IRRZ2.0; 95% text research and by a BOOLEAN research string formulated
CI 1.2, 3.3) and colon (IRRZ1.8; 95%CI 1.1, 2.8) [54]. The as- on purpose (see Appendix 1). The profiles of evidence were
sociation with cancer risk is stronger in NAFLD than in developed by applying the GRADE-Evidence to Decision
obesity [55]. (EtD) frameworks as per CNEC manual indications [63,65]. In
particular, all aspects regarding the questions, the assess-
Lean NAFLD ment of evidence and the conclusions drawings were dis-
cussed between the panel members and voted to obtain a
The term ‘lean’ NAFLD refers to patients with a BMI within final decision. The GRADEpro GDT online tool was used to
the ethnic-specific cut-off of normalweight, but frequently develop the questions and make the decisions [66]. The
extended to the area of overweight (30 kg/m2 in Caucasian quality of evidence was evaluated by applying the “Quality
and 27 kg/m2 in Asian subjects). It is conceivable that ‘lean’ Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies version 2”
NAFLD comprises an heterogeneous NAFLD cohort asso- (QUADAS-2) checklist for the diagnostic accuracy questions
ciated with environmental and genetic factors, as well as [67], the “revised tool for Risk of Bias in randomized trials”
differences in fat distribution and body composition [56], (RoB 2) [68] and the “Risk Of Bias in Non-randomized Studies
accounting for 5e26% of total NAFLD cases in the Asian - of Interventions” tool (ROBINS-I) [69] for randomized clin-
population and 7e20% in the Western areas [56]. A recent ical trials and non-randomized studies where applicable.
meta-analysis of 33 observational studies from 14 countries The final draft was submitted for advice and revision to
concluded for a global prevalence of NAFLD in lean in- EpaC (Liver Patients’ Association). Their comments were
dividuals (BMI  23 kg/m2 for Asian subjects and BMI  considered in the final version.

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4 Members of the guidelines panel

Strength and limits trials, but it is not recommended in clinical practice,

being expensive and very rarely available (B, 2).
The present report is a summary of Clinical Practice
Guidelines resulting from a cooperative multi-society References: [76e102]
work and by using rigorous methodology suggested in Fig. 1 depicts a two-step algorithm, based on FIB-4 or
Italy by the Centro Nazionale per l’Eccellenza delle cure NAFLD fibrosis score as first step followed by LSM, pro-
and Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Lack of awareness for posed for the assessment of fibrosis severity in patients
NAFLD and obstacles to apply and implement guidelines with NAFLD.
could limit their utility.
PICO 3 - In adult patients with NAFLD, should non-
invasive scores, liver stiffness and imaging methods be used
What is already known on this subject? as replacement for liver biopsy for predicting liver-related
NAFLD is an emerging liver disease with a growing
epidemiological and clinical burden.
 In patients with NAFLD, non-invasive tools might
National guidelines for the management of NAFLD pa-
acceptably rule out fibrosis progression (C, 2).
tients are not still available.
 In patients with NAFLD, noninvasive tools might
acceptably predict the risk of occurrence of overall and
What this study adds? liver-related events and mortality (C, 2).

References: [36,103e113]
The present document is the first effort to provide multi-
society national guidelines on NAFLD aimed to a multidisci- PICO 4 - In adult patients with NAFLD, should genetic
plinary and shared management of NAFLD patients. testing be used as an add on after usual testing in predicting
the severity of histologically-assessed liver damage and liver-
related outcomes?
PICO Questions and recommendations
 Clinicians in referral centers might consider the genetic
(A) Assessment of disease severity
risk profile for stratification of individual NAFLD-HCC
risk, but the effectiveness of such strategy requires
PICO 1 - In adult patients with NAFLD, should non-invasive
larger prospective studies (C, 2).
scores, serum markers, liver stiffness, and imaging methods be
 We suggest that genetic risk variants be evaluated in
used as replacement for liver biopsy for the diagnosis of NASH?
clinical studies for stratification of disease risk pro-
Recommendation gression and sub-phenotyping of NAFLD (B, 2).
 In patients with NAFLD non-invasive tests do not have
acceptable accuracy for the diagnosis of NASH, and liver References: [3,4,114e124]
biopsy remains the reference standard (B,2). Supplementary Table 2

References: [4,70e75] (B) Weight loss and behavioral intervention for NAFLD
PICO 2 - In adult patients with NAFLD, should non-
invasive scores, serum markers, liver stiffness, and imaging PICO 5 - In adult patients with NAFLD, what is the efficacy
methods be used as replacement for liver biopsy for the of weight loss on histologically-assessed liver damage and
diagnosis of advanced fibrosis? liver-related outcomes in comparison with no intervention?

Recommendations Recommendations
 In patients with NAFLD, simple noninvasive scores,  All subjects with NAFLD, including lean (non-obese)
namely the Fibrosis-4 score (FIB-4) and the NAFLD NAFLD, should be involved in lifestyle programs
fibrosis score (NFS), as well as liver stiffness measure- aimed at healthy diet and habitual physical activity
ment (LSM), using transient elastography, have to a 7e10% weight loss target, repeatedly associ-
acceptable accuracy to identify NAFLD cases at low risk ated with improved histology, including fibrosis (B,
of advanced fibrosis (A, 1). 1).
 A two-tier sequential combination of simple noninva-  The dietary approach to NAFLD should favor adherence
sive scores like FIB-4 or NFS with imaging techniques to the principles of the Mediterranean diet, including a
such as LSM by transient elastography is recommended reduced intake of refined and industrial sugars, asso-
as a triage test for ruling out advanced fibrosis sparing ciated with reduced hepatic fat content and decreased
further testing (B, 2). cardiovascular risk (B, 1).
 Magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) is the most  Low-modest alcohol intake in noncirrhotic NAFLD pa-
accurate noninvasive method for estimation of liver tients should not be encouraged (C, 2) and total absti-
fibrosis. This technique can be preferred in clinical nence in NAFLD-cirrhosis is recommended (B, 1).

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Practice Guidelines 5

Fig. 1 1NAFLD is defined by ultrasound; in case of difficult access to ultrasound, clinicians can directly screen patients with features of metabolic
syndrome by liver enzymes and noninvasive scores of fibrosis.
Note that in patients referred to specialists (right side) follow-up will depend on disease severity/available therapeutic protocols; timing of follow-up
in negative patients (left side) will depend on the presence of metabolic factors and comorbid conditions.

 In patients with NAFLD, any types of physical activity, as However, in spite of a large number of published or ongoing
well as reduced sedentariness, should be counseled, in clinical trials, to date neither FDA, nor EMA or AIFA have
order to reduce liver fat, independently of changes in approved any pharmacological treatment for patients with
body weight (B, 1). NASH.
 Clinicians should recommend weight loss by intensive,
structured lifestyle programs delivered under specialist PICO 6 - In adult patients with NAFLD, what is the efficacy
control and/or pharmacotherapy and/or bariatric surgery of pharmacological treatment on histologically-assessed liver
in NAFLD subjects with obesity to reduce liver disease damage and liver-related outcomes in comparison with no
severity (A, 1). pharmacological intervention?
References: [9,125e176]  In patients with NASH pioglitazone may be used to
improve NASH and fibrosis, although the drug is off-
(C) Pharmacologic treatment for NAFLD label and the risk/benefit balance related to pioglita-
zone side-effects should be discussed with each patient
The epidemic of NAFLD and its complications, and the (B, 2).
discovery of different potential therapeutic targets for NASH  In patients with NASH vitamin E may be used to
treatment led to start an impressive number of clinical trials. improve NASH and fibrosis, even if risks and benefits
International guidelines recommend that pharmacological should be discussed with each patient (B, 2).
therapy for NAFLD/NASH should be reserved to patients  In patients with NASH standard or high-dose ursodeox-
presenting an active disease and the presence of liver fibrosis ycholic acid (UDCA) should not be used to treat NASH and
 stage 2 [177,178]. Moreover, the FDA (US Food and Drug fibrosis, because ineffective (B, 2).
Administration) and the EMA (European Medicines Agency)  In patients with NASH obeticholic acid may improve
identified two endpoints for the conditional approval of drugs fibrosis without worsening of NASH, but its use is
in patients with noncirrhotic NASH: (1) resolution of NASH waiting for approval by regulatory agencies, based on
without worsening of liver fibrosis, and (2) at least one stage additional safety and efficacy data (B, 2).
improvement in liver fibrosis without worsening of NASH
fibrosis [178]. Consistently, most of the phase 2b and phase 3 References for pioglitazone: [179e194]
trials enrolled patients with NASH plus fibrosis stage F2-F3. References for vitamin E: [182,195e202]

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6 Members of the guidelines panel

References for ursodeoxycholic acid: [203e206] mass index > 40 kg/m2 should be listed on a highly
References for obeticholic acid: [207e209] individualized basis, especially in the presence of dia-
PICO 7 - In adult patients with NAFLD and type 2 diabetes betes (B, 2).
mellitus, what is the efficacy of glucose-lowering treatment References: [37,54,240e254]
on histologically-assessed liver damage and liver-related
PICO 9 - In adult patients with NASH and morbid obesity,
candidate for liver transplantation, what is the efficacy of
bariatric surgery on pre- and post-transplant outcomes in
 In T2DM patients with NAFLD/NASH, pioglitazone is
comparison with no bariatric surgery?
specifically recommended to treat liver disease (B, 2).
 In T2DM patients with NAFLD/NASH, metformin use is Recommendation
safe for the liver, but it is not specifically recommended  Bariatric surgery may improve outcomes in
to treat liver disease (B, 2). patients with morbid obesity in the setting of liver
 In T2DM patients with NAFLD/NASH, DPP-4 inhibitors transplantation, however in decompensated cirrhosis it
are safe for the liver, but their use is not specifically is associated with higher risk of morbidity and mor-
recommended to treat liver disease (C, 2). tality; too few data are available to recommend the
 In T2DM patients with NAFLD/NASH, GLP-1 receptor procedure before, during or after transplantation (C, 2).
agonists are safe for the liver, but, despite preliminary
evidence that may decrease liver damage, their use is References: [255e263]
not specifically approved to treat liver disease (B, 2).
(E) NAFLD ascertainment in the general population
 In T2DM patients with NAFLD/NASH, SGLT-2 inhibitors
are safe for the liver, but their use is not specifically
PICO 10 - In the adult population are non-invasive scores
recommended to treat liver disease (C, 2).
and imaging methods useful for the diagnosis of NAFLD?
References for metformin: [185,210e215] Recommendations
References for DPP-4 inhibitors: [216e220]  Non-invasive scores (Fatty Liver Index e FLI) may be
References for GLP-1 receptor agonists: useful in population studies for the diagnosis of stea-
[141,219,221e228] tosis (A, 1).
References for SGLT-2 inhibitors: [229e239]  Ultrasonography (US) is the first-line diagnostic pro-
cedure for detecting NAFLD, as it has high accuracy for
(D) NAFLD and liver transplantation moderate-severe steatosis and also provides additional
diagnostic information (A, 1).
PICO 8 - In adult patients with NASH candidate for liver  1H-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) is the
transplantation, should the evaluation of cardiometabolic reference standard for a quantitative estimation of liver
comorbidities in the pre- and post-transplant phase be fat. This technique should be preferred in clinical trials,
different from that of patients with liver disease of other but it is not recommended in clinical practice because
etiology in order to reduce cardiovascular complications? expensive and not largely available (A, 2).
Recommendations  Controlled Attenuation Parameter (CAP) is an alterna-
 In liver transplant candidates with NASH-related tive tool for non-invasive assessment and follow-up of
decompensated cirrhosis or NASH-HCC, both at partic- steatosis but more data are needed to definitively
ularly high risk of developing cardiovascular events, define its role (B,2).
cardiovascular risk factors should be assessed by a
References: [264e276]
multidisciplinary team, which includes a transplant
cardiologist and a transplant anesthesiologist, but no PICO 11 - In adult population with metabolic risk factors
universally validated algorithms are available for a are non-invasive scores, liver stiffness and imaging methods
comprehensive evaluation (C, 1). useful for the diagnosis of advanced fibrosis?
 Thorough screening for hypertension, diabetes, and Recommendation
dyslipidemia is recommended in patients with NASH  In adult individuals with one or more features of the
undergoing evaluation for liver transplantation and metabolic syndrome, a combination of non-invasive
appropriate medical treatment in wait-listed patients is fibrosis markers may help improve referral of patients
mandatory to reduce events and de-listing (B, 1). with advanced liver fibrosis from primary care to specialist
 Obesity alone does not constitute a contraindication for setting, also reducing the cost of management (B, 2).
liver transplantation. Patients with decompensated
NASH-cirrhosis or NASH-HCC and morbid obesity (body References: [16,48,277e283]

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personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2024. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Practice Guidelines 7

Conclusion Anna Alisi: no disclosures

Piero Vajro: no disclosures
In the past few years NAFLD emerged as a common liver Mario Masarone: Gilead travel grants, invited speech;
disease in adults frequently associated with metabolic al- Abbvie: travel grants, invited speech, advisory boards
terations, and as a leading cause of HCC and liver decom- Salvatore Petta: Advisor and/or Speaker for Abbvie,
pensation, finally impacting resource utilization and costs Gilead, Intercept and Pfyzer
of the Healthcare systems. Also in Italy, the cost associated Marcello Persico acted as consultant for Abbvie and
with NAFLD for the National Health System is rapidly Gilead
increasing [28]. The growing interest for NAFLD lead to the Gianluca Svegliati-Baroni: no disclosures
development of new diagnostic tools and algorithms to Luca Valenti: Speaking: MSD, Gilead, AlfaSigma, Abb-
identify and refer patients at high risk of liver damage to Vie; Consulting: Gilead, Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, Novo Nordisk,
liver specialists for assessment and treatment. The Intercept pharmaceuticals, Diatech Pharmacogenetics,
implementation of lifestyle programs aimed at weight loss IONIS; Research: Gilead
and ongoing clinical trials with drugs targeting pathogenic Massimo Federici: no disclosures
pathways responsible for necroinflammation and fibrosis Francesco Purrello: no disclosures
open new scenario in the management of NAFLD patients Ferdinando Carlo Sasso has been member of Advisory
[284]. Boards for Boehringer and for Ely-Lilly and has received
The present Guidelines are conceived to promote a fees for scientific consultation and/or lectures by
fruitful collaboration between different specialties, in a Jansen, Roche Diagnostics, Novo Nordisk, Sanofi, MSD,
multidisciplinary approach aimed at disseminating and Astrazeneca
improving treatment within the healthcare professionals. Giovanni Targher: no disclosures
Given the impressive amount of research and the Luca Busetto: no disclosures
extraordinary advances of the past few years, the several Maria Letizia Petroni: no disclosures
attempts to define new treatment strategies and the large Ferruccio Santini has worked as a consultant, partici-
number of trials supported by pharmaceutical companies, pated in studies, and/or received travel funds from the
the proposed recommendations should be considered following companies, which are involved with obesity and
provisional and the Writing Commission recommends related diseases: AstraZeneca, Aegerion Pharmaceuticals,
systematic update of Guidelines at regular intervals. Amryt, BioItalia, Bruno farmaceutici and Novo Nordisk.
Finally, given its epidemiological, clinical and eco- Calogero Cammà: no disclosures
nomic burden, NAFLD should be classified as a definite Agostino Colli: no disclosures
liver disease by the Health Care Italian System, inde-
pendently of the presence of other metabolic comorbid-
ities, with appropriate regulations in terms of diagnosis
and treatment.
The Italian Association for the Study of Liver disease is
indebted to Ivan Gardini and EpaC Onlus (Liver Patients’
Association) for advice and revision of the manuscript.
Declaration of competing interest
Their suggestions have been considered in the final
Giulio Marchesini participated in NAFLD advisory boards
of Astra-Zeneca, Pfizer, Gilead, Novartis and received
honoraria for conference from Eli Lilly Supplementary materials
Elisabetta Bugianesi: Consultant for Gilead, BMS, Boer-
ingher, Intercept, Innova, Novo Nordisk Supplementary material associated with this article can be
Patrizia Burra received personal fees from Biotest, found, in the online version, at doi.org/10.1016/j.numecd.
Kedrion and Chiesi Farmaceutici for occasional scientific 2021.04.028.
Fabio Marra: Abbvie: consultant fees; Allergan: Appendix 1. Bibliographic research strategy
consultant fees; AstraZeneca: consultant fees; Gilead:
speaker honoraria, consultant fees; Intercept: speaker  Identification of information needs: scientific evidence
honoraria; Menarini: consultant fees; Novartis: consultant concerning the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment
fees; Novo Nordisk: consultant fees of non-alcoholic steatosis.
Luca Miele: Advisory Board, Consultancy, Invited  Planning of the research strategy: for each topic assigned,
Speaker: Alfa-Sigma, Boehringer-Ingelheim, BMS, Echos- the researchers personally searched for the biblio-
ens, Galmed, Gilead Sciences, IBSA, Intercept, MEDA, graphic sources, using digital or paper resources if
MyGenomics, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Novartis, Pfizer, necessary.
ProLon, Promethera, Rottapharm-Madaus, Siemens  Choice of tools for information retrieval: the identified
Healthineers, Synageva articles were obtained from the online library of the

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personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2024. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
8 Members of the guidelines panel

Institution to which the member of the experts’ panel Free-text research keywords: non- alcoholic fatty liver
belongs. If not available online, the article was searched disease, therapy, liver disease:
among the paper volumes of institutional libraries or BOOLEAN research string:
was obtained through a direct request to the author of ("Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease"[Mesh] OR non
the publication. alcoholic fatty liver disease* [Title/Abstract] OR non-alco-
 Identification of adequate sources of information: only holic fatty liver disease* [Title/Abstract] OR nonalcoholic
articles from journals indexed on scientific search en- fatty liver disease* [Title/Abstract] OR nonalcoholic fatty
gines (PubMed, Embase, Scopus) were included, liver* [Title/Abstract] OR non alcoholic steatohepatitis*
excluding non-scientific repertoires and newspapers [Title/Abstract]) AND ("Liver Cirrhosis" [Mesh] OR liver
articles, case reports, conference abstracts not pub- fibrosis* [Title/Abstract] OR hepatic fibrosis* [Title/Abstract]
lished in-extenso. The keywords used for the research OR cirrhosis* [Title/Abstract] OR cirrhoses* [Title/Abstract])
were the following: AND ((16 APRI* [Title/Abstract] OR aspartate aminotrans-
ferase to platelets ratio index* [Title/Abstract]) OR (FIB-4*
(1) Research topic: classification, diagnosis and prognosis of [Title/Abstract] OR fibrosis-4 index* [Title/Abstract]) OR
non-alcoholic steatosis. (NAFLD fibrosis score* [Title/Abstract] OR NFS* [Title/Ab-
Free-text research keywords: liver steatosis, non-alco- stract]) OR (BARD score* [Title/Abstract]) OR ("Elasticity
holic fatty liver, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, non- Imaging Techniques" [Mesh] OR Elasticity Imaging Tech-
alcoholic steatohepatitis, classification, diagnosis, niques [Title/Abstract]) OR (elastography* [Title/Abstract]
prognosis. OR elastograph* [Title/Abstract]) OR (FibroScan* [Title/Ab-
BOOLEAN research string: stract] OR transient elastography* [Title/Abstract]) OR
("Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease"[Mesh] OR non (shear wave elastography* [Title/Abstract]) OR (magnetic
alcoholic fatty liver disease* [Title/Abstract] OR non-alco- resonance elastography* [Title/Abstract] OR (38 MRE [Title/
holic fatty liver disease* [Title/Abstract] OR nonalcoholic Abstract]))
fatty liver disease* [Title/Abstract] OR nonalcoholic fatty
liver* [Title/Abstract] OR non alcoholic steatohepatitis*
[Title/Abstract]) AND ("Liver Diseases" [Mesh])

[*: Other: animal studies, letters, studies enrolling

fewer than 10 subjects, articles not reporting outcomes of
interest or primary data (editorial, unsystematic reviews),
[* Other: animal studies, letters, studies enrolling fewer studies with inadequate case definition or enrolling sec-
than 10 subjects, articles not reporting outcomes of in- ondary steatosis (for example: steatosis from drugs, from
terest or primary data (editorial, unsystematic reviews), total parenteral nutrition etc.), articles not in English].
studies with inadequate case definition or enrolling sec- (3) Research topic: NAFLD therapy
ondary steatosis (for example: steatosis from drugs, from Free-text reseach keywords: Non alcoholic fatty liver
total parenteral nutrition etc.)] disease, therapy, liver disease
(2) Research topic: non-invasive diagnosis of NAFLD BOOLEAN research string:

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personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2024. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Practice Guidelines 9

("Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease"[Mesh] OR non analytic assessment of prevalence, incidence, and outcomes. Hep-
alcoholic fatty liver disease* [Title/Abstract] OR non-alco- atology 2016;64:73e84.
[2] Sanyal AJ, Harrison SA, Ratziu V, et al. The natural history of
holic fatty liver disease* [Title/Abstract] OR nonalcoholic advanced fibrosis due to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: data from
fatty liver disease* [Title/Abstract] OR nonalcoholic fatty the simtuzumab trials. Hepatology 2019;70:1913e27.
liver* [Title/Abstract] OR non alcoholic steatohepatitis* [3] Dongiovanni P, Stender S, Pietrelli A, et al. Causal relationship of
hepatic fat with liver damage and insulin resistance in nonalcoholic
[Title/Abstract]) AND ((“Therapy” [MeSH] OR “Pharmaco- fatty liver. J Intern Med 2018;283:356e70.
logical therapy” [MeSH] OR Drug* [Title/Abstract] OR [4] European Association for the Study of the Liver, European Association
Therap* [Title/Abstract]) OR (exercise [Title/Abstract] OR for the Study of Diabetes, European Association for the Study of Obesity.
resistance training [Title/Abstract] OR aerobic training EASL-EASD-EASO clinical practice guidelines for the management of
non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. J Hepatol 2016;64:1388e402.
[Title/Abstract] OR aerobic exercise [Title/Abstract] OR cir- [5] Eslam M, Newsome PN, Sarin SK, et al. A new definition for
cuit training [Title/Abstract] OR walk test [Title/Abstract] OR metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease: an interna-
endurance training [Title/Abstract] OR strength training tional expert consensus statement. J Hepatol 2020;73:202e9.
[6] Bedogni G, Miglioli L, Masutti F, Tiribelli C, Marchesini G,
[Title/Abstract] OR weight training [Title/Abstract]))
Bellentani S. Prevalence of and risk factors for nonalcoholic fatty
liver disease: the dionysos nutrition and liver study. Hepatology
[7] Pendino GM, Mariano A, Surace P, et al. Prevalence and etiology of
altered liver tests: a population-based survey in a Mediterranean
town. Hepatology 2005;41:1151e9.
[8] Caserta CA, Mele A, Surace P, et al. Association of non-alcoholic fatty
liver disease and cardiometabolic risk factors with early athero-
sclerosis in an adult population in Southern Italy. Ann Ist Super
Sanita 2017;53:77e81.
[9] Petta S, Di Marco V, Pipitone RM, et al. Prevalence and severity of
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease by transient elastography: genetic
and metabolic risk factors in a general population. Liver Int 2018;
[10] Alberti KG, Eckel RH, Grundy SM, et al. Harmonizing the metabolic
syndrome: a joint interim statement of the international diabetes
federation task force on epidemiology and prevention; national
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[11] Colicchio P, Tarantino G, del Genio F, et al. Non-alcoholic fatty liver
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[14] Marchesini G, Avagnina S, Barantani EG, et al. Aminotransferase
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[*: Other: animal studies, letters, studies enrolling ated with insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome. J
fewer than 10 subjects, articles not reporting outcomes of Endocrinol Invest 2005;28:333e9.
interest or primary data (editorial, unsystematic reviews), [15] Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Study Group, Lonardo A, Bellentani S,
et al. Epidemiological modifiers of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease:
studies with inadequate case definition or enrolling sec-
focus on high-risk groups. Dig Liver Dis 2015;47:997e1006.
ondary steatosis (for example: steatosis from drugs, from [16] Younossi ZM, Golabi P, de Avila L, et al. The global epidemiology of
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review and meta-analysis. J Hepatol 2019;71:793e801.
[17] Targher G, Lonardo A, Byrne CD. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Appendix 2. Members of the guidelines panel and chronic vascular complications of diabetes mellitus. Nat Rev
Endocrinol 2018;14:99e114.
Coordinator: Giulio Marchesini; AISF Members: Elisabetta [18] Anstee QM, Targher G, Day CP. Progression of NAFLD to diabetes
mellitus, cardiovascular disease or cirrhosis. Nat Rev Gastroenterol
Bugianesi, Patrizia Burra, Fabio Marra, Luca Miele, Anna Hepatol 2013;10:330e44.
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cello Persico, Gianluca Svegliati-Baroni, Luca Valenti; SID characteristics in a nationwide population with type 2 diabetes. J
Members: Massimo Federici, Francesco Purrello, Ferdi- Diabetes Res 2016;2016:2931985.
[20] Targher G, Mantovani A, Pichiri I, et al. Non-alcoholic fatty liver
nando Carlo Sasso, Giovanni Targher; SIO Members: Luca disease is associated with an increased prevalence of atrial
Busetto, Maria Letizia Petroni, Ferruccio Santini; Metodol- fibrillation in hospitalized patients with type 2 diabetes. Clin Sci
ogists: Calogero Cammà, Agostino Colli. (Lond) 2013;125:301e9.
[21] Giorda CB, Forlani G, Manti R, et al. Trend over time in hepatic
fibrosis score in a cohort of type 2 diabetes patients. Diabetes Res
References Clin Pract 2018;135:65e72.
[22] Targher G, Marchesini G, Byrne CD. Risk of type 2 diabetes in
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Global epidemiology of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease-Meta- or epiphenomenon? Diabetes Metab 2016;42:142e56.

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personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2024. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
10 Members of the guidelines panel

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personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2024. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Practice Guidelines 11

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16 Members of the guidelines panel

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