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Solution Manual for Hillcrest Medical

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Preface. Prerequisites. New to this Edition with Featured Items. Course
Description. Objectives. Student Text-Workbook. Instructor's Manual. About
the Authors. Supplements at a Glance. How to Use StudyWARE�.
SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION. Welcome to Hillcrest Medical Center.
Confidentiality Policy. Legal Issues. Objectives. Length of Course.
Certification. Transcribing Medical Reports. Evaluations. Expand Your
Knowledge: Word Games and Exercises. Listing of Appendix. Association for
Healthcare Documentation Integrity. Medical Transcriptionist Job
Descriptions. AHDI Code of Ethics. Certification Possibilities�RMT and
CMT. Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act: MT checklist.
Understanding Medical Records. History and Physical Examination (H&P).
Diagnostic Imaging or Radiology Report Operative Report (OP). Pathology
Report (Path). Consultation (Consult). Discharge Summary. Death Summary.
Autopsy Report. Outpatient Model Reports. SECTION 2 MODEL REPORT
FORMS. SECTION 3 REFERENCES. Transcription Rules for Hillcrest
Medical Center and Quali-Care Clinic. Style Variations. Capitalization.
Numbers. Punctuation. Abbreviations and Symbols. List of Metric
Measurements. The Grammar of Microbiology. Vital Signs. CMTips�.
Difficult Singular and Plural Words and Phrases. Temperature versus Fever. A
Tongue Twister. Dermatology Terms. Pulmonary Terms. Race/Age. Zero
Safety. The Digits. Time. Abduction versus Adduction. Class and Stage.
Connective Tissues. Subjective versus Objective. Surgical Terms. Obstetric
Terms. Cardiology Terms. The ABO Blood Group. Jr, Sr, II, and III. Report
Formatting Guidelines. The Future of Medical Transcription. Skill-Building
Report Log. Doctors' and Other Professional Names Used. Understanding
Medical Terminology. Principles. Prefixes/Pronunciation. Combining Forms.
Suffixes. SECTION 4 CASE STUDIES. Case 1 The Reproductive System.
Glossary. Case 2 The Gastrointestinal System. Glossary. Case 3 The
Cardiopulmonary System. Glossary. Case 4 The Integumentary System.
Glossary. Case 5 The Psychology Neurology System. Glossary. Case 6 The
Nervous System. Glossary. Case 7 The Orthopedics/Endocrinology System.
Glossary. Case 8 The Vascular/Renal System. Glossary. Case 9 The
Musculoskeletal System. Glossary. Case 10 The Respiratory System.
Glossary. SECTION 5 QUALI-CARE CLINIC. Welcome to Quali-Care Clinic.
Quali-Care Clinic Outpatient Report Log. Outpatient Reports. Report 1a&b
Consult & Echocardiogram (Cardiology). Report 2 Operative Procedure
(Genitourinary). Report 3 Operative Report (Orthopedics). Report 4 Surgical
Pathology Report (Breast). Report 5 Emergency Dept Treatment Record
(Pediatrics). Report 6 Interventional Radiology (Vascular). Report 7 Spine
Clinic HPIP Note (Orthopedics). Report 8 Radiology Report (Orthopedics).
Report 9 Clinic SOAP Note (Vascular). Report 10 Surgical Procedure
(Orthopedics). Report 11 Operative Report (Plastic Surgery). Report 12
Colonoscopy Procedure (Gastroenterology). Report 13 Clinic HPIP Note
(Internal Medicine). Report 14 Operative Report (Neurosurgery). Report 15
Operative Report (Urology). Report 16 Radiology Report
(Orthopedic/Neurology). Report 17 Clinic Followup Note (Pediatric
Neurology). Report 18 Operative Report (Obstetrics). Report 19 Operative
Report (Orthopedics). Report 20 Clinic Followup Note (Vascular). Report 21
Operative Report (Dentistry). Report 22 Operative Report (Orthopedics).
Report 23 Consult (Orthopedics). Report 24 Psychological Evaluation
(Psychology). Report 25a&b Letter & Consult (Cardiology). SECTION 6
EXPAND YOUR KNOWLEDGE. Crossword Puzzles 1 through

17. Proofreading Exercises 1 through

12. Common Dictation Errors. Appendix. Proofreader's Marks. Challenging

Medical Words, Phrases, Prefixes. Sample Patient History Form. The Lund
Browder Chart. Laboratory Test Information. Sample Forms for Ordering
Laboratory Tests, Scheduling Radiology Tests. Physical Therapy Consults,
Sleep Studies. Building a Reference Library. Web Sites for Transcriptionist'
Professional Association. "A Healthcare Controlled Vocabulary" by Dr. Neil
Davis. Official "Do Not Use" List from The Joint Commission. Bibliography.
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St. Bernard, Monastery of, 99 and note
St. Faith’s Church, under St. Paul’s, 268
St. Germains, 160
St. Giles in the Fields, 165 note
St. James’s, 158, 168, 174, 303
⸺ Garden, 171
⸺ Palace, 286, 293
⸺ Park, 284, 285, 286, 287
⸺ Square, 286
St. John, Oliver, 234
St. John’s College, Oxford, 191
St. Leger, Sir Anthony, 5
⸺, Lord President, 114
St. Martin’s in the Fields, 19, 306, 309
⸺ Lane, 138, 165 note
St. Mary’s, Oxford, 190
St. Patrick’s, Dublin, 24, 27 note, 29, 30
St. Paul’s Cathedral, 64, 213, 214, 250, 267, 268
St. Stephen’s Chapel, 287
Saladine, M., 137
Salisbury, 141, 253, 260 note, 306
⸺, Countess of, 93, 112, 136
⸺ House, 62, 92, 136
⸺ Plain, 140, 141
Sandwich, Edward Montagu, 1st Earl of, 224, 225, 228, 229 and
note, 230, 239, 243, 256, 293
Saunderson, Dr., Bishop of Lincoln, 247 and note
⸺ Mrs. Mary, actress, 231, 232 and note
Savoy, the (in London), 46, 165 note
⸺, the House of the, 70, 80, 81, 84, 86, 92, 93, 95, 136
⸺ Duke of, 87
Sayes Court, Deptford, 12, 214, 215, 222
Scudamore, Lord, 209
Self-denying Ordinance, the, 132
Seraphick Love, 166, 167, 174, 176, 177, 207, 222, 223 and
note, 232, 295
Shannon, Elizabeth Killigrew, Viscountess, 78, 81, 83, 84, 95,
96, 106, 110, 112, 116, 134, 171, 180, 207, 227 and note
⸺ Park, 227
Sheldon, Gilbert, Archbishop of Canterbury, 254, 275, 283
“Sheldonian,” the, Oxford, 254, 282
Shepperton, parish church of, 111
Sherborne Castle, 59, 63, 64, 70, 71, 72, 79, 135, 154
Short Parliament, 107
Sidney, Algernon, 142 note, 300
⸺ Sir Philip, 61, 76
Sigginstown, 121
Siege of Rhodes, The, 232 note
Skeptical Chymist, The, 205, 209, 246
Skinner, Cyriack, 209
Skipton Castle, 26, 34
Slingsby, Sir Francis, 15
Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 297
Soho, 165 note
Solebay, battle of, 293
Some Considerations Touching the Style of The Holy Scriptures,
Some Considerations Touching the Usefulness of Experimental
Philosophy, 252
Some Experiments and Considerations Touching Colour, 252
Sophronia, 257
Sorbière, 249, 251 note
Southampton, Thomas Wriothesley, Earl of, 230, 239
Southesk, Countess of, 286
Spa, 170
Spenser, Edmund, the Poet, 6, 7, 8
⸺, Elizabeth Boyle, wife of the Poet, 7, 8
⸺, Peregrine, 9
Sprat, Thomas, 226, 243, 251, 288
Spring and Weight of the Air, The. See Air
Stafford, Lady, 78, 79, 80, 110, 134
⸺, Sir Thomas, 70, 78 and note, 79, 80, 112, 134
Star Chamber, 34, 55, 56, 287
Stalbridge, the Manor of, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 70, 71, 72, 73, 77,
78, 80, 81, 83, 107, 110, 112, 113, 133, 135, 136, 140, 142,
144, 147, 149, 153, 154, 166, 167, 168, 173, 174, 175, 181,
253, 284, 295, 307
Stirling Castle, 44
Strand, the, 225, 272
Strafford, Thomas, 1st Viscount Wentworth, Earl of, 27, 28, 29,
30, 31, 33, 34, 37, 55, 56, 58, 71, 72, 102, 107, 108, 109
note, 110, 167
Stratford-on-Avon, 264
Strongbow’s Tomb, Dublin, 75
Stubbe, Mr., 264, 279, 288
Suckling, Sir John, 108, 109 note
Suffolk, Countess of, 94, 108
⸺, Earl of, 22, 94, 108
Swift, Dean, 156, 157 note
Sydenham, Colonel, 286
⸺, Dr., 286, 287

Tallents, Mr. Francis, 34, 149 and note

Temple, Sir William, 164, 234
Thames, the, 270
Thanet, Lady, 229 note, 303
“Thorough,” policy of, 27
Thurloe, John, 234
“Toleration Order,” Cromwell’s, 132
Tonbridge, 260
“Torricellian experiments,” 240
Tower of London, 20, 107, 108, 133, 273, 274, 294
⸺ Hill, 110, 134, 244, 245
Tract on Education, 128
Tracts about the Cosmical Qualities of Things, 288
Treaty of Breda, 173 note
Trevanion, family of, 165
Trinity College, Dublin, 25
True Remembrances, 2, 25
Tryphon, 280
Tuke, Sir Samuel, 267
Turberville, Dr., 253 and note, 306
Tuscany, Duke of, 43
Two Golden Balls, the, in Pall Mall, 286
Tyburn, 233 note, 300

Universal History, The, 82

University College, Oxford, 193
Urban VIII, Pope, 104, 105, 106
Usher, James, Archbishop of Armagh, 26, 147 and note, 162,

Valtollina, 103
Vane, Sir Henry (younger), 195, 196, 232, 234, 244, 245
Venice, 45, 103
Verona, 103
Verney, Sir Edmund, 22, 70, 73, 74, 75
View of the Present State of Ireland, 8
Villa Diodati, 82 note, 88, 124, 239
Vincenza, 103

Wadham College, Oxford, 148, 187, 189, 190, 191, 192, 196,
197, 203
Walker, Dr., chaplain, 207, 260
Waller, Edmund, 137, 156, 202, 243, 262 and note, 277, 285,
286, 287
Waller, Sir William, 135
Wallis, Dr., 148, 189, 196, 197, 202, 242, 254, 283, 284
Walton, Izaak, 46, 67, 231
Ward, Dr. Seth, 190, 199, 201, 242
Warwick, Charles Rich, 4th Earl of, 95, 96, 110, 111, 113, 131,
132, 134, 161, 166, 206, 207, 208, 215, 216, 224, 253, 258,
260, 262, 293, 295
⸺, Mary Boyle, Countess of, 14, 16, 18, 31, 36, 60, 64, 73,
76, 77, 79, 81, 83, 84, 93, 95, 110, 111, 113, 131, 132, 133,
134, 160, 162, 166, 206, 207, 208, 209, 224, 253, 258, 259,
260, 293, 295
⸺, Robert Rich, 2nd Earl of, 22, 110, 111, 160, 162, 206, 215,
⸺, Lord Rich, 3rd Earl of, 215, 216, 224
⸺ House, Holborn, 131, 160, 174, 207, 259, 260
Wentworth, Thomas, 1st Viscount. See Strafford
Westminster, 293
⸺ Abbey, 8, 168, 275, 287
⸺ Assembly, 141 note, 148
⸺ Hall, 108, 167, 279
⸺ Palace, 287
⸺ School, 200
Weston, Dr., of Christ Church, Oxford, 21, 22
⸺, Lord Chancellor, 24
Whitehall, 63, 71, 93, 167, 168, 213, 218, 226, 228, 229, 243,
244, 256, 257, 264, 275, 286, 293
Whitlocke, Bulstrode, 234
Wild, Dr., 213
Wilkins, Dr., 148, 187, 189, 191, 192, 196, 197, 200, 203, 213,
214, 241, 244 note, 250, 260
⸺, Mrs., 192
Wilkinson, Mr., tutor and chaplain, 39
William III, 116, 301, 303
Williamson, Sir Joseph, 294
Willis, Dr., 194, 198, 201, 242, 291
Winchester, 140, 141 and note
Windsor, 46, 167
Winthrop, Governor, 243, 249, 250
Woburn, 20
Wolsey, Cardinal, 191
Wonders no Miracles, 264
Woodcock, Katherine, 212
“Wood’s” in Pall Mall, 286
Wood Street, 148, 149, 150, 161, 189, 198
“Wood Street Cake,” 160 note
Worcester, battle of, 198
Wordsworth, William, 75
Worsley, Dr., 183, 293
Wotton, Sir Henry, 34, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 53, 54,
57, 58, 65 and note, 66, 67, 68, 81, 86, 129, 174, 231
Wotton, Dr. William, 174
Wray, Sir William, 137 and note
Wren, Christopher, 192, 199, 240, 241, 254, 267, 268, 269, 294
Wright, Dr., 207, 208, 209

Yeovil, 142, 253

York, 70, 72, 126
Youghal, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 35, 39, 40, 60, 113, 114, 115, 116,
117, 119, 120, 121, 135 and note, 145, 171, 181, 219
⸺, College House of, 1, 2
Richard Clay & Sons, Limited,

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