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QUIZ #1: GOSPEL Why did Paul send letters?

Your Answer:
Mark-first written Gospel. Paul sends letters to the Christian churches, to instruct or teach,
John-last written Gospel. exhort and to encourage them.
Evangelion-Greek word which means good news.
Matthew-gospel was written for Jewish audience.
John-book emphasizes the deity of Christ.
Mark-gospel written for Roman audience.
Mark-gospel portray Christ as the Servant.
Matthew-focus of the writer is on the sermons of Jesus.
John-gospel written for the whole world.
Matthew-gospel you will about the genealogy of Jesus,


Paul- He was a Pharisee from Tarsus. He was one of the fiercest

persecutors of Christians.
Timothy- He was a young pastor from Lystra who was trained by
Paul to be a missionary and pastor churches.
Philemon- He was a wealthy Christian from Colossae and had
high standing in the church.
Titus- He was converted to Christianity during the first
missionary journey of Paul.
9 Letters- How many of Paul's Letters were sent to churches?
4 Letters- How many of Paul's Letters were sent to individual/s?
Galatians- This letter was sent to address the issue of legalism of
the Jews inside the church especially concerning circumcision.
Ephesians- The theme of the letter is unity.
Colossians- In this letter, Paul stresses the true Gospel: Jesus is
absolutely central. He existed before time began and he is the one
who brings God and human race together
Philippians- This is a warm personal letter to a church. Paul
shares about his being imprisoned and how he used his situation to
share the Gospel to the Roman officer.
Romans- This letter teaches about the basics of salvation.
1 Corinthians- Paul addresses the issue of sexual immorality,
food offered to idols, public worship and rebukes division.
1 Thessalonians- This letter is to comfort them concerning those
who have died with the Lord; and to instruct them in the
elementary truths of the Christian gospel.
2 Thessalonians -This letter is to instruct the Thessalonian
Christians concerning the Day of Christ “and our gathering
together in union with him” and to settle them in their conviction
that in the Day of Christ the Lord will translate the living saints
and raise the dead ones.
Philippians 3:10-11- “I want to know Christ and the power of his
resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings,
becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain the
resurrection from the dead.”
64 AD- When was the letter of Ephesians written?
Galatians- Which letter was written first?
1 Timothy- This letter includes guidelines and qualifications of
church leadership.
2 Timothy- This letter was written shortly before apostle Paul's
1 Timothy- This letter was sent to encourage right living through
sound doctrine.
Philemon- The theme of this letter is forgiving and accepting one
another as brothers in Christ.
Colossians- The theme of this letter is that Christ is Supreme Lord
and sufficient Savior.
2 Timothy 1:7- "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a
spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline."
Galatians 3:28- “We are no longer Jews or Greeks or slaves or
free men or even merely men or women, but we are all the same—
we are Christians; we are one in Christ Jesus."

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