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Karl Marx had famously given the call for 'workers of the world unite, you have nothing

to lose but your

chain'. This call is illustrative of both his idea of class struggle against the bourgeoisie as well as the
nature of class struggle which will be aggressive and bloody. Class struggle has persisted throughout the
history of society ever since the collapse of primitive communism. In the age of capitalism, it has

Marx and Engels have rejected the liberal interpretation that class struggle is the result of
misunderstanding or mutual failure of communication between the two classes. For them, class struggle
is caused by contradictions in human society that is the institution of private property which creates two
opposing classes and also the condition of exploitation. The bourgeoisie class is determined to safeguard
private property at any cost. This opposing interests creates two diametrically opposite classes
contesting for their force of development in society. For Marx and Engels adjustment and conciliation is
not possible. The surplus values continues to mount and with it the degree of oppression. Thus the
struggle is the product of multiple factors and it intensifies with the rising consciousness of working

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