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What are your skills and uniqueness?

• Time management
• good grasping power
• optimistic attitude

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

• Responsible person
• positive attitude
• procrastination

Theme play.. Broadway..

What are your goals and aspirations in life?

• Working in an industry that I am passionate about.

• Using my talents or skills in a role.
• To work within a team
• Become an expert in my career field.
• To be financially stable at any point of life
Who inspires you and why?
I find inspiration in a variety of people and things. I would have to say that
the person who has most greatly inspired me has been my mother. She
always had a smile on her face no matter how hard she worked and she
loved everyone. She was well respected and always gave more than she
received. I try to live like she did, as much as I can My mother is the person
in my family who inspires me the most. She supports everyone and is the
backbone of our family. Her selfless and unconditional love for family
inspires me to be like her. I want to be helpful, multi-tasking, strong, and
kind like her. Her life and work motivated me at every step of my life.
She taught me to be brave and work hard to achieve all my dreams.
She works happily all day without complaining and hesitating.
She dedicated her life to keeping everyone happy. I love my mother and
wanted to become strong like her.
How have your culture, family, and friends impacted your life?

Boost your happiness and reduce your stress. Improve your self-confidence
and self-worth. Help you cope with traumas, such as failure, serious illness,
the death of a loved one. Encourage you to change or avoid unhealthy
lifestyle habits, such as excessive drinking or lack of exercise. Family
culture influences the way each family member thinks, feels, and acts on a
daily basis. Your family culture influences things like your moral compass,
beliefs, values, and traditions. You might choose a career based on your
family culture by picking something you know your family values.
What are your achievements and who are you grateful to?.

I am and will be forever grateful for my parents who have given me all the job in this
world. Everyday they wake up with a hope that they would do something that would make
me happy today. They work endlessly just so that I can have a roof on top of my head and
food on the table. They gave given me all my comforts in life that I couldn’t ask for more.
Their sacrifices is with what I am able to stand where I am today. No matter to what extent
I go in life I will always and forever look up to them no matter what the situation is.

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